In the Arms of an Angel

By W.B. Harrell

Published on Oct 9, 2001


In the Arms of an Angel Chapter 9

Disclaimer: Don't read this if it is illegal where you are from. All other stipulations apply.

As my good friend...well, I don't exactly know him, but the author of Mutant High in the "celebrity" section of nifty would say: Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Chapter 9

I was ecstatic. I was going to Chaz's house. I would be spending the night with the boy I idolized. The boy who saved my life, the boy who could very well be my soul mate. This was no ordinary sleepover. This would be me and Chaz. Whatever happened, I would remember this night forever.

After I got it okay'd by the parentals, I concentrated on getting ready. I swear I took like and hour to pick out what I was going to sleep in. I finally settled for my favorite Joe Boxers (:P) and an old Nike tee-shirt. I took a quick shower and pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and a Tommy tee. I quickly blowdryed my hair and splashed on just the tiniest bit of CK One, just to be on the safe side.

I gave my self a look in the mirror. DAMMIT! Pimple alert. There was a knock at the door. Shit. No time to pop it. I smoothed down my clothes and ran to the door. My mom made it before I did. "Why hello, Chaz," she said in a tone only a mom could manage. You know, one of those meant to embarrass the crap out of you?

"Hi Mrs. Porter," said Chaz in a boy-scout voice. I felt a stirring in my crotch just looking at him.

"You ready, Jase?" he asked. I felt my knees go weak. HE CALLED ME "JASE"!!! I had to keep myself from melting into a gooey pit of lust, seriously, it's like trying to walk with two feet that are asleep, you can barely keep yourself from drooling.

I managed a weak "Yep" and went to get my stuff. My mom followed me to my room to give me final inspection.

"Shampoo?" she asked.



"Double check."

"Extra clothes?"


"Sleeping clothes?"

"That's a go."


"Got em."


"Got...wait a minute!!!"

"Just keeping you on your toes," she said.

"That was beyond gross, Mom," I groaned.

"He's cute," she said after an awkward silence, "try not to rape him right off, huh?"

"MOM!!!!" I yelled.

"See, I'm getting the hang of it," she said, her voice nearly cracking with emotion.

"Okay...okay," I said, "the sea of raging hormones is ebbed, he's safe...for now."

She smiled and pulled me into a hug. I don't think that I could STOP from forgiving her after that.

She released me and pushed me toward the door. "Go get em kid," she said emotionally.

I nodded and hurried toward the door. I turned and looked at my mother. "Oh, and mom," I said, "I forgive you." I turned and walked away. I could hear her begining to sob as I left the house.

"So this is my house," said Chaz. I stepped out of his mom's blue Explorer and stared at his house. It was easily larger than mine, with a pool in the back, a large garage and a mini basketball court off to the side.

"Nice," I said. Chaz blushed modestly. I once again fought the urge to kiss him.

He showed me around his house. This kid was SOOOO lucky. He had a gameroom next to his own room complete with a PS2, a computer with a firewire hookup, pentium 4 and 60 gigs of memory. His video game and computer game library was VERY impressive. We shared tastes in games: real time strategy, rpgs, and 3D shooters.

His room, though, was what I found most admirable. It was remarkably clean (for me, I wondered). He had a bigscreen T.V. in front of a king-sized water bed and yet another impressive library, this one of videos and a few DVDs. It was basically art deco style, two lime green half-egg shaped chairs sat on either side of a large collection of books. Yet again, this boy's tastes amazed me.

I saw a few Christopher Pikes, Stephen Kings, Terry Brooks, Brian Jauqes, Anne McCaffreys...lots of my favorite authors. He showed me his bathroom. Once again, art deco. His fixtures were oddly shaped figures, he had an old fashioned clawed porceline tub and black and white checked tile.

Eventually his mom yelled. "Jason, Chaz," she yelled from downstairs, "DINNER!" We hurried downstairs, horseplaying and I tripped on his house a little bit, making him blush more. His mom had baked a homemade...yes a REAL HOMEMADE pizza. A big deep dish concoction that oozed cheese, marinara sauce, and pepperoni.

The smell from it was enough to make a full-bellied man ravenous beyond belief. It tasted even better. I nearly burnt my tounge trying to shovel it in. I was amazed how much Chaz ate. That was one difference between us.

I gained like ten pounds every time I ate bread, but this kid was gobbling it up like there was no tommorow.

I noted once again his muscular frame. It wasn't overly toned, but there was just enough in the right places to make for an overall sexy boy. It wasn't just his form, though, it was his face. It was like that of a cherub. Completely innocent dimples, a creamy white with a permanant blush around the cheeks. He had a bit of acne around his jaw, but that was normal...even attractive.

I managed to keep myself from blatantly proffessing my love for him...wait a minute. LOVE? Was I in love? Did I dare.....yes. I dared. I looked at Chaz for a moment and realized that I was falling for him. I barely knew him, and I was falling for him.

When we were through, we went to his room and watched Final Destination. It was released like in the late nineties, but I had never seen it. It was one of the most seriously freaky movies I've ever seen. I mean, Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer were so fake that it was funny, but this movie was SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY freaky. I guessed it appealed to my overreactive immagination.

When it ended, Chaz and I were both jumping at the slightest sound, seriously thinking that we had cheated death and were now in deep shit. Eventually Chaz got up and motioned me over to his video library. I came over, half expecting him to ask me to pick another.

He reached behind the other videos and pulled a piece of wood from behind his shelf. There, in a secret shelf were... The Horny Waitress, Naughty Nurses, the Dallas Connection...These were all pornos! I got very hot thinking of Chaz and me watching pornos together. I picked Naughty Nurses...why not? Might as well be a BIT freaky.

He put it in and turned the volume down. After an hour and a half, I was nearly splitting my sides laughing. So was Chaz. This was one of those pornos where they actually try to work in a plot. The result was a very confusing and stupid movie. It didn't do much for either of us obviously, but still. I had just watched porn with my idol boy.

My eyes roved around the room and eventually settled on a chess set in the corner.

"Do you play?" asked Chaz, obviously following my gaze.

"A little," I said. It was really a lie as I had played in a few tournaments, even placing in the top twenty five in the state of Georgia.

We settled in our respective positions and started playing. Chaz let me have white out of courtesy. Big mistake. I was a killer offensive player. But he was a strong defender. After about an hour, we were still in the early stages of the game. Both of us were lacking queens and strong bishops.

Chaz sat on his stool, a concentrated look on his beautiful face. I was amazed that I was able to keep my concentration with all this heady closeness to Chaz. He began to absently finger a bishop. Oh god. He twirled his fingers around it expertly, he massaged the head of the chess piece as if it were...well. If you play, you know what the bishop looks like.

He made his move. Bishop takes king rook's pawn, check. I shook myself out of my thoughts and found myself with my king in danger. Shit. I made a brief scry (my team's terminology for looking ahead five moves) and moved one of my remaining knights to protect my king. I was leaning over with concentration, trying desperatly to scry out a checkmate. Soon, I had it. It was only a matter of time now.

I leaned over furthur and watched him place one of his rooks in a delicate position on the board. As I moved a pawn to distract him, I saw him lean over in concentration, briefly scanning my pieces, he too, was scrying. I only hoped that he had lost his defensive edge. He moved to a position in which he could checkmate me in one move. He leaned over furthur in anticipation. Now, our noses were nearly touching.

Rook to queen's knight 1, this is what I like to call touche. I smiled and made a move. I stared into his eyes. Rook to...he moved closer.. king 3,...I moved closer, I could taste his sweet breath...check...closer...mate.

I felt his delicate lips brush mine and I felt my heart nearly drop to my feet. I felt his tounge snake out and lick my lips. I moaned and opened mine.

He thrust his tounge into my mouth, not roughly, just hungrily and began to lick my own tounge, my teeth, the roof of my mouth. I felt my blood begin to pool between my legs. I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE DOING THE SEDUCING HERE!!! I pushed my tounge into his mouth and began to kiss him just as hungrily as he had kissed me.

We both began to moan pretty loudly He pushed the chess table aside, clattering the pieces to the carpeted floor. He threw his arms around me and held me close, as if he was scared to lose me. I put one hand behind his head and one behind his back, securing him close. I WOULD SO DIE RIGHT NOW IF THIS WAS A DREAM!!!

But he was very real. His skin, soft, though slightly dusted with silky blonde hairs was heated perfection. His lips were full and pressed to mine in a loving manner. He tasted like pepsi and pizza, there was a hint of flouride from his toothpaste, which, all together made for an intoxicating nectar.

After what seemed like the best moment in my life, he pulled away and his twin blue seas stared into mine.

"I've wanted to do that since I first saw you there lying on the road," he whispered huskily.

"As have I," I whispered into his ear as I started to nibble on it.

He threw his head back and began to giggle histerically.

", wait no,...don't...oh god don't!" he moaned. I laughed and moved down to his neck where I nuzzled into the crook of his shoulder and head and inhaled the smell of his cologne. "What was that you were know...there," he said through moans.

"I think it's called In the Arms of An Angel by someone named Sarah McCloughlan or someone like that," I said and began to sing, "In the arms of an angel, fly away from here, from this lonely hotel room..." I didn't finish. Chaz kissed me again. "I've know since I met you, Chaz, that you were my angel," I said.

"I love you," he said suddenly. I felt tears come to my eyes as I felt pure joy.

"I love you, too," I said, ever since I met you in the hospital.

"I tried to kiss you then," he said.

"I know, I tried too...damn nurse," I muttered. He laughed a deep laugh that made my cock stir in my shorts.

"What's this?" he asked, pointing at my obvious erection. I felt myself blush, but quickly countered.

"The same thing this is," I said, grabbing his bulging boyhood. His eyelids fluttered and he moaned. "Don't do that unless you mean it," he whispered.

"Oh, baby," I said as romantically as I could, "I do." Suddenly, his mom yelled and broke the electric charge between us.

"CHAZ, JASON, time for your shower and change, bedtime an hour after that," she yelled.

"GOD DAMNIT ALL TO FUCKING HELL!" whispered Chaz harshly.

"Easy stud," I said, "we'll continue this after our shower...during 'bedtime'." He laughed.

"I like the sound of that," he whispered as he kissed me. I popped his ass and grabbed my overnight back and ran to the bathroom.

"Cheater," he whispered through the door. I laughed and turned the water on. I leaned against the wall and felt my heart thud as the steaming water hit the tub. God, what a night. And the best was yet to come...

End of Chapter 9

WOW! I wrote this all in one sitting. That's pretty impressive. PLEASE SEND ME COMMENTS. I NEED INPUT!!!

Next: Chapter 11

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