Into the Woods

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Apr 9, 2023


Into the Woods Chapter 8: The Three Brothers Bear Evan Andrews 2023

This is a fan fiction.

Most of the characters depicted in it belong to and are trademarked and copyrighted by Disney and/or its subsidiaries. The rest are from their competitors. I am not related to any company and make no claim of ownership over the characters.

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`Where the hell am I?,' Eric though as he woke and found himself in a forest, not in his seaside cottage.

Unlike the other young men who had found themselves in the Woods (not that he knew there were any) Eric woke up jaybird naked—which was how he slept. As he crawled out of the convenient pile of leaves, he found a pair of tight white briefs dangling from a branch.

Oh well,' he thought, They're the right size, and any port in a storm as they say.'

He pulled the briefs up his muscular legs, adjusted his junk, and looked around. He was in the middle of a clearing in an overgrown woods. Bushes and brambles pressed close around great trees that reached for the sky There was nothing, however, that he could see that gave him the least idea where he was.

Five paths led out of the clearing into the underbrush, and Eric contemplated the advantages of following one of them as opposed to sitting here and waiting for someone to wander past. Examining the ground, he got the impression that not much traffic had passed this way recently, but in the end, the growling of his stomach decided him. There was nothing obvious in the clearing to eat, and Eric was a sea-side boy. He wouldn't have recognized an edible plant or fungus for the life of him. If he followed one of the paths, he might find someone, or someplace, with food. And if he didn't he wouldn't be demonstrably worse off that has was at the present. He ennie-meany-minie-moed and, pushing aside some branches, stepped into the Woods.

Those thoughts came back to haunt Eric as he wandered vaguely all around trying to find a way home, or a way out—he'd long since given up all hopes of finding an all-you-can-eat buffet. By the end of a day of being lost (and perhaps going in circles) he was famished and exhausted. Then, luckily, the path he had been following dumped him into a new clearing. A clearing with a little one-room house! Lazy smoke curled out of the chimney, and where there was smoke, Eric reasoned, there was likely to be food.

Nothing ventured...,' Eric thought, and he stepped up to knock on the doorframe. After all, the worst they can do is tell me to go away.'

(Which just showed that he had no idea how the Woods played their game.)

Eric knocked again but got no answer. Shrugging, he pushed the unlocked door open and stepped into the deserted hut. It had only the one room, with a fireplace at one end, and in the middle a table with three chairs—and three full bowls, he noticed. The only other thing, at the other side of the hut from the fire, was a single large bed covered in skins.

"Hello?" Eric called. He felt uneasy just walking into and acting like he'd been invited. But he was so hungry, and the bowls smelled so inviting...

Walking over to the table Eric looked at the chairs. The seat of the first was too short, and that of the second too long. The third, however, fit his butt just fine, so he parked himself in it. Reaching across the table he pulled all three bowls towards himself. They held a stew of nothing he recognized, but his stomach growled, and he tried it anyway. One bowl was too sweet, and the next too sour. The last bowl hit a happy medium between the two, so he ate it all. And then he ate the rest.

His hunger sated, Eric pushed away from the table, but the chair leg caught in a hole in the floor, and both he and the chair fell backwards. A sickening crack accompanied their collapse, and on investigation Eric found that he had landed just wrong enough the break the frame. Nobody'd be sitting in that chair again for—well, ever, unless they were a carpenter.

Eric wasn't but he looked around to see if there was anything that could be used to effect repairs, but he found nothing. Shrugging, the nearly naked young man built up the fire and stumbled towards the bed where he fell into the soft furs. Rolling over, he pulled one over top of himself before drifting off to dreamland.


Three merry brothers tramped the woods in the general direction of home.

They had long since grown accustomed to the seemingly intention caresses of leaves across their bared skin. That first day in this strange place the temperature made it expedient to strip down to their pants. With their coats thrown over their shoulders, they pressed on, but the undergrowth snatched at pants legs, the thorns tearing even the hide they were made of. Finally they tossed their coats aside and did away with the now useless leggings. This left them with nothing more than loincloths to cover their privates. Others might have been shocked, but they were brothers and had seen it all before.

The middle brother came to a sudden stop.

"Look," Denahi said in a whisper. "The smoke."

What should have been the lazy curls from a banked fire, was instead the smoke of a roaring fire.

The brothers exchanged glances. Sitka, the oldest, gestured, and, splitting up, they made silently for their hut from different directions. Someone had invaded their home and might still be there.

Coming up from three directions, they found the door closed, as they'd left it, and unlocked. Sitka pushed it open a crack so they could all peek inside. Looking cautiously through the door, they took in the room.

"Look," Denahi, the middle brother, whispered. "Someone has broken my chair."

They slid quietly through the door and went to the table.

"And someone has eaten my food!" whispered Kenai, the youngest.

"And someone has crawled into my bed," Sitka said, and sure enough there was Eric, wrapped in skins and deep in slumber.

"What do we do?" Kenai said.

"Whoever he is, he's presumed on our hospitality," Denahi said, groping his crotch. (It'd been a while since he'd gotten any.)

"Then I say we make him pay for it," Sitka said, rubbing at the bulge in his own loincloth.

"Pay?" Kenai said, confused. "How do we do that?"

"Watch and learn, baby brother," Sitka said. "Watch and learn-- and follow our lead. You're going to love this."

As fairy lights floated through the open door into the hut, unnoticed, the brothers took hold of the edge of the skin wrapped around the interloper and, with a jerk, rolled him out onto the floor.

Eric woke with a start, confused by his surroundings and by the question of why he was on the floor. Suddenly the three hunky brothers flew over the bed and had at him. Fists flew, but Eric didn't put up any fight, or rather not much of one, and soon he found himself completely overpowered. Kenai and Denahi held his hands still, and Sitka, the oldest and largest, sat astraddle his chest . Eric looked from one to another of the young men—and had to admit that he didn't hate what he saw.

"Who are you, stranger?" Sitka demanded.

"And what are you doing on our home, in our bed?!" Denahi demanded.

"Yeah," Kenai finished.

"Uhhhhh," Eric stammered. "I'm Eric, and I was lost in this woods all day. I was tired, and I hadn't eaten anything all day."

"Explains the next to no clothes," Denahi said, but he fell silent as Sitka continued.

"So you just barged into an empty house, and broke his chair," Sitka said pointing at Denahi, "And ate his food?" Pointing at Kenai."

"Uh," Eric gulped. It was true. He had just waltzed in and made free with someone else's possessions.

"I'm sorry. I apologize," he said. "I didn't stop to think. I was cold and hungry."

He looked up at the three faces. The brothers had put on their stern faces as opposed to their eager amused ones. Cold? How could anyone think this was cold?

"Look, how can I make it up to you?" Eric continued. "Not that I have any money, and who am I making it up to?"

The brothers conferred silently and then Sitka got to his feet. Denahi and Kania released Eric's arms, and Sitka extended a hand. After a second, Eric took it, and the largest brother pulled the white boy to his feet.

Holding Eric in place, Sitka said, "I'm Sitka. And those are my brothers, Denahi and Kenai."

Now that he wasn't afraid for his life, Eric took a really good look at the brothers and immediately saw the family resemblance in their brown faces with those exotic almond eyes. He'd seen men like that on ships. Sitka, aside from being oldest and largest, also had long hair and wisps of a goatee on either side of his mouth. Denahi had a mop of black hair, and a patch of beard on his chin. Kenai, clearly the youngest had a mop of hair as well, but no facial hair-- yet. But he was old enough that it was only a matter of time before it came in. The brothers' bodies were tightly muscled, like the bodies of hunters or sailors, and around their waists they wore tanned skin loincloths—and nothing else.

Eric, thought he understood the comment about his lack of clothes confirming his story. He nodded and said again, "And... um, the making it up to you?"

Sitka untied the drawstring of his loincloth and let it fall to the floor.

Fuck,' Eric thought. I had a feeling... Sweet heaven, look at the size of that thing!'

Denahi and Kenai followed suit, and Eric let the brothers strip him as well before bearing him back to the ample bed where he paid for his presumption by exercising his hot mouth.

Eric, on his hands and knees, started off sucking each brother's cock in turn. Sitka and Denahi knew what they were doing, but Kenai must have been a cock-sucking virgin, because he cried out when Eric started teasing his young cockhead. Though Eric had never done anything like this before, the whole art of cocksucking just came to him out of the blue. For an hour, he slurped more cock in him than he could ever have imagined. When his jaw at last got tired from sucking, the brothers took over and, holding his head still, fucked his mouth until they unloaded one after another. The sensation, and taste, of having hot cum pumped down his throat gave Eric a sort of high. He didn't think things could get any better until Sitka rolled him onto his stomach and began to grease his butthole, teasing the tight guardian muscle and sneaking the occasional greasy finger all the way inside him.

"Oh, god," Eric panted. He had drawn his knees up underneath him which lifted his ass in the air to make his inevitable anal violation all the easier to accomplish. "It's... That's..."

"That's only the beginning," Sitka said, and, taking good aim, he sank his great flesh harpoon into Eric's hot fuck-hole.

"Ahhhhhhhh!" Eric cried out. Thank heaven Sitka had greased and stretched his hole, or else Eric might have passed out from the pain and the concurrent erotic overload.

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

While Sitka bred his bitch, Kenai beat his meat, and Denahi crept up, on his knees, and offered his cock to the groaning white boy.

"Suck it, boy," he said, and Eric, remembering his earlier lessons, pushed his body up off the mattress and applied his tongue the middle brother's cockhead.

The brothers fucked their guest at both ends for the rest of the night. Even young Kenai for whom it was the first time found his sex legs and fucked competently if not expertly. Eric's mouth and ass both got filled with the brothers' cum, and he took their hard meat in hand and milked them until they shot jizz over his body. Once or twice they even rolled Eric onto his back and milked his own pink cock to orgasm. When his body was done giving up his seed, they naturally fed the rich cream back to him.

If asked later how much sleep he got that night, Eric could honestly say he had no idea. He might have dozed off a time or two, but when he woke again, there was still a hard dick demanding payback. In all, he wasn't complaining.


In a castle some distance from the humble hut, Li Shang spent the night after he freed Philip, fucking the compliant boy through the wee hours in one of the castle's bedrooms.

These Occidentals might be inscrutable,' Li Shang thought as Philip bounced up and down on his cock, But they make good beds to fuck on.'

In the morning, he found Philip pressed up against him. Smiling, he nudged the boy awake and said, "Rise and shine. It's time we got on the road.

After pulling on their minimal clothing, they descended to the kitchens where Li Shang set Philip the task of warming water.

"For tea?" Philip asked.

"For a bath," Li Shang corrected. "You might be fine wearing my cum (and stinking of it), but I want to be clean before I head out into that devil woods."

The watched pot finally boiled, but until it did Philip went to find a hipbath. Finally, armed with the bath and hot water, he filled tub, adding enough hot water from the stove to make the bath decadent. Li Shang proceeded to wash himself and at length stood up and grabbed a towel to dry off with. Wrapping the towel around his waist, that captain snagged a bun from a plate on the table.

Munching he said, "Now clean yourself up, boy. Much as I enjoyed painting your face last night, I've decided I don't really want to have to smell you all today."

Philip drained Li Shang's wash water and prepared a second bath for himself. As the prince cleaned himself off inside and out, Li Shang wandered around and discovered the castle's kennels. When he came back to the kitchen, he found a glistening, naked, and dripping Philip just pulling another towel out of a cupboard.

Li Shang held up a collar and leash, and shot his boy a meaningful stare.

"What...?" Philip started, but with no warning Li Shang was on him, pressing him against the wall and fastening the dog collar around his throat.

"There," the captain said as he hooked the leash into one of the rings on the collar, "Now I can be sure you'll always be within reach. Good servants are hard to find these days, and harder to keep."

"Servant?" Philip asked.

"Unless you want to go back down to the dungeon," Li Shang said. "I'm sure some other person will be along to release you—eventually."

Philip, thinking back to the days he'd spent chained in the dungeon and figured there were worse fates. Li Shang was demanding but he wasn't needlessly cruel-- and he could fuck like a pro. And it was obvious Li Shang wasn't going to just let him go.

As he fit himself back into his loincloth, the captain allowed his servant to pull on his red briefs. Then he gave a tug on the leash.

"Okay, boy," he said, "Let's get out of here."


Li Shang and Philip traveled the paths for several days, eating roots and berries, and sleeping under the stars when they could go no further. Philip was glad for one thing. Li Shang was an organic hot-water bottle, and he didn't object when Philip pressed close to him to keep warm. Each morning began with Li Shang giving his servant a reinforcing fuck—the captain making sure Philip never forgot his place, not that Philip was complaining.

The fourth afternoon, they stopped for Li Shang to give his kneeling boy a bracing snack of hot sperm. Then in the distance they heard sounds. Rather familiar sounds, in fact, because it was the sound of men fucking.

Li Shang kissed the remains of his load from Philip's face and said, "Let's go check it out."

Sure,' Philip thought, Everybody likes to be spied on and interrupted while they're screwing.'

Forcing their way through a bramble (Li Shang wasn't sure why the Woods kept trying to keep him away from things, but he'd be damned if he would let the fucking plants win), they emerged into a clearing where four young men, three brown-skinned and one white, were enjoying a picnic—of sorts.

One, the largest, was sitting by the fire, eating and stroking his respectable cock, while two others were spit-roasting a third. The one taking it at both ends was white like Li Shang's own boy (or Flynn the boy he'd let get away), but the other three had the look of hunters from the forests far to the north of the Great Wall.

"Come on, Kenai," the oldest encouraged, "If you're going demand to be given a turn at Eric's ass pussy, then you need to make it worth all the whining we had to endure. Fuck him hard, Baby Brother! Hard!"

Ah,' Li Shang thought, Brothers are they?"

Philip might have been willing to stand back and continue to watch the three have their way with the white boy. If they did, maybe Li Shang would let him jerk off while he watched, or maybe the captain would have him suck his dick (which didn't preclude his jerking off). Li Shang, however, was never one not to take the lead in things. Brazenly, he strode all the way into the clearing, pulling Philip along by his leash.

The brothers froze, and Sitka reached for what looked like a staff.

"None of that," Li Shang said. "I don't want to fight."

Sitka halted his reach and said, "Who are you, then, and what do you want?"

"Li Shang, captain of the armies of the Middle Kingdom, and this is my body servant and boy, Philip," Li Shang said. "Who are you?"

"Sitka," the oldest brother said, coming to his feet. "And those are my brothers fucking the white boy. Denahi's the one getting his dick sucked, and Kenai is the one doing the cornholing. Their playmate is Eric."

"And is there some story about why he's in the middle getting gangbanged?" Philip asked, earning himself a jerk of the leash from Li Shang.

"Sure is," Sitka said. "But pull up a piece of ground and make yourself comfortable. This might take a while. Eric, you start.

"Okay," Eric said as he wiped precum and saliva off his chin, "So... I woke up in this place, and..."


"And?" Philip asked when Eric had finished his story.

"Well, I had no idea where else to go. There was food here, and a warm place to sleep, and, well, look at them, and their dicks! I stayed. What would you have done?"

Philip winced, and Li Shang laughed. They both knew what Philip would have done. It's just that Eric seemed to have had a choice in the matter.

Sitka said, laughing, "And we kept him because the next morning, when we crawled out of bed, we found the bowls were full again..."

"And that there was a fourth bowl!" said Kenai

"And my chair had been repaired-- or replaced," Denahi said.

"And there was a fourth chair," Kenai said again.

"So," Sitka said, "We took that for a sign and adopted our hot little intruder slut..."

"Eric, just in case you forgot I have a name," Eric smiled.

"Of course, Eric-- as a fourth brother."

"Of a sort," Eric said. "They adopted me as a bottom of the fucking totem pole brother, with emphasis on the bottom."

"I haven't noticed you complaining," Denahi jibed.

"So, that explains why you were taking him at both ends," Li Shang said. "He looks well broken in, but Is he really any good?"

Sitka laughed.

"You think I'd let my cock anywhere near his mouth if he wasn't both?"

"So, is there any chance you'd share him with a guest?" Li Shang asked.

"Maybe," Sitka said. "If we had a guest. By the way, is there any chance you'd share your boy with us?"

Philip's dick rose and the idea of being taken by the three brothers.

"I think he likes the idea," Kenai said, pointing at Philip's erection.

Li Shang was annoyed that his boy's cock had presumed to have an opinion, but he wanted to see if all white boys were accomplished whores.

"Of course," he said, "With a host."

"Then, be our guest," Sitka said as he took the leash from Li Shang's hands. "Eric, get over here and get busy. Our guest has a cock that's not going to suck itself."


Eric proved to be as good at sucking cock as the brothers had claimed, and Li Shang was in paradise. Every white boy he came across in these woods was a naturally gifted fellator.

"Suck my balls" the captain sighed at Eric

As Li Shang's gonads danced on Eric's tongue, he looked over to see Philip serving the brothers. The boy was surprising him again. Sitka and Denahi had laid down on their backs, ass to ass, and Philip was sitting, grinding around on both their cocks. Li Shang hadn't known his boy could handle two shafts like that—well, not that there had been a second cock for him to experiment with. Kenai stood alongside the doubly packed white boy getting his young dick deep throated. And his servant was hard, his erect staff flailing around and slapping his belly. Fuck. The things you learned

"Look at my bitch go, Eric," Li Shang said.

He pulled Eric out of his crotch so he could get a look at the brothers in action. Eric was wobbling on the verge of jealousy when he remembered he had a tasty cock he'd been told to take care of. Eric gave growl of satisfaction (which Li Shang assumed meant he knew that position) and reached for his cock to start masturbating as he sucked.


Qasim watches the festivities from just inside the Woods, stroking his own hard cock, his hand getting faster and faster until he gasps, and his cock spits a heavy wad into the leaves.

"Damn! Sorry, friends, but that little scene is seriously too hot to ignore. Almost as hot as that orgy back at the cabin. By the way, have you noticed a pattern, how every man that finds his way into these Woods seems to enjoy giving or taking a good fuck, or blow job, or whatever it takes to blow a load?"

After licking his wanking hand clean of excess sperm, Qasim says, "Well, it looks like these boys are set for the rest of today. And maybe for a couple of more todays Why don't we wander off and see if there are any other boys that we haven't met yet."

Next: Chapter 9

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