In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on Apr 15, 2020


Chapter 11

The next morning we woke up in Teresa's bed with Drago pressed up against my backside. His body enveloped mine and heated me to the core. A layer of sweat was all that separated us. I woke up first and wiggled a little bit to get comfortable. That wiggling woke Drago and when he adjusted I could feel his cock press up in between my ass cheeks. He started kissing my neck. I moaned a little and he pulled his hips back and started pressing back into my hole. When he couldn't get inside easily, he reached for another packet of lube and spread it onto his cock.

"Oooh, cold, cold," he exclaimed. I started laughing.

"Now you know how it feels," I told him, looking over my shoulder. He grinned at me and then pressed his slippery cock up against my hole again.

"You're still pretty wide open back here. I hope it doesn't hurt again," he said and then pressed halfway inside me in one quick movement. I gasped but it was only mildly painful. Certainly not like last night, but somewhat painful. He waited a moment but was impatient and thrust in the rest of the way. I gasped again, this time the pain was more intense. He stopped again.

"Fuck, bro," I whined. "Take it easy."

"Sorry, sorry," he whispered, kissing my ear. He bit the lobe hard and pulled his cock out almost all of the way and then thrust back inside hard. We both grunted noisily. The house was much quieter this morning, and we both giggled realizing that the sounds from the party wouldn't cover the sounds of our sex. We shushed one another and then Drago pulled back and fucked inside of me hard again. I buried my face in the pillow and cried out again. He kept this up, again and again. I don't think I ever got used to his hard thrusts, but then he plunged as deep inside as he could and made shallow thrusts that drove me crazy. He kept rubbing my prostate and I felt my orgasm coming on me rapidly. He pulled back and then thrust about half his cock into me, now squarely hitting my prostate. I whimpered and cried out into the pillow.

"Oh, oh, uh, oh," I nearly yelled and then I came, again neither of us touched my cock, I just came onto the sheets.

"Fuck, you're squeezing me so tight," Drago exclaimed and then he came inside of me. He pushed his rock hard cock deep inside and coated my bowels with his seed. I purposely squeezed his cock as he came and he shook a little from the intensity of the orgasm. He collapsed on top of me again, and again I ended up in a puddle of my own making. The initial shock from the cold, wet spot wore off quickly as Drago licked and sucked on my neck.

"I just can't get enough of you," he said as he pulled my face around and stuck his tongue in my mouth. We kissed sloppily, spit running down our chins. I had to turn back around again because my neck couldn't take being wrenched to the side any more. Drago kept kissing my neck and shoulder. Eventually he pulled out of me with a wet-sounding pop. I grunted and tried to close my hole as much as I could so that the cum wouldn't run out of me. I was hoping to get to a bathroom to take care of that problem as soon as I could.

"That is such a beautiful sight," Drago leaned back on his ankles, gazing at my ass.

"I just hope it closes right again," I mumbled, wondering if it would ever close after having Drago's huge member embedded in there twice in the past eight hours. I mean, I know that guys have had much larger things shoved in their hole--I've watched porn, I get it. But it felt like my hole is going to be open forever.

"I don't," Drago said with a smirk. "I want in there a lot from now on," he told me. "And I want to thrust inside without hurting you." I shook my head and smiled back at him.

"I have no idea what to say to that," I said.

"How about you say that you want me inside of you all the time and can't wait for me to fuck you again," he practically growled at me. I bit my lower lip and stared into his eyes.

"I want you to fuck me all the time. I can't wait for you to fuck me again," I growled back. I'd flipped over and Drago leaned down and started kissing me again. He pulled my legs back and exposed my leaking hole. He pushed into me again. I couldn't believe he was hard again so soon, but then again, I don't think it takes much to get him hard. At least when it comes to me. And that's unbelievably awesome.

Drago slowly thrust inside of me. This was the first time he'd been on top while we fucked. My hole ached now after getting fucked hard the last time, and the continuous fucking we'd been doing was wearing me out. He kept up the slow, steady pace for at least fifteen minutes and then he came. It wasn't a huge burst this time, but he cried out as if he were cumming buckets. I didn't cum this last time, but in a way I am glad. Everything is starting to ache down there. I don't care, though. I would fuck him again if he asked. Hell, all he had to do to get me to expose my hole was wave his big cock at me. Ha. I'm a slut for Drago.

I donned Teresa's pink robe and snuck to the hall bathroom. Luckily, we were the first ones awake and the house was still silent except for us. I took a long shower, since I could, and squeezed out as much of Drago's loads as I could down the drain. It was pretty gross, but necessary. I kind of felt bad expelling his cum. It seems like I should try and hold it inside of me. But I have to go home to my homo-hating parents and I couldn't have anything leaking back there or give off any indication that anything `gay' had happened overnight. Then I remembered that they aren't home! They are at that couple's retreat in Ft. Collins. Drago and I potentially have the entire day and night and next day together. I can't help but smile. This is like the best day ever.

Drago came in and got in the shower as I got out. We were using up all the hot water in the house, but we didn't care. That's what everyone else gets for sleeping in. We got dressed and went downstairs separately. Malcolm was in the kitchen waiting for a pot of coffee to brew. He looked pretty rough. Calista and Sophia came in and both kissed him on the cheek. He put his arms around both of them. I guess the three of them had a good time last night. The last I'd seen Malcolm was hooking up with LisaAnne. I wondered what happened to her for like half a second.

"Hey man, you want some coffee?" he asked and he let go of the girls and walked over to the coffee maker. I grinned to myself thinking that it was funny that he asked me and not the girls.

"Naw, man, I'm heading out as soon as I can find Drago. Have you seen him?" I asked pretending that I hadn't just tongue wrestled with him in Malcolm's sister's room like two minutes ago.

"Haven't seen him yet," Malcolm said. "Wonder who he pulled last night," he said, pouring himself a cup of coffee.

"Don't know," I replied.

"Bet it was that brunette from St. Ignatius," Malcolm surmised. "He's always had a thing for chicks with long brown hair and brown eyes," he told me, stirring about six spoonfuls of sugar into his cup. I had to resist reaching up and touching my own hair when Malcolm said that. I have long brown hair and brown eyes. Ha. I guess Drago has a type.

"Could be. That was who I saw him with last," I agreed. I'm so full of shit, but I'm not ready to come out to this crowd and don't think Drago wants to either. For now, this is our business and no one else's.

"So who'd you pull?" Malcolm asked, winking at me.

"A gentleman never tells," I said, winking back.

"Since there are no gentlemen in here, you can tell all you want," Drago said, busting into the kitchen. I've noticed he does that--busts into the room. One minute he's not there and the next, he's larger than life, filling the room with his, well, Drago-ness.

"Ha, I'll never tell," I said in my best super villain voice.

"Whatever. We all know you probably fell asleep with your dick in your hand. Five-finger girlfriend," Drago said, taking Malcolm's coffee out of his hand and downing it in one drink. "Fuck, dude, next time add some coffee to your sugar," he said. I gave him a dirty look in response to his earlier comment.

"So where is she?" Calista piped up. I'd kind of forgotten she and Sophia were still there.

"Ahhh, you want to know who I fucked last night, huh?" Drago said mysteriously. I wondered what story he would tell.

"Yeah, c'mon, Drago, who was it?" Sophia asked eagerly. I guess they wanted the gossip first.

"C'mon, Alvin, let's get out of here before the vultures devour us," he said and reached out to fist bump Malcolm. "Thanks for everything man. You need some help cleaning up around here later?" he said.

"Naw. I hired a cleaning service. They have what they called a black-light special,' if you know what I mean," Malcolm said, laughing. The girls ewwwed' and Drago and Malcolm fist bumped and then I fist bumped Malcolm while all three of us laughed. It was pretty gross, but knowing the mess Drago and I had left behind, necessary.

We walked out to Drago's truck as the girls protested us leaving before they found out who Drago hooked up with. We bumped into each other a couple of times, grinning and flirting with each other. We drove home and giggled about how oblivious everyone was this morning. Somewhere deep inside I wonder how long we can keep up the act. But I smothered those thoughts and just enjoyed us being together with my parents being far away.

We spent the afternoon watching movies and recovering from our hangovers. We snuggled and made out, and finally emerged from the house in the evening. Drago took me out for pizza downtown. We dragged out dinner while we talked about anything that popped into our minds.

"I think we'll have three classes together in the fall," I mentioned, forgetting that I was supposed to keep that a secret for my advisor Loretta.

"Really? Sweet," Drago said. He looked really happy. I smiled big.

"I got my advisor to compare our schedules and she added me to your English comp, Biology, and History classes," I told him. "Don't say anything though because she wasn't supposed to do that," I said with a conspiratorial wink. He gave me a suspicious look.

"Flirting with your advisor, eh?" he asked, nodding. "Figures," he declared, rolling his eyes at me.

"Oh yeah, anything to get ahead," I said, raising my eyebrows a couple of times. We laughed.

"Well, cool. We can be lab partners for Biology," Drago said and we fist bumped.

"Nice," I replied. Then I thought of something I wanted to ask him. "So what's up with you being in calculus?"

"Pre-med, my man," he said in between bites of pizza. He pretty much downed the entire thing. I still can't get over how much he can eat. I guess he needs to feed all of that muscle. Mmmmm, that muscle. I really don't care how much he eats when he looks so good doing it.

"Wait, pre-med?" I asked.

"Yeah, it was major in that or some kind of science--chem or physics. I'm going with pre-med for now. We'll see after I've taken some classes," he said. Wow. I had no idea. I guess he was always really smart, whereas I've always struggled in school.

"I really could have used your help through high school, you prick," I said and smiled at him. He gave me a look and then he smiled, too.

"Whatever. I can't help you with guitar, that's for sure," he replied.

"Yeah, that's for sure," I teased, remembering him playing and singing that day he brought my guitar. That was when I first thought I may have a crush on him. I can't believe where we are now.

"Well, you can help me with English because I'm awesome at math but not so much at reading and writing," he said. I doubt that. I have the feeling he's better at all of the school subjects than I am.

"Huh, maybe we'll have to make friends with someone who is an English major because I pretty much suck at reading and writing, too," I said.

"How did you even get in college?" he asked me with a confused look. I threw my straw at him.

"Fuck you, dude," I said playfully.

"Oh, no, I'm certain that it's fuck you," he said with a meaningful look. I blushed and looked away. Oh, yeah. Fuck me, indeed.

We got home in time to watch the end of the Rockies game. I hate this time of year when the only sport going is baseball. Preseason football starts soon, but otherwise it's the never-ending baseball season. And the Rockies still suck. I guess I do like baseball better when the Rockies are winning.

After the game we headed up to my room. We made out for a long time and then Drago fucked me slow and easy. My ass hurt from last night but I couldn't resist. I wanted him inside me. We fucked again in the morning, although that was a lot more energetic. I squealed like crazy when I came and he shouted when he unloaded inside of me. If the neighbors didn't hear it was because they are old and deaf. I sure hope they are old and deaf.

Sunday was spent at Drago's cousin Lawrence's house in his pool. July has been hot and miserable and Sunday was the worst of all, topping 100 degrees by 1:00. Drago and I played grab-ass all afternoon, and I'm pretty sure Lawrence noticed something, although he didn't say anything. He just grinned real big when I caught him staring. I hope he's cool and doesn't go blabbing. I suppose at some point someone will say something, but I want that point to be a long time down the road. Maybe years.

I walked home from Drago's at 4:00. I went around the block and came back home from the other direction so that my parents wouldn't think I'd been with Drago. I grabbed a water at the convenience store on the corner and sipped it while I walked. It was still hot as hell out and I am pretty worn out from all the sex Drago and I have been having. Ha.

"Hi, Alvin," my dad said as I walked up the driveway. He was unloading the car in the garage.

"Hey, Dad," I replied. I walked into the garage. It wasn't any cooler in here than outside even though it was out of the direct sun.

"Have a good weekend?" he asked. I hesitated. Was he setting me up? Did he know something? I played dumb.

"Yeah, Dad, it was alright," I said trying to sound casual. I wanted to shout from the rooftops that it was the best weekend of my life, but I held that back.

"Great. We had a fantastic time at the retreat," he told me. "We learned so much about our marriage and raising teenage sons. Just fantastic," he said.

"Sounds like it was really worth going," I said. I guess that's a good thing. Maybe if they are happier together it will get them off my case. Or it will unite them against me. One or the other.

"It was. I talked to Mr. Conyers," he said as he nodded toward a suitcase he wanted me to carry inside. I grabbed it and followed him in.

"Oh? How is he?" I asked and swallowed hard. Mr. Conyers is our neighbor to the north. He's a widower who's lived next to us for about five years. I didn't know my dad was going to be talking to the neighbors. I'm so fucked. Mr. Conyers had to have seen Drago and I coming and going. And heard us cumming! Fuck!

"He said you were an ideal neighbor while we were away. I asked him to keep an eye out while we were gone, you know," my dad said as we dragged all their crap upstairs.

"Uh, no, I didn't know," I said practically choking on my words. Did Mr. Conyers cover for me? Why? Oh, thank God that he did.

"Yes, he's a good neighbor and I didn't want to leave without having an adult looking out for you," my Dad said, putting his suitcase on the bed. I put my mom's suitcase next to it. Adult? I'm eighteen, for Christ's sake. I didn't say anything, although I wanted to. It wasn't worth starting an argument, especially since everything seemed so chill.

"Thanks, I guess," I said rolling my eyes at the back of my dad's head. Asshole. Even if he was chill he was still an ass.

"Can you bring the hose in the front yard into the garage and wind it on the hose hanger?" my dad asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Uh, sure," I said. I wasn't exactly excited about dragging the hose inside, but it got me away from my dad, so I guess it couldn't be that bad. I walked slowly outside and found the end of the hose and started dragging it into the garage. Mr. Conyers came outside and checked his mailbox. There was nothing inside because it's Sunday, which meant that he probably wants to talk to me. I went over to the half-fence separating our yards.

"Hey, Mr. Conyers," I called out to him. He smiled at me.

"Hey, yourself," he said back and walked over to where I stood.

"Uh, thanks for watching out for me this weekend?" I said as more of a question than a statement. I didn't know how to ask him if he'd covered for me and Drago but I really wanted to know.

"No problem," he replied. Huh. Doesn't seem like he's going to tell me without some prompting on my part.

"So, uh, thanks for covering for me...and uh, Drago," I finally managed to say. I looked at my feet as I said it and then looked up at his face. He smiled at me. He looked like a kindly grandpa. I hesitated and then smiled back cautiously.

"No problem," he repeated. Then he leaned in closer. "We've got to watch out for one another, you know? Being on the same team and all," he said and winked at me. Same team? Oh. Ooooohhhh. He's gay?

"Same team?" I asked, still wrapping my head around what he'd said.

"Yes, my partner of twenty-seven years died just about six years ago. Prostate cancer," he said sadly. I nodded and tried to give a sympathetic look. "When I moved in here I told everyone I was a widower. I didn't elaborate and no one asked. My daughter and her husband couldn't sell this place so I moved in supposedly to hold on to it until the market improved. But I really like it here so now I'm going to stay until, well I supposed until I die or go to assisted living," he said with a chuckle. I guess that's old person humor because it sounded awfully morbid to me, but he laughed, so I laughed a little, too.

"I'm really sorry about your partner," I said. I wondered briefly what Mr. Conyers' partner looked like. Was he a top or bottom? Or vers? I realized that even though I'm gay and have known that for most of my life, I don't really know anyone else who's gay. Everyone my age covers it up or is so...out or whatever, that I avoid them. I don't want anyone guessing anything about my sexuality. I guess I have that in common with Drago.

"Thank you, Alvin," Mr. Conyers said and looked at his hands while he spoke. "Kim was only 57 when he was diagnosed. He went fast. I suppose that's a blessing in some ways," he said.

"Kim?" I asked, thinking that was a girl's name.

"Yes, I suppose that's another reason no one ever asked me about my partner, because he had one of those names that can go both ways. He was Korean. Kim was actually his last name, but he'd been going by that long before we met," Mr. Conyers explained. I nodded, finally understanding.

"Alvin, time to eat," my dad's voice called out in the background.

"Well, I'm off to dinner. Uh, thanks again, you know, for your discretion," I said and we shook hands.

"I really hope you and Drago are able to pull it off. You two look very happy together," he said and we parted ways. I smiled as I walked back to my house. Mr. Conyers is a cool old guy. I'm really lucky that he's the one my parents trusted to watch over me, as offensive as I found that concept.

The next several weeks went by quickly. Drago started football practice up at CU, although he wasn't completely recovered from the accident. He really wanted to be ready to play football right away but even modern medicine isn't good enough to heal such major injuries that fast. He confided in me that they are going to redshirt him this season, which means that he'll get an extra year of eligibility to play but won't be allowed to play this year. He's been fairly depressed since getting that news. I do my best to stay upbeat and make sure that he's being taken care of in other ways--wink, wink.

We don't have a lot of time to do much else, though. Between him going to practice--even though he can't play he still goes to practice and works out with the team, and me having band practice and worship group practice, there just isn't a lot of extra time for fun stuff. Once school starts it's going to be even crazier, but at least we'll see each other in class.

Aiden and I still flirt, but we've stopped fooling around. He's one of the only people who know that Drago and I are boyfriends. Once I explained that, he was cool. I can tell he doesn't really like Drago. I'm not sure if it's a competition thing or what, but he gets quiet when I bring up Drago. James and Jamie are both really glad that Aiden and I aren't messing around anymore. I can tell that they thought it was going to be Lenny and Aiden all over again.

It took some convincing to get Pastor Guy to stop making passes at me. He was really persistent! I finally told him that I was sort of seeing someone. He asked me who and got all up in my business trying to figure it out. Inadvertently, I looked over to Angelique--she had coughed or something and it got my attention. Guy freaked out and was all sorts of excited because he'd figured out' that it was me and Angelique. Of course, there is no me and Angelique but he was so certain and it took the pressure off telling him no', so I sort of went along with it. Which meant that I had to ask Angelique out in order to complete the image of us being a new couple.

Angelique's the worship group lead singer now and she's amazing. She's kind of like me--shy with people, but on stage we really shine. We've fallen into a routine of going out every Friday night before practice now. Drago was pretty pissed off when I told him what was up with Angelique. Especially when I told him that we kissed. I mean, I don't want to cheat on Drago with her or whatever, but my parents are psyched that I have a girlfriend and Guy backed off so it works on a couple different levels. It doesn't hurt that she's a really cool girl and we have a good time together. Or that I get to see Bellamy from time to time. That right there is worth the price of admission. Hey, I can look at sexy guys as long as I don't touch. I guess that's why Drago doesn't like me `dating' Angelique--we tend to do a bit of touching on our dates. I'm still not attracted to her exactly, but I'll admit it's fun to make out.

Things at home aren't nearly as stressed. My dad has backed off a little and even my mom has shown the slightest interest in my existence. It helps that they are interested in impressing Angelique's parents. I try to keep things low key and don't hang around the house much. It also makes them happy that I spend a lot of time with Aiden. That's kind of a funny situation. My parents make all this effort with Aiden but I've never noticed him spending time with his grandpa and Landry's grandma--I don't really know what to call them, I guess his grandparents even though that seems weird considering that it's not really his grandma. I'm probably thinking about it too much. Labels, who needs them?

My mom insisted on taking me school clothes shopping the week before classes started. I'd gone to a couple of events for incoming freshmen and she kept complaining that I didn't look like an upstanding young man beginning college. I think the words she used were `borderline homeless'. I'm not sure what homeless people she's been seeing but I don't look homeless. Yeah, my hair is still fucked up from the accident. It's growing in almost white where my scars are and it looks weird. I just can't bring myself to get it cut. It will grow out before too long and I'll just have a strange white streak in my hair. It will add to my allure. Alright, it will probably always look fucked up. Especially since the new hair doesn't have any curl to it and the rest of my hair is curly.

"Let's get you some new jeans," my mom said as we walked through Macy's mens department. "Some nice dark jeans. I can press a nice crease in the front for you," I looked at her with my jaw agape. Was she serious? She can't possibly be serious. No one has worn a crease in their jeans like, ever. I think she lays in bed at night coming up with truly outrageous things to say to me.

"Uh, mom, jeans aren't meant to have a crease. I'll go ask that guy over there to show me the kind of jeans that all the kids are wearing," I said, and made a beeline for the guy folding shirts about twenty yards away from my mom. It turned out it was a guy from my senior class, Nyles.

"Sup, dude, you gotta help save me from my mom," I said fist bumping him. He grinned.

"Yeah, I heard her offer to iron your jeans," he said muffling his laughter.

"I know, who does that?" I said, now trying not to laugh, too. "I need jeans, though, so I'm going to have to placate her for the time being. Can you help me get something decent and convince her that it's all the rage with young Christian men?" I said rolling my eyes. He grinned and put down the shirt he folded.

"Totally. I can work magic with moms. They can't resist my dimples," he said with an exaggerated smile. I could see that. He was pretty cute with those dimples. Aaahhh, get my mind on task. Not here to flirt with Nyles.

"Nice," I said. He led me over to some skinny jeans. I liked them and grabbed a couple of pairs to try on. I ended up wearing the 28x30 size. Even though I've put on muscle, I'm still wicked skinny.

"Hmmm," Nyles looked at me with a critical eye.

"What?" I asked, looking at myself in the mirror trying to figure out what he saw.

"Well, it's just that we don't have any smaller jeans in this department and those are a little bit too big for you," he said. Oh God. He doesn't mean... "I can grab you some from the boys' department. I bet those would fit just right. I'll be right back." Nyles took off toward the boy's clothing while I stood there thinking angry thoughts at him. Seriously? The boys department? I know I'm not exactly a big guy, but there's no way I'm wearing children's clothing.

A few minutes later, Nyles returned with an armful of jeans. "Here," he handed them off to me. "Try these on and once we get your size, we can get some different colors," he smiled. Apparently those dimples work on me, too, because I smiled, too, and took the jeans in the fitting room. The 28s I was wearing were too big. I am sick of wearing baggy clothes. Fuck me. I'm going to wear children's clothing. And be happy about it.

And I did. I found three pairs of jeans that fit pretty well. I was able to get shirts from the men's department, so at least I had that going for me. As Nyles rang up my stuff, he chatted with my mom. I wandered off a little ways, glad to have a break from my mom, but I could still hear what they were saying.

"So, Mrs. Jacobs, tell me, why the name `Alvin'?" Nyles asked. I'd always wondered that, too, but had never gotten an answer. I moved a bit closer to hear her answer.

"Oh, he's just named for his grandfather," she said rather flippantly.

"No, mom," I blurted out before thinking about it. "Aldon is named for your father and dad's dad is Grandpa Kenny. I'm not named for either of them," I said.

"Oh, well, how much is the total?" my mom totally blew me off and turned to Nyles. Was my mom getting senile, or what? She totes just told Nyles a lie right in front of me.

"It's $256.35 after the coupon I added, just for you," Nyles said with a wink. My mom blushed and handed him her credit card.

"Well, thank you young man," she said with a bit of a giggle. He ran her card and bagged all of my gear and before I could ask her what the deal with my name was, we were out the door and heading toward the car. My mom talked a mile a minute, first about how friendly Nyles was, and then how much money everything costs these days, and then about Aldon's first day of college. She wouldn't shut up for ten seconds and I couldn't get a word in edgewise. I tuned her out for a few minutes and thought about why she lied about my name. I suppose I could ask my dad. Maybe he can explain his dipshit wife and her reasoning to me.

I never did get to ask my dad because my mom was just a whirlwind of activity the rest of the day. I pretty much forgot all about it. At dinner that night, my dad made a big announcement, though.

"Aldon called and he's coming home for three days next week!" he told us.

"Why didn't you say something sooner?" my mom squealed and jumped up from the table. She had Aldon on the phone in less than 10 seconds and was telling him how excited she was that he was coming home. Dad and I ate our dry roast beef in silence.

"So big plans while Aldon is here?" I asked to break the silence. Sometimes I really just want my parents to shut the hell up and other times it's just too quiet. This was one of those times.

"I'm sure he and your mother are setting up all sorts of adventures," he said in a bored tone. I guess his surprise hadn't gone over like he expected. My mom ran right past him and didn't even thank him for bringing her precious son home.

"Is he..." I started to ask another question but my dad cut me off.

"I was thinking," he said loudly to cut me off, "that you need to get your driver's license. It would be helpful if you could do things like pick Aldon up from the airport so that your mother and I don't have to. And maybe run some errands. It's time for you to be a man, son. You're starting college and you can't even drive a car," he said with a `harrumph' at the end. I was moderately stunned. I couldn't drive because they wouldn't sign off on me taking driver's ed. Regardless of the fact that Aldon was allowed to drive as soon as he got his permit at 15 years 3 months. I wasn't responsible enough, they told me. Now all of the sudden, I'm not a real man because I can't drive. Which technically isn't true because Romeo used to let me drive his car sometimes. He taught me how to drive a stick shift. But it's been a long time since I've been behind the wheel. I am going to need practice. And to study for the written test. I'm not good at tests, so that might be more difficult than the driving part.

"Uh, okay," I said, not exactly sure if I should be happy about this or not. I mean it sounds good to get my license, but the way he put it made me feel all creepy inside. That and it seemed like I was going to be running errands for my mom and him all the time. Maybe Drago will let me drive his truck. Ha. That's a good one. He doesn't even let his own dad drive that truck.

"Good, then that's settled. I expect you to be ready by next Friday. I'll have Aldon take you down to the DMV and you can take care of the rest," my dad told me. I nodded and stared at what remained of my awful dinner. I wondered how long it would take to save up for a car. Maybe I could convince my dad to get a new car and give me his old one. That doesn't seem likely, so maybe I can get them to match my fundraising efforts so I can get a car sooner. That also doesn't seem likely. Oh well, it doesn't matter. Where there's a will, there's a way. I'm starting to get excited about this! I'm gonna drive!

I went with my mom to DIA--Denver International Airport--to pick up Aldon. She let me drive us there because I'd gotten almost no practice driving since my dad's proclamation. Drago's mom let me drive her car a couple of times so I have gotten to drive some. I've been working through the driver's manual and Drago asked me a bunch of practice questions yesterday. I'm pretty hopeful about the written test and with a couple more hours of practice, the driving portion should be a cinch.

My mom saw Aldon first and ran up to him and threw her arms around him.

"Aldon! I'm so glad to see you!" she practically screamed. People looked over. I think that they thought it was a military couple that had been separated for months. They seemed rather irritated that it was some mother squealing over her son. Aldon hugged my mom tight and then grabbed me and hugged me, too.

"Good to see you, bro," he said.

"You, too," I replied. He looked good. He's tall like my dad with broad shoulders and a strong build. He's tan and his hair is sun-bleached blonde--also like Dad. I guess I take after some long-lost relative deep in the family tree because I don't look like Dad or Mom, now that I think about it. Maybe I look like my Grandpa Alvin--the one my mom apparently made up the other day at Macy's. Ha. I wonder if Aldon knows what the hell my mom was talking about.

We collected his bags and headed out to the car. Mom asked me to drive us home. It was mainly because she wanted to sit in the back with Aldon and talk his ear off, but I'll take it. I dragged Aldon's gear up to his room. He followed me up while Mom was in the bathroom.

"Fuck, does she ever shut up?" he said, laying back on his bed and leaning against the wall. I was surprised to hear him say that, but giggled nonetheless.

"No, she does not," I said back.

"Man, I gotta tell you, moving thousands of miles away was like the best thing that's ever happened to me," he said and he took out a vape pen and took a hit. I could tell right away that it was weed. He passed it over to me. I took a drag and opened the window. I took another and handed it back to Aldon. Thinking back, we were close while we grew up. Never best friends, but good brothers. However, one thing I can guarantee is that we'd never gotten high together. Frankly, I was shocked that he smoked weed. He was always so goody-two-shoes about everything.

"Howz life in Pennsylvania?" I asked. It probably sounds bad, but I'm not entirely sure where the University of Pennsylvania is. Obviously somewhere in that state, but what city--I have no clue.

"It's great little bro. Philly is so much bigger and better of a city than Denver. There's always something going on. And New York is right there. I'm working in New York until the end of August and it's so fucking awesome being in the city. Then, back to Penn for my junior year. Life is good," he said. We kept passing the vape pen and I was getting pretty high. This is fun. Getting to see my brother after all of this time and the two of us getting blitzed. I wish he wasn't so far away.

"Nice," I said. I know, me being eloquent again. Being high doesn't always help me be more social. Sometimes I just got quiet and observant. Aldon got up and unpacked his bags. He told me about his apartment in New Jersey. He was actually across some bridge from the city but spent most of his time in Manhattan. He explained that Manhattan was the best borough by far and that he loved city life. I nodded a lot and threw a couple of yeahs' and sweets' out there, but mainly he just blabbed on and on about how great his job was, and the city, and school.

"It sounds like you're going to stay out there after you graduate," I finally put together a coherent thought. I guess I thought he was coming back after he graduated. I don't know why, but I figured he'd move back in and go to work with Dad or something.

"Oh hell yeah, dude," he exclaimed. "I'm never coming back to this fucking cow town. I am finally out from under Dad's thumb and away from Smother. I will never come back here. I wouldn't have now except that Dad made a big fucking deal about coming home for a couple of days and they pay almost all of my bills, so I had to make an appearance," he said. Wow. I had no idea. I giggled when he said `smother'. I think she would try to sleep with him at night if Aldon let her. I guess I thought that Aldon really liked all of the attention and extra parenting, or whatever you want to call it, that he got from Mom and Dad. But it sounds like he hates it.

Suddenly, Aldon was stripping his clothes off and threw them on the floor. I was in a state of constant surprise with him. I'd never seen him this messy and wild. Well, wild for him. Then I saw it. Talk about being surprised. Shocked, even.

"Do you have a Prince Albert?" I gasped. Holy shit. College has really changed my big brother. I never would have guessed in ten thousand years that he would have his dick pierced. He laughed and then shook his cock at me and I could really see the piercing.

"Yeah, man. My roommate dared me to get one. I dared him back and we ended up in a tattoo parlor in Palmyra and this big guy with tats all over his body has my dick in his hand. He punched the thing through and voila, I've gotta PA," he explained. I had to purposely hold my mouth shut. Who was this guy and what did he do with my straight-laced brother? The one my parents doted on and practically worshipped? I have to admit, I think I like this guy better than whoever I thought my brother was. He walked over so I could check it out up close. I was kind of freaked out being that close to my brother's cock, but I was so curious that I just swallowed down my nervousness and examined it.

"Does it hurt?" I asked. I wanted to touch it really bad but didn't have the nerve to try.

"Naw. It did at first and I couldn't fuck or get fucked for like a couple of weeks. That was lame, but now it's just a part of me," he said, swinging his cock in a circle in front of my face. As distracting as it was to have him swinging that thing right in my face, did he just say fuck or `get fucked'? Oh my God, I think my brother might be bi. And he says it all casually like it's nothing. Holy shit.

"Oh, uh, okay," I managed to choke out. What I wanted to say was `who is fucking you?' but again, couldn't muster up the guts to ask. "Do you have to sit to pee?" I finally did ask.

"At first, until I got used to the thing. Now I just sort of flick the ring over to the side like this," he showed me by moving part of the piercing. My eyes were wide open staring at how the ring was embedded in his cockhead. And he moved it aside and I could see the hole move. I was astonished. "And I can stand to piss like other guys. Just gotta be a little more careful, that's all," he said. "Hey, do you wanna touch it?" he asked. I didn't think that I was easily surprised. I thought that I'd seen a lot in my short life and wasn't all that naïve. But it turns out that I was wrong. Dead wrong. My hand reached out and I touched the ring before my brain registered what I was doing.

"It's warm," I said, pulling my hand back quickly.

"Yeah, my body heat keeps it warm," he said. He grabbed my hand and put it on his cockhead. "Here, check out how it feels through my skin. Move the ring around," he told me. I did as he told me and could feel the ring inside the head. "This is actually a reverse PA. I'm thinking about getting an ampallang piercing next," he said while I traced the ring through his cockhead. He started to get hard and I moved my hand away. Fuck this is getting weird. Alright, it was weird from the get go, but when he started getting hard I actually had a hard time pulling my hand away. Would that be cheating on Drago? It's gotta be. Oh fuck, this is just so fucked up.

"A whata-lang?" I asked trying not to stare at his chubbed up cock anymore. I think my cock is getting thicker now, too. He laughed.

"An ampallang. It's the vertical piercing from here," he pointed to the side of his dick, "to here," he pointed to the other side. Okay then.

"I, uh, wow," was all I could manage to spit out.

"So get this," Aldon says, spinning around and grabbing his phone. He had a Samsung 9 plus, the nicest phone that Samsung makes. I have his old Note 5. Man it sucks being the little brother. Especially when the big brother is spoiled. He pulls up his texts. "Check this out, my roommate Ron wants me to get my nipples pierced while I'm here. He sent me a link to the place he wants me to get it done and everything," he said excitedly. Well, of course. Everyone goes to Boulder, Colorado to get their nipples pierced. Because their roommate told them to.

"Are you doing it?" I asked, pretty much figuring that the answer was `yes'. He nodded.

"Yeah, little bro. You should come with me. We should do it together!" he exclaimed. I know we're both high, but this seems way too crazy. I don't want my nipples pierced. Or do I? I've never given that much thought. I know it's a thing and all, but my nipples actually pierced? I don't fucking think so.

"Naw man, you go for it, but I'm not really interested," I told him. He was still naked and I was getting all sorts of weird vibes from this whole situation.

"Awww, c'mon. Maybe you could get your scrot pierced. What about that?" he asked. I almost threw up. Seriously? My scrotum is not for public viewing. I do not want some dude in a tattoo parlor fondling my balls and then shoving a ring through the skin. Fuck that.

"No, dude, not my thing," I said.

"You're no fun," he said. I thought he was so upstanding and righteous. Square, even. And it is me that is the square now. How is this even possible?

"I'm plenty of fun," I defended myself, although it didn't sound terribly convincing.

"C'mon man," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. Okay, this is just too much. My naked, pierced brother has his arm around me and he's sporting a hard on and I'm starting to freak out. Although I will say that it was rather satisfying to notice that he was a good inch and a half shorter than me in length and not nearly as big around when hard. Wow. I've got a bigger cock than the brother everyone adores. A lot bigger. Huh, what do you know about that? "Let's go get our nipples pierced. I'll pay and then we'll go out afterward. Maybe we'll score some pussy or get our pussies fucked," he said. I almost lost my shit. What does he mean by that? Get our `pussies' fucked? I can't wrap my head around this.

"I, uh, okay," I relented. Much to my own surprise. What did I mean `okay'? I wasn't okay with any of this but he just talked me into getting my nipples pierced?

"Alright!" Aldon cheered. He looked really happy. I guess there's that. I made my brother happy. Maybe the place would burn down on the way over there. Or there would be a tornado and we'd have to shelter in place somewhere far, far away from the tattoo parlor. "I'll call and make reservations," he pulled away and made the call. Jesus, I think this is actually happening and I'm going along with it. I felt my nipples. Possibly for the last time before surgical steel punctured through and permanently disfigured them. What if I bleed all over the place? What if I faint?

Aldon came back over and gave me a hug. A naked hug with his still-hard cock poking me in the stomach. I awkwardly patted his back and then pulled away.

"Fuck yeah, dude. It's all set. We're gonna get pierced," he sang as he grabbed his toiletries bag and headed to the bathroom. I stood there still in shock. Who is this guy? Who was I when I was around him? How had he convinced me to get pierced with him? Was this brotherly bonding? I had no answer to any of it.

"Hey man, do you want to see me piss with the PA?" he called out from the bathroom. What? No. I don't want to see that. Or do I? I wandered into the bathroom and there he was, dick in hand, waiting for me to show me how he pees with a PA. I watched as he flicked the ring a certain way and suddenly he was peeing. And I was watching. Fuck me. This is just too fucking strange. But kind of exciting, too. I mean, this kind of thing doesn't happen every day. Then again, who would want it to?

It was about 9:30 that night and I was driving us to some tattoo and piercing joint in Commerce City. Aldon drove us to the convenience store on the corner and picked up a six pack of beer and told me I was driving the rest of the night. He opened a beer and I drove. He told me about his roommate, Ron.

"So, yeah, Ron is pretty cool. He's a big guy, like 6'5" and probably 250 pounds. Works out all the fucking time. He's always getting me to go with him. He likes me to look good, ya know?" Aldon was saying. He'd already downed one beer and was working on the next. I was going to have to make sure we cleaned out Mom's car before we got home because he just threw the empty in the back seat and it was rolling around on the floor.

"So you two, uh," I was going to ask if they had girlfriends but he interrupted me before I could spit that out.

"Yeah, man, but he fucks me, not the other way around," oh my God, he just drops that bomb while I'm driving at night. Ron fucks my brother? My brother kept saying stuff about getting fucked, but I thought maybe that was just slang for having sex or something. I didn't really think he actually meant some guy fucking him up the ass. I know that Drago fucks me up the ass. And I like it a lot. But my manly brother who is my parent's pride and joy? No. He's straight as an arrow and will marry some beauty queen brain surgeon and have three perfect children and live right next door to My image of Aldon is certainly well honed. I guess I don't really know him anymore. And I can't judge him for getting it on with a guy.

"Cool," I said, trying to keep the car between the lines.

"I had a girlfriend my freshman year, but Ron decided that he wanted me to be single, so I dumped her and haven't had one since. I suppose I'll get a girlfriend someday but for now, I'm pretty much Ron's plaything," he told me, throwing his second empty in the back and cracking open a third beer. Did he just say he's Ron's plaything? What is that supposed to mean? Fuck me. This day just keeps getting stranger. I think my brother's roommate is his master. I think my brother is a sex slave. A gay sex slave. I think this is where I'm supposed to say `to each their own' but I am really having trouble wrapping my head around all of this.

"Cool," I said again. It was all I could think of. Plaything? Some huge dude is plowing my brother and he's just like, yeah, I get fucked. Hmmm. I guess Drago is a big football player who is plowing me and I'm pretty much like, yeah, I get fucked. Maybe my brother and I have more in common than I thought.

"So, what's up with your girlfriend? Angelique?" he asked. I was shocked my mom told him. I didn't think she cared enough to waste her precious Aldon-time with stories about me.

"Oh, yeah. She's great. She sings in worship group and I play guitar. We go out on Friday nights and then go to practice," I told him.

"What's she like in the sack?" he asked. I blushed.

"Oh, uh, we haven't uh..." I trailed off unable to say that we haven't had sex. He punched me in the arm.

"No way! You haven't bagged the girlfriend yet? Is she prude? Those church girls are either prude or sluts," he said.

"Oh, uh, yeah. I guess she's like prude. She's just a really nice girl and I don't want to pressure her," I said, feeling like I should defend her.

"You got some action on the side? Big rock star and all, you probably got girls lining up to suck your cock," he said raising his eyebrows at me.

"Not exactly, dude," I said. "I'm not really into that scene," I told him.

"Wait a second, don't tell me you're a virgin," he wailed with laughter. I gave him a dirty look.

"No, it's just different," I told him. God, why did I say that. I'd come out to my brother years ago. He figured it out and we agreed that it was my business and we never talked about it much. But I don't want to tell him about Drago. That is private. And I wasn't all that sure I could trust him to keep his mouth shut. He sure had blabbed all sorts of crazy things about himself tonight. If pushed into a corner, I could see him telling my parents all of my secrets. It never used to be like that. This new Aldon is certainly an eye-opener.

"So you've gotten laid, at least?" he asked. I nodded but didn't say anything. "Right on, dude. Can't let my little brother go without pussy. So you score any guys?" he said. Ahhh, suddenly he remembers that I like guys.

"Not really," I said. I didn't want to continue this conversation. Talk about the weather. The Broncos. Anything else but this.

"What's that mean? You gotten your dick sucked? Fucked any guys? Gotten fucked?" he probed. Jesus. He is wicked persistent. I should introduce him to Pastor Guy. Actually that's not a terrible idea.

"A little sucking and a little getting sucked," I said, hoping he'd leave it at that. He fist bumped me.

"Nice!" he called out. "I love getting fucked. I mean, really love getting fucked hard. And often," he said. My eyes widened but I was still driving and I don't know this area so I really need to pay attention and my drunk brother is telling me how much he loves getting fucked. Jesus. I'm going to have an accident and then I'll never get my driver's license.

"Oh?" I said. At least I didn't say `cool' this time.

"Yeah, man. Ron is hung. I mean like nine inches of thick cock. He really opens me up and then fucks me hard. I've gotta fuck his friends, too, but that's cool because a lot of them are really big, too. I love the big ones. Ron says I'm a size queen. I guess that's true," he giggled. I am going to need surgery to repair my jaw. That's all there is to it. It's dropped open so many times today that there's no way it's going to close on its own. Kind of like my brother's sphincter. Alright, bad joke. But probably true.

"So you have a lot of sex?" I asked. I really had no idea what to say. Here I thought I was the wild one. Turns out my brother is so much wilder than I could possibly imagine.

"Oh yeah. Ron is insatiable. He's inside of me more than not. And if him or one of his friends or a stranger that paid him isn't fucking me, he makes me wear these huge butt plugs. They keep me open so that it's easier to just plunge inside me," he said, now finishing his fourth beer. Damn. He was going to drink the entire six pack before we even got to the place.

"Does that hurt?" I asked.

"The butt plugs? No, not really. I kind of like it when he pulls them out really fast and it makes this popping noise," he told me and then he made a popping noise with his mouth. He laughed hysterically.

"Oh. So, do guys, you know, pay for you pretty often?" I asked suddenly remembering that he said that guys pay to fuck him. What the hell was my brother doing at college?

"Well, sometimes. Usually just at sex parties and stuff. Ron puts me on my leash and I'll be naked and stuff and guys know that I'm not like free or whatever. I'm only free for Ron's friends. He's got six friends that I fuck on the reg. Otherwise, guys have to pay. It's like $50 a pop to use my cunt. It's pretty fun, usually. Some guys are pretty kinky. There's one that likes to fist my pussy. It's getting to where he can fist punch me pretty easy. I used to really hate that, but now I love how it feels deep inside. A lot of guys like me to eat their ass out. Ha, funny story. Like two weeks ago we were at this sex party and this guy wants to buy me so that he and his boyfriend can fuck me. So I go off with them to this dungeon room in their basement. They tie me up and first the one fucks me and then the other one fucks me and then I've got one of their dicks in my mouth and the other one is fucking me and this other guy comes in and is like, what's going on here, Alan?' and the guy in my ass gets all scared and pulls out of me real fast. He tells the guy who just walked in, oh, I'm so sorry honey, I got all carried away when this pussy boy shook his cunt in my face,' and goes over to hug the guy. Turns out the new guy was Alan's husband and didn't know that Alan had a boyfriend or that he and the boyfriend like hiring rent boys to fuck. So I ended up with Alan and the husband's cocks inside my pussy and sucking off the boyfriend," he said laughing the entire time. I didn't think the story was that funny, but Aldon sure did. He called himself a rent boy. Ron encourages strangers fuck my brother for money. Money Aldon never sees. I just can't even speak. I nodded and forced a laugh.

"Okay, that's the place," I said, grateful for something to talk about besides my brother being the biggest slut in Pennsylvania. I pulled into the parking lot and found a spot near the front door. We got out and walked inside. It was a pretty clean looking place inside. A guy in a leather vest and leather pants, looking to be in his mid-fifties, approached us.

"Hi guys, can I help you?" he said looking my brother up and down. Fuck. Can this guy tell that my brother gives it up to every guy within spitting distance? Aldon smiled at him coyly. Oh God. He's flirting with this biker dude.

"Hi there," Aldon said, walking up to the guy and rubbing his chest under the leather vest. "I'm Aldon, I called earlier and my brother and I have appointments for piercings with Lou," he said seductively. Ewww. My brother is seducing some biker dude in a tattoo parlor in Commerce City. The biker looked down at Aldon and smiled this crazy, lusty smile. He was missing a tooth on the top. He was repulsive? Is that the word I'm looking for? Yes, definitely, repulsive. I just caught a whiff of his body odor. Wow. BO and leather oil. And what I can only assume is ass. I am totally at a loss here. Why is my brother throwing himself at this nasty person?

"It's your lucky day, son, I'm Lou," the guy says, now grabbing Aldon's ass. Oh yeah, lucky day. He must be kidding. There is nothing lucky about this day. I'm about to grab Aldon and drag him out of here. But before I can, Lou leads Aldon to a small room in the back. There are rings of all sorts adorning the walls. I follow along reluctantly. More to keep an eye on my brother, but also out of morbid curiosity.

"So what kind of piercing are you wanting to get, son?" Lou asks my brother. He grabs Aldon's junk and squeezes it hard. "I see you already have a PA, so maybe an ampallang? Maybe a ring or three in your taint? What do you want, boy?" he growled at Aldon. I stood there wide-eyed and tried to keep my mouth closed. Aldon on the other hand grinded his cock into the guy's hand.

"Mmmmm, Daddy, that sounds like a great idea. Will you please give me and my brother ampallang piercings?" he cooed at the biker. I snapped to attention.

"Wait, no, we were supposed to get our nipples pierced, not our dicks," I practically shouted. What the hell was going on here? I don't want my dick pierced.

"Oh, c'mon, bro. Live a little. Daddy wants us to have beautiful piercings in our cocks. Let's do it and make Daddy happy," Aldon said. What was up with all of this Daddy business? Fuck, Aldon is massaging Lou's cock through his leather jeans. I can just imagine how it smells down there. Okay, no, I do not want to imagine that. But Aldon seems completely charmed by this guy he keeps calling Daddy. Fuck me. This is so messed up. What the hell is Aldon getting me into?

"That's right boy," Lou turns and addresses me for the first time. "You and your brother can make me real happy, so why don't you just lay down and let me do my job," he commanded me. I backed up toward the door, but Lou grabbed my arm and forced me to sit on the chair used for piercing. Suddenly he's strapping me against the chair until I can't move. He tells my brother to pull my cock out but not to play with it because he wants it soft for the piercing. Aldon pulls my cock out and I start yelling.

"No way, man. Seriously, I'm not here for this. Let me go. Let me go, now!" I'm pleading. Two seconds later I have a dirty sock stuffed in my mouth. I can still get some noise out around it so Lou stuffs a second one in there and now I'm basically silent. Only my muffled screams can be heard.

"Sometimes you just gotta hold them down and do it. They're always glad you did afterward," Lou said. I wasn't going to be glad that he strapped me down and stuffed gross-out socks in my mouth and shoved a needle through my dick! Who the hell is glad about that later?

"I won't fight you, Daddy," Aldon simpered. I wanted to vomit. But my mouth is full of sweaty socks and if I throw up I will probably choke on it and die. Maybe that's a good thing.

"That's right you won't, pussy boi," the guy snarls at Aldon. I thought my brother was going to cum in his boxer briefs. He was fully hard and tenting his pants and he looked so freaking happy to have this fucking weirdo talking to him like that. The biker guy grabbed my dick. No worries about it getting hard, dude. Not with what's going on all around me.

"Okay, now here's what I'm going to do," the biker said and pulled out a silver barbell just over an inch long. He held it up to my dick. "I'm going to pierce through your glans from left to right horizontally. It will hurt some but it shouldn't bleed much," he said and suddenly jabbed a tool through my glans. He pulled the barbell through and attached the round end and it was done. He cleaned me up, although he was right--there wasn't as much blood as I thought there would be. He went through the cleaning routine and I tried my damnedest to listen carefully but all I could think was that I had a barbell running through my cock. There's a hole in my cock with metal running through it. This is just wrong. I think I heard biker guy saying that if I want to remove it, I have to wait until it's completely healed. Oh, that's great. He finally snatched the socks out of my mouth. I almost threw up again, but managed to keep it together.

"There's beer in the car, Alvin. Go have one while I finish up in here," Aldon tells me. He's already on his knees with the biker shoving my brother's face into his crotch. Well, that's just great. I can tell that I'm not wanted, so I get the hell out of there and go to the car. I want to text Drago so bad, but I can't because my dad still monitors my phone. I saw Aldon's phone on the passenger seat. I picked it up and sent a quick text to Drago telling him it was me.

Drago: Whassup? I'm so glad it's you. I couldn't figure out why your brother was texting me

Me: Yeah, so, I have something to tell you. Do you just want me to type it or do you want me to call you?

Drago: Call me. Now.

I pushed the phone symbol and started the call. Drago picked up on the first ring. I swallowed at least half of the beer by the time he said hello. This wasn't going to be an easy call. I'm such an asshat. How did I let Aldon talk me into this?

"What do you need to tell me?" Drago answered instead of saying hello. Ooohh, he sounds mad already. I drank the rest of the beer and opened the last can. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, so Aldon has, uh, changed since I saw him the last. And you won't believe how he uh, acts now. It's really fucking weird and he sort of talked me into going to a tattoo parlor with him," I said really fast. I just wanted to get this over with as fast as I could. Drago started laughing.

"Oh my God, you got a tattoo! Does it have my name in it? Is it on your ass?" he laughed loudly. I wanted to laugh, too. At least I hadn't gotten a tat on my ass. That seemed a lot worse than what I was about to say.

"No, no, not that," I said and I did start laughing. I hoped that Drago would stay upbeat about this. Jesus. How does a guy tell his boyfriend that he pierced his dick? Fuck.

"Okay, then what?" Drago finally stopped laughing.

"So, Aldon wanted to get his nipples pierced..." I started.

"What? That's in-fucking-sane," Drago blurted out.

"Yeah, I know. It gets worse. Or at least crazier. I don't know. So, I'm just gonna say it, I got my dick pierced," I said in all in one breath. Drago was silent. I thought the phone cut off. "Are you there?" I asked.

"Yeah. But I think you just said you got your dick pierced," he mumbled. Wow. He wasn't happy. Somewhere deep inside of me I hoped that he would think this was sexy. Or at least cute. Fuck.

"Well, yeah," I said and started guzzling beer. I needed liquid courage to help me get through this. Drago and I haven't fought since we've been boyfriends and I don't want to fight now. Fucking Aldon getting me in trouble.

"How did it go from Aldon getting his nips pierced to you getting your cock mangled?" he asked in a snippy tone. I explained my unusual afternoon of discovery with my brother. I tried to give as many details as I could so that Drago would understand just how fucked up the whole thing was.

"So then we get to this place and Aldon is all gaying-out on the guy who's going to pierce us and suddenly I'm strapped to a chair with socks stuffed in my mouth," I'm telling him. It sounds like bullshit. "And now I'm the proud owner of an ampallang, or a barbell crammed horizontally through my cock," I ended the story. Drago started laughing again.

"Oh my gawd," he gasped out in between bursts of laughter. "You are such a fucking pussy. How did you let Aldon talk you into that?" he wailed.

"I don't know, dude. I think that weed we smoked was laced with something. I feel like such a tard. And the guy said I can't take it out until it's healed because it could get infected or something," I said, playing the victim.

"Oh, no, you're leaving it in. You pierced your dick and now you're just gonna have to live with the consequences," Drago lectured me. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever," I said. He kept laughing.

"I still can't believe that you actually did it. When do I get to see it?" Drago asked.

"Tomorrow morning, I guess," I answered. We work out every morning, so that would be the soonest I could see him.

"No way, man. I can't wait that long. Text me a picture," he said.

"Oh fuck no. I don't want any evidence of this getting out," I said.

"C'mon. No one will know it's you. Just one pic. You know I love you," he sweet talked me. "You know you want to show off your new jewelry," he laughed. I took my dick out and snapped a shot of it showing the piercing. It actually looked pretty hot. I mean, yeah, it's my own dick and whatever, but I kind of like how it looks. I texted it to Drago.

"Fuck, that's so hot," was the response I got back and a few seconds later he texted a picture of his hard cock.

"Hmmm, Little Drago like what he sees?" I asked.

"Yeah. I gotta say, that is pretty fucking hot. Do we have to wait to fuck?" he said in a husky voice. Wow. He got horny pretty damn fast. I guess I wasn't the only one who liked my new jewelry.

"Two weeks. Maybe longer until it heals," I said.

"Noooooo," he moaned. "That's so lame. I guess you're gonna be on your knees a lot over the next couple of weeks," he said.

"Yeah, probably," I answered and we both laughed. Suddenly I remembered that Aldon was inside the tat place with that biker guy and it had been like half an hour.

"I guess I should go check on Aldon and that biker dude," I lamented.

"Ewww," Drago said.

"Yeah, ewww is right. I'm really hoping that they are done doing whatever they were doing," I thought about my brother describing getting double penetrated and sucking some guy off and decided that Aldon probably doesn't have many boundaries when it comes to sex. Jesus. Who knows what those two have been doing in the backroom of the tattoo shop.

I hung up with Drago and slowly walked back into the tat place. No one was in the front. I slowly approached the door to the room where I was pierced and peeked inside. My brother was strapped to the chair and the guy had Aldon's dick in his hand. He shoved the needle-thing through Aldon's cock and he screamed into the dirty socks that had just been in my mouth. No, those weren't the socks. It was a dirty pair of underwear. Oh God.

"Hey there brother of pussy boi," the biker said to me. "I'm just about done here. I decided to give him a magic cross instead of an ampallang," he said while he screwed the ball onto the end of the barbell. "He also needs a scrot piercing, so once I'm done with that, he's gonna be all set to go," he biker said. He pulled Aldon up by the ankles, exposing the underneath of his sack and his anus. Cum leaked out his ass. The biker wiped up the cum and then took the underwear out of Aldon's mouth. He fed him the cum and then stuffed the briefs back into my brother's mouth. Well, there's something I can't un-see.

"So, let's see. Should we do a guiche or a hafada?" biker guy said more to himself than to me. He looked at a poster on the wall behind Aldon. I could see pictures of the different piercings. A guiche was a perineum piercing and a hafada was a scrotum piercing. Fuck me. I wouldn't want either. My brother is such a slut, he probably wants both. I caught myself wondering what Ron would want. I mean, he seems to own my brother, so shouldn't he have some say in the matter?

"Hafada," Aldon seemed to be trying to say through the balled-up briefs.

"What's that? Guiche?" the biker said with an evil sneer. "Or should we do a row of frenum piercings down the shaft?" he said. I looked up at the picture and saw a row of about ten piercings down the penis shaft. Wow. Just wow. Aldon shook his head no as hard as he could. He managed to spit out the briefs.

"No, please. Just the scrotum, I mean the hafada," he begged. "My master won't like it if I get anything else pierced. I don't have permission," he said, nearly in tears. Well, I was right that Ron is his master. Oh fuck. Why was I right about that?

"Hmmm. Give me your phone," Lou said.

"I left it in the car," Aldon said sadly. I held it up. Why? I don't know. Maybe I wanted to see my brother suffer a little. I know, I'm an asshole, but it was kind of entertaining to see my brother squirm. Aldon shook his head again as Lou shoved the briefs back in his mouth. Lou poked some buttons on Aldon's phone.

"Call your master," he said, handing the phone to Aldon. He pulled up Ron's contact and gave the phone back to Lou. Lou put the call on speaker phone so that Aldon could hear his master.

"What do you want faggot?" Ron sneered into the phone. Sounds like a real nice guy.

"Hey, uh Ron is it? My name is Lou and I've got your faggot tied up here in my shop. He's complaining about the piercings I want to give him because he says he doesn't have your permission. Now, I respect another man's property, so I wanted to give you a call and see if you would give me permission to pierce this pussy boi's scrotum and perineum. Are you cool with that?" Lou says.

"Ha, didn't take long for it to get tied up. Please tell me you fucked it," Ron said. My eyes widened when he called Aldon `it'. Wow. My brother has really gotten himself into some kind of mess. Or not. He seems to get off on this crap.

"Oh yeah. Fucked this slut real hard. So what is it?" Lou asked impatiently.

"Well, I think you should do exactly what you want to do," Ron said laughing. "Be a good bitch for Lou, pussy boi," he said and the call ended. Aldon's eyes were wide and tears ran down his cheeks. Lou looked pleased.

"Now see, your master was just fine with all of this. We didn't have to go bothering him. So, let's get to this because I want to get out of here," Lou said lining up several things on his tray. He pulled Aldon's scrotum tight and shoved the first ring through the middle front. Then another one right behind that. And finally, a third right behind that. I looked up and it appeared that Aldon passed out at some point. Probably between the second and third. Lou snapped his fingers in front of his face, but Aldon didn't come to.

"Probably better that he's out. The next one really knocks their socks off," Lou said to me. I nodded. This was actually pretty interesting to watch. Lou sure knew his business. How someone ends up piercing dicks for a living, I don't know. "Come over here boy," he said to me a minute later. I walked over. "Hold up his penis so I can see what I'm doing down here," he told me. I grabbed Aldon's cock and held it flat against his stomach. Lou took the last ring off of his tray and then forced it through Aldon's perineum.

"Looks good, doesn't it?" Lou asked. I nodded. I don't think I ever want another piercing, but the guiche fit in with Aldon's other piercings, well. He handed me Aldon's phone.

"Bitches can't be trusted with a phone. You'd better hold on to this for it," he said. I nodded again. How had I become the alpha to Aldon? He was always such a stud athlete and the good brother. And now I was in charge of him. "Oh, snap a pic for the master before we get the bitch dressed," he said. I pulled up Ron's contact and texted him a couple of pictures of the new piercings.

"I'm going to fuck that cunt so hard you won't be able to walk for a week. Like last time you fucking slut," Ron texted back. Well, I guess Aldon has some lovely plans for when he gets home. Yikes.

"Uh, so what do we owe you?" I asked, reaching for Aldon's wallet. He said he'd pay for this and just because he passed out doesn't mean he's getting out of that. Lou shook his head `no' and held up a hand.

"No charge, boy," he said. "I took my payment out of this slut's pussy," he said. Lou helped me carry Aldon to the car. We loaded him in the passenger seat and I put the seatbelt on him. Lou and I fist bumped and I took off like a bat out of hell. I wasn't even sure where we were going because home seemed like a mistake. I found a convenience store and waited while the clerk brewed some fresh coffee. I put some ice in it to cool it off and took it out to the car. Aldon was starting to come around.

"My dick and balls and ass hurt so bad," he moaned. Like that's the first time for all of that. I handed him the coffee.

"Drink up. You need to sober up before we get home," I told him.

"Yes, sir," he said meekly and started drinking the coffee. He must not be entirely awake, calling me sir. I kind of liked it. Fuck. I'm going to get all dom now. Boss Aldon around. Make him lick my ass. Ha. Get boi's like him to do my bidding. Maybe I should visit Aldon and Ron and learn how to make a guy into my slave. Okay, that's never going to happen. It's still funny to think about, though.

Aldon finished the coffee and handed the cup back to me. Still in my dom mood, I handed it back to him. "What the fuck do you think I'm going to do with this bitch? Throw it away," I demanded, pointing to a trash can by the door to the convenience store.

"Yes, sir," he said again and whimpered as he got up out of the car. He limped over to the trash can, walking kind of bow legged. Wow. He's really hurting. He eased back into the car, still whimpering.

"You're still not sober enough to take home," I commented, wondering what we were going to do until he was sober enough to get into our house. I need him acting like normal Aldon, not pussy boi.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll try harder," he said. I shook my head at him. What a fucking weirdo. We sat there for a while. He squirmed and tried to get comfortable, but he didn't seem to find a way to sit that didn't rub up against at least one of the piercings.

"Maybe you should lay down across the back seat?" I suggested. "Point your cock down and see if that helps," I told him. I was just sick of watching him squirm around. I know it hurts but he's gotta be overacting.

"Thank you, sir," he said softly and he got out and then laid down on the back seat. He did as I suggested and pointed his dick down.

"Any better?" I asked.

"Yes, sir. You are so smart, sir," he said. I don't think anyone has ever said that to me before. I'm telling you, I could really get used to having a boi.

"That's right, boi. When we get home, you'd better act right in front of the `rents or I'll make sure you regret it," I said. I sound all tough. Ha. This is pretty fun.

"Yes, sir. I'll do exactly as you ask sir," he said. I pulled out of the parking lot at the convenience store and we drove home in silence. Well, except for when I hit a bump in the road or a pothole and Aldon groaned in pain. I didn't do it on purpose, I swear.

I stopped a few blocks from our house and got Aldon back into the front seat. I warned him again about acting right. He agreed and called me `sir' again. He'll probably never do it again--I mean he's drunk and seemingly delirious so he probably won't even remember doing it. But it's still fun to get the experience now.

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Next: Chapter 12

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