I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on May 27, 2000


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexual orientation of the Nick or Brian from the Backstreet Boys. This story is FICTION! Please keep an open mind when reading this. Otherwise, enjoy!

Chapter 1

" You and A.J. broke up again?" I asked Amanda.

" Yeah. He said he wants to see 'other people'. For him, probably Amanda Latona." Amanda said, emphasizing her name.

" He doesn't deserve you." I told her truthfully.

" Nick, you're such a good friend to me. Why are you being so distant with the other guys? Brian asked me what was wrong with you the other day. Why did you ignore him?" She asked curiously.

I thought about if I should tell her. What if she stopped talking to me? She'll probably think I'm disgusting! But then she was an open minded person. I sighed and thought better than to lie to her.

"I'm not talking to him because I'm in love with him. I've been gay ever since I was 12." I said quietly on the last part. When I was 12 I had gotten raped by an older boy. Strangely, I liked guys more than women after that. Of coarse I never told anyone. Especially Bri.

" Wow. I'm really sorry, Nicky." She answered solemnly. " I never figured you were gay. Are you gonna tell him?" She asked.

" I can't. Amanda, Brian's engaged to LeighAnne, he's a southern Baptist, and we're best friends. What do you thi...I gotta go. I'll talk to you laters." I hung up my cell phone. We had reached Joey's house. Joey was Amanda's best friend. By the way, Joey is a girl. I looked at the faces of the other guys. Kevin was concentrating on parking the car. A.J. was staring out the window, anticipating our visit. Him and Joey were the best of friends, even if he did treat Amanda like shit. Perhaps the most excited was Howie, practically holding himself down so he wouldn't run like a chicken with it's head cut off to see her. Him and Joey were going out and he hadn't seen her in a month.

Finally, there was Brian. He stared nonchalantly out the window to get a glimpse of Joey. His majestic blue eyes studied the simple brick house. His light brown hair swayed as a small breeze wafted through it. His lips were closed in a small smile. God he was beautiful.

My thoughts were interrupted as Joey sprinted from the house. She almost ran into their birdhouse, causing all of us to laugh. A.J. was the first to get out. He enveloped her in a bear hug.

"You miss me?" He asked sexually. "Oh yeah. All them lonely nights with only my right hand to keep me company. Oh yeah." She playfully joked. Howie had made his way over. She grabbed him by his waist and kissed him deeply.

" Virgin eyes!" Brian joked, covering his eyes.

" I can't wait to get you alone tonight." Howie softly told her.

" Virgin ears!" I joked, covering my ears. Everyone laughed loudly. After a while everyone went inside. I sat with Kevin, trying hard not to stare at Brian. After 10 minutes of avoiding Brian, he walked over to me.

" Hey Frack." Brian greeted slowly, sitting next to me.

" Hey Frick." I answered just as slowly and timidly. I turned my head to where I couldn't see his eyes, yet I could still feel them burning into me.

" So, how's it been going?" He asked lightly. I shrugged.

" Look, Nicky, if something's bothering you, you can tell me, K?" He asked sincerely. "Yeah." I grunted, getting up to talk with others.

I didn't see Brian as he wiped a tear from his eye.

Next: Chapter 2

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