In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Aug 31, 2022


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

Francesco couldn't just ride out of there in one of the cars parked in their garage, or Morgan would have known it. So, in the end, he opted for getting outside the house not through the front door, but by using the back door. Once out of the property and into the neighborhood, he called himself a cab.

It would be a while until Morgan would notice he was gone, and he hoped his bluff about spending his entire day locked inside the bedroom worked, because he wanted his visit to be a surprise. Whatever Don wanted to use to destroy Karl, Francesco wished to undo it with every cell in his body.

He climbed the stairs to the somber looking entrance as quickly as he could. Last time he had been here, he had met Morgan while wishing to find Mouse. At the time, he had been relieved that he didn't have to meet Karl's dad and ask his questions, but nonetheless, he had met the man anyway. Still, he wouldn't take back the last months. He got to hold Mouse in his arms again, and he got Karl. He very much intended to stay married to him and even to protect him from his dad, although he had no idea how.

What could he do to bring down a powerful man like that? It was insane only to think about it, but Francesco knew very well that he didn't have any choice but to go for it. But first, he needed to take Karl out of there before Don hurt him.

The sour face of Don's secretary didn't help his nerves. "I'm Karl's husband," he started. "I know he's here, and there's something urgent I need to tell him, and I cannot reach him on the phone."

The woman reached for the landline on her desk, her cold calculating eyes never leaving his face. She probably wondered what Karl saw in him. Francesco wondered that more lately. Without him, Karl's life would have been much better, without a doubt.

The secretary told him to wait and he began to pace the room, despite her disapproving looks. Only a couple of minutes later, the door opened, and Karl walked out.

Francesco stared at him, taking in the crumpled shirt, and something that looked like a new bruise on the side of Karl's face. He clamped his mouth shut, not wanting to say a thing in front of the secretary. The only saving grace was that Don didn't bother to get out of his office to greet him. Karl grabbed Francesco by one arm and dragged him out. "Let's go," he said through his teeth.

He didn't comment on it and fell in line with his husband.

The silence stretched, and Francesco didn't dare to say a thing, while Karl kept his eyes on the road. By how hard his jaw was set and the wild look in his eyes, he could do without being bothered. Francesco just watched the speedometer with growing unease. He didn't have the slightest idea where they were going, either, because that surely wasn't the way home.

They were out of the city, and climbing up. Francesco linked his hands together to stop them from trembling slightly. What had Don said to Karl? What unfathomable pains and tortures had he thought up just for them? Karl must have gone to beat the crap out of his dad. It didn't look like he had won, by the barely suppressed anger making him grip the wheel until his knuckles turned white.

They stopped by the side of the road, and Francesco climbed out after Karl. Left and right, nothing but tall trees stretched, and he followed his husband into the darkness of the forest, without a second thought.

"What happened?" Francesco asked, starting to run just to keep up.

Karl grunted and walked faster, forcing him to sprint. He only stopped when they were at a decent distance from the road, and they couldn't see the car anymore. Then, Karl grabbed him fast and pinned him with his back against a tree. Francesco had to fight his preservation instinct with all his might as Karl's hand curled around his throat.

"Did he piss in your mouth?"

Karl's question took him by surprise. Their lips were close, so close, that they breathed each other's breaths.

"What?" Francesco stammered and swallowed hard. "No."

"Don't lie," Karl growled.

"He pissed on my face," Francesco admitted quickly. It wouldn't do to make Karl angrier than he already seemed to be.

Karl seemed to ponder over the truth of his words and then let go of his throat. Francesco brought a hand to his neck. Karl took a step back and began unbuttoning his pants. "Get on your knees, open your mouth," he ordered.

"Why?" Francesco asked warily. What a stupid question to ask.

Karl just gestured with his chin for him to follow the order.

Francesco knelt reluctantly. Not that he hadn't done it so willingly so many times before, but this felt wrong on a level he was yet to understand. "What's this about?" he asked, while Karl whipped his cock out.

"When we talked on the phone that time, when I was at that stupid show," Karl said in a ragged voice, "you got me all hard talking about how you'd love to take my piss. We haven't got around to do that, right?"

His voice was low and unforgiving, and Francesco felt slightly ill to the stomach. "It was just talk," he tried to deny it.

"Take out your cock," Karl ordered. Francesco obeyed. Karl kicked it slightly with the tip of his shoe. "What's this? Are you hard?" he taunted. "You can barely wait to be turned into a proper toilet, can't you now?"

Francesco wanted to deny it, but he didn't have to look to know that his cock was getting up. "Is it only because of what your father did to me?" he asked.

A harsh laugh followed. "Cesco, don't be stupid. Sure it's because of that. He used you more than me. That's fucked up. So, I have to even the score. Open your mouth. I'll piss right in your throat."

Francesco set his lips hard and pushed himself up. "No fucking way."

He shouldn't have been surprised when Karl knocked him off his feet, making him land on his back. Soon, his chest was straddled and Karl was above him, his cock hanging out. "I was trying to make it easy for you, but right now, I don't care if you choke."

Francesco had his arms immobilized between Karl's thighs, but he tried to fight back, bringing his knees up and trying to hit Karl in the back. Karl snarled at him. "Did you fight him when he turned you into a fucking toilet? Did you? Like this?"

Francesco let his body go limp. If that was what it took for Karl to get over having his husband turned into a fuck toy by his dad, then be it. He opened his mouth and closed his eyes. Karl caressed his face and moved his fingers along Francesco's lips before he rested the tip of his cock against them.

He felt the hot liquid flooding his mouth right away. It was impossible to swallow in that position, so most of it just got out, pouring on the sides of his face, getting in his hair and down his neck, too. The taste was too much to bear, but he was in no position to protest or even gag.

Karl sighed above him, seemingly pleased with it. He moved his cock around, spraying Francesco's face and hair, all the while, moving his fingers over his face and through his hair, soaking him in piss.

Then, he moved slightly and took Francesco by the back of the head, bringing his cock again against Francesco's lips. "Suck me," he breathed out.

It no longer sounded like an order. Francesco licked the tip. The smell of piss should have put him off, but he realized that he didn't mind it. In the weirdest way, it felt familiar, probably because it was Karl's. He began to suck, while Karl helped him out by holding his head. As Karl began to move his hips and his cock grew to full length and thickness, Francesco began to suck deeper, with loud smacks of the tongue and lips.

"Oh, fuck, yes," Karl whispered. "There's no better mouth in the world than yours. Yes, fuck, take it all, bitch." The last word wasn't even said as an insult. In Karl's mouth, it was like other people called their lovers `baby' or something very close. "You're my bitch, Cesco, aren't you? You're my fucking bitch."

Karl moved fast and spurted inside Francesco's mouth, filling it with cum. This time, he swallowed all. He expected Karl to let him drop, but instead, the guy stood there for a while and then brought Francesco into a position where he could make their lips meet.

Francesco whimpered softly into the kiss. He hadn't expected that, for Karl to kiss him while he stank of piss and cum. Whatever had happened between Karl and his dad, he really needed to know about it, and sooner rather than later.

Karl helped him to his feet and then moved him so that he could brace the tree. Then, he fished Francesco's cock from his jeans and began stroking it hard. Francesco didn't mind it. He was hard like a rock, and after not getting any last night, he was strung out and ready to shoot.

To tease him, Karl moved his hand a little bit slower. Francesco groaned. "Karl," he said in a strained voice, "do it faster."

"What if I keep you like this?" Karl moved his hand down to Francesco's crotch and held it there, all the skin on his dick dragged down, too.

Francesco looked at the head of his cock, pulsing and wanting to get off, just like the rest of him. "Is this your idea of torturing me after leaving me to sleep alone last night?"

"One of them," Karl admitted and bit his ear. "My dad is a fucking asshole, Cesco."

"Yes, I know." Francesco couldn't understand why the man was brought into their conversation.

"He fucked you," Karl said in a low, pained voice. "He screwed you like you were his whore. He filled your mouth with jizz and pissed on you."

Francesco's skin was prickling with apprehension now. "You know all that," he replied and tried to keep steady while Karl fisted his cock in short, punishing moves.

"I need to have you like he can never have you," Karl said. "I need to know that at least some part of you is only mine."

Francesco sobbed out his frustration as Karl stroked his cock too slowly to let him reach the peak. "You know I'm yours."

"Not as much as I want you to be." Karl's voice in his ear was making him go nuts. It was deep and wanting something, something Francesco had no idea what it was. "You make me want to run away with you."

"Run where?"

"He'd find us anyway," Karl said as a foregone conclusion. "But you can still be mine. I'll make you mine completely."

Francesco was completely at a loss what Karl meant by that. He just hoped it wasn't something valiant and stupid, like going against his dad with nothing but bare hands. If they wanted to that the asshole down, they had to use their heads, not just their brawn.

"Do you want to be mine?" Karl asked as he finally picked up the pace.

At this point, Francesco was fucking himself into Karl's fist, the squeeze almost unbearable. "I am yours," he said with the last strength he had and shot from his balls, making his cum spray everywhere.

Karl pressed against him with all his weight and held him close. "Don't ever forget that, Cesco. You only belong to me."

Francesco didn't dare to contradict him.

Karl nuzzled the side of his neck. "And to that cock hungry whore Mouse, of course," he added with a hint of amusement in his voice.

Well, at least they had that. Still, why was Karl trembling slightly while holding him, like he didn't dare to let him go?


Author's Note:

Recently, I've started creating a new type of content for Prison Island and its characters in a graphic 3D format. If you want to see a scene from the video version I made, you can watch it on my blog:

Since the quality there can be quite low, a better version can also be watched here:

Next: Chapter 25

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