In Flight Entertainment


Published on Sep 13, 2023


In-flight entertainment, chapter 6

Hope you enjoy! As normal, any comments or suggestions, please let me know. I won't say this is the last chapter - I keep saying that and then writing some more!

We had just left the airport and we had a whole week in New York ahead of us. Finally. I was really excited by the place, but the chastity device I'd had forced on me on the flight out was still there, firmly gripping my balls and shaft. In a city with so many hot guys, it was going to be frustrating to say the least.

Fortunately I had someone with me that I could take out my frustrations on. Ben hadn't really recovered from my edging on the way to New York. I knew our relationship was never going to be the same. So I decided to make a few changes to it.

We'd travelled in our taxi to the hotel pretty much in silence. Ben still seemed drained by his treatment in the plane - in more ways than one. He didn't seem willing or able to look at me. He'd pilfered his luggage for a t-shirt, so at least he was fully clothed, but it was still sticking to him in places with his own cum.

When we got to the hotel, it was late and we headed to our rooms - they were on the same floor but a few doors away from each other. I packed my clothes away in the wardrobe. It was a nice room with two double beds and its own bathroom with a nice deep tub.

I quickly popped out of the hotel and found a local store open. I loaded up with a few supplies and headed back to my room. Once back, I sent Ben a text message that simply said `We need to talk.'

Then I waited.

About twenty minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. It was Ben.

He still looked a little shell-shocked, but he seemed a little more like himself. I beckoned for him to enter the room and he ran a hand through his short blonde hair, looking a little uncomfortable.

( "We need to get through this," I said, trying to sound soothing, "We've got a whole week in New York - let's not ruin it."

Ben finally looked me in the eye and nodded slightly. There was even a ghost of a smile on his lips. He wandered pas me into my room.

I shut and locked the door behind us. No sense in us being disturbed.

"What happened on the flight....." was as far as he got, before I pushed him flat onto the bed.

"What do you think you're doing, Tom?" he yelled, sounding angry. He started to get up, but I jumped onto his back and knocked him flat again.

Ben started struggling and bucking, trying to dislodge me, but I had the element of surprise and I was far stronger than him. I'd procured some string from my trip to the shops and I forced his arms behind his back, wrapping the string around them carefully. I only wanted him restrained - not hurt.

Ben started swearing at me as he wriggled under my body. I responded by pivoting round his tied hands and sitting on the back of his head. He was pushed into the duvet and his voice was muffled.

I grabbed his flailing legs and managed to loop some more string around them, pulling them back up to his hands.

Within the space of a minute, I had him hog-tied and completely immobilised.

"What the fuck?" he yelled at the top of his voice, "Let me go!"

I had brought a ball gag with me in my suitcase - I'd hoped it would be that kind of holiday - and I slipped it over his head and into his mouth before he knew what was happening. Ben was totally silenced and lay, rocking on the bed, testing his bonds.

Finally, I found the scissors that the hotel had kindly provided in the room and advanced towards him.

Ben saw me and twisted, a look of fear in his blue eyes.

"Don't be daft," I said, "I'm not planning on hurting you. Much," I added with a wink and a grin.

I used the scissors to slice off his clothes. Ben became very still as he felt the metal against his skin and I was able to shred his clothes to ribbons without much of a problem.

When I'd finished, I tipped him on his side and inspected him properly. It had been cramped on the plane and I'd not properly looked him over. He had a nice, tight little body - not as muscled as me, but still nice and defined. He had very little body hair except for his forearms, legs and round his crotch and (I parted his arse cheeks to check) around his tight little hole.

His six-inch dick was flaccid, hanging limply on his hip as he struggled weakly.

"You know what happened on that flight," I said to him, as I walked round the bed, "You told me you'd do anything if I let you come. And I did. So you are mine."

Ben shook his head and tried to yell through the gag, but I could tell he knew it was hopeless.

I knew I couldn't keep him hog-tied forever - it would cut off his circulation. Instead, I carefully tied his wrists and ankles together, before using the scissors to cut the cords that tied them together. His feet fell back to the bed with a thud, still leaving him bound, gagged and naked.

I sat next to him and patted his arse gently.

"Now what will we do with you?" I asked him softly. ( He looked up at me with those blue eyes.

I smiled down at him.

"Well you can't stay in the bed all night," I said.

I picked him up and slung him over one shoulder, carrying him into the bathroom.

I carefully lowered him into the bathtub. He shivered as he came in contact with the cold plastic of the tub.

"It'll warm up," I said, stroking his hair. "Now I have things to do - so you'll have to stay in here overnight. I'll be in to check on you in the morning."

I heard him trying to yell at me through the gag, but I left, turning off the bathroom lights and shutting the door on my way out.

Now, I had work to do. Taking Ben's key, I went to his room. Letting myself in I packed all his clothes back up into his case and carried them into my room. Then I cancelled his booking with reception. He wasn't going to need it for the rest of the week.

( It was almost midnight by this time and I knew tomorrow was going to be busy. Ben needed training, so I needed my rest. I slept soundly, with Ben securely locked away in the bathroom.

I woke 8 hours later, feeling refreshed. I watched TV for half an hour then went to check on Ben.

Ben looked miserable. He blinked as I opened the door, trying to acclimatise to the light streaming in through the door. His hair was a mess and his face was starting to cover in stubble. I also noticed that during the night he had wet himself.( ( I laughed at him and saw his face burn with humiliation. I rinsed him down with the shower, shocking him fully awake with the cold water.

"Well, I'm off out," I said, finally, "I need some stuff. I'll be back later."

Ben struggled in his bonds and tried to speak, but the ball gag mangled his words into incomprehensible gibberish.

"Don't worry," I said, giving him a broad smile, "I'll put the do not disturb sign on."

Then I went out.

I did a bit of sight-seeing, but I still really wanted to do that with Ben, so I focussed on finding the supplies I would need for the next day or so. I knew I would be using up some of my valuable time in New York, but I was sure it would be worth it.

I got back to the hotel about lunch time. I unpacked my shopping and headed into the bathroom.

Ben was huddled in the tub, his face streaked with dried tears. He had a look of defeat in his eyes. It was just what I wanted, but it wasn't quite enough.

I lifted him out of the tub and propped him up. He stood a little unsteadily and I cut the string binding his thighs and wrists. He rubbed his hands together, flexing them and working out the cramp.

"Why don't you clean yourself up?" I said, grinning at him, "You look a sight. And any trouble from you and I'll tie you back up for another day."

Ben moved to take off the gag, but I pushed his hand away.

"I don't think I told you to do that, did I?" I said, simply. Ben nodded and I left him alone in the bathroom to sort himself out.

He came out about twenty minutes later, looking more like himself. His hair was tidied, he'd had a wash and a shave, but he was still totally naked and gagged. I was pleased he'd obeyed me about the gag - it was definitely a good sign. He knew I could overpower him at will.

I had him lay on the bed and I re-tied his hands to the bed-posts. He looked pretty hot, his naked body tied and exposed for me. My chastity device caused a dull ache of frustration in my balls. If I'd been free I guess I would have just fucked him for the whole holiday.

If I couldn't fuck him, though, I knew I'd have to do the next best thing - fuck with him.

Ben hadn't actually cum since the flight the day before, so I gently took his limp cock and started working on it. I stripped off my shirt so Ben could get an eyeful of my chest. Slowly his dick started to rise. I wasn't in any hurry. ( I stroked his shaft slowly up and down, rubbing around the rim of his cock-head until I heard him start to moan through the gag. He was at his full six inches and was starting to strain against the string tying his hands.

I kept going for about half an hour, teasing him, nipping at his balls and nipples and generally driving him wild. Then I stopped. He moaned in frustration as I produced the first of my purchases - a vibrating cock ring. I slipped it on round the base of his dick and turned it on.

The vibrations pulsed through his cock. It was enough to keep him hard and dripping, but without something for him to thrust into, not enough to let him cum. I wanted him at the edge.

I delved down the side of the bed and found my next item - a pair of hair clippers. I showed them to Ben, but he seemed too distracted by the pulses run up and down his dick to focus on anything. I saw sweat starting to form all over his body. His muffled moans were becoming louder.

"You'll thank me for this," I said, turning on the clippers. In a few moments, I'd removed the hair on his legs, forearms and his pubes.

"What do you think?" I asked him. He moaned again. I laughed and removed his gag.

"Why? What did you... .unhmmmm," he said as the pulses kicked in and sent his body into a spasm.

I pulled out a razor and went to work on him again, cleaning up after the clippers and making sure he was totally smooth.

"There we go," I said, looking Ben over, now he was finally totally naked and exposed. He looked younger and somehow more vulnerable with no body hair. But he was hardly in a state to notice. He'd been edged for the best part of an hour by now and pre-cum was pooled all round the base of his dick, where his pubes had once been.

Ben was stretching and moaning, lost to his desperation to cum. I knew there was one more thing that needed doing.

I picked his legs up by the ankles and forced them back and up, exposing the last bit of body hair he was hiding from me - round his tight little hole. I picked up my clippers again and went to work carefully denuding his arse. The additional vibrations of the clippers round his arse were too much for him and he screamed as he came. The angle of his legs meant that he sprayed all over his face, some of it seeping into his mouth.

I finished making sure his hole was smooth and put his legs back down. Ben was still twisting and straining against the string tying him down to the bed frame. He was gasping and bucking - which was when I realised that the vibrating cock ring was still on.

Ben's cock was ultra-sensitive after being edged for so long and the pulses of the ring were seriously overstimulating him. ( "Please," he managed to gasp at me, "Turn it off."

In answer I slipped his ball gag back on.

"I think there's still another load in there somewhere," I said, starting to tease his balls. God I could be a bastard.

After a few minutes of muffled yells, Ben's abused dick was forced back up by the vibrations of the ring and my merciless teasing of his newly smooth ball sack. He tried to escape, but I'm very good at tying down guys. He couldn't escape.

I felt his nuts tighten underneath my finger as, slowly, he was forced to another, smaller orgasm. This time, his whole body arched off the bed as the cum simply trickled down his rapidly deflating cock. Ben was sobbing.

"Care to try for a third?" I asked.

Ben screamed and shook his head violently.

"Just kidding," I laughed, removing the cock ring from the base of his smooth, slick cock. Ben slowly relaxed and lay back, gasping and sobbing through his gag.

"I hope you enjoyed that," I said, "It might be the last time you do that in a while."

I reached into my bag and pulled out one of the other toys I'd bought that morning. It was a chastity device, similar to the one that the captain had forced me into, but made of metal this time.

I scooped some of the cum off Ben's face and used it to lubricate the metal tube, before gently threading his limp dick through it, locking his cock away from use. I placed the metal ring around his balls and locked the two parts together using a small padlock.

I put my shirt back on and placed the key in my top pocket.

Ben was still sobbing softly as he looked down at his cum-stained, shaved body. The fact that I now controlled his dick was one humiliation too many. I knew he could feel the cold metal gripping his shaft and balls and it drove home to him that I was in total control.

I felt the churning in my own balls and the frustration that I couldn't just plough myself into Ben's naked, shaved little hole. The thought of having to wait for almost a week was nearly more than I could bear.

I reached up and untied Ben. There was no fight in him as I pulled him into my arms and held him.

"It's OK," I said, "you know this is what a shy little guy like you really wants."

I actually felt Ben melt into my embrace and I held him until his sobbing subsided.

I threw his old clothes out and left him naked and gagged but untied in the hotel for the rest of the day, testing his obedience, while I went out and explored.

I returned to the room at random points through the day and Ben was still there, totally naked but with his gag firmly in place, his dick completely sheathed in metal. He was definitely mine.

The rest of the holiday went in a blur. I bought some new clothes for Ben, bright colours and far tighter than he was used to. I could see his discomfort when he left the hotel, especially given the visible bulge that his chastity lock added to his profile as he walked. He got a lot of attention - and somewhere along the way he seemed to start enjoying it.

On the last night, I left him in the hotel, naked and gagged.

I went to a bar nearby that a guy had told me about. It was bright, garish and filthy, but full of great looking guys. I almost didn't know which one to pick. Eventually I found a particularly fine young guy. He was with a group of friends, but it didn't take me long to get him alone in the toilets.

Within a few minutes, I had him bent over in a toilet cubicle as I fingered his hole. He'd said he was a top, but here he was, moaning like a bitch as my fingers moved up and down inside him.

The burning in my dick and balls made me remember my predicament. It was a pity - I'd really wanted to see this guy bounce around on the end of my cock.

Then I realised all was not lost.

I decided to find out a bit more about my American guy. It's amazing what you can learn about someone when you have two fingers massaging their prostate.

My new guy's name turned out to be Andy. He was a nice, brown haired, blue-eyed, fresh-faced kid of twenty three. He really filled out his tight white t-shirt. And he had a tight, very sensitive little hole.

In between his gasps, I managed to get him to agree to come back to my hotel room.

We walked back to my hotel. I spent most of it with one hand down the back of his trousers with one finger teasing his hairy little hole. We got a few strange looks from passersby - but it was a big city - most of them had probably seen worse.

Andy seemed uncomfortable, but he was young and I could see his dick was in charge.

By the time we reached my room, I had two fingers back inside him under his trousers. I swiped the door key and led him in.

I don't know who looked more surprised - Andy or Ben, who was laid on the bed, still gagged, his shaved body fully on display.

I felt Andy stiffen, so I pushed my fingers up into his ass even further. He moaned in spite of himself and I quickly started kissing him. Ben seemed to have got over his shock and was just laying quietly on the bed, watching me with what looked like a touch of jealousy.

"Just ignore him," I whispered to Andy, breaking our kiss, "He's just a friend."

I saw Ben look down at the bed, with what looked like a touch of disappointment. Andy still looked weirded out, but his cock was rigid under his jeans and he was clearly desperate for me to take him.

Unfortunately, that wasn't going to happen, given my enforced chastity. But that didn't mean I couldn't watch Andy get fucked. I went back to kissing him and running my finger around that nice hole of his. With my free hand I started removing his clothes. ( ( Eventually, he was as naked as Ben - Andy clearly shaved too. He was tall, muscular and had nice round, brown nipples that I pinched until he gasped. My spare hand went round to his balls. They were nice and heavy - ready to go. I slowly moved my way up his long shaft to his firm, circumcised head. I'd never gone for cut guys before but then, I wasn't going to be doing anything with this one either.

I slowly moved Andy round, so his back was to Ben. Slowly, still kissing and caressing the young guy, I fumbled for the key to Ben's cock cage in my shirt. I carefully tossed him the key and gestured to him.

Ben looked like he couldn't believe his luck. He carefully undid the padlock and slipped the device off his dick. It had been days since he'd been allowed out of it and his cock instantly sprang to its full length, hard and desperate.

I knew Ben was normally not a top, but he was horny enough to do anything. I saw him rub some saliva onto his cock for lube and he carefully lined himself up behind Andy's bubble butt. ( ( Andy was too busy feeling my hands over his body to pay any attention to Ben. With a quick thrust, Ben was up inside Andy. Andy howled briefly in surprise as Ben slipped his arms under Andy's armpits and locked them round the back of his head, effectively immobilising he younger man. I backed away to the other side of the room and sat in a chair, watching the action.

Andy was more muscular than Ben, but he was younger, horny and in a bad position. Ben was already balls deep in the young American and pulled him backwards, before sitting on the bed. ( Andy was pulled backwards onto the bed and he ended up sat on Ben's knee, with Ben's dick keeping him locked in place. Slowly Ben started bouncing the younger man up and down on his knee.

I could see Andy gradually relaxing into the rhythm, his arms still pinned over his head by Ben. Andy's dick was returning to full attention - all eight inches or so - as Ben carried on rocking him back and forth.

It was an incredibly hot scene. Ben gagged, pumping in and out of the younger, muscled Andy. Andy was clearly enjoying himself - his dick was dripping and he was moaning loudly.

I was reminded again how frustrating it was to be locked in my cock cage. I felt the familiar dull ache as my dick tried to get hard, but was blocked by the plastic sheath. At least I could enjoy the scene in front of me.

Ben had stood up, his cock never leaving Andy's arse and he pushed him forward, crushing the younger man against the wall. That was when Ben really started pounding in and out of Andy's hole. It was amazing what even a shy guy will do when he's been locked in a cock cage for three or four days.

Finally, I saw Ben shudder as he pumped his load into the younger American. He pulled out of Andy and I saw cum start to trickle out of Andy's hole and down his thick, smooth leg. Gasping, Andy peeled himself off the wall. He'd come over the wallpaper, jizz running in streams down the wall. I wondered what the maid would do tomorrow.

Andy was still a little dazed as I gathered his clothes and pushed them into his arms. I slowly steered him out into the corridor and, without a word, closed the door - leaving him naked and dripping in the corridor.

I turned back to Ben, who was propped on his elbows on the bed, his abs flexing as he breathed in and out heavily from his exertions.

"Well I hope you enjoyed that," I said.

Ben nodded.

"Just wait until the flight back tomorrow," I said, "When I get this cage off, we're going to have some real fun."

Next: Chapter 7

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