In My Wildest Dreams

By Dave Arnold

Published on Jul 26, 2022


In My Wildest Dreams Ch. 26 Truth or Dare

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Here is the next exciting installment of In My Wildest Dreams. We'll get to see more of Cody and that cute little Husky Logan. Hopefully all of you will comment and give me some feedback. Also remember that faves, votes and watches will help other to find these stories as well, as one of our good friends likes to say.

Chapter 26 Truth or Dare

Sunday after practice Joey drove us over to Gordon's house to get ready for the party. Gordon's mom wasn't home because Joey's dad, Edward, had taken her to the Symphony and then they were going out to dinner. We headed upstairs to take our showers. We used the one in the master bath because all three of us could shower at the same time. Of course a hell of a lot more went on in the shower than just getting washed up.

After our shower we got on some shorts and polo shirts and wrapped our presents. Ange had told us we didn't need to bring presents, but we felt funny not bringing anything, especially since Cody didn't have anything. I got him a United Furs High School T-Shirt and Gordon got him a matching ball cap. Joey got him a backpack and some school supplies.

We threw our presents into the trunk and piled into Joey's car, Joey and I up front and Gordon in the back. We drove about 10 minutes out into the country until we saw we were getting close to the address on Angelo's card. We soon came to an eight foot tall cinder block and stucco fence that went on for a couple hundred yards before we came to a driveway which was also bordered by the same type of stucco fence but on the wall by the driveway was the address we were looking for. The driveway was blocked by a solid gate that appeared to be on wheels. About 10 feet away from the gate was an intercom on the left side of the driveway.

Joey rolled down his window and pushed the button. Ange's voice came over the intercom, "Is that you pups?" He asked.

"Yeah. How do we get in?" Joey asked and at that moment the gate started to slide open. "Never mind. I think I've got it figured out."

"Just follow the driveway back to the house." Ange answered.

On the other side of the gate was a dense strand of Colorado Blue Spruce trees that the driveway passed through. Once through these was the most gorgeous yard I had ever seen. I called it a "yard" but it was about 20 acres of rolling pasture with a smattering of trees and a nice little creek running through it. And at the end of the driveway was Ange's house. It looked like a mansion. We pulled up to the side of the house and Ange was waiting there for us.

We got out of the car and grabbed our presents out of the trunk. Ange came out of the house to greet us. If the house was spectacular it was nothing compared to Ange. I knew he was in good shape, but I had never seen him in anything except a suit before. He was here in a pair of board shorts and a tank top. He was fucking ripped. He almost looked like a body builder but not quite that extreme. I was starting to harden and that was after a nice BJ session in the shower less than an hour ago. Fortunately I was in a pair of baggy shorts so it wasn't so noticeable. He came up and shook our paws as he said, "I'm really glad you were able to come, it will mean a lot to Cody."

"No problem Ange, he's a good pup. We're glad to be here for his party."

"Come on in. Cody is up in his room napping. He's still recovering from the surgery so he needs to nap frequently. I was planning on waking him in about 10 minutes. Let me show you around until then." He suggested.

We walked into the front door into a foyer that was bigger than our living room and about 25 feet high with vaulted ceilings. It had a huge stained glass window above the door that made it look almost like a cathedral. From there we entered the living room which was octagonal and huge. You could have fit our whole house in it roof and all and had room to spare on the sides and on top to boot. It had a huge fireplace and in front of it was a bearskin rug from a huge polar bear.

He grabbed our presents and put them in a closet in the living room. Along 7 sides of this octagon about 8 feet up was a landing with a railing and against the wall were doors to various bedrooms and baths. Through a door just opposite of the foyer was the dining room and beside it was the kitchen. The dining room had a huge walnut table and 12 chairs. There was a huge china cabinet filled with a full 12 piece set of Spode china. The kitchen was immaculate and fully equipped with every convenience imaginable. There was a smaller walnut table in the kitchen that sat 6 dogs and on it was a decorated birthday cake. I recognized my mother's decorating, the cake was obviously from our bakery.

We went out the back door to the patio. Just past the patio was a huge swimming pool. It had a high and low diving board in the deep end and a slide on the side in the area marked 5 feet. Behind the pool was more "yard". You couldn't see any other houses or any sign of civilization from the house.

"Wow! This is quite a setup you got here Ange." I finally said as he headed back into the house.

"Like I said before, it isn't mine, it's the boss's. He lets me stay here for takin' care of the place. I don't have to do the physical labor. He has a full time gardener and housekeeper. I just have to make sure they get everything done. They live in a small servants house in the back.

"What does your boss do to have this much money?" Gordon asked.

"That's nothing you need to know." Ange answered. "Lets just say he's a business man, with some very successful businesses." Then he changed the subject. "Why don't you pups hide in the kitchen while I get Cody. Don't forget to yell surprise when he walks in the door."

Ange climbed the stairs and knocked on the first door to the right. He waited for a response then opened the door and walked in. Soon he came out of the door carrying Cody like he was a baby. He carried him down the steps and sat him in the wheelchair. As he turned to wheel him to the kitchen we all moved back into the kitchen and hid in the pantry until we heard them come into the kitchen.

"SURPRISE!!!!" We yelled as we threw open the pantry door and jumped out into the kitchen.

The look on Cody's face was priceless. When he finally found his voice he stammered, "Th th th thanks for coming..." Ange led us all over to the table, pushing Cody in the wheelchair. He lit the 16 candles and we sang a rousing, very campy version of "Happy Birthday". Cody stood up to blow out the candles, it took him 3 tries to get them all blown out. It was obvious he was still really weak from the surgery. Ange cut the cake and gave us all a HUGE piece. Then he grabbed a couple of gallons of ice cream out of the freezer and set the down on the kitchen table with some ice cream scoops.

"Help yourself to the ice cream." He said as he put a couple of scoops of chocolate ice cream on Cody's plate. I grabbed chocolate also while Gordon and Joey opted for the Neapolitan. While we ate we talked about the upcoming school year.

"The doctors say I'll be fine by the time school starts." Cody said. "They want me in the wheelchair until the stitches come out. They only let me come home because Ange took a week off to stay with me." Cody added beaming at Ange as he said it.

"It's no big deal. In my line of work I do a lot of work from the house anyway. The things I do outside the house I can do while Cody is napping. The docs want him to get plenty of rest. They had to do extensive surgery, but they said he'll be as good as new. Sorta like being a virgin again when he meets that special dog one of these days." Ange added with a wink as the inside of Cody's ears turned crimson.

I didn't know what to think of that last statement. It sounded like good natured ribbing, but was it a hint that Ange planned on being the "special dog". It seemed like Ange really did care about Cody. He was putting in the time, effort, and money to take care of him, I was just worried that there was an ulterior motive. And yet it didn't seem like Ange would have to go through all of this effort to get laid. I mean he was one fucking hot sonofabitch who probably could have his pick of hot young tailraisers if he wanted one, so maybe my concern was baseless. I was jolted out of my contemplation by Ange's next statement.

"Just yesterday while Cody was napping I went to work over at Max and Bubba's house. I installed surveillance cameras in their bedrooms and the living room. The boss makes sure I have the most state of the art equipment. Each tape holds 24 hours of video. All the cameras are motion activated, they turn off after 15 minutes of nobody moving. I wired them out to a recording box that I placed in the hedges buried under the mulch. That way I can just go retrieve the tapes every other day when they are out patrolling. Then I can bring them home and view them here." Ange explained. "I haven't told the boss about it yet cuz I want it to be a surprise for him. These two bozos have really been a thorn in his side. But I mainly want to get them because of what they did to Cody." He finished a little choked up and his eyes a little misty.

"How did you get into their house to install them?" I asked.

"The boss owns lots of companies. One of them is a pest control company, or should I say the ONLY pest control company in town now. They also use a maid service owned by the boss. We had the maid plant pieces of cloth that were infested with flea pupae under their beds, couch and easy chairs. Three days later, instant flea infestation." Ange said with a big grin. "They called our pest control service to get rid of the fuckers. I went out with the tech and we told them that they would have to leave the house for 6 hours while we fumigated it. That really only takes about 3 hours so I had 3 hours to hook up the equipment. I could have picked the locks while they were at work, but this way I'm off the hook for breaking and entering." He finished with a big shit eating grin.

"Well I hope you get the goods on those bastards. They think they are above the law." I said.

"Believe me I know all about them. Well all about them except for this cock sucking stuff. We may have found just what we need to bring them down." Ange said with a huge grin. "But now it's time to open presents!"

He wheeled Cody into the living room and parked his wheelchair in front of the coffee table that was in front of the couch. "Take a seat pups." He said pointing to the couch as he walked over to the closet where he had put our presents when we had come in. He grabbed the three presents, brought them out setting them on the table in front of Cody. He picked up mine and handed it to Cody. "This one's from Adam." He said as he handed it to Cody.

Cody unwrapped it and held it up. "Thanks but you didn't have to get me anything."

"Of course we did, you're our friend and it's your birthday." I replied.

Then he opened Gordon's and Joey's gifts. After he thanked them Ange said. "I think I saw a few more in the closet." He walked back to the closet and wheeled a wagon out filled with wrapped presents.

Cody's eyes began to tear up. "Ange you didn't have to do this, you've done more than enough already." Cody said somewhat embarrassed.

"What did I tell you before. Nobody can make me do anything I don't want to do. I did it because I want you to have them. That is unless you think you're badass enough to stop me. Now shut up and open your fucking presents." His voice sounded gruff but there was a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eyes as he said it.

Cody opened the first present. It was a pair of Dashing Hound jeans. More jeans, shirts, socks and briefs followed until the whole wagon was empty. "Let's say this is a combination back to school and birthday party." Ange said.

"I don't know what to say." Cody said in almost a whisper. "Thanks Ange."

Ange knelt next to him and hugged him, "That's all I need to hear." Ange replied. "I want you to feel at home here."

"But you've spent so much on me..." Cody said in disbelief.

"I've told you before. I've got a great job and no living expenses. I've got plenty of money. Don't worry what I spend on you, that's my business. Do you understand me?" Ange asked as he kissed Cody on the forehead.

"Yes Ange." He said, the hero worship obvious in his eyes.

"Too bad Cody's not up to it or I'd invite you pups for a swim in the pool." Ange said.

"I could use a little sun Ange. I'll just sit at poolside and watch." Cody countered.

"Are you sure Cody?" Ange asked.

"Yeah I'm good with it." Cody replied.

"But we don't have any suits." Gordon said.

"You pups don't need suits, nobody can see you in this yard. Just go skinny dipping this time. Next time you can bring your suits. You're athletes I'm sure you're used to being naked in front of other guys." Ange replied. We looked at each other, shrugged, shed our shirts and shorts and hopped into the pool. Ange walked into the pool changing room and came out in a speedo. It wasn't much less revealing than being naked anyway. He had broad shoulders, a huge chest which tapered down to about a 30" waist and bulging muscular legs. It was obvious that he spent a LOT of time in the gym. He had quite a bulge, not as big as Coach Bart but a bit bigger than mine. He ran to the edge of the pool, launched himself into the air and landed with a cannonball right in the middle of us making a huge splash. We swam around a bit and even took a few dives off of the low board. A couple of times I glanced over at Cody, who seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the scenery. He had his paw in his shorts and when he looked my way I winked at him. He blushed but didn't take his paw out of his shorts. He didn't know that Gordon and I were tailraisers and that Joey played for both teams.

Soon we had a game of tag going. It was then that I noticed how powerful of a swimmer Ange was. No one could catch him. We soon tired of our game and Ange swam up to me. We were in about 5 feet of water. He grabbed me, put his right paw under my ass and launched me about 5 feet into the air as I dove into the pool. Gordon and Joey swam over to get their turn. When I went back for another turn I noticed that this time when he put his paw on my ass he did a little more exploring, finally resting the palm of his paw on my balls before he launched me. I was definitely starting to bone up from being touched by this muscle stud and so were Gordon and Joey. While I waited for my turn I could see he was also aroused even under the water and in his suit. Soon it was time to get out. Of course his pool house had several high speed driers and we were soon completely dry and back in our clothes. We hung out for a while then we said our goodbyes to Cody and headed home.

"Man what a fucking house!" Joey said as he the gate closed behind him as he drove off the property.

"Can't believe Cody gets to live there." Gordon replied.

"It's about time something went right for him for a change." I added, still not sure that everything was right at Ange's house. "Did you pups notice Ange feeling you up in the pool?" I asked.

"Yeah it was kinda hot." Gordon said with a wink. "That is one fucking sexy bastard."

"Yeah and it's obvious that he's turned on by young dogs..." I responded letting my message sink in on the rest of them.

"Do you think he's gonna take advantage of Cody?" Joey asked.

"I don't know what to think. It's obvious that he cares about Cody. I mean look how much money and time he has spent on him already. A fucking sexy stud like that wouldn't have to spend that much money to get laid, he could probably walk into any bar and have his pick of hot young tailraisers. I just don't know what to think." I added. "Well at least he'll be going to school with us this year, we can keep an eye on him." We didn't talk much the rest of the way home.

Since the bakery was closed on Mondays I spent the night at Gordon's house on Sunday night. We slept in almost until practice at noon. We didn't fool around that morning, we wanted to save it up for what we had planned after practice.

We ran a hard 12 miles for practice with Logan keeping up with us until everybody kicked it in at the end. Even so he finished ahead of Keith and Chuck. As we were leaving practice I sidled up to Logan and asked, "Since you live just down Sky Hill from us do you want to hang out with us for a while?"

His eyes lit up, his ears perked and his tail was a blur. "Can I?" He asked incredulously.

"Sure. You ran great in the 10K race Saturday. If you can run with the big dogs you can hang with the big dogs." I said as I tousled his headfur. As I did I looked down and saw something stir in his shorts. I rationalized that Gordon was right, we would really just be giving him what he really wanted deep down inside. I mean if Coach Bart would have bedded me when I was Logan's age I would have been the happiest pup in existence. Was this really much different?

We ran over to Gordon's house and headed up to his room. We sat down on Gordon's bed with Logan between us and started talking about Saturday's race. "I think you did a great job. You didn't let me down. I was right in thinking that you should run with the big dogs." I said as I tousled his headfur again then put my arm around his shoulder. He immediately stated to get a stiffy which was trapped in an awkward position in his jock. I could feel him squirming in as he tried to reposition it without using his paws.

"You know Adam, since Logan is one of the big dogs now we can let him play Truth or Dare with us." Gordon suggested.

"I don't know Gordon... He runs like a big dog, but I'm not sure he's quite mature enough to play Truth or Dare with us..." I replied baiting the trap.

"I'm mature enough!" Logan argued.

"I don't know." I said with an exaggerated amount of indecision in my voice. "I'm not sure we can count on him to keep a secret. Anything that goes on in Truth or Dare is strictly between the dogs playing..."

"I can keep a secret, cross my heart and hope to die I can!" He implored.

"Let's give him a chance and see how he does." Gordon suggested.

"It's against my better judgment but I guess we can give it a try. Just remember Logan that you're the one that wanted to do this." I said playing my role to the hilt.

Logan was bouncing on the bed like a Mexican jumping bean on a double espresso. "Thanks for letting me play Si... er I mean Adam!" He was so fucking cute I couldn't help but rub his ears.

"OK Gordon I'll start and I pick truth." I said getting the game rolling.

"Have you ever fucked a bitch before?" Gordon asked. The inside of Logan's ears blushed in embarrassment at the question.

"That's an easy one. No. With all the hours I work at the bakery when do I have time to date any bitches? I said feigning disappointment. "OK Gordon, Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to put my dick in your mouth." I said.

"No way!" Gordon acted as if just the thought of doing it was disgusting.

"Come on, you picked dare." I demanded, as I stood up in front of him and dropped my running shorts and jock to my knees. I was sporting a three quarters boner already and I watched Logan to see what his reaction would be. His eyes were riveted on my cock and he reached his paw into his shorts to readjust his stiffening pecker.

Gordon reached out with his paw and peeled back my sheath exposing about half of my dick, then leaned forward and tentatively took it into his muzzle. I cupped his head with my paw and took a couple of slow thrusts before pulling out and pulling my jock and shorts up. I think it was at that point that Logan realized he had been staring at my junk. He quickly moved his eyes away from my crotch, but his shorts were seriously tented.

Gordon and I had planned to make the truth question easy and the dare difficult so we could get him to ask for a truth. So I asked him, "Truth or Dare Logan?"

"Truth." He said confidently.

"What turns you on more, dogs or bitches?" Gordon asked, springing the trap.

Logan looked like a deer in the headlights. Then of course he did just what we expected him to do, he lied. "Bitches." He finally blurted out.

"I call bullshit!" Gordon challenged and Logan's deer in the headlights look got even more pronounced. "I've seen how you tent up every time you're around Adam." I could see Logan starting to blush even more, then it looked like he was going to start to cry.

"I don't! It's not like that... I... I... I'll just leave now, I won't bother you ever again..." Logan said as a tear ran down his cheek. He started to get up and I grabbed his paw.

"Why do you want to leave?" I asked.

"Because you guys hate me now..." Logan said with a sniffle.

"What would ever give you the idea we hate you? We find you sexy as hell." I said as I reached over and fondled his little shaft that was starting to go soft.

"You're just messing with me..." He said in a quavering voice. And with that I dropped to my knees in front of him and pulled down his shorts and jock in one motion exposing the cutest little dick I had ever seen. It only had a couple of pubic hairs and it was obvious that he was a late bloomer and just now starting to go through puberty. "Don't laugh!" He begged.

"Why would we laugh." Gordon asked.

"Because it's so small." Logan said trying to cover it up with his paws.

"I think it's adorable, it will get bigger as you get older." I replied as I pulled his paws away and cupped his little marbles with my left hand and peeled back his sheath with my right. Then I slowly bent forward and took him into my muzzle. He had gone flaccid, but as soon as he was in my muzzle and my tongue started working over his little tool he started boning up again. Soon he was hard as a nail and not much bigger. I started to bob my head up and down his shaft.

"Doesn't that feel good?" Gordon asked as I continued to give Logan the first blow job of his young life.

"Yyyyeesss!" He stammered, his eyes nearly rolling up into his head. Me moaned for a few seconds and then yelled. "STOP! I gotta pee!" I knew he needed to do no such thing so I kept rapidly bobbing on his little cocklet.

"Just relax and let it go..." Gordon said soothingly as he held Logan steady while I got read to suck what was probably the first load ever out of this sexy little pup. He lasted only a few seconds more when his little marbles drew up and he shot a couple of tasty but small spurts into my eager muzzle. I continued to suckle on his little boner until it became too sensitive and he pulled out.

"Wha... Wha... What was that?" Logan asked.

I licked my muzzle and said, "That was an orgasm. I'm guessing your first ever."

"Yeah! I would have remembered if that would have ever happened before." Logan almost gasped as he said it.

"Yeah I think you would. It's pretty wonderful isn't it?" Gordon asked.

"That doesn't even begin to describe it!" Logan volunteered.

"Well the proper thing to do would be to return the favor." Gordon suggested as I got up off of my knees and sat back down on the bed.

Logan grinned shyly as he got down on his knees in front of me. He reached out tentatively and wrapped his little paw around my already throbbing member. He slid the sheath down exposing the head and staring it right in the eye. "Wow it's huge!" Logan exclaimed in amazement.

"Alpha dogs have big dicks pup. I know you want to please your Alpha don't you?" I asked.

"Yes Sir... errr... I mean Adam." Logan stammered.

"When were alone like this doing big dog stuff I think I prefer that you call me Sir. Just to make sure you remember who's the Alpha." I said with a smirk. "You do understand who's the Alpha, don't you?"

"Yes Sir! I'll do anything you ask me to Sir." Logan replied almost groveling.

"Well then get busy. It isn't gonna suck itself." I chided him.

"Sir I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do." Logan said uncertainly.

I turned to Gordon and said, "Why don't you teach him the finer points of cock sucking pup."

Gordon got down on his knees beside Logan and wrapped his paw around my sheath. "A good way to start is to slide his sheath up and down his shaft like this." He said as he stroked up and down. Gordon removed his paw and replaced it with Logan's little paw that didn't quite reach the whole way around my boner. He started to stroke it like Gordon showed him, his eyes riveted on my maleness, his muzzle so close to my cock that I could feel his breath on my dickhead.

"Now reach up and cradle his balls in your other paw." Logan cupped my sack or at least as much of my sack that would fit in his paw. "Feel how big they are?" Logan nodded mesmerized by my package. "That's what makes Alpha Dogs alpha." Gordon continued.

I was really starting to get my motor revved now. I was starting to leak pre pretty heavily and it was just loaded with dominance pheromones. Logan was now quietly whimpering submissively, obviously eager to please his Alpha.

"Cover your teeth with your lips and take the head in your muzzle so you don't waste any of the juice." Gordon encouraged. Logan did as he was told. He instinctively ran his little tongue around my head gathering up every drop of pre he could. Of course that just made me drool pre even faster. His muzzle was not near as big as a Setter muzzle and his tongue was down right dainty. I put my paw on the back of his head and pulled him further down my shaft until he gagged as it hit the back of his throat, then I backed off a little.

"You've gotta learn to take it down your throat pup. A big Alpha Dog wants to put it all the way in to show that he owns you." Gordon chided. "Now just relax your throat muscles..." I could feel him comply and I pulled him back over my cock until I had the head in his throat, which was much tighter than Gordon's. He gagged again, so I pulled it out of his throat. "You almost had it, just relax a little more." Gordon urged.

He relaxed again and this time when I pulled him down I didn't stop until his nosepad was buried in my coarse red pubes. I held it there for a few seconds then let him pull all the way off of my dick.

"Well do you want to keep going?" I asked.

"Yes Sir! I wanna keep doing it until it spurts!" Logan said eagerly as his muzzle dove back toward my cock. This time I didn't have to put my paw behind his head. He steadily worked his way down my doghood until my balls were against his chin then worked his way back up. He slowly bobbed his muzzle up and down my shaft while I just leaned back and let him service me. He wasn't as good as Gordon yet, but he was a natural at sucking cock.

"That's a good pup!" I praised between moans, which just increased Logan's eagerness.

"Let me show you something different to try." Gordon told him. Logan reluctantly let go and intently watched what Gordon was showing him. Gordon pulled my sheath all the way back up over my cock the stuck his tongue in the opening. He ran his tongue around my glans with the tip of it curled just under the sensitive corona. It felt so good I growled out in pleasure like a big dominant Alpha Dog should.

"Can I try?" Logan begged. Gordon didn't answer, he just pulled his head away so Logan could take over. He gripped my sheath in his tiny paw and slipped his delicate little tongue into the opening. It was almost like a feather as it flitted around the head of my cock. After about 30 seconds of this I could feel my balls starting to tingle and since I didn't want to cum quite yet I gently pulled away from him.

Logan looked crestfallen. "Did I do something wrong? If I did I'm really sorry... I... I..."

"Just relax pup. You were doing it too good. I was about to cum." I said as I tousled his headfur.

"But I want you to cum Sir!" Logan pleaded.

"Oh I plan on cumming, don't worry about that." I told him as I got to my feet in front of him. He started to rise also but I put my paws on his shoulders to hold him down. "No I want you on your knees." I ordered. Gordon was still on his knees right beside him. I put Logan's paw back on my sheath and pushed my pecker toward his muzzle. He quickly got the idea and ran his paw down skinning my sheath and eagerly guided my boner into his muzzle. This time I didn't let him go at his pace. The Alpha Dog was gonna take what he wanted and use the pup as he saw fit. I grabbed his ears and started to fuck his muzzle with authority, thrusting until my big balls slapped against his chin with each thrust. His eyes were starting to tear up, but his little wiener was standing straight up and throbbing. He reached up and lovingly caressed my balls as I jammed my cock down his throat and I could start to feel my balls begin to tingle again. My knot was starting to form and I reached down with my right paw to grip the base to push me over the edge.

I thrust deep one more time as my balls slammed up and the first spurt of my load exploded down Logan's throat. I pulled his head back by his ears until I spurted a few times in his muzzle, then pulled the rest of the way out to paint his face with the rest of it.

To my surprise he tried to catch as much of it in his muzzle as he could, his cute little tongue flying everywhere as he tried to lick as much as he could up.

"So how do you like your Alpha's spooge pup?" Gordon asked.

"It's really good Sir!" He replied.

Gordon took my place in front of Logan, his boner throbbing from watching us. "I've got something that needs taken care of pup!" Gordon demanded. He didn't need to order him, Logan excitedly peeled Gordon's sheath back and started deep throating him too. After getting all hot and bothered watching us it didn't take very long before Gordon was ready to get his nut. His balls started to draw up and he grabbed Logan by both ears and thrust down his throat. Logan reached up and gripped Gordon's knot sending him over the edge. Gordon didn't pull out, he just held Logan's nosepad against his pubes and he drained his balls directly down his throat. After he shot his main load he pulled out and fell backward onto the bed in exhaustion.

I reached down and grabbed Logan under his armpits, picked him up and laid him on the bed next to Gordon, then laid down next to Logan. I spooned him my, already hard again shaft nestled between his cute little buns. I hugged him close from behind and he just melted into my arms and gave a contented sigh. My boner was lodged in the cleft of that tight little bubble butt which he soon began to wiggle. And of course that was more than enough to get me all hot and bothered.

I got to my knees, pushed Logan's legs up to his chest and started to attack his little pucker with my tongue.

"Eeewww! Are you licking my butt?" Logan asked in a shocked voice, then realizing how good it felt stopped complaining and let out a moan of pleasure.

"Yeah it's called rimming." Gordon answered, my mouth being occupied with said rimming kept me from responding. "Doesn't it feel GREAT?" Logan answered with another moan. I stopped licking his asshole long enough to lube up my middle finger with some saliva then slipped the tip of it into his anus before he could resist.

"WHATAREYOUDOING?" Logan gasped, trying to get up.

Gordon held him down gently. "Just relax pup. It will feel really good if you just let it happen. Have we lied to you yet?"

"No Sir." Logan said as I slipped my finger in to the next knuckle. He grimaced a bit but soon relaxed enough for me to get my finger in the whole way. I slowly worked it in and out the whole way a couple of times without touching his prostate. While I continued this I signaled Gordon with my eyes as I continued working in and out of the pups ass. Gordon peeled back the pup's little sheath and took Logan's little peter into his muzzle. He started moaning as Gordon bobbed up and down on that little shaft. That was the signal I needed. I changed the direction of my thrusting so it was now running over his prostate on each inward and outward thrust. He gasped and Gordon redoubled his efforts on trying to suck his little marbles out through his dick. It only took half a dozen thrusts with my finger before he blew a load into Gordon's muzzle.

As Logan lay there panting after his orgasm, Gordon lay down beside Logan and pulled his knees up to his chest so I could start on him. We were already both hard as a rock from tag teaming Logan. I started licking him with long slow strokes of my tongue. As Gordon started to moan Logan crawled over to get a better view of what was going on. I started to lick circles around his pucker, intermittently penetrating him, getting him ready for me to bugger. Logan watching so closely that his muzzle was right next to mine. I moved out of the way and said, "Why don't you give it a try?"

"I can't lick someone's butt... Doesn't it taste awful?" Logan asked.

"I'm doing it. Do you think I'd be doing it if it did taste awful?" I replied.

"I guess not..." He concluded as he positioned himself then flicked his dainty tongue onto Gordon's pucker. I imagined it was a completely different feeling than my tongue. It darted all around Gordon's anus causing him to moan and drool precum.

I knew he was ready now so I reached up and got a pawful of precum from his member and slathered it over mine. "Get outta the way Logan." I ordered as I started to position myself. Logan reluctantly moved while I lined myself up.

"Are you really gonna put your dick up his butt?" He asked incredulously.

"Of course! That's what Alpha Dogs do to their pups." I said as I started to push. Gordon's face had a slight grimace as the head of my dick popped through his sphincter.

"Doesn't that hurt?" Logan said with a wince.

"It's a little uncomfortable at first until you adjust to the size, then it feels wonderful. Do you remember how it felt when Adam stuck his finger up your ass?"

"Yeah! That felt great!" Logan enthused.

"Well that big dick of his feels 10 times as good!" Gordon said as I eased the rest of it in. Logan's eyes got big as I seated myself balls deep in my pup. He watched intently as I eased the whole way out and then the whole way back in. I was gradually picking up the pace as I long dicked my pup. Soon he was moaning every time the head of my dick rubbed his prostate.

"There's nothing in the world like having your big Alpha Dog taking control and urgently thrusting deep inside you." Gordon said until he paused to moan again. "Just knowing how much he cares about you and wants to claim you as his own..."

I wasn't going to last much longer, I could feel the telltale tingle in my testicles as they started to draw up. I could feel my knot beginning to form so I started jamming it in in the short thrusts to tie with my pup. To my surprise Logan reached up to put his paw against he base of my cock to feel the spooge jet into Gordon. And that was what put me over the edge. I jammed it deep one more time and held it there as my spooge erupted into my pup. I collapsed on top of him. I hadn't even noticed when he started cumming. I only knew that he was shooting between us masking a sloppy mess of our belly feathering.

I still had Gordon's knees up over my shoulders and I brought muzzle toward his to kiss him. As I thrust my tongue into his muzzle Logan let out a gasp. "Wow! You're putting your tongue into his muzzle?"

When I broke the kiss I said, "Sure. That's the way lovers kiss." I pulled his muzzle toward mine and slapped a lip lock on him. I brushed my tongue against his lips until he opened them allowing me to snake my tongue into his tiny muzzle. I chased his tongue around for a moment before I pulled away.

"Wow!" Logan exclaimed as he tried to catch his breath. Then he looked down at our junction. "He's got his knot and everything in you. That's gotta hurt." He said to Gordon.

"It did a little the first time." Gordon started, "But do you remember how it felt when he had his finger up you ass?"

"Yeah whenever he touched that one spot it made my dick jump." Logan replied.

"Well imagine something as big as your fist rubbing against it every time his dick spurts." Gordon said then moaned as I ground against him again driving it in further. "But the best part is feeling your Alpha deep inside you, marking you as his." Gordon said with a sigh as he pulled his knees down off of my shoulders then wrapped them around my waist before he buried his muzzle into my chest fur.

I rolled us onto our sides, pulling Gordon close to me as I continued to spurt deep inside him. It really was a wonderful feeling mating with the pup you loved. Logan got on the bed nest to me and hugged me from behind as Gordon and I lay there in the afterglow of the tie. We lay there like that for over 45 minutes. With my size I have a relatively long tie time. But eventually I went soft and was able to slip painlessly out of Gordon.

I turned over and faced Logan who put his arms around me and snuggled up to me. We lay there for a while, I don't know if it was a few minutes or half an hour, time just seemed to float along in our lassitude. But finally it was time to send Logan home before his mom got worried. As I stirred Logan asked, "Will you do that to me?"

"I don't know if you're old enough for that yet." I said. Part of me was doing it to set the trap and part of me was wondering if he was really old enough.

"I am old enough!" He pleaded.

"Well see. Maybe after you've had time to think about it you'll change your mind." I countered as I tousled his headfur. But the serious look in his eyes showed me he was hellbent on having me take him. And with that we got up and sent Logan on his way before we went back up to Gordon's room so I could get some sleep before work.

I have been dealing with out-of-control diabetes for the last ten years. I was able to function until I lost my job (and my health insurance) in May of 2020 due to shutdowns due to covid. Between the isolation and lack of medical care, I went into a downward spiral. It was challenging to get out of bed many days, which added to the isolation and depression.

In August of 2021, my unemployment ran out. I turned 62 at the end of January and have applied for social security, but I still haven't started receiving payments. I have had no income since I'm seriously behind on my electric bill (I have been receiving extensions on my shut-off notice because of my health issues) and my property taxes.

I finally got medical help in October, and things are improving, but I still have a way to go. If I can get some help to get caught up, I should be able to get my life back under control. Any help would be appreciated.

I have 12 years worth of writing up on SoFurry. I am one of the more popular writers on that site. You can find all of them at

These are my other stories that I have moved or I'm in the process of moving to Nifty. All of them are in their entirety on

Earth's New Masters

In My Wildest Dreams

Wild Horses



Pittsburghese N'at

Craigslist Bull

The Trophy Wife

The Initiate

My Pet Lion

Sasquatch In My Mind

Reverse Cowboy

Of Dogs And Young Men

The Oracle

Royal Prerogative

Harry Potter and Firenze

The House Mouse

The Jungle Book

In Gods We Thrust

If you read any of the others please let me know what you think of them.

Next: Chapter 27

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