Inner Innuendos from the East Coast

By Alex

Published on Mar 9, 2011


Disclaimer: The following story is inspired and guided by real life events. If you are offended by descriptions of homosexual acts or power and surrender scenes, please leave this page. If you are under legal age of your country/state please leave now.

Fragments of imagination from the east coast

Chapter 1 - Arrival

"All good things must come to an end", was a thought that constantly echoed through my mind as I was leaving Washington DC airport on my way back to California. It seemed as if it was just yesterday when I arrived and yet almost four weeks have gone by, hardly noticed and thoroughly enjoyed. Perhaps, enjoyment is not the right word to describe the situation I was in, but I am not sure a proper word really exists. Every time I try to think about it I get sidetracked, lost in my reevaluations of the time spent and the lively experiences therein. Maybe, I will have more luck this time as I share it with you.

Now, that these four weeks of vacation are almost behind me, I cannot but ask myself, how was it? I wish I had a simple answer, but nothing I think of gives it justice it deserves. Instead, I will try to describe it best I can through the different views and opinions I formed during my stay. Perhaps it would be best if I were to start chronologically.

My arrival was quite frustrating due to the delays with the airline. Each additional hour of delay added another layer of anxiety, as I eagerly anticipated first real life meeting with my future Master. By the time slave arrived at the scene, it felt clumsy and nervous. As it walked away from baggage claim it spotted Master sitting on a nearby bench.

Coming from the side, slave had a moment to observe its future Master without being noticed itself. His rather burly build did not phase slave at all; the face was not revealing much, as it actively scanned the crowd for me. Despite slave being four hours late, Master seemed stoically patient and surprisingly calm. True, slave had the chance to notify Master of the flight delays in advance, but it still felt ill at ease at less than fortunate circumstances.

The gray hair indicated a man of many worries and responsibilities, roughly in His late forties, wearing plain blue jeans and a t-shirt. Accompanying Master was another man, supposedly Master's long time submissive, mouse. In his mid thirties, mouse had a large dense beard and wore a similar set of clothes. Protruding from His neck line was a small chain, half tucked away under the t-shirt. The two of them were exchanging few words every once in a while, but otherwise kept busy by scanning the busy hallway.

Gathering my resolve, I swallowed the lump in the back of my throat and marched forward to them. Half way there, Master spotted me and His eyes locked on me. A small smile crept on His face, but otherwise neither of them moved. I moved in front of Master, opened my carryon baggage and pulled out a spiked leather collar I have been saving for this very occasion. Words seemed stuck in my throat and would not be voiced. Hours on the plane, reviewing and thinking on what and how to say, completely wasted. It kneeled in front of Master, paralyzed, offering its collar; the only one it had; trying to summon its voice and say something. The mind went blank, nothing seemed appropriate and it just stared there, pleading with its eyes for Master to take action; any kind of action that would move time forward and end the eternal time loop slave seemed to be stuck in. It may not have registered with Master, but that relatively short moment seemed infinite in slaves mind.

As time got unstuck, Master proceeded to collar the slave and cuff its hands with neoprene cuffs, slave felt enormous weight lifted off its back. So much, that it forgot its place and sped up to catch up with Master, inadvertently falling out of its intended place, two feet behind Master on the left, which Master dutifully corrected. At this point, slave was not sure what to expect any more. Small chit chat driven mostly by mouse seemed out of place to slave and it dared not respond in any way, not sure if it would be considered inappropriate and perhaps warrant later punishment. As we made our way to what appeared to be a van, slave was put in the back, steel handcuffs, ankle cuffs and a black hood strapped on, left to its own thoughts. An hour long trip was ahead of us; plenty of time in the comforting darkness of a blindfold for slave to reevaluate its desires, position and what it now seemed inevitable and yet unknown future.

Has it made a mistake? No, probably not, but how can one be sure? Where was it being taken? Master's home? Hopefully so, but it had no idea, what if He was lying or if He changed His plans? I tested the strength of the cuffs on me; unlike the neoprene cuffs, these were real. As it realized just how limited its options were are at this point, dark thoughts swirled around in slaves mind, threatening to burst into flames of fear; its only comfort resting in a feint trust formed online and the curiously calming effect of the pitch black provided by the blindfold. It seemed neither running nor fighting was an option with the cuffs on. It could easily be subdued and there were two of them. At least the hood wasn't buckled so I could remove it in case I had to defend myself. At first, like in many stories I have read I have tried to keep track of the direction we were headed and a sense of time. I had found that an impossible task and quickly lost all orientation. For all I knew I could have been anywhere within a 60-90 minutes of driving radius from the airport. I definitely recalled the Master's address, but I couldn't know if He was taking me there or somewhere else. No one else knew where I was going, and at that point it was clear to me I have willingly surrendered all control because the situation was definitely out of my hands. To do that with a relative stranger is an exhilarating experience, one that can turn deadly if you make a mistake of trusting a wrong person. In a sense, it is also a liberating experience as it allows you to focus on the present rather than the future since you have little or no control over it.

Eventually, we arrived at the designated destination. As both Master and mouse left the van, I was left shackled and cuffed in the back in pitch dark and silence. I could hear the bags unloaded from the trunk and taken away. Was I going to see them again? I didn't know. Any moment, I half expected, half hoped, someone would come over and take me out, but I was left to contemplate my future in the dark silence. Fortunately, it seemed only 15 minutes later the sliding door opened, my handcuffs grabbed and I was unceremoniously pulled out into the fresh air. Trying to figure out who the mysterious figure was didn't take me long, as I could immediately identify the same long deep breaths that belonged to Master. Firmly and not so slowly I was guided forward until I bumped against a doorstep revealing a house in front me. Relief swept over me as I was now sure Master did not lie and indeed delivered me to His home. Around a small corner, down the hallway, we ended up in a small room where finally my hood was taken off.

Slowly, my eyes adjusted to the light and my first sight was that of a Master, sitting in front of me on a bed, dutifully removing both my hand and leg cuffs. Being careful not to draw attention I assessed the room I was in. Quick shy glimpse around revealed a messy room; scattered clothes and boxes laid everywhere, drawers hanging half open and one window with closed blinds, seemingly first of the many divides from the world outside and herein. Before I could finish examining the room, Master was done and leaned back on the bed, giving out clear and specific details on what my first order of the day was. As I have expected, my first task was to strip and give Master some relief, although Master sternly indicated I would be severely punished if I were to use my hands at all. For a brief moment, I have considered if I should test this threat, but dismissed it as this was our first actual meeting, and we all know first impressions are long lasting. I hurried to comply and got out of my clothes as fast as I could.

Looking down I saw my Masters cock for the first time, and felt happy I would get to pleasure Him right away. Dropping to my knees I slowly started, as Master slumped down, relaxed and watched me. I dared not look at Him back, but instead focused completely at my task, losing myself in what was a very enjoyable experience for me too. At some point Master muttered something that I thought was directed to me, so I raised my head to try and infer what was said. Master, however, did not like me raising up, and quickly reached for me. Thinking I was going to get slapped or worse my instinct was to cringe, but instead He grabbed my neck and immediately impaled me back on His cock. A flurry of thrusts followed as I was trying to come to terms with it, my gag reflex not appreciating the treatment even if I was delighted by the show of force. Struggling to catch a breath between them I sensed Master relent and let me get some before continuing. The intensity of it told me, Master was probing, trying to see if I was comfortable with the situation and how much He can push. Somehow I was both grateful and disappointed as I secretly hoped Master would take less heed of my comfort. If I knew what was coming those thoughts would have been superfluous. Before long, Master was climaxing and I was treated to a nice load, I was sure first of the many to come. Lapping up a small drop that escaped me, I took a step back looking at Master who now stood up. I hoped this was just a beginning but my hopes were quashed as Master grabbed my collar and led me to the big steel cage. Without much ceremony I was ushered in, allowed to curl up on top of a relatively comfortable mattress that covered most of the cages bottom. I looked expectantly at my Master, searching for what is going to happen next. Half expecting He would just lock the cage and leave me, He surprised me by kneeling in front and getting closer to me. Was He going to crawl in the cage with me? Searching for an answer I looked into His eyes, the look not betraying his intended action. Just as I was to begin to back away, His voice stilled me. I was going to sleep in the cage free of any bondage, but a warning reminded me I should not get used to it as it was only temporarily. Disappointment swept over me, as I realized I wanted the bondage Master spoke of. Had He not have mentioned it I would have slept just as I was, but now this awakened my curiosity and I wished my Master was taking a less gradual approach. Still, I knew better than to say anything, as it obviously wasn't my position or right to dictate the tempo or what happens. Somewhere in those thoughts the cage was locked, Master gone, and I was left to contemplate my next four weeks here. It has begun.

Chapter 2 - Rude awakenings

Rustling of the lock, woke me from my sleep. Still groggy from my rest I looked up, to see Master unlocking the cage door. Quick look at the closed blinds on the nearby window told me it was an early morning judging by how much light there was. I pulled myself up and crawled out the cage, wondering what my first day is going to bring. As I stood up I reminded myself to keep my head bowed, but couldn't but notice the cuffs and a blindfold that were laying on the bed. Master briefly looked at me and then explained I was going to be punished for making Him wait at the airport. Even though I half expected there would be consequences, a pang of unfairness still struck me, since the flight delay was out of my hands. Still, I knew it mattered little and I was ready to accept any punishment Master deemed necessary and firmly complied with it as Master asked if I understood.

Before I knew it, leather cuffs were put on each of my wrists and ankles, arms pulled back and hand cuffed together. Soon enough, blindfold followed and I was firmly pulled out of the bedroom. Still having no idea of the house interior, I tentatively walked forward trying not to hit anything as I followed Masters lead. After a sharp turn we seemingly arrived somewhere and Master let go of me. Compensating for the loss of sight, I strained by ears to make out any sounds. There were no voices, we were alone, my only company Masters breathing and a strange metallic sound accompanied by the rustling of a chain. This only served to arouse my curiosity even further and I struggled to peek through the bottom of the blindfold, but the angle was such I couldn't see anything except for a small part of my chest in the periphery.

"Spread your legs", interrupted my train of thought. Without much as thinking I complied, and soon found what felt like a metal bar being attached to my ankles. Master was putting a spreader on me, but why? I bowed slightly forward trying to keep my balance and nearly lost it when Master pulled me forward again this time leading me only a few steps away and then suddenly moving away to the side, while still pulling me forward. The spreader made it difficult to walk, as I had to made large strides, which were awkward, constantly aware I might bump into something. Still wondering what was going on, I made one more step and I was in a world of hurt. As my foot touched the ground sharp pain almost made me whimper. Numerous spikes were biting into my foot, sending waves of pain I never expected. A not so gentle push made me step onto the spikes with my other foot and rest all my weight on them, increasing the pain further.

Suddenly doubt began to creep up my mind, mixing with the pain, as I struggled to understand what kind of a punishment this was. As seconds ticked away the pain began to lessen a bit as my body adjusted to the sudden change, and I began to manage my level of stress. Master on the other hand picked up a chain, and attached it to my cuffed hands and pulled them up, making me bend forward half way. By the time He was finished my feet were seriously complaining and the pain was gaining intensity again. He stood back, no doubt to admire my predicament, and in a firm tone explained I was going to stay like this until He released me.

No sooner than He said that I began to wonder just how long can I keep at this. I was already struggling with myself not to move my feet. I didn't have permission to speak, and my pride certainly didn't give me a choice to beg, not that it would matter if what were talked about on chat was true. Instead, I decided to just take it and see how long I can bear with it. Lost in my thoughts I didn't even notice Master gone. Everything was quiet and I had nothing to focus on but the throbbing pain that was getting worse by the minute. I wanted to move my feet so badly and yet I didn't know if Master was around, quietly observing or if He was really gone. Finally, I decided to take a chance and move one foot. I bit my lip as I shifted all my weight to the other foot and pulled up and forward hoping to hit solid ground, almost like a sumo wrestler, which made me smile maniacally among all this. To my demise, I just managed to impale myself on another set of spikes and strangled a small yelp. They were all around me?! I tested the chain that was holding my arms up and there was very little give there. I did realize that shifting my foot did help a bit, but at the cost of a very steep pain spike when I stepped down again. I wasn't sure what was worse at that point, but I knew the pain was only building as time went on.

Something wet brushed my ankle and I instinctively twitched not having heard anyone come close to me. As I calmed down, I heard sniffing sounds and what I could only guess was a wet nose brushing against my thigh. Master must have released the dogs. Curious of the newcomer they were assessing me, and soon all but one lost all interest. I could still feel the presence of one dog, that seemed to have been intent on observing me. Amidst all the commotion I briefly forgot about the pain, but it was now coming back with a vengeance. I shifted my foot again, whimpering softly to myself. To my surprise, the dog came over and licked my ankle as if to comfort me. In this moment, even this small act of sympathy from a dog, made me feel better. To feel comforted by a dog felt humiliating but strangely gratifying at the same time. As if the dog understood and provided sympathy while no one else deemed me worthy of any. I felt akin to the dog who I didn't even know, as if my place was there beside him, much to my kinky pleasure.

Before long, I could hear Masters heavy footsteps, no doubt coming back to where I was. How long had I stayed like this? Was He going to release me now? Since it was a workday, Master was getting ready for work, and I was hoping I would be released soon.

"I'm sorry slave that I can't play with you now. I'm afraid I have to leave for work, but you will be fine like you are. I have ordered mouse to keep an eye on you until I get back."

What?!? He is going to leave me on this?! All my hopes of release shattered like they never existed. Worse yet, I was even less comfortable with Him not being there. What if something goes wrong? Can I trust mouse? Do I have a choice? He trusts Him, so perhaps I should too? For the first time I considered begging as a serious option.

"But you will be alright won't you slave?"

Damn it! Even if my body was screaming no at this point, the last thing I wanted to do is disappoint. How can a slave respond to such a question with anything but a short and firm "Yes Master"? Like a good slave in pain that I was, I replied with the only choice my position and pride left me.

Taking deep breaths, I tried to steady my breathing while constantly battling the desire shift my feet. In an effort to find relief, I tried leaning on the chain that was tied to my arms in the back as to lift some of my weight. It soon proved unsuccessful, as my feet were not feeling any better while my arms were developing an ache of their own. It seemed that every 5 to 10 minutes the pain would grow to the point I was compelled to move my feet. Each time I would move them, impale myself again and whimper softly to myself, beginning the cycle anew.

My mind was clouded with pain and the uncertainty of how long Master was going to leave me here like this was slowly creeping in. The pain wasn't helping with my already sore muscles from having to support me in the semi-crouching position. Noticing how I was getting weaker got me instantly worried. What if I lose my balance? What if I can't keep myself up any more and fall? My mouth was getting dry, body obviously dehydrated from the strain. Assuming the worst, the earliest Master was going to release me was when He got home. I was absolutely certain I would not be standing by then in this condition and this ultimately made my decision to call out to mouse. It took four times before I got a distant answer from mouse. He didn't seem pleased to have had him bothered, but understood I was asking for water. Instead of providing me with it, he just replied He would ask Master and that was it. Frustrated by his response I just huffed and slumped back, feeling defeated.

Eventually I reached a point where I was desperate to get some relief. Seeing how mouse didn't respond to me calling out until the fourth time, I realized I was not watched. I was on my own and it didn't help assuage my fear of failure to keep up. However, it didn't take long before I realized I could use the fact to my advantage. No matter how much I wanted to comply with Masters orders, I was now desperate enough to seek relief and if I wasn't being watched it meant I could get away with moving my feet off the spikes beneath them. Remembering that I had to walk 2 steps onto them from the side it means that safe ground must be to the side of where I was standing. My only issue was with the chain, that was holding my arm back and up. I wasn't sure if there was enough slack to make 2 side steps, but having no other options I simply had to try.

Two painful shifts later and my left foot was on solid wooden floor and I almost had tears of relief. The chain was now taut but nothing I couldn't handle. My right foot was still on the spikes but shifting all my weight to the left foot eliminated most of the pain emanating from there. Exhausted from the move I slumped forward, allowing the chain to keep me suspended and balancing with my left leg. My happiness didn't last long though.

Five minutes later, I heard footsteps and mouse was back, presumably to check on me. He noticed me off the spikes and immediately moved to correct me.

"I'm sorry, but Master ordered me to make sure you stay on them. I know they are painful but you must stay on them. Now I have to make sure you won't get off again", was all he said as he pulled me back on top of the spikes, while dragging something next to where I was standing. I half expected he would force me back onto them, and did not even doubt he would tell Master I had disobeyed, but at this point it mattered little to me. With the pain back and biting into my soles and toes, I was frustrated more than ever.

As mouse left I tried again to shift away off the spikes. This time however, I could not get any relief as on both sides all I could find were more spikes. Each attempt only brought me more suffering, and I soon gave up, submitting to the base pain and just shifting my feet every once in a while when I desperately needed to. It seemed hours before mouse returned again, this time bringing a glass of water he brought to my lips, letting me slowly drink most of it until I felt somewhat better. Without further ado, as soon I was finished, he left me to my predicament and I was again alone with my thoughts and fears.

Without knowing when I would be released or any way to get even temporary relief, I quietly suffered in my place, same thoughts and emotions repeating themselves in my head. Each thought echoing little louder each time, threatening to overpower me; they were my sole focus away from the dreadful pain that loomed over me. Somewhere among all of them, I was truthfully sorry for disappointing Master with being late. The fact that it was not my fault evaporated completely as I was now identifying with the fault as if it was my very own, personal blunder. Remorse, regret and despair all assaulted me, forcing me into a state of deep repentance. No longer was I asking myself why; no longer have I considered it unjust. The punishment was engrained in my reality and I have submitted to it, enduring the pain in an attempt to absolve myself and dutifully seek forgiveness for what I have caused. Despite desperately wanting it to end, I looked at every passing minute as punishment well deserved.

As they say, time is relative and in my isolated world of hurt, it seemed extremely prolonged. Having had difficulty keeping track of the actual time and not knowing the duration of my punishment, all I could do was focus on the present and look forward to each passing minute as the one where I might be released from my suffering. No wonder, my heart leapt when I heard mouse coming back. Did Master tell him to release me? Slight pull to the side and off to solid ground, answered my prayers. As my sore feet touched solid ground, I winced again but this time I welcomed the sweet pain that was signaling the end of my suffering. My hands were uncuffed, the spreader removed, and mouse dragged me back to my cage. Every step reminded me of the ordeal I just went through, but at the moment all I could think was how grateful I was to be released.

Once at the cage, my blindfold was removed and my eyes took their time to slowly adjust to the daylight. Ordered to move into the cage I complied, sitting back and experiencing immense relief by taking the weight off of my poor feet.

"You are to rest here until Master comes back. Push your feet through the bars."

Wondering why I was supposed to do that, I slowly and reluctantly pushed them through. He seemed to have a small bottle with him, which he immediately used to spray the soles and toes of both feet. The cold sensation felt great and as I looked down I saw he was spraying them with a disinfectant. They were bleeding. Careful examination of my feet showed nothing serious; just a few minor cuts. Relieved they were fine, I quickly drifted to sleep, thinking of Master and wondering what awaited me next.

Chapter 3 - A welcome back

It was evening by the time I woke up. Slowly raising from my slumber, my bladder reminded me it needed relief. Considering that wasn't going to happen while I was locked away here, I quelled the sensation hoping I would be released before it was too late. Was Master home yet? It didn't seem so. I heard voices in the background; mouse talking with someone else I didn't recognize. Judging by the light outside, it looked like it was late afternoon already. Remembering Master was due to get home by 7pm, it certainly meant I will be at least given an opportunity to express my need before I soil anything. Considering what I just went through, I was certain I would do everything in my power to prevent myself from going here. Thinking about it didn't help and I pushed the thought away.

As it is often the case, slaves are rarely idle, but when they are they spent their time in bondage. It gives them, and therefore me, a chance to reflect on their experiences, servitude and every other aspect of their slavery. I used the time in the cage to analyze what just happened this morning. The more I introspected, the more I got angry. Indeed, Master has left me there to suffer, and the pain it brought was not the catalyst of my anger. Instead, my anger was focused on what could have happened. I could have lost my balance, since I was already growing weak. My feet were bleeding for who knows how long and I had no idea if whatever I was standing on didn't get them infected. I could understand that He wasn't there, but then someone else should have been monitoring the whole thing and yet I had to shout numerous times before I would get any attention if I was lucky. No matter the anguish I was going through, my safety should have been accounted for and the sheer fact it wasn't infuriated me. Is this how He envisioned trust building? Vortex of aggressive thoughts swirled in my mind, all leading to a definite conclusion, I was not going to sit idle and pretend everything was alright, we were going to have a serious conversation. Right now, I had more pressing matters.

"Sir mouse!" No answer. Damn, my bladder is killing me. I don't know how much longer I can keep it up. I knew I could be heard from the faint conversation that I could just make out in the next room. Even though I knew mouse wasn't a Sir, I felt like I had to assume he was above me and thus had to use the honorifics. He probably didn't like it, but pissed off as I was I didn't care.

"Sir mouse!" I had to get some relief otherwise I would definitely soil myself from all the water I had. Pausing each time for 10-15 seconds I awaited his arrival.

"Sir mouse!" The conversation seemed to stop and I heard "I think you should check on him." Good; it seemed I caught someone attention at least.

Few seconds later, mouse walked in not too happy with the distraction. "You do not call me Sir, you got that? I am not a Sir." Oh... It pissed you off didn't it? Well tough. Not wanting to waste time on petty banter, I explained my need right away: "I need to take a piss, I can't hold it anymore." He seemed to study me for a second, and then announced he would ask and left. Even though I knew he was supposed to ask for permission for everything, in my mind this was getting ridiculous. I was definitely going to have a long talk with Master.

Fortunately, about 5 minutes later he was back. He didn't say anything, but again didn't have to as his actions spoke volumes. Cage was unlocked and I was led to a bathroom to relieve myself. Bastard in me, mused how I should have him hold it for me but dismissed the notion as there was no need to create enemies. Happy I finally got to go, I returned to my cage to wait for Master.

Since there were no clocks in the room, I couldn't keep track of time, but I sensed that about one hour later Master arrived home. Sure enough not too much later, He came to me and released me from my cage. Despite everything I wanted to say, I kept my mouth shut waiting for an appropriate opportunity. He lead me to a large bedroom, sat on the bed, had me standing in front of Him and asked me how I felt. How do I feel? I'll tell you how I feel.

"Angry. Disappointed. Upset. How do you think I feel? You left me there bound and suffering without ever making sure I was fine. You left me in care of mouse who barely moved a finger to check on me. Is this how you expect me to trust you?"

Masters face showed a range of emotions. Showing remorse more than anything else, He knew He had made a mistake. He didn't seem so dominant any more, as if my act forced him to withdraw and contemplate how to salvage the situation. I rejoiced in the fact He was now on the defensive and intended to push Him even more in that direction. Briefly considering how this might lead me to punishment, I dismissed the notion as this talk was much more important than any punishment that I could earn because of it. We had to set some base guidelines on which to form trust, otherwise this relationship would have been doomed right from the start.

How was it possible for an experienced Master, such as He claims to be, to make a lousy first time impression was beyond me. Trust was everything here and He should know better than anyone else how important it is. Was He lying to me? My mood darkened at the thought and just as I was going to find out, He interrupted me.

"I know and I'm sorry. I relied on mouse to take care of things and I shouldn't have done that. You have to understand it has been a long while since I have been in these waters and I need to get used to it again. It won't happen again."

A sincere apology. Looking deep in those eyes, I couldn't find any reason why not to believe Him. In fact this seemed too apologetic for a Master I have hoped for. The dominant aura was completely gone and it was as if we reversed the roles. Great, I got involved with a Master who will buckle under my first push. As you can tell, I wasn't impressed. There were so many ways to say you were sorry without sounding so desperate and submissive. Maybe He was desperate, because He didn't want to lose me. While flattering, it left me even less impressed.

But then, I got to look deeper and I saw a man who wanted a relationship with me at His side as His slave. A man who I know is very capable on delivering that, and is one of the few who is capable in following me in the dark abyss of forbidden lust. A genuine man who cared, and would be my Master in real life and not act a farfetched fantasy ideal. Perhaps a man who would need my help in getting there but nonetheless a man who can and will get us both there. Reminding myself that this wasn't one of the many fantasy stories I read but real life with real people with all their flaws and virtues. Now it was my time to repent for getting so agitated in the first place and I quickly agreed to letting this event be left behind us and start afresh.

Chapter 4 - Sweet surrender

In the next few days, things took on less intensity and more engagement. I was presented with chores that needed to be done around the house and a schedule I was to keep. More or less a typical day consisted of my morning duties before Master would head on to work, followed by my chores and assignments for the day, some free time in between if there was left any, preparing dinner for Master when He would come back from work and evening play and/or service.

Every morning I would wake up as I was left the evening before. The cuffs and anklets I wore all the time, would be locked together and chained to the foot of the bed. A small mattress would rest on the floor right next to the bed with a small pillow; comfort that this slave was very grateful for. Come morning, being a light sleeper, Master would wake up first and release me. On some days, slave would be sent to set coffee to brew and fix breakfast, while Master would take a shower. On others, slave was required to service Master beforehand. After serving the breakfast, the slave would kneel next to Master in the dining room, awaiting further instructions or allowed to eat from its bowl at the same time.

After Master was done eating, slave was put on a house chain. It merely was a long plastic yard chain, anchored in the center of the house, providing limited movement to the slave and only to certain areas of the house where it was supposed to be working. It annoyed slave greatly because of its tendency to tangle itself while dragging it along everywhere not to mention the racket it would produce. Despite the irritation, slave eventually got used to it. With the assignments and daily chores given, Master would leave for work. Slave would lose itself in the work, barely cognizant of what it was doing, just manually getting it done, constantly rethinking and analyzing its experiences with Master. Eventually, slave would have to think about preparing dinner, trying to time it so it is ready and fresh just as Master gets back from work. Having little experience with cooking slave would often spend more time than necessary on the meals and push the envelope a bit when it came to dinner time. Despite breaching time limits a few times, Master was understanding and did not punish slave.

One particular day, after dinner, Master ordered slave into the bedroom and barked out an order to strip. With clothes away, slave was ushered onto the bed and told to lay down and spread arms and legs. Look of lust crossed Masters face and slave knew we were in for some good time. Obedient as it is, slave dutifully spread its arms which were quickly shackled to the headboard. Legs soon followed, rendering slave immobile and very vulnerable. As Master climbed onto the bed next to slave, it couldn't but wonder what He had on his mind. How far would He go? Save for the initial punishment on the first day, slaves limits were not pushed much at all. Soft voice brought me out of my reverie.

"I trust you are nice and comfy slave?"

"Yes, Master."

"Great, don't get used to it, won't be comfortable for long. Remember our talk about surrender?" How could slave forget. In the many months slave has spent chatting with Master, we have often discussed what Master called red training. Learning to submit and surrender. Accept the reality and what Master gives to you, surrender to it and be thankful for the attention.

"Yes, Master."

"It is time to test your surrender to me and start your red training. You will learn to accept whatever I give you and be thankful for it."

I smiled: "Yes Master, slave is thankful."

Smile greeted me back: "Not yet slave but you will be. Soon..." Even before He finished the sentence, an open hand came out of nowhere and slapped my balls hard. Wave of pain coursed through me, making me gasp at the unexpected slap.

"Well slave?" The two eyes were watching me intently. Before I could answer another slap reminded me I need to hurry up with an answer.

"Thank you Master!"

"Do you want another?" I studied His face for a moment. Judging by the tone, He couldn't have made the question more leading. "Yes, Master." Again, my balls were assaulted, and I soaked in the pain, half relishing in it. Next slap made me instinctively buck out of the way but to no avail.

"Do not buck away from me slave, if you know what's good for you."

Two more slaps made the threat very clear and I struggled to keep in place, my breathing now considerably faster. For a moment I closed my eyes and reopening them revealed Master's face. Deeply searching, questioning. My endorphins were kicking in and I was quickly gaining control over my pain levels. Encouraged by my new found strength, my rambunctious side was dying to show itself. Surrender? He wants me to surrender? But what is surrender without a fight before hand? Would it fuel His desire? Get Him angry? We looked at each other for a few seconds, and I finally decided. Yes, I will surrender. I want to. But not before I give meaning to it.

A devilish smile crossed my face, as if I was saying "You want me to surrender? Get me there". A direct challenge. Best to remain quiet. There was no need to be disrespectful.

Master face was motionless for a second. Then, an eyebrow raised. Happy crazed smile. Yes, I've hit bulls eye. He welcomed my challenge, enjoyed it. Maybe this was a mistake?

"Oh? This is how you want to play. I see... Very well."

I poised myself for a strike. Surely, there would be retribution, but there was none coming. He was waiting for me to drop my guard. Two can play that game. Time seemed to stop. Each of us expecting the other to yield, relax, make an opening. Suddenly, His hand began to move. Slow. He wasn't going to hit me. Instead, the hand reached out and groped my balls, encircling them in a fist which dangerously began to tighten.

Despite the precarious position I was in, my defiance remained. We never lost eye contact for one second, my eyes inviting, daring Him to give me more. Master was more than happy to indulge me by suddenly increasing the pressure tenfold. All air left me as I struggled to breath in; trapped in a painful existence. What started out as a moan quickly turned into a scream. The pressure was still there and I was sure my eyes were pleading, searching for mercy, while Master watched me intensely. Just like that his touch was gone, but the pain remained for a few seconds before it too started to fade.

Gasping for breath, I was thankful for the given reprieve. Somewhere along the deep breaths, my balls exploded again in pain; a sharp consequence of yet another slap.

"Getting the idea now slave?", playful voice chided.

Remember to breathe. "Yes Master", my voice sounding defeated. I wasn't sure I was quite yet. We were only starting.

"Good." While I collected my thoughts, the Master got up and disappeared from my view, rummaging in the toy box. Finally, He reappeared with a leather belt in his hand, menacingly swishing through the air. I felt mesmerized by the sight, knowing well I will soon taste its bite. Clearly, the defeat Master sought in my eyes wasn't forthcoming from CBT, not as fast as Master would have liked. No, He needed a different approach.

First couple of swings were light; testing my reaction, my resolve. I was not going to give Him any. Staying perfectly still I wondered how far was I going to be pushed tonight. Still laying on my back, the belt would hit my feet, thighs, crotch and abs, and the pain was barely noticeable amidst the cracking sound of leather against my skin. The allure helped me tone deeper into situation, accepting, anticipating even looking forward to the next strike. It seemed too easy. It was.

"Slave, I'm going to uncuff your hands. You will turn over and keep them on the headboard or you will regret it. Understood?"

Crystal clear. I wouldn't dare disobey him on something as direct and simple as this, anyway. "Yes, Master".

The hands were quickly shackled again, and the procedure repeated with my legs. It crossed my mind I didn't even think about the order. It happened by itself. Was I going into subspace already?

The leather belt was back in Masters hands and I posed myself for an assault. Soon enough it began. However, the strikes this time were biting in hard. The first couple of hits were manageable; on the 7th I was beginning to hurt. Moans were starting to escape me on every hit, the heat assaulting my backside and the ass almost as fierce as the vicious belt. Master just kept going, hits landing one after the other in random intervals. Not enough time to regain composure, the pain was sky rocketing and soon enough first painful cries emerged. The flurry of strikes kept coming, and I lost all count of them, unable to follow, just focus on that brief moment of respite between them. Eventually, I was trying to squirm away, every strike producing a strangled scream, but to no avail with my bondage. The belt would find its target each time, bringing another 2 fresh tears down my face.

It stopped magically just as I was becoming desperate. When the next strike didn't come, I relaxed in my confines, trying to repress my sobbing. The pillow was perfect to wipe away my tears, but no doubt Master has seen them. Masters hand inspected my ass, which made me jerk, not knowing what to expect.

"Your ass is nice and red, slave. Just the way I like it."

Turning my head, I tried to look at my ass. There were no bruises, although I was sure there would be some. Every stroke hit me on a different spot, Master's precision was immaculate. I smiled through my tear stricken face, the pain having brought me into my cherished subspace.

As I slumped back to rest, Master went to the toy chest again. I followed his every move, trying to see what was coming next. When a paddle emerged, my eyes got wide. Oh god, more? Would He at least give me a few minutes to recover? Apparently not. I braced myself for impact, but only got a few playful taps on my balls.

"Are these sensitive, slave?"

Were they? I could still feel the pain radiating throughout my lower back and ass, but my balls were doing better at the moment, the previous slaps almost forgotten. "Somewhat Master." Should I have opened the door to CBT so openly? Sniffling, I realized I wanted to; needed to.

This time around the pain was more dull but just as powerful. The first couple of hits landed on my balls, enough for me to try and recoil but not powerful enough to get me screaming. Satisfied with my results, the Master returned to my ass, seemingly using full force now. The skin was still raw from the previous beating and it made the paddle feel so much more menacing. Almost instantly my tears were starting to flow again, and I couldn't help it.

The blows kept coming and I was again lost in my desperation to escape the pain. Even my subspace could not shield me much from the assaulting pain. Each blow would pry me out a little and I would become a little more desperate to stay in. It wasn't until later that I realized I was bawling, screaming and straining my hardest to escape the blows, pulling as hard as I could on the chains that kept me spread-eagled. Reality was a distant illusion, my world only focused on the torment I was going through. Unable to escape it, unable to fight it. My defiance completely obliterated, surrender remained as my only choice.

Every once in a while, unexpectedly, the pain would explode somewhere else at random, were it my balls, legs or even sides. My feeble attempts to move away were met with pain in my ankles and wrists when the handcuffs would dig in. It didn't register with me though, drown out by the ever present throbbing and hurt coming from my ass.

I didn't notice when it stopped. I was still trashing and screaming, pulling at my bonds, my hands and legs shivering from the strain. Not until the pain subsided a bit, did I face the reality again and saw there were no new blows coming. It seemed that at this precise moment, the floodgates of emotions finally opened, and the flood that came out was impossible to stop. Stream of tears was flowing down my face, the sobbing interfering with my breathing. The world was blurry, my mind in turmoil unable to grasp even the simplest of thoughts. I just kept sobbing and weeping, letting it all out, until a soft touch on my back brought my focus back to reality.

Master was saying something. It sounded warm, reassuring and yet I couldn't understand its meaning. Sure, I could hear the words, but their meaning eluded me. I took comfort in His voice, wrapping myself in its tranquil, until my clarity returned.

"You did well slave. I am very pleased with you." Such warmth coming from those words. I was melting all over again. He wiped my tears away and suddenly I felt what He truly meant by surrender. I wanted to go through all of it again, right there and then, only to hear those words again. Surrender, to His pleasure, to my place in life, and ultimately to my only purpose.

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Next: Chapter 2

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