In Another Life

By Jezebel

Published on Jan 2, 2010


Disclaimers: This story is fiction and it is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. If you are underage for your area, if it is illegal for you to view such material or if you are opposed to two men in a loving situation then this story is not for you either. --- Part 10 --- In retrospect Kyle was glad that Alex had spoken to Kevin about the need for Kyle to rest. The older man was making a real effort with Jonny and deferred to Kyle less than he had done. Whether this was because Kevin was now more confident with his son or whether it was because Kyle needed to rest more in order to allow his ribs to properly heal Kyle was not sure. He was aware that both he and Jon seemed to be settling in well though.

Jonny's fourth day in the house was one of the hottest that Kyle had felt that year. The sun was shining and it was the kind of heat that made you not want to do anything but sit by the pool. Jonny however was desperate to test out the pool and learn to swim.

Kevin, who it appeared would do anything to keep the smile on his son's face, agreed readily and took Jon out to buy new trunks, armbands and other pool paraphernalia that morning. By lunchtime Jon was mastering doggy paddle and taking to the water as if he were part fish.

Although Kyle was feeling better he did not think that he was quite ready for a long work out in the pool just yet so he had taken his place on a lounger by the pool and was working on his tan. It was nice to be able to sit out in the sun and just lap up the rays, he had very little time for this in his old life. Between work and looking after Jon he hadn't really been able to spend much time relaxing by the pool or even out in the open air but now he could see that this was something he could get used to.

Kyle had a warm feeling in the pit of his stomach as he saw Kevin and Jon playing together. He wished that he had that with his own father, and he supposed that at Jon's age he had for a few months. Then his father had walked out on them and left he and Julia alone again. Kyle had idolized his father, right up until the age of 17 when he found out just what the man was like. Julia had been young and impressionable when she met him and as a musician Kyle's father had taken advantage of that, marrying her and impregnating her while he carried on affairs on the side.

Kyle tried to get thoughts of the man out of his mind and instead turned his mind to more positive thoughts. AJ had mentioned that he would come over and visit that day and Kyle couldn't help but feel good about that. Kyle had growing feelings for Alex and there were some days when he wondered if they might be returned. He did not want to ruin the growing friendship between the two of them but sometimes he thought that he caught a glimpse of attraction reflected in AJ's glances.

"Kyle, you okay?" Kevin asked as he climbed out of the pool and unwittingly showed off his body. Kevin was nicknamed the body beautiful and from the way that the water glistened on his tight six pack and pecs Kyle could see why. He knew that he should not think this way about Jon's father but he could not help but think that Kevin was attractive. Whoever it was that had captured his heart was lucky to have him.

"Yeah." Kyle replied.

"I'm going to take Jon inside for a bit, get him a snack and then watch a video or something. I don't want him to wear himself out too much and it's starting to get a little too hot out here." Kevin said. "Then I thought I would show you the hot tub, I remember when a friend hurt his back they said that warm water would do it good."

Kyle smiled. It was nice to know that Kevin thought of him. He hoped that they would grow to be friends.

"That sounds cool." Kyle replied. "I'll have to change into my trunks, so I'll meet you in the family room in about half an hour."

Kevin agreed and then took Jonny inside, ignoring the young boy's protests that he wanted to stay in the pool. Kyle was actually looking forward to the hot tub, he wondered if Alex would join them later. He could certainly think of a few fantasies with AJ and a hot tub...although not with Kevin there. He willed his erection to deflate slightly before heading inside. Perhaps it would be an idea to have a shower and a wank before he went out in his trunks. He had not had sex in weeks and without the use of his hand had been finding masturbation difficult. The last thing that he wanted was to embarrass himself in front of Kevin. He didn't want the other man to feel uncomfortable around him when Kevin had done so much for he and Jon.

Kyle decided that a cold shower was probably best, given his current state, and was glad of his ensuite bathroom because it gave him the privacy he needed to get ready in peace.

Twenty five minutes later Kyle heard a clatter in the family room and assumed that Kevin was there with Jon. He grabbed his towel and slung it over his shoulders, hoping that it would at least shield some of the yellowed bruises on his ribs. It was too hot for a robe but he didn't want to scare his brother too much.

Kyle walked down the corridor and called out before entering to make Kevin aware.

"I'm ready when you are..." Kyle called as he continued into the family room. "I have to tell you, the hot tub sounds great after the exertion of the day." Kyle was joking, he had done nothing that day.

"You bastard..." A voice said as Kyle felt a fist come down on his face. He hadn't been looking up so was unaware that the man he had spoken to was not Kevin. It was not until he looked up that he saw who he had spoken with.

"Look, I don't know..."

"If you think that you can just come in here with your cute little ass and steal my man..." The assailant said as he bore down on Kyle. "At least now I know why he wasn't returning my calls..."

Kyle backed up slowly, looking for a way to get out of the room and avoid the confrontation, only getting scared when a second punch to his face caught him off balance and he fell to the floor. Ordinarily Kyle could take this kind of assault, he was used to it even, but he had not thought he would need to be on guard here and was still recovering from the last major beating that he had taken.

It did not take him long to realise that this was the lover that Kevin had mentioned in the hospital. He didn't know that Kevin had been neglecting his lover so that he could concentrate on he and Jon.

"It's not what you think." Kyle tried. "Kevin and I haven't done anything wrong..."

"Oh, I bet that you think that." The attacker replied. "When I'm finished with you you'll know there was something wrong with messing with him."

"Please..." Kyle pleaded, he was in no fit state to fight and the last thing he wanted was to end up back in hospital.

"There is no use in begging, I'm going to kill you..."

"NO!!!" The scream caught both Kyle and the attacker by surprise, neither of them had expected the childlike cry that came from the stairwell.

Kyle's face paled as he saw the sheer terror on Jon's face, it reminded him of a day not too long ago when he thought that he would never see his brother again. Jon was flashing back to the day at the apartment and could see in his mind that this man was going to kill his brother.

Kyle tried to stand up but was pushed back down when he saw AJ enter the room from the front door and come to his rescue.

"Get Out!" AJ said, already making his way to Kyle.

For a brief moment Kyle thought that the words were meant for him, that was until he saw the heated look that was pointed at the man who had attacked him.

"I hardly think it's your place to tell me what to do Alex." The attacker retorted. "This is not your house."

"No, it's mine." Kevin said, coming into the room with Jon firmly held in his strong arms. Jon was clinging to him in desperation, squirming when he realised that the man that had tried to kill his brother was still there.

"Kevin, babe..." The man said, his tone changing immediately from anger to beseeching need.

"You heard Alex, he said get out." Kevin said, his voice calm and emotionless.

"You're breaking up with me for this slut?!"

"Back off Josh." Alex said, pushing the man back until he hit a wall. "Unless you want a taste of your own medicine."

"Alex..." Kyle said, looking up towards his friend. "Please, Jon's scared enough as it is."

Alex looked over towards the six year old who was still clutched in Kevin's embrace. Kyle was right. The small boy had seen more than enough violence for one lifetime and Alex did not want to be someone that compounded the issues that the little boy already had. Instead of punching Josh he made his way to Kyle's side and knelt next to him to check his wounds.

"You know, when Nick told me that you needed a few days to sort yourself out I thought that he was right. Then it turned into a few weeks and I didn't know what to think." Josh said. "But then I got back off tour and you weren't even there at the airport. You're always at the airport."

Kyle heard the word "tour" and realised just who this was. Josh, the man that had attacked him, was JC Chasez from Nsync. It made sense when he thought it through, this was one person that was uniquely able to understand exactly what Kevin was going through. It made sense that Kevin had found someone like that to share his life with. Kyle wondered why Josh was not aware of who he and Jon were though, surely Kevin had told the man in his life that he had a son.

"So what?" Alex asked. "You decide to come over here and put Kyle back into hospital because Kevin was spending time with someone else?"

"Alex..." Kevin warned. "This is not the time or the place."

"Kev, I..." Josh began.

Kevin stopped him with a look.

"I think that you've said all you needed to." Kevin said. "You clearly don't trust me and at the moment I have more important things to deal with. I'll call you in a few days when you've calmed down a little, maybe we can talk then."

Josh took a step forward but Kevin shook his head and it seemed enough to pause the man in his tracks. Instead of moving any closer he turned on his heel and left them alone.

There was a brief silence which hung uneasily between them before anyone spoke.

"Alex, will you help Kyle get cleaned up while I deal with Jonny?" Kevin asked softly.

AJ wondered what was wrong with Jonny until he looked up and saw that the boy was not only wet from his tears. There was a suspicious looking stain on the front of his pants and Alex realised that he must have been scared out of his wits. It made him feel guilty for what he had said.

"Sure." AJ said as he gave Kyle a hand up and helped him hobble to his room.

Kyle was about to head for the bathroom but Alex headed him off.

"Go sit on the bed." Alex instructed. "I'll get your pain pills and a cold compress for your face. I think you've had enough exertion for one day."

Kyle winced, not at the pain but at the words that Alex had used, the word reminded him of the joke that had started the whole thing off. He was glad when Alex returned a moment later and sat next to him on the bed, pressing a cool wash cloth to his swollen lip and causing Kyle to draw back when he felt the pressure of it.

Alex looked at Kyle, seeing the unshed tears and wished that he could have been there a few minutes earlier to stop yet another pain in this boy's life, he saw the anguish in Kyle face and wished he could take it away.

"What is it you say to Jonny?" Alex asked as he leaned closer. "I'll kiss it better?"

Kyle froze when he heard the words, it gave Alex the chance to do what he had promised and he brushed his lips against Kyle's. It wasn't a kiss really, more a brush of one set of lips against another but after one taste Alex could not stop himself from taking another.

Kyle was shocked at first but could not stop himself from reciprocating. He had been thinking of AJ more and more in that way and now it was as if he was being handed everything that he wanted on a platter. He knew that it was probably just the emotions of the day or the pity that Alex felt for him that had caused this but he didn't care. He was finally being given a change to touch his dreams and if it was only for a brief moment he was going to take what he could get.

Alex too was shocked at his actions. He could not deny that he was attracted to Kyle but there were so many complicating factors not least Kyle's place in Kevin's life, his fame and the age difference between them. And yet it didn't seem to matter when he was kissing Kyle, all of that went out of his head. All that mattered was the feel of Kyle's mouth moving slowly against his own.

The pair only pulled apart when a cough coming from neither of their throats interrupted them.

"Sorry to interupt..." Kevin said when they pulled apart. "Jonny wanted to see for himself that Kyle was okay."

Kyle looked toward the door and saw that his brother was hiding behind Kevin, a little scared to come out in case he would see more violence, or worse, see that his brother was not okay.

"Hey kiddo, you want to come give me a hug?" Kyle asked the empty space behind Kevin. Jon's head peered around, looking for the source of the voice and when he saw his brother he ran into the room almost hitting the bed because he was going too fast to stop.

"You're okay?" Jon stated uncertainly. "He didn't hurt you?"

"I'm okay." Kyle replied. "Besides, you know that your Daddy wouldn't let anyone hurt you, right?" He asked. Jon looked at Kevin and nodded tersely.

Kyle wrapped his arms around his brother, hugging him close and ignoring the pain in his ribs as he did so. He didn't care about a little pain when Jon was hurting emotionally. His ribs would heal but there were some scars which would take longer to heal.

"Okay sport." Kevin said. "I said that you could see Kyle but now he needs his rest."

"I'm okay." Kyle protested, not wanting to rush Jon into leaving him if his brother wanted to stay. Kevin, Alex and anyone else that thought they should spend time apart would have to learn that they were used to depending on each other and no one else. If Jon needed him Kyle would be there for him, no matter what the cost to himself.

"No, you need to take a nap." Jonny said authoritatively. "It's okay. We're going to watch 101 Dalmations anyway."

"Alright." Kyle said with a small smile.

Jon went to the door, looking up at his father and then looking back towards Alex.

"Does Alex need a nap too?" Jon asked with a frown. "He's not sick."

"Alex is going to stay and look after Kyle." Kevin said tactfully. He wasn't sure what he had walked in on but he thought that giving the two of them some time alone might be a good thing. They certainly looked like they had some things to talk about and even if they didn't Kyle could do with some time alone to genuinely get a nap.

Once they were alone Kyle licked his lips subconsciously and looked back towards Alex.

"So, are you going to look after me?" He asked, adding a tone which emphasised the double entendre. It also gave Alex a way out if he wanted to take it. Kyle was aware that in reality Alex probably didn't want someone that was damaged, especially when he had so many other options available to him.

"You need to rest." Alex said as he stood.

Kyle nodded, taking that as a rejection and moving further up his bed to rest. He turned his back and lay on his side, willing himself not to get upset. When he felt a warm body against his back he jumped slightly.

"Sshh." Alex whispered softly in to Kyle's ear. "Sleep. I won't let anything happen to you."

And like a child of Jon's age Kyle did as he was told, secure in the knowledge that he was being watched over and that he was safe.


Note: I can't believe its been 2 years -- time flies -- I hope to have more out soon.


Next: Chapter 11

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