
By Donny Mumford - Laureate Author

Published on Apr 2, 2023


Chapter 38

( Seriously? )

Monday night, Todd Barnstable, er, Barns, and I are standing next to his four-year-old Toyota in a pitch-black night on the Sears parking lot. I'm taking my Marlboro box out of my pocket, thinking about, fascinated actually, at how easily Barns got into our gay kissing and, after that, his anxiousness to mess around blowing me, which he did quite well.

With me as a first-time guy/guy and him as a first-time girl/guy, we're both in uncharted territory. On the one hand, he's excelling in the girl/guy role, while, on the other hand, I'm hanging on by my fingertips, hoping not to embarrass myself as his guy/guy.

Then he asked me if gay friends on a date wouldn't generally do more messing around than we did. I can only assume he means messing around fucking with me as the top guy, and, never having done that, I'm unsure how to proceed as the top guy/guy.

With that in mind, I sidestepped the issue the way Billy sidestepped an issue with me by changing the subject. Making it sound as if I'd be doing Barns a favor, adding to the messing around we've done already, I indicated I might be willing to suck his six-plus-inch dick for him.

Incredibly, he didn't jump at my generous offer, so I'm thinking... seriously?

Yeah, instead, he was consistent in wanting to experience anal messing around, with me being his guy/guy top. He didn't use those words, but that's what the words he used meant.

Anyway, I've got the box of Marlboro in my hand, still unsure how to respond to the anal sex suggestion. So, hmm, I continue using Billy's maneuver of avoiding an unwanted topic by continuing to ignore it. So as I'm lighting my cigarette, I mutter, "Um, you said you don't smoke, but have you ever tried it, Barns?"

Nodding, he goes, "Oh yeah, like most guys, I tried smoking when I was younger but didn't get hooked on it because cigarettes taste like shit, plus they're wicked expensive. That was then, though, and this is now. With you, I don't know, but I'm feeling badass, so I'll try a cigarette if you don't mind me bumming one off you."

Hmm, yep, he's full of surprises. Exhaling smoke, I hold out my box of Marlboros, and he takes a cigarette, grinning and saying, "What a life-changing night I'm having!"

Yeah, he is, but I'm having a life-changing night myself, and I'm not sure if I should emulate Billy's guy/guy persona or Pat's. Who am I kidding, though; I can't pull off either one of those.

As I'm holding out my Bic lighter, Barns looks serious as he drags on the cigarette, getting it lit. Then, exhaling smoke without inhaling any of it, he grins at me, muttering, "They still taste like shit, don't they?"

Shrugging, "More or less, I guess, yeah; however, dumb guys like myself put up with the shitty taste because we think we look cool smoking. Then it's the nicotine drug that quickly gets us hooked, and we eventually don't notice the shitty taste."

Blowing out more smoke he didn't inhale, holding the cigarette like a girl at the ends of two fingers, Barns asks, "Do I look cool?"

Rolling my eyes, grinning, I mutter, "The cool look doesn't always happen right off the bat, Barns. In your case, not yet, because you're holding the cigarette like a girl while making a face at the shitty taste, plus you're not inhaling. So, yeah, it takes perseverance to get the cool look, and by then, you're addicted and on your way to lung cancer."

He laughs, "Well, looking cool is something I'd like to achieve finally, so perhaps I'll need to put up with lung cancer."

We both chuckle at how stupid that comment was, then I mumble, "That's what we all say until we get the disease, then we sue the tobacco company."

He surprised me again by tentatively leaning against me the way I leaned against Billy when I felt a closeness, a comradery with him as someone I could look up to. Look up to Billy because he had more experienced and was a superior, cooler guy than I knew I was. I felt Billy was someone to show me how all the cool and popular guys do things.

But am I a cool gay guy/guy for Barns to look up to? It doesn't feel that way. Putting myself in Barns' position, though, with him not knowing any better, he probably thinks I am.

So, following the example of Billy and Pat, I put my arm across Barns' narrow shoulders, giving him a little hug while trying to sound knowledgeable, saying, "Well, obviously, neither of us should be smoking cigarettes. However, tobacco companies have cleverly marketed cigarette smoking, portraying it as cool, sexy, and a fun way of living on the edge. Plus, there's peer pressure, and we, as immature teenagers, aren't smart enough to think about long-term consequences, so we smoke."

Barns, turning his head, exhaled smoke away from us, again without inhaling any of it, mutters, "Oh, um, uh-huh, I guess. Whatever it was that you said, uh-huh."

Chuckling, I give his shoulders a little squeeze and add, "I made all that shit up, but it sounded good. Um, but seriously, we'll be smarter and more mature by the time we graduate college. I'll bet we quit this filthy habit after our college years."

Dropping his cigarette and stepping on it, he says, "On the other hand, I think I'll avoid the habit altogether and remain uncool."

"Yeah, uh-huh, that's another way to approach the situation."

He puts his arms around my waist. Hmm, I don't know what else to do, so I suppose I need to address his earlier question about us, um, messing around fucking tonight. "Look, Barns, about the anal fucking messing around you mentioned a few minutes ago. Um, we're not doing that tonight. Ah, and I'll explain. It's like, that's because, um, oh yeah, the reason I mentioned already... we don't have a condom. However, on the plus side, my offer to mess around blowing you still stands."

Again ignoring my offer to blow his enticing-looking six-plus-inch dick, looking up at me, he asks, "You'll do it, though, right Gary? Fuck me, I mean, um, when we have a condom."

Seriously? What is it with this kid? Doesn't he want his dick sucked? He's a year older than me, but he doesn't seem like it.

Nodding, "Yeah, sure, but as I've already said, I've never done the top guy/guy part before; never been the top guy/guy, so keep that in mind. Also, when you get a chance, you should Google anal sex, and you'll see I'm right about the need for a condom, or at least its lubricant. I'm not BSing you about that; lubricant is a must! And, um, not to belabor the point, but, ah, how about getting your first blow job tonight? I can do that for you, no problem."

Shrugging, he tightened his arms around me and mumbled, "It's fantastic of you to offer, but I feel really weird about you doing that. It's like, ah, I should be doing that for you. You know, there are submissive gay guys and dominant ones. I like you being the dominant one for me. It just feels right. You might even want to spank my ass when I'm bad or even when I'm not."

Me, the dominant guy/guy; seriously? I don't think so. And spanking him?

"No, I'm not spanking you or anybody else. Forget that, and anyway, where do you get these ideas?" Dumb question; he gets them from the Internet, obviously.

Looking up at me again, he smiles and mumbles, "The spanking idea came from online sites I watched and from stories I've read on Nifty about guys doing that stuff. Plus, I fantasize about it when I'm, you know, pulling on my dick."

Hmm, was I ever as adventurous or forthcoming as Barns? Nope!

Gee, though, it is cool being looked up to and idolized by Todd, ah, Barns. And he got aroused by merely suggesting the anal fucking messing around. I know that because I feel his boner against my leg. Not sure what to say, I sound pompous, giving advice, "You stay away from guys who want to spank you, alright?"

He nods his head that's against my shoulder now, hugging me tighter; his boner is up against his belly, and all six-plus inches is also flat against my thigh. Hmm, I should do something to show him affection, so I rub through the hair on the back of his head, and now I'm getting an 'effing boner. I mutter, "For you, I'll make sure to have a condom with me next time."

No, I should have told him to have the condom! Dammit!

Still, with his arms around me, he murmurs, "Would you kiss me again, Gary?"

Okay, yes, I got a boner from this intimate contact, but I'm nowhere nearly as aroused as I get from messing around with Billy or Pat. Nevertheless, Barns is a likable guy, with emphasis on him being a 'guy,' so I easily get into a long sloppy kiss with him as he gently humps my leg and quietly moans, increasing my arousal. Huh, this is all very interesting.

After the sloppy kiss, me continuing to awkwardly hold my smoldering cigarette away from us, Barns goes up on his toes to rub his face against mine, smearing our saliva across my cheeks. I guess he's infatuated with me.

Then, still on his toes because he's a couple of inches shorter than me, with the side of his face partially resting against mine, his lips brushing my ear, he murmurs, "This is the best night of my life, Gary, but isn't there some way you could fuck me tonight? That would be perfection."

Hmm, who is guiding who tonight; who's the guy/guy here? Still, that 'best night of my life' comment of Barns reminds me of saying the same kind of thing to Billy once or ten times.

Bill, however, was always the one leading us into doing sexy messing around, and now Barns is depending on me to fulfill his, um, wild expectations about a gay date. His first one ever, so, yeah, I suppose I better step up and be his top guy, although it's sort of a scary proposition. What if I do the fucking around wrong and hurt him or something? At the very least, it could be embarrassing if I screw up trying to screw him.

Slowly separating from Barns' arms, I rub his head again, mumbling, "Let me think about it while I finish my smoke."

He steps back, and, to give him something to do, I give him the Tic Tacs container, "Here, have a few of these. I'll suck on a couple when I'm done with this cigarette."

Snickering, he pours three or four Tic Tacs into his hand and plops them in his mouth, then mutters, "Oh, yeah. Amazing that tonight started with Tic Tacs, didn't it?"

Butter Scotch Krimpets or Tic Tacs, what's the difference, I guess?

Smoking, I'm thinking how odd it is that I'm not especially anxious to take advantage of this opportunity to be the top guy fucking. With Billy and Pat, it's never occurred to me to be the top guy; it's never occurred to me at all.

Yeah, this is a bit stressful; this top guy role. And Barns may have hit on something with his submissive/dominant remark, not that I've ever thought of it in those exact terms. If I had thought of it, though, I'd be thinking along the same lines as him. I'm in favor of the submissive role too. The dominant part seems to be too much trouble and, as I said, stressful.

Stepping on my cigarette butt, delaying any decisions I need to make, I ask, "What time is it?"

Looking at his cell phone, Barns says, "It's only quarter-to-nine."

Dammit! Well, here goes... doing my best to sound in charge, "Okay, here's what we can do. At the CVS, we'll buy a pack of condoms, then come back here and mess around some more, eventually fucking. Would that make you happy?"

With a big smile, he goes, "Happy as the fairest, happy as a child."

"Huh? Well, what the hell does that mean?"

Still smiling, "The first is from William Shakespeare and the second from William Wordsworth."

Shaking my head, I mutter, "Whatever. Let's get in the car."

Fastening my seatbelt in the passenger seat, I mumble, "I've heard of Shakespeare, obviously, but who was the other dude?"

Starting the car, Barns says, "A poet or something. Where should we go?"

I say, "Drive by where I parked my car. There's a CVS two blocks from there, and I can check that my car is okay at the same time we're getting condoms. Um, so, are you interested in literature? I mean, memorizing those, ah, quotes from dead guys."

He does a nervous giggle, then mutters, "Um, I remember those quotes from high school or something."

As he starts backing the car, I yell, "Jesus, Barns, turn on your lights! Watch the dumpster!"

He does another annoying nervous giggle, then mutters, "Oh, right, lights. I'm nervous, Gary."

I'm like, "You're nervous? Well, damn, we don't need to do the fucking messing around tonight, you know."

Am I hoping he changes his mind? What's wrong with me?

He backed the car up, his high beams flooding the area with light, and then barely misses the dumpster driving by it. I'm leaning to the right as if that will help him steer the car.

He says, "Yeah, it's weird. I don't know how I remembered those quotes about being happy. And even though I'm nervous about doing the fucking; at the same time, I'm wicked anxious to do it. I mean, experiencing everything with you in one night would be fantastic. Weren't you nervous your first time?"

He's a brainiac, but still, about some things, he can be a little dense and hard to follow, but I try to be nice, "Well, yeah, I was nervous, sure. And, as I already mentioned two or three times, this will be my first time too. I mean, being the top guy, so it's not just you who's a little nervous."

I'm pushing my foot to the floor as if there's a break pedal there as Barns tailgates a guy in front of us, the high beams lighting up the guy like the Fourth of July. Then Barns turns the high beams off because the guy he's tailgating is energetically giving us the finger.

Barns mumbles, "What's that asshole's problem?"

Trying not to scream at him, I go, "Slow down, Barns. Jesus, do you always tailgate?"

Backing off a little, Barns says, "It's a bad habit I have. My Dad is always telling me about it."

Then, he barely slows down at a stop sign before going right through it. Oh, man! I mutter, "Uh-huh, do you get many traffic tickets?"

"What? No, I've only gotten one ticket this year."

I wonder if any of this would bother me if he was cute with a hot body instead of being, um, uncute with a skinnier, shorter body than mine. Then, as he drove by my parked car, he almost sideswiped it.

I'm like, "Jesus! Ah, have you had your eyes checked recently, Barns? I mean, a good friend of mine recently got eyeglasses that he didn't realize he needed. Maybe, um..."

Grinning, he looks at me, asking, "Good friend or boyfriend?"

I mutter, "Boyfriend, but that's not the point. Oh, turn here for the CVS."

Tires squealing, he makes a sharp turn. Then his front right tire bumps up on the curb as he parks at a spot near the CVS store. Determined not to be an obnoxious backseat driver, I don't comment on his parking, instead mumble, "I'll run in and buy the condoms, Barns. It'll only take two minutes."

Oh, damn, I should have sent him in for the condoms, I guess. Fuck it, though; it's too late now. An experienced guy/guy would send his girl/guy to buy the condoms.

Inside, I can't help but think how ironic it was that earlier tonight, when I ran into Pat here; he told me where the condoms were on display. I didn't think I'd need condoms, but here I am, walking to the back of the store where he told me they were. I grab a random three-pack, then the strange lady at the register doesn't bat an eye ringing up my purchase. She wouldn't sell me cigarettes, but condoms... no problem.

In the car, concerned his driving is going to get us killed, I say, "Ya know, my car is parked only two blocks away. No need for you to be the driver all night. It's my turn to chip in with the driving. Let's take my car back to the Sears' parking lot."

While backing out of the parking spot, Barns' driver-side rearview mirror clicks off the passenger-side rearview mirror of the car next to his. I roll my eyes as Barns says, "I don't mind driving, Gary."


We make it back to Sears with Barns only running through one stop sign; then he parks okay next to the dumpster. Letting out my held breath, I say, "Okay, good. Let's get in the back seats."

Opening his door, Barns says, "My heart is beating like a drum, and I can barely breathe."

Slamming the passenger door, I open the back door, sternly saying, "Well, as I've mentioned twenty 'effing times, we don't need to do this tonight."

Oh, man, that was too harsh. I suck at being the guy in charge. If this were me and Pat, he would be so nice about my nervousness. He'd be encouraging me if I were in Barns' position. And Billy would probably simply ignore the nervous comment altogether and mention how old the pyramids were or something like that. Get my mind off my nervousness.

Anyway, when both of us are sitting on the back bucket seats, I take a deep breath and, trying to sound nice and supportive, say, "As I've already mentioned, it's okay that you're nervous; that's perfectly normal doing something for the first time."

I could have added, so am I, but I don't because I'm supposed to be in charge. Plus, ah, I already told him I'm nervous.

Nodding, he's looking at me for instructions, so I smile and go to rub his head affectionately the way Billy and Pat do to me, but Barns pulls his head back, mumbling, "Please stop mussing up my hair."

What the fuck?

Hmm, trying not to lose my temper, thinking how I would never have told Billy or Pat that, I look at Barns' clean light brown hair that's cut in a regular nondescript manner with a part. Thinking positively, the glass half full kind of thing, at least he's very preppy-looking; I'll give him that. And I like that too.

Trying not to sound pissed off, I mutter, "Sorry. Um, here's what I suggest. I mean, here's what we'll do! We'll get naked, make out a little, then you can suck my dick for a minute or so, then I'll put a condom on, and we'll see how far we get messing around fucking."

He glances around and mumbles, "Okay, good, I'd like that a lot, but I'm not sure about what the messing around thingamajig you're always saying means; plus, how will we fuck in here? I mean, these bucket seats, um, there isn't much room."

His second point was a damn good one.

"Yeah, this isn't an ideal situation, Barns, you're right, but we'll improvise. As far as the messing around part goes, um, it's all messing around. We're gay friends messing around doing sexy shit. Everybody knows that. Sure, it's advanced messing around when compared to the circle jerk messing around you and your friends did years ago, but it still qualifies as messing around."

Shrugging, he says, "Yeah, okay, I guess, but how will we improvise?"

What a pain in the ass this is turning into. Letting out a long exasperating-sounding breath reminding myself of Billy doing that a number of times with me, I say, "Let me worry about that. Get undressed!"

He looks startled at another of my unexpected stern-sounding orders but hurriedly pulls his shirt off over his head. Gee, I could see his ribs when he was doing that. Not so much when he brought his arms down, though. Huh, his body is small but looks okay. His torso isn't muscular, but it's taut-looking and hairless, kind of pinkish/white.

He's staring at me as I'm staring at him. Realizing this is awkward, I nod my head and sort of roll my hand encouraging him to continue getting undressed. He's probably wondering why I'm not getting undressed. That's a good question.

Naked, he shows a nervous grin, his six-plus-inch dick flaccid on the seat, looking like it should belong to someone else. Someone with a larger body. Casually moving the foreskin back and forth on his dick, he asks, "What's next?"

Nodding, I mumble, "Nice dick you've got there. Oh, um, next? Oh, well, yeah, I'll get undressed, obviously."

He probably remembers me getting a bit testy when he said my dick was small because, stretching out his penis, he says, "I guess my dick is on the large side, but your dick is perfect for my first time taking a hard dick in my ass. I'm grateful it's so smal... I mean that it's the perfect size for, um..." and he shrugs, muttering, "You know, for, um, fucking, or..."

Giving him a look but not saying anything, I finish getting naked and pull on my dick which does look small compared to his. He isn't paying attention to my dick, though. He's looking at me, waiting for me to start off by kissing him... I guess. His bangs have drifted down on his forehead, so I swipe them to the side with my fingers, smiling at him, then murmur, "That wasn't mussing your hair, Barns. It was, um..."

He shrugs again, "I wish I hadn't said that thing about my hair. When you rubbed my head, it felt as if you liked me or something."

That's a little better! He's sounding more like me when I was with Billy in our early days. You know, when I didn't know what to do or say as his girl/guy.

Grinning, I energetically muss up his light brown hair using both hands. He chuckles, "Do it some more, Gary." Instead, I lean in and kiss his lips. His arms go around my neck, and we get into a damn good ten-second kiss sucking on each other's lips, then licking tongues.

No, Barns isn't cute or especially sexy, but he is a guy, and I'm into guys, so our kissing aroused me. It's also a turn-on that he so obviously likes being with me.

Blushing a little but grinning, too, he murmurs, "May I have some more, please."

That was cute of him, so we make out for a few minutes, both of us springing hard boners, his sticking up, the head reaching past his belly button. I get a boner fairly easily anyway, but it got really hard during our make-out. Feels good, too, so I kiss him again, running my fingers through his messed-up hair, hearing a quiet moan of arousal from him.

Gasping when our lips part, Barns murmurs, "Should I suck your dick now, Gary?"

That's not really necessary, as my dick is hard as wood, but as I take a condom from the pack of three, I nod, "Okay, because I know you want to, but only suck on it for a minute or so."

He squeezed between the front and back seats, getting between my legs like last time, and immediately took my boner in his fingers, covered his teeth, and went down on my hard boner. Goddamn, that feels good!

Pulling his head up, he goes down on it again; and I swear half the hard head of my boner went into his throat that time. An unexpected moan slips out of my throat as my fingers go through his hair again, then I pull hard on a batch of his hair, my head going back against the seat as the head of my hard cock goes entirely into his throat, and I again moan, "Mmmm, fuck, yeah..."

It feels so good I lie back against the seat and let him go down on it a half dozen times, the head in his throat every time before I manage to mumble, "That's good, Barns," pushing his head away. He backs off my boner with a string of precum from my dick to his lips. It's quivering there before breaking off to slide down his chin.

Stroking his long, hard boner with his right hand and wiping his chin with the palm of his other hand, he excitedly says, "Wow, I liked doing that! This time it was even hotter and sexier than earlier; hotter and sexier than I expected it would be too!"

He's using his whole fist to stroke his cock. His dick isn't quite as long as Pat's, but I think the head is bigger than Pat's. Man, I really want to suck on that dick.

Forcing my eyes away from Barns stroking his boner, I mutter, "Where the hell did I put that condom?"

"It's in your left hand, Gary."

Looking at it in my hand, I go, "Heh-heh, oh yeah, I knew that. Um, ah, how about if you get on the seat on your hands and knees."

He does that as I'm sliding the condom on my boner, and, Omigod, that's tight; feels good! Then, looking at Barns and shaking my head, I mumble, "No, that position looks too, um, unstable. Ah, let's see. How about if you face the back of the seat, drop your feet to the floor, and keep your ass up! I'll squeeze behind you."

This car doesn't have a lot of legroom for the back bucket seats, but I get behind him, my hands holding onto either side of his buttocks. Huh, his buttocks are kind of flat. It'd be nice if he had one of those bubble-butt buttocks, but whatever.

Anyway, I'm beginning to get excited about doing this. I guess anyone would. Gee, I'm feeling the dominant guy/guy top role now too. I mean, Barns is in the ultimate submissive position where two guys are concerned, right? Who wouldn't feel a touch of dominance?

Hmm, I know I said I'd never do this, but I can't resist giving his right butt cheek a fairly hard slap, "SMACK!" and then another one, "SMACK!" Barns moans, grabbing his boner.

As for my boner, it's up against my belly, the head not quite reaching my belly button, never mind going up past it like Barns' dick. Mine is throbbing a little as the condom's lubricant smears my belly. Pulling my slippery condom-covered boner out straight, my fingers trembling a bit, I press the head between his butt cheeks, then against his asshole, which is acting like a roadblock, tightly closed.

The top of Barns' head is pressed against the back of the seat, one hand on the seat holding him up, the other hand stroking his long boner. My fingers press down on my boner, keeping it from snapping up against my belly again. Everything is in place, so it's up to me to press the head more firmly against his tight asshole and remember to mumble encouragement, "Relax, Barns. You're doing great."

I only wish I was doing great. Wait! His asshole is finally spreading open slightly, so I press harder against it as Barns makes a squeaky sound; then my boner's head wins the battle against his anus and slides inside Barns' body. Holy shit!

But what was that? Barns let out a screechy high-pitched "OW! Stop, wait!" He screamed as strobe lights went off in my head. Meanwhile, my face is scrunched up at the fantastic feeling of having my dick's head squeezed by his prostate muscle or something. I let out a breathy exhale, my eyes blinking as fantastic sensations continue swarming off the head of my hard cock.

What the fuck? Barns is groveling, his hands pushing against the back of the seat as I'm pushing my boner two inches or so further up his ass. He makes that screechy scream again, this time simply yelling, "STOP!"

Huh? Stop? Seriously?

The head of my cock has never been tightly stimulated like this before, ever! Sizzling vibrations of pleasure zip from my dick, sliding all around my groin. Awesome!

Still blinking, horrified that Barns might have an inferior rectum, like Billy's, I hesitantly ask a stupid question, "What's wrong?"

He's obviously trying to control his voice, but it still sounds as if there are tears involved as he says, "It hurts wicked bad, and I think something broke inside my ass."

I say too sharply, "Nothing broke," then more gently, "Okay, though, I'll take my dick out."

I reluctantly do that, and Barns quickly turns around to sit on the seat, mumbling, "I'm sorry for yelling, but something ripped in there."

His cock is already flaccid, looking tired as it sprawls on the seat between his legs. My dick is going limp in the condom. Dammit! I try to be encouraging again, saying, "Everything was working just the way it should, um, except, um, you didn't give it a chance. The initial hurt fades just like that," and I snap my fingers.

Looking away, he mutters, "Really? That's hard to believe. I mean, something snapped inside me, a tendon or something."

Damn, I'm hot to do this now. It felt fantastic having my dick in his ass. Neither of us can think of what to say next until he mumbles, "Do you think we should try it again?"

Yes, I do!

"Um, only if you want to, Barns. As I've said twenty times, we don't need to do this tonight. We're going to be gay buddies from now on, so we can try it again tomorrow, for example, or next week. Whenever, ya know?"

He shrugs, then says, "No, I'd like to try it again right now if it's okay with you. I know what to expect now, and since you said nothing is broken or ripped in my ass, let's try it again."

Oh good! Pretending, I say, "No, let's not. I don't feel right trying it again. It hurts you too much."

Looking at me, he goes, "Please, I'm okay, Gary. Plus, I'm unlikely to find someone to try it with who has a smaller, um, I mean, a more perfect dick than yours for my first time."

Goddamit! Seriously?

Defensively, I say, "Are you blind? I mean, didn't you notice the size of all the guys' dicks when you showered after gym class for four 'effing years? My dick isn't small; compared to a lot of the other guys' penises, mine is a little above average!"

Snickering, looking at my limp dick, he goes, "It's not totally small, no. I was breaking your balls a little, Gary, kidding around. I meant, um, you don't have an enormous dick like some of those animals I saw in the shower. That's all I meant."


Still pouting a little bit, I mutter, "Well, my less-than-enormous dick shouldn't hurt all that much then, should it?"

He shrugs, and I calmly say, " Um, I guess, turn around and get like you were before. No, wait, my dick is soft now, so..."

So, I don't know what to do because my soft dick has whatever they put inside condoms all over it now.

Sounding excited, Barns says, "Oh, I'll be happy to suck on it for you. I liked doing that."

Pulling off the condom, I say, "Oh, okay, but there's some powder or something from the condom on my penis. I'll try wiping it off," and then look around for something to wipe my dick with. "Um, are there wipes or tissues in the car?"

He nods, "In the glove compartment, there's a travel-size pack of Kleenex, I think."

I toss the first condom out the window, then lean over the passenger seat as far as I can and open the glove compartment. Moving things around, I find the small pack of Kleenex. Bringing the pack with me, I settle back, sitting next to Barns, mumbling, "Good," and use a tissue to wipe my dick, saying, "It still might initially taste funny, but um...."

I don't want to make too big a deal about this because I'm kind of anxious to feel his mouth on my dick again. He does it really well.

It's a tight fit again, but Barns gets on his knees in between my legs and picks up my dick, looks up at me with a grin on his face, saying, "It's funny, but I knew I'd like sucking cock from watching videos, but I like it even more than I thought I would."

I nodded encouragingly at him, then whatever was on the inside of the condom didn't appear to bother Barns at all as he clamped his lips-covered teeth on my dick, his tongue swirling around the head as he stroked up and down on my dick using his thumb and forefinger. As soon as he got my dick firm enough, he bobs up and down on it, the head plugging into his throat, with me muttering, "Ah, ah," lifting my ass off the seat, a hand on either side of me.

Probably feeling more confident now, Barns is rougher with his blowjob technique, not realizing he's going down on my hardening penis at different angles and pulling on it. However, it's effectively getting the job done just the same. My dick gets hard as stone, and his sucking and licking quickly get me close to climaxing as I pull hard on a fistful of his hair, "That's enough, Barns. Gawd, I'm going to cum in your mouth any second now!"

I'm shaking my hand to get off a few random hairs I pulled out of his head accidentally. Barns takes my boner from his mouth, then strokes it, muttering, "I guess that's as big as it's going to get." He lets go of it and rustles around, getting back on the seat.

My boner is sticking straight out from my groin as I take a deep breath, not even caring that he insulted the size of my dick again because it felt so good the rough way he sucked it. Man, next time, I'm letting him suck me totally off!

As I take another deep breath looking at my hard boner, Barns asks, "Do you want me to get another condom?"

My dick is so hard it doesn't move when I'm sitting further back in the seat. "Huh, what was that?"

"A condom, Gary? Are they in your pants, or...?"

"Yeah," and I pull my pants off the back of the driver's seat where I tossed them earlier. As I go into the pocket for the condom pack, I ask, "Are you as comfortable being naked as you appear to be? Not everyone is."

He nods, "Yes, I like being naked. In my bedroom, I always strip down. I could easily be a happy nudist. How about you?"

Rolling on a new condom, I need to hold my breath so as not to gasp at how good it feels wearing a condom. I think I accidentally got the smallest size of condoms they make. Then, shuddering a little at how good my boner feels, I mutter, "I've never thought about being a nudist, but I do like being naked, so..."

Nodding, he mumbles, "Should I get in a position like I was before with my ass up?"

Pushing myself up off the seat, "Huh? Um, yeah, just like before, whatever. And, ah, I'll go really slow this time."

He leans over the bucket seat, the top of his head against the back of the seat, his feet on the floor with his ass pushed up. Wow, that looks so invitingly sexy. It's a wordless invitation if I've ever seen one.

Even though he'd like me doing it, I resist the urge to smack his ass again and, instead, guide my boner in between his semi-flat butt cheeks, such as they are, and then the head of my cock is against his anus, his asshole; the roadblock.

Oh, wow, without much pressure, the head of my boner goes in easier this time. Ha! His hole hadn't fully closed after our first try at this. Even so, Barns' apparently tightened all the muscles in his body as he grunted, "Ow, oh, ahh." It wasn't a scream this time, though.

I murmur, "Relax," and push my boner in slowly but only about an inch.

He doesn't relax, though, so I wait, then remember to softly rub my hands on his back and shoulders, murmuring, "Does it feel good yet?"

"Yes, I think it is feeling okay, but I have this odd sense I need to take a shit while, at the same time, I'm going to cum."

Not knowing what to say about that, I ignore it and push my boner into his rectum, another inch, maybe, and that turns into two inches before I can stop to bite my lip, avoiding an embarrassing moan. Omigod, it feels good!

Then I realize my fingers are gripping his hips too tightly, so I loosen the grip and lightly rub up his ribs, feeling each rib as I move upward, then down, mumbling encouragingly, "Feels good, doesn't it, Barns?"

"Not good, no! It hurts, but not as bad as last time. Are you sure nothing is getting ripped up there?"

He does not have a miracle rectum, obviously; we've established that, plus he's a bit of a complainer. I mutter, "Nothing is getting ripped," and push by boner in another inch or so. I'm getting close to his buttocks, so I lean in and finish the trip up his ass. He screeches, "Stop, it hurts."

Sorry about hurting him, but I can't believe how good it feels to have my dick inside his body. I can't describe the sensation of pleasure; there's a kind of pleasure on a number of levels. There's, I don't know, a sense of dominance, too, I guess. Also, it's a special thing to share another guy's body sexually. I also have the sense I'm helping a gay brother discover his sexual preference while he's inadvertently helping me discover mine. That is a hot trip itself, or perhaps a slight rationalization.

So far, Barns doesn't appear to be thrilled about taking it up the ass, while I'm discovering I'm hugely in favor of fucking him up the ass. Why did I ever think I wouldn't like it? I still can't imagine doing it with either Billy or Pat, and I'll need to think why that's so some other time. Right now, I ask, "Is it feeling any better, Barns?"

His body isn't as stiff now, which is encouraging. He mutters, "It still doesn't feel good, per se, but not especially bad either. Your dick feels as if it's ten times as big as I know it to be, so that's really strange. That's freaking me out a little, and when exactly is it supposed to start feeling really good?"

He's a complainer and a whiner! Taking a deep breath but sounding nice, I say, "Soon, it will feel fantastic. Don't you feel me humping against your buttocks, my hard dick fully inside your awesome body?"

I assumed he'd be surprised to learn I was fully inside him, but he didn't have anything to say about it. And he doesn't have anything approaching an awesome body either, but ya know, what's the harm in saying he does?

Should I start pulling my dick back, though? I don't know, so I wait a little longer until he murmurs, "Gee, all of a sudden, it doesn't hurt now, Gary. Um, you can start fucking me if you want. Let's try."

My dick has never felt better, but this experience has lost its shine. Barns complaining so much, ya know? My normal inclination is to blame myself, assuming I'm a crappy guy/guy, but in this case, Barns and his complaining are more to blame for screwing up this fucking around among friends more than I'm to blame.

Then remembering it's not all about me, I dedicate myself to helping him get through this, either successfully or something less than that.

"Okay, hang on, Barns, I'm pulling my slightly above-average-size boner back now."

I start doing that but stop almost immediately when Barns yells, "Something sort of went pop! Or no, maybe something just moved around inside me, but in a good way this time. Omigod, it feels so much better now. I think my bowels got untangled or something."

I didn't feel anything, but so what? He thinks something has changed for the better, so things are looking up. Well, they'd have to look up as they couldn't be looking down much from what we've accomplished thus far.

Hesitantly pulling my boned-up dick back, half expecting another scream from Barns, but only hearing a weak, "Ow, oh, yeah, mmm. It feels better, but your boner still feels so big!"

Small dick, my ass! I don't rub it in, though. Instead, I murmur, "Feeling better, huh? That's awesome, Barns!"

"Actually, I'm not sure how it feels, Gary. It's such, um, a different sensation than, you know, taking a crap. Um, but thanks for being so patient with me."

It's a damn good thing my dick feels so good doing this, or I'd probably bag the whole thing. It's not as if he's enjoying it. I'm certainly not getting the sexual unimaginable thrill, the tidal wave of arousal I get from fucking with Billy, and to a lesser degree, with Pat. With those guys, my entire body and mind are alive with pleasure sensations, but maybe even more significant is the thrill in my mind of doing it with guys I consider extraordinarily sexy hot, special, and exceptionally desirable. Barns is, well, not like that.

Yeah, but I'm realizing that being the top guy, while a bit stressful, also has some pretty friggin' enticing aspects to it. I imagine it'd be even more so with a girl/guy who doesn't have a defective rectum, as I'm beginning to think Barns has. Yes, I'm pretty sure I could get to like the top position. No, not as much as the alternate one, but as a backup for casual messing around with gay friends.

Meanwhile, my boner is mostly out of Barns' ass, and, looking back at me, he seems surprised, murmuring, "Gary, ah, it's starting to really feel good." He said that as if he couldn't believe it. Then he sort of shivers, adding, "Yeah, you were right. Omigod, I can't exactly describe it, but, damn, it feels good in some, um, unique way."

Nodding, and now reinvigorated, I go, "I told you," sounding to my ears like Billy and Pat, who were always saying, 'I told you' to me.

He smiles, "Okay, push that huge dick of yours back up my ass, and let's see what happens."

Not wanting to press my luck too far, I do it, but even more slowly this time and hear only a whiny, "Oh, ow! Wait! No, go on; it was a false alarm."

Fortunately, I am a patient guy, so I stop, then start again, and he goes, "Mmm, feels good! Oh man, I knew it would!" I hump it up and back as Barns mutters, "Oh boy, I'm smiling now, like the models online when they're taking it up the ass."

Well, okay, finally. Then, pulling my dick back, my shoulders shudder on their own at the awesome sensations coming off my hard dick. Damn! Nice! Maybe I can stop worrying about Barns and concentrate on the hot sensations I'm experiencing... finally.

My hips smoothly push my cock back up his ass and pull it back as if I've done this a million times. Well, it's not rocket science, and even if it was, rocket science can't compare with how good this feels.

After a half dozen smooth back-and-forth tight thrusting, and without hearing complaints from Barns, I pick up the speed and get into a rhythm of pure pleasure, my eyes closing and thoughts of Barns' situation dropping a couple of levels below the thoughts of my own indescribable pleasure. It's very different from being the girl/guy. Now my hard penis is the total focus, plus there's that slightly delicious feeling of dominance I noticed earlier.

Still surprised at how tight his hole is and how fantastic that feels on my boner, I find myself thrusting not only faster but harder, and each thrust makes the 'Slap' sound now as I smack off his flattish buttocks. Two, three, then four minutes of incredible sexual pleasure, then, without thinking about it, I use my open palm to smack his ass, then shorten my thrusts so the 'Slap, slap, slap' sound happens faster.

Barns' body gets stiff as he groans, "I'm going to cum," and his hips hump as he makes a breathy yelp with his cum shot streaking out, hitting the back of the left back seat, 'Splat!'.

He's stroking his cock like mad as my climax roars onto the scene, taking over my world. Five seconds later, we're both making embarrassing squealing moans, heated pleasure flooding from my electrified penis, then spreading out indescribably all over me as I shudder, then step back, bumping into the back of the front bucket seat.

Stunned, my pecker almost out of Barns' ass, fireflies in my vision, I ram my boner back up his ass and hump his ass in more-or-less an out-of-control manner for thirty seconds before realizing he's slumped on the seat shaking, his cock in his fist under him, moaning. "Ah, ah, ah," with each thrust.

My eyes wild, I get hold of myself and slow down for two more thrusts, then pull my dick out and stare at Barn's wide-open asshole, all shiny with lubricant from the condom. Holy shit, did I do that?

Neither of us says anything for half a minute or so, then Barns, letting go of his dick, using both hands, slowly pushes up off the seat, his feet bumping mine as he turns around and smiles, saying, "Oh boy, wow! That was the best climax I've ever had."

My dick, still in the condom, droops to the side, quickly losing its boner status as I nod stupidly. Quickly, though, his words register, and a feeling of equal parts relief and joy flows over me. Oh, good, I did that okay!

Grinning, he mutters, "Say something, Gary."

I go, "You're getting lubricant on that bucket seat that will be hard cleaning off, and your cum shot is running down the back of the seat."

Leaning forward, he looks back at his drooling cum, then mutters, "I don't care," and he reaches over to pull off my condom. Holding it up, he mumbles, "I'll bet it would feel crazy good if the gooey cum in this condom was inside my ass. Have you felt your boyfriend's cum in your ass? I'll bet you have!"

He's ballsy enough to ask that? Seriously?

Like Billy, who asked me this same question, I ask, "Are you telling the truth? You've never messed around with guys before, seriously? You took to everything like, um, a duck takes to water, as if you've routinely done it all before."

Shaking his head and still grinning, he throws the condom out the window and says, "I took to everything like a hot knife through butter, didn't I? But no, I'm telling the truth; this was my first time for all of it. It went so well because I studied the gay videos, and everything has turned out as good or better than I thought it would. It's all thanks to you and your, um, perfect size penis."

Huh, he thinks this all went so well? Seriously? But he's giving me the credit just like me when I gave all the credit to Billy. But, unlike me, after Billy fucks me, Barns hasn't said anything about making out or buddying up.

Well, I don't want to do that either, but then, I'm not in love with Barns. Far from it. I never buddied up with Pat afterward, either. That right there is the difference, one of the differences, between messing around with a gay friend and messing around with the guy you're in love with.

I'd stupidly put the tissues back in the glove compartment earlier, so, leaning over the back of the passenger bucket seat again, I get the small package of tissues from the glove compartment, take one to wipe my cum covered dick, and pass the package to Barns, telling him, "At least try wiping the lube from the seat you're sitting on, and especially wipe off your cum from the back of the seat."

I slide over and sit on the other bucket seat, giving room for Barns to stand up and do what he's told, which he does, mumbling, "Neither of my parents sits back here. They won't notice a stain. If they do, I'll tell them I spilled soda or a soda exploded or something."

Shrugging, why should I care if he doesn't? After a few swipes at the wet spots on the seat, he sits on it again, saying, "I'm still confused about the messing around part of what we did, but the fuck was so cool, so hot, Gary. I can hardly wait to do that part again."

Feeling pretty good about myself, feeling better about everything by the minute, I say, "Well, as you're aware, I've got a boyfriend, and normally, we spend a lot of time together, but I can probably help you out doing it again when I have some free time. As far as messing around goes, I've already explained that, so I'm assuming you're just breaking my balls again."

He goes, "Only a little bit. Anyway, when exactly do you think we can do it again?"

Seriously, no joke, I'd like to know what the hell happened to the shy Todd I used to know. This Barns version of Todd isn't the least bit shy.

I go, "Um, maybe tomorrow, but I'm not sure. Hey, isn't there someone else you'd like to mess around with? I mean, not that I don't want to do it with you because I do, but..."

He nods, "Oh yeah, I have the hots for my college roommate from Penn, except he lives in Michigan, so I'm anxious to have you do it with me again. I don't think anyone could do it better, and, ha-ha, if you explain what you mean by messing around, I'll do that too."

"Okay, Barns, I'm ignoring your snarky comment about messing around because I already told you it's semantics. Messing around, kissing, blowjobs, fucking with a gay buddy; it's all messing around."

He goes, "Yeah, but why not save yourself the trouble of including the words messing around? They're redundant, right?"

Brainiacs can complicate anything. I say, "Whatever." Then, to break his balls a little, I ask, "Um, have you had enough messing around for one night?"

He laughs, then goes, "No, not really. Could we mess around fucking again?"

That's like me with Billy. I mean, how many times have I asked Billy for more? But no, I've had enough of doing it with Barns tonight.

"I've got work tomorrow, Barns. I need to get home, but text me and invite me to mess around with you, and if I can, I will. It's been great reconnecting with you."

He starts pulling his underpants on, saying, "You too, Gary, especially this kind of reconnecting. I loved all your great, um, messing around," and he chuckles.

Smirking, I mutter, "Now, you're getting into the proper messing around terminology."

We both get dressed, and Barns remembers to turn the car's lights on and drives us off the parking lot without running into anything. On the way to my car, he talks excitedly about all our messing around tonight. And he says 'messing around' much more often than necessary, making us both laugh.

Then, at my car, we bump fists. He says, "Thank you for everything, Gary. You've been perfect, and I appreciate it more than I can say. I'll be texting you every day."

I muss his hair again, with him leaning his head toward me this time, grinning. So, yeah, I'm his guy/guy, and he's my girl/guy, although he can be a smart ass at times. I don't mind, though, and I think I did pretty good topping for the first time.

Later, in bed, there's a lot to think about. I mean, wow, I was the top guy fucking a gay friend! That isn't something I'd spent any time contemplating doing prior to tonight, but now I'm glad I did it. If I hadn't accidentally sent that bogus text to Todd, it never would have happened. Maybe it never would have happened with him anyway if he wasn't so insistent, and maybe it would never have happened for me with anyone ever. Who knows?

It did happen, though. So, what did I learn? It's given me a whole new perspective about messing around fucking, that's for sure. Totally different experience from being the girl/guy bottom, although the end result is the same.

Yeah, but was it the same? Not really, because while my climax was a really good one, certainly better than those I get from jerking off, it didn't compare to the sexual heat, the rolling thunder of arousal I feel when climaxing after being fucked by Billy. Or by Pat, for that matter.

That's mostly because, like Barns, my preferred position is the girl/guy bottom. My reduced sexual excitement about topping Barns is also probably a result of my lack of sexual interest in him. Not his fault, of course; he simply doesn't light my fire, so to speak. I like him fine, although I think I liked him better when I knew him as Todd. He grew up some during his freshman year at college; gained a bunch of confidence too.

All that being said, I'll definitely help out Barns again, um, repeatedly, should he invite me to more opportunities. Mostly, however, I'm anxious for Wednesday night when Billy and I are together again. Meanwhile, there's tomorrow night, Tuesday night. Hmm, I wonder what Pat's doing tomorrow night?

Then I wondered if my lunch buddy at work, Mark, was right about me getting more sex than most guys. And because of that, is it possible that I'm bordering on slutty behavior in that regard? That's my last thought Monday night before drifting off to death's cousin... deep asleep.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 39

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