I Need Love

By moc.loa@13731sirhC

Published on Nov 25, 2000


I'm FINALLY getting another chapter out. Sorry for the wait, but things just started picking up around here and it was hard to find a time to write. But, I just became incredibly inspired to write again after last night. I went to see my lovely boys in concert, and MAN was it great. I had already seen it the first time around, but I was a lot closer this time and I had some GREAT views. Woo! I'm drooling just THINKING about it. ANYWAY, JC's TIGHT red leather pants started me thinking about my story again so here I am. Unfortunately, I didn't get to meet anyone from *NSYNC, so I still don't know if they're gay or not, this is all just my fantasy world. Also, if you're under 18, sorry, but you gotta leave. Oh yeah, one more thing, I've decided to add fun little chapter titles, cause let's face it, they are SO fun!!! Here we go!!

I Need Love : Chapter IX : Endless Love (Cowboy Take Me Away)

As we glided down the hall in bliss, I thought about how my life had changed so quickly. In a matter of a month, I had gone from a suicide attempt to finding love with a beautiful pop star. Not only were things finally going my way, I considered myself the luckiest man on the planet.

As the door closed on the elevator we entered, JC pulled me to his warm body. Forehead to forehead, we just stared lovingly into one another's eyes for a moment. Slowly, I narrowed the gap between our faces and pressed my lips to his. I placed my hand on the back of JC's head and pulled him tighter. At the same time, I barely opened my mouth. He picked up on the cue and more than happily found my tongue with his. Slowly the two muscles massaged each other until the ding of the elevator told us we were to the ground floor. We quickly parted and prepared to exit the small space.

The doors slid open and we were greeted by the four other members of the group waving at us from across the lobby. We crossed over to them quickly.

"Chris, good to see you again!" said Joey "Where've you been? First I hear you're coming with us, then you disappear? Where'd you go, buddy?" he said, slapping me on the back.

I cautiously first at JC, who shrugged, then Lance, who simply did the same. Then quickly I glanced at Justin, who had a blank look on his face. I guess he truly didn't remember what happened that night. Thinking quickly, I answered Joey's question.

"Oh, I just had to take care of some stuff at home before I came along with you guys." They seemed to accept that as a reasonable answer.

"Come ON, let's go get some grub! Didn't we wait long enough for these two? Do we REALLY have to stand around yapping, too?" Chris said impatiently, heading for the limo outside the door.


On the limo ride, during a meaningful glance at JC, Justin elbowed me in the ribs. Irritated, I turned to face him.

Grinning wickedly, he whispered into my ear, "So what'd you guys do in there?" Suggestively he raised his eyebrows.

"You really wanna know?"

He smiled excitedly. "You're really gonna tell me?"

I beckoned him closer. He leaned his ear right next to my mouth.

"Get a hair cut, you shaggy pervert."

He pushed me away and glared at me as I giggled like a school girl, leaning on my love.

"As a matter of fact," Justin said, "that's exactly where we're going after lunch, smart-ass."

He started playfully punching me. I quickly retreated to the protection of JC. He wrapped his arms around me protectively. It felt really RIGHT, but I looked up and saw Joey and Chris with looks of utter confusion on their faces. I quickly shot up from JC's embrace, brightly blushing with embarassment.

"Uh......is there something you want to tell us?" Chris asked suspiciously.

I silently squeezed JC's hand, hoping to give him the support to come out to his other friends. "Yeah, there is. Uhm.......Guys, I'm gay, and Chris and I are together......." JC said hesitantly, waiting for a reaction.

"Yeah, we know that. But Chris!! We thought we'd be watching football and talking about boobs with you!!" Chris said.

My jaw dropped almost as fast as JC's did. "You guys already knew I was gay?" JC said, astonished.

"Of course! It's not like you kept it a big secret. Joe, you remember that time when that girl took her shirt off and everyone was drooling except JC?"

"Yeah, like THAT wasn't obvious. And that frilly jacket he wore to the VMA's?"

"Hehehehe......yeah, it's a wonder the whole world doesn't know!!! And then there was that time he kept checking out my ass after a show........." Chris added.

Finally, JC stopped blushing in embarassment and broke his silence. "Hey! I never did THAT!"

"OK, so that part never happened. I was just trying to prove a point.If you wanted to hide it, you should've tried harder. A LOT harder," Chris said.

"Fine, fine. Point taken. You knew I was gay. Can you just drop it?" JC said, pouting. I was beginning to wonder if the boy would ever STOP blushing.

"Awww....." I cooed. "It's OK, JC. I didn't know you were gay!!" Trying to cheer him up a little, I leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He meekly smiled at me, but the red remained on his face. I supposed it was from the public display of affection in front of his friends, who instantly started up on it.

"Oh, how sweet!!" Joey exclaimed. He cuddled up next to Chris. "I wuv you, honey bunches!!!"

Chris quickly picked up his cue. "Oh, you're so nice, sugar-lips!"

"Oh Lord!" I sighed, leaning my head on JC's shoulder while Lance and Justin laughed hysterically at Joey and Chris's mocking.


After a lunch of spaghetti and playing footsie under the table, we headed to one of the most prestigious salons in Texas. Apparently I arrived just in time for *NSYNC Grooming Day. They were all getting their hair cut and managed to sucker me into the same. I liked my hair the way it was. All the same, they dragged me in and I sat next to the five other guys with hair falling down my face. I would've made it if JC hadn't turned his puppy dog eyes on me. Good God, can ANYONE resist that beautiful boy?


Justin and JC, the first two done at the salon, sat silently in the waiting area. Justin was reading the recent issue of Maxim. JC sat watching his love getting his new hair style with the goofiest grin on his face.

"Oh Lord!" Justin exclaimed. "Are you swooning over him again?!?!?!"

"I can't help it. He's just so.......perfect," JC said, turning to his best friend while still wearing the same silly smile.

The curly haired teen sighed exasperatedly and stood up. "Come on," he said, pulling the older man up. "I've gotta get you outta here before I lose my lunch. Let's take a walk." JC reluctantly allowed Justin to pull him up and lead him out of the building.

"Man, it's a beautiful day out here, isn't it? No time to be stuffed up inside all day," Justin said, admiring the bright, sunny weather.

"Yeah.........." JC said halfheartedly, stealing a quick look back through the front window at Chris, who was currently getting his hair washed.

"You REALLY have it bad for him, don't you. JC. I'm talking to you!" Justin shouted at his friend who was still off in his own little world. "Snap out of it, man!"

"I'm sorry, what'd you say?" JC said, finally turning to face Justin again.

"Dude! A tattoo parlor! Let's go in!"

JC's face paled. "Justin, you KNOW I'm afraid of needles.........."

"Just come on! I have the PERFECT idea for you........" Justin said mischievously


*NSYNC had a concert that night where I resumed my duties of Lance's personal assistant. I took care of Lance's milk ahead of time. I prepared everyone's wardrobe changes before the concert even started so I could just relax and enjoy the show. And a magnificent show it was, of course. I didn't think I could ever get sick of it. Just as the guys disappeared into the stage as Space Cowboy was ending, I hurried to greet JC before the next song started.

"Hey there," I said, throwing my arms around his neck. "I got you something." I pulled him into the shadows and kissed him deeply.

"Thanks, but Lance already got me one of those, got anything else?" he replied, giggling.

I promptly hit him in the arm and turned my back to him. He hugged me tight and whispered into my ear. "Sorry, baby. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" With that he added a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll see how the rest of the night goes," I replied playfully. "You know, all through that last song, all I could think was 'Cowboy take me away!" I sang to him.

"We'll see how the rest of the night goes on that, too," he slyly repeated. "But until then, I have to get back on stage." I toweled him off a bit, and sent him on his way with a kiss, entirely swept off my feet once again.


After the concert, we headed straight back to the hotel. The group was way too tired to go out or do anything. All the other guys headed into their rooms, leaving JC and me alone standing in the hallway in front of his room.

"So........here we are........" I said awkwardly.

"Yeah........" was the response. "Uhm........do you want to come in? Maybe we could order some room service, maybe watch a movie?"

"Joshua Scott Chasez......are you inviting me into your room on the first date? You dog, you......" I laughed. "That would be lovely, JC."

"Do me a favor," he said as he unlocked his door.


"Will you call me Josh?" he said, slightly turning to see my reaction.

"I would be honored," I said sincerely. I hadn't even hear many of the guys in the band call him that, and he was ASKING me to. I think I can say that things were going quite well.

Once inside, JC offered me a seat while he ordered the food and the movie. Making myself comfortable, he opened the menu.

"What would you like?"

"Whatever you're having is fine with me."

After our grilled chicken sandwiches arrived, we began watching Shakespeare In Love. I myself had never seen it, and JC found that fact appalling. We settled into a couch, me cuddled into JC's arms. However, I still didn't get to see the movie. The comfort of being so close to someone who loved me overcame me, and I fell asleep in JC's embrace. I was wakened gently by his soothing voice.

"Chris......Chris, the movie's over....."

"Oh man," I said, wiping the sleep out of my eyes, "I missed it again. I'm never gonna get to see that movie."

"Don't worry, we'll get it another time," he said sweetly, running his hand through my freshly cut hair. "How do you like your new style?"

I repeated his action, assessing the new feeling. It was cut short and the back and slightly longer and spiked up in the front. I personally thought it looked like I had slammed my head into the wall. Finally, they had bleached the tips of my hair. "I don't really know what to think. I guess it'll grow on me."

"I love it," he whispered into my ear.

"Then I do too," I replied, and kissed him tenderly on the lips. They were so warm and soft and.......inviting. I moved in again, kissing him deeper, deeper, deeper.......til I ended up on top of him and he pulled away to catch his breath.

"I want to show you something," he panted.

My curiosity perked up as he shifted out from underneath me and sat cross-legged on the floor. He slowly pulled off his sandal on his left foot. On the arch of that foot a spotted some small black lettering. I lowered myself down in front of JC. It read, "Endless Love".

"Is that real?" I asked, tracing the lettering with my fingers. "Is it, uhm, for me?" I asked a little more hesitantly.

He lowered his eyes a little, and, even in the dim light, I could see that he began to blush again. "Yes, and......yes."

The simplicity of his answer hit me deep inside. "But, I thought you were afraid of needles....."

"I am," was the answer, and with it he raised his eyes. Those blue oceans were so full of love it stopped my breath. I finally realized how much it meant for him to overcome this fear for ME. The very act was of what was written forever on his skin, endless love. And I believed him. I truly believed that we would be together forever, and nothing would ever pull us apart. At that moment, any and all doubts in my mind were eternally banished.

"Oh, Josh!" I cried, throwing myself onto him. "This is the most romantic thing I could ever think of!" I clung to his chest, inhaling his deep smell. He stroked the back of my head as tears of joy and hope rolled down my face. We remained in this position for several minutes, each of us enjoying the warmth and proximity of the other. Sniffling, I looked up into my lover's eyes once again.

"Thank you so much!" I whispered, moving up and snuggling my face up next to his. "I love you, and I always will, too." The only response I got was a soft kiss on the forehead and Josh pulling me even closer to his lean body. "Now," I continued, "how about taking me away, cowboy?" I asked sweetly but sensuously. His eyes burst into balls of blue flame. The night was still young for the two of us...........

------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OK, OK. No sex this time. But look at the ending! It's practically promising sex the next time!! But first things first, I'm not so sure if I'm any good at writing this romantic stuff, so if you could, someone, ANYONE, please tell me what you thought, I would be much obliged. I really need some advice on how it's going. But anyway, I'll get the next SEX-FILLED chapter out as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!! Oh yeah, the song I mentioned in here is Cowboy Take Me Away by the Dixie Chicks off of their album Fly. Good album, I highly reccommend it, and it's a beautiful song that doesn't contain the sexual innuendo I gave it, but oh well!!

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