I Want Your Love

By JT Poole

Published on Oct 17, 2002


Boybands - I Want Your Love - Chapter 12 Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zipcode because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole99@msn.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


I Want Your Love - Chapter 12

by JT Poole

// Joey's House //

"Come on honey wake up, it's almost six, you know we promised Josh we would go out to dinner." Justin whined trying to wake Joey up from his deep slumber.

"Come on, let me have just ten more minutes, come on mah, ten more minutes." Joey stated rolling over.

"Joey wake up, I am not your mother. Get up Joey, we have things to do. If you don't get up, I won't talk or kiss you ever again.

"Alright, alright I am up. I am up, let's get ready to go." Joey stated jumping up out of the bed and running around the room grabbing clothing and other things.

"Joey slow down, I was only kidding." Justin stated laughing at Joey running around the room. "I would never stop kissing or talking to you over."

"Don't scare me like that. It would be a terrible thing if I never got to taste those lips of yours again, or I didn't get to hear your wonderful voice." Joey stated walking over to Justin.

"Well, to calm you down, here's a little somethin' to hold you until after we get back to my place after dinner." Justin stated grabbing Joey and kissing him passionately.

The two men stood there in Joey's bedroom for what seems like an eternity kissing. Not caring about anything, they were joined by the lips. The kiss continued to deepen until Justin's cellphone started ringing breaking the two men apart.

"Damn, perfect timing Josh." Justin stated grabbing his cellphone and answering it. "Hello, give us a little bit more time, it's not even six yet, we are still getting ready." Justin stated.

"I bet you two are getting ready all right, I can hear Joey panting in the background." JC stated laughing.

"We are getting ready, we will see you in about ten minutes, we will meet you at the restuarant." Justin stated hanging up the phone.

"Justin where are we going? I don't mind going out, but I don't want us being in the spotlight." Joey stated wrapping his arms around Justin.

"Don't worry about it baby, we are going somewhere where we won't be bothered. Josh made sure we got us a table in a secluded area of the restaurant and we had the restaurant staff sign confidentiality statements so that we can have privacy and do what we want together." Justin stated kissing Joey while playing with his ass.

"Baby if you don't stop doing that, we might be late getting to the restaurant. I am so horny right now, I feel like throwing you down on the bed and making wild passionate monkey love to you right now." Joey stated still kissing with Justin.

"Yeah, I can tell you are. If you don't be careful, you might poke a hole in my stomach with that thing." Justin stated laughing while breaking the kiss to continue getting ready.

// A Secluded Restaurant - 20 Minutes Later //

"I thought you two were not going to make it. Guys this is Amber, Amber that's Justin and that's Joey. I took the liberty of ordering us some champagne. The waiter should be back shortly, we can place our meal orders then." JC stated as Justin and Joey sat down to the table.

"Nice to meet you Amber. How do you two know each other?" Justin asked looking over at Amber.

"JC met me while he was down in the Mail Room at Jive. We went out a couple of times before you guys went on tour earlier this year, then JC gave me a call last week to ask me out again." Amber stated.

"Don't I know you from somewhere? I have seen you before, I just can't remember where, and your voice sounds so familiar." Joey stated starring at Amber strangely.

"Could it be that she's a singer too and she's been in a lot of videos and she performs in clubs." JC stated winking at Amber.

"That's it, you are the girl that sings that song 'Sexual', I love that song." Joey stated.

"Yes that's me. Seems everyone likes that song." Amber stated looking down at the menu.

"Honey, what are you going to eat?" Justin asked looking over to Joey to see what he was eyeing on the menu.

"I am thinking about getting the Seafood Platter and maybe the chicken. Do you want to share it with me baby?" Joey asked Justin rubbing his fingers across Justin's chin.

"Sure, that sounds good, I am going to order a small salad to go with it." Justin stated reaching under the table to rub Joey's crotch.

"Justin." Joey stated jumping a little bit at the touch of Justin's hand on his crotch. "Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" Joey asked looking at Justin, whose face had a frown.

"No Joey I am not, I was just being friendly, I am sorry." Justin stated.

"Are you two okay over there?" JC asked

"I'm fine, Justin are you fine?" Joey asked.

"I'm okay." Justin stated as he turned around to face JC and Amber.

The group of people ordered dinner and sat in silence. Dinner was uneventful as they ate without saying a word to each other. JC and Amber noticed the tension between Justin and Joey and tried to let is slide but things were not going in that direction. After they had finished the main course, JC attempted to make small talk, but was cut short when Justin got up and walked out of the restaurant.

"Justin, Justin? Where are you going?" Joey got up and ran behind him.

"Joey just leave me alone. If you didn't want to be touched all you had to do is tell me so, you didn't have to do what you did!" Justin screamed.

"I am sorry. What did I do honey?" Joey asked.

"You know what you did! I was happy that we were spending the perfect evening out together. It felt good, I considered this a date, the only one we would ever get to go on without anybody ever knowing about us, but you ruined that." Justin started crying as he walked away from Joey.

"Baby please, I wasn't trying to hurt you in any way. I just didn't expect you to do what you did right there in the restaurant. I wasn't expecting it." Joey stated as he started crying in the spot he was standing in.

"Joey what's going on?" JC asked.

"I upset him. He's upset about something that happened during dinner." Joey stated still crying.

"You stay right here, let me go talk to him." JC stated as he walked in Justin's direction. "Justin, Justin wait up. What's going on with you two?" JC asked.

"Josh, I made him mad with me. I did something wrong and he got mad with me. I thought he would have been happy, but he got mad at me." Justin stated as he continued crying trying to move away from JC.

"Justin stop. Joey is back there at the restaurant crying his eyes out because he says you are mad at him. You two need to go sit back down in there and talk and get over this, I think there has been a mistake and your are both making it." JC stated as he grabbed Justin's hand and started dragging him in the direction back to the Joey and the restaurant.

"Joey are you okay? I know I don't know you, but I know that you and Justin like each other very much, and I think you should get him and sit him down and talk. All through dinner I noticed how you stared at him. Don't let that slip away." Amber stated as she gave Joey a hug and walked over to where she saw JC and Justin approaching.

"You two get in there and talk. Me and Amber are going to a club to party. That both is reserved for the rest of the night so sit there and talk and get over this." JC stated as he kissed Justin then Joey on the cheek and walked away with Amber.

"I am so sorry for whatever it is that upset you baby, would you please forgive me?" Joey asked.

"Let's just go inside and sit down and talk." Justin stated grabbing Joey's hand and walking back into the restaurant.

"Justin...I don't know what to say. I am sorry, I wasn't trying to make you upset. I wasn't expecting you to do that." Joey stated.

"Joey stop. Let's just forget about that. Let's just enjoy the rest of the evening." Justin said leaning over to kiss Joey.

"Can I have another one? I love that very much." Joey stated kissing Justin again.

"This evening is just what I needed." Justin stated picking up his glass of champagne and preparing to make a toast. "To Joey the man I love, the man I hope to spend the rest of my life with." Justin stated as the two of them clicked their glasses together.

"Justin, I love you so much. I don't know what I would have done if you wouldn't have come back tonight." Joey stated wrapping his arms around Justin.

"I don't know what I would have done if Josh hadn't brought me back. I was already hyperventilating when he came to find me. I will have to buy him something to thank him for saving us." Justin stated kissing Joey again.

"I see you guys have gotten over your little bump. Glad to see that." JC stated as he and Amber walked back over to the table.

"I thought you two went to a club, what are you doing here?" Justin asked putting his hand into Joey's.

"We did go, but I kept worrying about you two, so I decided to come back to check on you guys." JC stated as Amber gave him a funny look.

"You do realize this place will be closed in like five minutes?" JC asked looking at the two men.

"Wow, we have been here for two hours just kissing and talking. Life can't get no better than this." Joey stated getting up from the table and helping Justin up.

  • Chris' Room At The Hospital *

"Chris I am getting ready to leave, do you need me to bring you anything?" Lance asked getting up from his chair.

"No, I am okay. I just can't wait to get out of here so I can go home and be bummed in my own house." Chris stated sulking in the bed.

"Come on Chris, I thought we had gone through this already. You got to get your mind off of Joey, he's in love with Justin." Lance stated.

"My mind is off of him, I just wish I had someone that loved me. I am starting feel as though no one loves me." Chris stated as tears slowly fell from his eyes.

"Oh Chris, everything is going to be okay." Lance stated as he walked over and gave Chris a hug.

<Ringggg, Ringggg, Ringggg>

"Wonder who is calling this late at night, it's after eleven." Lance stated answering the phone for Chris. "Hello, hold on just a second. Chris, a guy named Ashley wants to talk to you, do you want to talk to him?" Lance asked.

"Yeah I guess I will since you are leaving. Wonder what he wants though." Chris asked as Lance handed him the phone, while waving goodnight, walking out of the room.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole99@msn.com

AIM: swainsboroGABoi

ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 14

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