I Paid to be a Slave

By Kevin DeBoyer

Published on Aug 21, 2006



Hi, you placed this story into the authoritarian section on August 7th. However for some reason the .txt left numerous errors that I missed. Can you please paste the version below which is properly edited. Sorry that I'm being picky with it.

I PAID TO BE A SLAVE By: Kevin DeBoyer

It was Friday night around 11:30 and I was just starting to live out a "fantasy" that had plagued me since I was 15. I sat in the passenger seat of a car that was driving into the Midway Villa Trailer Park. Jeff's beat-up Lincoln pulled up in front of his trailer.

For a few brief seconds I saw the junky mobile home in the brightness of the car's headlights and then every thing was dark. Even with the quick view I realized that the trailer made Jeff's filthy car look like a limousine.

The large man sat next to me in the darkness. I saw a tiny bit of light come from the end of his cigar before he stuffed it out in the over flowing ashtray. His door creaked and his seat moaned as his hefty body stood up and stepped out. "Well, it ain't much, but it's home." He closed the door and started walking towards the trailer then stopped when he realized I hadn't left the car.

The butterflies in my stomach were overpowering. I was somewhere between nausea, fear, and total excitement. I looked down at the door handle and realized that my opening it was taking me one more step closer to my recurring dream. I still wasn't sure if that was a good thing. Sometimes dreams and fantasies are meant to be just dreams and fantasies.

He waited. I sat for a few seconds and then cautiously opened my door and got out. A first step.

My situation was unique and if it collapsed onto itself, I only had one person to blame for it. Me.

Since I was a teenager my mind had always dwelled on master-slave scenarios.

There was something about the role-playing and power-exchange that could sexual excite me like nothing else. While I would still masturbate to nude magazines and porn, more often than not my fantasies would take me to situations where I was made to do the bidding of someone else. Sometimes the "Master" in my dreams was a woman...sometimes not.

And here I was stepping inside Jeff's trailer for the next 48-hours.

"You can take your clothes off." Jeff said as he walked towards the back of the trailer into the bedroom. His words brought me back to reality and my situation.

I just stood in shock. The utter filth that I was surrounded by was daunting. It looked like no one had made so much as an effort to wash a dish for years. It was obvious why he never turned down an invite to come to a friend's house for a party or to eat out at a restaurant. Hazmat would have cringed at the site of this place.

Jeff came back. "Didn't you hear me? Clothes off."

I was stunned. "What? Why?"

Jeff smiled. "Well, you're my slave for the weekend. So you have to do what I say. And the first thing I say is you're wearing these." His hand stretched forward offering me a pair of pink women's thong panties. My attention drifted between the way he stressed the word slave when he spoke and the silky undergarment dangling in front of me. I now realized I wasn't the only one who had put some thought into this weekend.

I slowly began taking off my shoes, shirt, and jeans. It was awkward changing with him standing right there but, I bent over and removed my underwear. Except for my watch I was now naked. I could feel his eyes linger along my body for a minute as he held his hands out for my clothes.

He handed me the panties and I slid into them. They were smooth and tight and the thong immediately went to work on my ass. How women wore these I'd never know. Jeff took a look at me in those panties and started to laugh. "If I had a camera I'd take a picture of this. Priceless."

He placed my items into a bag and took it to the closet. As he did so, he leaned in and came back carrying one last item. "Almost forgot. Trade your watch for this." With that he handed me a dog collar.

The meaning was clear. "Why do you need my watch?"

"Everything you own belongs to me for the next 48 hours. The only possessions I'm allowing you to have are those panties, to remind you that you're just a little slave bitch. And," He flicked the collar with his finger, "This collar so when I need to pull you around on your leash it will be easy to do." He opened the collar. "Down on your knees slave."

I lowered down to my knees. Jeff chuckled as he placed the collar around my neck and snapped it into place. "Well Mike, that was certainly easy. I guess you're really ready to go through with this."

My dreams about being a slave were finally becoming a reality and it was clear there was no turning back. And from Jeff's actions it was doubly clear he was eager to assume his new role. He hooked a leather leash up to my collar and gave me a tug. "Do you like that slave boy?"


"Yes what?" He was stern.

"Yes, Master." As hard as they were to say, the words ended up feeling good coming out of my mouth. The weight of the collar around my neck was almost overwhelming. I could feel my manhood stiffening inside the smooth panties.

Jeff ordered me to follow him as he gave me a tour of his dumpy trailer. As we walked, my mind took me back a few weeks and how exactly Jeff ended up in the "Master" role for this particular weekend.

I had grown tired of writing down my fantasies on the Internet and posting them on various sites like Nifty. But as hard as I tried, there were times where I couldn't get the thoughts of submitting to leave my mind. I didn't want to cruise for an anonymous partner as that added an entirely scary thought to the scenario. So I considered all of my friends and which one would fit the bill.

It didn't take long to eliminate everyone for various reasons: happily married, not the dominant type, living too far away, not my "fantasy" master, too close of a friend to share my desires with...the list was endless.

Eventually I knew there was only one person to consider. Jeff was really just an acquaintance that I had met through some college friends on our Poker nights. But, occasionally I'd meet him at a bar or go shoot a round of pool with him.

Jeff fit a few of my requirements. He was single and lived alone. He has taller, larger, and hairier than I was...all items that fit my fantasy version of a "Master". And he was constantly talking about porn and sex. So after a few weeks of humming and hawing I called him up for a casual conversation.

He sounded partially drunk so it made it easier to get him talking about sex and eventually we both opened up on some matters. Finally Jeff asked me the right question which gave me the opening I needed.

"So what sort of things would you like to try?"

"Well nothing that my wife would want to hear about."

He laughed. "I heard that. We talking hardcore stuff?"

"Not really just different. I have this desire to kind of role play. See, in the bedroom Denise is just too passive. I have these thoughts of being with a person who takes control of the situation and makes me do their bidding."

"Yeah, guess it'd be hard to want your wife to do those things."

I was nervously trying to make my point. I don't think I would have been comfortable sharing these thoughts anonymously with a stranger over the Internet and yet here I was talking on the phone to someone who knew me. "Exactly. It's like the power-exchange that turns me on. Not having a say in what I do? Hard to do that with your wife and not realize it's just play."

There was a long pause. "Ok, why are you telling me all this?"

"Well Jeff, I was hoping you could help me out with this. I want to experience being a slave for a short amount of time. Say a weekend. Kind of see if actually living my fantasy will help cleanse some of these desires from my mind."

Jeff was silent on his end.

I kept talking. "I mean don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for sex acts. It's the role of being subservient that I want to experience, and I just can't do that at my house."

"This is weird Mike."

"I understand. And really, it's something you have to be comfortable with. See if we did something like this, I can't have any say in the situation. I need a person who is 100% in charge and just demands me to do things."

"Sounds gay to me."

I laughed, nervously. "Well with two men I guess I can see your point. No big deal. I was just throwing the idea out there."

"Tell me more."

"It's the kind of thing that I've fantasized about since I was a teenager. I'm 35. I figure if I don't at least try it once, life will be passing me by and I'll never know if it was something that I would have liked." I closed my eyes trying to catch my breath. If this went bad Jeff could just as easily turn around and tell all our friends.

There was a long pause as Jeff drank. "So we don't need to run around naked and have sex?"

I laughed, glad that he lightened the mood. "No. It's not about sex. If you're not into this idea, that's fair. Just please do not share this with anyone else."

"It's a lot to take in."

His response was better than I hoped for and I knew a push in the right direction was all it needed. "No pressure. Take as much time as you need to think it all over. But, if you help me out for a weekend, besides being your slave, I'll pay you $1,000."

Jeff laughed. "Ok, I'm in. When do we start?"

It felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. "Well Denise is going to be out of town for a weekend in two weeks. I thought that might be a good chance to give this a shot. It'd have to be at your trailer."

Jeff mulled it over. "Two weeks is fine. I'll come by and pick you up that Friday night after work. In the meantime, I'll do a little reading on the Internet about all this maybe it will give me some ideas."

That conversation sealed the deal. Never had two weeks taken so long to arrive. But when my wife Denise left on her Vegas business trip, I found myself sitting by the window awaiting Jeff's arrival and my first steps into a world of role-playing that I had only dreamed about.

"So that's the place," Jeff said as he sat down on the couch. He glanced at my watch. "It's been a long ass day. I'm beat."

"Will I be sleeping on the couch?"

Jeff smiled. "You will be but first you need to get into the bathroom and give that thing a good cleaning. I spent about $50 on cleaning products and it's time they were used." He unhooked my collar. "Don't worry, shouldn't take more than an hour...or two...slave."

With that Jeff walked into his bedroom and closed the door. I walked to the bathroom. Two hours was a kind estimate. The tub and toilet and sink might have been white at some point in time. But not anymore. I opened some cleanser and got down to work.

It was three am before I finally collapsed on the smelly couch and went to sleep. But the bathroom had never looked finer.

The next day I began what seemed like an impossible task - cleaning Jeff's trailer. As much as I hated cleaning, I always made sure my home was as organized as possible. Jeff was exactly the opposite; in fact I don't think he had cleaned once since moving into the place.

At his ordering I cleaned the living area. The sofa and coffee table were done first so he had a place to sit and watch TV while I worked. For a September day in Illinois, it was unbearably hot. It must have been ninety degrees outside and without any air conditioning, the inside of the trailer felt like a sauna. It was probably the one good thing about wearing the panties, at least I was cooler than if I had been wearing clothes.

After a time, my cleaning moved me to the small kitchen area. I was standing washing dirt and old food from plates. After an hour of this tedious labor, it was difficult to decide what was bothering me more, the sweltering heat in the cramped trailer, the sweat dripping under my leather collar, or the thong continually driving up my ass. After every other dish I washed, my wet soapy hands continually pulled at it. I looked over my shoulder to see Jeff reclining on the couch. He was wearing a pair of ratty old sweat pants and nothing else. His fat hairy belly overlapped his waist and even from here I could see how sweaty he was. As of yet he hadn't taken a shower and his smell wasn't helping the already heavy odor of the trailer.

This was the kind of behavior that made it clear why at 40, he was still single. In fact I couldn't recall the last time he had even mentioned having a girlfriend.

He was contentedly watching a movie and drinking a beer. As I looked at him he got up and headed for the bathroom. Jeff took a lengthy piss with the door open and then returned to the couch. He was the picture of pure relaxation while I worked busting my ass to clean his trailer. I was starting to get the impression that not only did he not mind me enacting my fantasy at his trailer, but that he was really enjoying it himself.

"Hey Slave Boy, bathroom looks great!" he said. "Get in there and flush that for me."

Maybe enjoying it a little too much. Jeff hadn't called me "Mike" all day. Since the moment he woke up he referred to me as either "slave" or "slave boy" or just plain "boy". It didn't matter which name he chose, I responded equally to all of them. I stopped washing and walked to the bathroom and flushed.

"Bring me a beer."

I opened the fridge and got him a fresh can of beer. I walked to the sofa and handed it to him.

I returned to the kitchen area and grabbed a pot and sprayed it with hot water. As I washed, my eyes drifted out the window. I could see the neighboring trailer through a few trees just as a car pulled up honking its horn. A hot blonde was sitting on a lawn chair smoking a cigarette. She was wearing a black bikini top and a pair of short cut-off jeans. She got up, grabbed a small cooler and waved while she ran to a car that pulled up. She climbed inside and gave the man at the wheel a nice long kiss. The car pulled away. I kept washing thinking about the couple. They were probably on their way to the beach and the way the girl greeted the man he was well on his way to getting laid tonight. I tugged at my thong wishing that I could trade places with him. It was growing clear that with the desire to experience being a slave was also the knowledge that everyone else was enjoying a better time than I was.

"Hey Boy, bring me a cigar."

I dried my hands and walked into the bedroom. I eyed the clock, not even one o'clock. This day was taking forever. As much as I was glad to be living as a slave, it sure seemed like a great deal of work. To be at someone's beck and call constantly, I just never had a moment to relax. I grabbed a cigar and book of matches and returned to Jeff. He now had his feet up on the leg rest of the sofa. He lit the stogie and looked at me.

"My trailer hasn't looked this good in...forever. Looks like you could use a breather. How about you sit down...and rub my feet." Jeff wiggled his fat toes.

"Oh for the love of God!"

"Get to rubbing boy."

I kneeled down on the floor. My hands began massaging Jeff's feet. For the next fifteen minutes he didn't say anything, he just watched TV and smoked and occasionally looked down at me and smiled. I worked his feet keeping in mind that this is what I asked for. Hell, I paid for it.

"Hold it," Jeff said as he stood up. I didn't really pay attention until I saw him undoing the drawstring to his sweat pants. The pants slid down and Jeff was naked.

It was the first time I had ever seen him naked. His large gut hung low but his cock and balls were clearly visible below it. His uncut cock was of average length for a bear of Jeff's size, but his balls were incredibly large. In fact, they were so big and dangled so low it made me question how they could even stay attached to his body. However the real shocker was the amount of body and pubic hair that covered Jeff's crotch. It honestly looked like someone had set off a "Hair Bomb" down there...yet another reason why I was increasingly sure that my friend's and my jokes were correct and that not too many women had ever visited him south of the border.

I was afraid my silence and staring might make the situation uncomfortable for both of us so I said "What's this?"

Jeff chuckled. "What? I'm hot."

"Do you need to be naked while I massage you?"

"Yes I do. And since you're the slave I suggest you just worry about massaging."

"Well, I guess I didn't expect you to ease into the role of Master so quickly."

He smiled. "It feels good to be in charge. I spend so much of my normal day it's kind of nice to be able to deal out some shit to someone else for a change." He grabbed the remote as I continued rubbing. "Just don't get any ideas checking out my naked bod there boy."

I laughed. "If I'm checking it out it's only because you've got more hair on your balls than you do on your head."

"Oh really?" Jeff got up and walked over to the end table and came back with the leash. He attached it to the end of my collar. With that he pulled tight on my leash and ordered me to lie on the floor. I did as I was told. Jeff towered above me looking down into my eyes. His uncut cock appeared much larger as it dangled menacingly above me.

I lay on my back. Not speaking or knowing what would come next.

Jeff kneeled his large body down above me. I could feel the body heat from his hairy thighs surround me. His face was the most serious I'd seen him since he agreed to play the role of my Master. "Have you ever heard of T-bagging?"

I had, but I wasn't keen on acknowledging it.

Jeff continued, "T-bagging is when one man opens his mouth and the other man lowers his balls into it." Jeff shifted upwards and his humongous balls were now swaying inches above my mouth. "It's not so much about sexual enjoyment as it is a symbol of power. When a man has his balls...his sweaty balls...in your mouth, you know who's in charge." Jeff reached down and rubbed his balls...and then moved them towards my lips. "Open your mouth."

"Jeff, I was just joking around."

"Quiet slave. Open your mouth."

Regrettably my mouth opened and the sweatiest hairiest balls I had ever seen dropped inside. Jeff held his position as he looked at me. "Ah, this is much better. Do my balls feel as hairy as they look?" He mockingly waited for me to answer, which was impossible. "Kind of hard to talk with another man's sack in your mouth isn't it?"

I nodded my head obediently.

"Go ahead and lick the sweat off my balls."

It's not like I had a choice. As my tongue went to work on his musty balls Jeff leaned his weight down on me. He was a heavy man and with my arms pinned between his legs I was trapped. Even if I fought with all my might, there was no way my skinny body was getting up. As his nuts filled my mouth I could feel my cock stirring from the excitement. The entire situation had my own sex drive working overtime. What would my friends say if they saw me in this situation, being T-bagged by big fat Jeff?

I was exhausted from the situation but Jeff was still not in the mood to let me up. He merely crouched on top of me and smiled. "Got anything to say, boy?"

I mumbled a response as best I could but his balls filled my mouth completely.

"I can't understand a word you're saying, so just keep my sack right where it is." There was the loud rip of a monster fart. Jeff smiled in his position as I could feel it reverberate along my body. "Oops. It's going to be a stinky one too Mike. Guess you'll be able to fully appreciate the smell." The odor was horrendous but at the same time my own cock was throbbing painfully and I knew cum was leaking out. I had no control and I was loving every minute of my punishment and degradation.

As I licked his balls, Jeff smiled down at me. Playfully he grabbed his cock and smacked it against my face. "See this? Before this weekend is over you're going to beg me to suck this cock." He pulled back the foreskin and slapped it against my cheeks a few more times. I could feel small warms drops left behind.

Eventually Jeff let me up, the rest of the day became a blur. Hours passed as I continued the ritual of cleaning the trailer. I made dinner. Jeff ate, and laid around naked watching TV, as he ordered me to clean his bedroom. As hard as I distracted myself with the chores my mind kept coming back to what he had said, that I would beg him to suck his cock. Part of me was disgusted by the very thought, first because I had never engaged in sex with a man, and second because it was Jeff. Still, I did allow him to place his balls in my mouth...but no...I would never beg.

By night several bags of garbage had piled up by the door. "Where do you take the garbage to?" I asked.

Jeff paused his movie and looked at me. "The correct question is where do you take my garbage? The answer is the dumpster around the corner."

"Can I get my clothes?"


"I'm not taking these bags to the dumpster wearing these pink panties."

"Then do it naked, either way it gets done or Master will not be pleased."

I looked at him. My mouth was still sore from the T-bagging earlier so I decided I'd better just work on getting the garbage to the dumpster. It was dark outside and almost every trailer in the vicinity had the lights completely out. I hoped that meant they were asleep. I grabbed the three bags of trash and planned my route to the dumpster.

I ran as quickly as I could, rounded the corner, and tossed the bags of garbage into the dumpster. My heart was racing from the embarrassment of being seen. I sprinted back to Jeff's pleased that in that minute no one had noticed. However, just as I rounded the corner to his trailer I saw a small light from the window at the neighbors. The face of the hot blonde from earlier looked out at me. I locked eyes with her for the briefest of seconds before darting into the trailer. I closed the door and locked it.

Jeff looked at me and smiled. "I think I'm ready for another foot massage."

In my head I was cursing myself. Being a slave was a tough job and it wasn't getting any easier with Jeff's increasing demands. However, this time I kept my mouth shut and simply assumed the position by his feet.

As I worked my way around his feet, Jeff clicked on the VCR. A porn movie was in the player and it started up. I continued rubbing and did my best to watch some of the scenes. Most were just generic hot porn actresses servicing typical male studs. As I watched I couldn't help but keep thinking about the blonde next door. In some other situation I'm sure I would have been curious about meeting her, but I had a wife...and now a Master.

Jeff drank his beer and slowly began working his free hand over his cock. It didn't take long for it to stiffen and for the head to emerge from his foreskin. The longer his cock grew the more I concentrated on my massaging of his feet. "So slave, you ready to beg yet?"

I kept rubbing. "No Master. I am not going to beg."

He shrugged his shoulders. Jeff's hand eventually locked around his shaft and began stroking it. The other hand occasionally tugged on the leash, reminding me that he was still aware of my presence.

The emotions that flowed over me ranged from guilt to awe to excitement to embarrassment. I remember thinking, "What if our friends saw this situation?" Jeff was jacking off mere inches from me while I rubbed his feet. It was not the kind of thing easily explained. As comfortable as Jeff was becoming with his role I also wondered if it would end up changing our friendship? Still as he closed his eyes and worked his rod, I couldn't help but steal as many glances as possible. His huge balls were going to produce quite a load and the anticipation of his orgasm had me on the edge of my seat.

I didn't have to wait long as after a few minutes he moaned loudly as the first blasts of cum shot out of his cock. It was indeed a healthy about of cum. His hand was pumping furiously as more and more juice shot free. I had never watched a man cum before and embarrassingly I noticed I had stopped massaging Jeff and merely had my eyes fixed on his erupting cock. Adding to my shame I could feel my own cock shift inside the damned pink panties.

The squishing sound of Jeff pumping the last remnants of cum from his rod brought me back to the present. With a sigh he let go of his length and collapsed into the couch. He wiped his cum covered hand across his hairy belly and took a swig of beer.

"Ok slave, it's all yours."

I just looked at him, questioningly.

Jeff smiled again. Damn did I hate that smile. "Start licking." My stomach churned as I looked at the gooey mess covering his cock, balls, thighs, pubic hair, and belly. The amount of cum made it clear that Jeff hadn't masturbated in a long time. "You wanted to be my slave."

"But this?" I questioned.

"Hey, I want to make sure you get your $1,000 worth."

I wasn't going to argue the point with him. Again the conflict inside my body was torture. Grudgingly I moved inside his legs and slid closer to his crotch. It was disgusting to consider but this is what I asked for. Part of being a slave was performing tasks that you might not want to do.

Jeff chuckled as if reading my mind and expressions. "It's like you said, it's not like you're gay or anything. It's just for one weekend. Besides, look at the bright side."

I was now nose level to his balls, looking up to his eyes as he slouched. "What bright side?"

Jeff slid his thighs apart exposing his cock. The fat girth dangled long, it was completely covered with his cum. "At least you don't have to suck my cock."

Drops of his juice were sliding down his length. Thick cum was smeared all over it. Tentatively I reached out and touched his cock. Immediately I could feel the thick warm gravy run through my fingers. As I moved closer to his tool the strong musty stench from his unwashed uncut meat drifted to my nose. My thoughts drifted back to the guy next door with the hot blonde.

Man did I ever want to trade places with that lucky bastard right about now. He could be having sex with her right now. In fact she could be down between his legs in the same situation I was.

"Dammit! Was it possible for you to make a bigger mess?"

"Oh, I did that on purpose. See back when you first mentioned this idea I was thinking about all the times you and they guys would make fun of me or mock my job and home. And then I thought, what's lower than making a man lick cum off a person's body?" My pissed off stare seemed to have the reverse affect on my new master. Jeff smiled broader with his stogie clenched between his teeth. Slowly my tongue came out and sampled his cream. The veins on his cock were still bulging and it was again stiffening. Jeff flexed it once and it smacked along my lips. I was repulsed at the butterflies of excitement that leapt through my body. I opened my mouth and licked a little more. Jeff laughed. "Man, I could never get any of my old girlfriends to even consider this, I guess having a slave does have benefits." I stopped for a second, "Trust me, I'm about to reconsider this whole arrangement." That shit-eating grin rose up as he dangled the leash in front of me. "You do not have a choice...slave. For the rest of the night you're going to be down between my legs...swallowing my seed. And you'll like it!" He jerked my leash and my face brushed deep against his messy pubic region. Relenting, I continued servicing him.

"Don't worry Mike, I promise not to enjoy it...too much." Jeff smoked and chuckled. "Oh yeah. Good times, good times. I'm starting to see why this fantasy was so appealing to you." His free hand tugged on my leash assuring that my head was pulled along his full length. His hand then moved in closer and allowed his fingers to grip tightly into my hair, guiding my movements. "How's that cum taste boy?" I looked at him. "I hate when you call me boy."

With that Jeff gave a casual slap to the back of my head, not painful but reprimanding. "Why don't you put my balls back into your mouth to assure a little silence around here...boy." Jeff stretched further back allowing me full access to his twin monsters. His sack was a gooey nightmare of cream. For the second time today, his hairy tennis-sized balls were planted in my mouth. Jeff watched me work as he smoked. He patted his large hairy stomach and then tugged my leash tighter, reminding me of how in control he was. "What do you think Sam and Eric and the guys would think if they saw you licking cum off my balls?" I looked at Jeff as his sack still lingered along my tongue. He was really enjoying his power role over me. It dawned on me that our roles were the exact opposite of what they were in normal day-to-day life. Usually I was the one doing all the bragging or leading the way. Not anymore. Anyone who saw us would have seen immediately who was in charge. He eventually allowed me to move back to handling his cock and licking his cum. Minutes passed as my tongue kept working and suddenly I realized that my panties were containing the strongest erection I had in weeks. I was shocked! My erection was painful it stretched so much. As I continued cleaning Jeff's cock I realized that I was actually aroused being on my knees in front of another man. I was licking his spent tool and loving it!

As I worked a few small moans of pleasure must have slipped from my mouth. Jeff chuckled some more and stretched his legs out around me. "Don't forget my pubes. Master wants all that mess cleaned up."

I worked my way from his cock and balls towards his thick area of pubic hair. Jeff was the hairiest guy I'd ever met and his pubic area was true to the rest of his body. It was clear he'd never considered doing a little trimming to clean it up. And now cum was everywhere! It dawned on me that the majority of his hefty load went up towards his belly. My face moved in to his body hair and I continued licking him clean. It felt like hours must have passed by as I savagely licked and cleaned his body, swallowing whatever my lips came into contact with. He pushed me back down into his hairy crotch. I was thankful to take in and swallow the last bits of his thick cream. I could feel stray hairs slide down my throat. The strange thought entered my mind that when I cleaned his bathroom last night seeing pubes on the toilet had repulsed me, and now I was swallowing them down directly from the source. The clock showed that it was well past 2 am. Jeff got dressed (said he didn't need to shower since I had done such a fine job of cleaning him) and went off to the party store. I used the short time for a well earned break and to jump into the shower. It felt wonderful to get out of the thong panties but no matter how much I fiddled with the collar, it was too tricky to remove so I left it. Jeff returned after a time with some "essentials" as he called it. As I unpacked he stripped down naked saying it was much more comfortable lounging with nothing on. I doubt I'll be wearing clothes for the rest of the weekend, "After you've swallowed my load, I find it hard to believe a little nudity would offend you." That night as Jeff slept in the bedroom I masturbated furiously on his couch. I came several times and even found myself shamefully realizing that I was cumming reliving the events of that day. The chores, punishments, the T-bagging, and especially swallowing Jeff's load. My self-imposed servitude was almost having the opposite effect. Instead of wanting to leave this hideous place, I was dreaming of being here 24/7 and serving a man who would become increasingly demanding. In several of my fraught fantasies I even envisioned Jeff fucking me in the ass. I was bent over the kitchen table as his cock had its way with me. Jeff laughed as one hand was clamped on my hips and the other hand triumphantly held my leash. As I was rocked, I was eagerly waiting his explosion deep inside me. By the time I climaxed for the final time my body was completely used up. I collapsed into the deepest sleep I had ever experienced. * We were so tired that the next day neither of us woke up until the afternoon. The day started with Jeff sitting on the toilet in the cramped bathroom and me on my knees right next to him. It was still stifling hot in the trailer. His ever present cigar dangled from his mouth. The smell in the bathroom was bad, but the fact that I was kneeling mere inches from the toilet only made things worse. I was ordered to hold an ashtray for him as he shit and smoked. Off in the living room my cell phone rang. Jeff let go of my leash and said, "Slave go and get your phone, but do not answer it."

I walked into the living room and grabbed my phone. It was my wife Denise calling.

I returned to the bathroom and Jeff held his hand out for the phone. "Kneel, slave. I'm not finished." I returned to my position.

With that Jeff answered my phone, "Hello?"

It was agony to know that he was talking on the phone to my wife. What would she say if she knew I was inches away from the phone, on my knees? I couldn't clearly hear her voice so I made do with listening to the comments on Jeff's end.

"Oh Mike was here. He left his cell phone behind. Good. Good. How's Vegas? Ok, well he should be back later. Yeah, he's helping me out with a few things so I'll make sure he gets the message and the phone. Bye, Denise." Jeff winked at me as he delivered the last line. He handed the phone back to me. "Damn dude, you're so lucky. You're wife is a major hotty and yet you'd rather be here with me."

"Well I don't know about right now."

Jeff grinned. "Grab some paper, slave boy."

My stomach tightened into more knots as I pulled off some toilet paper. Jeff stood up and turned his stinky hairy ass towards me. It was disgusting and I didn't want to do it.

"You've got a choice Mike. Either wipe it with the paper or in a second I'm going to back my ass up against you and you can clean it with your tongue." He slowly moved closer to me. "And believe me; you'll be cleaning for a long time."

I had to keep my eyes open but grudgingly I had no choice but to wipe.

Jeff went back out into the living room and sat down as I washed my hands. "It's not so bad," he said, "Yesterday you were licking cum off my balls and you didn't mind that."

I spent the next few hours finishing up the last bit of cleaning. By 5pm the place was sparkling from one corner to the next. Jeff even handed out an honest compliment about what a great job I did. Of course immediately after that he sent me into the kitchen to make him dinner. As I worked in the kitchen my eyes looked outside again to the hot blonde next door. Her boyfriend was leaving and she kept flirting with him to stay a while longer.

It was clear she wanted to leave him with happy thoughts about her. Eventually he turned around and the two of them ran back into her trailer, obviously to have sex.

That's when it struck me that Jeff had truly done everything I had asked of him. I might not have wanted it at the time but this experience was one of 100% servitude. Suddenly I wanted to do something for him. I turned around and faced him as he walked to the fridge to get a beer.

He looked at me, "What?"

Without saying a word I stepped in front of him and dropped to my knees. I looked up at him. Our eyes met. "Master, can I suck your dick?"

"Are you begging for it?"

"Oh yes. I need it Master. I want to suck your dick."


"Because I want you to see how hard I can work to make you feel good."

Jeff smiled. He hoisted his meaty cock in front of my face. "Fine. Suck my dick." The tip of his semi-hard cock hovered in front of my mouth. The foreskin was inches from my quivering lips.

I opened my mouth and leaned forward. His cock entered my mouth and for the first time I realized just how badly I wanted to suck the cock of another man. My Master's cock was what I was meant to service.

His warm rod began to slid slowly back and forth. I built up some spit and began slobbering along it as it stiffened. I could feel the foreskin pull back as his head emerged. Veins were pulsing as his cock rose to its full length.

As I worked Jeff ran a hand through my hair helping to guide my movements. While his cock wasn't that long, it was the only cock that I had ever sucked, so to me it felt like the biggest thing in the world. As my eagerness grabbed hold of me, several times I pulled it so deep that I started to gag. Jeff drank his beer and said, "Nice and slow Mike. We've got plenty of time."

As I sucked on his luscious cock, my cell phone rang for the second time that day. "Don't even think about stopping, slave," Jeff ordered. He answered my cell phone. "Hey Denise. It's Jeff again. I know, I know. Mike hasn't come back yet." With that Jeff placed one hand on my head and buried his cock deep into my mouth. I started to gag but he wouldn't release me so I had no choice but to manage his length as it had its way with my throat.

Jeff continued talking to my wife. "Sure thing Denise. Having fun in Vegas? You went to the male strip club. Haha! No your secret is safe with me. Besides, I'm sure Mike has a secret or two from this weekend." His hips began rocking forward as his dick began fucking my mouth. It didn't take long before his monster balls were pummeling my chin.

"How's the weather? Get a chance to wear a bikini?" He chuckled at whatever my wife said to him. "A thong? Whew! Careful honey or you'll get me hard." Jeff gave me the biggest wink and shit-eating grin ever as he said this. He made sure his cock continued to plow home into my mouth as his conversation continued.

I was humiliated. Another man was flirting with my wife while he face fucked me. But what was driving me crazy was how much it turned me on. My own cock was throbbing in my panties. I slobbered along his slick shaft as his thrusting continued.

"Ok Denise, I'll make sure Mike gets the message." Jeff hung up my phone and tossed it on the couch. "You're doing good slave. This is the best blowjob your Master has ever received. There will be quite a bit of cum as your reward."

"Thank you Master," I said between thrusts of his cock.

Jeff put down his beer and fucked my face like a pro. I lost track of how long I was down on my knees worshipping his awesome cock. Bits of precum leaked out and I smeared them around the inside of my mouth. It wasn't the best taste in the world but I was so caught up in the moment I just couldn't help myself. Eventually he changed his rhythm. "Take your hands off," Jeff ordered.

I obeyed and he grabbed both sides of my head and began forcibly leading me along his entire length, burying the tip of his cock deep into my throat and then pulling the tip to my lips in a frenzy of motion. "Oh that's right. How you like taking your Master's cock boy?" His hips pounded forward with each motion and I could tell by his face that Jeff was loving every minute of it. Eventually the movements grew shorter and quicker, the actions of a man close to climax.

Jeff pulled out and began torturously stroking his rod. "Let's hear it slave!"

"Cum for me Master! I want to swallow your load."

Jeff kept jerking his cock. "I bet you do, you want the privilege of taking my seed again. Beg for it!" With his free hand he grabbed me by the hair and held me close to his cock. "BEG!" He tugged brutally on my leash and collar.

"Please," I was begging on my knees. "I need it!"

Sweat was dripping all over his fat hairy body. "I'll give you what you want boy! Get ready!" His hand raced along his cock in a blur and then he bellowed. "Take it all!" Jeff forced my head onto his cock just as he erupted. His bellow was so loud that I knew the young woman and her boyfriend in the next trailer had to hear us, and I just didn't care. I was Jeff's slave to use and at this moment I was in the happiest place I could imagine; on my knees serving my Master.

His powerful hands held me firm on his dick so there was no chance to go anywhere. Another blast of thick cum hit my mouth. It was scalding hot and the taste was bitter and awful. Instinctively I went to spit it out. Before I could even consider it his cock began shooting several more thick gooey streams into me. I had no choice but to swallow his love juice.

"Look at me," Jeff ordered and he tugged again on my leash. "Is this what you wanted? $1,000 was enough to satisfy your need to serve another man?"

With his slick cock buried in my mouth I had no way to respond. There were more drops of cum still being pushed from his rod.

Jeff leaned back against his couch but made sure I knew that I was to continue emptying his cock and taking all it had to offer. I fondled his cock and balls some more with my tongue, savoring every second of the pleasure to service him.

When we finished, Jeff released my leash and fell back onto his couch. He looked around at his trailer. "Well, this was a good weekend. I've probably got the cleanest trailer in the park and I damn sure just had the best orgasm. Plus I've got some well earned money in my pocket."

"Well earned," I repeated.

Jeff motioned me over to him. I crawled over and he removed the collar from around my neck. It felt strange having the weight lifted from my shoulders.

"It's late. Get your clothes and I'll drive you home."

I retrieved my items and went into the bathroom to clean up and change. When I stepped out Jeff was dressed and waiting for me. The air was clear between us and we were back to being good friends (albeit friends with a sexual benefit). My former slave collar dangled from his fingers. "Tell you what Mike, I'm going to keep this collar. If you ever feel the need to experience any more fantasies, let me know. I think I understand your whole enjoyment of the power-exchange thing now."

I smiled. "Well, not sure I can afford something like this again."

"I never said you had to pay me," Jeff responded. "I like being in charge. Something really exhilarating about having every demand I make followed without question."

"That's good to know, because I think it's clear that I like following orders."

"I do have a question," Jeff asked. "If I had tried to fuck you in the ass would you have let me?"

I smiled at him. "I guess we'll never know."

Jeff twirled the dog collar around his fingers. "Wrong, sir. We'll be finding out in a couple weeks."

I didn't argue the point as I stepped out of his trailer and back to my responsibilities in the real world.

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