Ibiza Is Best

By leigh clyde

Published on Jul 10, 2006



The following story is a work of fiction.

Ibiza Is Best

Teenage girls sneak out for a night's clubbing in Ibiza. All was going well until they fall under the influence of a lesbian stage hypnotist.

Ibiza is best known as the clubbing capital of Europe. It has the best nightlife around with clubs such as Pacha, Amnesia, Cafe Del Mar and Eden to name but a few as well as the worlds best DJs regularly visiting it really is a place for the music lover. Ibiza also boasts striking scenery and an abundance of beautiful beaches and isolated inland villages, it's also the perfect family destination.

Thus it was that this location and the Hotel Ibiza Playa was chosen by Georgina's parents. It was just outside of Ibiza near a beach and with its own swimming pools and other good facilities. They felt that it would have something for everyone. To keep their only teenage daughter happy they allowed her to bring her sensible friend, Natalie, with her.

Ibiza has a reputation whereby young sun-seeking clubbers out for a good time abroad also have a lot of sex. More than half of the 16- to 35-year-olds have sex during the holiday in Ibiza. The Island is also a favourite with the gay and lesbian community.

Unknown to Georgina's parents they were near a number of hip nightclubs where gays, lesbians and straights hang out. Amnesia, a massive aircraft hanger of a nightclub halfway between Ibiza Town and San Antonio, was very near their hotel. The club is most famous for its foam, which spurts onto the dance floor, covering the clubbers almost to head height and making a great big mess. On top of this they have a dry ice machine, which shoots jets of cold air up through vents in the floor. Naked dancers shimmy in huge goldfish bowls, scantily clad women half-dressed in leopard-skin leotards and fairy attendants offering massages -- it certainly is not an average night out!

The girls were informed they would not be going to any clubs during their stay. They reluctantly agreed and soon settled into enjoying the cafe's bars and the nearby beach and swimming pools. Georgina's parents trusted them to behave and most days left them to enjoy themselves whilst they had some quality time of their own visiting picturesque villages.

If only the two friends hadn't been given a leaflet offering them free admission to Amnesia, and a free drink each, they might have not been so tempted to sneak out. It had taken some planning and on many times during the day they had second thoughts. But they convinced each other that it would be OK. If they left their room quietly at about half past eleven then Georgina's parents would be asleep. They would only stay for a couple of hours and then creep back into their room, no one would ever know.

Thus it was that they planned their outfits and at about ten thirty quietly started to get ready. Fortunately they were sharing their own apartment but it was right next to Georgina's parents. Soon they had their best and sexiest outfits on.

Natalie and Georgina gently pulled their door closed and carrying their high heels tiptoed along the corridor until out of hearing range. They then sat on the staircase and put on their footwear. They walked off arm-in-arm their short skirts gently swaying in the cool evening breeze. Soon they were in a sea of young people as they made their way along the crowded road to Amnesia.

It wasn't long before they arrived and confidently handed over their leaflets. So good was their make-up and general appearance and confidence that no one on the door questioned their age. They were soon inside and enjoying their free Alco pops. It wasn't long before the dramatic beat of the music drew them onto the large dance floor and they were lost in whirl of people, dry ice and sounds. They shouted in each other's ears expressing their mutual excitement made all the more pleasurable by the fact that they shouldn't have been there. They giggled at the site of the naked and semi-naked dancers.

Just how the stage hypnotist chose them both they couldn't quite remember. They were now sitting in a quiet back room with a handful of other volunteers. They female hypnotist gradually ascertained who would be the best performers and the number of people were thinned out to six individuals including the two friends. It is worth pointing out that the guidelines that apply to stage hypnotists in the USA and UK are not as strict in Spain, a fact often overlooked by drunken tourists out for a good time. In fact Natalie and Georgina had only had a couple of drinks each and were far more sober than the others in the group.

They were now all led back onto the stage and the hypnotist started her act. The girls thought it very amusing when a very mucho man believed he had his penis stolen by someone. Others began dancing to imaginary music and trying to spin plates or cook a Sunday lunch.

Georgina mind then cleared she was now back in her hotel room. It had been a hot and sticky night of clubbing. She just had to get out of her clothing and have a quick shower. It felt so liberating to slip off her tight top and bra followed by her short skirt, shoes and lastly her lacy pink thong. The water from the shower hit her and she felt so refreshed.

Natalie thought back to the last nights clubbing as she lay back on the golden sand. It made a nice change to be on her own and the beach, which for once was deserted despite it being so hot. She quickly peeled off her top and skirt and kicked off her shoes. She sat down on her towel and started to apply suntan lotion over her shoulders and tummy. She then lay down and started to drop off. She was so worn out from the night before. Then she awoke with a jump!

`Oh my god!' she exclaimed.

Hundreds of tiny crabs were on her legs and tummy. Worse still they were inside her bikini bottoms and top and were biting! Without a second thought she pulled off her bikini bottoms quickly followed by her top and brushed herself vigorously. She quickly wrapped herself in her towel and ran to get help. Thankfully she found the lifeguard station and a kind nurse applied some magic cream to her bitten areas. Natalie lay back with her legs wide open grateful that she had found a nurse to help her.

Meanwhile Georgina had entered a fun competition is a local bar. She was blindfolded and had to lick up a large saucer of cream like a cat. Her hands had to remain firmly behind her back. Her longer than average tongue glided around the smooth saucer. There was so much cream but she was hungry and it did taste so good.

It was then that both of the girls realised that they must have been daydreaming. They were sitting on the chairs on the stage and the hypnotist was taking a bow. Thankfully they hadn't been made to do anything stupid unlike the others. They got up took a bow as instructed and the crowd gave a very load roar of appreciation. They then went to leave the stage. It was only when they caught sight of themselves on the large TV screen that they saw their naked images! Their small puffy breasts and slender young bodies exposed for all to see.

Natalie instinctively looked down her body just to double check that the image on the TV was her. It was. She was naked and her crotch was covered in a white creamy substance. The same substance that was smeared all over Georgina's face! They quickly placed their arms over their chests to try and keep some modesty.

The hypnotist guided them off the back of the stage and into the small room. She then handed them their clothing. The small TV monitor was now playing back the show. It was quickly forwarded to reveal just how they had been tricked into stripping naked in front of a thousand people and how Georgina had so eagerly licked her best friend's virginal but welcoming crotch.

They quickly dressed saying nothing and left by the back door. They managed to get back to their room unnoticed and hoped that no one would recognise them the next day!

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