Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jun 15, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 10: Three Pigs and a Wolf, Part 1 Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

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"Really?" Tadashi said. "You want us to stay here? In a straw teepee?"

"Dude, it's thatch not straw—totally sustainable," Fred retorted.

"Right," Wasabi said. "And if it rains, the straw'll get soaked, totally rot city. And we'll be drenched to the skin."

Not that that would be hard, Tadashi thought. Thorns and snags in the woods had slowly torn away their clothes until they were all but naked. Tadashi'd been reduced to his red briefs, yellow briefs in Wasabi's case, and Fred had only had on a pair of the grungy tighty-whities he usually wore.

"That's never happening," Fred shot back. "One, it doesn't feel like rain, and two, the roof here's probably more watertight than my roof at home."

Tadashi and Wasabi shot one another an exasperated glance.

"AND—" Fred continued (He was on a roll), "See! The thatch doesn't go all the way to the ground. There's a little ditch to handle the runoff, and then there's a meter's worth of cobbed wall behind that to keep drafts out. We'll be dry and warm—well, we will once we get a fire going, that is."

"I'll make a deal with you," Tadashi said, "You get this place in order while we scout around and see what else these woods have in store for us?"

"Yeah, like maybe a place better than a house of straw," Wasabi muttered.

"And if we find something better, we'll come back and get you," Tadashi said, "And if we don't we'll come back to join you. Deal?"

Fred only heard his friends giving him the green light, so he smiled and disappeared into the musty—'BUT DRY', he reminded himself—interior of the thatch hut.


Tadashi and Wasabi soldiered on, but the undergrowth that had previously done its level best to waylay them at every step—stripping them and after that feel them up-- was now letting them thorough with no trouble. Suspicious. The path was broad and clear, like someone had been tending it, so they weren't terribly surprised to find a second clearing—and naturally a second house.

"Now that's what I'm talking! Wasabi said, smiling as he walked up and hugged a timber corner-post.

"Well, at least they've got a historical progression in the right order," Tadashi said. "That straw thing was like an Iron Age round house, and this half-timbered thing is Mediaeval if I remember rightly. I bet if we keep going we'll find another clearing with a Georgian brick house, or maybe a Frank Lloyd Wright."

`Or at least I hope so,' he thought.

"You've watched too much Time Team," Wasabi rolled his eyes. "I see no reason not to stay here tonight. After fighting the woods all day, I'm exhausted—and I trust this place more than I do Fred's straw house."

"Insert sigh here," Tadashi said, "Tell you what. Let me go on for another hour, and if I don't find a better place, I'll head back here—and then we can go get Fred."

"I don't know," Wasabi said. He was the careful one. "Nothing good ever comes from splitting the party."

Tadashi got that look.

"You game too much," he said, "Besides we've already split the party. What're you afraid of? We haven't seen anything other than birds all day."

"Okay. Just promise me you'll be back before the sun goes down, okay?" Wasabi said.

"Even if I find a Jetsons' skypartment," Tadashi said. "My word of honor."

"And while you're gone I'll zip back and bring Fred here."

And that said, Tadashi set off down the trail they'd been following, leaving Wasabi to go and try to convince Fred he should come on to the half-timber house.

Despite being on their guard, neither of them noticed that they had been being watched all this time.


Left alone, Fred had swept out the straw house and wiped the minimal furniture clean. The slacker'd been pleased to find the kitchen area had an old style hand pump, and that the low sink drained to pit well away from the house itself. A slat bed had a huge straw tick mattress which Fred managed to haul outside. There he beat the dust out of and some life back into the mattress. Leaving it to air, the slacker went back inside where he was please to find a larder with bread, cheese, a pot of jam, and dried meat. He also found a jug of something that tickled his nose delightfully.

Ravenous, Fred pulled one of the low stools outside where he fell onto the food--while conscientiously leaving enough for his two friends for when they came back, because of course they would. How many houses did they expect to find in this woods?

After washing up, the slacker practiced flint a steel until he struck a spark and got a fire going in the central hearth. Then he drug the unwieldy mattress back inside and managed to flop it back on the bedstead.

That's when he heard the whistling outside. Wasabi was back.

"Yo, Fred," Wasabi called through the door. "Dude? Anyone home?"

"Come on in, big man."

Wasabi's black face appeared, and his large body crowded inside.

He looked around and said, "Comfy, and not too bad."

"Not too bad?! What're you talking `Not too bad'? I love it."

"Yeah, about that. We found a half-timbered house not much further on, so I said I'd come back and fetch you."

"Fetch—what?!" Fred exploded. "Why would I want to leave this place?"

"Um, maybe because a timber house is more secure?"

"You're paranoid. Did we see anything more than birds all day? No. You go back to the place you found, if you want. I'm staying here."

"Fred," Wasabi said in his be reasonable' voice, "You don't mean that. Come back with me. Here, we can even bring that food-- and the jug, cause I for one need a good drink after a day like this."

"Nothing doing!" Fred barked; he was getting really worked up for some reason. "If you wanna eat my food and drink my hooch then you can sit down around this fire with me and do it. Because. I'm. Staying. Here."

The increasingly emphatic tone in Fred's voice told Wasabi that this was a fight he wasn't going to win.

"Okay," the big guy said as he backed towards the door. "If that's what you want to do, fine, but I'm heading back to the half-timber house because that's where Tadashi said he'd meet me after he did a little more scouting."

"Bye," Fred said as the black hunk ducked through the door and headed back down the path. He followed his friend outside and called after his retreating form, "Sleep tight!"


"Fug," Fred growled after Wasabi had disappeared. He wanted to hit something.

"I'm not a kid brother that they need to take care of," he said to the flowering shrubs. Funny, he didn't remember the bushes having flowers before, but what the hell. Slowly, his blood cooled, but then the slacker felt a familiar stirring in his family jewels.

Pulling out the waistband of his briefs, Fred stared down at his friendly local fuck-monster and said, "Really? After all we've been through today?"

The slacker's stiff 10 inch cock simply waggled, and Fred rolled his eyes.

"Alright already, let's get you taken care of," he said, and he headed back inside, not noticing that several of the bright buds off the shrubs followed him through the door. As he pushed the "door" into place and put the bar across it, the sprites went to hide in the lamps and the hearth. Despite his bravado, Fred didn't want to find some nocturnal creature had entered while he slept, and he especially didn't want his buddies walking in on him while he was jerking off.

That done, Fred fell back onto the bed and crawled backwards into the middle of the mattress. His left hand went to his nipples while the right reached down and cradled his heavy balls.

"Mmm," Fred sighed, "Daddy like!"

His nipples got stiff, and his dick grew fully erect, pushing out the fabric of his otherwise loose briefs and leaving no doubt that Fred was a king in the meat department. The slacker pulled his waistband out and caught it under his ball-sack. Looking down, Fred smiled to see his not-so-little buddy jutting up, proud and hard, staring back at him, a tear of salty goo leaking from the piss-slit.

"Hush, baby," Fred said as he ran a finger around the corona of his bloated cockhead. "Daddy's gonna take good care of you."

Wrapping his hand around the last few inches of his fuck-meat, Fred proceeded to rub the sensitive flesh with an expertise borne of long practice.

"Fuhhhhh!" he moaned to himself. Sensations were cascading down his rod, setting his balls tingling and then racing to let his brain know what was going on. In cases like this, brain was always the last to know.

Fred traded hands. No matter which hand was busy stroking his rod, the other stayed busy with the job of teasing other parts of his body. Nipples, for sure, but also throat and ears. He even absentmindedly sucked his fingers. Finally he reached below his balls and massaged the sensitive flesh of his perineum. Damn, he hadn't taken a full inventory of fucking Fred-land like this in forever, and given how good it felt he wasn't sure why he'd resisted the urge. And with the lights on even!

Arching his back after many satisfying minutes of exploration, Fred made a ring of his fingers and began seriously working the sensitive flesh at the end of his shaft. Mr. Happy loved it when he did that, and Fred could feel his balls roiling, all but leaping in his scrotum. When the slacker pushed two fingers of his right hand inside himself to find his prostate, however, things got serious fast.

"Fuck!" Fred screamed. "Yeah! There! Fuck! Argh! Cuuuuuuum!"

The hung slacker's fat cock tried to leap out of his grasp as ropes of sperm shot into the air and landed on his chest. His sphincter tried to squeeze the intrusive fingers in two, and his prostate buzzed in time to the blasts.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Fred hadn't cum like this in ages, and when his cock finally ran out of steam (and his balls of cum) he pulled the fingers out of his butt and collapsed into the mattress.

"Wow," he said to himself, "It's been a while since I've cum like that."

His eyes slid shut as he felt sleep sneaking up on him. Mr. Happy pulsed one last time, and Fred thought, `Wow. I clearly need more fucking.'

(Foreshadowing, your mark of quality literature.)


Fred was sprawled on his stomach across the bed, the fine sheet keeping the straw mattress from poking his naked body. Mr. Happy had demanded yet another round of punishment before he went down sufficiently for Fred to fall in a fitful sleep, but even given that, the slacker was grinding away at the mattress—even in his sleep.

"Yeah, fuck," Fred moaned as his previously erotic dream took a purely pornographic turn.

An eye, peeking through a hole in the thatch roof, took in the young man's hips as his ass performed an unconscious `come and fuck me' dance. As Fred ground away, the observer's five-fingered hand was abusing a cock just as impressive as Fred's own in length, but thicker. Those 10 inches of hungry raw dick oozed precum, and the masturbating hand slurped over its length as its owner made ready. Fuck. The intruder had a fine ass, an ass that had to be fucked, and it was his woods after all.

With a snarl, Tarzan tore through the thatch, making a hole large enough to pounce through.

"What? What's happening?" Fred mumbled as he woke from his porno fantasy, but in a second he got his answer.

Tarzan threw himself on top of the slacker's body, using his weight to hold his victim still.

"Hey!" Fred screamed. This was not part of his plans for the night!

The slacker screamed louder when the ape-man pulled the waistband of his shorts down and pressed a fat slimy cockhead against his hole.

"What? No! Not that!"

Tired of the noise, Tarzan forced Fred's face into one of the pillows, effectively muffling his victim as he slammed his shaft home and started to plow the virgin ass. Using Fred's noodle for leverage, the jungle beast brutally humped away into the boy's hole, stretching him wide like he'd never imagined he would be. In short order, he'd beaten Fred's sphincter into submission, allowing the boy to take the full length of his anaconda.

"Mrffffph!" Fred still tried to scream. "Hrmph mrfffph!"

Tarzan smiled as he pounded the slacker's guts into a mush. If he kept the boy's face forced into the pillow, he'd eventually pass out from the lack of oxygen. But did Tarzan want to do that? True, unconscious the boy wouldn't be able to resist his rape, but where was the fun in that?

Fred tried reaching behind himself to grab at the man fucking him silly, but for the life of him he couldn't get a grip. When that failed, the slacker tried shifting his head just enough to grab a mouthful or two of precious air. That decided Tarzan. There was a happy medium to his conundrum. He increased his pace and took what aim he could to slam across the intruder's prostate.

"Mrrrrgh!" Fred cried. He might be being raped, but that nut in his ass was turning traitor on him, scrambling his balls for action and making Mr. Happy leak sex juice.

Tarzan power fucked Fred, slamming his full fury into the slacker's butt with deep, unrelenting strokes. With each thrust, the jungle beast forced a little more air out of Fred's lungs, and the slacker soon felt his body going limp and the world around him starting to swirl.

Oh, thank god!' Fred thought, If I pass out I won't have to...'

But just then, Tarzan took and handful of Fred's hair and yanked his head up.

Gasping, the slacker filled his lungs with desperate gulps of air. As oxygen rushed to his brain and muscles, he tried to get a look at his assailant. Tarzan, though, had different plans. He placed a hand over the slacker's eyes and forced his head down again, not aiming the mouth into pillow, but rather the forehead. The pillow formed a satisfactory blindfold, and with one of Tarzan's hands on the back of Fred's shaggy head, the slacker gave up and commended his ass to the nonexistent mercies of the beast.

"Grrraaaaargh!" Tarzan roared as he slammed his pelvis into Fred's buttocks again and again. The cum that had been building shot forth at last, blasting this boy's hole open further, painting its walls salty white, and even squelching out around the genital/anal connection when the swimmers could find no more room.

Fred felt the bestial pulsations of his attacker's tool as the orgasm worked itself out in the tight confines of his throbbing hole. Geesh, how much sperm did this guy's balls produce?! But even considering that was the little extra Fred needed to let loose with his own load.

"Fuck!" Fred screamed as his sphincter spasmed around Tarzan's great tool.

Tarzan grinned, and yanking his piece out of Fred's cunt, he leapt to the head of the bed and filled Fred's mouth with a cock that needed cleaning. Fred had no experience with this, so he choked and gagged. Between that and the fact that his face was being forced into Tarzan's crotch he was unable to get a look at his assailant.

Tarzan took advantage of the position to lay an equally devastating oral rape on the intruder. Forcing himself through Fred's slack mouth and past the gag reflex and beating out a new path down his equally virgin throat.

"Grggh!" Fred protested, but he was still suffering from oxygen deprivation, he couldn't keep his attacker from cutting off his airway again.

Tarzan thrust balls deep in Fred's throat time and time again. In a desperate attempt to end his torture, Fred pulled himself together just enough to try applying suction and swipes from his tongue on the massive tool. The slacker had no idea how to do this precisely, but he had to try to bring this to an end.

Tarzan watched as his victim slowly transformed from rape-bait to active participant. The boy's face was turning beet red from the exertion and the lack of air, but that just turned the jungle man on more. Grabbing Fred's long hair in both hands, Tarzan power-fucked the boy's skull, and before too long he felt his balls pulling up tight. Once again, Tarzan's cry of sexual triumph filled the night, and he blasted a second load straight down into Fred's stomach. Rope after rope of sperm lubed Fred's esophagus, and when Tarzan was done with his delivery he pushed the stranger off the bed and onto the floor.

Fred's subconscious took over, and, as Tarzan rolled onto his back and fell into a doze, the slacker grabbed his briefs and scrambled out of the low door before hightailing it down the path in the direction he thought Wasabi had taken. The big black stud had said he'd had found his own house, which had to be stronger and more secure than the thatch had proven to be-- and besides, Wasabi was significantly bigger and more muscular. The anonymous rapist would think twice before attacking the two of them!

He was in for a surprise.

Next: Chapter 11

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