Irish Charm

By John Byrne

Published on Oct 13, 2013


Chapter 2: For Your Hands Only

This story is fictional. Over 18/21s depending on your jurisdiction, Feedback to

School was always a quiet place, never too interesting. But as an all-boys place, there was always plenty to see, and plenty to quietly stare at as they passed by in the hallways. I had a close few friends (some that came to be a lot closer than others, but that was another story...). We used to sit in the back of the classroom, doing nothing more than laughing, taking the complete piss out of one another.

None in the class knew my desires for their young attractive figures, and that was always for the better. It was clear some of them were gay, or at least attracted to their fellow pupils, but most would never act. Boyish taunts of groping breasts or getting a finger or two in the most intimate areas that was their final accomplishments. Arrogance begat most of them, but there was one, a special one. That got the better of me.

His name was Michael, but Micky to all the others. A tallish fellow, one too fool hardy in class never to not be the centre of attention. But for all the trouble he called, in his arrogant adolescence, it was clear he was much brighter than all his working class friends. With high cheek bones, a slim lithe built with light brown hair that highlighted in winter; he was the centre of attention for the few that were attracted to their other men.

His build was due to his dedication to soccer, training every evening with the match on the Sunday. At the age of 16 he was made captain for the underage 18 team, simply because of the hours he put in. When not at home studying, or working hard in the classroom (messing) he was out at the pitches coaching the younger ones, and supporting those that wanted to improve their game. To be truthful, there was never an opportunity for our social circles to meet, until he was forced to sit down beside me in the lab one day, because of his threat of his failure.

His father was a successful man that demanded the best for his child.

"Just help me through until the end of the year", he had demanded in a brash attitude, "Then I'll leave you alone."

"Fine, I remarked, more so out of the better intention of my heart, although it was good to get someone to sit beside me so attractive. For the first few days, the relationship was awkward, but it was easy to see why. He spent his social hours out on the streets, causing innocent adolescence throughout the otherwise quiet town.

I knew from others that there was easy lays in that social community, young lads easily taking advantage of women their age. But he was different; he never dabbled in the easy lays, even if his home was empty. He would follow their stupid jokes, and make the crude insults like the rest of them.

He was crude in his writings, in his sitting stance at the front of the class. To put it otherwise I was called a nerd, an individual noticed more so for his intelligence rather than his looks or physical skills. But more than one person had labelled me "cute", and over time I figured he warmed to me, at least humbly.

Within a few weeks, he no longer carried the frown anytime he had to sit beside me. Instead of keep his head straight, the boy would turn and occasionally smile. He was now more content to be in my presence, even if he didn't want his "real" friends knowing about it.

"Can I borrow a pen?" he asked in class one day. Usually I wouldn't give one away, because most of the time you never got it back. I guess this was the first signal of his trust.

"Yeah, no bother", I said before ruffling through my bag to give one to him.

"Here", I said, offering it to him, rather than throwing it at him as I think I would.

"Thanks", he said, before brushing his hand against mine. It was soft, smooth as if had just freshly washed that morning.

I looked at him directly, and he just blushed deeply. Unusual. I should have said something juvenile, but I didn't. I knew it would really annoy him. Besides, there was much more to be dealt with, exams and all coming up.


That particular year, a number of games had been employed through the narrow architecture of that run down school to keep the minds entertained during the long lunch hours. "Gay Chicken" was not one of the more common games played, but it was the epitome of straightness, and immature laughter anytime it was played. I noticed Mikey would distance himself any time the games were played, and instead direct the conversation back to soccer, rugby or something else that would relax him.

If not, his head would bow, and he would let those around him distance themselves into a shadowy cove around the corner from the major schoolyard. Eventually, most of his friends were asked to play the game, just to see if any of them would ever bother to meet on the lips. Of the dozen or so of his friends that played, he later told me that he was sure none of them ever got within two inches of meeting, lip to lip.

Still, his desire not to get involved in the games turned a few heads in the corridor. For one of the boys usually the centre of attention, eyes flexed as he walked so innocently along the hallways. "Queers" were not allowed to play the game. Such were people not merely thought to be gay, but others that would be victims of bullying by the brutes that ruled the corridors.

Another infantile prank was planned was for two of the boys to grab a boy by behind, then a third to merely approach him from the front. A gentle flick of his crotch, through the thin grey slacks while he was still struggling was as sexual as it was humorous, leaving the boys with a tale they could slag one another off with.

Of course, Mikey was never one to try and get himself involved. Rather he excused himself from the rest of his friends anytime they would try such "Rough games" with any of the younger students. Perhaps it was the inner intimacy that grabbing crotches really provided, but it was clear that he couldn't get involved as much as his friends wanted him too.

"I'm not doing it", he stubbornly told to the ringleader of his group of friends as they had planned to go grab one of the guys in the junior year that they liked others, to see if they could get him to admit what he wanted.

The boy wasn't gay, he was just a little odd, but still they dragged him to the disused shed at the back of the schoolyard and bet the living crap out of him, with the same contempt as if he was. Mikey didn't condone their actions, but neither did he prevent them to stop either.

"That's their decision", he said to me once when I questioned him about it. But anytime I asked about his social life, he would turn away or change the subject. My hours with him were purely academic so he could improve his grades for the final exams the next year. There was nothing else for it. Still his mood improved around me for the remainder of that academic term. So much so, that some of the teachers noticed, and they had me sitting beside him in half of our joined classes by the end of the year. To be honest, it was clear he was bright for the hour or two we had together, even if it was just for the juvenile commentaries two seventeen year olds could have.

One Monday morning he came in quite early to our Chemistry class, but said nothing. He was in a dark mood, more nervous than depressed or sad. Anger was his usual feeling If he lost a football match, and regret if he found himself hung-over after a late night drink in the nearby fields, so I knew it was something a lot more troubling.

"What's up with ya?" I tried to ask him, without pushing him too much.

"Nothing", he said before throwing his book on the table, and waiting for the teacher to come in.

"Whatever", I said, letting him to gloom if that's what he wanted. Either he would want to talk about later or he wouldn't bother. For the first twenty minutes of the class, he just sat around fidgeting before grabbing my arm under the desk.

"There's something I want to talk to you about, after the class", he said. I just nodded, before turning back to the teacher. She was always a complete bitch, and anything out of place would lead to a few words of trouble and perhaps a penalty, even the more easily to pick up on the front row of the class.

During the brief recess between double classes, there were a few minutes the bitch would sneak out for a cigarette, to try and keep her frame tight and firm.

"She has a nice arse, doesn't she? he said to me one morning, just as she had bent over to pick up some chalk. I just nodded, knowing that she would obviously disapprove since I had more interest in the guy in front of me.

As she stepped outside, and the boys behind us began talking about the matches at the weekend, he looked at me with worry.

"I'm in trouble", he said honestly.

"Why?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to lose him to his dark moods again.

"It's just... the lads..., well they want to do something, that well... I don't honestly think would be funny."

"Like Gay Chicken or something?" I asked jokingly, not knowing at that time that those games really got to him.

"Yeah. Well that, and maybe more. I heard them talking about this morning when I came in. It's probably going to happen at the break or during lunch".

"Get over it man, It's not that big of a deal", I said. "I've been the target it, so have most of the lads in the room. They just jump you for a moment, then they might grape your balls, laugh at ya, then move on. That's all there is to it".

"Yeah, but I don't want them too. Really..."

"Then why don't you just tell them not too, they're your mates..."

"Because they don't listen, none of them do when it comes to stuff like this".

"Well, I don't know, what do you want me to do? It's not like they will stop if I go up and tell them to"

"No, but there might be another way that you can help" he said before beginning to explain his plot to try and just evade them, at least until the lunchtime bell.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Just go and annoy them, or go with a few of your friends, and keep their attention. Or better yet, just tell them someone else called them wankers or something."

"I'll think about it" I said just as the teacher came back into the room. Despite our developing relationship, I still didn't see him as a level of a friend to do anything he said without some merit for me.

I forgot about the conversation as soon as the mid-morning break came. Although it left him in a truly awkward decision, in the long term it strengthened our relationship, even if he wasn't ever going to admit it.


I went and bought a cheap snack in the school cafeteria with another one of my mates, a taller blond guy called Kyle. As Far as what Micky was going through, that was his issue. Since he never bothered to tell me about "those" mates, I didn't bother to consider whatever their trouble with him was. Most of the break went quietly; the place was packed as it usually was. Micky and his usual group of mates were nowhere to be seen, but I took no notice of it, neither did any of us.

After downing a small carton of milk, I realised I need to take a piss, but the only available toilets were the other end of the school.

"I'll see you lads later", I said to my mates, before pushing past the small queue was around the cafeteria waiting for to get their orders.

Passing through the small corridors, I noticed a small crowd that had gathered at the end of the lockers. It was a few lads from my year, along with a lot more seniors. I heard a familiar voice, of a lad complaining to those around him.

"Just get off me, "he shouted, but it was drowned out by the immature lads laughing. One of the largest guys in the school, about6 foot two was standing behind Micky, and taken bought his hands and locked them together behind him, leaving the boy exposed to the minstriations of his "so-called friends"

"Get off me", Mikey roared again, ever more desperate to break free. The other lads just laughed, thinking of nothing sincere of his attempts to break free. For the first time in his eyes, I saw fear, deep fear that he was about to be embarrassed, that some secret was about to be exposed.

A fit looking 17 year old, red hair leader of the group, stood out from the growing crowd. With a steely determination in his hands, he approached Mikey with a wicked smirk on his face.

"Time to find out what you really like Mikey boy. It's been a bit obvious that you didn't want to get this. A few of us have been wondering if you really liked it, a bit too much to be letting on".

"What are you talking about?" he spluttered out, struggling a lot more as he approached.

"We all think you're a fan, and by the worried look on your face, and the absence of any real woman in your life, I wouldn't be beyond it".

"What the fuck is that to do with anything?" he shouted again.

"Well, if you are mate, then there is definitely something you should be worried about..." he said before approaching him.

"I'm not, sure how long have I known you?"

"Long enough, but don't worry too much Mikey. Everyone else here has passed. Just stop struggling, and enjoy. But not too much".

"Stop man, please", he said before reaching his hand out to reach for his crotch. "Uh", Mikey tried to feign in the pleasure he was getting, even if it was just a simple rub in the middle of his school hallway. Part of him wanted to give into it, but he knew that if he didn't stop struggling his "straight" reputation around the school would be destroyed, and that wasn't something worth living without.

For about ten seconds, he found the feeling arousing; the deep massage of one of the lads he thought was his friends. Far longer than any of the rest. Worse of all was the signs of a growing member in his tight pants, that most of the closer lads could see.

He tried reaching his legs out, in a vain attempt to stop those around him from seeing the deep enjoyment he was getting. The red head had confirmed exactly what he wanted, even if it would be difficult to prove to others. Of those that were standing at the front, listening to the mixture of pleas and moans to stop, a few uttered "Fags", before walking out, too uncomfortable to notice.

I stood in the back of the crowd barely able to see. Soon he gave up, and just waited for it to be over. The sneers and shouting over his voice covered the stern footsteps of the principal who was annoyed at the large gathered that developed in the central school hallway.

"What is going on here?" he bellowed, before causing the crowd to begin to disperse. This mild scene of exhibitionism was now over. The redhead stopped massaging the sizable lump, but his smirking continued, knowing that he had embarrassed the boy more than he had planned. He would tell them later, but for now knew that he was definitely not the straight man the rest of the friends thought he was.

Mikey moaned as he was dropped on the ground. I looked back at him, with a little pity, and noticed a slight spot around his crotch, where he had begun to drip pre-cum from the initial stimulation. Lifting himself up, he pushed himself down to the boys bathroom, trying to cover himself as his went. Calmly, I followed him, and let him disappear into one of the urinals before going to the urinal to have a decent piss. There was only one other boy there, but soon he had left. After washing up, I turned to the single cubicle that had a shut door and whispered into it gently.

"Hi Mikey, are you alright?"

"Who is that? he barked gently,

"It's me man, relax," I tried to say softly, not wanting to grab the attention of any of the other guys there.

"Oh ok", he said recognising my voice. "What are you doing here anyway, just to try and embarrass me even more", he added still weary from anyone.

"No, Look I came to see if you are alright. That wasn't a real nice thing for them to do, any of them"

"Nice? They're a shower of cunts, all of them. I thought they were my mates, all of them But they're not".

"Here, open the door," I asked kindly. "Let me in".

"I... I... can't"

"Just does it man? I was there when it happened, and saw it all. Believe me (I said truthfully), you have no reason to be embarrassed".

"Fuck", he said. "Okay, just hold on", he said before standing up. I heard him scramble with his pants, and the belt he was wearing, before pushing up the door.

"Here, "he said, pulling me quickly into the cubicle and forcing me onto the toilet. He slammed the door shut, and said, "What am I going to do?" he complained, pointing down at the large lump and wet spot on his grey slacks.

"I don't know", I said, but really knew there was only one thing he could do. It was clear that he was struggling, both physically and mentally, whether he should drop his pants. "IF you're going to have a pull, then I think it would probably be better if I left, that's your thing. I reached up my hand, to try and push past him, but he pushed me back, causing me to slip and slam down onto the toilet.

"No, you can't go... you can't go", he said with something more than desperation in his eyes.

"I'm not going to tell anyone", I said honestly, "You're... me... secret..." I said looking down at his now full erection crammed into his pants, "Is safe with me".

"That's not it..." he said desperately. "I can't go back to class like this,"

"Well that's up to you," I responded, "I'm sure more than one of the female teachers wouldn't mind that"

"Shut up, would ya and come up with something. You're supposed to be the smart one aunt ya?"

"Yeah, but I don't go spending all that time for situations like that".

"Look man just thinks, please, for me".

"Okay, well for me then", he said grabbing my hand."

"Hmm... I said," trying to avoid his eye contact. "Okay., " I said, "the easiest thing to do would be just to skip the first few minutes of the next class, do whatever here and go back up/ I'll cover for you if you want. As for that stain, just pour some water from the tap over it, there isn't much else I can say."

"Wait" he said again, grabbing my hand as I tried to reach out. "This might sound a little... odd, but is there any chance, that well, you could help me out?"

"Help you out?" I said, puzzled.

"I don't know, just stay here for a minute or two, and keep the exit clear." My dick stirred initially, hoping that he wanted more.

"Grand," I said, "but then I really have to go. Class and all.

"Thanks," he said, the first bit of luck he had all day, "But please stay."

After a few more minutes a few people came in. I just nodded and waited in the corner, checking briefly through my phone. The rumbling and scratching from the inside of the cubicle made it clear that he had begun having a decent tug. His voice trembled, but as the time passed there weren't any moans to sense an oncoming gratification.

Suddenly, the bell rang. Feet shuffled from the hallway to the classroom.

"Fuck", Mikey moaned before calling out. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah, I am", before he opened the door, just inches for his eyes to poke through.

"Please... please..." he uttered before opening the door slightly ajar. "Come here," he said, "I need your help..."

"What is it?" I said, now fed up with what he was doing. I was about to get into trouble for what he was doing.

"Come in here," he said again.

"No, I said, "I'm leaving." With a sudden haste, he pulled open the door, and what was there stopped me on the spot.

His slacks were around his knees, along with his light blue boxers, and standing proud was a 7. Inch dick completely erects. Surprisingly, he had no pubic hair, and even his ball sack was smooth.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shouted before rushing over to him. My own knob twitched.

"I can't, I just can't get off... like this. I need help. I need your help."

"No way, I said, even though deep down I wanted to do him more so than anyone else.

"Please man, after what's happened. I just need someone else, another hand, anything. Besides, the vibe I'm getting from you might enjoy it as much as me..."

I smirked, knowing he had caught me out, and so pushed him hastily back into the toilet. It was hardly the most intimate place to enjoy one sexually, but it was private, with enough adequate space for both of us to enjoy ourselves."

"IF I do this, if we do this... then no one can know about it". I told him,

"Yeah, whatever man.", he said, before stepping closer to the toilet bowl. "Just please, help me..."

"Okay, but remember you owe me..." I reminded him before shutting the door behind him it was only then did I notice the beauty of his smooth ass, perky from all the years of training, but also tight. Firm, lustful, and a part of his body that I would love to get better acquainted with.

Instead, his rigid dick was looking for attention, and so I pulled myself closer to him and wrapped my arms around his body. Using his own arms as support against the cold walls, his breathe muttered ever closer. He groaned loudly when I carefully took hold of his dick. It was the longest one I had so far encountered, but still I knew exactly what to do.

Calmly I pulled my hand down his dick, pulling gently at the foreskin and with my other hand I began to massage his tight ball sack .His legs began to shutter as I pulled along his tool, slowly at first. But within a few minutes, the pace sped up as he tried ever so faster to get to an intense orgasm.

But as he tried, I slowed down. I wanted to enjoy this as much as he did. In my own pants, my own erection was bustling to get free, but it wasn't the time for that.

Gently I pulled him ever closer, so close that I could smell him. The youthful scent of shower gel, a slight showering of fresh sweat from the pleasure, and his natural scent. As I pulled closer to him, to embrace him, his ass innately pushed back into my crotch. I could feel his soft cheeks unintentionally massaging my erection, causing both of us to groan again.

As he neared his orgasm for the second time, I slowed down again.

"What are you doing?" he moaned, forcing his dick through my soft hand, over and over.

"Well, we're going to get in trouble anyway, may as well let you enjoy it" I said. He was about to try and turn around, but I grabbed his dick harder and began to stroke it even faster, letting him know it was my intention to let him cum all over himself.

"Uh, yeah", he kept moaning, "Keep that up, just keep going", He groaned before pushing himself into my hand, force fucking my palm over and over.

"Your close", I said whispering erotically into his ear, before taking a nip at his ear. HE groaned at this, and forced his fit body back against mine, wanting more than either of us could have, for now.

"AH yeah man, I can feel it, I can feel it, I'm going to cum," he squirmed, shaking with the impending orgasm. I pulled him harder, more intense wanting nothing more than to get this young stud off. I kept pulling, but just as he was about to reach his pinnacle, I could hear sharp steps coming down the hallway and into the toilet.

"Shit, that must be the principal", I moaned before trying to stop this intense wink.

"No, no" he groaned, "I'm close, too close", Mikey groaned before grabbing his own dick after I let go of it.

"Fuck it", I thought, before pushing his own hand out of the way, and grabbed back the dick. Using the soothing pre jazz, I continued to massage his long dick before hearing the footsteps coming into the toilets. Mikey continued to groan, but with the impending release, I had to get him to stop, and there was only one way that I could get him to shut up.

Grabbing the back of his head, I turned it to his right, and forcefully kissed him on the lips. He responded immediately, the sexual tensions now ever too strong, and he forced his tongue into my mouth. As our tongues battled, he lost it as he continued to fuck his dick into my hand.

The first two shots hit the small window in front of us; the next four went into the toilet. He continued to fuck his dick into my hand for another few strokes, before trying to pull back away. I let him go, and he pushed back before realising what he had done. Groaning, he quickly tried to stuff away his still semi erect dick into his pants.

"I'm not... I'm not..."

"Just shut up", I said to him before ripping some toilet paper to clean up the sticky mess he left in my hand. "This was just a "Favour from one lad to another, is that clear?"

"Yeah", he said before shoving past me and out into the larger bathroom. The principal was now long gone, but there was a new problem. A sense of awkwardness between both of us.

I tried to will my own erection to go down, but there was little chance of it. Despite the cramped circumstances, that was the hottest session in my young life. (Deep down, I wanted more).

"Still, we need to talk about this again?"

"Yeah, whatever", he said wearily, before zipping up his pants, confused with what just happened. "I got to go, both of us do", he said "I'll see you later".

"Fine", I said, hoping that I hadn't ruined what we had going on. It had been good, better than some of my other mates.

I waited two minutes, then crept out, and looked quietly at the clock on the far wall. It was nearly half past. I went looking for my bag and then just waited; it was too late to go back to class. Evading the principal was the last thing on my mind. Still I slipped into the next class, without anyone questioning where I was, but Micky was nowhere to be found.


Down in the toilets, a curious sixteen year old could smell the familiar stench of cum coming from one of the cubicles. Slipping in, he was shocked to see the stains still gently slipping down the wall. Immediately, he got the hardest erection of his own life. Pulling himself out, he began to tuck himself gently, wishing to know who it was who had just been there, five minutes before, so he could have a long hard tuck about them.

Next: Chapter 3

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