In the Blink of an Eye

By mark corlis

Published on Jan 22, 2009


In The Blink Of An Eye

Author's notes

Well here's Chapter 7 at last. I'm very pleased with the rewrite and hope my readers will be as well. One of the most consistent critiques I've received is the change from first person to third person narrative. I've acceded to your wishes and returned to the more personal first person style. I struggled with this chapter very hard.....writing, rewriting, and rewriting again. Let me know what you think of the finished product.

I would like to highly recommend two stories I've been following. The first is "Winging It" in the beginnings section by Pee Jay. The second is "Granny's Pride and Joy" by Chris James in the adult/youth section. Both authors have amazing stories going and I think you'll enjoy them as much as I do. I find both writers to be fifty times as talented as I am!

Remember that this is a copyrighted work and no reproductions are permitted without my permission.

If you are under 18, live in a small minded area where this story is illegal, or have a problem with two men experiencing love and sex, then it's time to leave.

Comments at are greatly appreciated.

And Now On With The Show.............................................................

From Chapter 6

Both boys were breathing extra heavily. Neither had experienced an orgasm as the result of another's efforts. It was a mind-boggling experience. They settled down and looked each other in the eyes. Smiles were huge. Brian took hold of Roger's head and began yet another kiss. The world around them began to disappear. Before it was totally gone, though, Brian heard a loud sound from the direction of the road beside them. Looking that direction, he hurriedly broke the kiss and turned ghost white.

"Oh fuck....................................................."

Chapter 7

"What's wrong, Brian?" Roger asked.

"My Dad...he....he's......," I stuttered. I couldn't even finish the sentence. Life as I had known it was over for good. I did the only thing I knew to do, and got back on Leo. Turning his reins away from Roger, we took off at a full gallop toward the woods atop a nearby bluff.

Poor Roger was flabbergasted. He recognized the truck and trailer as my dad's, and started to feel the sense of panic I was experiencing. "Jesus Christ, what do we do now?" he thought to himself.

Not really knowing what to do, he reached out to the one person that could guide us both. Grabbing his cell phone, he dialed a number quickly, and was relieved to hear the familiar voice answer.

"Hello, number one son," his mother answered. "What's up?"

"I got a problem mom," he said in an alarmed tone.

"Are you OK? Are you hurt?" she asked frantically.

"Physically, I'm fine," he informed her. "Mentally remains to be seen. I need your help figuring something out, mom."

Her curiosity was piqued now as her son rarely asked for advice. "OK, honey, take a deep breath and start at the beginning."

Roger did as instructed and started relaying the earlier events. "Brian and I were riding horses along a road on his farm. One thing led to another, and we started kissing. There would have been no problem except his bigoted father drove by and may have seen us. Brian freaked out and rode off. I don't know whether to follow or cut my losses now."

"Roger Allen Thompson," his mother began, "since when have you ever run away from someone in need, let alone someone you care about in need young man!" Still cringing from being called by his full name, he kept listening to what she had to say. "You've never shied away from a tough situation in your life! Now shouldn't be any different." she admonished. "Do you like this boy, son? I mean, really like this boy?"

Answering her was easy. "No doubt, mom. I like him more than I have ever liked anyone. I know we've only known each other a short time, but I feel a connection to him, a connection on so many levels."

"Well then, sounds like you've figured out what needs to be done then," she said triumphantly. "Go do what you have to do, then why don't both of you come back here for the weekend. It sounds like your friend could use a hiding place for a while."

Roger smiled at his mom's wisdom and her new idea. "Thanks, mom. I knew you could help me." Without waiting for a reply, he closed the phone and steered his horse toward the bluff. He was now confident that all would be fine.

I rode as fast as I could, reaching the bluff in record time. After securing Leo to a tree, I climbed atop a large group of rocks, my body still trembling badly. Pressing my knees to my chest, I grabbed my bare feet and began to rock. I thought it would calm me down, but that didn't happen. I had to think, think of how to fix this fucked up situation. I really shouldn't have had to do anything, but with a father like mine something was gonna have to happen to keep me under his roof. Words began to flood my mind, words that would describe my life after he got ahold of me. Homeless, broke, bruised, bloody, and dead were only a few of the better terms I thought of. Tears flowed to the extreme, and nothing I did seemed to slow them down. A slow, plodding sound nearby momentarily got my attention, and I could see Roger riding up on Georgie. I turned back around and disappeared back into my dark world.

Some how, Roger survived the dismount from Georgie and cautiously approached me. Placing a hand tentatively on my shoulder, he said, "It's gonna be OK. I don't know how at this moment, but I know it's gonna work out in the end."

"How the fuck would you know?" I exploded. "Do your parents hate you? Does your father want you dead because you're not like him? No, I don't think so. You have no idea what I'm feeling right now, and don't pretend that you do!"

"You're right, Brian. I don't have any idea. Ya know what though? You can go fuck yourself with that attitude. I do know a few things. First, there's two of us now on the front line. I was there too, remember? You think he's gonna let me off the hook? Second, I don't think you've faced any problems with someone that likes you as much as I do standing with you. You're not gonna have to battle alone, Brian. You've got me, my parents, and Aunt Billie right behind you. If you fall, we'll catch you. If you charge, we'll follow. Don't think for one second, though, that I'm gonna be your punching bag because I want us to become special to each other, " he raged.

I was stunned. I didn't think he had it in him, but I was certainly wrong! Still, my mind couldn't get past a couple of the things he said. "You want to be special to me?" I asked shyly.

"I've never wanted anything more, " he replied quickly. "I don't really know how to explain it, Brian. All I can say is I like you, and I wanna see where things go from here."

The hated blush began again, accompanied by lots of tears. "You don't need to be in my fucked up life, Roger. You need to run now, and let me handle my problems."

"Bullshit! Not a chance my friend," he said as he stepped closer. "I know when something is worth fighting for, and it's right in front of me." By the time that statement was done, he had wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Whatever happens, it's you and me together."

I shivered at his touch, even though I had never felt warmer. I leaned my head against his chest and momentarily enjoyed our closeness. "You're outa your fucking mind. You do know that, right?"

He smiled down at me. "Maybe so, but it changes nothing!" He moved onto the rock next to me and used strength I didn't know he had to pull me into his lap. Once his arms were back around me, I put my head on his shoulder and sobbed away, partly from fear and partly from shocking happiness. Everything came rushing out in one deluge of crying.

"Shhh shhh, c'mon now. Let it all out, cutie. We're gonna be just fine," he comforted. By this time, my arms were holding him as tightly as his had me. I never wanted to let go.

The next few minutes were occupied by a perfect silence. It said everything we needed to say to each other and more. His grip on me never wavered, rocking me back and forth while whispering sweet words of encouragement. I, finally, raised my head to look in his eyes. They were so beautiful. His gaze into mine was no less penetrating. I cupped the right side of his face in my hand, observing the most beautiful sight I'd ever seen. I leaned into him and placed a soft, slow peck on his lips.

Before I could move backward, though, he'd grabbed my head, pulling our lips tight together. Tongues immediately darted out, wrestling each other urgently. My body went limp and I surrendered to his most pleasurable attack. When we finished, I buried my face in his chest. He laid down on the rock's flat surface, pulling me to his chest. With our arms tight around each other and our legs tangled together, we fell fast asleep.

While we slept, my father brooded. "A fucking faggot! A god damn fucking faggot!" he kept repeating. He'd obviously seen us, and was figuring out how to make my worst nightmare come true. The options were many, and he had a long time to consider his best action. "Gotta set that fat, one legged bitch straight, first, " he decided. The rest would come in time.

I opened my eyes to find a huge full moon looking down on us. "Where the fuck am I," was my first thought. I felt a pair of bare feet rub against mine and knew I was still in Roger's strong arms. I tightened my grip on him and snuggled closer. I didn't know how, but lying against his amazing chest, I knew everything was gonna be OK.

As I was contemplating possible positive outcomes, I noticed something pressing against my thigh. It was pressing very insistently, and was quite hard. I ran my hand down behind my thigh, my hand ending up against Roger's rock hard cock. I pulled my hand back quickly, afraid he would think I was taking advantage of him. Curiosity got the better of me, though. I got myself outa Roger's arms and examined the tent. He must've been hard as steel because his jeans looked like they were about to explode! Looking to make sure he was still sound asleep, I extended my hand and began groping its length. It was hot, and I could feel it throbbing as I rubbed my hand across it. My own heart raced, and a light sheen of sweat began to cover my body. Every jack off fantasy I had ever come up with couldn't compare with this. I bunched the denim up the best I could, and began to lightly jerk his shaft. Roger never stirred except to let out a slight moan. For several minutes, I ran my hand tightly across his hardness, noticing how it reacted differently to every angle I used to stimulate it. As my stroke neared the peak of his cock, his sleeping body would stiffen and tremble, sending a thrill of satisfaction through my entire being. It made me happy that I could please him in this way, but what other things could I do to make him feel wonderful?

The first mission successful, I became more brave than I'd ever been before. I released his now wet crotch and took hold of the button securing his waistband. I undid it carefully, pulling it so the zipper opened wider as I moved the area apart. When it hit the end, I peeled both ends back, opening his crotch to my gaze. His pubic hair was very light colored, and neatly trimmed. I ran my hand through the closely cropped bush, tugging at several of the cute blonde curls as I went. I could see the beginning of his pulsing shaft, its thickness being similar to mine. I ran my finger over the exposed flesh, taking in its warmth. The little bit I'd touched felt spongy, yet steel hard. It was a feeling I'll never forget, but touching him with only on finger wasn't good enough now. Inhaling deeply, I grabbed ahold of him and brought his manhood to the surface.

I examined it closely, moving my head to take in all possible views. It was absolutely perfect. A large vein ran up the backside of it from his pubic area all the way to the head. I could feel the blood coursing through it as I traced it with my thumb and forefinger. My fingers followed it to the wide, flared head, which had no foreskin, so the incredible, angry red corona was plainly in view. Pre cum drops were forming at the tip, and running slowly downward.I ran a finger through the shiny fluid, causing it to cascade onto the now pulsing shaft. As the largest of the drops fell, something came over me. I leaned forward and scooped it up with my tongue. I felt Roger tense momentarily as my tongue made contact. The taste wasn't bad, kinda sweet actually, but I would have found any fluid from his body sweet right then. Another drop formed quickly, so I grasped his cock firmly and rolled my tongue slowly across the slit. I savored every bit of sweet juice that leaked out. His body tensed longer this time, and the unconscious moan much louder. I froze, pausing until his breathing return to normal. Feeling the hot, tight skin under my tongue only increased my desire for more. I did what I knew felt good to me, and began to jack his meat harder.

I began moving my hand up and down on his shaft. I used my thumb at the head, rolling it over his dripping pee slit. I felt trembles of delight in both his body and mine as I slowly teased the excited flesh. The pre cum was coming faster now, and the earlier tastes made me greedy for more. I needed it all and was determined to have it. Opening my mouth as wide as I could, I slid the head in slowly, closing my lips around the flared underside. It felt different than I expected, but still amazing. I moved my mouth down further, taking it in as far as I could. My nose came to rest mere millimeters from his pubes. I figured with a bit more effort, I could swallow the whole thing. I closed my mouth tightly around it, and ran my tongue all over the pulsing shaft until I'd pulled all the way off of it.

"Not too bad, " I decided while savoring the flavor. It was like sucking on an ice pop, maintaining suction to get all the juice out. My mouth returned and went down a little farther this time, nearly getting the entire organ in my throat that time. Reading on the Internet had given me what little knowledge I had about giving head. "Keep the teeth outa the way, and breath through your nose" I thought while moving back up the shaft. This time, though, I didn't come all the way off. I released the vacuum I had created and moved back down, immediately re-establishing a hard suction. The taste and the pulsing were making my own dick grow quite hard and wet. I had never experienced anything so erotic in my minor sexual life. I stopped long enough to release my own turgid organ, jacking it lightly while continuing to suck up and down on Roger's now profusely oozing monster.

I was really getting into it when a voice cried, "Oh God! Oh God! Don't stop!" I smiled with my mouth full of cock and began moving lower on his shaft. I turned slightly to see Roger sitting up on his elbows, a look of pure ecstasy on his face. I released his shaft from my mouth, using only the tip of my tongue to lap at his pre cum gushing slit. I flipped back and forth over it several times, being rewarded with another tangy glob at every pass. Watching Roger's eyes roll back in his head only made me more determined to make him see stars. I resumed sucking up and down at greater speeds. Reaching into his wide-open jeans, I fondled his smooth balls, still a bit sticky from our horseback encounter. I rubbed them together while continuing to let my mouth travel down his engorged member. I used my tongue to tease the large vein on the underside while leaving my lips tight around his hardness. That hardness seemed to become more distressed by the second. He reached new sensory highs when I broke off the blow job and licked down the backside of his steel hard shaft. I playfully snapped at it as I continued moving south. When I reached his hairless sack, I licked all over it, lifting it in my hand to allow access to every part of it. The sharp, slightly sweaty taste added to the electrical high I was already experiencing. I licked each ball tenderly, taking them into my mouth one at a time. As I rolled them around with my tongue, I heard the sharp intake of breath and felt leg muscles extend. I sucked on his nuts until his sack was soaking wet with my saliva, which combines with the now rampantly flowing pre cum was making quite a mess of his groin area. I resumed my northbound licking, once again closing my mouth over his swollen head and moving slowly down. As I approached the end of his length, I slammed down faster, allowing his cock to slip into my massaging throat. That was all it took for my reward to begin its journey home.

Roger moaned and moaned until he fell over the edge of the cliff. "Fuck! I'm gonna......." was all he managed to utter before his cock expelled a huge spurt of thick, warm, salty fluid into my mouth. It was followed by five equally large offerings, leaving me struggling to swallow it all. I got most of it, but a bit escaped and ran from my chin down onto my neck. The body underneath was tight and trembling. Moans of pure pleasure resonated loudly from his lips. Once the flow ebbed, I kept sucking until I was sure that no more was coming. Slowly, Roger's breathing returned to normal and I let his spent cock slip from my mouth.

"Holy shit," was all he could manage to say at first. I moved back up his body, returning to my place on his chest. Our arms locked tightly around each other once I was settled.

"Was that OK?" I asked nervously.

"OK doesn't begin to describe it! That was fucking fantastic!" he said pulling me tighter to him. He sat us up and locked our faces together in a deep kiss. We shared the cum I had left in my mouth between ourselves greedily. It was the hottest, most spine tingling kiss we'd ever shared. When it was done, he lifted my chin and licked up the trail of sperm that had run down my neck, then returned us to an equally powerful kiss.

When the kiss was done, our surroundings became more evident to me. The moon was high in the sky and I knew we'd been out later than we should have.

"We'd better get a move on," I said reluctantly. "Wonder what time it is?"

Roger retrieved his cell phone and opened it. "Fuck!" he exclaimed. "Double fuck! It's nine thirty and I've got no signal up here. Mom's gonna kick my ass!"

With that said, I grabbed his hand and led us back to the horses. I got him back on Georgie and I jumped atop Leo. Holding one of Georgie's reins, I led us as quickly as possible back to the barn. Signal returned to the phone and Roger checked for angry voicemails. Finding none, he passed on to me that his mom had invited me to stay with them for the weekend. I readily agreed, feeling joy that the inevitable battle with my father would be delayed. We got the horses settled and moved back into the house.

"Have fun, sugar?" Aunt Billie said when we entered.

"Tons," I replied, grinning slyly at my blushing boy.

The events of earlier came back quickly, though. "We've got a problem, Aunt Billie." I took a deep breath and continued. "We were riding along the north fence and, well, we started kissing. When I looked up, dad was passing by and I'm pretty sure he saw us."

Billie carefully considered what she'd been told. "Brian, he was gonna find out sooner or later, but now sure wasn't the right time. Lemme think about this, I'll come up with something to handle that dumb bastard," she reassured.

The weight passed back off my shoulders. If anyone could break dad, it was Billie. She must've had something brutal on her, because he didn't screw with there one iota.

"I've been invited to spend the weekend with Roger and go to school from there Monday. Do you have a problem if I go?" I asked.

"Normally I would, but under the circumstances I suppose it'd be a good idea," she said, thinking of how to handle things the whole time.

"Thanks, Aunt Billie," I said while wrapping her up in a hug.

"Get your things together and get on outa here. You two take care of each other and cover your backs. I support you both, but for God's sake be a bit more careful next time."

"Yes ma'am!" we both responded, then turned to get my stuff.

Once she was sure the boys were out of earshot, Billie picked up the phone and dialed a number. On the second ring, a voice answered and she began speaking.

"Johnny? This is Billie Markham. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but the arrangement we discussed earlier, would you put it into place bright and early Monday morning?" She paused for a response and then continued. "Bless you, Johnny. I'll send a ranch hand to pick up the new papers later that day then. Send Mildred and the kids my love. Bye now." Once the call was complete, she was sure that things wouldn't be so bad.

We furiously gathered my stuff up, trying to rush out before dad made an appearance. Once it was all packed, we went back to Aunt Billie and gave her big hugs and kisses.

"I love you, mom," I whispered in her ear while hugging. She gripped me tighter and small tears fell from her eyes. She took both Roger's and my closest hand and kissed them while squeezing tightly.

"You boys get outa here now, and call me tomorrow," she instructed while wiping her eyes.

We nodded and moved toward the door. We paused long enough for me to get my flops and for Roger to retrieve his shirt and sneakers. Neither of us got dressed, because we were filthy from the ride. I started the car and we headed out before my father was remotely close by.

"TAP TAP TAP." The obscene noise roused me from my dream world and scared the shit outa me. I looked over to see Laney tapping on the glass.

"What the fuck is your problem bitch?" I said after rolling the window down. "You scared the hell out a me, ya know."

"Chill out, douche. I've been trying to get your attention for a while now and you were off in la la land," she snapped.

"Ya know what, Laney? Grow the fuck up or leave me the fuck alone from now on," I wretched. Memories of the past always put me in a foul mood. I wasn't mad at Laney in the least, but she had the honor of being in the wrong place at the right time.

"Whatever asshole! See ya round," she said and walked away quickly.

I felt like instant shit. If there was anyone that had stood by me through the years, it was Laney. She was my best friend, my protector, and a shoulder to cry on. I couldn't believe I had just thrashed her so hard. "This one's gonna be hard to fix," I cringed thinking. When Roger and I got close, she never questioned it, only showed support and love for both of us. Feeling like an even bigger dog now, I got outa the car and headed to my classroom.

I found the right room, and moved forward in the auditorium style room to find a seat up front. The professor was already there, and began speaking once everyone got seated. He circulated an attendance form and a copy of the course syllabus. Once everyone had the proper papers, he went over the class rules, which books we would need, and the grading system. It was all routine and boring to me. The good thing, though, is he dismissed class as soon as he was sure we all understood how the class was gonna be.

I exited rapidly, fishing a smoke outa my pack when I got outside. I lit it while walking, reaching my car a few moments later. Looking at the time, I realized I had almost two hours before I had to retrieve Brandon, so I laid my head back in the seat to enjoy my smoke. My thoughts, of course, wandered back to where I was before Laney interrupted.

Roger lived about twenty-five minutes from me in a neighborhood filled with professional working people. His father was the manager at a large manufacturing plant in the area. The salary he earned was probably ten times the average wage in our county. His mother had landed a job as the counselor at a nearby elementary school. Their house was large and luxurious. Coming from California, the money from selling their house had afforded them the opportunity to buy a house for cash in Asheville's finest neighborhood. It must have been at least six thousand square feet or more. A wrought iron fence that was supported with large stone columns surrounded it. In the middle of two of those columns was a remotely operated gate. Roger hit a button on his key remote and the gate swung open. We drove onto a large, circular brick driveway. In the middle of the circle was a bronze fountain surrounded by lush flowering plants. The walkway from the drive led to two large wooden doors sporting heavy lion head knockers. Roger led me forward by the hand, practically pulling me inside.

I felt like a complete scumbag once we were inside. We were standing there shirtless, our bare feet coal black from farm dirt. We must've looked like a couple of skid row bums trying to sneak in for a hot meal. My boy sensed my discomfort, and instructed me to wait for him there. He disappeared somewhere into the bowels of the house. Looking around, I was standing below a chandelier that must have had five thousand crystals hanging from it. A large staircase wrapped around the lavish light fixture, revealing what appeared to be three floors. The floors were a deep colored wood and the walls were adorned with various paintings. I could smell food coming from somewhere when Roger returned, and led me upstairs.

"I told mom and dad we were gonna soak for a while and then we'd be down to meet them," he explained. I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

There were in fact three floors, with Roger occupying the entire third floor. We came to a sitting type room at the top. A large flat screen TV was attached to the far wall, and I could see all the latest electronic gadgets set up with it. Another wall had a built in shelf that boasted many DVD's and video game CD's. I was in awe of the first room until we entered Roger's room. It was the size of five of my bedrooms. The centerpiece was a king size waterbed on a six foot pedestal. The headboard was adorned with a large mirror and several deep bookshelves. This was my dream room!

"Why don't we go get cleaned up and then deal with the rents," Roger suggested.

"I've got a better idea," I snickered. I moved toward him and laid a huge lip lock on him. Our tongues dueled once again and our arms wrapped tightly around one another. We went until oxygen became an immediate necessity.

"Now we can get cleaned up," I said with an evil grin on my face. He just stood there a moment with his eyes closed, a huge smile coming on as he slowly opened them.

Taking me by the hand, he led me through a nearby door. The bathroom was another breath taking room. The floors and vanities were decked out in a light brown granite. A spa tub that could fit five people comfortably stood on a raised platform with a stand up shower stall next to it. I could see showerheads on all three walls. The whole thing was encased in glass with designs etched on it. Roger stepped over to the tub, and began running water into it. After adjusting the water temperature, he plugged the drain and began to undress.

I know I had blown him just recently, but the thought of seeing him nude made me nervous. I froze and just watched. His chest was more chiseled than mine, the pecs defined and a nice six-pack visible. The biceps bulged out enough to make his arms look strong and manly. The lack of fat on his body made his ribs and collarbones slightly visible, but you could see the ribbons of muscle covering them. Turning his back toward me, he dropped his jeans and I inhaled sharply. The only way I can describe his ass is to call it perfect. Nice round cheeks, and not a hair in sight. It was the stereotypical inverted heart, and it made hard as a rock! I didn't even notice he'd turned around to face me.

"You planning on joining me?" he asked?

You guessed it.......the blush came roaring back. I wasted no time, standing naked with my hard cock pointing straight out in about five seconds. A pearl of pre cum stood perched on the tip.

"Much better, " he purred. After placing a light kiss on my lips, he closed his hand around my shaft and slowly ran it upwards along my length. When he reached the head, his fingers captured the pre cum, ending up in his mouth. "Tasty," he cooed. Taking my hand in his, we moved over to the now full bathtub.

He urged me forward, so I stepped up and entered the wonderfully hot water. After turning on the whirlpool jets, he followed right behind me. He sat down and pulled me between his open legs. Arms and legs wrapped around me and I could feel his hardening cock stabbing at my lower back. For a moment, he just rubbed his face across my back, his arms tightening further. Soft kisses were planted up and down my back and neck. I shivered at his stimulation, feeling like my cock was gonna take off like the space shuttle. His hands dragged across my chest, over my shoulders, and fingernails lightly teased down my spine. I don't think my nipples had ever been more erect! Reaching into a nearby compartment, he withdrew a fluffy sponge, cucumber melon body wash, and a bottle of Nexus shampoo.

The sponge was quickly submerged, then rung out over my head. The water ran down my chest like rivers of electricity, leaving a trail of goose bumps along the way. Two more times and my hair was totally soaked. He squeezed out a small amount of shampoo and began to massage it into my scalp. Fingers and nails stroked in circular motions across my scalp causing moans of contentment to escape my lips. Starting at my forehead, his fingers would begin moving in small, tight circles, crawling backwards through my hair, bringing every follicle to attention, and finishing up by grazing my neck slightly. All tension drained from my body, being replaced by feelings of total bliss. My body was excited beyond belief, experiencing feelings that it never had before. At that very moment, Roger was the center of my universe. My temples, and ears received equal attention, with his tongue joining in the sensory party. Now that my scalp was electrified, my nipples were hard enough to cut diamonds, and my ears blushed with sexual heat, he rung the sponge out over me once again. It was an unbelievably erotic feeling that did anything but cool me off. My cock had grown hard enough that the head was peaking up from the depths of the agitating waters.

With my head now clean, Roger moved me to the next seat over. He stared at me seductively while covering the sponge with bath gel. Rubbing and squeezing until it was very sudsy, he lightly drew it across my chest. I took a deep breath and held it. The sponge moved across my nipples, causing that deep breath to explode out. The nipple contact caused the tingling feeling in my scalp to charge throughout my body. Muscle tension that had disappeared during the hair washing returned with a vengeance. Sensing his erotic torture was having an effect, he ran the sponge over my nipples repeatedly. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to yell out in pleasure. Once he figured I'd been beat up enough, he continued across my shoulders and neck. Every stroke of the porous material brought me closer to heights never imagined. I attempted to capture his face for a kiss, but he reacted to quickly for me to be successful.

My hand now in his possession, he extended my left arm. Starting at my arm pit, he began the washing anew. Feelings of ticklishness set in, causing certain sensations to die, but awakening an urgency in my balls that wasn't there before. Noticing the change in my demeanor, my evil body washer lingered until I thought my scrotum would explode. Never missing a beat, he continued upward until my wrist was reached. Pausing momentarily, he spread my fingers apart and rested my hand on the soapy sponge. Taking ahold of my pointer finger, he inserted the digit until it was fully within his mouth, then began a slow retreat, culminating in his tongue fluttering over the very tip. Each and every finger on both hands got the same treatment, then were washed carefully. The feeling overloaded my nervous system, causing my eyes to flutter. My cock strained for release, a battle I waged against with fearsome resolve. Rinsing the soap from the newly cleansed area, he pulled me to a standing position and turned me around. I felt his tongue make contact between the shoulder blades, then drag down my spine, playfully taunting with each ever slower move downward. Guttural moans involuntarily sang out from my lips. My eyes clenched tightly closed, disappearing in to the ocean of spots dancing behind my eyelids. Pre cum generously lubed the near purple head of my cock. I craved release, and Roger worsened things by taking tight hold of my tortured member.

Turning me back around so my never so hard manhood pointed straight at him, he squirted a generous amount of gel directly on it and began to massage it in. As I felt my balls began to pull closer to my body, I saw him reach behind his back. I knew what he was doing, and it registered as unacceptable in my brain. I grabbed his arm, submerging it to rinse the soap off. I stared him dead in the eye.

"I want you so badly I can't stand it, babe, but not here, not like this."

He smiled and moved closer. I was able to capture his face this time, and pulled him in for a slow, deep kiss. While our tongues fenced, I moved my hand to his nipple and began tweaking. I could feel his lips jump on mine with each maneuver I made. When I increased the pressure, he straddled my leg and pushed his mouth much harder against mine. His erect dick dragged up my thigh, and I released his nipple to take a firm hold of it. Our kissing urgency increased once again, as I began to twist my hand up and down the firm shaft. I used my flat palm to rub over his balls. I let my fingertips dance over the skin behind them, applying steadily harder pressure to the sensitive area. Roger must have liked what I was doing. He let a vibrating groan loose into my mouth and ground his pelvis hard on my thigh. I knew that now was the time to move into the bedroom, so I hoisted Roger up, carrying him away with his arms and legs wrapped around me.

I threw us down on the bed, sliding my dripping wet body against his. Our crotches ground together, increasing the lustful fire burning between us. I pumped harder against him, showering his neck with kisses and bites. The pre cum flowed freely, enabling our cocks to glide effortlessly against each other. I kissed down his neck once more, rubbing my lips across his hairless skin. Reaching an already erect nipple, I encased the nub in my teeth, lightly nipping and pulling at it. Roger squirmed beneath me, pulling my mouth tighter to him. Wanton groans flew out of his mouth, and grew ever more primal. I released to eraser like nub and started licking my way down his stomach.

After slowly using my tongue to drive his ticklish spots into a frenzy, I reached his straining member. Having no intention of touching it, I bypassed the area and carefully bit my way down his leg. I paid special attention to the back of his knees, the contact driving him nearly off the bed. I moved lower down, tonguing my way over the sole of my foot and sucking each toe completely into my mouth. I felt them curl while I attended to them, and heard more of the noises of pleasure fill the room.

Completing the foot, I moved to the other leg and ran the entire process again in reverse. Yet again, my mouth stood perched at his fully erect member. I paused momentarily to admire its shape and observe the nonstop flow of pre cum now exiting it. It would have to wait for attention, as I had other, and what I hoped would be more pleasurable, ideas in mind. I teased around his pubic hair, letting him think the release he so wanted was close at hand.

Instead of going with his idea, though, I took ahold of his thighs and pushed them upward until his knees met his chest. The object of my desire was now fully in view for the first time. I stared at his hairless, virgin hole. It was slightly purple on the outer ring, leading to a bright pink center. Small wrinkles surrounded it, as the sphincter tightened and released with his growing excitement. I began by tonguing and nipping at his perfect globes. I moved ever so slowly across them, teasing them to full arousal. I licked across the edges of his crack, building anticipation more and more. I finally couldn't stand it and ran my tongue across his pucker. It tightened dramatically upon contact, and I slowly licked around it until it began to relax. In a small, round motions, I swirled the ring until my tongue was planted dead center.

I licked and teased his entrance with all the speed I could muster. Jabbing and poking, I slowly managed to penetrate the guarded entrance. Moving my tongue around wildly once I got in, his ring began to gradually release. Soon I was buried fully within, my lips snugly pressed up to the outermost edges. Satisfied I had loosened things up a bit, I withdrew from his hole and stuck my pointer finger into my mouth. I made sure it was coated to excess, then brought it back to Roger's now soaking entrance. Slowly, but insistently, I inserted the tip, pausing to allow adjustment to the new invader. The wait was only a few moments, and my finger was fully inside him. I moved it back and forth, trying to stretch and widen for things to come. He groaned and wriggled violently, only encouraging to finger him harder. I added a second finger to the mix, and continued the preparation. I found a small, hard bump within, and noticed his cock jump every time I touched it. I made this spot my new target, hitting it with increasing accuracy each time my fingers dove inward. I kept up this assault until Roger's navel was overflowing with pre cum. Things seemed to be as ready as I was able to get them.

I rose from my knees, found my overnight bag, and withdrew a tube of Astroglide I had purchased of jacking off. Returning to my boy, I rolled him over on his stomach and tucked his knees beneath him. His virgin rear was now mine for the taking. I coated my fingers with the slippery lube, holding it for a moment until it warmed up. I then smeared it over his hole, penetrating him with the fingers to drive some inside. I, then, applied a liberal coat to my aching member, nearly losing it while rubbing it around. At long last, the moment was upon us.

I stood behind him and rested the head against his sphincter. I was nervous as hell about hurting him, and vowed, in my mind, to be ultimately patient. Pushing forward slightly, my earlier preparations paid off and the head slipped easily inside him. I froze in place after hearing him inhale deeply.

"You OK, baby?" I asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," he reassured. "Just stay still a moment and then push more in."

I did as asked. After a few stop and starts, my balls rested comfortably against his perfect ass cheeks. Slightly adjusting my positioning, I pulled back until only the head was held tightly within his ring. I pushed back in, not stopping until I bottomed out. I felt my cock make contact with the bump, and knew I'd hit it when the lustful moans began to reappear.

"Whatever you're doing, don't stop," he said, breathing heavily.

That was all the encouragement I needed. I withdrew speedily and re-entered with equal speed. Giving him no time to recover, I continued pounding without mercy. His moans became flat out screams of pleasure, and his fingers dug deeply into the sheets. Often he had to bury his face in a pillow to keep from being heard outside the door. I was enjoying myself immensely. My young body was lit up like a Christmas tree and threatened to explode at any second. The one thing I was missing was watching my lover's face as I drove deep within him. I longed to see the pleasure in his eyes, as much to let me know I was doing a good job as anything. I withdrew my quaking cock from his rectum, and motioned for him to get on his back.

I placed his ankles on my shoulders, then lined up for reinsertion. I wasted no time plowing into him at full speed. Seeing his face now, I saw the momentary look of shock that turned rapidly to a look of sheer pleasure. I withdrew completely, punching back in again. His expression was only of enjoyment, no sign of pain. I began pummeling his hole yet again. The bump was in the direct line of fire, so I was able to hit it on both the in and out strokes. I rapidly learned to ease my speed as I passed over this spot, feeling great joy when my boy's eyes rolled back in his head. Soon enough, though, my need for release began to govern all my actions. I fucked with greater and greater speed, trying to satisfy my body's most basic need. The sound of my balls slapping his firm cheeks grew louder as I pumped harder. Roger's hands clutched my arms tightly, squeezing until his fingernails began to dig into my flesh. His groans became more insistent as I approached the point of no return.

With a yell of, "Fuck Fuck Fuck," Roger's cock sent five ropes of hot, stick semen flying between our bodies. My pumping action only served to spread it all over both of our stomachs. His orgasm also began a ripple effect within his asshole, causing it to dramatically tighten around me. It was just too much. With one more pump inward, I exploded, sending what felt like the biggest load I'd ever let loose spewing within him. I held my groin against his ass, trembling and gasping as my orgasm ran its course. Roger released his legs, wrapping them tenaciously around me as if he wanted my cock deeper.

Once things calmed a bit, I leaned forward and joined our lips together. With my cock still deeply buried in his leaking asshole, I held him tight while our tongues did their dance of love. We'd shared the ultimate gift together, and I felt we'd be one forever. The kiss went on and on, the two of us hungrily devouring each other. My cock finally retreated during the make out session and made a plopping noise when slipping from his well-fucked hole. I looked down to see it had taken on the shape of my girth, hanging open and angry red. My load ran freely down his ass and dripped onto the bedroom floor. I worried that his ass was now gaping forever, but decided against mentioning it. I pulled him into my lap and we began our kissing session anew. I had never felt more love for anyone in my life, not a relative, not even a close friend. The man curled up in my lap was the new focus of my life, and my heart was his to hold. I was head over heels and went willingly over the cliff.

After cuddling for a little while, we noticed the wall clock and realized we'd been at it for over an hour. I got nervous, figuring the parents would be up to discover us at any moment.

"Guess we should finish up," I said quietly.

"Probably should," he agreed. Funny thing was, neither of us moved a muscle. We were one and never wanted the moment to end.

All good things must come to an end, though. We reluctantly separated and cleansed our bodies of all sexual evidence. While the bath drained, we lovingly dried each other, stopping often to kiss lovingly. We put on our boxers and t-shirts, combed our hair, then brushed are teeth. The tub was checked to make sure no incriminating evidence was left behind, and then we went to meet my boy's parents.

The meeting was quick and painless, as exhaustion had invaded both of our bodies. They were warm and welcoming, a sea change from my father. Noticing we were both dog-tired, they dismissed us with the promise of a large breakfast in the morning. We trudged upstairs and fell into bed, my body spooned to Roger's with my arms wrapped around him.

Before drifting into the fog of a glorious sleep, he turned to me and said, "I love you, Brian."

"I love you too," I added quickly.

We drifted off wrapped in the warmth of our tangled bodies and our connected hearts.

While Roger and I fell deep asleep, my father finally arrived home. After seeing to the mares he had gone to pick, he stormed into the house and found Billie still awake.

"Where's my son and his sissy boy lover?" he asked sarcastically.

"Not here," was all she said without looking up.

"Where are they? I wanna get things fixed up while we still have a chance."

"Too late, Andrew," Billie exclaimed triumphantly. "He's gone to stay with Roger and his family for the weekend."

"You let him go with that faggot?" he barked. "You stupid, fat, one legged whore monger!" His eyes were cold with hate as he gazed upon her.

Billie filled with a rage she'd never felt before. "Call me whatever you like, but I'll not have you standing in your son's way you dick!" she spit. "He's happier than I've seen him in years and no small minded, ignorant bastard like you is gonna ruin that for him."

"Woman, this is MY house and you will not tell me what to do in it," he ordered. "My son will not be anywhere near that pansy ass again and that's final!"

Billie shook her head in disgust. Reaching into the side table drawer beside her, she withdrew several folded papers and handed them to Andrew.

"Seems my money has been a great source of comfort to you," she said steely eyed.

The papers were copies of withdrawal slips made from her account that contained a forged signature. The second to last paper was a bank camera photograph of Andrew handing teller one of those slips. The last paper was an affidavit from the teller affirming what she had been handed and who had handed it to her.

Andrew sat open mouthed in astonishment. "This means have no believable proof. I've given that bank years of business and no one's gonna do anything against me," he stated smugly.

"Johnny actually brought this to my attention without me asking you fool. He said the bank could be liable for your wrongdoing and it needed to stop now. An internal audit revealed the signature discrepancies and they launched a secret investigation," she informed him. "I guarantee that my settlement cash, which is all in that bank, is far more important than the peanuts you throw them."

Billie had received a large settlement several years earlier from a major drug company. The loss of her leg was accelerated by a sugar regulating medication that had some disastrous blood flow side effects. The company attempted to hide these problems, but the FDA soon realized how dangerous the pills were. It was quickly pulled from the shelves per government order. She brought a suit against the firm, which was settled for two and a half million dollars and lifetime payment of all medical treatment. The entire amount was held and invested at the bank in question, making her their single largest account holder. She had Andrew by the balls and she knew it.

"Johnny and I have changed things around a bit. All withdrawals now require two authorized signatures. One is mine and the other belongs to your son," she stated, pausing to let the new world order sink in.

"So, if your small minded, ignorant ass goes anywhere near him, I'll take him and my money away from here. We'll drink mimosas while this God forsaken operation goes down the shitter," she yelled. "Mind my wishes, and I'll see that you get a monthly check to help out with the farm. Don't fuck with me, dear brother. We both know that's a zero gain situation for you."

Billie was right and Andrew knew it. His face red with anger, he stormed out of the house and into the night.

He abided by Billie's orders and steered clear of me. I kept waiting for the bomb to drop, but it never seemed to appear. I began having to sign various papers my aunt requested me to, never questioning what is was I was putting my autograph to. I just signed away.

Roger and I grew closer as the months wore on. We snuck away at every opportunity, honing our sexual skills as we went along. My boy became quite the aggressive bottom, often mounting me without asking. I rarely argued. Our love for each other increased by the moment, and I often wondered what life was like before him. We became so connected that our synchronized diving efforts yielded dramatic results. We breezed through the season with a perfect win record, garnering scores that many college teams had never achieved. Coach was out of her mind with excitement and pride. We won the state finals, finally bringing our school the championship trophy it so badly coveted. Life couldn't have been better, but I should have known it wouldn't last forever.

On a Friday later in the year, I came home from school and went to check in with Aunt Billie. What I found changed my life forever. She was unconscious on the ground, laying below the chair she usually sat in. I ran to her frantically, and began shaking her.

"Wake up, Aunt Billie, wake up!" I cried. "You gotta be OK. I can't do this without you!"

Snapping back to reality, I dialed 911 and relayed the situation to them. After verifying some basic info, they dispatched the paramedics. I grabbed the "in case of medical emergency" folder she had shown me, and rested her head in my lap while waiting.

They arrived within five minutes. Appraising her condition, they found her to have a shallow pulse and erratic respirations. It was decided she'd be transported to the hospital right away. She was loaded up and we were rolling rapidly toward the ER.

Upon arriving, she was whisked away to the treatment area while I was escorted to the administration area. There was reams of paperwork that needed to be dealt with, and I handed over the folder in case the info inside could help save her life. The first paper found was a document granting me power of attorney to handle all medical decisions. I signed everything necessary and returned to the waiting area. Sitting on my ass not knowing my aunt's condition was pure agony. I passed the time calling everyone I could to inform them of the situation.A great many people, including my love and his family, soon surrounded me. The only person missing was my father, which was no great surprise to me. I began to feel smothered, so I took Roger's hand and led him outside. Once we were alone, I collapsed into his arms and sobbed loudly.

"We're gonna lose her, baby," I cried. "I just know it." Darkness had begun to blot out the bright sun the had shone in my world these last few months, and Roger sensed me falling.

"C'mon now cutie," he begged. "Put those thoughts right outa your pretty little head. She needs our strength more than ever right now, so we can't give up. You and I have to stay strong and pray that she pulls through. I'm right here with you, and I'm not gonna let you fall."

I hugged him harder and continued sobbing. I knew he was right, but fear had erased every bit of strength I had. Roger was now not only the man I dearly loved, he was the man that was keeping me from losing my mind. He held me tightly, giving me light kisses and whispering words of encouragement until I fell asleep against his chest.

Sometime later, Roger's mother and a tall man in surgical scrubs woke me up. After giving me a moment to get my bearings, she explained that the man was Billie's doctor and he was here to update me on her condition. I sat up straight on Roger's lap and listened as he began to give me the information I feared most.

"Brian, I wish I could bring you good news, but I'm afraid I have none to give. Your aunt has suffered a massive stroke of the frontal brain. Her cerebrum has been virtually destroyed. Tests have shown that the only brain activity present is that which regulates basic body functions. In other words, Billie is technically brain dead and cannot survive without the assistance of a respirator. We see no chance of recovery for her. I'm so sorry to have to tell you this."

I sat in stunned silence. The woman I have come to know as my mother was gone, and there was no hope she was coming back. My heart hurt like it never had before, and my chest tightened. I didn't really know what to do, so I looked to the doctor for guidance.

"What do we do now?" I asked while fighting back the rush tears trying to bust out.

"We discovered a living will in the folder you brought along. It seems your aunt has decided that if she suffered a catastrophic illness, no effort was to be made to extend her life. She wishes to die peacefully. I recommend we honor her wishes and terminate life support immediately," he stated very professionally.

The coldness of the statement caused my tears to flow uncontrollably. By giving me power of attorney, she had made me the decision maker over her life. Now I had to decide whether to let her pass out of my life forever, as she wished, or disregard them and keep her alive with machinery until she died naturally. Neither outcome was pleasant. I felt like the weight of the universe was on my shoulders. I needed to speak with her in order to be sure I was making the right decision.

"Take me to her, doc, and gimme a few minutes alone. I'll make my decision then."

I stood up from Roger's lap, gave him a quick kiss, and trotted off to follow the doctor. He led me into the bowels of the treatment area, stopping before a large, wooden door. Holding it open, he motioned for me to enter, which I quickly did. The sight before me caused me more pain than my brain was prepared to handle.

My Aunt Billie lay motionless before me, hooked to a respirator. Her skin had taken on a grey tone and her hair looked ratty and dull. The only sound in the room was the mechanical inhalation of the machine keeping her alive. I approached her side and took her hand in mine.

"Please wake up, Aunt Billie," I begged. Tears were running down my face. "I can't continue without you. I need my mother with me, I'm not ready to face life alone."

I felt selfish saying those things, but it was what I was feeling at that time. Obviously, I received no response from her. I sat for several hours, just holding her hand and staring, knowing what had to be done. I owed it to her to follow through with her desires. I thought I might just die with her, as the horrible life I had feared appeared to be certain. Kissing her on the cheek one last time, I stepped out of the room and found the doctor I has spoken to earlier.

"I've decided that I can't go against her wishes, it's the least I can do for her. Tell me what I need to sign and I'll do it now," I announced.

"I know that was a horrible decision to have to make son, but I think it's the right one. I'll have the nurse bring the forms and we'll be in shortly. I promise she'll go quickly and with no pain," he reassured.

"I want Roger and his family with me when she goes," I demanded. The doctor gave me a doubting look but eventually nodded his agreement.

Retreating to the waiting room, I quickly filled Roger and his parents in on my decision, and asked them to be with me when they turned off the machines. They all silently agreed and followed back to her room.

When we got there,a nurse bearing a clipboard with the form necessary to terminate life support met me. I perused it briefly, took a deep breath, and signed where indicated. Sobs began again, as I felt that I was responsible for condemning my Aunt Billie to death. Roger stepped up and took me in his arms, bringing me back to her bedside.

The doctor moved over to the machine, and turned four switches off. All mechanical breathing noises ceased. I held her hand tightly, caressing her forehead while we waited for the end. In a few short minutes, the lines indicating that she was still alive flattened out. At the moment she departed, all air seemed to rush from her lungs. I knew then that she was gone, and life as I knew it was over for good. I stayed by her side until a sheet covered her. My boy came in after that and led me from the room.

Crying had become the norm that day, and I was powerless to stop them. I doubted my decision, wondering if the whole thing really was hopeless. Roger held me tight and caressed me softly, as if his touch was assuring me I was right. I just buried my face in his chest and let the emotion run out of me. It was decided that I was in no condition to be alone, so we headed for my lover's home. Once we got there, he took me upstairs and slowly undressed me. I was so numb that I hardly noticed. When I was down to my boxers, he stripped down as well. He pulled us down onto the bed, throwing the covers over us before spooning up behind me. We lay like that until I fell into a fitful sleep.

The night was horrible. I had dreams of Billie asking me why I'd killed her. I told her that there was no hope, that she'd passed to a more peaceful place. It always ended the same, though. She would turn away silently, leaving me screaming and pleading with her to come back. I'd wake up with Roger shaking me out of the dream, covered in an ice cold sweat. I was shaking badly, and consumed by an overwhelming guilt.

"I killed her, " I wailed. "She came to me and ask me why I'd killed her. I tried to explain but she walked away. I've destroyed the only positive thing that's ever happened in my life."

He grabbed my face with both hands, bringing my eyes to his. "It was a dream, a horrible dream. You did the right thing, cutie, the thing she wanted you to do. Take comfort in the fact that she loved you like her own son, and while she hated to go, it was just her time."

I knew he was right, of course. I still couldn't help being ridden with feelings of doubt. Decisions were never my forte, and this was probably the biggest one I'd ever make. I settled myself back into Roger's arms, lying wide-eyed for the rest of the night. Roger's breathing became rhythmic as he drifted back off. I, however, was completely petrified to close my eyes, afraid of receiving another visit to my dreams. Sun eventually filtered in through the windows, indicating another day was beginning anew.

I rose from the bed and made my way to the bathroom. Lying in bed was doing me no good, so I thought maybe a hot shower would help. As I passed by the large vanity mirror, the sight looking back at me was pathetic. My eyes were blood red and swollen badly. Deep, dark circles surrounded them, making me look like a raccoon. My skin was pale and clammy. All in all, I looked as bad as I felt. Brushing off the sight before, I stripped naked and stepped into the hot steam shower. I luxuriated with the feel of ten jets slamming my body with hot water. Some of the built- up tension within me began to fade, making me feel more human than I had in days. I took my time washing up, trying to mentally prepare myself for the day's tasks at hand. Thirty minutes later, I emerged, feeling as ready as I was ever gonna be to start the day. I noticed my cell phone's voicemail light blinking so after dried off and dressed, I promptly retrieved the message.

"Hi Brian, this Johnny from the bank. My condolences on your loss, Billie was one of the finest women I've ever known. She will be sorely missed. The reason for my call is I need both you and your father to be here at noon today. Billie charged the bank's lawyers with handling her will, and it needs to be read prior to the funeral. I look forward to seeing you then, and feel free to call with any questions," he said.

I couldn't imagine what was in her will since she had nothing as far as I knew. Hell, she'd moved in with us so I could care for her, not having the funds to hire a private duty nurse. In any case, I'd ask Roger to make sure I was there on time. I re-entered the bedroom to find the love of my life still sleeping. The covers had pulled down to his thighs, revealing his defined abdomen and a full morning hard cock. On any other day, I would have attacked that cock until it exploded in my throat. Today, though, I needed to feel my baby's touch rather than his sex. I crawled in to bed facing him, and began to plant playful kisses all over his face.

"Morning, sleepy head," I cajoled. "Time to get up." I added some minor tickling to the mix and began to see signs of life appear slowly.

He opened his eyes to find my face hovering above his. "That's a sight I could get used to seeing every day of my life," he said while pulling me down for a deep, sensual kiss.

Separating our mouths, I said, "I'm sorry I was such a douche yesterday. I can't begin to tell you what it meant to me to have you with me through it all. I know I'll never be able to repay you for everything you've done."

He put two fingers over my lips and looked intently into my eyes. "No thanks are necessary, my cutie. I love you and what I did comes with that, free of charge I might add." A shy smile crossed my lips at the sweetness of his words.

"I love you too, baby, more than you'll ever know. I guess I'm just not used to leaning on anyone. I've always faced things alone, and I'm trying hard to change that," I continued, lacing my fingers with his. "In any case, thanks again and don't be surprised if I lean on you again a lot over the next few days."

"Cutie, you lean as much as you want," he replied, and then laid one of his mind-boggling lip locks on me once again. Our make out session lasted several minutes, bringing my cock to full attention. It would be ignored, though.

Resting my forehead on his, I realized I needed to inform him of my earlier message. "Johnny from the bank called and said the bank's lawyers are handling Aunt Billie's will. He said it needs to be read today at noon before funeral arrangements are finalized. Could you drop me off there?"

His face showed his obvious curiosity. "Sure, cutie. Anything for you. Lemme get up, get ready, and I'll make us some breakfast."

We finished dressing and headed downstairs. The smell of coffee permeated the air and I followed it to its source. I poured us both a cup and sat down at the counter to watch my sexy man go to work. He moved effortlessly through the kitchen, producing two Denver omelets in no time. His parents joined us while we were eating. Mom and dad both lavished hugs on me, begging me to let them help in any way they could. I felt loved and secure. I agreed to talk to them whenever I needed to. With breakfast finished, we retreated to his room and lay in each others'other's arms while a DVD played on.

Noon arrived before I knew it. We piled in Roger's Blazer and headed to the bank. Warm kisses were exchanged, and I promised I'd call when things were finished. I watched him drive away, wondering what was to come.

I was greeted my by Mildred, Johnny's wife, upon entering. More hugs and condolences were lavished upon me, then she led me into the conference room. Seated at a corner chair was my father. I'd seen very little of him the last few months, but the disgust on his face was apparent when he saw me walk in. I sat down at the opposite end, the two of us not saying a word to each other.

Johnny entered with another man who he introduced as Bruce, the bank's lead lawyer. Handshakes and small pleasantries were exchanged, then it was time to get to business.

Bruce withdrew a ream of papers, and looked at both my father and I.

"I'm not gonna bore you with the legal language at the start. I can tell you that all funeral arrangements have been paid for and details of the service have been spelled out. Let's skip to the distribution of assets and then I'll give you the private letters she's written to both of you. Are we agreeable to that?"

We both nodded.

"Very well," he continued. "To my brother Andrew, I leave....."

To be continued.

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