I Want Your Bite

By Me

Published on Dec 9, 2013


I Want Your Bite Part 6

Thanks for all the wonderful feedback that has been coming through my email for the past couple of months! Sorry guys that this took so long with this next part, but with my first year of college and everything it was tough finding a way to manage both. Now the semester is over I want to get back into writing because I love it, and its not that fair to you guys to make you wait half a year for the next part...so here it goes!


It's weeks since I've seen from Nick...and I feel like dying. I know I fucked up last time I seen him and I'm paying for it. I went to Lisa and Mike and told them everything! From beginning to end and the reality of what I did settled into me. Gary told Emerald what he did and she forgave both of us and understood, everyone else seems happy, and I can't stop feeling depressed.

"Okay this is fucking ridiculous! Get your werewolf witch ass out of bed its Halloween Bitch! " Lisa screamed ripping the blankets from my face.

"I'm not getting up...Halloween in America is just an excuse to dress sluty and act like the dumbass teens we are!" I groaned putting a pillow over my head.

"Exactly! And as your best mate' I think should celebrate with your other mates'."

"Well isn't that nice of you." I said through the pillow.

"Look, Finn I know that you liked Nick, and I know that you can't admit it!" She said quickly as I sat up, "But you can't go on like this! We're all worried about you. Now, we only have half day today so hurry up and get dressed, because today you are going to be the slutiest dumb teenager in town. Now, Move before I make you!" she demanded.

"Fine! But when I inevitably catch mono I'm giving it to you...and Mike" I threatened earning a laugh from her.

At school things we normal, given that everyone was in costume accept my group of friends. We all sat at our usual lunch table that was in the middle if the café and between the jocks, and the rich kids. Usually we get stares because, I mean come on our group of friends have in the social hell from a nerd, to the popular cheerleader, to the new British kid...but one thing was missing, a jock that was my captain and the moody dangerous funny one of the table...it was missing Nick...and so was I.

"So why didn't we dress up again?" I asked looking around at everyone.

"We wanted you not to feel like a freak." Erica said simply.

"Oh? Well thanks guys, you shouldn't have..." I said pushing my brows together.

"Ya since you kind of went all powerful a couple days ago we were just being cautious"" Danny said getting up to leave.

"Don't take offense to it though, we love you Finn" Ashley said following him.

"No really. You shouldn't have." I said starting to get up too.

The whole day everyone was being odd and kind of an asshole to me. Erica and Ashley didn't usually walk with me to our class after lunch and avoided me. Garry, Emerald, Damon, Danny, and Monica weren't waiting after school and left together with out me. Even Lisa was nowhere to be found, and I felt her absence all day. The only one who was there was Mike, leaning against my car, waiting patiently.

"Hey man! I thought you would never show up. I've been waiting for you." Mike says punching my arm.

"Yeah, sorry I was just...uh, never mind. Ready to leave?"

"Wait, you should let me drive. You don't look so well, or have a great record of passing out and falling asleep for days...which is bad for driving." He said snatching the keys from me, and already getting in.

"Fine, only because I know you will bitch the whole way home." I shot back hoping in.

Once in the car I could instantly tell that Mike had no intentions on driving me home right away. Mike, usually open and talking up a storm was quiet and had a little smirk on his lips. He didn't even look at me when I made it obvious that I was staring and knew he was lying.

"So...where the hell are we going Mike!?" I yelled narrowing my eyes, "And why has everyone been acting all weird today?"

"In time young one in-"

"So help me god, I will kill you Mike!" I threatened, my eyes flashing red.

"Okay, okay, well I can tell you one of those two things. Nick is back, and everyone knows where he went except you." He said calmly, like he didn't just tell me he and the rest of my mates have been lying to me for weeks and watched me suffer the whole time.


"If you're going to yell then I won't finish." Mike says innocently.

"Mike..," I warned.

"Okay fine. Well, he told us where he was going just in case you needed him. He went to do two things. One, he went to go kill some guys who were apparently sent to track your mother, and he said something about not caring about anyone and Gary and rage...I don't know man it was insane, like he was hurt...actually hurt. HE said he needed time to think etc. So all we could do was support his choice. "

" Why-"

"Didn't we tell you?" Mike finished for me, " Because you were going through a lot, and he asked us not to because it could mess up his focus or something...Don't make that face at me man, I'm just trying to help." Mike says turning down a dark road that leads to the deep forest.

"So, everyone was being twats because?..."

"Oh, that I can't tell you. Now, I guess we are here. "

I looked around and we were parked in what looked like the beginning of an abandoned trail. There was one path that went into dark hole with trees everywhere. The air outside looked cold and terrifying. There were little animals still around preparing for winter. I looked to Mike confused, and he smiled wickedly. I then could feel my magic pulling me to get out of the car and an odd connection that seems familiar.

"So, why are we here?" I asked slowly.

"I'm here to drop you off. You are safe so don't worry. Now, get out!"

"Mike, you're not making me feel safe smiling at me like that, and I don't know driving me to the woods and lying to me. " I questioned not budging, but my magic urging me more.

Suddenly the door opened and the wind started to pick up. My seatbelt became unfastened and Mike choked back a laugh. I slowly got out of the car and Mike smiled and raced off. I hear someone's heart beat in the trail so I slowly approached it.

I walked through the dark trail and my sense instantly became heightened. I couldn't see anything even with me being a werewolf, so I knew that this was an enchanted pathway.

Somehow I knew where to walk, and soon I seen light. The opening was beautiful, and the weather was perfect. There were daisies and green grass on the ground. The trees created a circle that had maybe a hundred feet in diameter. There were other pathways that seemed to lead other places I wanted to explore. I heard the heart beat get louder and I turned around surprised.

"Hello Nice guy aka my prince." Nick said softly.

I turned around and he had clothes like he was in Europe or something. His long hair was sitting perfectly on his perfect body and his eyes staring at me in wonder and amusement. He walked around me slowly and my senses once again heighten and I felt myself becoming relaxed and excited, but something else was there...rage.

"Don't call me your prince! I'm your nothing. You made that clear when you left." I spat out feeling weak and my anger boiling.

Nick also had a look of rage that matched mine, but it quickly faded and then it turned to sadness. I instantly felt said too and then back to my rage...it was really weird like it wasn't my emotions.

"But you are, even if you don't like it. You are everyone's prince...even your father's. " He said distantly.

"I'm going to choose to ignore that. So do you care to explain why Mike brought me here? "

"I need you to understand that I need you." Nick confesses, completely throwing me off guard.

"Wait what?"

"I need your help I mean. I went to go save your mother and I kind of needed space after all that drama last time we seen each other. I know it was a stupid reason to get upset about." He explained not making any eye contact with me.

"For weeks! Why did everyone else know except me!?"

"I knew you would react like this, and plus you may have tried to follow." He said sitting down and looking up to me with those big blue eyes that put the sky to shame.

"Hell yeah I would have! Look. Nick, I'm so sorry for calling you Gary. There was a lot on my mind, and my words got tangled, I'm sorry. "

"It's fine man. I didn't hold anything against you. I know that we need to be friends if we are going to take down Clark so I don't completely hate you." He said standing up.

"Well Thanks, I guess. I mean Nick I-"

"Don't even finish that sentence, I understand Finn. Can we go now?"

"Yeah, sure..."

My feelings for Nick seem different now. There's no Gary to stop me from being distracted and I just feel this odd connection with Nick. I do know that it's weird that we had sex and I can't even tell him how I feel, but maybe he already knows. I mean he doesn't want to hear me out anyways.


Oh yes, finally! Nick is back so Finn can stop acting so damn depressed. I've learned that guys are usually too stubborn to talk about their feelings but I can read minds so I know anyways. I don't know they feel about each other but I do know that there is something connecting them.

I want Finn to be happy, not just because he is my best friend, but also because he has been hurt so much. My brothers who I question their intentions both decided that it was fun to try to be with Finn. I still don't truly understand that, but of they want to cheat on their girlfriends with a hot guy, I guess now one stopped them.

My plan for this Halloween is to make Finn realize how special he is. I mean he doesn't even know what this holiday is for and I have our friends that will show him.

"So you guys haven't told him yet?" Erica asked, taking a break from her make up.

"Nope, but I bet he will be surprised though." I said walking over to Ashley to help her put on her costume.

"Wait really? " Monica exclaimed looking at me in surprise.

"But won't he think its ridiculous? I mean I might, if I were he. " Ashley mumbled putting on her lipstick.

"I guess so, I haven't really thought about it much. What I have been thinking about is you, and that baby that is growing inside of you. Are you okay?" I asked looking at her in the mirror.

"Yeah, I am completely fine. The baby's fine, everything is fine." Ashley said breathing in deeply.

"Yeah, uh maybe a little too fine." Monica joked.

"What about Danny? Is he ready to be a father?" Erica asked.

"Yeah, I mean I don't know. I feel like he would make a great dad, but maybe he isn't ready to settle down. Our parents think we should get engaged. I would love if he would have brought it up though." Ashley said sitting down on my bed.

"Doesn't mean he doesn't want to. " I said , brushing her hair out of her face.

"I hope you're right." She said.

"If not then Finn could be the British nanny." Monica said.


"Da, I'm home!" I yelled walking into my house.

Nick lead us through a passage in the forest and it lead us back here. We caught up and made small talk on the way home. The whole time I couldn't stop looking at him and feel myself becoming more and more attracted to him again. I could sense that there was something different this time, and I wanted to find out what it was.

"Hey son, you seem super happy. Are you okay? You're not on drugs are you? Any wolf bane or anything?" My da asked holding my face.

"Nope, I just-"

"You just went to go see Nick didn't you? I mean you were depressed after he left and you went to school and came back now you're happy again. Plus you smell different. Hmmm.."

"Dad! Stop, yeah I did, and hey I wasn't that depressed. " I explained, getting a one eyebrow look from my father.

"Yeah, well are you going out later? "

"I don't know dad, today has been a long day, I might just stay in. Plus what am I supposed to do go get candy?"

Halloween is usually dull for us, but that might change tonight. Don't be such a downer Finn. I swear, sometimes you act older than me. "

My dad had a point. This would be my first Halloween in America and I wanted to see what they had to offer here. Dressing up seemed a little too much , but maybe a party would be fun. I should probably call Mike and see what his plans are.

"Well anyways, I shall see you later son, I have a couple things I need to do before midnight. See you later son, I love you. " He said running out the door.

"Love you too.." I said to myself.

Soon as I was about to take my first step up the stairs the doorbell rings. Thinking that it might be trick or treaters I prepared myself to reject some young kids some candy. Or maybe my dad forgot his keys, but he never has before so that's highly unlikely. When I opened the door I was surprised to say the least.

"What's up loser!" Ashley yelled pulling me outside.

I looked around and everyone was there! All the girls, Lisa, Ashley, Monica, Emerald, and Erica. All the guys, Damon, Danny, Gary, and Mike. They were all dressed up and had huge smiles on their faces , and I was in awe of their costumes.

Lisa was wonder woman. Her already curly dirty blond hair was even more curly. The tight fabric showed off all her curves that all the guys noticed. Although all the other guys were all supernatural and could obviously rip Mike to shreds...actually he was a second degree black belt so maybe not...anyways it didn't stop him from threatening us all that if we touch her we would die.

Speaking of Mike he was dressed as Robin and looked actually good. His plump bum made him look more like a male stripper dressed in a Robin costume from behind but he still looked nice. Ashley was cat-women of course and Danny was Batman. They both looked hot actually. Monica was Killer Frost, and Damon was Deathstroke , which I found kind of ironic because they both are so innocent and nice. Erica was Harley Quinn and Emerald was the Titian Raven...she kind of stood out the most because of her magic she created a costume that was so black it could probably even be noticed in a pitch-black room.

Gary, who I thought would want to be a superhero, chose to be the joker. He took the more retro approach and he actually looked more like a sexy criminal than anything. I decided that I would make my costume with magic right there since I didn't have one. I decided to dress as the one and only Flash. The tight red clothing made me feel invincible! The fabric stretched when I flexed and I could feel everyone's eyes on me when I wasn't looking. I did feel a little exposed because my rather large bum and cock were begging to be freed when I would bend over it lift my legs too high.

I walked around and complimented everyone on their out of this world costumes, then it hit me I haven't seen Nick. I felt that he was close by though so I turned and there he was. His costume was top notch. He had a sword that glowed red and I sensed dark magic in it. His eyes were still blue, but they had a different look in them. His powerful muscles bulged through his thin clothing. To be honest I would be lying if I said he didn't turn me on. He had on some type of tight black material that covered everything except his feet, hands , and everything under his neck. He had on Black boots that were clean and looked new...but I could smell blood from ages ago on them. His long hair was braided in a complicated style and still went to his lower back and looked more like a weapon than hair.

It was then that I noticed that who he was dressed up like. He went as Ares, which is honestly surprising. I mean first I didn't think he was into this whole thing, second I wouldn't expect him to go as...well...himself. It was hard to take him seriously or any of really because we all kind of looked like models for Halloween costumes.

"YOU LOOK FUCKING HOT!" Ash yelled running over to him and smacking his bum.

"Yeah, you make us all look like shit, well except Fin maybe." Danny blurted out.

"Uh, thanks, I think? " Nick said, looking at me and smiling.

"Well boys, lets go get some candy! " Garry yelled.

"Candy??" I asked Lisa confused.

"Yeah, prepare to be surprised."

I assumed that we would go house to get candy, not that we would go to Nick's circle in the woods. Even though it was dark out, it was still daylight once we entered the ancient path in the woods. Once inside it felt right to have everyone there at the same time. I looked at Nick and he was looking at me smiling. I don't know what it meant, but all I know is I wanted to walk over to him and kiss him.

"So...what is this place Nick?" Damon asked looking into another pathway.

"It's a place where you shouldn't look into pathways that lead can lead to hell. " Nick stated pulling Damon and Mike from a path. "This is a place where a normal pack out meet, I guess it's a pack dome. " He explained.

"Isn't that what we are?" Erica asked. "I mean this is kind of a large pack with eleven people."

"Actually eleven is normal for a pack size." Emerald said.

"Who would be our alpha?" Erica asked.

"Finn and Nick obviously. I mean we can't have a pack without an alpha and a dangerous leader. I mean Finn is too nice and inexperienced, and Nick is too dangerous and experienced. It would be the perfect combo. " Mike explained and everyone looked at him.

"Why am I getting the feeling you guys have been thinking about this for a while?" I said overwhelmed.

"That's because we have!" Lisa said.

"Did you know about this too Nick?" I asked, now noticing that he hasn't stopped looking at me the whole time.

"No, but I think it's a good idea. There hasn't been a proper pack in a long time and ours will have humans, witches, hybrids, vampires, and mutants. Usually I wouldn't like working in a group, but leadership over ten, I mean nine teenagers would be nice I guess." He said walking closer.

"So, a pack? What would our pack be called? "

"Red Moon Pack." Nick says looking down and realizing something deep inside of him.

"Red moon pack, I like it." Ashley said giving Nick a high five.

"All in favor?" Gary said raising his hand.

We all gloated on our new status and I felt a power surge through me. I also felt that weird connection with Nick grow more. He kept smiling at me and it gave me shivers. In our pack dome it was safe and I felt connected to everyone. Was still confused as to why Nick would make this though. Did he already know that this would happen?

"So, now that have established that we are a pack, who would like to go get some candy?!" Ashley yelled.

"I'm up for it. " Emerald said looking to her brother.

"Okay guys so our pack dome leads different places. Mostly where ever I want them to. We can go get some candy so take the path behind me to New York City!" Nick yelled turning around and leading the way.

Walking through the path was so odd, the air went from being somewhat cold, to the chilly air of New York. We ended up walking out between two trees at a park and I couldn't believe that this was all Happening. Apparently California wasn't god enough for what ever we would be ding here. We walked through the big streets with the out of this world tall buildings and I was amazed.

Being in New York for a lay over and actually being in New York are two different things. Everyone was dressed up in costumes and seemed to be just starting their nights even though it was already 11:45 pm. We all got compliments on our costumes and it felt good to stand out in the crowd of so many people.

Men and Women both looked at me with lust, and weren't afraid to touch. Most of the time they would touch my shoulder and say nice costume and pinch my bum as a sneak attack. Everyone laughed except Nick who seemed to slowly drift closer to me each time. I ignored it but I felt Nick's anger. Maybe since we are both alphas of the pack we are more aware of each other's feelings?

Ignoring Nick's stare we eventually we made it to a shop that had old clothes in it and smelled of mold. We walked into the back and Nick stopped and stared at us. He passed around everyone a rainbow pill that said candy on it. Everyone took it with out hesitation, but I just stared at it.

"Nick I done think I can take drugs, my dad would kill me." I whispered to him, even though everyone could hear me.

"It's not a drug, it just lets you see sprits." Nick said with a straight face.

"Okay? Well you guys have fun with that. And I'll go back to safety in my own house." I explained walking away slowly.

"Finn, do you honestly think that I would take drugs?" Gary said.

"You? Probably!" I yelled throwing my hands up.

"What about me?" Lisa and Damon said at the same time.

"You guys, never. Okay fine I'll take it, but if I die I will come back like Aphrodite and then kill all of you!"

"You shouldn't really be surprised at this point about taking a pill to see sprits." Danny said.

"Hey Danny? Shut up!" I said nudging his arm.

I looked at the pill one last time and closed my eyes and then put it in. It tasted extremely sweet, like super concentrated sugar. I felt my eyes tingle and then become slightly irritated and then normal. When I opened my eyes everyone was staring at me and they all had this dim red glow to them. Except Nick, his was extremely bright and kind of hurt my eyes.

"Feel any different?" Lisa asked.

"Kind of light headed, and I can see colors on you guys." I said kind of groggy.

"What color do you see?" Mike asked moving closer."

Looking I seen that Erica and Mike had a purple color by their hearts which probably meant human, and it was the same for the vampire, witches, etc. So everyone had a different color. Except Nick's his heart was bright pink and so was mine. Nick touched they and me both glowed super bright.

"Are you okay Finn?" Nick asked, his hand on my neck.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I muttered.

"Okay cool, well lets go to candy land guys." Monica said grabbing Damon.

"Wait! Everyone needs a buddy, in just in case you want to leave early, or late. Damon with Monica, Lisa, With Mike, Ashley with Danny, Emerald with Gary, and Erica with Finn." Nick said.

"Ugh, why do I get stuck with the Alpha? No, I'll go with Damon and Monica, YOU go with Finn, Nick!" Erica said moving towards Damon.

He stared at he narrowing his stare and looking somehow hotter than he did before and my pink color grew more. He looked at me and then at my chest; wait could he see the colors too?

"Fine! Just, no one leave with out your buddy(s). So here this is how it works, just run into that wall and you will be in candy land. Any questions? No. Okay go!" Nick commanded.

"Wait like Harry potter? " Mike asked before being forced by Nick to run in.

Everyone ran into the wall until it was just Nick and I left. I was kind of scared running full force to a wall. Nick looked at me and then a smile crept on his face. Those blue eyes gave me shivers and suddenly I wasn't scared anymore. I grabbed his hand, forcing him to go with me and we ran through the wall and I lost my breath. It felt like jumping into a pool in the winter and then instantly changed to be warm.

On the other side there was warm sand and beach environment, and a slight breeze. There were tropical trees galore and I could sense mystical creatures like me all over, and something different. I looked at Nick and he had a smirk on his red lips like he was trying to let me figure it all out.

"We're in Hawaii? How?" I asked looking up to the sky.

"This is where the Halloween sprit is this year I guess. " He said smiling and grabbing two drinks from a waiter that walked by. "Here drink this."

The drink was bright green at the top, then a thick layer of orange, and brown at the bottom. I took a sip and my whole mouth tingled. Obviously this was some kind of enhanced alcoholic beverage because my mouth burned and I instantly felt happy and wanted to kiss Nick.

"It's a potion that brings out your inner feelings, all good of course. But it's designed to max out the best night for you. Halloween is like Christmas for us night creatures. It gives us all a night to feel safe and be ourselves. It's a holiday that was made the day you escaped your father. A sprit named Candy, and no she wasn't a stripper...well maybe a prostitute...anyways she let all the creature turn to their true form so that they could protect you in public places. Eventually your father was too distracted to find you and you escaped. "

"Are you serious!?" I yelled almost falling.

"Yeah, so this whole day is to celebrate you coming back to the supernatural world to protect it. Tonight you will be crowned and knighted by candy herself. " Nick said smiling.

"Blimey, thanks for the warning.. So who is this candy sprit?"

"That would be me darling!"

I turned around and I was over in shock. Candy looked extremely classy, for a sprit I mean. She had on a long black dress that stuck to her perfect body and blood red lipstick and pumps to match. She had brown curly hair that she probably held daggers in them. Her brown eyes seemed to have a red to them that made her the most dangerous person I've seen.

"Candy how are you?" Nick said quite excited.

" Nick! I'm great love, you know throwing the hottest party of the season for our sweet prince. Now where is he?" She said pushing past him.

"Hello, I'm Finn." I mumbled shyly.

"Aw well isn't he darling. So modest., Oh my! Look at those eyes. They are so blue. You truly are the most attractive person at this party, well besides Nick and me of course. Nick love, you compliment him well. How long have you been mated?"

"We aren't mated. I am his co alpha." Nick said looking away.

"A co Alpha pack?! Of a were-witch and a vamp-witch that aren't even mated? Oh! I've seen it all. Well, then means you are on the market then? Well I know this Greek demon who would do the job."

"Candy." Nick warned

"Aw Nick, you never let me have fun." She pouted.

"Finn and I are far too close of friends to be mates. We are alphas but we will learn to respect adding them to the pack when we get our OWN mates. Not each other. " Nick said looking at me the whole time.

"Well good to hear. I think I'll look around the party. See you in a bit Nick. It was nice meeting you Candy." I said walking away.

"Oh yes, we'll catch up in a bit for sure." She yelled after me.


I've never been good with words in the past, and it hasn't changed much in the present. I started to actually be interested in Finn, and not in a, "I don't want to kill you as much as my enemies " kind of way like everyone else I meet. Finn is different, and it obvious that he doesn't want to be with me I mean he didn't even fight me when I said that we should be friends. I want a mate not someone who cannot stand up for me.

"Nick...are you okay man?" Gary asked.

"Yeah, are you okay Gary?"

"Yes, Nick I'm seriously concerned about you. I know that we've had it rough lately but you are still like a older brother to me. I love you man. You can tell me anything." Gary said coming closer and taking my 15th bottle from me. "I mean man you just smell like alcohol. It's kind of scary, I know this is about Finn."

"Its nothing. Man. I mean I fought with you for him and lost. You're so lucky you could have had him. I want him Gary, I love...his eyes...I love his person...I love everything about him. It was so hard to leave because I know he would hate me. I lied to him; I didn't go away just to save his mother and get away. I didn't need to get away from him; I needed to get away from me. I can't fall for him it would never work. He would be at constant danger and he wouldn't let me protect him. "

"What! Are you serious? You are fucking Ares. You can protect him. He is powerful enough to protect you and you know it. What's stopping you? I'm not a threat. I never was. Yeah sure he had a crush on me, but never could mate with me. I'm not the one he dreams about at night its you."

"What are you talking about?" I said lifting my head.

"You're a vampire right, but you can also become a wolf too. Your magic hides it but you are three man. I know that your werewolf has a side that's even worse than your...normal but Finn... He has nightmares about you coming after him and attacking him. He doesn't realize that you are attacking him out of love, not because he is a theat. I think that your wolf, magic, vampire, and everything else wants him."

"He is a threat though. We make each other weaker. Our senses heighten to the point where we can only focus on each other, and it exposes us. He hasn't noticed yet but it can be good." I said putting my head in my hands.

"I'll let you figure that part on your own man. But, you should start with telling him how you feel. Go find him." Gary said helping me stand up.

With out a word I disappeared into the crowd and I could already smell Finn's sweet smell. I could hear his heart beat and it already matched mine. As I got closer to him I felt myself get hot and my heart race pick up, and I could hear Finn's too.

I knew he was around a pillar so when I went around it I was surprised to see that he was sitting with some human. He was an Asian man and quite attractive and he had Finn's hand. I knew I was close to losing control and ripping this guys throat out.

"Nick!" Finn exclaimed pulling back from the man.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I yelled stepping closer quickly and looking down to the shorter human.

"We were talking and he and his sister were actually thinking about joining the pack. They have a friend that is quite talent too. He's a mutant. " Finn explained standing up and looking excited.

"Mine!" I said losing control. "Mine Finn."

Then rubbed my face against his cheek and neck marking him. I grabbed him and moved him to the other side of the room so that the human couldn't touch him. Finn's heart race started to slow down and so did mine. I was now more aware that I was losing control. And if I lose control Finn will find out who I really am.....he kept rubbing my hair and then I noticed that he was trying to talk to me. I did the only thing that I could to stop from losing control. The only option that came to mind is reaching out to Lisa telepathically.

"Lisa...I need your help. Get Gary! I don't want to hurt Finn, I can't hurt Finn..."

Congrats! If you are still reading you have read over 58,800 words for the "I want your bite series". I have found that this part was probably the hardest to write, but one of my favorites. Be on the look out for the next part, i'm sorry that part 6 took so long. I actually finished it and my computer crashed 3 times. So needless to say I have a new computer now and more inspired than ever to continue the story. I LOVE FEEDBACK, so email me drew121314@yahoo.com and tell me what you think.

Next: Chapter 7

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