In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Mar 10, 2008


Kevin couldn't help but stare at Vince as he flashed the naughty grin across the table. He couldn't even put in words how great he felt at that moment. It seemed that college would do him good after all.

Chapter 1 Heartbeats

Exactly a week ago, Kevin was lying on his bed after moving all his things into his dorm room. He decided to get a little shuteye before going to the cafeteria for dinner. He opened his eyes to the sound of the door opening, his roommate just got in. Kevin sat up and ran his hand through his messy brown hair. His roommate was hauling a couple of bulky bags into the room and set them down to the floor. Kevin eyed his roommate meticulously, scanning him from head to toe.

The guy was about 5'10" with wavy, almost curly, blonde hair and had a good build to him. The guy turned around and fixed his glasses, getting his first scope of the room. He noticed Kevin standing up and stretching out his hand.

"Hi. Kevin Stanford."

"Matthew Dinicol, but you can call me Matt for short," he smiled as he shook Kevin's hand.

Kevin smiled back and sat down on his bed. He watched his roommate unpack. Matt bent over and opened his duffel bag. Kevin couldn't help but stare at Matt. His jeans hugged his obviously nice butt. Kevin unconsciously licked his lip as Matt stood up and stuffed his clothes in one of the empty drawers of their dresser.

"So where're you from Matt?"

"I'm basically from everywhere," he chuckled as he continued unpacking. "As far as I can remember, my family's been moving from state to state because my dad's job requires him to relocate every couple of months. It kind of sucked growing up but I got used to our nomadic lifestyle."

"So you're like the circus?"

Matt chuckled. "You can put it that way. I liked the set up of moving all the time. It had its perks. If I screw up in one place, we'd pretty much be moving anyway so it doesn't matter. Technically, this is my first time staying in one place for a couple of years or so. Um, do you mind grabbing that for me?"

Kevin grabbed Matt's other bag and handed it over.

"Thanks," Matt smiled again. His eyes squinted from behind his glasses. "How about you?"


"Where're you from? What's your story?" Matt chuckled again.

"Are you naturally this happy? It's like you're on Prozac or somethin'" Kevin joked.

"Yeah. Pretty much, so you'd better get used to it."

Kevin laughed. "I'm actually from L.A."

"Whoa! What brings you all the way here then?"

"It's a pretty long story."

"Hey, we're going to be stuck with each other for a semester so you might as well spill it."

"Well I actually didn't even want to come here. Heck, I didn't even want to go to college but my mom forced me to do so, said it'd do me some good. We were doing pretty fine. I helped my mom out in our diner and I was comfortable taking over for her but my mom insisted I go."

"Education is the key to civilization," Matt chimed in.

Kevin laughed at his roommate's utter geek-ness which he thought was really cute.

"So anyway, I ended up here because my dad has ties with some of the people here. Frankly, I don't know who those people are but hey, they helped get me here. My dad's living with his wife not too far from here, probably an hour's drive. I'll go and visit them this weekend."

"Wait, wife? You mean your mom."

"No, I meant his wife." Kevin grinned, "His only wife. He got my mom knocked up in college but they never got married. My dad's folks didn't want him to. It's some kind of elitist thing. They're pretty well off. Anyway, he was forced to marry one of the daughters of their upper East-side friends. It's not much of a biggie. My mom and Andrea get along very well, there's a little tension there but they're okay. My mom decided to move to the West coast and brought me with her and I grew up there. I get to visit my dad once every month so it's all good."

"Wow. And I thought those kinds of stories only existed on TV. Pretty messed-up shit... no offense."

"None taken."

Matt finally finished unpacking and plopped down on his bed causing his loose shirt to climb a bit, showing Kevin a bit of his abs. Kevin was surprised at how toned Matt's body was. He really didn't look like a guy who worked out.

"So what are you majoring in?"

"I actually don't know. Like I said, I never really wanted to come here."

"That's a shame. Me, I know exactly what I want."

"And that it is?"

"Politics, I want to be the president."

Kevin laughed.

"No. I'm serious."

"You don't look like the type of person who'd be a politician. Those guys are ruthless."

"Well my friend, looks can be deceiving. I can look like this cheery sunshiny geek but once turn your back and I'll pound your ass until you cry uncle," he chuckled.

Kevin laughed with him, imagining his ass getting pounded by his roommate. Kevin would be bent over by the edge of his bed, grasping the sheets as Matt tightly grabs him by the waist and thrusts himself into him repeatedly, the sound of Matt's thighs slapping his ass, flesh on flesh. He felt his cock getting hard. It didn't help that he was wearing loose black shorts because even if Kevin tried to conceal it, his obvious bulge would show. Thankfully, Matt was staring at the ceiling. He sat up and looked at Kevin.

"I'm getting kinda hungry. Wanna eat?"

"Yeah. Sure. Just need to change first."

Kevin went to the dresser and stripped to his boxers. He didn't notice it, but his roommate was eyeing him. He put on some decent clothes and the two of them went to the cafeteria.

A week had passed and Kevin was running late for his Philosophy class. He quickly got into the room just as the professor came in. He got into one of the empty seats and sat down. The professor paced the room and looked at the class. For a couple of minutes, there was a very uncomfortable silence which was suddenly broken by the very stern looking woman standing in front of the class.

"I'll be your mentor in this course for this semester. Most of you probably know me already since I flunked you once or twice before. For those of you who are new, I am Dr. Laura Patterson and I expect nothing but the best from all my students. This might be just an intro course but be warned because I can be a bitch, a really big bitch. I suggest you all open your minds and make them work while you're sitting in this room. I also suggest you drop this class right after this session if you don't think you can handle it."

"I don't give a flying fuck what you do in this classroom while I'm here. You can do anything you want. You can eat, drink, shoot up, even masturbate for all I care just as long as I ask you something, you'd better give me answer or I'll kick your ass out the door. I don't tolerate people who do not participate. Do I make myself clear? Now, you young lady..." She pointed to the girl sitting beside Kevin. "What do you know about existentialism?"

'Shit. She's starting already. It's just the first day.' Kevin thought to himself. Luckily, philosophy is one of those subjects he was really good at.

"Um... uh..." the girl struggled for an answer.

"Anyone care to save her before I kick her out of the class?"

Kevin raised his hand and caught Dr. Patterson's attention. "Yes young man?"

"Existentialism is basically an idea, call it a philosophical movement if you want, that states that human existence is a series of free choices and the responsibility for which cannot be lessened by any set of rules, circumstances, or any outside influences."

"And you are?"

"Kevin Stanford."

"Young woman, you better thank Mr. Stanford for saving your ass this time. You better read up if you don't want to flunk this class."

She turned to Kevin and mouthed a thank you. Kevin smiled. He looked at her and thought she was really cute. She went back to pay attention to Dr. Patterson. Kevin couldn't help but stare at her breasts which obviously were struggling to break free from their tight T-shirt prison.

The class went on smoothly after the tension in the room went down a notch or two. Dr. Patterson had been drilling her students, calling them when they least expected during the first few minutes of class. The discussion finally picked up and students were starting to ask a lot of serious questions and giving their own points of view. Kevin raised his hand again to give his rebuttal to one of the students who continually pushed his stand that God can exist in an existential world.

"I get that you're a Christian but the fact is, if people are doing things and living their life according to their own choices and their own freewill then what role would God fit in?"

The student answered back, "But God brought us to this world and we are merely going along the way He wants us to."

Kevin shook his head at the stubbornness of the guy, "In an existentialist world, our birth was caused not by God but by the decision of our parents to have us. When we're little kids, we really don't have much of a choice on what to do because we don't know squat but once we start making our own decisions then we can fully say that we control our own lives."

"How about death? We can't decide our own death. It's God who decides that!"

Kevin was really getting frustrated because this guy just didn't get it. A very amused smile slowly painted Dr. Patterson's face. Someone was raising his hand at the back of the class. Dr. Patterson took notice.

"Mr. Morris. How glad to see you again. Would you care to indulge us with your wisdom?"

All the students, including Kevin, looked at the guy sitting at the back of the class. Kevin's heart skipped a beat. The guy wasn't a hunk, he wasn't what you would call a model but there was something about him that just drew Kevin in.

"I don't think you get it," he pointed to the guy debating with Kevin. "Let me just give you my version of Existentialism for Dummies. Fuck your beliefs and laws and drop them! It's your life. You live it the way you want to the way you choose to. We all know we'll die. We can only choose to accept that or not. Accidents? There are no accidents because we chose to be there at the exact same time the accident happened and thus we die. The only exceptions to existentialism are those people who can't choose for themselves like the mentally challenged and as Mr. Stanford said, babies. Got that?"

The guy kept quiet and just nodded.

"Thank you Mr. Morris," Dr. Patterson smiled. "If there aren't any more questions, class is dismissed."

Everybody started grabbing their stuff and heading out the door. Kevin had his eyes on 'Mr. Morris' as he walked down the aisle to talk to Dr. Patterson. The girl sitting beside him stood up and smiled, blocking his view. He looked at her and returned the smile.

"Thanks for the save. You're my knight in shining armor."

"Nah. It's all in days work ma'am," Kevin raised his hand and tipped an invisible hat.

She giggled. "I'm Ally by the way."

"Nice to meet you Ally. I'm Kevin."

"I already know," she smiled.

Ally kept looking at Kevin. Even though he wouldn't admit it, Kevin was really hot. Although he wasn't all muscular and bulky, he had a really good frame and one of the cutest smiles you've ever seen, not to mention the tight bubble butt and the eight incher he was packing. Ally was good looking herself. She was a little short, about 5'6". She had straight brunette hair that was neatly kept in a ponytail. She had a great rack to match. Kevin's mind was wandering.

"Thanks again Kevin. I owe you one," she smiled as she bit her lower lip. "I'm running late for my next class. I'll see you soon then."

"See 'ya," he smiled and waved as she ran out the door.

Kevin noticed Dr. Patterson walking out the door leaving him and 'Mr. Morris' behind. Just as 'Mr. Morris' was walking to the door, Kevin approached him.

"Hi. I'm Kevin," he flashed 'Mr. Morris' a smile and offered his hand.

"Not a big fan of handshakes dude," 'Mr. Morris' smiled, "Vince."

Kevin dropped his hand, a bit embarrassed. They walked down the hall together.

"I see you're a big philosophy fan."

"Yeah. I love that shit. Kinda gives my brain a workout. It stretches you."

"Are you taking it a second time?"

"Nah. Just sat in. Like I said, I love that shit," Vince grinned which Kevin thought was really hot. It gave this quirky definition to his face. "Plus I wanted to pass by and see how the old hag was doing."

"You and Dr. Patterson are close?"

"You can call it that. She's my dad's sister's sister-in-law"

Kevin thought about it for second.

"Yep. It get's confusing doesn't it?"

"A little bit."

The two walked out the building.

"So, do you still have classes today?"

"Nah. I decided to take a 'sick day' today."

"I think leave of absence would be the term for that."

"It wouldn't be a leave of absence if they don't know it," Vince winked. "You?"

"That was my last class. Um... do you want a coffee?"

Vince laughed and looked at Kevin and with a high-pitched voice said "Why Mr. Stanford, are you asking me out on a date?"

"Whatever turns you on," Kevin joked.

The two were seated in a small table outside the university coffee shop. Vince was holding a cup in each hand while Kevin took a sip of his.

"Are you gonna drink both of those?"

"Yep. What can I say? I'm a caffeine junkie. This one's my pick-me-up and this one... well this one's a chaser."

Kevin noticed a subtle accent in the way Vince was speaking. It wasn't New Yorker, but it was cute. Vince took a flask from the inside pocket of his jacket and poured some rum into one of the cups. "Want some?" He offered the flask to Kevin, who shook his head. He screwed the cap back and put it back in his pocket. "Your loss."

"I'm not really much of a drinker. I get drunk easily. Just give me more than one bottle of beer and I'm done."

"Tolerance comes with experience. Practice makes perfect buddy. Maybe you should start now. Live a little."

"Maybe. But I won't. Trust me, I get pretty wild."

"Nobody wants to see that now, would they?" Vince gave flashed a naughty grin. "But I'll take your word for it."

Kevin was thinking if Vince was giving him signals, he wasn't sure. He couldn't even put in words how great he felt at that moment. It seemed that college would be great for him after all.

"So, where're 'ya from Kev?"

They talked a bit about their backgrounds. Kevin gave Vince a summary of his family set-up. Vince kept saying how cool it was to have two moms. Vince shared that he was practically raised by his mom when his dad died in a car accident when he was still a kid. He explained that he was currently living with his mom but he was planning to move out as soon as possible to get a little bit more privacy.

"You can call me a momma's boy but I love my mum to death."

"Yeah. Me too."

Both of them smiled. Kevin continued with his family and talked about the twins, his little stepbrother and stepsister, Timothy and Mallory.

"I was an only child for a long time so it's fun to have a little brother and sister. I visit them during the holidays, which is always a lot of fun. They're about five now and Andrea tells me they raise a lot of hell."

"That's pretty cool. I love kids. Never really had the chance to have a baby brother or sister so, lucky you."

For some reason Kevin was at ease with this guy even though they just met a couple of hours ago.

"So what major are you taking up?"

"Still haven't decided actually. I was thinking philosophy but I'm still leaving my options open. Mum says philosophy might leave me starving. She doesn't think any job related to it will help me pay the rent. The small gigs do help but I agree with her, I need a steady paying job."

"Gigs? You're a musician?"

"Yeah. I can play any instrument there is. Just put it in my hands and I'll work my magic," Vince flashed another naughty grin at Kevin, who just got a hard-on just imagining Vince working his magic on his 'instrument'.

"What's your music like?"

"I do a lot of covers. I'm a big fan of folk and rock so I probably fit somewhere there."

"I'd love to hear you play some time."

"Why not? I'm having a gig this Friday. It's gonna be around eight at Jazzy Joe's. Do you know the place? It's just a couple of blocks away from here."

"Not really, but I'll ask around."

"It's a small place but it's cozy and the people are great. You'll love it there."

Vince took out a pack of cigarettes and offered one to Kevin.

"Nah. I don't smoke."

Vince lit one up and took a puff. He looked at Kevin and saw that his new friend looked uncomfortable.

"What is it buddy?"

"Nothing." Kevin lied. He really wanted to take the cigarette, break it in half, and throw it in the trash.

"Don't lie to me. I always know when something's up with someone. Now tell me."

"I don't really like smoking."

"Why? What's the matter?" Vince saw that Kevin was getting more uncomfortable by the minute.

"I don't want to talk about it right now if that's okay."

Vince nodded his head and killed his cigarette on the table.


"No prob. Maybe you'll talk to me about it soon. Friends got to know these things."

Kevin blushed and hoped Vince didn't notice. "So we're friends now?"

"What, you don't want to be friends with me?"

"No. I didn't mean it that way. I meant... well..."

"Nah. I'm just screwin' with 'ya buddy, relax," Vince grinned at him.

"Hello gorgeous."

"Kevin! Oh my god! I was about to take the next flight outta there thinking you might be in some morgue somewhere. Why the hell didn't you call me?" Olivia's voice was spilling out the phone which caused Matt, who was busily typing on his laptop, to look at Kevin's direction.

"I've been busy this week getting used to the place and classes and stuff. I've actually been trying to call you at home but nobody's answering and I tried the diner a couple of times but all I got was Willie and you and I know that old fart can't remember a thing you say to him." Kevin heard his mom laughing on the other side. "So how are 'ya?"

"I'm doing fine. The diner's great."

"And how was your check-up?"

"The doctor said that I need a week's rest but I can't just leave the diner."

"Mom! Don't be stupid now, get some rest. Let Sylvia or Tony or even Willie take over for you, I don't care. Just get some rest. We can't have you getting all sick again."

"But I am sick."

"You know what I mean. Get some rest. Don't force me to get on the first flight out there."

"Okay. Okay. I will. So how's school?"

"Pretty good, actually. You have to meet my philosophy professor. She's a piece of work. She nearly bit everyone else's head off if it wasn't for yours truly who saved the day."

"You get your arrogance from your dad. You do know that, don't you?"

Kevin laughed.

"Oh, and thank god my roommate's not a psycho perv!" Kevin winked at Matt who was quietly chuckling by himself.

"Too bad. I was hoping he was so I can be rid of you."

"Yeah. And you'd be crying your eyes out, mourning the loss of your one and only baby boy."

"More like celebrating with a glass of wine," she laughed. "Have you made any friends yet?"

"What kind of a question is that? You know me!" Kevin heard his mom laughing.

"Yeah, I do. You're the anti-social bastard of L.A." her mom joked but he knew that was true.

Kevin wasn't very sociable in high school because he always felt like an outsider. His dad sent him to a private school in L.A. and he really didn't like the crowd that much. He thought they were all snooty and shallow. It really didn't bother him not fraternizing with anyone. He always thought it'd be better for him to be a loner than to mingle with those trust fund kids. The only person he really got a long with was Xavier, his best bud. They had one class together in his sophomore year and they instantly clicked. They did a lot of things that best buds usually do and then some. They started jacking off with each other then it escalated to exchanging blowjobs then they eventually moved on to fucking each other. After their graduation, Xavier decided to continue his studies in Melbourne. After a very memorable goodbye fuck, the best buds said their goodbyes and never saw each other again. To Kevin's dismay, they lost touch in the past year.

"Yeah, well this anti-social bastard is going out later to mingle so you can rest assured that I will mom. Now get the hell outta that diner and get some rest."

"Okay. I will. You don't have to keep reminding me. Jeez!"

Kevin laughed. "Love 'ya mom!"

"Love you too kiddo."

He put down the phone and looked at Matt. "Are you coming or what?"

"Wait. Let me just shut this down."

Kevin grabbed his coat, his keys and his wallet and the two roommates headed off a couple of blocks to Jazzy Joe's.

Just like Vince described it, Jazzy Joe's was small and cozy. There were a lot of people, mostly composed of university students. The place had a few small tables and a couple of couches and floor pillows. Kevin was scanning the place looking for Vince while Matt was at the counter ordering a cappuccino and a beer. Matt walked back to their table and sat opposite Kevin.

"Wow. This place is good. How'd you find it?"

"A friend told me."

"Is that her? She's been eyeing you since we got here."

Kevin turned around and saw Ally walking towards their table.

"Hello my knight in shining armor."

"Hello there yourself," Kevin smiled and stood up. "Did you come here alone?"

"I'm with my girlfriend Jessica." Ally pointed to the bar and saw a beautiful young freckled woman with kinky blonde hair who gave him a flying kiss.

"By girlfriend, you mean?"

Ally laughed. "No. She's a girl friend and I think she has the hots for you."

"Doesn't everyone?"

Matt gave made a coughing sound.

"Oh, this dweeb is my roommate Matt."

"Hello Matt."

"Matt this is Ally. She's in my philosophy class."

Matt took Ally's hand and kissed it. "What a beautiful fine lady your friend is."

Ally giggled.

"Would the lady care to join us?"

"Sure. I'll call Jess over."

Ally walked to the bar.

"Damn. That girl is hot. Did you bang her already?"

"Unfortunately, not yet... Where the hell did that come from?"


"All that ladies' man shit you just pulled off?"

"Ah. Like I said my friend, looks can be deceiving."

Ally and Jessica came over the table. "Guys this is Jessica."

"Another beautiful lady? God has definitely been answering my prayers." Matt took Jessica's hand and kissed it as well.

Jessica laughed. "You're such a cheeseball. I like that," she raised one of her eyebrows and sat down beside him while Ally sat beside Kevin. The busboy brought them their order as they all heard the mic turn on and looked at the makeshift stage.

"Good evening ladies and gents! Tonight we will be joined by our favorite musician. So you all cats and dogs out there, let's give it up for Vince Morris."

There was a round of applause. Ally leaned toward Kevin. "Hey, isn't that the guy from class?"

"Yup," Kevin smiled and clapped louder.

Vince took the stage and looked around the crowd as he sat down on a bar stool. He had his guitar swinging from his shoulder.

"Good evening everyone. So glad of you to join me tonight."

A girl screamed his name from the crowd and there were stifled laughs from across the room followed by a brief applause.

"Thanks love." He winked at the girl. "So this song goes out to all you horndogs out in the audience." Another round of stifled laughter erupted. He looked around and saw Kevin in the audience and winked his way.

He started playing Jose Gonzales' rendition of Heartbeats.

One night to be confused One night to speed up truth We had a promise made Four hands and then away

He kept his gaze towards Kevin which made him blush. He returned his attention to the guitar and closed his eyes.

Both under influence We had divine scent To know what to say Mind is a razorblade

Vince opened his eyes and looked back at Kevin.

To call for hands of above To lean on Wouldn't be good enough For me, no

"Why does he keep looking this way?" Matt asked.

"Shut up," Jessica, who was obviously melting in her chair with Vince's voice, elbowed Matt.

One night of magic rush The start a simple touch One night to push and scream And then relief

Ally smiled thinking she was the one whose Vince's gaze was focused on.

Ten days of perfect tunes The colors red and blue We had a promise made We were in love

Vince took a break after his first set, much to the dismay of the audience. He ordered a cold beer from the bar and walked over Kevin's table.

"Hey. You made it buddy," Vince grinned.

"Yeah. Couldn't miss it," Kevin smiled. "Let me introduce you to my roommate Matt, the very beautiful Jessica and I'm sure you know Ally."

"Ah. Ally, don't let the hag pressure you. `Ya know, she's only trying to psych you guys but deep down inside, she's a marshmallow."

"I'm sorry, what?" Ally didn't catch the last word clearly since people were starting to chatter all around them.

"Marshmallow. `Ya know? The StayPuff monster terrorizing New York City." Vince tried imitating the marshmallow man walking.

Ally giggled. "Yeah. I know."

"I thought that was Godzilla?" asked a very confused Matt.

Jessica tried correcting him. "No honey. Didn't you watch Ghostbusters?"


"Oh my god? Are you serious? That's a classic!"

"I hate to break up this happy banter but I need to excuse myself for a while. I need to tune my guitar for the next set. It was nice meeting all of you." He raised his beer. "Thanks again for coming buddy," Vince winked and left the table.

Ally looked at Kevin. "You actually know him?"

"Yeah. I talked to him after class. Pretty cool guy."

"I know," Ally sighed, still a bit smitten.

"I'll be right back." Kevin stood up and headed for the bathroom. Across the table, Jessica and Matt were still arguing about the Ghostbusters.

Kevin went to the only urinal, pulled down his zipper, stepped back, leaned his head back and relieved himself. Vince's voice was still in his head. He replayed the entire performance remembering the way Vince looked at him the entire time. He still felt those eyes staring at him. Just as he finished, Kevin zipped up and opened his eyes and jolted sideward after seeing Vince standing beside him with that grin on his face.

"Jeez. You scared the shit outta me. How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough," Vince smiled and stood in front of the urinal. "One urinal. Can't wait."

He pulled his unzipped and pulled his tool out. He didn't care if Kevin was there to see him. "So buddy, how'd `ya like the show so far?"

Kevin went to wash his hands but his eyes were glued to Vince's cock. It was somewhat the same size as his only Vince was a bit thicker. "It's really good. I'm actually enjoying myself."

Kevin didn't notice it but his jaw was hanging open a bit. Vince shook his cock and stuffed it back in his pants. He flushed the urinal. He grinned at Kevin who quickly focused back to washing his hands.

"A little anal aren't we?"


"Your hands. You've been washing your hands like ages ago. Are you neat freak or something?"

"Oh, I didn't notice."

Vince laughed as Kevin started drying his hands with a paper towel. "I'll see you out there, I guess." Kevin quickly walked out trying to suppress his raging hard-on which was inconveniently being strained by his underwear.

"See `ya buddy." Vince chuckled inside.

Kevin was lying in his bed, wearing only his boxers. He couldn't sleep. It was a little past midnight before he got back to their dorm room. He, Ally, Jessica and Matt decided to go for a pizza right after the show. The other three had a couple of beers and he decided to call it a night since he was going to drive out to his dad's in the morning. Matt decided to stay for a while to chat up the ladies.

Kevin kept turning in bed thinking about Vince's cock and that naughty grin. In seconds he was sporting a serious case of wood. He took full advantage of having the room for himself. He quickly shed his boxers and started stroking his cock. A healthy dose of precum started dripping from the tip. He coated his fingers and started working his way up and down his shaft. He used his free hand and started rubbing his hole. He closed his eyes and imagined his lips engulfing Vince's tool and taking it all the way down to his pubes. He started picking up the pace as he felt himself getting close. He was imagining having that cock shoved up his ass he and Vince shared a long fierce kiss, their tongues forcing their way into each other's mouths. He started pushing his middle finger into his waiting pucker deeper and deeper inside of him and just as he was about to blow his load, the door to their room opened. Kevin was alarmed but it was already too late, his cum shot all the way across his face. Another shot directly under his chin. Another shot splattered on his chest and the rest covered his abs. He tried catching his breath as he slid his finger out of his ass. He was covered in his own cum and sweat. He looked at Matt who had a very cheeky smile painted across his face.

"How was it?"

Kevin was embarrassed but smiled back anyway. He searched for his boxers and wiped himself clean.

"I probably should've stayed outside when I saw you but that wouldn't be fun, wouldn't it?"

Kevin threw the cum-drenched boxers towards his roommate who quickly moved back. The boxer landed on Matt's laptop.

"Damn it dude! You messed up my laptop!" Matt quickly pushed the boxers away and saw wet cum stains on his laptop.

"Serves you right. You perv," Kevin laughed as he got up. He opened their fridge and opened a bottle of water.

"Hey it wasn't my fault you were caught." Matt sat down on his bed chuckling as he wiped down his laptop with a rag and disinfectant. "Shit! It won't come off! What's you cum made of? Cement?"

"Wanna see for yourself?" Kevin was throwing all caution to the wind at this point. He was caught so nothing really mattered.

"Eeeeew. Dude, get that thing away from me or I'll chop it off."

"And what? Use it as a dildo?" Kevin laughed as he backed away and got into a new pair of boxers.

Matt took another quick glance as Kevin pulled his boxers up.

"Well Matty, I need to get some shut eye. Will you be dreaming of me?" Kevin laughed again as he got in bed as he quickly fell asleep.

"You betcha roomie," Matt whispered as he put the laptop down on his desk. He stood there looking at his sleeping friend and chuckled. He took off his glasses and shirt and started grabbing himself under the sheets.

Kevin parked his car right outside his dad's house. He got out, jogged up the walkway and rang the doorbell. The door opened. "Hi mom!" Kevin gave Andrea a big hug. Andrea hugged back her husband's son. They went inside and Andrea closed the door.

"You're early. I thought you'd be coming around this afternoon."

"I decided to drop by earlier to surprise you guys so here I am. Surprise!"

Andrea laughed. "Oh dear, don't waste the surprise on me. Your dad and the twins just left to buy dessert. I'm just finishing up in the kitchen."

Kevin followed Andrea and was quickly enthralled by the smell. "Is that what I think it is?"

Andrea smiled as she pulled out the lamb chops from the stove top grill. "It's your favorite."

Kevin kissed Andrea on the cheek and sat down by the counter. "Need any help here? What do you want me to do?"

"Just sit there and look cute," Andrea joked. "Everything's already taken care of. I've steamed the vegetables, mashed the potatoes, cooked the gravy all we're waiting for is your dad, brother and sister and we're set."

"What are we having for dessert?"


"Apple pie?"

Andrea nodded.

"Why didn't you just bake the dessert?"

"Honey, you know how that ended up the last time. Your mom's the expert in apple pie. And besides, we're out of Cool Whip."

Kevin heard excited footsteps leading into the kitchen.

"Kevin!!!" Tim and Mallory came running to their brother. He grabbed both of the tykes in each arm and carried them.

"I missed you guys." Kevin kissed his brother and sister on the cheeks.

He saw his dad coming into the kitchen as he set his siblings down. Phil was carrying the pie and a tub of Cool Whip. He set them down on the table and hugged his son.

"How is my little guy?"

"Not so little anymore dad."

All of them sat at the table and started digging in. Kevin was making faces across the table causing his brother to shoot water out of his nose. Mallory pointed a finger at her twin, laughing. Andrea stood up and took a paper towel and wiped off Tim's face and shirt.

"So how's school?"

"It's going pretty good. It's just my second week so it's too soon to tell really."

"Have you made any friends?" Andrea asked as she sat back on her chair.

"Why does everybody ask that?"

"Well because your anti-social." His dad said as he chewed chunk of lamb.

"I am not."

After lunch, Kevin and his dad stepped out to the back porch and had cold beers. Kevin only took a sip or two.

"So how's your mom?"

"She says she's doing fine. But I'm a bit worried. The doctor advised her to get some rest for a week. Maybe she's working herself out again."

"Don't worry about your mom. Olivia's one tough cookie."

"I don't know dad. I just feel like I should be there."

"Your mom and I agreed that it'd be better for you to stay here for a while so you can be a little bit more independent and get a good education."

"Yeah, but I can also get a good education and be independent in L.A."

"Your mom and I studied at the university. We have connections. It was better for you to study here."

"Dad if you really wanted me to be independent then you should've made me make my own decisions."

"And what kind of decision was that? Not go to college and work at the diner all your life? I'm not gonna let that happen. You're my son and you aren't going to spend the rest of your life in a blue collar job." Phil took a chug of his beer. "Have you thought of what major you're taking?"

"I'm not sure yet. I don't even want to think about that now."

"You need to take this seriously Kevin. This is your life we're talking about. Don't screw it up."

Kevin though of saying `It is MY life' to his dad but opted not to, just to avoid any conflict. Phil Stanford wasn't the kind of person you wanted to argue with.

Kevin was sitting in his room trying to study for his Philosophy class. By the way Dr. Patterson spoke, it seemed she was going to give one hell of surprise test or something the next day. He heard the door open and saw his roommate come in with just a towel on, his hair still dripping a bit. It was probably the first time he saw Matt without his glasses on. The guy was handsome especially with his hair wet. Matt knew the attention he was getting and decided to give his roommate a bit of a show. He pulled off his towel and started drying his hair, giving Kevin a great view of his muscular back and his toned dimpled butt. He bent over to dry off his legs and Kevin sprang a boner. He lost his concentration which caused him to let go of his pen which fell to the floor. Kevin picked it up and went back to his work as Matt turned back around and started putting on some underwear. Matt smiled as he saw his roommate adjusting his package from his chair.

Matt walked over to Kevin and stood behind him. He leaned over to see what his roommate was reading. Kevin felt Matt's muscular chest touch the back of his neck. "What're you reading?"


Kevin was about to lose it. He wanted to turn around and pin his roommate down and fuck him crazy. Just then, his cellphone rang. Matt backed away and stared putting on clothes. Kevin looked at the caller ID. He didn't know the number but answered it anyway. "Hello?"

"Hello there buddy!"

"Hey! How the hell did `ya get my number?"

"I have my ways."

"So you're not only a damn good singer but you're also a stalker now? Is there anything more I should know about you?"

"Yeah. I'm half Scot."

Kevin smiled. "So why did `ya call?"

"Are `ya busy?"

"Not really," he lied.

Matt grabbed his bag, put on his glasses and tapped Kevin's shoulder before going to class.

"Well I actually need help moving stuff if that's okay. You see, my mom's going back to Scotland tomorrow. She and I decided that I'd relocate after she left. The apartment's too expensive with only me payin' for it. So I found a cheaper place and I'm movin' all my stuff today."

"Sure. Where will I meet you?"

"Well, actually I'm outside your door right now."

Kevin quickly got up and opened the door. "What the fuck? You really are a stalker."

Vince grinned at Kevin. "Don't flatter yourself buddy, I only stalk important people. Ready to go?"

"Let me put on some decent clothes first. Wanna come in?"


Vince went inside and closed the door as Kevin put on his jeans. Vince looked around the room and saw a foam finger sticking out one side of the room.

"You're a basketball fan?"

"Nah. I was always too busy at work I didn't even bother anymore."

"All work and no play make an anti-social boy."

"Again with the anti-social thing? Will everybody just drop that?"

"Sorry buddy but it's the truth."

"Okay, I'm ready."

The two drove off to Vince's apartment. Vince opened the door and let Kevin in. Kevin looked around. It was a pretty modest place. They didn't have much stuff just your basics tables, chairs, a TV, a couch.

"Hi mum," Vince kissed his mother's cheek as she was washing the dishes. "I brought a friend along to help with the move. Vince's mother turned around and saw Kevin.

"You must be Kevin."

Kevin was a bit surprised by the fact that she knew him. "Yes ma'am. Really nice to meet you."

"It's Moira not ma'am."

"Yes Moira."

"This little wanker told me about `ya, the young philosopher," she smiled at him and extended her hand. Kevin took it and shook it.

"Americans really don't know how to shake hands properly," she sighed.

"Damn Americans!" Vince shouted on his way out of his room, carrying a huge box filled with his stuff and his guitar strapped around his box. "Would you mind carrying this buddy? I still have another box to haul out."

Kevin took the box from Vince's hands. It was damn heavy but he could manage. "What the hell do you have in this thing?"

"The usual, bombs, guns, tanks, porn, lube and a lot of tissues."

Kevin quickly looked at Moira but she just nonchalantly washed the dishes like it was a normal thing. Vince and Kevin put the boxes inside the car. They went back up to get the TV and the dishes. Moira packed the newly washed dishes in bubble wrap and put them inside a box and handed it to Kevin.

"Guard this with your life Kevin. It was my mum's and I cut off your balls if you break `em."

"Yes ma'am. I mean Moira."

Vince laughed. "Go easy on the guy mum. He might think all Scots are ball cutters."

Kevin headed out the door. "Bye Moira!"

"Remember you break `em, it's your balls!"

Vince kissed his mum's cheek. "I'll be back in the morning to bring `ya to the airport. Got all your stuff packed?"

"Don't worry about me Vincent. See you in the morning"

Vince carefully set the TV on the backseat and closed the door. He got in the driver's seat and started the car.

"Is your mother always like that? Damn, she's a firecracker."

"Yup, and I won't trade her for anything else." Vince smiled as they drove off.

The two friends finished hauling and arranging stuff in Vince's new place. It was turning out to be a pretty cool bachelor's pad. Vince took out a cold can of beer from the fridge and handed one to Kevin.

"Nah. I already told you I get drunk easily."

"And I already told you to live a little. Stretch that tolerance of yours," Vince grinned at him.

Kevin took the beer and opened it.

"Atta boy!" Vince patted his shoulder. Vince took another beer for himself and started drinking. He looked around the place and was satisfied. "We did good buddy!" He wrapped one of his arms on Kevin's neck. Kevin smiled. "We sure did."

Kevin took another long sip and spotted Vince's guitar. "Hey, can you play that song again?"

"Which one?"

"The first one you played at Jazzy Joe's."


Vince took the guitar sat down on the couch and started playing. Kevin sat down beside him, watching him play.

One night to be confused One night to speed up truth...

Vince looked at Kevin and smiled and sang some more. Kevin emptied his beer.

...Both under influence We had divine scent...

Kevin held Vince by the chin as he leaned for a kiss. Vince set his guitar aside and started returning the kiss. He grabbed Kevin by the sides of his face and started sucking his tongue into his eager mouth. Kevin placed his hands at the back of Vince's head and ran his fingers through his hair.

Kevin started lifting Vince's shirt up and feeling his chest. He played with Vince's nipples under his shirt. Vince pulled it off completely and let Kevin lick his chest taking one nipple at a time into his mouth. He let out a soft moan. Kevin licked Vince's neck and kissed him again. He broke the kiss to take off his own shirt. He stopped for a while to admire this person in front of him. They were staring into each other's eyes. They both started kissing each other again, this time, with a bit more passion. Kevin felt his belt being unbuckled and removed. He felt Vince's warm hand slowly groping his package. He was already dripping precum.

Kevin kicked off his shoes, broke their kiss and pulled down his pants and boxers. Vincent started planting soft kisses down Kevin's neck down to his smooth chest. Vince repeated Kevin's earlier performance on his chest. He stuck his tongue out and flicked each nipple before sucking it in. He kissed and licked his way down Kevin's abs and followed down his happy trail. He took hold of Kevin's leaking member and started stroking it gently. He stuck his tongue out and licked the slit. He licked the underside of the head and licked the entire length from side to side. Kevin moaned from all the attention his friend was giving his cock. He felt Vince's warm mouth swallow the entire head of his cock. Precum gushed out into Vince's mouth. Vince pushed his mouth further slowly until he felt Kevin's cock at the back of his throat. He relaxed a bit more, trying not to gag and was able to take everything in. He started going up and down the entire shaft as one of his hands massaged and squeezed Kevin's balls. Kevin's eyes shot up as he moaned louder. He looked down at his buddy who was now looking up at him. He could still see that grin even if his cock was in his mouth. He gently took hold of the back of Vince's head and started face fucking him, thrusting his body forward.

He was close. He could feel it coming. "I'm cumming. Vince I'm cumming." Vince picked up the pace and used his tongue. Kevin shot his first load into Vince's throat. Vince let Kevin's cock out and let the succeeding shots hit him in the face. He took hold of shaft and jerked it some more. Shot after shot of hot cum spilled across his face, into his waiting mouth, down his neck, his chest. He licked up the rest of the cum that started dribbling out. He engulfed the entire cock one last time before letting it out. Kevin was panting heavily. "Fuck! You give great head buddy."

Vince grinned, cum dripping from his mouth and cheeks. "One more thing you don't know about me."

Kevin was feeling the alcohol setting in as he pulled Vince up and kissed him, their tongues sharing his own seed. He licked down Vince's neck and chest, taking all his cum into his mouth. They kissed once again and shared his cum. The two of them laid on the couch for a while. "You haven't gotten off yet. Want me to help you with that buddy?"

Vince grinned. "Let's take this to the bed."

Vince took off his pants, shoes and underwear. His cock hit his stomach with a loud slap. Kevin's cock went back to full attention. They kissed each other as Vince led Kevin to the bed. Kevin sat Vince down and pushed his back to the bed, his legs dangling from the edge. Kevin knelt down and started licking Vince's long shaft. Kevin shook Vince's cock and let it slap his lips a couple of times. He pressed his nose under Vince's cock taking in his scent as he started sucking on his balls. Vince moaned as he put his hands at the back of head, closed his eyes and spread his legs a bit further to give Kevin better access. Kevin started flicking his tongue in Vince's waiting hole. Vince was writhing in pleasure. "Yeah buddy, stick your tongue in." Kevin did as he was told. He stuck his tongue in and moved it around. He took Vince's cock in one hand and stroked it slowly as precum oozed out. He used his free hand to stroke himself.

"Suck me Kev. Swallow me."

Kevin pulled out his tongue and started licking up Vince's shaft. He could taste his skin and feel Vince's precum. He took Vince's head in his mouth and slowly slid down until he had the entire cock inside his mouth. He struggled a bit with both Vince's full length and thickness. He couldn't do it the first time. He let it slide back out, took a quick breath and quickly shoved the whole thing down his throat. "Yeeaaahhh! Suck that cock!"

Kevin didn't need to be told twice. He quickly moved his lips up and down Vince's shaft. Vince grabbed on to Kevin's hair and started pushing his head down his tool. Kevin enjoyed every minute of it as he heard Vince moaning and breathing heavily. Vince tried sitting up but he couldn't make himself do it. The pleasure was intense. He suddenly felt his friend's lips move away from his cock.

"I want you inside me."

Vince grinned and pulled out a packet from the drawer beside the bed and lube. Kevin took the rubber and slid it down Vince's shaft. He lubed up Vince's pole. He bent down and licked Vince's nipples as he jerked Vince off through the condom. He then applied a lot of lube into his hole. He leaned forward and whispered, "It's been a while."

Vince looked at his buddy. Kevin's eyes were tender and loving. He slowly pushed himself down at Vince's cock. He felt the tip pointed at his hole. He pushed down slowly. Vince took his buddy's hand and rubbed it. They were looking at each other. "Take your time buddy."

Kevin felt the head pop inside. He shouted. "Aw shit! Ahh!" He slowly slid down inch by inch. Vince looked at his friend's face as he slowly slid down his pole. Vince could feel the hot tight hole gripping his cock. He couldn't help but moan. Kevin was able to take Vince's whole length. He stayed there for a while, before he slowly lifted himself up.

"Are you okay buddy?"

Kevin nodded his head as he sat back down on Vince's pole. Vince could feel his cock hitting Kevin's prostate, sending Kevin pleasure. Both Kevin and Vince moaned as they started picking up the pace. Vince grabbed on Kevin's waist as Kevin dug his fingers in Vince's chest. They bounced faster, feeling Vince's cock hit his spot repeatedly. He couldn't hold it back any longer. Rope after rope of cum shot out and covered Vince's chest and abs. Kevin shouted moans of pleasure. Some landed on his face. Some went into his mouth as Vince moaned when he felt Kevin's muscles tighten on his own cock, He licked his lips. "Kev. I'm cumming! Suck me!"

...One night to push and scream and then relief...

Kevin quickly got off his buddy's pole and threw the condom. The quickly engulfed the tool in his mouth and bobbed his head up and down. Suddenly, Vince shot into Kevin's mouth sending rope after rope of his cum to the back of Kevin's throat. He tried desperately to swallow all of Vince's load but a lot of it dribbled out the sides of his lips. He pulled off and three more shots came and splattered across his chest and face. He licked up all the cum that seeped out. He went over to Vince and they shared each other's seed in a long wet kiss. Kevin collapsed on top of Vince. Vince ran his hand on Kevin's back and looked at his friend. Kevin looked up and saw Vince grinning at him.

...We had a promise made We were in love...

Kevin lifted his head up and kissed his buddy before setting his head down and falling asleep in each other's arms.


Hello! This is my first attempt at writing a series. I'm new to all of this so I need all the comments/suggestions I can get. You can send me an e-mail at they will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot!

Cheers! -gabe

Next: Chapter 2

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