Inadequate Men

By Jude St. Jude

Published on Dec 26, 2019


Inadequate Men

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Chapter 5 -- Jared's Memory

The sixty or so children gathered on the steps of the museum as their teachers began counting and sorting them very deliberately. You could make a lot of mistakes as a teacher, but losing a kid on a field trip was not an option.

"Everybody," one teacher was shouting in a clear, crisp voice, "Stand next to your buddy, hold hands, and lift your hands up so that I can see you."

Of course, Jared and Luke were buddies -- that's how it always was. They looked at each other and both rolled their eyes, then took each other's hand and held them up. At 11 years old, holding hands wasn't something a boy really wanted to do with another boy, or girl for that matter. But teachers were always making you do some stupid thing or other.

In pairs, the students lined up for the bus. Jared and Luke were first in line, and walked all the way to the very last seat on the bus. The long ride home would be boring, but Luke had brought his Game Boy, so the time would pass as quickly as possible.

They played for a while, and then Luke started to get fidgety whenever Jared took his turn. At first, he was just squeezing his fists together a little. Then, from time to time, his hand would move to the front of his pants. But after about half an hour, Jared noticed that Luke was pinching himself there in a way that could only mean one thing.

"Damn," Luke said, "I really need to go."

"Dude," said Jared, trying to lighten the mood. "You shouldn't have had that extra-large Coke for lunch."

"Haha, very funny," said Luke, "I thought there was a bathroom on this bus."

"That was last month, when we went out to those caverns. This was supposed to be a short trip."

The boys looked out the window, where the sun stood close to the horizon. The traffic was thick, and the bus had slowed to less than 20 miles per hour.

"How much longer do you think it'll be," Luke asked, betraying the first hint of worry in his voice.

"I don't know," said Jared. "But it can't be too long, right?"

"Yeah, I guess you're right," said Luke. "Let's play another game."

They played for about 20 more minutes, with Luke trying to pretend he was OK when clearly he wasn't. In that time, the bus had slowed to a standstill and moved only intermittently. And every time the bus jolted forward or screeched to a stop, Luke winced and tried to make a joke out of it. "Damn, bro, learn to drive."

When another 10 minutes had gone by, though, the joking was over. "Dude," Luke said, "I really gotta go." His legs were crossed and he was bent forward in his seat, with his finger and thumb pinching his penis closed, as if any minute the dam might break.

Jared said, "Let me see if we can stop for the bathroom." He went up to the front of the bus where the teacher was sitting, and returned a minute later. "She says we're going to stop at the next rest area, about five miles ahead."

"Five miles???" Luke said. "Dude, I've been holding it a long time. I gotta go now."

"I know," said Jared, sharing equally in his best friend's desperation. "I wish there was something I could do." He looked up and saw that the bus had small window transoms, some of which were open. "Maybe you could go out the window up there."

Luke thought about it for a minute and saw it was hopeless. "Even if I could get up there, what am I gonna do, pee in front everybody?" Then suddenly, he said, "Oh man..." and then bent over as far as he could, fighting a strong urge. When he moved his hand back from the front of his tan khaki pants, both boys could see the small but unmistakable wet stain that had soaked through there.

"Luke, come on, fight it," Jared said, knowing it wouldn't help.

"I'm trying to," said Luke, nearly in tears. "I don't know. I've been holding it so long. I just can't hold it any longer. But I can't just pee my pants... Unnnhhhhhh....." Luke bent over again in agony as another squirt, bigger this time, force its way out of his penis and left an even bigger stain.

Jared suggested, "Like, hold it closed in the front where the hole is, really tight, so it can't come out."

Luke cried, "I'm trying, it's just not working."

Jared's agony was nearly as great as his friend's. He and Luke had been best friends for their whole lives. They were closer than most brothers. They had both told each other that if they ever went to war together, each would sacrifice his life to save the other. Now he was powerless to save his best friend from what, to an 11-year-old boy, might be even worse than death: peeing his pants on a packed school bus, where all the other kids were bound to find out.

Suddenly, Jared had an idea. He felt so stupid not thinking of it before. "Dude, listen, just hold it for one more minute. I'll be right back."

Jared jumped up and scanned every seat for any container that Luke could pee into. Row after row, he couldn't find anything. Finally, near the front of the bus, he saw a plastic cup with melting ice sitting between two of his classmates. "Can I have that cup?" he asked.

"Yeah, why not?" one of the kids said, handing it to him. "Why?"

Thinking quickly, Jared said, "I'm thirsty," then grabbed the cup, pulled the lid off of it, drank the remaining liquid, and tore back to his friend.

Luke was in bad shape, almost whimpering in pain, with a noticeably larger wet patch visible on his crotch. When Jared showed him the cup, there was no need to explain and no pausing for modesty. Luke pulled up his shirt and undershirt, revealing his white stomach and chest, and held them under his chin so they wouldn't fall down. He fumbled his belt buckle open, unbuttoned his pants, and pushed them and his underwear down past his knees so they wouldn't get in the way. Thank God the boys were in the very last row of the bus with no other kids nearby, because Luke was totally exposed and helpless to cover himself if anyone else were to see. Fortunately, it was only Jared, his best friend -- his brother.

"Please hurry," Luke said, straining. Jared crouched down next to his friend and held the cup just under where Luke's circumcised penis was dangling. Luke adjusted his penis, positioning it just over the lip of the cup.

A second later, the torrent of urine that Luke had been holding for so long burst forth in a huge stream, pouring into the cup that Jared held steady for his friend. Luke just helplessly peed and peed, and Jared could feel the liquid warming the side of the cup as it filled. So much pee emptied through Luke's penis as it dangled over the edge of the cup that Jared could hardly believe that his friend had managed to hold it all in for so long. He could see how heroic his friend had been, and how impossible it would have been for Luke to keep holding it all the way to the rest stop. For a few moments, Jared started to worry that the cup might overflow.

Fortunately, before that happened, Luke's stream started to slow down, then trickle, and then stop. Luke gave a few more little squirts to make sure no more was coming out. Then, he gave his penis a couple of shakes and nodded to his best friend. In that moment, the two boys made eye contact in a way that Jared had never experienced. They both knew somehow that they'd shared something together that would bond them as friends for the rest of their lives.

Very carefully, Jared moved the cup from its position under his friend, then snapped the plastic lid on top so it wouldn't spill and so no one would ever have to know what the cup contained. Luke reached down to pull his white briefs back up over his exposed boyhood, and then adjusted himself the way any boy would do. For a second, both boys examined the sizeable wet stain in the front of Luke's underwear, but then decided there was nothing much they could do about it. Luke pulled his pants back up, fastened them, and zipped his fly. Finally, he let his shirt and undershirt drop back down over his stomach. Jared looked around to make sure that none of the other kids had noticed anything. The act was complete.

Together, Luke and Jared examined the wet front of Luke's khaki pants. Luke was even OK with Jared touching the stain a few times to see how wet it felt, so they could both try to figure out what to do. Rubbing at it with their hands seemed to help dry it faster, and both boys were long past their usual modesty. The important thing was getting those pants dry before Luke was forced to get off the bus. So the two boys took turns fanning and rubbing the front of Luke's pants in a mutual effort to dry them as quickly as possible.

By the time the bus arrived back at school, Luke's pants were almost completely dry, and the stain was less than obvious. With a plan for Luke to carry his jacket in front of him as he walked the few blocks home from school, both boys felt confident that their secret mission was complete.

The boys only talked about it once after that. A few days later, when they were hanging out together in Jared's room, Luke suddenly said out of nowhere, "You saved my life."

Jared genuinely asked, "What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean," said Luke. "I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there." Then tears started rolling down his cheeks and he said, "I mean, I would have just peed my pants in front of the whole class, and they all would of..." And Luke just broke into sobs until Jared put his hand on his shoulder, then moved in to hug his friend. Luke hugged him back, and then broke down in uncontrollable sobs that felt like they came from the very center of his soul. Jared held him tight and whispered in his ear over and over again, "It's OK, Luke, it's OK. You're my best friend. My best friend."

To be continued...

The response to this story has been amazing, so if you've already written to me about it, all I can say is thanks! If you're liking how the story is unfolding and have thought about writing, go ahead and say hi at I promise to do my best to answer every email I can! Thanks again, TJ

Next: Chapter 6

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