In It for Life

By Daemon D. Hart

Published on Feb 16, 2022


Copyright 2022 -- Daemon D. Hart

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In It For Life

Had Karl's dad have some unique sense to stop his son from getting his dick sucked? Francesco stood and moved away, but Karl grabbed his hand and made him follow as they emerged from behind the waterfall.

Morgan stood there, the phone in one hand, and a towel in the other. Karl made a gesture for Francesco to get out of the pool like him. Supposedly, their little get-together was over. But Karl stopped him from walking farther with a hand on his shoulder. He gestured to Morgan to give him the phone and pushed Francesco to his knees.

"Good evening, sir," Karl said in a voice that held just a tiny sneer.

Francesco kept in a small sound of surprised as Karl pushed him to his knees and then grabbed his cock to rub it against Francesco's cheek. It was clear what he wanted, so Francesco, burning crimson with knowing that Morgan stood right there, witness to his slutty ways, agreed tacitly to it.

He took Karl's cock and began to lick it slowly. He dared to look up and saw Karl smiling, a lopsided grin as their eyes met.

"Yes, I'm well aware of her schedule," Karl continued while moving his hips slowly, meeting Francesco's moves with his. "I'll pick her up tomorrow." A small pause followed. "She didn't have to go through you to remind me of what I have to do. With all due respect, sir."

The small pause Karl took each time before saying `sir' was maybe easy for some to miss, but not for Francesco. Not much lost love between those two, it seemed. Karl's hand tensed on his head and he pushed his cock harder down Francesco's throat.

"I know she's going to be my wife. Yeah, it's for my wedding."

Francesco clamped his lips hard on Karl's cock and grabbed it by the root with one hand. They were talking about her, making plans. He increased his rhythm, deepthroating Karl harder and harder.

Above him, a small hitched breath let him know he wasn't doing it for nothing.

"I'm on the treadmill," Karl replied to an obvious question. Another deep breath and a grunt followed.

Francesco went at it with a vengeance. His fingers dug deep into Karl's hip while his other hand curled hard around the base of his cock.

"I'll fucking be there," Karl said sharply.

The conversation must have been cut short because Karl threw the phone at Morgan and grabbed Francesco's head to face-fuck him properly. It didn't take long for him to come with angry shouts and curses.

Francesco sat on his ass, fighting hard to breathe after having his throat fucked savagely like that.

They moved inside after that, Karl in no mood to talk, Francesco neither. It sucked to be the side piece, he realized. Reading about Karl's wedding on the internet was one thing; hearing him talk about it was another.

Karl wiped himself with the towel he took earlier from Morgan and plopped down on a large velvety couch. He took Francesco by the hips and had him straddle his thighs. They kissed roughly, and then Karl's cock was in his ass again, now a bit looser and properly lubed.

Firm hands were in his hair, and he had to force himself bend forward so that his mouth was devoured over and over.

"Best cocksucker ever," Karl whispered as they teased each other.

Francesco couldn't take it anymore and pumped his cock in rhythm with Karl's upward thrusts. His cum spread all over Karl's chest just as his ass got filled again. He got up on shaky feet.

"Was it enough?" he asked, his voice trembling just like his entire body.

Karl's skin looked good like that, his pecs nicely decorated with jizz. His mouth hanged loose, and his eyes were wild. "It won't ever be enough."

Francesco nodded. It was the answer he hoped for, but that didn't make things any better. "I should go," he said curtly. He needed to find his clothes and go home with Karl's cum in his ass and mouth, knowing that the fucker would get married anyway.

Karl stood and walked over to him. It wasn't that surprising to have his chin lifted and meet that blue gaze again. "What are you getting your panties in a twist about, Cesco?"

"Where do I fucking start?" Francesco tried to move away, but Karl's grip was firm, a sign that the conversation wasn't over. "What? Do you want me to sleep over? And have one or more of your employees rat you out to daddy that you had some man with you for the night?"

"You could be just a friend," Karl said, and his eyes narrowed. "It's not like my dad would think right away that I'm fucking you behind his back."

"His back? What about her back?" Francesco spat, aware of the venom in his words, especially the last.

Karl snorted and then reconsidered. Now his eyes were thin slits as he observed Francesco. "You... Cesco, are you fucking jealous?" He started laughing.

This time, Francesco batted his hands away and marched out of the room to fish his clothes from around the pool where Karl had forced him to undress. It wasn't like he had asked for this. He was fine before, when he--

"Are you talking to Mouse behind my back?" he asked as he turned to face Karl again.

Another snort was the only reply. Francesco groaned in frustration and rushed out, with the other following closely. "You are so incredibly fucked up, I don't want to have anything to do with you," he threw over his shoulder.

He found his jeans, but his underwear was nowhere in sight. Whatever, he wasn't going to waste any more time, dallying around and listening to Karl and his daddy planning a fucking wedding. He got his t-shirt and sneakers. His socks were also missing in action, but he could deal without them on his way back. Karl could keep them, as a fucking wedding gift.

The annoying part was that he had to walk through the house to get to the main gate and then to fresh air. If he spent another moment here, he risked to lose a lung, he felt that choked up with anger.

Karl had put on a pair of casual pants and a loose shirt, and watched him walk through the large living room with the same amused look on his face. Francesco ground his teeth. He wasn't going to ask what that satisfied smirk was all about.

"Wait," Karl called after him. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"My self-esteem? I guess you can keep it, as a trophy or something."

"No." Karl caught up with him.

Francesco feel his eyes grow wide as he saw what Karl pushed into his hand. "No fucking way. Just how stupid can you be? Do you want me to go back and forth, in your fucking million-dollar car, pretending that my boss has to work on it like every time you want to fuck me? Is that the plan?"

"No." Karl closed his hand over his palm, making it into a fist to trap the keys inside. "The car is yours."

Francesco threw his head back and rolled his eyes. "It's official. You lost your fucking mind. One, my blowjobs are not worth that much, not by a thousand miles. Two, the moment my butt leaves the driver's seat, this car would get stolen. Did you see where I live? Three, I'd get the financial services all over my ass in a second. Four, you get me stupid gifts with daddy's money?"

He had like a bunch of other reasons to say, but he was running out of breath. "What do you want, Karl?" he asked. "Do you want me to be what? The guy you fuck on the side while you and your wifey live the perfect life?"

"You are jealous," Karl said and his smile widened.

Francesco pushed the car keys inside Karl's pant pocket and was relieved when there was no resistance. At least, the fucker had to see that idea for what it was, complete and utter stupidity. "Yeah, I am," he admitted. "And I need to get an Uber to the closest bus station, so I'm off."

Karl stopped him again. He had that annoying stupid smile on his face that Francesco wanted to punch right off. The hug was warm and nothing like their intense, often angry, fucking. "You shouldn't be so pissed about me getting married," Karl whispered in his hair. "I'm doing it for you."

"What?" Francesco mumbled, hating how his knees turned wobbly as Karl held him so close. "What kind of nonsense is that?"

"I am," Karl insisted. "It's the deal I struck with my dad that time. I promised him that I would be the son he always wanted, under his thumb, doing whatever he ordered."

"That time... do you mean when I asked you..." Francesco choked on his own words. "And can't you go back on that promise? I mean, he cannot-"

"He can, Cesco, he can." Karl let go of him and stared into his eyes while caressing the hair around his face. "You don't make a deal with my dad and then go back on it. You just don't."

"But-" Francesco tried to insist.

Karl shook his head. "Even this, I had to fight for it. Those fuckers who wanted to gangbang your corpse, Cesco, they had been sent by him."

They had never had the time to talk about it, but Francesco remembered everything in detail. "Did he know I was... that we were..."

"No. Morgan didn't tell him anything. They just thought it fun to destroy a beautiful thing like you, rape you until you died."

Francesco was thankful for not having had anything to eat for hours. His stomach hurt, that hard it squeezed.

Karl continued to caress his hair. "What do you think he'd do? If he knew about you? About us?"

Francesco pushed one fist against Karl's chest and fought hard to breathe. "Your father is a fucking nightmare."

"Welcome to my life."

"You should have never agreed," Francesco started babbling. "You should have just left me and Mouse there, on the island."

Karl's face hardened. "Never," he said brusquely. "It's done, anyway." His expression softened. "And it's a nice revenge to see you jealous."

Francesco pressed his forehead against Karl's chest and let a few tears drop, away from sight. "You're such a fucking idiot. And you were thinking that giving me a car like that would go under your dad's radar?"

"Not thinking there, true. I just thought of giving you something beautiful, like you. And I know you like cars."

Francesco rubbed his head against Karl some more. "All this time, couldn't you reach out for me? You clearly knew where I was. I didn't even know where to look for you. At least, Mouse has a weird name."

Karl's chest rumbled with laughter.

"I phoned all over the country, asking prisons about someone named Ahab. I even tried at that compound where we were kept that time. But nothing. Do you know that place is no more?" Francesco hoped that his many trials would make Karl laugh a little more.

"Not like I could let those two jerks continue to fuck beautiful boys like you whenever their fucking dicks wanted," Karl said promptly.

"What?" Francesco looked up. "What did you do?" he whispered.

Karl shrugged. "They're washing toilets somewhere. It's more fitting for their shitty lives, don't you think?"

"You're scary," Francesco commented. "And doesn't your dad now? About that? He has to. And my stepdad-"

Karl pressed a finger to his lips and shook his head.

Francesco fell silent. "Alright. I won't ask. But, Karl-" He stopped for a moment. "What can I do?" he asked anxiously. "All the ass and mouth I'm putting up for you to fuck is not enough."

"Just do that whenever I can call you over. And be more jealous," Karl said with a grin.

"I can't believe you," Francesco teased and forced a smile of his own. "Can you come to me? My place? At least from time to time? Here it feels like there are eyes everywhere."

"It's only Morgan," Karl pointed out.

"I know, but your dad... He's the kind to give you the creeps, right?"

Karl nodded. "Yeah. I'll come. Whenever I can."

"My door's open. And my legs," Francesco added with a smirk he forced out of himself.

His face hurt and felt like a mask. Because of him, Karl got a rotten deal. And now he couldn't afford to feel jealous anymore.

"Good. Keep them like that." Karl kissed him shortly. "My good bitch." There was no anger in there. It wasn't an insult. If anything, Karl sounded like he was proud that he could say that. Like Francesco was someone worthy of such a thing.

He bit his lips. "Yeah. Yours. I belong to you."

"And Mouse," Karl said with a sigh, but he didn't seem too annoyed by the idea.

Francesco wanted so much to know what Karl and Mouse had done all this time, but today had been too much for revelations already.


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The last thing written for subscribers is the story of the missing years during which Francesco got no hold of either Karl or Mouse. It's being told from Karl's POV, and you can read a fragment from it here:

Next: Chapter 7

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