In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Aug 6, 2008


Xavier sat Kevin down on the passenger's seat and got in. He looked at Kevin sleeping soundly beside him. Xavier ruffled Kevin's hair gently and drove off

Chapter 10 History Lesson

Xavier rested his head on the backseat of the cab. He kept pondering on what happened with Kevin. The cab had been going in circles for hours and the cab driver was getting impatient as he kept looking at guy in his the rear-view mirror. He pulled over the side and stopped.

"Why are we stopping here?"

"Get out!"


"Get out!"

"I'm paying you!"

"Look, kid, this ain't an amusement park ride okay? Get out!"

Xavier got out of the cab and slammed the door and the taxi sped off. Xavier looked around. He definitely wasn't in Manhattan. The placed looked trashed; a few neon signs lit the road ahead. Xavier took his phone out and punched the number for a taxi service. As he was walking and waiting for the operator to pick up, he quickly felt someone grab him from behind. He tried to break free but stopped once another guy appeared in front of him with a sharp switchblade pointed at the side of his face.

"Gimme the phone!"

Xavier calmly gave the guy his phone.

"And your wallet!"

"I don't have a wallet."

Xavier grimaced in pain as he got punched in the stomach. "Don't be a fucking smartass. Gimme your wallet. Come on!"

Xavier slid his hand in his pocket and gave the guy his wallet. The guy holding him from behind let him go and started beating the shit out of him. Xavier fell on the street and felt every kick. The guys left him there and ran off with his phone and cash.

Hey lay there, panting for a couple of minutes. He felt the cold sticky pavement on the side of his face. His eye was swollen from the foot that had just rammed against his face. He spat the blood out of his mouth and struggled to get up. He looked around to call for help but everything else seemed unfriendly and alien to him.

He limped to the nearest phone booth but remembered that he had no money. He leaned on the glass pane and wiped the dirt and blood off his face. He went out of the small booth and forced himself to walk a couple of blocks to the nearest diner. He passed by a few hookers who eyed him as he continued limping.

He finally managed to get into the small diner. He pushed the door open to the sound of chimes. Nobody seemed to pay him much attention. Everybody there, pretty much, just minded their own business. Xavier sat down in one of the empty window stalls and groaned quietly as he felt the pain searing through his torso. He leaned his back against the glass and just sat there for a few minutes until an old waitress walked to his table, "Can I get you anything honey?"

Xavier winced as he moved his jaw to speak, "Some water please."

"Damn boy, look at yourself. Did you get in one of them car accidents?"

"No... I got mugged."

The waitress shook her head and walked away. A few moments later, she was back with a tall glass of water and a pie which she both set on the table.

"I don't have any money."

She handed him a clean damp cloth, "This one's on the house honey. Go on and clean yourself up."

"Thanks. Uh..."

"Agnes," the old lady smiled. "My shift's almost up. I'm going to take a cab home. If you're on your way to the Brooklyn area, you're welcome to go for a ride."

"Thanks Agnes. Sure, I can walk from there."

"Don't you have anyone you can call?"

Xavier looked at her and said, "No."

Xavier limped over to his king-sized bed and fell on it like a dead log. He could feel every bruise and cut on his body sting all at the same time. He closed his eyes and thought about everything that happened to him that night. He covered his face with one hand. He hated everything... he hated the fact that he got mugged... he hated that he cheated on his boyfriend... he hated that his boyfriend dumped him for another guy.

'What's the point?' Xavier snapped out from his pity party and slowly got himself out of bed. He limped over to the bar and poured himself some scotch. He took a long sip and spat it out. He couldn't take the taste of it as it burned the cuts inside his mouth. He set it down and pushed it aside, remembering Kevin doing the same thing when he first offered him a drink.

"Come on! It's just a little sip." Kevin was smiling as moved back from Xavier who was aggressively charging him with the drink in hand. Both of them still had their preppy private school uniforms on since they'd just gotten home from school and were crashing at Xavier's place. As always, the manor was empty except for a couple of maids and the chauffer. Kevin told his mom they working on their high school history report so he had an excuse to stay up late. The two decided to grab a quick bite and hang around at the manor. Xavier went to his dad's cellar and popped open a bottle of chardonnay. He had already downed one full glass of alcohol before coaxing Kevin to take one little sip. He chased Kevin around the sitting room with the glass in his hand. Kevin tripped on one of the foot stools and caused him to fall backwards on the ground with a soft thud. Xavier quickly put the glass down and went to Kevin's aid, "Kev, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," Kevin smiled as he winced a bit trying to get up. Xavier offered a hand to lift his best bud off the ground. Kevin took hold of Xavier's hand quickly pulled him down. Xavier fell right on top of Kevin, their bodies pressed against each other. Kevin was smiling and staring into Xavier's eyes. Xavier looked down at the boy just below him. "You're a horny little bunny, aren't you?" "If this is the only way I can stop you from forcing me to drink, then I'll do it," Kevin smiled once more and pulled on Xavier's tie, bringing their faces closer, as he kissed him hard on the lips. Xavier kissed back as he felt Kevin's hand on the back of his head. They made out on the floor for a couple of minutes before Xavier started to remove Kevin's tie and unbutton his shirt, pulling it off gently. He lowered his head and started licking down Kevin's chest. Kevin closed his eyes as Xavier ran his tongue down to his navel. He ran his hands up, massaging Kevin's bare skin as me cupped Kevin's hard tool with his lips. Kevin sat up and removed Xavier's tie and shirt before pulling him for another kiss. Kevin loved the way that Xavier ran his hands through his hair. He leaned his head back and let Xavier's tongue run down his neck. Kevin moaned softly as Xavier's hand slipped into his already tight pants and wrapped around his hard cock. "Wait." Kevin stood up and stripped down to his boxers. He sat down on the couch and watched Xavier taking the rest of his clothes off. He beckoned Xavier to walk over towards him. Kevin smiled as his best friend stood in front of him, his hard on visible through the thick fabric of his boxers. Kevin took hold of the sizeable mound and started massaging it, causing Xavier to moan. Kevin slipped Xavier's cock from his boxers and started stroking it slowly. Xavier closed his eyes when he felt Kevin's hot mouth engulf his tool. He opened his eyes to watch his best friend eagerly going down on him. He gently ran his hand down the back of Kevin's head and guided him down his shaft. Kevin moaned, sending vibrations down Xavier's throbbing cock. Pre-cum leaked from his cock as he pulled Kevin off it. "Hold on there," Xavier gasped and smiled. "You don't want me to blow right now, don't you?" Kevin actually did as he just smiled as he gripped Xavier's cock tightly in the palm of his hand. "Damn, you're getting better at this." "I learned from the best." Xavier sat down beside his buddy and wrapped his right arm around him. He pulled him closer and kissed him softly as he ran his hand on Kevin's chest. Xavier broke the kiss and leaned over to take Kevin's cock into his mouth. He licked the tip before sliding his tongue down the side. Kevin pressed the back of his head against the couch as he felt his balls in Xavier's hand. Xavier rubbed them against his palm as he took inch after inch of Kevin's length into his eager mouth. He slowly bobbed up, his lips gripping tightly around Kevin's cock. Xavier let it pop out of his mouth and started stroking it as he took Kevin's balls into his mouth. He looked up and smiled. He loved seeing Kevin lost in pleasure. He gave Kevin's tool a few quick strokes in his mouth before finally standing up. Kevin took hold of Xavier and guided his hole down his shaft. Xavier winced a bit as he felt Kevin slip into him. He kept lowering himself until he felt the entire length go in. Kevin let Xavier stay in that position for a couple of seconds before starting to pump his cock slowly into his friend. Xavier matched Kevin's thrusts. He leaned back and let Kevin kiss the side of his neck from behind. Kevin sucked in as much of Xavier's skin into his mouth. He loved the feel of Xavier's tight hole pressing against his dick. Kevin took hold of his friend's hips and staring pumping himself faster. Xavier started to moan loudly as he felt Kevin's cock hitting his spot. He ran his right hand over his chest as his left started jerking his own stiff tool. "Yeaah!," Xavier moaned as Kevin pounded him harder from behind. Kevin's hands climbed up Xavier's hips and found themselves taking hold of Xavier's firm chest and pulling him down, Xavier's back on top of him. Both of them continued the motion, Xavier pushed down as Kevin forced his cock deeper inside of him. Kevin ran his hands on Xavier's chest as he kissed the side of Xavier's neck. Kevin slowed down and let Xavier lay on his back on the couch. He positioned himself and aimed his cock into Xavier's waiting ass. He entered slowly and picked up the pace. Kevin leaned over his buddy, their eyes glued to each other. Pain and pleasure was painted on Xavier's face. Kevin was getting close as beads of sweat started to drip from his body. "I'm cumming." Kevin was going to pull out but Xavier stopped him and nodded him to go on. Kevin couldn't take it any longer and exploded inside of his friend. He thrust himself a couple of times more. Xavier felt every shot spill into him. Kevin leaned over and gave his best bud a long passionate kiss. Kevin's chest was heaving as he got off his friend. Xavier lay there and started beating his own cock as Kevin watched. Kevin ran his hand down Xavier's chest, pinching his nipples lightly. He started kissing down Xavier's defined torso, down to the trail which led to his cock. Without warning Xavier's cock erupted shot after shot of hot cum into the air and splattered Kevin's face and hair. Cum spilled all over the couch and covered Xavier's hand. Kevin moved his tongue down and licked the cum off Xavier's soaked hand as he continued stroking himself. Kevin's lips wrapped around the head of Xavier's cock as it continued spewing. Xavier let go of his tool and let Kevin's lips do the work. He let the entire length fill his buddy's mouth. Kevin sucked every last drop out of him before letting it slip out. Xavier was panting heavily. Kevin looked up at him and smiled. Xavier smiled back and motioned for Kevin to give him a kiss. Kevin got on the couch and lay on top of his best bud. He kissed him, sharing his buddy's seed in his mouth. Xavier licked the side of Kevin's face, savoring the taste of his own cum, and kissed him once again. The two lay there for a moment. "I guess I have to force you to drink more." Kevin laughed, "You don't need to do that." He looked at Xavier and gave him one last kiss.

Kevin missed Xavier's lips on his. He felt like shit. He spent the past two days sulking in his room, even Matt and his dorkiness couldn't cheer him up. Kevin just lay on his bed and let the day pass by. He heard the door open and found Vince walking in. "Hey buddy."

"Hey. How'd you get in?"

"Matt let me borrow his keys," Vince sat down on the edge of Matt's bed and looked at his friend who was still lying on his bed. "How're you doing?"

"I dunno. I wanted to do it. I'm fucked up."

"No you're not."

"I messed up, but so did he. I don't know, maybe we just lost it there, you know? One year apart?" Kevin sighed.

"Have you tried calling him?"

"I did but he wouldn't answer. I don't want to call him back anymore. I know Xavier, there's no reasoning with him when he's pissed. It's over."

"Just like that?"

"Yeah," Kevin responded weakly.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I caused all this. I shouldn't have..."

"Fuck you!" Kevin yelled which caught Vince completely off guard. "Don't say that. Don't tell me you're sorry it happened because I'm not."

Vince just stared at Kevin. "Well... I'm not. I lied. I just said it to make you feel better."


"Because friends, sometimes, tell lies just to make the other feel better... then tell `em to suck it up after they've calmed down."

Kevin smiled for the first time in two days, "You're a piece of work, you know that?"

"Yeah, I do. Now do you mind getting your ass out of bed and let's get some coffee?"

Xavier sat at the back of his class, his bruises a little bit better. He wasn't paying attention that much in what the professor was talking about, he was too preoccupied with his thoughts.

He doodled on one of the pages of his notebook as Kevin crept from behind to look over his shoulder. "What are you writing?" "None of your damn business." "Let me see!" Kevin yanked away the notebook from Xavier's hands and laughed. "You can't draw if your life depended on it." "Ha! Ha!" Xavier mocked. "I'd like to see you draw something yourself Mr. Writer." Kevin sat down on the chair beside Xavier and straightened his tie. "Hi Xavier!" Xavier looked over to his side and saw Sharon Marcy waving at him. She was wearing a black silk vest over a white blouse, the required Catholic school uniform the girls were restricted to. But since this was Shannon Marcy, the school's queen bee, restrictions always had loopholes, just like the five inch mini skirt she was wearing. "Hey Shan, what's up?" "I just wanted to invite you over to my party this weekend. It's VIP's only," she handed him a nicely folded piece of gold embossed parchment. He took a glance over it and looked back at her, "Oooh, this weekend? I can't... I have plans with my buddy over here," Xavier pointed to Kevin. "I could come... if he went too." Shannon's face quickly turned cold and looked Kevin from head to foot. She thought about it for a while and forced the best smile she could muster, "Sure. He can come. It starts at 10, don't be late." "We won't," Xavier smiled as she walked away. Kevin quickly leaned towards Xavier and whispered, "Why the hell would I want to go to a party?" "First, it's a Shannon Marcy party. If there's one thing that girl knows, it's how to throw a party. You can't miss that. Second, I wanted to see you squirm with all the rich snobs around you." Kevin punched Xavier's arm which only caused Xavier to laugh at him even more. Sister Pardeau, their philosophy teacher went in the room and asked the class to take their seats. She went to the board and wrote down St. Augustine's proofs of God's existence. Kevin quickly raised his hand, much to her disappointment, "Yes Mr. Stanford?" "Should we even assume these reasons are justifiable? Come on? Chicken or the egg? Which came first? Does it even matter to know which came first? I mean, pardon me for the word, but, who actually gives a shit?" The old nun raised her voice and started debating with this kid again. Half of the class was anticipating if Sister Pardeau would win this time while the other half was doing something else. Some were on their cellphones, others were checking their emails while others just chatted away. Xavier was glued to the discussion, he enjoyed every minute of it.

Vince set the coffees down and looked at Kevin who was too preoccupied staring out the window.


"Yeah. I used to do it all the time. You know, you get a lot of story ideas just by watching people interact," Kevin grabbed his coffee from the table and took a sip.

Vince looked out the window and pointed to two women who were holding hands and chatting like there was no tomorrow as they walked down the street, "What can you get from them?"

Kevin stared out the window and followed the two women with his eyes. He thought about it then spoke, "She's her best friend. They haven't seen each other for a long time..."

Vince put down his coffee, "That's cliché."

"Let me finish," Kevin continued as he watched the two women cross the street, "The first one's married and the other one's single. The first one wants to get out of love while the other one wants to be in love. They're both living unsatisfied lives and yet they're just out there, putting on their best fake smiles trying to show one another that their lives are better than what they really are."

Vince grinned, "So which one are ya?"


"I mean, writers usually create characters which, in one way or another, represent themselves. So which one are 'ya?"

"Does it matter? Both characters have the same struggle, they're unhappy in discontent."

"Are you?" Vince paused, "Unhappy?"

"A little bit," Kevin took a sip of his coffee and tried his best not to make eye contact with Vince. He knew what Vince felt when he heard him say those words.

"Do you really want to be with him?"

Kevin sighed and finally looked into Vince's eyes. "That's just it. What Xavier and I have, I mean, had, was all in the past. After what happened, I realized that I can't keep living in it."

"So... if you're living in the future right now, would you mind having me in it?" Vince grinned.

Kevin laughed. "You're still fucking vain, aren't you? To tell you the truth, as of now, I would mind... in the way you might be thinking. I guess I'm still picking up from what happened. Everything just ended like that. I guess I wasn't prepared, you know?"

"Just take your time, I'll still be here. We're buddies, remember?"

"Of the fucking kind," Kevin laughed once more and quickly shut up once the waitress served their orders.

"It's about time," Vince grinned as he winked at the waitress. She blushed and walked off.

Kevin stared at the pie in front of him.

Vince looked at Kevin curiously, "Well, what're 'ya waitin' for buddy? Dig in!"

"What?" "I said dig in." "I'm an apple pie guy," Kevin looked at Xavier. "What the fuck's wrong with you? This the best fucking cheesecake in LA and you're not even gonna try it?" "No thanks. I'm pretty full right now... I can't believe you still have room for that after those cheeseburgers." "What can I say? I'm a growing boy," Xavier smiled as he took the fork into his mouth. Kevin watched as Xavier's face changed as he savored his cake and smirked. "What?" "You look stupid." "I like cheesecake."

Xavier wasn't hungry. He looked at the cakes one last time and decided to get out of the cafe. He zipped up his jacket and put the hood over his cap. He walked down the street and stopped at the crossroad waiting for the light to change. It must've been his mind playing tricks on him but he could've sworn he saw someone he recognized, a guy wearing a scarf getting into a limousine. Xavier shook his head and crossed the street.

Just a few blocks away, Kevin and Vince were talking as they walked to the dorms.

"You actually think he's leaving?"

"I don't know. Maybe. I got used to the idea for the past two days. I barely know the guy anymore. What if he takes off again?"

"He did have a reason for leaving the first time. I don't know buddy, I think he's sticking around for good. He loves you."

"Please don't bring that up again, okay? At least not for now."

"Whatever you say."

Both of them stopped in front of Kevin's building. Vince patted his buddy on the back, "Well, this is you. I'll see 'ya later?"

"Yeah," Kevin smiled as Vince started walking away. "Vince!"

Vince turned around, "Yeah?"

"Thanks... for listening."

"Always," Vince winked at Kevin and walked away.

"This is a bad idea!" "What?" Xavier stopped his car in front of Shannon Marcy's house and looked at his very nervous best friend, "Come on! It'll be fun!" "For you. All these people bow down at your feet and I'm just your sidekick." Xavier laughed and ruffled Kevin's hair. "You know you look cute when you're degrading yourself." Kevin punched Xavier in the arm. "Let's just go in, grab some food and mingle for a while. If you don't like it, we'll get the hell outta there. Deal?" "Deal." The two got out of the car and walked over to the front lawn which was lined with bright white lights. A couple of people were hanging out by the door as Xavier and Kevin walked in. Some of the guys gave Xavier high fives or greeted him, all of the girls either shied away or stayed to flirt. Kevin found his way into the house and squeezed in through the crowd. He hated parties like these. It was always an opportunity for the spoiled kids of Beverly Hills to flaunt their trust funds all around. Shannon Marcy was well-known to put up the greatest parties ever and this time was no different. She had a stage set-up in their huge backyard. Kevin stood by the punchbowl and watched the band perform an acoustic set as the crowd sung along. So lately been wonderin who will be there to take my place? When I'm gone, you'll need love to light the shadows on your face "Well if it isn't the little social climber... Tell me Stanford, what's somebody like you doing here? This is a VIP party." Kevin looked around to see Rick Wulstein and his posse. Rick was this pompous spoiled rich jerk who, for some reason, loved picking on Kevin. Rick was thick and beefy just like his old man. He had that permanent scowl which made him look like a rabid dog in some angles. "Believe it or not Wulstein, I was invited." "By who? If I'm guessing correctly, you just tagged along with Thomas." "Yeah. So what if he did?" Xavier walked up to Rick. "Why are you hanging out with this guy anyway?" "Because unlike you, Wulstein, this guy actually uses his brains." A bunch of other guests started laughing. Rick lost it and flung a punch at Xavier which he quickly evaded. Xavier took a quick jab at Rick's stomach. Rick got pissed off and punched Xavier in the face. A crowd of people started forming around them. Shannon quickly ran towards them in her evening gown and broke them up. "What are you doing?! This is my party and no one fights at my party! Got that?" her eyes darted at Rick. She apologized to Xavier then noticed the crowd still huddled around them, "Well? The fight's over! Time to party!" Kevin walked over to Xavier and checked out his face, "Are you okay?" "Yeah. I was about to kick that guy's ass." "You didn't have to do that. I could've handled it myself." "You? Take on Wulstein? I'd love to see that!" Xavier laughed. "Do wanna leave?" "No. I think I want to stick around just to piss these people off." "That's my boy," Xavier smiled and handed Kevin a glass of champagne from the tray that passed them. "Cheers!"

Xavier stared at the several empty bottles of champagne on the floor. His head was still throbbing and his body felt hot. He lazily stood up from bed and drank down a glass of water and some aspirin.

He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment to let his hangover to dissipate for a bit. He finally made way to the bathroom and took a quick shower. He got dressed, put on a pair of shades and his favorite baseball cap and went out.

Xavier was sitting at the back of the cab as he watched the street pass by outside the window. He told the driver to stop in front of a dingy apartment building. He got out, paid the fare and walked up the stoop. He searched the names of the residents and rang the doorbell.

"Boy, you're still drunk aren't you?"

"Just a little bit."

"Take off your cap and those horrible shades. Your indoors, it's disrespectful!"

Xavier complied as Agnes poured him a cup of tea.

"Drink this. It'll help you get out of your hangover."


"Don't mention it."

"No, I meant thanks for helping out the other night."

"And like I said, don't mention it."

Xavier looked around the small apartment. Agnes had pictures all over the wall of her and her family. "Are those your children?"

"Yeah," the old lady smiled.

"Where are they?"

"Terence is studying in Boston. He's going to graduate this year," she smiled proudly, "And Monica's married. She's staying with her husband back in Missouri."

"Wow. That's good for you. And your husband?"

"Charles has been gone for years honey. He's in a good place now."

"Sorry about that."

"Don't be sorry. God's takin' good care of him."

Xavier smiled, "Don't you ever get lonely living alone?"

"Not one bit. Some people can't stand the thought of being alone but I can. I've lived with people all my life. I tend to them, I care for them, I fight with them and I love them. I say it's finally time for some Agnes-time," the old lady smiled.

"I think I might just do that too... not Agnes-time, I mean, just some time for myself."

"Boy, I maybe old but I'm not that slow, I get what you mean," Agnes joked.

Kevin went inside his room, took off his jacket and hung it on the wall. Matt was already busy typing away on his computer. "Hey Matty!"

"Hey," Matt looked at him and adjusted his glasses and continued typing on his laptop.

"What're you doing?"

"Just a paper for my Political History class... so what have you been up to? I see that you're finally out of bed."

"Yeah, Vince coaxed me into getting out."

Matt stopped and turned to face his roommate, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I guess I am."

"Good... Good... That's good," Matt blinked from behind his glasses.

Kevin tried to hold back his laughter at how odd that sounded. He sat down on his bed chucked off his shoes. "Thanks for calling Vince."

"Don't mention it," Matt chuckled, "Besides, I needed to get you out of bed before you started to decompose."

Kevin laughed, "You know? I'd like to get into your head someday. I think I'd be happy there."

Xavier helped his friend walk back to his car. Kevin had passed out on the dining table after his flagrant speech against capitalism and how shallow rich kids are. Xavier sat Kevin down on the passenger's seat and got in. He looked at Kevin sleeping soundly beside him. Xavier ruffled Kevin's hair gently and drove off to bring Kevin back to his mom's house.

Xavier lay on his bed thinking about what he and Agnes talked about earlier that day. It was time to move on. It's time for Xavier to have some time for himself for once. No more thinking about Kevin. No more thinking about pleasing his dad. It was time for him to enjoy his life. Xavier smiled just thinking about that before closing his eyes and going to sleep.


Sorry about not updating for a month. I was busy with a lot of stuff. Hopefully you guys like this Xavier-centric chapter. If you have any comments, questions, violent reactions you can send me an email at

Thanks to all you blokes who helped me write and review this chapter and the next one which I will post by next week. You're honestly, the best bunch of readers I writer can have.



Next: Chapter 11

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