In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Oct 11, 2022


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

Of course, the fucker had to live in the most opulent house available, or maybe Francesco hadn't been invited in many places like that before too much. It had to count as a little bit strange that he hadn't visited his in-laws' residence until now, but it wasn't like theirs was some normal family, right?

He couldn't believe Don had a real maid in a maid outfit, serving them like they were on the stage of some high production porn. Her skirt was a bit too short to be considered professional, he thought, or maybe he was just imagining things at this point. He tried to smile at her as she placed some expensive looking dish in front of him, but her cold stare made him reconsider. Don must choose his personnel to be his spitting image.

The thing was, no matter how appetizing the food on his plate looked, he didn't feel like eating at all.

"Dig in, boys," Don said with a toothy smile.

The senator preferred a casual sweater and a more relaxed cut for his dress pants while at home. Regardless of the warm tones of his clothes, his smile was as cold and feral as ever.

Francesco fiddle with his fork and took a small bite. It tasted like cardboard in his mouth, so he reached for his wine glass and drank half of it.

"Now," Don spoke again, once the maid in maid outfit closed the doors to the giant dining room, "how about you tell me how you've been lately?"

Francesco looked at Karl. Was he the only one who expected casual conversation the least? But no, he could see Karl setting his jaw hard and a muscle ticking across it.

"It's all good," he replied since his husband preferred hostile silence.

"Really? Do you boys have an open marriage? You do," Don said matter-of-factly. "What's his name... Ahab?"

Francesco felt the bite he took earlier threatening to climb back up his throat. It was impossible for Don not to know about Mouse, but so far, that had been only a distant threat, nothing to busy his mind with.

"A most delicious mouth, my friend tells me," Don added.

Francesco wanted to run out of the room and call Mouse again; tell me to stop digging himself into a hole by getting close to his commander. All his actions, it seemed, were well-known.

"I thought Mouse's commander didn't do boys," Karl said, and his cool, detached voice could almost fool Francesco.

"The commander?" Don snorted. "Captain Reynolds is not a faggot, like you. But I wasn't talking about him."

Francesco felt his breathing getting back to normal slowly. He had no idea he was about to hyperventilate.

"Right. You were talking about some faggot friend of yours," Karl said with a sneer.

"Watch it," Don growled. "I'm already too patient with the two of you."

"What do you want?" Karl pushed away his plate, as good as untouched. His wine glass was half-full, just like Francesco's. "By the way, tell Frieda the food sucks, as always."

Francesco wanted to kiss Karl for his courage. Surreptitiously, he pushed away his plate, too. Maybe the food was really bad.

"Privileged boys like you, sneering at perfectly good food." Don shook his head, but then propped his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers.

"We ate only roots and berries for months on our summer camp," Karl said. "Remember, Cesco?"

Francesco nodded.

Don seemed to consider his angle, like a cobra waiting to strike. "As he remembers you raping his ass until you turned him into the bitch he is."

So, gloves were off. Francesco straightened up in his chair and watch Karl tense. Were they just going to beat each other bloody? Was that was counted as nightly entertainment at the senator's house? He surely hoped not.

"What's the deal?" he intervened, breaking the tension for a moment. Karl and Don both looked at him. "Why are we here?" He dared to look at his father-in-law and sustain his stare.

Don grinned like he liked that curve ball. "You," he pointed at Francesco, "are here to suck my cock."

"I've already had cock today," Francesco said brightly. "Karl just gave me a nice warm serving before we came here."

He could tell by Karl's appreciative smirk that neither of them would take this lying down.

"And was the little whore in you satisfied with just a snack?" Don challenged him.

Francesco wondered as he looked at the senator's face. He was handsome in his cool detached way, and anyone could see Don in Karl, but Karl didn't have that harshness in him, that maliciousness that defined his dad's features.

"The little whore is very happy with his husband," Francesco replied.

Don laughed, like he had just heard some funny joke. "Too bad it doesn't matter. Come, Francesco, come suck daddy's cock. Show Karl how it's done."

The sinking feeling in his stomach was telltale enough. He hoped it was just a turn of phrase and nothing else. "How about we just head home?" he asked Karl and pushed himself away from the table, making the chair creak and probably leave a mark on the polished floor. That maid could kneel, ass up, and polish it back as it was, while the senator probably stuffed her frigid ass with his cock.

"Aren't you forgetting who runs the show here?" Don didn't seem too amused now. "Get on your knees and open your mouth, Francesco, if you know what's good for you and Karl."

They were two, and the senator was only one. There was a good chance they could take the asshole down. He threw a brief look at Karl and saw him shaking his head and blinking slowly. Fuck, it looked like he really needed to do it, and in front of Karl, on top of it all.

However, they needed to sell the obedience act how it was supposed to be, with a healthy dose of reluctance. So, Francesco stood to his feet. "I'm pretty done with your crap, sir, with all due respect."

Karl stood, as well, and buttoned up his suit jacket. Don smirked. "You two are really making my day. How was the wine?"

Francesco grabbed the edge of the table, as a slight dizziness hit him. "What the fuck?" he murmured, as he lost his balance and slid to the floor.

When he came to his senses, he was in another room, and it took him some good seconds to shake away his drowsiness. Could it be that the senator fucked his unconscious body while he was off? Talking about small mercies. Francesco could tell he was all naked and lying on a bed in a giant bedroom.

He looked around and saw that Karl was on the bed, too, only that he was still dressed. Francesco nudged him. "Hey," he whispered, "Karl, wake up."

He didn't have time to do anything else because the door opened and the senator stepped in. There had to be a camera somewhere if he had caught up that Francesco was awake so fast.

"You're fucked up," he said. "And why is Karl not waking up?" Francesco took Karl's wrist, suddenly panicked.

"Don't be stupid," Don warned him and climbed on the bed. "He'll come to his senses, but only to see me wrecking your ass."

Francesco felt weak-boned and confused, so his resistance did nothing as Don pushed his knees apart and batted his hands away. "Did your father pull the same shit on you?" he slurred the words. "Is that why you think this is fucking normal?"

Don laughed and kissed him, forcing his muscled tongue inside his mouth. Francesco hated how he couldn't even protest to that. Don worked his mouth for some time, while grabbing his ass cheeks and pulling them apart.

"Your hole is so fucking relaxed, I barely feel it," Don mocked him while pushing his hard cock inside.

That was the only small mercy in that clusterfuck. He laughed when Don had to pull back and spit. Not so relaxed, after all, and even that well-used cock had to hurt if it pushed too much into a dry hole like that.

Don grabbed him by the throat and then kissed him again as he moved inside. Francesco had to admit that the drug still in his system made all his barriers fall. As much as he hated the asshole, his asshole liked him and was now twitching and adapting to the stretch.

"You're a good hole," Don praised him. "My son trained you well."

"You know you just tasted Karl's cock and cum from my mouth, right?" Francesco tried to oppose by mouthing off, at least.

Don seemed pleased, or Francesco's eyes were playing tricks on him or something. "I don't mind that," the senator confirmed. "He's my son, so a part of me."

"You wouldn't kiss me if I had my mouth full of your cum," Francesco said. "You already do too many faggot things to me, don't you think?"

Don pulled away but only so that he could get rid of his clothes. He stood at the foot of the bed, his cock hard and weeping precum, while staring at Francesco, lying there, waiting to get fucked.

"Undress Karl," he said all of a sudden.

"No," Francesco said. "No way."

"Would you rather I do it? You won't like it."

Francesco sensed his heart in his throat again. "What are you going to do to him? He's your son." Not like this horrible asshole would stop at anything, but Francesco hoped that there were some lines even someone like that wouldn't cross.

"Nothing you fear so much," Don replied and stroked his cock while looking with hunger at Francesco's body. "Undress him or I will."

Francesco moved with difficulty, fighting off the weakness in his muscles. It took him some time to roll Karl over and take him out of his suit. The fact that Karl was breathing was the only solace in that.

"His underwear, too," Don ordered.

Francesco grumbled but obeyed. He had to trust the asshole that he wouldn't do anything weird to Karl. Don surprised him by moving closer and grabbing Karl's limp cock. "Suck it, Francesco," he ordered. "I want to watch you sucking my son's cock."

"He's fucking unconscious, you asshole. Did you give him something else?"

"No, just a bit more. Get busy with that mouth, and watch that tone."

Don grabbed his hair and pushed him with his face into Karl's crotch. Reluctantly, he opened his mouth and accepted the flaccid dick. To his surprise, Don began to caress his head. "See, it wasn't so hard. Suck it until you make him hard."

Francesco could tell Don was moving behind him and wasn't taken aback when his hips were grabbed and his asshole was stuffed with the senator's hard cock. In his mouth, Karl's cock was growing, too. Getting tag-teamed in that kind of situation wasn't exactly how he envisioned that evening. There were worse things that could happen, and he just couldn't understand the senator's play.

"What? What's going on?" Karl asked groggily.

Don pushed Francesco's head down to stop him from pulling away and talk.

"We're having some family fun," the senator said cheerfully. "Your husband is very accommodating with both his holes. I'm about to feed him a fresh serving of man juice. Up his ass."

Francesco could tell the situation was making Don horny. Who knew the fucker wanted to see his son getting sucked? He just couldn't wrap his head around that.

Karl groaned, still under the influence. "The fuck did you put in that wine?" His cock looked like it did whatever it wanted, because it was now at full hardness while Francesco was polishing it with both his mouth and lips.

"Just a little something to make the both of you a little more pliant. Now let's see if you're truly faggots. I'm talking mostly about you, Karl," Don said like he was talking about how good his son was at math.

Francesco sensed Karl pushing himself up on his elbows. Only now he could clearly see that he was getting sucked by his husband.

"Are you fucking my Cesco?" Karl asked.

"Your Cesco," Don said, slapping Francesco's ass, "is a bottom bitch and needs to be treated right. Consider it a lesson from dad to son, son."

Karl put a hand on the back of Francesco's head. He was probably trying to get a grip on himself. "I always treat him right," he said.

"Yeah? How? Don't tell me you give him chocolate and flowers." Don was pushing harder and harder inside him.

"No. I piss in his mouth," Karl said in the same drawled-out voice caused by the drugs.

"I'm proud of you, son." Don chuckled. "But tonight it's going to be more than your husband's faggot ass. Tonight, we'll see how much of a faggot you are."


Author's note:

You can check out the latest thing I wrote for my subscribers on my blog:

Andy satisfies James' business partners and gets properly used, in more ways than one, at the resort. He is warned that everyone around is going to want to fuck him, and he even gets a sample of that when he doesn't pay proper attention.

James continues to warn him about the gloved man, and it seems that there's another toy boy in the hotel, beside him.


This short story contains various sexual activities, such as unprotected anal sex, oral sex, piss fetish, cum fetish, public humiliation, gangbang, and other kinks.

Next: Chapter 29

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