Immortal Love

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Jan 29, 2011


This story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story may contain descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material or are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Immortal Love Chapter 1


"We have to do something." said a mans voice.

"What? What can we do?" said a sad female voice.

"I don't know. We just have to do something." the male voice said again.


That's all he could hear. Then darkness again. Silence. Alone. Unconscious.


"Doctor? Doctor, I think he is waking up." a female voice says. Not the same as the last he remembered hearing. Where was he. What was that dam beeping sound. Man was that annoying.


"Chris?.....Christopher can you hear me" now a mans voice. Again he didn't know who it was.

"Whe......wher......whe??? He tried to say. It was hard. He now noticed pain. Pain he had not felt before. What was going on with him?


"Nurse......10 milligrams morphine IV now please. He's starting to feel the pain. Once you get that in him, start a morphine drip please. Make sure to monitor the drip closely. With his age and size we need to make sure we don't give him too much." the mans voice said.

The voices faded.

The darkness came back again.

The pain was gone.

So were the voices.

What was happening?

Why couldn't he remember?

Across town, in a modest home on a warm spring night two parents sat.


Obviously under a great deal of stress.

They both sat quietly drinking coffee.

Knock...knock came from the front door. Even though it was expected, both parents jumped at the sound. The man got up and went to the door. "Who's....who's.... there?" he asked in a broken, nervous voice.

"Mr. Johnson? My name is Jason Charles. We spoke on the phone. I am here with my associate Ann. We agreed to meet with you tonight." the voice came from the other side of the door.

Mr. Johnson opened the door and peered into the faces of what looked like two teenagers. He stood there for a moment not saying anything or moving. He just kept looking.

"Mr. Johnson, I'm Jason. Everyone just calls me Jay." said the young man. " This is Ann." he said gesturing to his companion. "May we come in?"

Mr. Johnson, without saying a word, stepped aside and let the two in. He closed the door behind them and lead them to the kitchen where his wife was now standing to greet the two.

"Alice, this is Mr. Charles and his associate Ann." Mr. Johnson said in a flat tone.

"Please, call me Jay" the young man said with a warm smile on his face.

Mrs. Johnson could not believe this was the man they had agreed to meet with. He seemed so young. He could not be more then her son's age. How was this boy going to help their son. She began to feel all her hope start to fade away as she said " How do you do?"

"Just fine thank you. Please Mr. and Mrs. Johnson sit. We have a lot to discuss and I know from the looks on your faces that you have questions. Please, allow us the chance to explain why we called you and what it is we can do to help you." Said Jay as he tried to gain their confidence.

As they all sat at the table in the kitchen, Mrs. Johnson offered coffee for which they all accepted. Once they all had their coffee. Jay began.

"I know you have questions. Mostly right now you are thinking, how can these kids help your son. I promise, I will get to that. I will explain how it is we are here. But first I would like for you to explain to us what happened to your son. Do you think you can do that?" Jay asked as both he and Ann took out PDA's to take notes.

Mr. Johnson took a deep breath and began to tell the story. His voice was already trembling and both Ann and Jay could see the emotion in the mans face as he related the story of what happened a few weeks ago.

Chris, a 17 year old Junior in high school was on his way home. He only lived about a mile from the school so he just walked each day when the weather was warm enough.

On this day, he was walking since Spring had started to warm up the weather and the sun was actually out longer each day.

He was trying to pull himself together before he got home. He knew how his parents worried about him. He knew ever since the end of last fall they have been going through a lot and it was all his fault.

The last thing he wanted to do was to add to their worry. After all, he wouldn't have been in this mess if he just kept things as they were.

But no, he had to go and screw everything up.

Ever since he kissed his best friend Travis, life has been hell for him.

He had been playing video games with Travis and then they started to wrestle. No biggie there. Nothing out of the ordinary. They had done it loads of times.

But for some reason when Chris pinned Travis to the ground he leaned down and kissed him.

It wasn't a long kiss or anything like that. Just a quick kiss on the lips and then Chris pulled back as if he realized what he had done. He quickly got up and moved to the other end of his bedroom.

Travis did not take it well. He started yelling at Chris. Asking him if he was a fag.

Chris was getting more and more upset as he sat there in the corner. He didn't know what to say so he just nodded his head yes.

Travis had started calling him names, grabbed his stuff and ran out of the house. Chris didn't know what to do.

His mother had come running in once she heard Travis leave. When she had asked what happened, Chris just blurted it all out.

How he had been having feelings for boys and especially Travis and he told her what happened just then.

His mother just took him in her arms and held him as she cried.

All Chris could think about was that he had just lost his best friend. They had been friends since they were both in daycare. Now look what he had done.

But that wasn't the worst part.

Travis had gone and told the kids at school.

One by one they began to avoid Chris and started talking behind his back.

He was slowly made into a loner.

People would call him names just load enough for him to hear.

Jokes where made at his expense.

He was shunned more and more each day.

It was now months latter. He was beginning to get used to the fact that he was no longer one of the popular kids in school. He had very few friends. In fact the only two that spoke to him were a couple of guys that new what he was going through. They were outwardly a gay couple and took Chris as a friend.

He only knew of them at the time.

Not really much about them.

He heard the negative comments others made about them. But he never really knew who they were.

Jerry and Albert were his age and were very nice to him. They helped him get through most of the hard times at school. It was all the times he was alone that were the hardest. At those times he only had his thoughts. Walking home sometimes helped.

His parents were really worried because they had received some crank calls and some hate mail regarding Chris. He tried to brush it off for his parents. He figured if he just ignored it they wouldn't worry so much. He only had a year and a couple months to go and he would be out of high school and in college and it would all be behind him.

Today as he walked home remembering what had happened the last couple of months he totally was in his own world.

He never heard the car.

He didn't see it aim directly at him.

He turned only when he felt the vibrations on the sidewalk.

It was too late......

The car struck him.

The blow forcing him backward into a brick wall hitting the back of his head.

He was unconscious and barely breathing before the care was even off the sidewalk screeching a getaway.


"He has been in the hospital the past three weeks." Mr. Johnson said trying to wipe the tears from his eyes before anyone could notice.

"What is his condition?" Ann asked as gently as possible.

"Right now he is guarded." Mrs. Johnson said holding a tissue to her nose." He wakes up sometimes but its like he's not in there."

"The doctors say they are keeping him medicated." Mr. Johnson added. "They are keeping him medicated to keep his brain from swelling. Most of the injuries are superficial. Just scrapes, bumps and bruises. But it's his head...."

"They wont know if there is brain damage until he wakes up" Mrs. Johnson finished for him.

"When do they expect him to wake up?" Jay asked.

"They have been slowly waking him over that last couple of days." Mr. Johnson answered. "He should be fully awake by Saturday. We just don't know what he will be like. But he is alive. And right now that's the most important thing."

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, my agency works with families in situations like this." Jay started. "We have experience protecting young men like Chris. And if you would like, I would like to offer our assistance in protecting your son.

"But you have not told us who you are or how you found out about our son." said Mr. Johnson. "We don't know anything about you. Why did you call us?"

"Mr. Johnson, one of the police officers here in town knew about our agency. He called me and let me know what happened." Jay said trying to give the man what he needed without giving too much info.

He would come clean completely, but not right now. Right now they needed to know that he would do whatever was needed to keep their son safe. Right now that was the most important thing.

"But your what, just 18 yourself. How are you going to protect my son?" Mr. Johnson stated, starting to get a little loud.

Jay had been through this before. Many times before. This was just going to take time.

Jay kept his voice cool as he continued to talk to Chris' parents."I am much older then I look. I will explain to you why I look this way later on. Right now I want you to understand that Ann and I along with others will be working to have a plan in place when your son comes out of the hospital."

"In the mean time, I will be with your son at all times. Once we are finished here, I will be going to the hospital where I will stay until he is released." Jay said in a tone that told them that he was not asking their permission. "Please call the hospital and let the staff know that I will be there from tonight going forward."

"But we don't even know what you will cost us." said Mrs. Johnson. "What if we can't afford it?"

"This is not the time for money talk." Jay said. "But don't worry. The charge will be what you can afford. We are not doing this to get rich. We do this because it needs to be done. Please try not to worry, I will be looking out for your son. My team will be looking out for him and me."

"We have done this before. We know what to do. Please trust us to keep him safe" Ann added.

With that, both Chris and Ann got up, said there goodbyes and left.

The Johnson's house was quite again. They just looked at each other. They weren't sure what just happened, but felt better just knowing there son was going to be looked after.

Mr. Johnson got up and called the hospital "Yes this is Mr. Johnson, my son is Christopher Johnson...yes that's him. There will be a young man coming in tonight to sit with my son. He has my full permission to stay with my son for as long as he deems it necessary.

Next: Chapter 2

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