In His Songs

By moc.oohay@retirwekilnez

Published on Jun 3, 2008


Andrew's eyes shot open as he quickly stopped the player. He looked bewildered for a minute. 'How the hell did she get that?'

Chapter 6 In My Place

Xavier watched the people walk by outside the campus coffee shop. He tapped his fingers impatiently on the table as his coffee started getting cold. For some reason, he didn't feel like getting out of his chair. He had a rough weekend. He met up with his dad's associate and he pretty much, had to kiss ass to make the guy sell his company's assets to them. He was in a place where he loved what he was doing but hated it at the same time.

He looked at his watch. It read eleven twenty-three. The sun was out but the cold fall air was quickly looming. Xavier looked up and saw Kevin walk into the shop.

Kevin sat down on the empty chair in front of him. "I thought you'd be back tomorrow."

"What can I say? I missed you."

Kevin blushed.

"So what did you do this weekend?"

"Nothing much, I just hung out with Matty and Vince," Kevin's heart started pacing like mad. He hated lying, especially to Xavier. The truth was, he spent Friday night with Vince and did a little more than just 'hanging out'.

Xavier noticed Kevin's uneasiness but shrugged it off and smiled, "Hangin' out with the boys huh? I wish I could've joined you."

"So how was the trip?" Kevin quickly changed the subject.

"Boston's good. Do you remember Dean Harvey?"

"Doesn't ring a bell."

"You met him at one of my dad's socials once... never mind. Well he and I talked a while. I buttered him up to selling his shares to the company."

"Wow, you're actually becoming your dad."

"Fuck you," Xavier laughed.

"I bet you would," Kevin laughed with him.

"It's weird. Back in high school I used to hate all this crap and now I'm actually starting to take over our company."

"I guess we just grow up."

"I guess so," Xavier sighed as he stared into his coffee cup trying to think of something else to say.. Kevin looked at his friend. He knew something was up but he couldn't ask him, not just yet. He couldn't even tell him his own feelings at that moment.

"Hi. Would you like to order anything?"

Kevin looked up at the waitress, "No thanks. I'm good."

"Okay," the waitress smiled and walked over to the next table.

"Your next class isn't in a few hours right?"


"Wanna take a walk?"

"Aren't you going to finish your coffee?"

"Nah, it's cold anyway."

"Okay. Sure."

The two guys put on their coats and walked out of the coffee shop.

The campus was full of browns and oranges. Winter was coming in with Halloween just around the corner. The two of them walked in silence; both of them knew something was wrong but none of them spoke up. It was one of the things they did in high school. When one or both of them had a personal issue, they kept silent about it since they already knew about it and just wanted to be there to support the other. The difference this time was that none of them knew what each other's problems were. The fact was glaring at them, they had grown apart.

"Thanks again for the book."

"What book?"

"The one you gave me... you know, Sartre?"

"Oh yeah, that. Glad you liked it."

"I was actually surprised. You never took interest in philosophy in high school."

"Yeah, but I took interest in you."

Kevin laughed, "That has got to be the cheesiest line I've ever heard come out of your mouth."

"You should hear yourself when you're drunk."

"That's why I don't drink anymore."

The two walked in silence for a moment, thinking of something else to say.

"So how's Olivia?"

"I called her last night. She's was in the hospital."

"What?" Xavier stopped walking, shocked at the news.

"The doctors say she's okay, just overworked. I actually wanted to fly out last night but she threatened to overwork herself more if I did."

Xavier laughed. "Your mom's a tough cookie."

"Yeah, she is..." Kevin looked at the ground as they walked. "Cancer sucks."

"She'll be fine. Trust me on that."

"I really hope she is. I hear people say that to me all the time but I can't really convince myself to believe them."

"Do you believe me?"


Xavier's phone started ringing. He looked at the number and turned to Kevin, "It's an emergency, I need to go."

"Is it serious?" Kevin asked.

"No. It's more business related. I'll see you later?"

"Yeah," Kevin smiled.

Xavier quickly walked the other direction before answering his phone. Kevin's own phone started ringing. He checked to see who it was and quickly cancelled the call.

Vince heard the line drop and put his cellphone back in his pocket. He lay his head down on the back of the couch as Deb walked around the apartment with her black and hot pink silk bathrobe on. She sat down beside Vince and looked at him meticulously. Vince preoccupied himself with whatever was on the TV. They heard the door open. Lewis came in balancing a couple of bags of groceries in his arms. Vince stood up to help out with the bags.

Lewis quickly noticed Vince's troubled face, "What's eating you?"


"It's his boyfriend," Deb answered as she stood up from the couch and walked into the bedroom.

Lewis put the groceries down on the counter, "What boyfriend?"

"You know, the one he never introduced us to," Deb hollered from the bedroom as she got dressed.

"Kevin?" Lewis looked at Vince and just raised his eyebrow.

"He's not my boyfriend."

A barely dressed Deb walked in and pulled an apple from one of the grocery bags before sitting down on the counter. She wore a very loose torn up grey shirt and extremely short shorts, "I've actually never seen him like this since Tyler."

Lewis looked at Vince, "Really? That serious?"

"No," Vince answered defensively. "We're just friends so you can both shut up and cook me something."

Lewis laughed and threw Vince a cold can of beer as he started stocking the fridge, "Remind me never to invite you over for lunch again."

Lewis took out the remaining stuff from the grocery bag and started slicing up a pumpkin on the counter. Deb sat down beside Vince as he drank his beer on the couch. Vince was flipping through channels on the TV when he felt Deb's warm breath on the side of his neck. She was leaning really close to him, her lips nearly touching his skin as she whispered in his ear, "I'm a little intrigued though, what makes this Kevin so special?"

Vince slowly slid away from her. "Can we change the subject?"

Deb laughed. "Oh my god! Did I just make you uncomfortable? Our little Vincent, squirming? There IS something about this guy. I need to meet him."

Vince stabbed Deb with his eyes as she quickly got the message and rolled her eyes, "Okay, I'll drop it already."

"Thank you," Vince took another long chug from his beer.

"Your last set's this Friday right?" Lewis asked from the kitchen.


"So what're `ya planning?"

Vince rubbed his chin and grinned, "Do 'ya think you can get me a piano?"


Matt ran over to his coach. He was still soaking wet and trying to catch his breath. He'd been swimming for the past hour and a half. His second day of practice wasn't going as well as he planned. He messed up on his second lap and missed the mark by five seconds and it was pretty obvious that his coach wasn't impressed.

Coach Sorensen put a hand on Matt's shoulder, "Dinicol, I'm pairing you up with Tenner. He'll be in charge of you for the rest of this season. You answer to him. If you mess up in any way or don't improve under his guidance, you're off the team, got that?"

Matt just nodded quietly before the coach walked away.

"Wow, coach is fuming. You must really suck," Keegan smiled.

Matt tried his best not to look below Keegan's torso. Keegan wasn't the type of guy that Matt considered drop-dead handsome but he just couldn't resist looking at this half-naked guy in front of him.

"What? Cat got your tongue?"

"No. Uh, I guess I'm nervous. I've never really been in a team before."

"Just relax man, Chris told me you're awesome and I believe him. I'm gonna get it outta ya, trust me on that," Keegan smiled as he patted Matt on the back.

Matt's attention wasn't on anything Keegan was saying, his eyes were fixed on their team captain, doing laps across the pool. Matt's heart beat faster. Chris looked like an angel to him, his arm muscles flexing every time he stroked. He quickly shut the thought out. "Damn that guy."

"What did you just say?"

"Huh?" Matt realized he spoke the words out as he looked at Keegan who was staring at him. Matt noticed his own semi-hard pushing against the fabric of his trunks. He subtly arched forward, trying to conceal it, "Uh... nothing."

"It doesn't have to do with concentrating on the unveiling of the eyes. It's a metaphor. Opening one's eyes basically denotes freeing your mind from your preconceived notions of the world. You know, like what we think love is. This world has romanticized love so much. A lot of us equate it to sex but sex isn't love."

"By getting pulled out of the shadows, Plato means we forget the things that we've been so stuck with since we were taught them as little kids. These so-called concepts are merely representations of the Real thing. Why settle for something you know isn't real?"

"Everything around us is relevant and nothing imposed on us is real or the truth. Absolute Truth is what it is and we just have to realize that. In that way we are like the prisoner who walked out the cave and saw the sun."

"Well put Mr. Stanford. But you're a bit off on some parts." Dr. Patterson surveyed the room as she walked. "What if the prisoner comes back to free the others? He will be disoriented. His mind will have to adjust to the shadows he once claimed as truth. What has become of him?"

Kevin thought about it for a moment as Dr. Patterson looked at her watch, "Time's up. I expect an answer next meeting Mr. Stanford. Class dismissed."

Students started grabbing their stuff and heading out the door. Kevin put his notebook inside his bag. As Ally asked him, "How the hell do you know all that? I barely understood a word you said."

"I study," Kevin winked.

"Hey, I was wondering, do you want to have dinner with me later?"

Kevin stopped halfway through zipping his bag and stared at Ally amused, "Are you asking me out on a date?"

"No," Ally blushed, "I just need someone to talk to. Jessica's been gone for almost a month now and I just need to talk to someone or I'll break."

"Don't you have any other friends?"

"I have you," Ally smiled.

"Sure. How about eight?"


The two of them started walking out the room when Kevin felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey buddy, can we talk?"

"I'm busy right now," Kevin lied.

"It's only for a minute, please?"

Kevin looked at Ally. "It's okay, I'll go ahead. Remember, eight o' clock. I'll call you where we'll meet," she said before taking off.

Kevin turned his attention back at Vince.

"Are you avoiding me?"

"What makes you say that?"

"I don't know. Ya haven't been answering my calls and we haven't really talked since-"

Kevin still had goose bumps every time he heard Vince speaking with an accent. He quickly pushed the thought aside and looked at Vince sternly, "There's nothing to talk about. I'm really busy right now and I have to go."

"Kevin I love you," Vince quickly blurted out.

Kevin couldn't hide his shock and panic. He was afraid that someone else might hear. "What? Are you serious?"

"Well at least I think am."

"What the fuck's wrong with you? You're not acting like yourself."

"Yeah, I am acting weird and I've never acted like this since..."

"Since when?"


"Look, forget it. Get some rest buddy. There's something wrong going on up there," Kevin pointed towards Vince's head, "I have to go."

Kevin felt like a car just hit his stomach. He felt sick for leaving Vince right after he heard those words come out of Vince's mouth. He convinced himself that he should be with Xavier and anything with Vince wasn't going to and shouldn't happen. Vince watched Kevin walk out of the building as he breathed a sigh of defeat.

"I don't care. I want to see you. Hold on."

Andrew's eyes followed his sister as she walked into his room. She pulled out a brown envelop from her bag and placed it on his dresser table.

"I'll call you later," Andrew put the phone down and looked at his sister slyly. "Here to make amends?"

"No, because I have nothing to make amends for."

Andrew picked up the envelop. "What's this?"

"I don't know. It was in the mail," Ally said as she walked out of the room.

Andrew raised an eyebrow and examined the package suspiciously. He tore it and pulled out its contents. It was a DVD. He took it and turned on the TV. He popped the DVD in and started watching.

Jessica was lying on a king-sized bed, by herself, in lingerie. Andrew had a naughty smirk on his face as he fell back on his bed and rested his head on the palms off his hands. Jessica was smiling into the camera.

"Hello Andy. You're probably enjoying this right now but not as much as I enjoyed watching this." Jessica was holding a small tape. "What's this you ask?"

Andrew sat up and leaned closer to the TV. Jessica's smile was very suspicious.

"You should learn how to hide your belongings. I found this little gem lying around. I have to say, Bravo."

The scene quickly cut to Andrew screwing a guy from behind. Andrew's eyes shot open as he quickly stopped the player. He looked bewildered for a minute. 'How the hell did she get that?' he thought before playing the DVD again and hit fast forward. He stopped at the part where it cut back to Jessica.

"You have something of mine and I have something of yours. Frankly, your little secret is more scandalous than mine. Don't you just miss playing games? I do. I'll be seeing you soon Andy. Say hi to Ally for me," Jessica smiled before turning the camera off.

Andrew turned off the TV and threw the remote towards the wall, smashing it to pieces. "Bitch," he scowled by himself.

Vince was lying on his bed, a pillow covering his face. He listened to his own breathing for a while. 'I screwed up,' he kept thinking. He pressed his eye lids together tightly, cringing with regret. He knew he had to get up and do something to keep his mind off Kevin but he just lay there waiting for something to happen until he heard a knock.

Vince got out of bed and headed for the door. He heard knocking a second time and opened the door.

"What took you so long? This thing's friggin' heavy!"

Lewis hauled a long metal case into the apartment and set it down carefully.

"What is that?"

"What do you think it is? Jeez man, something IS wrong with you," Lewis unfastened the clips and pulled out the electric keyboard.

"Sorry. I've been thinking a lot."

"Get a grip of yourself, man. You're starting to act like the time you were with Tyler. It's kinda creepy."

Lewis set up the stand and put the keyboard gently on top of the stand and plugged it in before switching it on.

"I don't know what's wrong with me."

"Deb told me already, the guy's taken. Move on. Why do you even keep torturing yourself?"

"I don't know, I must be saddist," Vince laughed.

Lewis attempted to play a chord but ended up just making noise on the keyboard.

"Wow, you really suck."

"Well it's all yours genius! Don't break it. I have to return it on Saturday. Until then, treat it like you would your cock."

"Overused?" Vince laughed at his own joke.

"Seriously, man, you have to get over this shit. Even you're sense of humor's starting to suck."

Lewis waved to his friend and let himself out of the apartment. Vince shook his head. Lewis was right. He didn't want to end up like he did with Tyler.

His fingers found their way on the keys as they started playing by memory. It had been a long time since Vince last played a piano but everything was second-nature to him. Ever since his Uncle Ronnie made him take lessons when he was a kid, his hands on the keys always made great music. He closed his eyes and felt a tune coming.

'In my place, in my place,' Vince sung the lines in his head. He stopped midway and took out his cellphone. He typed a message and hit send, hoping that Kevin would respond.

Friday @ Joe's. Hope 2 see ya there.

Kevin deleted the text message as he walked across the street into a small pizzeria. It was a little past eight and he saw Ally sitting at one of the window tables. He took off his jacket as he slid into the chair.

"What's up?"

"Nothing much," Ally smiled as a huge pepperoni pizza and a pitcher of Coke was laid in front of them. "I hope you don't mind, I already ordered for us."

"Sure. No prob."

Kevin pulled a piece and started eating. Ally looked at him closely and giggled.

"What?" Kevin asked consciously. "Do I have somethin' on my face?"

"No. I just thought you looked cute."

Kevin blushed as he swallowed his pizza. "Thanks... so what did ya want to talk about?"

"Honestly, nothing. I just wanted to get out of the house for a while."

"Well that's a topic for conversation," Kevin took a gulp of Coke. "Why?"

"It's my brother. He's starting to get on my nerves again."

"Your brother? You never told me you had siblings."

"You never asked. Anyway, it's good that he's back but he's starting to pry into my personal life again."

"Maybe he's looking out for you."

Ally laughed mockingly. "Andy? Look out for me? He's great but he always has a motive for doing so and I think my parents are putting him up to it."

"Up to what?"

"Checking up on me."

"What do you need checking up for?"

Ally looked around the restaurant, leaned over towards Kevin and whispered, "Can you keep a secret?"

Matt felt the water hit him in the face. He wasn't up for training that morning. He stayed up late all night memorizing bylaws. He was so caught up with the team that he neglected his school work. He felt somebody take the stall next to him. He turned his head a bit and saw Chris under the spray of water. He quickly turned the other way and focused on keeping his cock at bay.

"Ah! If it isn't the early birds!" Keegan walked in the shower and turned one of the knobs.

Chris turned to Keegan, "So how was Deena? Did ya get some lovin' last night?"

Chris laughed, "Wouldn't you like to know?"

Matt felt very awkward standing in between his teammates given their state and the topic of conversation.

"Not interested. Pam and I just hit the sack about an hour ago. Let's just say, I already did my stretches all night," Keegan said as he pulled out his piercing before going under the spray of water.

"How about you Matt?"

"What?" Matt turned to Chris.

"Do you have girlfriend?"

Matt couldn't help but stare into Chris' deep blue eyes. He tried his best not to get lost in them as he answered, "No. Still single."

"No one to get laid with huh? Well that's pretty obvious," Keegan jeered.

Matt noticed Keegan pointing down to his erection. Matt blushed and quickly tried to tame it down.

"Don't worry, it happens," Chris smiled, those dimples teasing Matt even more. "You better take care of that before practice, preferably when we're not here." Chris joked once more before turning off the shower and heading towards his bag.

"Let me help you with that," Keegan turned off his shower and smiled as he approached Matt.

Matt's heart started beating quickly. His eyes darted from Chris, who was seemingly minding his own business to Keegan who walking very closely towards him with a mischievous grin on his face. He had a split second to react. Matt quickly closed his eyes and felt a jet of ice cold water hit his body.

"Aaeeyyeee!" Matt yelped as he shivered.

Keegan laughed at Matt, "Nothin' like cold H2O to get that boner down. Better get out there. I'm gonna work that ass of yours into swimming shape."

Keegan walked away and got ready for practice as other members of the team began showing up. Matt quickly covered his deflating member with a towel and got ready as well.

Ally looked at her watch and quickly went out of her room. Andrew was leaning beside her door and followed her as she walked downstairs.

"You're late for class."

"I know. You don't have to remind me."

"What time did you exactly get home?"

"That's none of your business Andy... and I didn't do anything I'm not supposed to."


Andrew followed his sister to the limo and held the door open for her. "Have you heard from Jess lately?"

"No. I haven't talked to her since she left, remember?" Ally raised an eyebrow as she sat in the back of the limo.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Are you gonna keep blocking the door or do you want me to go?"


Andrew stepped aside as Ally pulled the door shut. Andrew watched the car drive off. `Where did you get that tape Jess?' he thought to himself.

"So what're you going to do tonight?"


"Study? It's a Friday!" Kevin blurted over the phone.

"Yeah, well. Taking day-offs in college leaves you with more studying to do."

"Do you want me to come over later?"

"Don't you have a gig to go to?"

"Nah, it's not that important. I'll be there by eight?"

"Sounds good."

"See ya later then."

"Bye," Xavier put his phone down and lay down on his bed. He was thankful that his only class for that day was moved to the next week. He had the whole day to catch up with his other subjects. He opened a text book lying beside him and started reading. Within minutes, his mind was wandering off.

He got up and mixed himself a cocktail from the bar. He took a long sip from his dry Martini before hitting the books. He couldn't concentrate that much, something was definitely troubling him. He needed to tell Kevin. `Not yet,' he thought to himself as he took another long sip from his drink.

Matt was walking down the hallway when he spotted Chris. He smiled and quickly walked towards his team captain until he saw Chris lean forward and kiss the girl in front of him. Matt quickly turned around and bumped into the guy walking behind him.

"You better watch where you're going Matty," Kevin smiled.

"Sorry about that."

"Are hurrying to your next class?"

"Nope. My next class is this afternoon. After that, I'll drop by Joe's and watch Vince. Are you coming later?"

"Yeah, I wouldn't miss it," Kevin lied. "See `ya later then?"

"You betcha."

The two roommates parted ways as Matt headed out the hall.

Andrew was alone in his room, slouched on his recliner, one of his legs up the arm rest as he leaned his back on the other. He had one of his eyebrows raised as he watched Jessica's clip repeatedly. He hated her laugh. He couldn't believe she finally had something on him. `How the hell did she get the tape?' he thought quietly, trying to figure it out.

He replayed the last conversation he had with her before she left in his head. He pushed her against the wall and started choking her before Ally came in. He remembered her walking out of the room. He then remembered talking to his sister for a while before going back to his room. `That's it!' he thought.

Jessica went into his room after the big fight and found the tape lying around. He had watched it the previous night and went missing when he came back. She found it there,' Andrew hit himself in the head. He rubbed his jaw with his index finger. You won't beat me that easy.'

Vince was setting up the keyboard on stage. It was still pretty early in the evening but he wanted everything to be perfect. This was going to be his last performance after all. He sat down and did some tuning. He played a chord and sat up. He went over to the bar and ordered a coffee, black. He pulled out his cellphone and found no messages for him. Vince sighed.

Deb noticed Vince at the bar, shaking his head. Matt was sitting beside her, sipping his soda with a straw.

"A little girly, don't you think?" Deb pointed out.

"What? I like straws," Matt replied before going back to sipping his soda.

Lewis put an arm around his girlfriend and gave her a quick peck on the cheek before sitting down beside her, "He's still acting weird, isn't he?"

"Yeah," Deb replied.

"Tell me something about your roommate," Lewis hit Matt on the shoulder lightly. "What's he like?"


Lewis nodded.

"Well, he's a little taller than me. He has brown hair, brown eyes. I don't know..."

"Would you say he's more quiet than outgoing?"

"I guess."

Matt was starting to get intrigued with all the questions about Kevin as he watched Lewis and Deb exchange curious stares.

"This guy sounds exactly like Tyler," Lewis smiled.

"That's it. We're meeting him no matter what," Deb replied.

People started filling up the place. As Vince walked over to their table and sat down beside Matt.

"Do you have everything ready?"

"Yep, everything's set," Vince smiled. He turned towards Matt and asked him, Is Kevin coming?"

"Yeah, he said he was."


Deb gave Lewis a gentle kick under the table. "You seem a little excited?"

"Well it's my last gig here. What do you want me to feel?" Vince grinned happily.

Kevin knocked on the door of Xavier's room. He heard a slow movement from the other side before the door finally opened. Kevin looked at his shirtless boyfriend, "Can I come in?"


Kevin stopped by the doorway and looked at Xavier. His short red hair was a mess, and his eyes were puffy.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothin'" Xavier closed the door.

Kevin put a hand on Xavier's cheek and ran his thumb down. Xavier smiled at the gesture before cupping Kevin's hand in his. "Don't worry. Everything's fine." He took Kevin's hand and kissed it softly.

Xavier walked to the bar and poured himself a tall glass of water. Kevin looked around the room and saw piles of papers scattered on the lounge table. He took a piece that fell on the floor. It had notes on it a lot of business stuff that made Kevin dizzy. He hated business. He put the paper down and watched Xavier walk towards him.

"You've been studying the whole day?"

"Yup. I got a lot of things to do."

"Is this about your family business?"

"No. Like I said, it's nothing and I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


Kevin sat down as Xavier arranged the papers on the table. Kevin's eyes were glued to Xavier's chiselled back as he bent over, his ass clinging to the back of his bedroom pants. Xavier put the papers into a neat pile and sat down beside Kevin.

Kevin leaned over and rested his head on Xavier's bare shoulder. Xavier wrapped his arm around Kevin and held him close.

"I wish we were still in high school."

Xavier tilted his head down a little amused at Kevin's comment, "Why?"

"Because everything was so simple back then. It was just you and me. Mom didn't have the cancer and I didn't have to worry about college and you didn't care about your dad's company and stuff."

Kevin felt Xavier hand rub down the side of his arm very gently like he always used to.

"Yeah," Xavier agreed.

Kevin slowly slid his head up and started kissing Xavier's neck. Both of them had their eyes closed. Kevin's lips sucked in Xavier's skin inch by inch. Xavier's hand slid down to Kevin's thigh and rubbed him tenderly. He felt Kevin's tongue sliding onto his chest licking around his left nipple before Kevin took it in his mouth and sucked on it. Kevin used his right hand and started massaging the front of Xavier's pants where his eminent bulge began to show.

Both guys were groping each other's erections through the fabric covering them. Xavier slid his hand down Kevin's pants and felt the warm length of Kevin's cock struggling beneath its tight prison. He slid his hand up and down the slick shaft gradually making Kevin moan as his lips pressed against his skin. Kevin pulled Xavier's hand away and knelt in front of his boyfriend. He placed his hands on either side of Xavier's pants and slid them down to the floor exposing Xavier in his full glory. Kevin leaned over and parted his soft lips. His eyes were locked with Xavier's.

Xavier's eyes closed as he felt the warmth cover the head of his cock and slide all the way down its base. He moaned as he felt Kevin's expert lips take every bit of him inside his waiting mouth. He felt Kevin's tongue brush against the base of his cock. The suction was getting more intense by the minute. Kevin wanted him. He put his hands and curled his fingers into Kevin's brown hair. He slowly guided his boyfriend's head up and down his cock as fed more himself to him. He was getting close.

Kevin noticed Xavier's heavy breathing. He slowed his pace but kept his lips tight around the Xavier's tool. Xavier couldn't hold it much longer as he blasted spray after spray of cum into Kevin's mouth. Kevin pulled away and lapped up whatever Xavier had to give him. He felt the warm jizz hit him on the face. He opened his mouth and welcomed the shower as he, again, went down on Xavier, taking everything he could.

Xavier pulled Kevin up to him and kissed him lightly in the lips, sharing his own seed. He put his hand on Kevin's cheek and rubbed the cum into his face. Kevin's eyes were closed as he felt Xavier's thumb enter his mouth as he sucked the cum off his finger. The two kissed once more, their tongues pressing against each other.

The crowd cheered as Vince finished his song. He gazed into the crowd. Lewis, Deb and Matt were loudly cheering him on at their table but there was still no sign of Kevin anywhere. He felt the cold keys of the piano on his fingers.

"This song goes out to a very special person."

He closed his eyes and started playing from his heart. The crowd cheered loudly.

In my place, in my place Were lines that I couldn't change I was lost, oh yeah

I was lost, I was lost Crossed lines I shouldn't have crossed I was lost, oh yeah

Kevin was on his back his eyes fixed on the person entering him. Xavier's eyes were locked with Kevin as he pushed his entire length into Kevin's tight bottom. Kevin moaned as he felt the long tool hit his spot. Xavier's sweat started to drip as his started pumping into Kevin a little faster. Kevin rubbed down his torso as his other hand pumped his cock.

Xavier slowed down a leaned over to give Kevin a long passionate kiss. Kevin could still Xavier inside of him. He pressed his muscles down Xavier's cock making his cock twitch inside on him. Xavier moaned into Kevin's lips before breaking the kiss. He pulled out of Kevin's ass with a light pop.

Xavier pulled off the condom and took a fresh rubber. He lubed up Kevin's cock as he was still lying on his back. He slowly sheathed his cock and jerked him very slowly sending a shiver down Kevin's body. Kevin opened his eyes and watched his boyfriend prop himself up on him.

Xavier straddled Kevin's legs and pointed his ass down Kevin's stiff pole. He felt it slide in him. He slowly pushed down until he felt Kevin's pubes on his crack. Both of them moaned before Xavier lifted himself up a bit and forced himself back down. Kevin felt the tight hole push against his cock as he entered. Xavier leaned back, his hands on either side of his body, pressed against the bed. Kevin reached over Xavier's stiff tool which was moving in rhythm with Xavier's whole body.

Kevin licked his hand and grasped the tool in front of him. Xavier's eyes shot up as he felt Kevin giving him a handjob as he impaled himself on him. The two went on like this for a couple of minutes. Xavier pressed his muscles on Kevin's cock sending him over the edge.

"I'm gonna cum."

Xavier sped up his pace as he winced a bit. Kevin's eyes rolled up as he shot his load into the rubber. Xavier watched as his boyfriend writhed in pleasure below him. He watched as every muscle of Kevin's body reacted to every spasm his cum sent. When Kevin got off his high, Xavier leaned down to kiss him, their lips touching very gently.

I was scared, I was scared Tired and underprepared But I wait for you

Vince continued playing, staring at an empty crowd, full of people that didn't matter to him. He wanted to see Kevin.

If you go, if you go Leaving me here on my own Well I wait for you

Kevin rubbed Xavier's arm as he lay on his back, watching him jerk off on top of him. Xavier's face was a mix of lust and love. He was close, very close. His breathing started picking up. Kevin felt the first shot of Xavier's cum hit him in the cheek. He felt the warm liquid cover his chest, his abs and dribble down his leg. Xavier was spent. He leaned down and kissed Kevin once more. Kevin gently pulled him down over him letting their cum-covered bodies press against each other.

Xavier held Kevin's chin and kissed him more fervently. "I love you."

Kevin looked back at Xavier and stared at him lovingly. "I love you."

Yeah, how long must you wait for him? Yeah, how long must you pay for him? Yeah, how long must you wait for him?

The lonely notes of the piano said it all as Vince got his answer, loud and clear.

In my place, in my place Were lines that I couldn't change I was lost, oh yeah Oh yeah


Next chapter's going to be special... hopefully it turns out the way I intend it to. If anyone of you are fans of Three Roads by Jeff King, you're going to get a little treat.

You can send me an e-mail at they will be much appreciated... I do mean it. Thanks a lot!

Cheers! -gabe

Next: Chapter 7

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