Intimate Stranger

By Diana Martin

Published on Apr 5, 2000


Intimate Stranger II: Kidnapped

By Diana

Author's Notes: This one's going to be a little darker than IS, but it doesn't showcase abusive relationships. Rather than spoil any surprises, why don't I let you see for yourself? grin I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's written me about "Intimate Stranger" and mentioned me in their stories. Feedback is always appreciated, and you've all been so wonderful to me. Thank you! And congratulations to N'Sync, for unparalleled success with their new album!

Disclaimer: This story, and the depictions of all characters within it, is entirely fictional. N'Sync as I see them, not as they are. The song featured here is "One Way Or Another" by Blondie, and the information concerning "No Strings Attached" is entirely accurate and has been taken from

Los Angeles. The City of Angels, with more than its fair share of demons roaming the streets.

But as the manager of the Holiday Inn checked his watch again, he reminded himself strongly that these were NOT demons. Despite his personal opinion on teen pop stars, the world loved them, and who was he to say otherwise?

The American boy band N'Sync would be arriving at any moment, having flown to LA earlier in the day. Four rooms had been booked a month in advance, and the hotel staff had been paid a hefty sum (and threatened with lawsuits) to keep the matter secret. Clearly this was not a promotional stay, but rather a retreat from the madness of show business.

The doors swung open, and the manager strode towards them, a smile pasted on his face. They were rather casual, which was a relief. Most bands tended to make an absolutely horrid mess when checking in. They wore what would be considered "normal" clothes: jeans, T-shirts, jackets... no Armani suits or custom-made outfits, though for the life of him the manager couldn't imagine such things worn by THESE teens.

"Welcome to the Holiday Inn, gentlemen." he said, still smiling. "Please, sign our guestbook." He indicated the tome lying on the reception desk.

The first to step forward was a man with short black hair and dark eyes. He grabbed the pen by the book and neatly signed "Christopher Kirkpatrick".

Behind him came a tall redhead, who scribbled a barely-recognizable "Joey Fatone" as he chomped noisily on bubble gum. Looking up at the manager, Joey gave a devil-may-care grin and moved on.

Next was a young-looking teenager with spiky blond hair and uncanny green eyes. The room temperature seemed to drop several degrees as he brisky jotted down a clean and controlled "Lance Bass". Something wasn't quite right with that boy... but the manager set it aside. It wasn't his business.

The fourth was lean, with brown hair and an irrepressible grin. His "Joshua Chasez" was neither overenthusiastic OR indifferent. The level-headed one of the group, no doubt.

Finally, the last member stepped up to the desk. He had a mop of golden-brown curly hair, and looked to be nineteen or twenty. Undoubtedly the "baby" of the group. Yet despite his innocent face, there were shadows in his eyes. Something haunted this teenage superstar, dark and powerful memories that probably chased him in his nightmares.

But again the manager shrugged away his musings. He was here to meet and greet, and then leave them be.

The blonde signed the book, but suddenly paused and looked at it for a moment, cocking his head as though the sight of his own name was a new and bizarre revelation. Then he lay the pen down and took off after his friends.

Unable to fight his curiosity anymore, the manager swiveled the book to face him and examined the last signature.

There, written in plain black ink, was "Justin Timberlake-Chasez".

The story released to the media was that the stress of producing "No Strings Attached", combined with the unpleasantness of recent legal entanglements, had taken its toll on the young Justin Timberlake, who was suffering from fatigue. The band had taken an impromptu vacation in Orlando to help him recover.

But the truth was far more hideous, far more unbelievable. The truth was that Justin had fallen in love with a man, a man who had been his savior: confidante, romantic, lover extraordinare... this man worshipped the ground Justin walked on, not because he was a pop icon but because he was worth loving.

But there was much more to Jack Matthews, the raven-haired onyx-eyed mystery who had swept the teen off his feet. Jack Matthews was abusive. According to Justin, it had started small: the worst that could happen was getting slapped. And Jack ALWAYS apologized. He was always sorry, always promising that it would never happen again. Because he LOVED Justin.

And Justin put up with it, at first because he loved Jack, and later because he was also afraid of him.

Preying on his insecurities, Jack had convinced Justin to quit N'Sync and give up his old life. But that old life wouldn't let him go so easily, nor could Justin just shut off that part of him. Jack knew this, and it maddened him.

But Justin endured. He held himself together when his boyfriend put him through a window. He forgave Jack, because he needed him. Because he needed this relationship to work. Because he couldn't spend the rest of his life waiting for JC when JC obviously didn't want him.

And he had been content to live that lie. Until That Night. Until Jack's abuse transcended the physical. Until, in a sickening act of depravity, he raped the man he claimed to love.

Bloody, violated and sick to his stomach, Justin had fled to JC. And though nothing had happened between them that night, it became clear that they were destined to be together.

So with a last, desperate manipulation, JC convinced Justin to give him three days. Three days to win him over.

And as it turned out, it only took twenty-four hours. A day at Universal Studios, capped off with a night of hot, passionate sex. And that was it. Justin moved out of Jack's apartment the next day and never looked back.

Though JC and the others had been ready to press charges against Jack, Justin had convinced them to just forget the whole thing had ever happened. They left Orlando that very day, and started making up for all the time they'd lost while "on vacation".

Days turned into weeks, and Justin and JC became inseparable. They never had sex... it had been Justin's idea, to reset their relationship and start from square one. So the obvious pattern had ensued: JC would ask Justin out, they'd go on a date, come home, make out and sleep in separate rooms. Chris and Joey had gladly covered for them, but Lance refused to take any part in it. Still, he wasn't hostile or hateful to either Justin or JC, so everyone assumed he was still adjusting.

The comfortable arrangement had shattered one afternoon, a month after Orlando. N'Sync had been in the recording studio putting the last touches on "No Strings Attached", and JC and Justin had snuck into a utilities closet for some necking. But before Chris could move to guard the door, Justin suddenly burst out, eyes red with tears, and ran like the devil was after him. JC remained standing there, looking totally crushed and lost.

Assuming the worst, Chris had immediately given chase, catching up with his young friend in the hallway. Justin was slumped on the floor, leaning against the wall and sobbing. Chris had sat down next to the blonde.

"Okay. So what's wrong?" he asked casually.

"Oh God, Chris... he... he..." Justin couldn't finish the sentence in-between gasps of air.

The suspense was unbearable for the older man. "He what?" Chris probed.

Justin took a deep breath. He had never looked so utterly terrified in his life.

"He wants... he asked me to m... m..."

Chris' eyes widened. He knew, he just KNEW what Justin was going to say. But it was impossible. JC didn't have the guts to ask Justin to

"... marry him!" Justin cut into Chris' thoughts, burying his face in his hands.

The older man's jaw dropped. "Holy shit..." he whispered.

"I didn't even see it coming... we were just making out and suddenly he goes down on one knee and..." Unable to finish the sentence, Justin cursed softly. "What am I gonna do, Chris? I can't marry Josh! I just can't!"

"Why not?"

Justin seemed startled by this question, as though the answer was obvious. But when he opened his mouth to reply, no sound came out. He pulled at his hair in frustration. "I don't know! It just doesn't seem right! It's too soon!"

"It's not like you guys aren't already committed to each other." Chris commented offhandedly.

"I'm not ready for marriage, Chris." Justin shot back. "I don't..."

Justin fell silent as he looked into the hall. Chris followed his gaze to see JC walking towards them.

His eyes flashing with pain, Justin climbed to his feet and moved to intercept his boyfriend. "Josh..." he began.

Stepping around the blonde, JC continued on his way, ignoring Justin completely. The teen didn't even turn around. Lowering his gaze to the ground, he strode in the opposite direction, hands in his pockets.

Their relationship was on the rocks, and everyone knew it. In just one day, the band was on the brink of collapse: Justin was punishing himself for hurting JC, JC was devastated by Justin's rejection, Lance was still aloof and uncaring, and Chris and Joey were wearing themselves out trying to hold the group together.

In vain. N'Sync was falling apart, and no one could stop it.

It all came to a head one morning aboard the tour bus. JC had gathered his bandmates together, saying he had an important announcement to make. He had stood there, surrounded by his friends, and took a deep breath.

"I love you guys." he said, meeting Joey's eyes, then Lance's and Chris'. "You're like family to me. I want you guys to hear this from me. I'm..." He paused for a moment, drawing a hesitant breath. "I'm leaving for a while. I'm gonna go home, take some time to... think things through."

"That's it?" Justin spoke in a small voice, staring at nothing in particular. "You're just going to walk away?"

"I would've given you everything, Justin." JC said, tears running down his cheeks. He was trying so hard not to cry, but he couldn't help it. "All I ever wanted was to make you happy. And if being with me isn't what you want... I have to... I..." He sniffed once. "I have to leave."

Justin shot to his feet. "You can't quit on us!"

"Why not?!" JC shot back.

"Because... Because I can't live without you!"

Silence fell as Joey, Lance and Chris watched the drama unfold before them. JC looked at Justin for a long moment before whispering: "What are you saying?"

The world seemed to stop around them, as though awaiting Justin's response. The younger teen looked from JC to Chris, then back to JC. It was too much; he couldn't think.

The only thing he knew, the only thing he was sure of, was that he couldn't marry this man.

The small Las Vegas chapel was hardly elegant or grand, and there were only a few guests present. But to Justin and JC, it was all they needed. They stood at the altar, hands joined, smiling at each other with stars in their eyes. They were dressed casually, after deciding that keeping the ceremony discreet was in N'Sync's best interests.

The handful of witnesses were divided into two groups: family and friends. On one side of the chapel were Lynn and Paul Harliss, Randall and Lisa Timberlake and Roy and Karen Chasez. Lynn was constantly dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief; tears of happiness, she continually reassured everyone.

And on the other side sat the couple's five best friends. Chris Kirkpatrick, Lance Bass, Joey Fatone, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. JC had personally invited her, knowing the guest list couldn't be complete without the girl he'd hit with cream pies as a kid. Christina had been a part of their lives growing up, and JC had regretted losing touch with her.

Justin, on the other hand, had been concerned about Britney. There was a lot of bad blood between the two girls, and they'd be sitting right next to each other.

But his fears had proven unfounded. While Christina and Britney certainly had their differences, they were mature enough to put their rivalry aside for the day.

The elderly minister smiled at the two and cleared his throat as the ceremony began.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here today, in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation, to join together Joshua Chasez and Justin Timberlake in holy matrimony." He paused, looking out at the guests. "If anyone has just cause why these two may not be lawfully joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace."

Out of the corner of his eye, Chris saw Lance start to rise next to him. His heart stopped as Lance, unnoticed by JC and Justin, clenched his fists and sat down again, uttering a vile curse under his breath. Chris stared at his fellow bandmate in horror, unable to believe what the young teen had almost done.

The minister finished his normal routine, and it was time for the wedding vows. Justin started first, aglow with joy.

"When I was lost, you found me. When I was afraid, you gave me courage." he said. "From the day we met, it was you for me and me for you. That will never change. We'll have good times and bad times, but our love will always survive." Justin took the gold ring the minister offered and slid it onto JC's ring finger. "I, Justin Timberlake, take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or worse. Till death do us part."

JC's eyes were shimmering with unshed tears of love. "Justin..." he breathed, momentarily rendered speechless by the power of Justin's vows. After a few seconds, he finally gathered his thoughts and proceeded.

"Up until today I believed that I was in love with you. But standing here now, I realize I don't know a word that can totally describe how I feel for you. We were meant to be together. If nothing else in this world is true, that is. We're a part of each other, soulmates, and I will always, ALWAYS love you." He took the second gold ring and slowly placed it on Justin's finger. "I, Joshua Chasez, take you to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for better or worse. Till death." He smiled slightly. "And even that won't keep us apart."

The minister chuckled. "Amen to that. Those whom God has joined together, let no man put asunder. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, and by the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and husband." He smiled at them. "Let's see a kiss now."

And what a kiss they saw. JC and Justin leapt into each other's arms, eagerly sharing their first kiss as a married couple. The cheers started with Britney and Christina; the applause, much to everyone's surprise, started with Lynn. The small group of family and friends stormed out of their seats, sweeping the newlyweds into bone-crushing, exuberant hugs.

It was the happiest day of their lives.

The next day, the couple had flown out to Niagara Falls. When they returned a week later, whatever walls had remained between them were gone. Though they refused to go into details, it was clear enough that they were deliriously happy, and more in love than ever.

In the three months since, their marital bliss had not lessened by a single degree. Not only that, but N'Sync's new album "No Strings Attached" had sold 2.4 million copies in its debut week alone, not only surpassing but BURYING the mark set by the Backstreet Boys' "Millenium". This victory was proof that the dark times they'd suffered in Orlando had passed. At last, N'Sync was on top of the world again.

And it was with this need to celebrate that N'Sync charged through the hotel halls, coming to a stop at the closest of their rooms, which just happened to be Justin and JC's. This was a ritual they repeated with every new release: holing up in a bandmate's room, getting drunk and goofing off till dawn. While the next morning always brought murderous hangovers, it was a price they gladly paid.

Joey made it to the door first. He barged in with a wild whoop, only to come to a stop, dropping his suitcase in disappointment.

"You two didn't go for the honeymoon suite?" he cried incredulously.

JC came up behind Justin and slid his arms around his waist. Justin leaned into the older teen's embrace with a wide smile. "EVERY room we check into ends up being a honeymoon suite." he almost purred.

"Gross!" Joey shuddered as they kissed.

"Bright side?" Chris offered.

"I dare you."

Chris leaned forward and whispered in Joey's ear: "More groupies for us."

Joey's goofy grin widened and he pumped his fist once, prompting grins from the lead singers.

At that moment, Lance walked into the room, bumping into JC. Without even turning around, he threw his luggage in the corner and entered the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

The remaining members of N'Sync looked at each other in surprise. Justin was the first to speak.

"Okay, would someone like to tell me what's up with him? He's been like that for months."

Chris scratched his head and shrugged. "I wish I knew. At first I thought he just needed time to get used to... you know..." He gestured to JC and Justin. "But something else is going on." His expression darkened in thought. "I'll talk to him."

"Well, then..." Joey began solemnly, taking slow steps towards the mini-bar. "In the absence of our Mr. Bass, I'm afraid I have no choice." He took a deep breath.


An hour later...

As it turned out, Lance hadn't been gone for long. And he'd joined in the festivities, downing a tequila shooter with one hand behind his back as Joey cheered him on. Justin was sprawled on the bed, half-conscious, while JC was sitting on the edge of the mattress, staring into a bottle of scotch and slurring the lyrics to "Bye Bye Bye". Chris had sunken into a bean bag they'd brought from the tour bus, with Busta in his arms.

"I'd like to make a toast!" Joey announced, jumping onto the bed. The sudden movement caused JC to slip, and he landed on top of Justin, causing the two to giggle like schoolchildren.

"To us!" the red-haired teen crowed, raising his glass of vodka. "To kicking some serious Backseat butt! I see good things coming our way, bros! I see big bucks! Fame! WOMEN!"

The sound of low groaning caught his attention. He looked down and saw JC humping Justin, lustfully probing the teen's mouth with his tongue. Justin's legs were wrapped around his waist, helping him grind harder against him, and he was matching his husband's passion.

Joey chuckled, downing the alcohol. "Uh-oh! Looks like the ladies are in heat!"

Realizing through his drunken haze that they were hardly alone, JC rolled off his wasted husband with some effort, leaving them both panting for breath.

The radio, which had been blaring out requested songs (and a large number of those requests had been for "Bye Bye Bye"), went silent for a moment. Then the DJ came back on.

"Next up, we've got a special dedication! This one goes out to Justin Timberlake of N'Sync!"

The members of N'Sync burst into laughter as a guitar started playing the intro to the song.

"One way or another, I'm gonna find ya

I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya

One way or another, I'm gonna win ya

I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya

One way or another, I'm gonna see ya

I'm gonna meet ya, meet ya, meet ya, meet ya

One day, maybe next week, I'm gonna meet ya

I'm gonna meet ya, I'll meet ya

I will drive past your house

And if the lights are all down

I'll see who's around..."

"Better watch out, JC! Curly's got a new groupie!" Chris laughed, causing Busta to look up at him with curious eyes.

"Tough luck." JC held Justin close and started undoing his shirt. "I got him first!"

Justin laughed and pushed JC's hands away. "All right, stud, keep it in your pants till the straight boys leave, okay?"

"I have to make a phone call." Lance announced, staring at the radio as though mesmerized by Debbie Harry's vocals. Face set in stone, he pulled his cellphone out of his pocket and left the room.

But this time, Lance's melodramatic actions had no effect on his bandmates. Joey bounced on the mattress a couple of times, slipped and ended up in a heap on the floor. That only caused his friends to laugh much harder.

Drowned out by the commotion, the song continued, unheard and unnoticed.

"One way or another, I'm gonna get ya

I'll get ya

I'll get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya

One way or another I'm gonna get ya

I'll get ya

I'll get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya..."

"Mmm... Josh..." Justin moaned as JC lay beneath him, sweating and heaving. Hands were everywhere, touching and teasing, driving both into a hot frenzy. Justin could feel JC's cock brushing against his thigh, stretching, desperately wanting to bury itself inside him.

It was dark out, and the others had retreated to their own rooms. Lance had never come back after making his call, but Chris and Joey had promised to talk to him tomorrow morning.

Then they left.

JC and Justin had held out a full ten seconds. A new record.

"Take me, Josh." Justin gasped as his hands groped at his husband's strong, muscular back. JC kissed Justin's neck, eyes alight with arousal. Twisting slightly, he reached out, fumbled one-handed for his discarded jeans and the lubricant in the front pocket. As he caught it, Justin grabbed it eagerly, unscrewing the top with shaking fingers. The blonde squirted a palmful of lube on his hand and reached down between them, running his hand up and down JC's length. The older teen groaned loudly, his breath growing harder and hotter on Justin's throat.

Justin reared back, sliding down JC's hips. Taking a deep breath, he found JC's cock and sank down on it. JC shut his eyes momentarily as he steadied his lover. The urge to buck upwards was unbearable, but JC resisted, instead shifting so he could draw his knees up to support Justin.

The blonde, comfortable with this position, rocked his slightly as his hands ran over that sweaty, familiar torso. The feathery touch had JC's hormones bubbling, and he finally arched up, slamming the entirety of his throbbing meat inside Justin. Unprepared for the onslaught of ecstasy, Justin craned his head back and shouted out his pleasure.

JC chuckled as he contemplated the rock-hard pole lying on his stomach. While one hand played with Justin's balls, the other twisted and tugged at the average-sized phallus. At the same time, JC bucked his hips upward, drilling his own sex prong even deeper into Justin's tight channel.

Screaming mutely, the younger teen gripped both sides of his husband's chest with his knees as he snapped his hips back and forth. Their hands intertwined, and this became their world: four walls, a bed, the sweat on their bodies, and the glimmer of their wedding bands in the dim light.

They climaxed together, eerily synchronized: At the same moment Justin lost control and spurted hot, sticky juice on JC's hands and stomach, JC thrust up one last time and grunted deeply in his release, filling Justin with his come.

For a few minutes, they simply remained there, Justin sitting on JC's waist, looking down at him with a deep, unfathomable love in those crystal blue eyes. Then JC reached up and pulled Justin down to him, and they lay together just as they had all those lifetimes ago in Justin's room, when they first made love.

JC stroked Justin's golden-brown curls and kissed his forehead. "'Night, Mr. Chasez."

"That's... my line..." the teen murmured sleepily.

And they slept in each other's arms, knowing the full meaning of contention.

To be continued...

Afterword: Okay, so I let this one end on a high note. Don't get used to it. grin

Next: Chapter 8: Kidnapped 2

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