In the Still of the Night

By dino alpacino

Published on Oct 10, 2007


It was one of those too beautiful to be true fall afternoons in New England. The leaves had turned color and softly fell to the ground on a warm breeze. The rustling sound was accompanied by birds singing their last songs and the golden sunlight of autumn sun.

Thom's controlled breathing and the leaves under his feet were the only reminders of his presence. We didn't talk, we just ran. It felt good, not having to say anything for once. I often felt the need to partake in conversation, out of politeness. It wouldn't matter what was said, my participation would earn me a place in the group. In between classes for instance. More than often I just wanted to have a look at my notes, organise them and make sure I didn't attend the lecture for nothing. But then there were always people around, striking conversation. And one could only oblige and partake. Always oblige and partake. With Thom though I felt at ease, I had nothing to prove. No need to break the silence. He had told me when we first went running together that he usually did it alone, to clear his head. At that time, all I wanted was to make the most of the time we had together. So I babbled on, getting as much information out of him as possible. But today it was different. There was a feeling of comfort, no rush. Time had no more meaning or restrictions. We ran around the lake, which would take about an hour I knew. This was an hour unlike any other though. Was it the glow of the late sun or the softness of the breeze that made time seem meaningless? Or was time a completely absurd concept when you're falling in love? I pondered on that, smiling and humming some song I'd heard on the radio. With a thud I landed on the ground, face first. The rich smell of humus rose from the damp leaves. The clear laughter rang in my ears and I rolled on my back. Thom stood two feet away from me, bent over double and laughing his ass off.

'Hey hey, less laughing more helping!' I said putting one arm out.

He came over to me and took my hand in his. Still snickering Thom pulled me halfway up then dropped me again, letting himself fall on top of me. The wind was knocked out of my lungs when his solid body landed on mine.

'Couldn't resist, you looked so cute sprawled out on the ground.'

'Weren't you the guy who told me never to rest during a run?'

'I'm done running.' He said and softly kissed me on the lips. THAT was something I couldn't resist and I happily joined in. We nibbled each others lips and cautiously slipped our tongues past them. My hands slid around his back and stroked him under the shoulder blades. The firm muscles moved under my touch. I opened my eyes and watched his face from up close. It was too close for focus, so with a 'flou artistique' I looked at his fluttering eyelids, the bridge of his strong nose, the brown blur of his eyebrows. I felt his erection press against mine through our sweatpants and moved my hips. He moaned into my mouth and kissed me with more urgency. With a swift thrust we rolled over and I lay on top of Thom. Breaking our kiss, I stroked his hair and whispered in his ear, 'I'm falling head over heels for you.'

'So that's why you went down face first.' He grinned.

I playfully slapped him on the head and when his arms went up for what I was sure was revenge I grabbed him by the wrists and pinned them down over his head.

'This is why.' I growled and attacked his neck, rubbing my day old stubble over his tanned skin. Thom laughed again and tried to fight back. Although I was sure he was stronger than me, I was in the better position and it didn't take me much effort to keep him pinned down. When, in a sudden rush of impulse, I slid down his body he gave up and sighed. My hands roamed his chest while my face traveled southwards and I gained access to his taught stomach. A few kisses and a playful bite later I ended up with my mouth on crotch level. Thom propped himself up on his elbows. I looked up, a sly grin playing on my lips. His lustful eyes told me all I needed to know and I hooked my hands in the waistband of his pants. His warm skin felt ready for the taking and I slid his pants down. Encased in a white and hardly opaque jockstrap his package was tempting. With a throb the tip of his cock popped from under the waistband and dared me. I bit my lower lip and looked up. The anticipation on his face aroused me beyond all recognition and I dove down. Like a hawk falls for his prize I moved in for mine. A swift lick across the exposed tip told me I had gone down a road never to return from. My mouth traveled down the cloth covered shaft, encompassing the throbbing flesh. His heavy balls were next and I bathed them until the jock was soggy with spit. A hand reached for my head and nudged me upwards.

'Don't worry, I was getting to that.' I chuckled and followed his guidance. His cockhead and part of the shaft were now fully exposed and I swallowed nervously when I saw his sizeable cock full grown.

The waistband was pulled under his balls, pulling them up higher and tighter to his body.

Determined to tantalize him some more, I cautiously licked around the slit and crown, eliciting short gasps from Thom. I took him in my hand and with soft squeezes and pulls extracted a few drops of precum. That was my cue and I chose to end his suffering. Slowly and deliberately in took the bellshaped top in my mouth. Slowly sliding it past my moist lips, to welcome it in the warmth and wetness of my mouth. Thom moaned low and moved his cock deeper inside. The thick shaft sliding over my tongue filled me with a need to have more. I went down on him with the enthousiasm of a rookie and I was all too soon confronted with my lack of experience. I gagged and pulled off, coughing.

'Sorry about that.' I said.

'Don't rush yourself, just keep doing what you were doing, felt great.' He encouraged.

So down I went. I spent more time on just the head now, putting my tongue to work.

'Grab it.'

I did. One hand around the shaft, like jerking him off and my mouth at the top. I remembered how great it felt when he sucked me, so I tried that and was rewarded with low moans. Getting the hang of it, I let go and worked his dick with more vigour. After a few minutes of sucking and pulling I decided to try going down on him again. This time more cautiously I took his length further inside. When he reached the back of my mouth I moved back up, then down again. It didn't take me long to get a rhythm going and soon I was bobbing up an down his glorious cock. With open eyes, his dark curly pubes went in and out of focus. Each time I was as far down as I could, the musky smell of his crotch intensified and that in itself was sufficient reason to keep going. I fondled his plump scrotum and slowly tried to get him past my reflex. A few near misses but eventually I succeeded to swallow him deeper inside. Thom gasped sharply and I held him down my throat, swallowing some more and working his cock with my throat muscles. The hand on my head told me I was doing a good job but I needed a breather and teasingly pulled off. His cock, slick with spit was now fully exposed to the air again. I looked at it with a renewed interest. Now that I knew it so much more intimately, I couldn't help but see it in a different light than before. I had tasted him, felt him slide inside, felt his warmth and throbbing flesh. The width and length and the slight upward curve had become familiar to me. My hand, firmly wrapped around his shaft, seemed to move up and down out of its own volition. And I watched in amazement, it felt like I had been doing this forever. It was all so clear about what needed to be done, how to pleasure him. I watched Thom as he got that look on his face, glazed eyes, his open mouth with the moist pink lips, the little twitch of his nostrils. I felt his cock throb in my hand and I whacked a little faster. With a sharp intake of breath he clenched his teeth and then relaxed his jaw, with a telltale jerk of his head and the tensing of his muscles I felt his thick cock spill its seed. It shot out and on the fallen leaves. The last few spurts ended up on my hand and the warm wetness was a reward on its own.

Thom dropped on his back and with a lazy smile he beckoned me. I fell on my back beside him and looked at my palm and the cum on it. It glistened and slowly crept over my skin. I casually brought my hand to my mouth and cleaned it off with my tongue.

'That's so hot.' He said and moved in for a kiss. His tongue played with mine, dabbing in his own cum.

'Do you like your load?' I asked, curiously.

'Of course, don't you?'

'Well, it's no crme bavardoise, but it has its charm.'

'I meant, don't you like your own cum?' he laughed.

'Yours, mine, the dog's. All cum is good.' I replied dryly.

'Eww, you dirty bastard.'

'Come on, let's go. We're only half way around the lake.' I said, getting up.

'You don't want me to get you off?'

'Nah, that's okay. You owe me one though.' I winked and took his outstretched hand and pulled him to his feet. With his sweatpants around his ankles and his jock around his thighs, he sure was a sight to behold. I grinned as he bent forward to pull everything up.

'You've got leaves on your ass.'

'Feels like I got half the New England foliage up my crack.'

'Now that's something the tourists would pay for. Sure beats them hanging on trees.' I smirked and brushed them off his ass. I slid my fingers between his cheeks, Thom moaned appreciatively. 'Should I leave some for later?' I joked.

'Ready for the next lesson already?'

'You know me, eager to learn.'

'Good sport.' He grinned and gave me a peck on the lips before jogging off.

We ran the remaining few miles on a more leisurely tempo. From time to time one of us would push the other off the trail for a little make out. We frolicked around and raced each other. By the time we got to campus it had gotten so out of hand we chased each other around like a couple of elementary school kids. I jumped on his back and he toppled over. We landed halfway on the gravel and right in front of a pair of high heels and dress pants. I looked up and saw my Contemporary Lit. professor looking down on us.

'I'm so sorry Miss. Graben.' I apologised and got up.

'Mister O'Keafe. Fancy seeing you here. One would think a young man as yourself would be with his nose in the books right now.'

I felt caught, though she couldn't honestly expect me to be in the library on a Saturday.

'Considering your promising essay on German theatre.'

'Oh, you liked it?'

'As I said, promising. But some of your theses are pure assumption. Good work for a first essay though.'

'Thank you, I'll keep your advice in mind next time.'

'I know it is a bit early to be thinking of term papers, but you should consider Berthold Brecht.'

'To be honest, I haven't thought about any subjects yet.'

'You boys have other things on your minds, I know.' She said with a knowing smile.

'The "Dreigroshenoper" is scheduled to play in Boston next month. It might be interesting to actually see it, and it will take your subject out of the theoretical context.'

'Is it? That would be an opportunity.'

'How is your German, Mister O'Keafe?'

'It could use some brushing up.' I answered unsure.

'Ausgezeichnet, dann werde ich fur Sie ein Karte reservieren. Bis Montag, Herr O'Keafe.' She rattled and with a nod to Thom she was off.

'Did she just say she would reserve you a ticket?'

'Yes.' I answered a bit baffled. 'Apparently I have chosen my term paper subject.'

'And you're going to Boston.'

'You're from there, right?'

'As a matter of fact, I'm going there tonight.'

'Tonight? But it's six o'clock already.' I sputtered.

'I know. But when my parents invite me for Sunday brunch, it's not optional.'

'Damn them.'

'May they brunch in the fires of hell for all eternity.'

I guess I must've pouted a little. Thomas flashed me another one of those smiles.

'Cheer up, I'll be back for classes on Monday.'

"Monday?", I screamed inside my head, "That's so far away!". But I knew I was being ridiculous. And presumptuous. After all, I had no idea where this was going. And I knew even less what his plans were. If he had any.

'I need to get going, my train leaves at seven thirty.'

'Okay.' I tried to be my normal self but I guess I was an open book.

'Hey, I'll be back.' He said softly and brushed my cheek with his hand. I had to try my very best not to kiss him. His eyes were so soft when he looked at me, comforting me with the most furtive of touches. I could've melted on the spot, if it wasn't for the nagging voice in the back of my head. "Watch out! Someone might see! Oh boy, you're in so much trouble. Soooo much..." I shook my head and silenced the voice, which was eerily similar to my brother's. Thom walked a few steps backwards and with a last wink he turned around and headed for Duquesne Hall.

Next: Chapter 7

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