Im Madison

By moc.liamg@dcrolyatnosidam

Published on Nov 15, 2010


Standard disclaimers apply.

I'm Madison, Chapter 7. How I Got My New Car

The day after my disastrous eveing with James and great night with Amy, I found myself thinking about my first Walk Of Shame (for the record, I don't consider them shameful in the least). Not really the Walk itself, but the vehicle I got into at the end. I was still to this point driving my old pick-up truck. It was about 10 years old, a little scratched in a few places, but still a lovely forest green color that I liked. It still ran well after all these years too, and it was practical as hell. However, gas prices were going through the roof and it was bit too manly for what I wanted my image to be. On top of that, my ex wife had loved the damned thing. I wanted to get rid of it pronto and get a new car. I had to be careful, however, as my height makes buying a car a bit more complicated than most people's experience.

I really wasn't sure what to wear to the dealer. On the one hand, I wasn't embarrassed at all about being out in public as Madison. On the other hand, I didn't want the salesman thinking he could take advantage of me, thinking I was some weak-kneed sissy, or trying to give me a bad deal because of what he thought the Bible told him he should do.

Well, fuck it. I could always walk away from a bad deal, couldn't I? I'm Madison, after all. It was a beautiful late Spring day, almost summer, very warm, and I had a sun dress I'd been meaning to wear. Green, with thin straps, a white floral pattern, gathered waist, and faux black belt. Not too much bosom either, so my lack of breasts wasn't too noticeable. The skirt went down not quite to my knees, so I'd show a bit of leg. Just a great dress! I put on my make-up as quickly as possible, decided that today was day for being blond, and pulled on a blond wig cut in a bob. I gathered my purse and slipped on a pair of sandals and a pair of over-sized sunglasses and headed out the door.

Once at the dealer, I had a strange experience. Most of the time, I'm immediately set-upon by a salesman, I mean as soon as I get out of my car. This time, however, no such luck. What was going on? Was this a mistake? If it was, it was. I'd come back as Taylor some other time, but I still wanted to browse the cars.

I really liked some of the mid-sized sedans. They looked like they had a lot of leg room, and some had moon roofs, which would be nice. I really wanted a convertible, but had serious doubts about keeping my wigs on while driving with the top down.

Finally I saw a car I really liked. A white sedan, white leather interior, great sound system, sun roof, and a V6 engine. It was a bit pricey; I'd never been a person to spend a lot on a car, and this had a sticker price around $30,000. I'd have to talk them down. I wasn't good at haggling at all, and I thought Madison would have an even tougher time. Hmm, I thought, I really should come back as Taylor.

I started walking back to my truck, feeling a bit like I'd let myself down, when I heard a voice behind me, "May I help you, ummmm..."

Obviously, a salesman had decided that making a sale was more important than whatever his attitude towards cross dressers was. I had no illusions. Most people know exactly what I am, unless it's dark and heavy alcohol involved. I simply don't care if they know. In fact, their discomfort is fun sometimes. Maybe this could be fun after all...

"Hi," I said, turning around and smiling confidently.

"Umm, Hi...Ma'am..." He was obviously uncomfortable, and not sure whether to call me Ma'am or Sir.

I held out my hand, "I'm Madison, Madison Taylor. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, ah, Madison" he said as he shook my hand. I kept my hand relaxed, giving him a gentle shake.

He gave me his name, which I honestly could never remember, and started talking about the cars on the lot. He asked me about what I was looking for. I told him I was looking for something fun to drive, but not too small. Something feminine, but big enough for a man. I told him I was interested in a few different cars, but wanted to look at the white sedan first. He went back in to get the keys for the test drive, and I took advantage of the alone time to call Officer Bill.


"Hi, this is Madison. Are you free to talk?" I asked.

"Sure! How was your evening? Run any more stops signs?"

"Oh. Ha. Ha. Can't give a girl a break, can you?" I asked, giggling.

"I seem to remember I did." He was laughing a bit, too.

"Yes, you did, I wanted to thank you," I said, getting a bit more serious.

"No problem. You weren't drunk or high or anything, just distracted, and I think I helped you stay focused on driving a bit."

"Yes, you did. Thank you."

"So, how was your hot date?"

"Disastrous! But the evening turned out pretty well despite that."

"Really? How was that?"

"Really, Officer Bill, a girl doesn't kiss and tell. Besides, I was hoping you wanted to ask me out."

"I do! I just wanted to know if there would be any competition for your time," he said earnestly.

I decided honesty was appropriate here, "I have my friends, but no one serious. I'd like to go out with you."

He seemed relieved, "That's great. I have your number, I'll call you later and make arrangements."

"That's great, because the salesman is back and I gotta go."

"Oh, what are you buying?"

"A new car," I said.

"Really? That's great! I didn't think the truck matched your outfit last night."

"Oh, very funny Officer Bill."

"When will you quit calling me that?" he asked, a bit exasperated.

"I don't know. I guess it depends on how our date goes. I gotta go. Talk to you later!"

"Bye," his voice came through as I flipped my phone shut.

The test drive went well. The car was classy, and gender neutral. I thought it would go well with anything. I decided I wanted it, but still went through the motions of test driving two other cars. Throughout the test drives, I'd play with my unwitting entertainment (the salesman) by letting my dress gather at my thighs, then pulling it down some. It would take 2 or 3 tries to get right each time I got in the car, and I noticed the salesman sneaking glances every once in a while. Ha ha, what a perv!

That was a bit harsh. Also, I think my confidence was starting to rub off on him, because he gradually relaxed a bit, and apparently decided the whole "Ma'am" or "Sir" issue was a losing proposition, because he started called me "Madison" the whole time, which of course also gives a false sense of intimacy.

We finished the test drives and we started to go in for the haggling, when the salesman said, "I do have one more car I can show you, if you're interested."

Sure, why not? I nodded yes and he led me to the back lot where they had some custom jobs.

"The buyer fell through on this car. It was ordered from the factory, and she paid 10% down to get it here, but she ended up not being able to get credit."

Oh my God, this car was beautiful. A sporty 2 door that seemed to have plenty of space inside. An electric pastel pink color, clear coat. Moonroof. The same white leather. Wood paneling on the dash and steering wheel. To hell with that sedan. THIS was Madison's car.

I played it cool and took it for a test drive. I noticed the sticker price was somewhat higher than the white sedan. I started having second thoughts. Still, I was interested in this car, so decided to see where things would go.

The salesman started out saying that they had a special going for employee pricing. Also, I qualified for cash for clunkers, so that was good. In all, I could expect to pay around $30K for the pink coupe, or $24K for the sedan. I wanted that pink car, but didn't want to pay that much, so we started haggling. The salesman started the usual line about employee pricing being the lowest he could go, but we quickly got to the point where he was running back and forth to his manager. Well, walking back and forth. Well, crawling apparently, since it took so long.

After a couple of hours, a staged walk out by me (funny since the other salesmen didn't know whether to look or look away), and more trips by the salesman to see his "manager" we had the price down to $27K. Close to reasonable. So close. But I wasn't sure. After all, they'd kept the original buyer's deposit. They could come down more. But the guy wasn't budging any more. Regretfully, I got up to leave.

"Wait, Madison, there may be a way to get the price lower," he said softly.

"I'm listening," I responded.

"My manager told me if you weren't satisfied with this offer, you could meet him in his office."

I could see where this was going. Still, if I could that price down a bit more...

He led me to his manager's office. The manager was a slightly overweight man in his 50s, his hair was almost completely gone, and he had dull brown eyes. Pictures of his family were sprinkled around the office.

The door closed behind me and I noticed the salesman had left. The blinds were also closed.

"Well," he started, "I hear that you're quite the haggler, but still unsatisfied with the final price on that girl-mobile."

"Yes, I know you still have the deposit money, so you could come down more," I said.

"Yes, I can, and I think I could do it, if you do something for me."

I wasn't shocked. I was expecting this. It wouldn't be pleasant, but as Jo and I had discussed, sometimes a girl has to do things to get what she wants. Best to be clear, though.

"So what would you like from me in return?"

"Not much. You get under my desk and blow me. I cum. You take the final $3,000 off the price."

I thought for a second, then said, "I'd need something in writing."

"I have the final sales price and contract here for you to sign."

I looked through the documents. Everything was OK.

"Deal," I said.

He didn't say a word. He just pointed down to the spot under his desk. I put the papers in my purse and crawled under there, glad I didn't wear white, or panty hose.

I heard papers rustling above as I unzipped his fly. He was still working as I sucked his dick! What did I care? I just wanted the good price. I took his cock in my mouth and started sucking.

It wasn't terrible. He was clean, and I had worried about that. He did have a lot of pubic hair, which got stuck in my teeth a few times. All in all, though, not a bad experience.

I was hidden under his desk, but I was a bit concerned when people came into his office to ask questions, talk about customer haggling, or what-not. His voice was always calm and even. Either he was experienced at running this little game with lady customers, or I wasn't very good. Still, I kept sucking.

As time went on, I started wondering if this bastard would ever cum! He's talked to several salesmen, taken 2 phone calls, and was working steadily through his paperwork. The phone rang again, and he put it on speaker. It was his wife!

"Hey honey," he said as he stopped working and stroked my hair.

"Hi, I was just wondering what you wanted for dinner?"

"You! Naked and covered in chocolate."

"Oh, you! What do you want, really?"

"Just surprise me honey. You know I love your cooking."

"You'd better, after 25 years!" she laughed, "love you honey."

"Love you too," he said and hung up.

How tender, still saying he loves her after 25 years, with a girl on her knees sucking his cock at the same time. Bastard.

The manager's hands were on my head now, guiding me up and down his cock. He looked off into space, then down at me and said, "I do love her, but she hasn't done this in 20 years."

I didn't care. His marriage was his business. I just wanted my car, so I kept sucking.

He kept talking about her, though, "I mean, she still puts out. We fuck a couple of times a week. But she thinks this is below her. To be honest, so do I. You have to be real slut to suck a cock, I think."

I kept sucking.

"Well, I mean, I don't really think of you as a slut," he said, "more of a whore. I mean, you're sucking me off for money. Yeah, this isn't even cheating. You're just a whore."

With those words, he finally started to cum. I guess he needed to say that to get off. I still didn't care. I swallowed his load and crawled out.

"You don't even care, do you? I just called you a whore and you don't care."

"I don't," I said, "I just spent 30 minutes sucking your cock, and for that I'll make $3000, tax free. That's $6000 an hour. If I'm a whore, I'm a first class, damned expensive one."

He barked a laugh, and called my salesman back to his office.

"She's all yours. She's got the contract in her purse. See what she'll do for free oil changes and car washes."

He nodded, looking pale. Maybe he was offended. He seemed a decent guy.

We got to his office, and he looked through the contract, and I called my bank to arrange for a car loan, which only took minutes. We went through the rest of the paperwork, my other name and data splayed all over the place. When all the paperwork was done, he was looking even paler. Maybe he did want something...

"Is there something you'd like to ask me?" I asked?

"No," he stammered, " no, well, yes, I guess." His embarrassment was actually kinda sweet.

"Well?" I asked, smiling encouragingly at him.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd do for me what you did for my manager,, 3 years worth of free oil changes and car washes?"

I knew I should have felt insulted. Apparently I was to be passed around like the office whore. And 3 years of oil changes and car washes was worth a lot less than $3000. My price as a whore was going down. Still, he seemed sweet. I did want to make sure of one thing, though...

"Are you married?"

"No Ma'am!"

Well, there was that, and he was back to calling me "Ma'am". I guess this wasn't too bad.

We went to an empty conference room and locked the door. He sat down and I knelt in front of him. I unzipped his fly and took out his cock. I swirled my tongue around it a few times, noticing he already had pre-cum. Good. This wouldn't last too long.

I took him in my mouth and starting bobbing up and down. Soon he was moaning. I reached up and rubbed his balls as I sucked, and he spread his legs a bit. Wondering if this was an invitation, I rubbed a finger on his pants, about where his anus would be, and was rewarded with him jerking up and filling my mouth with cum.

I swallowed as best I could, but he had a healthy load of sperm! It dribbled out of the corners of my mouth. Seeing a napkin, I dabbed at it, trying to protect my make-up.

"That was awesome!" he exclaimed.

"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said, mostly glad it had only lasted 3 minutes.

We went back to his office, completed the sale, and he gave me my coupons for the oil changes and car washes.

Five minutes later I drove off the lot in my pink sports coupe, proud of myself. I paid less for this coupe than I would have for the sedan, and would get free oil changes and car washes for three years! When it came time to change the tires, I'd have to see if the manager was still around..

For the first time ever, I left the dealer feeling like I didn't get fucked. Yeah, I'd sucked two cocks, but I didn't get fucked.

I wanted Officer Bill for that.

*I enjoy feedback - if you have any, please e-mail me at

Next: Chapter 8

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