In the Blink of an Eye

By Joe Ballard

Published on May 4, 2020


Chapter 15

I decided not to call Isabella right away. I needed some time to think about things. I couldn't help but wonder what Beth-Mom would tell me about all of this. In order to keep all of these people straight, I've taken to adding --Mom to the end of their names--Isabella-Mom, Dianne-Mom, and Beth-Mom. Dianne-Mom likes when I call her that. I'm probably just going to start calling her Mom since that's what Drago calls her. It's easier that way. We have the same mom and dad. We're like brothers, now. Not quite incest, ha.

Our big show at the Fillmore is tonight. I think we're ready and the show will be a success. Aiden is freaking out. He found out that we're playing fourth of five bands and that Lenny's new band is closing the show. I don't know how his new band got the prime closing spot, but I'm thinking that we probably need to consider getting a real manager so that it doesn't happen again. I'm not looking forward to seeing Lenny. I don't want Aiden to see him either. I'm protective of Aiden and it's probably not my place, but I don't want him dating Lenny. Aiden has been lonely ever since I got with Drago and even though we play like we're going to get together, I know Aiden wants a real boyfriend.

Drago is at the Nebraska vs. CU football game this afternoon. I'm not quite at a place where I can be in huge crowds like that. Dr. Winters modified my medication about a week and a half ago, so I'm still getting used to the new meds, too. I'm glad that Drago and I have separate interests. He can be kind of...overwhelming at times. Dare I say, overprotective, too. He takes excellent care of me, but I don't want that to be the focus of our relationship--my health. He loves to practice playing doctor. Maybe we can play doctor in bed? Hmmm...

Aiden picked me up at 3:30 and we went over to Jamie's to load the van. We're all super excited and a little on edge, too. Nerves, I guess. We got the van packed and then got something to eat here in town. A couple of guys we know saw us and totally fawned all over us like we are already rock stars. It was kind of flattering and kind of weird. Then Bellamy came up and asked to talk to me privately. I haven't really gotten to talk to him since I broke up with Angelique. I don't talk to her much, either. I think she was madder at me than she let on. And Bellamy kept his distance because he supported her. He's a good brother. As much as I missed seeing him, I understand that his family comes first.

"Hey," he said giving me a hug. He pressed his body tight against mine. God, he feels so good. I love that he's smaller than me. That's so rare and it just feels so manly or something to be bigger for once. We hugged for a little bit too long. He licked my ear again before we parted. Fuck. I am going to be horny tonight.

"Hey," I said and grinned at him. "Whassup?"

"I've got front row seats for the show tonight. Play something for me," he said, licking his lips. I stared at his lips and wondered what those big, soft lips would feel like wrapped around my cock. Mmmmm...

"Nice," I said and we fist bumped. "I'll definitely dedicate something to you," I said, still looking at his lips. He licked them again and I blushed. Fuck me. Why do I do that? I finally got the crying thing under control, but the blushing, not so much.

"Cool," he said and then he hugged me again. I felt his hard cock press against my leg and my cock undeniably responded. We rubbed our crotches together until I heard the rest of the band coming out of Wendy's. I reluctantly pulled away. He looked around to see if anyone was watching and grabbed my cock through my jeans. I raised an eyebrow and looked around myself. No one saw, but my cock was really straining against my jeans now. Fuck Bellamy gets me hot. He's another one I have to control myself with better. I have a boyfriend who I love very much and I can't be out here fucking that all up for some gratuitous groping and grab ass. Or can I? NO! I can't. Jesus. My brain can justify anything.

"See you at the show," I said and fist bumped Bellamy again.

"Yeah, see you there," he said and winked. My dick twitched and I felt a bolt of pain run through me since it couldn't really move in my tight pants. Fuck.

"C'mon Alvin, we gotta go," James called out. I turned and ran over to the car and got in.

"New boyfriend?" Aiden asked with a smirk.

"No," I protested. "Just Bellamy," I said, trying not to protest too much.

"Sure, sure," he replied and all three of them started laughing. I adjusted my junk.

"Ha ha," I said sarcastically. Guess I'm not as subtle as I think I am.

We got back to Jamie's and checked our gear and then took off. It took just under an hour to get to the Fillmore. This is our first time playing this venue so we took a few minutes to look around. It looks like an awesome place to play. Aiden and I went up in the catwalks above the stage and checked out the place from above. We were fooling around again and this time, I grabbed his ass and pulled him toward me.

"You're fucking amazing, Aiden," I told him, our faces close together. "We're really going to rock this place tonight," I said. He leaned forward until our lips touched lightly. I was horny from Bellamy earlier and Aiden and I have been dancing around this for ages. I have no interest in cheating on Drago, but I'm also having trouble controlling myself. Aiden's tongue reached out and licked my lip and I was about to suck it in my mouth when a voice called out from behind us.

"Fucking faggots, take that bullshit somewhere else," the voice said. We pulled away and turned to where the voice came from and saw Lenny standing about 20 feet away from us on the catwalk. What the hell he was doing up here, I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he followed us up here because there's no reason to be up here otherwise.

"Screw you, Lenny," Aiden said. I narrowed my eyes and glared at Lenny. Fucking faggots, indeed. He's had sex with Aiden on about a million different occasions from what Aiden told me. I think he's deep in denial or something. Jealous, for sure.

"C'mon, Aiden. Let's go somewhere with some privacy," I said and grabbed Aiden's ass. I wanted Lenny jealous. I want him off his game so that we look that much better when our bands play later tonight. I gave Aiden a lusty look and took his hand. I led us down the ladder to the stage. Lenny clamored after us, yelling out gay slurs the entire time. One of the bouncers picked up Lenny by the back of his jacket and lifted him about a foot off the floor. The guy looked like a former football player--had to be at least 6'5" and weighed about 350.

"You'd better shut your fucking face about queers, asshole," he said to Lenny and punched him three times real fast in the stomach. Then he dropped Lenny into a pile at his feet. "If I hear you make one more gay slur tonight I'm gonna make sure that you can't talk for a good long time," and then kicked him in the ribs. Lenny cried out and moaned in pain. I grinned. I wanted to laugh, but I managed to hold it in.

"Hey, thanks," I walked over to the bouncer and we fist bumped.

"Same team, bro," he said and I smiled. You just never know when you'll run into someone on `our team'. "Have a good show tonight," he told me and Aiden.

"We will now," Aiden said. We grinned again and then headed backstage to find James and Jamie. We want to watch the acts that come on before us and need to find somewhere to do that. Plus, I don't want to be anywhere near Lenny when he finally gets up. Already poked that bear enough for tonight.

The show started slow. The first act was unprepared and their songs were weak. They almost got booed off the stage at one point. I wondered whose father got them the gig. The second act wasn't much better. I thought this was supposed to be a showcase of talent in the Denver area, but so far the bands were terrible. When the second act left the stage, I was feeling kind of pissed off. I mean, it seemed like we'd been snookered into playing a real crappy show. We were the best band here by far. And the insult of Lenny's band getting to close was firing me up, too.

After a huge delay (this show just keeps getting better) the third band came on. Luckily, they were much better and actually put on a decent show. I kept taking peeks out into the audience to see if I recognized anyone. I saw Drago right off the bat--at his height and with his blonde mop, he's hard to miss. So sexy, too. Then I saw Bellamy. He and his friends arrived when the third band was almost done. I caught his eye and waved. He waved back. He looked really hot in a white wife beater and black shorts. Fuck, he's good looking. I saw a couple of other guys I knew, too. It looked like we were going to have a great audience. I hadn't seen the scout, yet, but he probably wouldn't be on the floor. Most likely he was in a VIP lounge or something like that.

The third band ended on a high note and it was our turn to get set up. We had our gear out there in record time. We wanted the most benefit from the audience being charged up after the last act. Aiden led us through a quick prayer before we got on stage. I'm not sure when we started that or why, but it's really nice to give a head's up to God before we head out. It made me think about worship group and how much I actually miss playing with them. If Beth-mom isn't going to church anymore, maybe I should go play with the band sometime.

I shook that thought off as we ran out on stage. The audience erupted in cheers. Fuck yeah! This feels so great. I pulled my guitar off the stand and tuned it a little while Aiden gave the crowd a shout out. I blasted out the opening notes of our first song and we were off like lightning. It was incredible. We rocked so hard. I don't remember us playing so well together. We were on fire and we knew it. Aiden got a bit cocky and was dancing around like an asshole. Alright, it was pretty hot and he had the audience hooked. I tried to stick to the music, but I extended a couple of solos and just played to my heart's content.

We ran long. Yeah, probably because of my extended solos, but the audience was cheering and the venue didn't seem to mind, so we played for an extra fifteen minutes. Lenny looked like he was going to explode by the time we finally left the stage. Once the curtain was pulled, we had to get our shit out of there quick so that Lenny's band, Trampoline, could set up. Lenny tried to trip me twice, but I got out of it both times. He was fuming. I know he's not going to have a good show if he's this pissed off.

Before his band went on stage, I couldn't help but wish Lenny and his band good luck. I don't know why I couldn't just let it go, but it was cracking me up to make him angry.

"Hey break a leg, Sizzlelean," I said with a straight face.

"It's Trampoline, you stupid fuck," Lenny sneered back at me.

"Oh, yeah, Disco Queen," I said and smiled innocently. Lenny glared at me and I smiled sweetly.

"Trampoline. Get it right. Because we're about to steal your spot, bitch," he said.

"I'm sure you are," I said in my most condescending tone. I saw Aiden out of the corner of my eye and winked at him, making sure Lenny was watching. I kept my eyes on Aiden and grabbed my junk through my jeans and raised my eyebrows at him. Lenny started walking toward me and I was getting ready to run for it when the venue manager called Lenny's band on stage. He stopped and looked out toward the stage and then back at me.

"You'll regret that," he said to me and then turned and walked on stage. I let out the breath I was holding and started laughing. What a dumb fuck. He's never going to be able to keep it together on stage, now. Aiden came over and shoved my shoulder. He was laughing, too.

"He's gonna chase you down and beat your ass, you know that, right?" he said.

"It was worth it," I said back and put my arm around Aiden. "Let's go check out the show," we walked over to James and Jamie and watched Trampoline play a pretty crappy set. Lenny was off the whole time. He kept yelling at the lead singer, some guy that I've seen around but can't think of his name--I'll call him Shaggy since he looks a lot like Shaggy from Scooby Doo--to stop singing too fast. I actually think Shaggy was doing a pretty good job since Lenny was so off kilter.

After the third song, Shaggy got so angry with Lenny calling him out the entire set that he took off backstage and didn't come back for ten minutes. Lenny and the rest of the band kept playing and the bassist, I'll call him Nobody because he's totally nondescript, took over the singing duties. He was okay-ish. Alright, he was pretty terrible.

By the time Shaggy came back, the audience was starting to filter out. Once Shaggy took over for Nobody and Lenny had chilled somewhat, they actually closed the show with a decent song. There were no calls for an encore. In fact, someone, Drago I'm pretty sure, called out `bring back The Four Horsemen' and a bunch of people cheered. We all grinned. I was really tempted to go back out there but it was a break of tradition to take the closing act's spot. Lenny turned and saw me and his face turned bright, angry red. I decided it was time to find Drago in the audience. I doubted Lenny would make a move if Drago was there. Drago would tear him limb from limb and grind his bones for his soup. Okay, that's what a giant would do and not my boyfriend.

I decided to hit the bathroom before I went out to the floor. I came out thinking about the awesome gig we'd just played when I caught sight of Lenny behind me. He must have waited for me to come out. He reached up over his head. At the last second I saw the beer bottle glint in the light and then it came down on the back of my head like a ton of bricks. I grayed-out, but didn't get completely knocked out. I staggered for a second and started blinking. I could see stars.

I staggered some more but started to get my bearings. That motherfucker! I shook my head and was reasonably back on my feet and I charged Lenny. He wasn't expecting me to recover so fast so he wasn't ready for me. I speared him into the door jamb to the bathroom. It looked like he had the wind knocked out of him and I had a moment to make a second move. I took him by the shoulders while he tried to gasp in air and slammed his head against the jamb five times quickly. I felt like I had superhuman strength. Then I head butted him and he slunk to the floor. I made it about five feet and then I slumped up against the wall and sunk to the floor sitting legs crossed.

"Alvin?" I heard someone yelling and then they slapped my face. I jerked my head up from where it rested on my chest.

"What?" I asked, irritated at whoever was yelling in my face. I realized I was wet and made a face. "Why am I wet?" I asked. I finally figured out that it was Aiden. He had an empty cup in his hand.

"I threw water in your face to wake your ass up. C'mon, we gotta get out of here before the cops arrive," he said, pulling me up from the floor. I shook my wet head and water sprayed around me. I let Aiden pull me away to the back door and we took off running toward the alley. We turned right and ran about six blocks through the alleys and then broke over to the street. There was a coffee shop about two blocks down, so we headed there.

A bunch of kids from the show had just arrived at the coffee shop, so we did our best to blend in. Aiden shuttled me to the bathroom. I used some paper towels to dry my hair. There was blood on it.

"Am I bleeding back here?" I asked him, trying to see the back of my head in the mirror. The light was dim and I couldn't tell if I was bleeding because my hair is so dark. I've kept up the shaved look but it's grown out right now.

"I think so," he said and grabbed some more paper towels to wipe my head. "Oh, well, yeah, there's a cut on the back of your head but there's just a little bit of blood. Hold this tight right here and it should stop bleeding in a sec," he said. I held the paper towel where he asked. He pulled out his phone and started texting with James and Jamie.

"What's going on?" I asked, trying to see his phone. He turned so that I couldn't see what he wrote.

"Okay, here's what's up. So Lenny was knocked cold from whatever you did to him..." Aiden said until I interrupted.

"Head butt. I head butted him," I said with a grin. Aiden gave me a look like he couldn't quite believe what I'd just said or that I was smiling about it.

"Ooookay," he drawled. "So Lenny was out cold and the bouncer from earlier found you two in the hall. He said that it looked like you had passed out. So he reported that he found you guys and the manager called the cops. Lenny came to and started raging about how you attacked him. I managed to get you awake and now we're here," Aiden explained. Of course Lenny said I attacked him, asshole liar.

"He attacked me from behind with a beer bottle. He hit me in the head before I could react," I told Aiden while periodically checking to see if I was still bleeding. I relayed the rest of the story, ending with me sinking down the wall. Aiden grabbed me and hugged me.

"I'm sorry I thought the worst," he said to me. I dropped the paper towel and grabbed him by the back of the head and pulled his lips to mine.

"No worries," I said and then kissed him. He seemed surprised and hesitated and then he kissed me back. It wasn't long before we were going at it hot and heavy. I had my tongue in his mouth, swirling it around his. Someone knocked on the door.

"Hurry up, there's a line," they yelled from outside. I sighed and then checked myself in the mirror.

"Let's go find somewhere to finish what we started," I said to Aiden. He bit his lip and nodded. I grabbed his hand and we charged out of the bathroom. People gave us a mix between cheers and groans--groans for seeing two guys come out of the bathroom holding hands. I think they assumed we'd just had sex in there. Which we would have if these people had some patience.

I led Aiden out onto the street. It was cold since the sun went down and it's October. It will probably snow soon. We went back in the alley and I stopped when we were out of sight of the street and pushed him against the brick wall. Our lips met again and soon our lips were puffy from kissing so hard and long. I started pushing down on his shoulders. He looked at me with lust and dropped to his knees.

"Fuck yeah," I murmured as he pulled my cock out of my jeans and took it in his mouth. It was hard from our make out and he couldn't fit all 7-plus inches in his mouth. I held the back of his head while he sucked my cock. I wanted to flip him around and slam my cock up his ass, but we didn't have time and this alley wasn't really conducive to a quick fuck. Someone could walk up at any moment.

I took over the motions and fucked his face. My strokes got faster and deeper as I got closer to cumming. Soon, my cock was lodged in his throat and I groaned loudly and growled, "I'm cumming." His throat spasmed on my cock and I could tell he was choking, but my load was already up and out, shooting down his throat. I pulled back and shot the final three or so jets into his mouth. He gagged but was able to hold the cum in his mouth and then he started swallowing. Three swallows later, he pulled out his own cock and stroked himself to orgasm, shooting a cum-puddle by my feet.

"That was so hot," I said when he finished. He sucked the remaining cum from my cock and licked me clean. I tucked my junk back in my pants and fixed my shirt and hair. Aiden stood up and pulled himself together. He had some cum in the corner of his mouth, so I licked it off and then we started kissing again. I could taste my cum in his mouth and it was really good. I've always liked the taste of my own cum and it's even better tasting it from a guy's mouth.

"Thanks," Aiden said after we broke apart. We stared at each other and then went in for another kiss. We went at it until I couldn't taste my cum anymore. I pulled back.

"We should probably get back," I said, pulling his phone from his pocket to see what time it was. It was after 11. We were supposed to have our gear out of the club by 11:30.

"Yeah, let me check my texts," he said. "Hey, check it out," Aiden showed me his texts from James. "The club has cameras in the hallway and they saw Lenny attack you. He's been arrested!" he exclaimed. I read over the texts and grinned. Asshole Lenny got caught in his lies and they took that piece of shit to jail. The cops want my statement when we get back. Karma, much, Lenny?

"Let's go, then. Sounds like the cops want to talk to me and we've gotta get shit loaded up so that we can get back home," I said. Suddenly I realized that Drago must be freaking the fuck out. While I was getting head in an alley, he'd probably joined together everyone in the club to conduct a search party. Shit. I pulled my own phone out and saw that I have like 75 texts from different people. I also had 15 missed phone calls.

I figured I'd better call instead of text. Drago was worried and I didn't really have an awesome reason why I'd been gone so long. I didn't want to lie, but I'd sort of done something that I wasn't going to admit to. I mean, what was I going to say? By the way, Aiden sucked my dick in that alley over there while you were out of your mind with worry. Let's go home and make love, dear. Not really how I want that conversation to go.

"Alvin!" Drago yelled into the phone. "Oh my God, where are you? How are you? Did you have a seizure? We need to get you your meds. Do you need to go to the emergency room?" he blurted out before I could get a word in.

"Drago, babe, I'm fine. Aiden got me out of the club and took me to a coffee shop down the street. He helped me get the bleeding to stop and we chilled for a few there before we got word that the cops wanna take my statement," I replied, all calm and cool. I reached out and started rubbing Aiden's cock through his shorts. His eyes widened and then they closed and he moaned a little. I covered the microphone with my thumb and `shushed' him. He grinned at me and I kept rubbing his cock while listening to Drago.

"I'm so worried. What do you mean bleeding? Is it bleeding now? I need to see you so that I can take a look. We should go to the emergency room," he said. I think he's even more wound up since we started talking.

"I'm okay, babe," I told him. "My head was bleeding a little bit where the beer bottle hit, but it's stopped now and I feel fine. I didn't have a seizure and I was only out for a little bit," I didn't know for sure if that were true, but I wanted to calm Drago down. "I feel pretty good now and we're almost to the back door," I said. Another little white lie, since we haven't moved from that spot in the alley where we got all up in each other's Jockey's and I was still rubbing Aiden's now rock hard cock through his shorts. I wanted to make him cum in his pants. Have a little wet reminder of me when we parted.

"Thank goodness. I'll come around back and wait for you there," he said.

"Okay, love you," I said, although I may have been looking Aiden in the eyes when I said it.

"Love you, Alvin. Hurry!" Drago said and I cut off the call. I kept up the rubbing, really working the head with my thumb.

"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum," Aiden gasped. He tried to pull away, but I shoved him hard up against the wall and rapidly stroked up and down until I felt the jizz spurt out. I kept slowly rubbing until I felt the wet spot spreading through his shorts. He was breathing really fast and then he looked down to see the spot on his shorts that told the dirty tale of what he'd been up to. We looked at one another and laughed.

"Don't worry, it doesn't look like you peed your pants," I said. He smacked me in the shoulder.

"Fuck you. It just looks like I came in my pants. Oh yeah, I did," he said. "Help me clean this up," he said looking around for something to wipe himself down.

"Might have to sacrifice your briefs, man," I said, trying not to laugh. He gave me a look but then conceded that his only option was wiping up the cum with his boxer briefs and then ditching them in the alley. He could go commando for the rest of the night and no one would notice. He pulled off his underwear and cleaned himself up. He threw them in a heap next to a trash can. Probably would have been better IN the trash can, but what do I care? I don't have to clean it up. He pulled his t-shirt over the wet spot and we walked to the back entrance of the club.

"Alvin, oh my God, Alvin!" Drago ran up. I smiled quickly at Aiden and turned to greet Drago. He picked me up and held me tightly in a bear hug.

"Hey, Drago," Aiden said and then headed into the club, presumably to help load up the van.

"Sup, Aiden," Drago said but didn't let go of me. "I hope they take that piece of shit Lenny and nail him to a cross and slice open his guts and leave him to bleed to death. And the birds come and peck his eyes out and pull his guts out and eat them," he said. I laughed.

"Sort of a Jesus-slash-The Birds type of thing?" I asked. He looked at me seriously.

"Alvin, I was so worried. I'm so glad you're okay. I can't even..." he trailed off. I got on my tip toes and kissed him gently. I hope that I don't taste like cum anymore. Apparently not, because Drago started kissing me back. He lifted me up slightly and pressed me into the wall. I held on behind his neck and we swapped spit for a few minutes until a police officer approached and cleared his throat.

"Ahem," he tried to get our attention. We stopped kissing and I smiled at Drago. He still looked worried. "I'm Officer Wroblewski, are you Alvin Jacobs?" he asked when I turned to look at him.

"Yes, sir," I said politely. I don't know why Beth-mom was always so down on my manners. I actually have pretty decent manners.

"Let's go inside and sit down and you can give your statement," he said and moved his arm to indicate that I should lead the way. I went inside and Officer Wroblewski followed me and Drago came in behind him. "Down the hall, last door to the right is an office we can use," the officer told me. I walked in that direction.

When we got to the door, I went inside, but the officer stopped Drago. "I'm sorry but I'll need to talk to Alvin alone," he said. Drago started getting this super angry look on his face. I came back to the doorway.

"It's okay. I'll give my statement and be right back out again," I said and leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. He seemed to cool down.

"I'll be right outside if you need me," he said. I grinned at him.

"Cool," I said and walked back in and sat in the big comfy desk chair behind the desk. Officer Wroblewski sat down across from me. I smirked at him and he blushed. Well, well, well. What do we have here? I think Officer Wroblewski might be receptive to some flirting. He looks pretty fit in his uniform. He's tall and thin but his gear puts on probably thirty pounds and he looks quite muscular. I gazed down at his package but from this angle and since he's in navy blue pants it's hard to see what he's packing. I adjusted myself and stared into his eyes. He stared back for a moment but then looked away nervously. He pulled out a small pad and a pen.

"So, Mr. Jacobs, can you please tell me what you remember about the incident outside the bathroom this evening?" he said, all business, but a little bit fidgety, too. He reached down and rubbed his cock through his pants. I think he's chubbing up. Wow. Didn't take long.

I described what happened when Lenny attacked me and then how Aiden took me to the coffee house. Apparently an officer had already gone over there and my story was corroborated. They'd even found some of the paper towels I'd cleaned up with and put them into evidence. Weird. As I told the story, I spread my legs wide and every so often would touch myself. I had at least a semi. I caught him looking twice.

"And now I'm back here. Alone with you," I said to him and rubbed my cock one more time. He couldn't take his eyes off of my cock and I got completely hard. It snaked down my leg and the outline of the head was clearly evident through my jeans. Officer Wroblewski's eyes widened and he shook his head. I stood up and walked over to him. He cleared his throat again and his nervous look returned.

"Thank you for your statement, Mr. Jacobs. Here's my card if you think of anything you want to add," he said and handed me his business card. I took it and put it in my wallet. "If there isn't anything else..." he started to stand up but I put my hand on his chest firmly and he sat down hard.

"Oh, I think you know what else, Officer Wroblewski," I said and grabbed his hand and put it on my hard cock. "I'm sure you can help me with one more thing," I said and used his hand to rub me roughly.

"Uh, I'm still on uh, duty and I, uh, can't..." he struggled to spit out his protests as I rubbed his hand over my cock and I could see his cock tenting his uniform pants. I undid my jeans and pulled out my cock and stroked it a couple of times. The foreskin pulled back from the head and it was a little bit shiny from the precum that leaked out. I shook it a little and that's all it took. The officer took it in his hand and had it in his mouth in an instant. I moaned as he took at least five inches in his mouth. He licked and sucked to get the shaft wet and then started taking it deeper and deeper into his throat. I put my hands on the sides of his head and held it in place while I thrust my hips forward to help him deep throat my cock. He gagged a couple of times but kept trying. After one particularly hard thrust on my part, my cock was completely down his throat. I held him there for a few seconds, enjoying the tight, warm hole. He started choking and gagging again but I didn't let go. The way his throat spasmed on my cock felt so fucking good I didn't want to let go. He slapped my thighs to let me know he needed to breathe so I grudgingly let his head go. He pulled back and sucked in a couple of breaths and then I pulled him back on again.

I face fucked him for another several minutes, repeating our pattern of deep throat until he slapped my legs. He could hold my cock in his throat for longer and longer as we went. Spit drooled down his chin onto his uniform and my balls. Some even dripped onto the floor under me. It took me a while to get to where I could cum since Aiden had drained my balls about an hour ago, but the feeling of his throat wrapped around my cock finally brought me to the breaking point.

"I'm cumming," I announced and held him with his nose buried in my pubes while I shot down his throat. He moaned and gagged but didn't pull away. It felt like I deposited a huge load into his stomach, but it probably wasn't all that much. I didn't let him pull away until I was good and ready and when I finally did, he sputtered and coughed up spit and throat slime and probably a little bit of my cum. I looked down and he pulled out his cock and stroked it about three times and he came in several spurts onto the floor and onto one of his shoes.

He groaned loudly and then sat there whimpering for a minute or two. I pulled his head up by the chin and nodded toward my cock. He licked up the spit and slime and cum and when I was satisfied it was clean, I tucked my cock back into my jeans.

"Clean up, Officer Wroblewski, my boyfriend is waiting outside," I said with a smirk. He looked at the door vacantly but then jumped up and put his cock in his pants and zipped up. It looked to be about six inches hard, but only three soft. He looked incredibly embarrassed.

"You won't say anything, right?" he said quietly, using some tissues to clean up his shoe and the floor.

"Naw, my boyfriend and I have a deal but it involves some discretion on my part," I said as I ran my hands through my hair and tried to make myself look like I hadn't just gotten back-to-back blowjobs. I totally made up the part about Drago and I having an agreement, too. I'm not even sure why I said that.

Officer Wroblewski pulled all of his gear together and I checked him out. I wiped some spit off his shirt and we finally made our way out the door.

"So, like I said, if you think of anything else, call the number on my card anytime and I'll come to you to take your uh, statement," he said and smiled. Oh yeah, he could take my `statement' anytime.

"Thank you, sir," I said and we shook hands. He shook hands with Drago, too, and then he took off down the hall to the bathroom. I turned to Drago. "Hey, I've gotta check on the guys and make sure that they don't need me for anything and then we can head home," I said.

"Okay, I'll come with you," he said and grabbed my hand. We found the band loading up the last of James' drum kit in the van.

"Alvin!" James exclaimed and ran over. "Man, you have got to stay away from fucking Lenny," he said giving me a quick bro-hug. I clapped him on the back and laughed.

"He just can't keep his hands off of me," I said with a wink. James and Drago both groaned. Aiden and Jamie joined us after locking the van and we stood outside. The band guys pulled out vapes and took a few draws off of them while we chatted. Too bad no one has any weed.

I caught Drago looking at his phone a couple of times to see how late it was and I knew it was time to wrap things up. We said goodbye to everyone and Drago led me to where he'd parked Dianne-mom's car.

"Where's the truck?" I asked.

"I didn't want to get it broken into, so I took Mom's car," he said as we pulled onto US 36. I laughed.

"What? A big, red truck with every accessory known to man draws attention?" I teased him. He mock laughed at me in return.

"Up in town it isn't such a big deal, but I didn't want to risk it in Denver," he said. I smiled and put my hand on his thigh.

"I know what you mean. We were worried about parking Jamie's shitty van down here and it's a shitty van," I said. He smiled. He knew I was just giving him trouble about his fancy truck.

I watched Drago as he drove us home, the occasional lights from the highway lighting up his profile. He's so fucking sexy I can't hardly control myself. I started rubbing his thigh more aggressively and he started to bone up. So did I, although how I wasn't quite sure. I'm so fucking horny regardless of my earlier...indiscretions, I guess, but now I want to get fucked. I put my hand on his hard cock and ran it up and down the length. I lightly squeezed the head and then went back to stroking.

"Oh man, that feels so gooooood," Drago drawled. I scooted over so that I had better access and unzipped his shorts. He moaned as I took hold of his cock and pulled it out. I stroked it a few times and then leaned down and licked all around the head. "Oh fuck, I'm going to wreck Mom's car, you gotta sit up," Drago said and I could feel the car jerk back from the shoulder. The wheels stopped making that horrible noise they make when they hit the grooves to keep cars from going onto the shoulder. I giggled and sat back up again, but didn't remove my hand from his cock.

"I want this cock so deep in my ass," I said as I stroked it slowly.

"Fuck, dude, I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't be able to walk for a week," he moaned. I can't believe how much I want that. I am so unbelievably turned on right now. If this car had a bigger back seat I'd have Drago pull over and fuck me on the side of the road. As it is, we're about five minutes away now and he's trying not to get pulled over for speeding and I'm trying to edge him so that he doesn't cum before we can even get started.

We finally pulled into the garage and were in our apartment less than thirty seconds later. We tore off our clothes and he bent me over the end of the bed. I reached back and held my cheeks apart and he buried his face in my ass and started licking and sucking my hole.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck," I cried out as he dug his tongue in my hole and fucked me with it. He finally came up and reached for the lube. He lubed his cock and rubbed some into my aching hole and then he plunged balls deep inside of me.

"Ahhhhh!" I nearly screamed. He stopped but didn't pull out.

"Fuck, Alvin, I'm so sorry, I just couldn't help myself," he panted out. I wiggled some and tried to take the pain of the sudden intrusion in stride. Although we fuck a lot, I'm still need some time to get used to his huge cock entering me. I started pushing back in little thrusts. He met my thrusts with ones of his own and pretty soon his hips slapped against mine loudly. He was in rare form, even for him, and he pounded away at my ass.

"Oh yeah, fuck my ass hard, Drago," I call out and we matched our grunts to his deep thrusts. My dick is leaking precum all over the bed. I have no idea how I'm still producing anything but my balls seem like they've filled right back up again and my prostate is telling me that it really likes when Drago's cock slams into it with every thrust.

"Fuck yeah, fuck that pussy," he's saying. Pussy, huh? He's said that to me before. When I asked he said something to the extent of `things come out of an ass but when things go in, it's a pussy'. I just nodded and figured that he could call it a pussy if he wants. But now, it's making me so fucking hot for him to call it a pussy.

"Yeah, fuck my pussy. Fuck it raw," I growled as he picked up speed and really fucked me hard. We grunted and groaned as he slammed away at my, well, my pussy. My cock rubbed up against the edge of the bed in the wet spot I'd created and it felt so good. I fucked against the mattress and Drago fucked me.

"That pussy is so fine," he said. "I'm gonna flood this pussy with my cum. Oh yeah, you want my cum don't you?" he growled back.

"Yes, yes, I want your cum to fill up my pussy. Give me your load, babe," I said back, knowing that I was about to blow and I wanted him to cum first. I squeezed his cock with my ass a couple of times and he groaned loudly.

"Fuck, babe, here it comes. Here comes my big load to fill your pussy full," he said, getting louder with every word. I hope his parents are asleep because we are super loud. Suddenly Drago shoved his cock inside of me as far as it would go and he shot his load. Jet after jet of cum flooded my insides. It's so hot that I swear I can feel it.

"Fuck!" is all I can manage when I cum like a second later. I grind my hips into the bed and shoot my load onto the sheets. Again, it feels like a massive load, but I'm sure it was only a couple of squirts. It was my third load in like two hours or so. God, it felt so great, though. I love when Drago fucks me like that. Actually, I don't recall him fucking me that hard before and I really want him to fuck me like that all the time from now on. I guess I like it a little rough. Damn. I swear my dick just twitched while I was thinking about that. I don't know how it possibly could get hard again, but then again, I've beaten off like six times in a day before, so I could probably shoot out another load before we go to bed.

I look over at Drago and he's laying there holding his t-shirt to his cock and trying to catch his breath. I grin at him.

"I like it rough, boyfriend," I told him, and pulled myself up to drape my arm across his sweaty chest.

"Better put your boots on, `cause you're in for a wild ride, boyfriend," he said back. We both grinned. We laid like that for a long time. My face was near his pit and his natural smell permeated my senses. I breathed it in like it was life-giving. His natural smell is so raw and sexy. Of course we both stink like sweat and ass and sex, but I love it. I finally get up and start the shower to scrub off this crazy day. Drago joined me and we washed one another in silence. We remade the bed with clean sheets and then climbed in and crashed out.

My phone started buzzing at 8:30 the next morning. I wanted to throw it out the window but the only window in our room is up high above the bed and it doesn't open. I opened my eyes just enough to see who thought it was a good idea to text me so early after the night I'd had and saw that it was Aiden. I swear that guy never sleeps. He told me once that he only needs four hours of sleep a night and some nights he doesn't even get that.

Aiden: Dude, text me back when you get this

Aiden: U up yet?

Aiden: The scout called, we need to meet him today!

Aiden: We're meeting the scout at 12:00 for brunch at some Mexican place in Broomfield

Aiden: I'm going to call you in fifteen minutes

Aiden: Answer your phone!

Aiden: U okay?

Aiden: I'm sorry for bothering you. I know you probably have a headache and need to get your rest

Aiden: U there?

I had to laugh. He was trying really hard not to be pissed at me, but he was struggling. He really wanted this meeting with the scout to go well and I had to be there if it was going to work out for the band. I checked my phone messages and he'd called seven, yes, seven! times. The messages were variations on the texts--please answer, I'll be there to pick you up at 11:15 to drive you to brunch--the one with the scout, and so on. I texted him to let him know I'd be ready and to stop flipping out.

He texted me back very excited that I'd answered but he was totally flipping out. I told him I was getting in the shower and that he needed to chill. I didn't really get in the shower since Drago and I took showers before bed last night. I set an alarm on my phone and slept another two hours.

When I finally dragged ass out of bed, I made a pot of coffee. Drago was gone--he'd left with Dad to go help his grandpa out at his ranch. Drago's grandpa owns about 200 acres east of Boulder and he needs help periodically with ranch stuff. I don't really know what they do out there, but Drago and Dad go out there about once a month on a Sunday to lend a hand. I've been invited to go, and I probably will. I've been using my epilepsy as an excuse to avoid it. I'm not really into the whole ranch thing. Drago comes home smelling vaguely of manure. And even though he joked about me pulling on my boots last night, the closest thing to boots I have are Dr. Marten's and they are not for walking in horse shit. Or any other kind of shit.

I drank a cup of coffee and ended up taking a quick shower to help me wake up. I yelped when I got under the water because it was so cold, but I had to do something so I'd be alert during the meeting. I've gotta say, though, I'm not really the best person to have in a meeting because I can't remember anything and my mind wanders easily when I'm bored. But the band has to show a united front so that the scout knows that we're serious.

Aiden was about fifteen minutes early. Mom let him downstairs and he hung out while I finished getting dressed. I've decided that I'm calling Drago's parents Mom and Dad from now on. That's what a lot of people call their in-laws and that's basically what they are to me. Plus, they have been remarkably good parents to me when they didn't have to. I've come to love them in a way that I never loved the people who raised me.

"Hey man, howz your head?" Aiden asked as I combed my hair and put in some product to hold it in place.

"Good, I guess. I had a little bit of a headache so I took one of my prescription pain pills and it's feeling better now," I said. I turned toward Aiden and checked him out laying on my bed. He was looking around the room and didn't notice me watching him. He looked hot in his skinny jeans and t-shirt with a leather coat I hadn't seen before. It was black and had a couple of zippered pockets. I sauntered over to the bed and stood in front of him.

"You look hot, bro," I told him, grabbing my crotch and giving it a squeeze. I was starting to stiffen up down there. Aiden looked around nervously.

"Uh, where's Drago?" he asked and stopped to stare at my junk. I grinned. I had him.

"Out. He won't be back for a loooonnnggg time," I said and unzipped my jeans. Aiden licked his lips and leaned forward. He opened his mouth and took just the tip in his mouth and I moaned.

"Fuck yeah, dude, suck my cock," I said and he stuck his tongue in between the tip and the foreskin. He ran his tongue around and around until the foreskin pulled back and fully exposed the tip. I thrust forward with my hips to get him to take more in his mouth, but he kept working the tip. Around and around and sucking about an inch. He ran his tongue up and down, driving me crazy. I had to resist shoving my cock down his throat. He worked his way down my cock and then sucked on my balls. I had to hold on to the headboard to keep from falling over. I was almost in the land of overstimulation from his tongue bath.

"Hey, I've gotta lay down," I said and pulled back. I took off my jeans and he took off his jacket and shoes. I propped up the pillows and then leaned back and spread my legs. Aiden climbed in between them and returned to sucking my balls. He couldn't quite get both in his mouth at the same time, but he tried valiantly. I pulled my legs up and he licked down my scrot to my taint and licked all over until he reached my hole. He very lightly ran his tongue over my hole. It twitched in delight. Fuck. I love how Aiden's licking and sucking all over me.

After making out with my hole for a few minutes, he returned to my cock and this time he shoved the entire thing down his throat. He gagged but didn't stop until my cock was firmly entrenched in his throat. I started thrusting up into his mouth. He stopped moving and let me take over. I fucked his mouth with as much restraint as I could manage. I didn't want to hurt him and I definitely want to do this again so I had to keep it under control.

"Here comes my load, man," I said and my cock pulsed in his throat. He choked and coughed and my cock spurted out of his throat and I ended up dumping my load in his mouth. "Don't swallow," I rasped out and then pulled him up to me so we could kiss. I wanted to share that cum. I stuck my tongue in his mouth and tasted my sweet load. Fuck I love my own cum. I love Drago's, too. Maybe I just love cum in general.

We kissed and spit the cum back and forth until I couldn't taste it anymore. I leaned back against the pillows and he collapsed on the bed next to me. I looked over and saw that he'd cum in his jeans again.

"Fuck, dude, you've gotta get your dick out of your pants and cum somewhere else from now on," I said laughing. He looked down and smiled.

"I didn't even realize I came. I've never cum just from sucking cock. I can't believe you made me cum and I never even touched myself," he said incredulously.

"Awww yeah," I said and we high fived. I glanced at my phone and jumped out of bed. "We gotta blaze, dude. We're gonna be late if we don't leave like now," I said, squeezing the last few drops of cum from my cock into a tissue and then zipping up.

"Can I use this washcloth?" Aiden called from the bathroom. I don't know which wash cloth he means, but we're in a hurry so I said `yeah' and pulled a pair of my boxer briefs from my dresser. Aiden is only an inch or so taller than me but has much broader shoulders. Otherwise we wear the same size so my underwear should fit him fine. I pulled out a pair of jeans, too, if he decided to change those, too. He came out of the bathroom bottomless. I reached out and patted his cock.

"Stop it dude, we've gotta...go," he said slowly as I started to stroke his cock. He moaned and then stepped back. "Seriously!" he exclaimed and I let go of him and he put on the boxer briefs.

"Mmmmm," I commented and raised an eyebrow. He rolled his eyes.

"You are the horniest motherfucker lately," he said examining his jeans. "Can you see the wet spot on these?" he asked, holding them up. I looked and nodded.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious," I said. I put on my coat and grabbed my keys and wallet. "Put on the ones on the bed and don't have any more accidents before we get to the restaurant," I told him, trying to keep a straight face. He smacked me in the shoulder and I started laughing.

"Fuck you. It's all your fault," he said, also trying to keep from laughing.

"I know. That's why I'm letting you borrow my stuff," I said. I took one last look in the mirror and Aiden did the same. We look good together. It's no wonder we have so many groupies. Too bad they are girls. I guess Aiden doesn't mind throwing a couple of them a bone every once in a while. I wanna know where all the male groupies are. That probably isn't a thing, but it should be. I wouldn't mind having boys throw themselves at me. Slobbing on my knob, offering their holes. Not that I'd actually do anything about it, but it's nice to be offered.

"Let's go," I said impatiently as he fixed his hair. He gave me an annoyed look but grabbed his jacket and walked out the door anyway.

Luckily the traffic was light so we got to the restaurant at exactly noon. James and Jamie were already at a booth and the scout was on his phone out in front of the restaurant. He held up a finger to indicate that he would be a minute, so we went inside. We sat down and everyone fist bumped each other.

"Let's do shots of tequila before he gets back," James said looking super nervous. Jamie looked excited and nodded vigorously.

"No way," Aiden said. "We've gotta take this seriously or he's gonna bail," he told them. I'm eighteen so it's not really for me to decide since I won't get served anyway. "We'll have shots afterward to celebrate, right?" he asked. I fist bumped him and then the other two.

"Hell, yeah. We're definitely going to need to celebrate. I can feel it," I said. I noticed everyone's auras all of the sudden. That comes and goes, these days. Usually after a seizure I see auras for a day or so, but I haven't had a seizure in a while. I guess I was knocked out for a little bit last night, but that wasn't a seizure. Maybe one's coming on. I don't know, but everyone's auras just popped up. I can tell that James is nervous and feels undeserving. Jamie is scared and worried. Aiden is confident but worried that he will be exposed as a fraud. Wow. There's gotta be a use for reading auras besides my own entertainment. I'll have to look into that.

The server came over and we ordered sodas. We sat and made small talk. Unfortunately none of the guys in the band are interested in football, so my go-to `how about them Broncos' fell flat. Who doesn't like football? Ha. Lots of people, I know, but this is Colorado and I thought it was a requirement of voting to declare your allegiance to the Broncos. The scout, Mark Wilson, finally came back in the restaurant still on his phone. He hung up as he approached the table.

"Hi, guys, sorry about that but I had to take the call," he said pulling up a chair from another table. The server brought our sodas and Mark ordered a bloody Mary. Aiden and I exchanged looks, but we didn't say anything.

"So, here's what's going on," Mark got down to business right off the bat. "First off, you need a real manager," he gave Aiden a meaningful look, "and I have two in mind. I've already briefed both of them on you guys so when you get to LA, interview both of them and pick the one you like the most. They are both heavy hitters so you can't go wrong either way," I looked at Aiden again and raised my eyebrows as far as they would go. Get to LA? Did he say get to LA!?

"Yes, sir," I said as Mark paused and the guys all nodded and agreed.

"Will do," Aiden said after Mark gave him an envelope with the information on the two managers.

"Second," Mark pulled out a real estate-looking folder. "I have several Airbnb properties for you to choose from when you get to LA. They each have their own advantages. Pick one and I'll reserve it for you. I'd suggest one of the ones downtown or the one near Hollywood. Once you pick a manager, have them call me and we'll get out an advance to you guys to reimburse you for the airfare, Airbnb, and your expenses," he handed Aiden the real estate folder. I was holding my jaw shut so I wasn't sitting there with my mouth hanging open--my old affliction rears its ugly head, ha. This is unbelievable. This doesn't happen! But it is happening.

"So, lastly, the label is making you an offer. I don't know the details, but I was at the show last night with a VP from the label, as well as a couple of other execs who were in town for the industry convention downtown this weekend. Your manager will work with you to prioritize issues like creative control, producers, singles, videos, and so on and negotiate the best deal for your band. Every record deal is different, so your contract won't be the same as any other band. You need to be sure what you want and communicate with your manager exactly what that is so that they can get the best deal for you specifically," he said. The server brought out his bloody Mary and he ordered another one. He downed about half of the drink and I looked at Aiden and mouthed the words `ask him some questions'. Aiden nodded and thought for a minute.

"When do we need to be in LA?" he asked. Mark nodded and finished off his drink before he answered.

"Okay, we want you in LA within the week. I know it's short notice, but our travel admin can book you all plane tickets. Which reminds me, Alvin, I understand that you need doctor's clearance before you can get on a plane, is that right?" Everyone looked at me. I have no idea, actually, but that doesn't sound very smart.

"I have an appointment with my neurologist on Tuesday so I'll get that taken care of immediately," I said. Where did this guy get the information about doctor's clearance? He must have been snooping around. Or he has spies watching us. I wonder what other crazy shit he knows about us. I wonder what secrets everyone in the band has.

"Great. The sooner the better. So, get out to LA ASAP and get the manager situation taken care of ASAP and you will be signed to the label ASAP. Then the real work begins--recording an album," he said. Holy crap. This is moving really fast. I realized that I have absolutely no clue about the business end of, well, the record business. I don't really know if Aiden, or James, or Jamie do either. I suspect that they don't. I mean, Aiden has a high school diploma--he told the people who raised me that one time when he was eating dinner with us. I don't actually know for sure if he does, though, and I don't think James or Jamie ever graduated. I know for sure none of us have been to college or taken a business class. Fuck. Maybe Drago's dad can help us or has a connection in LA who can help us. Double fuck. What about Drago? He can't just fly out to LA with us. And Mark said that the real work won't even start until we start recording an album. What about shows? Jesus, there's so much to do all of the sudden.

"Will we be doing shows, too?" James asked, as if he'd just read my mind. Thank God someone is asking questions because I am virtually frozen.

"Yes, definitely. Your manager will book you at all of the best locations and maybe some dives, too, since you cater to a hard-core audience. Keep writing new songs. You'll want to have twenty or so songs ready to choose from. The label will certainly have a direction they want to push you in, but you will need to fight for the songs you like the most. So be ready to defend your best songs," he said, now finishing off his second drink.

We all looked at each other. I know we should be asking more questions but I'm still stuck. I give Aiden a desperate look and mouth `more questions' at him. I wish we'd been more prepared for this meeting. I can't believe I didn't think of that beforehand. Jesus, we are so screwed. We have no clue what we are doing. Sure, we can write songs and perform them, but we are a bunch of morons when it comes to business. Fuck me. I saw Aiden reading something on his phone under the table.

"I know you guys must have a million questions, but I'm not really the guy you want to ask. When you meet with the record label, make sure that you've written down all of your questions. You can also talk to your manager about your concerns and he will answer a lot of your questions in advance of the meeting. Just know, we have a great track record with other bands in the alternative metal/experimental rock genre. Check out our website and you'll get a lot of information about the musicians we work with," he said. He got another call and excused himself. He went outside and took the call.

"We're moving to LA," Aiden said.

"We're getting signed," James said.

"I need that drink now," Jamie said and we all laughed.

"We need to talk to someone who understands business who can help us figure this all out," I said. "Drago's dad, my dad--if he can't help us, he most likely knows someone who can," I told them. They all nodded.

"I can't believe how fast this is moving. This time next week we're going to be in LA!" Aiden said and we all smiled so big our faces were about to crack. This is so freaking amazing.

Mark returned and started packing up his gear. He ended his call and handed Aiden a stack of paperwork. "Hey guys, I've gotta get out of here, but great meeting. I'll be in touch in a week or so to see how everything is doing. You have my card if you need anything," he said, handing each of us his business card. I'm going to need a wallet especially for business cards at this rate.

"Take care and best of luck," he said, throwing a couple of twenties on the table. Then he was gone. Aiden collected the money--$60 as it turned out--and we sat in silence for a moment. The server returned and we ordered the tequila shots. We're celebrating, after all.

We did three shots and never actually ate anything and then bailed. James and Jamie headed in the other direction so we arranged to meet them for practice on Monday. Aiden said that no one was at his place, so he drove us first to the liquor store and then to his place. We downed another couple of shots of tequila and were pretty well hammered at that point.

"Let's go lay down on your bed," I suggested. I was horny as hell and Aiden is so hot. That blow job he gave me earlier was just a warm up. I pulled him close and we started kissing. I held him by the back of the head with one hand and rubbed his ass with the other. He caressed my pecs and pinched my nipples lightly. Our cocks pressed against one another through our jeans.

"C'mon, dude," he said and pulled me into his bedroom. We stripped off our clothes and pressed our naked bodies together while we kissed. He sucked my tongue in his mouth several times and I knew that it was time for him to put that skill to better use. I sat on the edge of the bed with my legs spread and Aiden got on his knees in between them. He took my cock in his mouth and sucked it hard like he had sucked my tongue. He got it sloppy wet quickly and soon his head bobbed up and down in my lap. I moaned in pleasure as he face fucked himself on my cock. Up and down, up and down, taking more and more of my cock with each push down.

My cock entered his throat and I had to pull back suddenly so that I didn't pour my load down his throat.

"Get on all fours at the edge of the bed," I growled at him. He bit his lip and looked at me lustfully. I stood up and he did exactly as told. He held that tight ass up in the air and I could see his trembling hole for the first time. I dove in and started licking all around his ass. When I finally ran my tongue slowly up and over his hole, he shuddered. I thought he'd cum for a second but his cock just leaked a copious amount of precum. I licked over and around his hole while he moaned and twitched. My tongue pressed into his hole and I tongue fucked it until I couldn't get my tongue in any further. I sucked my middle finger and pushed it slowly into his very spitty hole. I finger fucked him for a minute or two and then sucked another finger and now inserted two fingers in his eager hole. He grunted as I shoved the two in and out of the hole until it got loose enough for me to proceed with a third.

I kept finger fucking him with one hand and stroked my cock with the other. Suddenly he shouted out, "Oh God, Alvin, fuck me, please fuck me," while pushing against my fingers as hard as he could. I pulled my hand from his ass and wiped it on the bedspread.

"Got any lube?" I asked. He nodded toward the nightstand so I reached over and pulled the drawer open. It took me a second to find a bottle of Astroglide at the bottom of the drawer. "Haven't used it lately?" I asked with a smirk.

"Not since Lenny and that's been a while," Aiden said.

"Is he the only one who's been in this prime ass?" I said, giving him a smack on his right cheek. He blushed and groaned.

"Yes," he admitted. I thought so. I spread some lube in and around Aiden's hole and stroked my cock a couple of times to get it slick. Then I put my cockhead next to his hole and pushed. I applied constant pressure but as much as I wanted to thrust right in and start fucking I held back to let his hole adjust. The head slid in and Aiden groaned loudly. I stopped pushing for a few moments and then pressed in again. It took a little while but before long I was completely buried in his hot, tight hole. I stopped and held my cock inside of him.

I leaned over his back and kissed and bit his shoulder. "You like my big cock deep inside of you?" I growled in his ear. He whimpered and his ass clenched around my cock.

"Please fuck me, please...fuck," he said and then gasped as I pulled almost all of the way out and slowly thrust back in again. "Oh yes, oh fuck, fuck," he chanted. I pulled out almost all of the way again and again, the slow thrusts gradually becoming faster and faster. My hips slapped up against his and soon the sounds of two young men fucking rang out around the room.

"Take that cock hard and deep, Aiden," I grunted and pounded as deep as I could inside of him. Then I rabbit fucked him crazy fast for a few minutes. This is the most amazing feeling. He would tighten his ass around my cock from time to time and I thought for sure I would bust my nut inside of him, but I managed to hold back. Up to this point I've only been fucked by Drago and gotten a couple of blowjobs outside of that. But now that I know what fucking a guy's prime pussy feels like, I am going to be doing this all the fucking time. I hope Aiden is ready for how much I'm going to fuck him.

"Oh God, Alvin, I'm going to cum," he said reaching for his cock and stroking it like mad. I grabbed a hold of his hips and started fucking him in long thrusts. I sped up as I felt his orgasm take over his body and his hole squeezed my cock several times. Then I filled his hole with my seed--one big burst from my cock and then a few more that weren't quite as strong. I kept thrusting a few more times after my orgasm subsided. I love this fucking hole of his. I collapsed onto his back and he collapsed onto the bed.

"Ahhh!" he cried out when he fell in his own wet spot. Been there, done that, ha. We scooted over so that he was on a dry part of the bed and I held him tight, my cock still embedded in his ass. Pussy? Hmmm...I do believe it's my pussy now.

"That was fucking amazing, babe," I whispered in his ear. I nibbled on his earlobe and kissed his neck. He shuddered when I stuck my tongue in his ear.

"You are fucking amazing, Alvin. That was the best, so much better I can't even compare," he whispered back. I smiled and my chest puffed up a little in pride. I knew I'd be a better fuck than stupid Lenny. I bet I have two inches on him, too.

"You're the best, Aiden," I whispered to him. I know that I'm treading in dangerous waters here. I'm seducing the lead singer of our band. I'm acting like we just made love or something when I know I'm with Drago--like forever. I'm cheating on Drago, my supposed forever guy. And yet I don't really feel that guilty. Not at all. Instead I feel like a million bucks.

We laid there with me spooning him until my dick finally softened and slid out. A little of my cum leaked out of his still gaping hole. I had an urge to thrust right back inside, but I needed to take a quick shower and text Drago to come pick me up so I could share the great news about our record deal. I kind of forgot about that what with all of the sex I just had. My brain is all scrambled and I'm having a hard time deciding what was better about today--fucking Aiden's beautiful ass or finding out that we're getting a record deal in LA. Hmmm...both are like two of the best things that have ever happened to me. Hell yeah, it's an awesome day to be me!

"Hey man, can I take a shower here?" I asked as we climbed out of bed.

"Sure, just save me some hot water, I'm going to take mine right after you," Aiden replied. I quickly showered and washed away all evidence that I'd just gotten laid. Aiden hopped in right after me and I got dressed and actually blow dried my hair. I knew if my hair was wet when Drago picked me up it would look suspicious so I dried my hair and then messed it up on purpose. Couldn't look too put together.

Aiden joined me in the living room while we waited for Drago. He was all sorts of cute flirting with me. We did another shot of tequila, too, which probably added to our flirtation. We kissed some more, our tongues tasting like salt and lime. When Drago honked his horn to let me know he had arrived, we giggled like mad.

"I'll miss you," he said, pouting.

"I'll see you tomorrow afternoon, babe. We'll barely be apart," I said and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I know, but I'll still miss you," he said and then grinned at me. "Maybe I can pick you up early?" he said, raising his eyebrows suggestively. I grinned back.

"I'll see what I can do. Text me after lunch," I said and slapped him on the ass. He jumped and held his cheek.

"Hey!" he exclaimed but was smiling.

"See ya," I said and walked out to the stairs. Aiden leaned in the doorway and watched me go down the stairs.

"Bye," he said with a sad twinge to his voice. I turned back and waved and then ran down the stairs to the truck. Damn, Drago looks so fucking hot driving this truck. It may be a penis-mobile or whatever Malcolm called it back when Drago first brought it home, but he's such a stud driving it.

"Hey babe," I said jumping in the passenger seat. I leaned over and we kissed. Mmmmm... he kisses so good. I'm already horny for him. It's like I can't stop being horny lately. I want to fuck and get fucked all the time. What a glorious thing that I have Drago to fuck me and Aiden to fuck.

"Hey babe," he said. "Have you been drinking?" he asked after we broke our kiss.

"Hell, yeah! We're celebrating!" I announced. Drago looked at me in curiosity as he headed back toward our place.

"Celebrating?" he asked in anticipation of my big reveal.

"We're getting signed!" I exclaimed. Drago slammed on the brakes--luckily there was no one behind us.

"No fucking way!" he shouted.

"Yes fucking way!" I shouted back. He pulled the truck over and parked and then tore off his seatbelt and I took off mine and I got the biggest hug of my life.

"I knew it! You are so fucking awesome and your band rocks and I just knew it! This is so freaking amazing!" he said happily.

"Thank you for that and thank you for all of your help and support," I said. "I couldn't do any of this without you," I told him and we kissed deeply. Somewhere in the back of my mind I wondered if I should feel guilty that my cock had been up Aiden's ass less than an hour ago. But I shrugged it off. I mean, Drago is a top. He doesn't want me to fuck him. At least I don't think so because it's never come up. I'm not getting fucked by anyone else, so what's the harm? I fuck Aiden (and anyone else I feel like, thank you very much) and Drago fucks me. That seems pretty logical to me.

"You're welcome, but seriously, you are the best guitarist I've ever heard and this is all because of you and your dedication to your craft. I'm so proud of you. I love you," he said and we kissed deeply for a few minutes.

"I love you, too," I said and our tongues wrestled and flicked against each other. I reached down and caressed his package through his jeans. He was already hard. So was I.

"Let's get home and get to fucking," I said between kisses. He leaned back into his seat and put on his seatbelt in record time.

"Go, go, go. No time to waste," he snapped his fingers at me. I laughed and put my seatbelt back on. He tore off and drove us home, speeding the whole way. It took about ten seconds for us to get naked and get in bed after we pulled into the driveway.

"On your knees, babe," Drago said, already applying lube to his cock. He squirted some on my hole and then pushed it inside with his cock.

"Ahhhh," I called out as he pushed all the way in with no hesitation. Considering that we fucked the night before, my hole was a little bit more malleable but the sudden intrusion still caused me pain. He started fucking me before I had a chance to adjust. I cried out with every thrust, but my cock was hard as a steel post. Something about the pain transitioning to pleasure really gets me going. I think I might get off on pain. And Drago seems to know that because he's been fucking me harder lately.

"Oh fuck Alvin, your pussy is so fucking perfect. I want to fuck this pussy hard," he told me while he thrust inside me as hard and deep as he could. He's so strong that I swear he could fuck right through me if he really wanted to. He accidentally pulled all of the way out and my cock squirted a streak of cum onto my chest.

"Fuck!" I yelled and he slammed back inside of me. Random curse words flew out of my mouth as Drago power-fucked my ass for the next ten minutes. He thrust in and out of me like a man possessed as we grunted in unison. Sweat dripped off of Drago onto me when he finally slowed down. He picked me up and without disengaging his cock, spun me around onto my back. He grabbed my ankles and pushed them back, spread wide and started slamming into my hole again. I squeezed my eyes shut and gritted my teeth as an orgasm tore through my body. It was unlike anything I'd ever felt before and instead of long streaks pouring out my cock, I dripped cum in a puddle on my stomach. I think I just had an anal orgasm. I don't even know what's going on with my body anymore. All I know is that I want more.

"Oh God yeah!" I shouted and Drago threw his head back and bucked wildly against me. He roared out and I felt his cock twitch and he shot his load deep inside of me. His cock kept jerking inside of me as jet after jet filled me and cum actually started leaking out around his shaft.

"Fuck, I think that's the biggest load I've ever shot, dude. Oh my God I love you, and I love your ass," he panted out. He grabbed my cock and started stroking me and about a minute later I came onto my stomach. My load, well, it wasn't the biggest load I've ever shot, but it was okay. I knew it was because I shot a load inside of Aiden earlier and then when I had that weird anal orgasm I dripped a fair amount out, too. But Drago didn't complain. He let go of my cock and fell down on the bed next to me.

"That was unbelievably wonderful," I whispered, unable to speak yet. I looked over at Drago, his chest pumping up and down while he caught his breath. He had the biggest smile on his face. I smiled, too. It was exactly as I said--unbelievable and wonderful and unbelievably wonderful. "I love you, Drago. I love you so much," I said suddenly overwhelmed by my emotions. He turned to me and I could see that look--the one I've come to relish--where he gazes upon me with love and lust and I still don't know how to describe it adequately. It's just for me, though and now I have a twinge of guilt. Why did I fuck Aiden when I have this incredibly godlike individual who loves me so thoroughly and who I love so completely...what an asshole I am.

Drago leaned over and kissed me and then got up off the bed. "Shower with me," he said, pulling me up by the hands. I got up and the cum on my stomach started running down my chest. I rubbed it into my skin while we waited for hot water and thought about how to proceed. I can't be fucking Aiden anymore. Or anyone else! Oh fuck! What made me think that was okay? I've gotta talk to Aiden and explain that I wasn't in my right mind or something. Jesus. I feel like such a shit. Drago keeps smiling at me. He ran his fingers through my hair and brushed it from my eyes.

"You okay?" he asked. Such love and concern in those blue eyes. I smiled at him.

"Better than okay. Best ever," I said softly. I need to pull it together or he is going to keep asking questions. I can't tell him about Aiden. Won't tell him about Aiden. I need to take the burden of burying that transgression away so that Drago never has to know what a motherfucker I really am.

"Yeah you are," Drago said. He gently pushed me so that I got in the shower first. With every kind thing he does, I feel a bolt of guilt shoot through me. I've got to get my mind on something else or I'm going to give it all away. Literally--give my relationship with Drago away because I couldn't keep my dick in my pants. I grinned at him again.

"Yeah you are," I said and ran my head under the hot water. Come on hot water, wash away my guilt!

Next: Chapter 16

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