In Flight Entertainment


Published on Sep 7, 2023


In-flight entertainment, part 4

Last chapter - hope you like it! Let me know if you have any feedback, thoughts or ideas!

Double or quits. A hundred pounds if I could fuck the pilot.

I had no idea how I was going to accomplish that as Joe, the first steward I had shagged on my way to winning my bet, led me to the front of the plane. Joe didn't speak to me - he still seemed too humiliated by the state I had left him in.

We stepped behind the curtain at the front of the plane and Joe rapped on the door that led through to the cockpit. He twisted the handle and gestured for me to go through.

The cockpit was exactly how I had expected it - a mass of dials, levers and switches that seemed to go on forever. I heard the door shut behind me. Joe hadn't entered with me - presumably he had work to get on with.

There were three seats in the cockpit, fixed to the floor next to the bank of controls. Only the middle seat was occupied. With his back to me, I couldn't really see what the captain looked like, but he was certainly broad shouldered.

The other man didn't say anything as I entered the room. After a minute I started to feel a little uncomfortable.

"Isn't there supposed to be more than one person flying the plane?" I asked, "Like a co-pilot?"

The pilot swivelled his chair to face me and stood up.

I was gobsmacked. This guy was gorgeous. He was tall - a couple of inches taller than my six foot two. He was wearing suit trousers and a shirt that looked ready to burst from the muscles pushing against them. There was no name badge on his chest.

He pushed a hand through his short brown hair. It was streaked with grey - I put him in his mid forties.

"I told him to take a break for fifteen minutes," he said, in a low voice. He looked me up and down appraisingly. "I reckon that should be enough."

He smiled, showing a full set of perfect white teeth. I could actually feel myself wilting slightly under the full force of that grin.

The pilot moved closer to me. I actually felt a little dizzy as he approached me, his light blue eyes looking straight into mine.

"I hear you've been having some fun with my stewards," he said. It wasn't really a question.

I needed to take control here. I decided to go for a flippant comment.

"Well, I wouldn't say..." was as far as I got. In one graceful movement, the pilot had wrapped one hand round the back of my head and pulled me into him. Our lips locked and I felt his tongue start exploring my mouth. His other hand snaked around my waist and he actually bent me backwards as his tongue buried itself deeper and deeper.

My mind was swimming. This was not going at all to plan. I hadn't made the first move here. This hunk of a guy had me helpless in his arms. Part of my mind seemed to be enjoying it, but this wasn't how I worked.

I tried to push him back and regain a standing position, but this guy could have been made from stone. I'm a strong, well built guy, but his man was something else.

Sensing my struggling, the captain gradually inched me backwards towards the back of the cockpit. Soon I found myself crushed between his body and the hard, metal wall, with just one of his hands enough to pin my wrists above my head.

Finally he broke the kiss, leaving me gasping for breath and wriggling in his strong grip.

"What's your name?" he asked me, still in that low, masculine voice.

"Tom," I replied, slightly surprised. None of the stewards had asked. "What's yours?" I asked, trying to regain some of my dignity and control.

He smiled that killer smile again and I felt my knees go slightly weak.

"You can call me Captain," he said.

He looked down at me.

"Now, let's see what's under those clothes, eh?" he said. I struggled again against his grip, but I couldn't budge him.

I was wearing a white t-shirt, which he couldn't take off without releasing my arms. So with his free hand, he simply ripped it off my body. I yelled at him as he pulled the last shreds off my now naked torso.

"You can yell if you want," was all he said, "but no-one will hear you through the cockpit door. You have a nice body."

I actually felt myself flush slightly at the compliment, but set myself against the feeling.

He pawed at my jeans and soon I felt them being slid off my body, along with my underwear.

"That's better," he said, slowly looking up and down my naked body, "You're pretty hot, my friend. I can see why you made such an impression with my stewards."

This wasn't right. I'd come in here to fuck the pilot and win my bet. Now, within a matter of minutes, he'd pinned me to the wall with one hand like I was a little kid and stripped me. And my dick was hard.

This didn't escape the notice of the captain.

His free hand ran down my pecs and abs, making me shudder slightly. Then he firmly gripped the base of my cock, squeezing slightly. The room swam as I experienced a wave of complete lust.

Next, he went for my nipples. I don't know how he knew, but they were my weak spot. I've always had really sensitive pecs and a guy playing with them drives me wild.

The captain started by licking and kissing them both, making them harden as he rolled his tongue around each of them in turn. Then he started tweaking them with his fingers and nipping gently at them with his teeth.

After a few minutes, I almost couldn't take it. I thought I would cum right there. I couldn't stop moaning and each new touch of his lips on my pecs made me shiver with ecstasy. My cock was like iron.

The older man straightened up, leaving my abused chest. He smiled and peeled me off the wall. I felt him firmly grab my dick again and use it to steer me over to the central chair, where he forced me to sit. The cold leather shocked my skin and I felt myself come to slightly.

"It's your turn," I said, trying to gain back some momentum, "What's underneath your shirt?"

I reached out to undo a button on his shirt but he caught both hands in his own and pushed me back into the chair. He moved over me and leaned in to kiss me again, spreading my arms wide and then back behind the chair.

I was lost in this guy's kiss when I heard a snick and there was a cold feeling around my wrists.

I suddenly realised that he'd handcuffed my hands behind the chair, locking me to the seat.

The captain stood up and backed away from me a couple of steps.

I struggled, but there was no chance of me escaping. I just couldn't believe I was in this position. I was a dominant guy. I got my way with other men - just like the stewards on this flight.

Yet here I was, naked and trapped. This guy hadn't even given me his name or a look at his body, but he'd overpowered me and made me his. I was totally helpless in front of this older man, with my hard dick shaming me.

"Now what do I do with you?" said the captain, folding his muscular arms, "I can't have you distracting my staff any more - they have work to do."

He leaned in and gently stroked my dick, making me moan.

"We need to do something about this, don't we?" he said. I nodded - it was all I could do. And I wanted him to do something about it. I felt a little pre-cum start sliding down my shaft.

The pilot straightened up again and pulled out a small piece of plastic. I froze. I'd seen one before. It was a chastity device.

"What are you going to..." I started, but he interrupted me.

"I normally get my co-pilot to wear this when I'm not around," he said, "But I think it'll be more use to you."

"You keep that thing away from me," I yelled at him, "Get lost."

The older man just smiled.

"It wouldn't fit you anyway - in that state," he brushed against my erect cock head, making me gasp, "So I guess we'll have to do something about it."

The captain slowly unzipped his flies, letting his cock flop out. It was he biggest thing I'd ever seen. I reckoned it was about ten inches and amazingly thick. It dwarfed my thinner nine inches, which I'd always been pretty proud of.

He then pulled a condom out of his pocket, ripped the wrapper open and slowly unrolled it over that beast of a dick. Somehow that made it seem all the more real. I was helpless and I was going to be fucked by this man - whether I wanted it or not.

The captain spat on his dick a few times to lube it up and then hunkered down next to my ass. I felt that monster slowly part my ass cheeks and find my hole. Then, very gently for such a large guy, he gradually moved into me, slowly penetrating deeper and deeper until he was buried all the way inside me.

I was actually writhing on his dick. Each time his cock pulsed, I felt a wave of pleasure burn through me. He completely filled me up and I couldn't believe how amazing it felt.

Slowly he started moving in and out of me. My hole was totally his now, the muscles just clinging to his dick. I could feel sticky pre-cum running down my erect cock. He used one of his hands to slowly rub my slick shaft, while the other drove me wild playing with my nipples.

After a few minutes, the door to the cockpit opened. A shorter, lean man in a uniform stood there. It was humiliating - a total stranger was watching me be dominated and ridden by the captain.

The captain, however, didn't even break his thrusting rhythm.

"Give me another fifteen," was all he said.

The man who I assumed was the co-pilot, laughed and turned on his heel, closing the door behind him.

The speed of my captor's thrusts started to speed up. I could feel the pressure build in my prostate as his dick pushed against it over and over. I didn't want to cum - I knew what he was planning for me once I'd reached orgasm and my cock deflated - but this guy knew what he was doing. I was going to blow whether I wanted to or not.

But the captain had other ideas. Continuing his powerful thrusts, which were now pushing me right back into the chair, he moved his hand off my throbbing shaft and used it to pinch the base of my dick, under my balls.

I wasn't sure what he had done, but I suddenly felt my cock deflate slightly. I was still hard, but no longer on the verge of cumming.

The captain suddenly pulled his dick out of me, sliding out of my now gaping hole with a sucking noise, unrolled the condom and came all over me. And god could that man cum.

By the time he'd finished, I had his stick seed over my chest, face and I could even feel it matting my hair. He panted slightly from his exertion as he wiped his cock on my cheek and stuffed it back into his pants.

"Nice tight hole," he said, patting my head like a dog.

I was confused. And frustrated. I was horny as hell, but even though I didn't want to cum, I thought he had wanted me to.

The captain moved over to a bank of controls and flicked one of the buttons. I heard a small chime from the other side of the cockpit door.

"What are you doing?" I asked, suddenly feeling apprehensive. ( The captain smiled, his blue eyes sparkling slightly.

"Fair's fair," he said. ( The door opened and the four stewards from first class entered. I suddenly realised what the captain had planned. I went to yell, but he covered my mouth with one of his big, strong hands.

The four crew members were smiling menacingly at me as they undid their trousers. I noticed all four of them were fully erect. I tried to struggle, but between the handcuffs and the captain's hands, I was barely able to move.

Joe went first, ploughing his dick straight into me. He rocked back and forth deep inside me for a while as I remembered tying him to the toilet seat and fucking him only a few hours before. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out and sprayed my stomach with his load. Then, without a word, he turned and left the cockpit.

Adam, with his cropped red hair, was next. I noticed the pale band on his finger where I had removed his wedding ring. He was not gentle with me, ramming his hard cock straight into me as deep as he could go. He pounded me in a fury, as though trying to make up for the fact that I had fucked him in the galley.

I didn't think I could take any more. As Adam thrust into me over and over, I felt my orgasm build deep in my balls. But the captain seemed to be able to read my body language. He had one hand clamped over my mouth, but his other hand was free. He found the spot underneath my balls again and pushed. I felt my dick deflate again - only a little, but enough - and I almost screamed with frustration.

Eventually Adam came, pulling out and spraying over my pubes.

The punishment of my hole continued as Mike and Sean took turns fucking my exposed hole as well. It felt red raw and I was almost crying by the time they had finished. Every time I came close to cumming, the captain's strong hand would cause my cock to shrink back, denying me release.

As Sean finished up with me, though, I felt his hairy balls banging against my arse. He finally came deep inside me and I felt my cock twitch and spasm as a huge load of cum erupted from me. It fountained over my body and the chair I was tied to.

Sean left with Mike and the door to the cockpit closed, leaving me alone with the captain. He took his hand away from my mouth and stood up. I was exhausted and all the fight had gone out of me.

I was still bound to the leather chair, but my legs were now spreadeagled, showing off my abused hole. My whole body was matted in cum and sweat and I was breathing heavily. My deflating cock was dribbling cum.

The captain scooped a little of my cum up and used it to lubricate the inside of the cock cage section of the chastity device he had showed me earlier.

"No, please," I tried, but I could barely speak and we both knew I couldn't resist him.

He slid my soft cock into the rigid plastic sheath as I tried to struggle. He the placed a heavy cock ring around my balls and fastened the sheath to them using some connectors and finally a padlock. Finally, he snapped the padlock shut and put the key in his top pocket.

"There," he said, standing back to admire his handiwork, "I think it'll be a lot better for everyone if you keep that on for the foreseeable future."

He moved round to the back of the chair and un-cuffed my arms, which fell weakly to my sides. I struggled into a sitting position and stared blankly down at my dick.

My abused member was entirely encased in a thick, clear plastic case. Given that I filled the cock cage soft, I could tell that erections would be painful - if not impossible. There was a piss-slit near the tip of the sheath.

I tried to pull the device off but it was secure and well made. It certainly wasn't coming off without the key. I looked over at the captain, feeling his cum starting to drip from my face.

He smiled at me.

"I have the key here," he said, patting his top pocket, "But I don't think you'll be getting it off me. And I'd like to see you get that off without the key."

I stood up unsteadily.

"I can't stay locked up forever," I insisted.

"That would be up to me, now, wouldn't it?" he said, frowning. "Although I know your intinerary and you'll be flying back to London on my plane. If you're a really good boy until then, maybe I could be persuaded to let you out then. Maybe." ( I shuddered. I couldn't believe he'd taken away all access to my dick for my entire holiday. Before I could say anything, though, he passed me my trousers.

"I'm keeping your underwear," he said, winking, "But you can slip your trousers back on."

I looked down at the sticky mess of cum that was my crotch.

"Do you have a towel?" I asked.

"I'm afraid not," replied the older man, "Here, let me help you on with those."

I had no choice. I let him put my trousers on me and I felt the cum over my body start soaking into them. Several large wet patches appeared instantly.

Then he started hustling me towards the door.

"Well, this has been fun," he said, "I look forward to your return flight."

"My T-shirt..." I said vaguely.

"I'm so sorry - I think I ripped it." he said as he opened the cockpit door. I tried to struggle back inside, but he was stronger than I was and he firmly pushed me through the door.

"Be good." he said, before the door closed behind me.

Both the toilets of the front of the plane had been locked out of order, so I only had one choice.

I went back to my seat.

I felt the eyes of every passenger in first class follow me. I was topless, streaked in the cum of five different guys. I was wearing a pair of trousers that were soaked in cum and the outline of my chastity device was clearly visible through the trousers, swaying from side to side as I walked.

As I sat down next to Ben, he started laughing. I turned to look at him.

"This is going to be a fun holiday after all," he said, before returning to his in-flight movie.

He turned back to me briefly.

"Oh, by the way, you owe me a hundred pounds."

Next: Chapter 5

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