I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jun 4, 2001


Oh look, I'm alive again! If there's anybody out there still reading this bitch, then I'm grateful to you. Oh well, here's the disclaimer we all love to write.

DISCLAIMER: I do not know the sexual orientation of any of the Backstreet boys. For all I know they're having an orgy at this very minute. Ooh, I sense a story idea. :)

NOTE: This is important, so I'll make sure you notice it:


Chapter 3

The morning came and I woke up to see Howie's face two inches from mine laced with a goofy grin.

"Wake up. It's tour time." Howie announced, pulling the covers from around me. I groaned in protest, covering my face with a pillow. Howie flung that across the room, so I tore the bottom sheet off the bed and wrapped it around me. Howie sighed in defeat.

"I've never met anyone more lazy than you." He said, shaking his head.

"And I've never met someone more cheery in the morning than you." I replied, my voice muffled by the sheet. "Wait, it's not tour time today! That's Sunday!" I said, prying the sheet off of me.

"Today is Sunday, my friend." Howie said, turning around to pick up some stuff off the floor.

"Oh shit! I haven't packed anything."

"Which is why I took the liberty of waking you up at 7 a.m. to get you packed."

"Thanks D." I sat up in bed and rubbed my eyes tiredly. "Where's AJ? Did he get home last night?"

"He crashed at our place. He left after your fifth round of whiskey." Fifth? No wonder I had such a headache...

"How drunk did I get, D?"

"Drunk enough to call LeighAnne a 'fucking bitch' to her face." Howie said, looking directly at me.

"Oh, then I wasn't that drunk." I said. Howie laughed and then scowled at a pizza crust under the TV set.

My house often had surprises like that lying around. I stood up and went to take a shower. When I started up the shower the realization hit me.

"Was Brian there also?" I called out to Howie, stepping in the shower.

"Yep. Oh, Kevin's mad at you." What's new?

"What is it this time?" I asked in an annoyed tone.

"Well, he spent the wee hours of the morning washing your puke off the windows of his new Ferarie." Howie said.

"Great, now I have two people to avoid today."

"Make that three." Howie said in a low voice, as if he dreaded the very word. That could only mean one thing...

"Oh God...he has the nerve to bring that whore along?"

I shouted, incredibly pissed. That was low, even for him.

Forget a relaxing shower. I turned off the nozzle and

"Well, yeah. I'm bringing Joey, Kevin's bringing Kristen, AJ's bringing Amanda, so it's only right..."

"I don't mind them. I do mind that bitch..."

"Oh, it's no big deal. It's not like you have to converse with her. Besides, you and Brian won't be real buddy-buddy anyways." Oh, now it was time to get angry. My face scrunced up and I felt myself get hot in the face.

"Still, I can't bear the thought of having to look at them together. Me and Brian were together for half a year until he left me for her. She started all the hatred by calling me names and shit. Ever since me and Brian broke up two months ago we haven't said a word to each other. No apology, no I still want to be friends, no nothing. Then this shit..." I felt myself get emotional. My anger faded quickly and I felt that all too familiar pain in my heart. I went on.

"He broke my heart, D. We were perfect, everyone knew it. I sacrificed everything for him. My family, my friends, even my heart. I even lost my virginity to him for God's sake! How could he say he loved me when he didn't mean it? How could he use me like I was just some stupid, worthless piece of trash? Is that all I am? Nothing?" I felt myself near tears. Howie looked at me sympathetically and immediatly gathered me in his arms. I left a couple of tears fall down my cheek, needing an emotional release.

"I'm sorry about being an ass. I don't know what I'd do if Joey left me the way he left you. I sure as hell wouldn't be here. You're a strong man Nick. Brian is an idiot for giving you up, and I swear to you on every fiber of my being that he'll regret it someday and he'll feel ten times he pain you felt. But by then you would have moved on. Until then, don't give up hoping Nick. Maybe a ray of hope will shine down on you."

"Maybe you're right, D. AJ said the same thing, and I think the message is getting through. I'm stronger than he'll ever be and I'm going to prove it."

"Well, let's get you packed. You can't show him anything standing around in a towel."

******************** After packing, Howie went in the same car with Joey and Kristen. AJ was supposed to pick me up, but he called and said he only had a two seater that he trusted with airport security and he had to pick up Amanda. A limo arrived for me and guess who was inside? A stern Kevin giving me his 'evil eye' and sitting next to him was Brian with LeighAnne in hs arms. Could my morning possibly get any worse? Suck it up Nick. You can do this. I took the safest route and sat next to Kevin. That's the sad part. I glanced at Brian. God he looked beautiful with his new hairstyle...focus.

"Feeling better?" Kevin grumbled. Geez, could he get any more grumpier?

"Yes, thank you. I had a great time at the expense of your car." I joked, putting on a slight smile.

"And at the expense of others." LeighAnne snidely replied, holding Brian tighter by the waist.

"Nothing that no one didn't deserve." I cooly replied, holding back the urge to choke her. Now it was time to show who was the boss. I sucked up my courage and prayed my feelings wouldn't deceive me now. I looked straight at Brian and received immediate eye contact. I held it, not flinching at all. Brian looked away, staring down at his hands. Yes! One point for Nick.

"I guess I can forgive you for the car, but really Nick can you practice a little more decentcy?" Kevin asked in his fatherly way. Shit, I lost my point. Think Nick, think.

"How would you like that, huh Kev? Do you consider people who turn their backs on others decent?" I asked, once again glaring at Brian, imagining I was burning a hole into his skull. Brian squirmed nervously. Now that deserves two points.

"Well, some people just need to grow up and stop acting like a baby." LeighAnne absentmindedly said, gripping Brian tighter. Man, even Brian didn't deserve her death claws digging into him.

"Some people only care about money and worrying about things that are not their business." I calmly replied.

"Some people need to shut their big mouths."

"All the better to eat you with, my sweet." I bitterly replied. Whoa, that was good! Where the hell did tat come from? Sometimes I surprise myself.



"Silicone slut."

"Fag." Now that made me want to laugh. I gave her my award winning smirk.

"You're dating one." I said, smirking even more as Brian tried to conceal himself in his jacket.

"That wasn't his fault. You were the one who messed with his mind." Was she serious?

"You know, I thought you were stupid, but now I think you're a complete retard. Besides, he was the one who wanted me. He wasn't even that good of a fuck." As the words slipped out of my mouth, I regretted them. Oh well, it's not like he didn't deserve them.

"OK, that's enough from both of you!" Kevin yelled.

"Ass." She stated.

"Deusche bag." I replied.

"Enough!" Kevin yelled once more. I glanced at Kevin, who was looking at me. He smiled at me and shook his head.

He knew I had gotten the best of her. I figured he didn't take kindly to his cousin's actions either. We finally made it to the airport in silence. I was glad to leave the limo and see AJ run up to me.

"Oh shit Nick...I didn't think you'd have to ride with them....I am so sorry dude..."

"Don't worry about it. I have it all covered." I put on a pair of sunglasses and approached LeighAnne. I made sure Brian was busy before saying anything to her.

"Just one thing...If you finger his ass just right he'll come in seconds."

"Fuck you Carter." She stated, turning to walk away. I smirked again. AJ started opened mouth at me, obviously not expecting me to act this way.

"I think I've created a monster." AJ said slyly, giving me a hug. I hugged him back and saw Brian staring at me. I got eye contact and kissed in mid air. He turned, blushing. He knew I meant business. Somehow it felt good to make him feel bad. The more I pretended to be over him the better I felt. What a strange irony. I didn't think I'd last five minutes now here I am, flirting with him in a vengeful way. For once in my life my good looks and knowledge of Brian's feelings had worked in my favor. Time to move on, and live my life the way I chose to. I felt content.

Next: Chapter 13: The Next Day 4

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