I Won, He Won

Published on Aug 28, 1998



I sat back feling nerbous about what was going on. We had all be drinking, joking and smoking of course. Lies about conquests of girls, sports achievements, high school pranks and gossip about professors we didn't like were exchanged. Truth or dare suddenly started...guys complained it was a woosy game but we played it anyway. Gus lost and took a dare. "Dare you to crawl over to where Mike is sitting and suck his cock which is sticking our of his boxers, while we watch" Yep, I was sitting there with my fly open..the head of my cock was peeking out. But hell, most of us had stripped to our underwear...it was the dorm and it was late..so that wasn't unusual. Gus cursed and shook his head. The others began a chant "go go go go" etc. And to my surprise Gus crawled on all fours across the floor. There was something sexy about big Gus being so submissive...about seeing his jocky clad butt move as he crawled. My cock was hardening..and I hoped everyone wouldn't see it pop out before Gus hid it. Too, Gus might punch me or slap it or something hoping to get a laugh out of everyone and end this "dare". The chant changed from "go go go go" to "suck suck suck suck" and Gus was in front of me. His eyes didn't look at me at all. During the entire time he crawled and now that he was in front of me, they stared at my crotch. My cock head was now out of my fly and his mouth surrounded it and sucked it totally inside his throat. I was being given head in front of my friends... "suck suck suck" chant continued. Gus was getting into it. I assumed we'd all claim we were "so drunk last night..." I know I was planning to say that...and Gus would be too. I started to push him away. "No lay back and enjoy it..we want to see you shoot all over him" the guy next to me said. His own hand was on his crotch..rubbing away. I saw that he wasn't the only one. Some had moved closer to watch and one or two had pulled their cocks out and were jacking them. I put my head back and closed my eyes. But I could still see Gus...naked this time....and he was sucking my cock while someone was playing with his butt. Gus had a nice butt. I had seen it bare in the shower..and wrapped in white cotton all the time of course. I was getting close and moaned a bit. I opened my eyes and amazed to see most of my friends now were jacking off. Some had discarded their shorts, others had their cocks poking thru their flies. All aimed their cocks at Gus and me. I warned Gus but he kept on sucking and soon my stomach was tightening and my thighs became rock hard....I was shooting into Gus's throat then all over his face as he licked my balls during my continuing orgasm. I felt splatter all over me too. The others were shooting their sperm all over Gus's bare back and my chest too. Gus continued to lick and suck my softening cock while one or two of the guys still jacked..... He licked some of the sperm from me as the others recovered and slowly and silently left the room. Finally only Gus and I remained. The hot shower was normal...guys chattering, joking and so on. Nobody let on they might be looking at each others' cocks or balls or butt. Back in my dorm room, I got ready for bed..deciding that sleep was better than worrying about what had happened earlier. My roommate came back from his shower and sat on the edge of my bed. "Sorry" he said "I always wanted to do that." Gus was my roommate which made it more difficult. Guys would talk about us from now on, I knew. Perhaps it was for the best. I pulled back my covers, not to reveal that I was naked and had an erection, but to make room for Gus. Silently he moved in beside me......and we fucked all night....not frantically but slowly, exploring, savoring and lovingly. So I guess we both won..and nobody lost that night.

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