Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Jan 3, 2023


Part 4 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

June 2003 ---------

Three weeks had passed since I had joined, no become inducted

into, the "Iroppoi Herususentaa." June was now upon us and Reza

and I were now moving into an apartment provided by the club.

Reza had completely given himself over to the club's programming

techniques. I still fought the programming sporadically--but


Lane Tanaka had coordinated our move and was standing in the

dressing room area of our new apartment. Designed for the club's

bottoms, the apartment's design consisted of a modest entry with a

locked door to a basement sex-playroom and a staircase to two

small bedrooms each with narrow bed, a large communal dressing

room/bathroom and an efficiency-style kitchen.

"We have ten of these," he explained, "each has been customized to

meet our bottom boys' special needs. They are designed to

discourage you from having overnight guests and also to be

slightly uncomfortable so you prefer being at the club."

The apartments were in a row of walk-ups facing the club itself so

proximity was not a problem. "Domo arrigatou goziamsu Tanaka-san,"

I replied in unison with Reza.

"Also, Cody-san and Naiyeer-san I want to leave a very short

document here listing the various training options available to

you over the next two months now that you have the basic course in

your trainer's kink."

Tanaka-san handed the paper to me and left our apartment.

I took the paper and read it:

Iroppoi Herususentaa Training Areas -----------------------------------

Mandatory: Basic submissiveness, Nihongo, Male Sex Partner

Pleasuring (oral, anal, orgasm control, hand jobs, kissing,

hugging, erotic touching, basic massage), Basic Biofeedback (heart

rate, temperature, breath rate control)

Electives: (Pick five points in addition to trainer's interest.)

  • Armpits (0.25)

  • Bondage (1.00)

  • Cock and Ball Torture (1.00)

  • Corporal Punishment (1.00)

  • Dildos (0.50)

  • Enemas (0.25)

  • Exhibitionism (0.75)

  • Fisting (0.75)

  • Food (1.00)

  • Foot Fetish (0.25)

  • Humiliation (0.75)

  • Lactation (1.00)

  • S&M (General) (1.50)

  • Rape (1.00)

  • Romance (0.25)

  • Rough Sex (0.50)

  • Rubber/Latex (0.50)

  • Scat [feces] (0.25)

  • Shaving (0.25)

  • Torture/Interrogation (1.00)

  • Verbal Abuse (0.25)

  • Violence (0.50)

  • Voyuerism (0.50)

  • Watersports [urine] (0.25)

Most subjects have advanced courses of equal or greater point

value. One point value corresponds to one week of hypnotic

training. Many areas require body modifications for full

proficiency. All courses include instructions on performing as

both a top and as a bottom. Only service as a bottom is required

for your employment.

Selections ----------

Reza and I finished reading the list, a virtual what-is-what of

kinky, and not so kinky, sex acts. I did the math and realized

that we each had about four more sessions to finish our respective

initial courses.

I decided to set up my computer and put the more difficult

decisions out of mind. Only a small desk was provided for me to

place my computer on. A small instruction sheet provided

information on accessing the Iroppoi intranet.

I plugged in the provided Ethernet cable and powered up my

machine. The browser was redirected to a page in Nihongo,

Japanese, that at first I could not comprehend. It took a few

minutes for me to figure out how to login as "Boku Cody". I was

then greeted with a detailed calendar of my training sessions and

work schedule.

By clicking the links I could review text notes by Lane Tanaka

commenting on my progress. I noticed a button that loosely read

"Iroppoi Worldwide." A world-map was shown with about seventy club

locations, most in Japan marked on the map.

I clicked on the monitoring tab and was allowed to open a

monitored connection to the normal Internet to review my email at

the law school.

After scanning through the spam, I found an email from my mom

asking if I could come visit her. I forwarded the email to Lane

Tanaka for permission and did not immediately reply.

Reza came in and asked if he could sign up for his electives on

the intranet, I exited the monitored connection and returned to

the main Iroppoi site to review the tops' sexual interests at our

local club:

  • Corporal Punishment

  • Bondage

  • Torture/Interrogation

  • Humiliation

  • Exhibitionism

  • Rubber/Latex

  • Cock and Ball Torture

  • Romance

I decided to go for Exhibitionism, Humiliation, and Rubber/Latex,

as my first two points of electives and Reza selected Cock and

Ball Torture and Turture/Interrogation as his.

By the middle of the week, despite the earlier promises that I

could keep my "day" job, I found myself tendering my resignation

and withdrawing from the law school. I also got my first

completion tattoo for my bondage training. I also told my mom I

was too busy to visit for now.

Freed from the shackles of any regular job, I was now expected to

devote one-hundred percent effort to becoming a better sex slave.

Every morning would soon start with an intensive workout. Then I

would shift to basic sex training issues and finally to the

hypno-elective of the week.

But more immediately, was the second joint escort trip with Reza

and our top's in training: Webster-san and Wolf-san.

Bound in Public ---------------

Saturday we were off-duty until about 1700 when Lane came over to

help me get ready to see Wolf-san.

Lane was carrying a black duffel bag and I felt a strange sense of

foreboding. Lane came into my bedroom and ordered me to strip and

then shut the door. Once I was naked, Lane removed a set of

leather restraints connected by metal chains. The first one was

attached between my cockshaft and my balls. The next two were

affixed to my legs. The chain now connected my legs to my balls.

"Cody-san," Lane said, "walk around a bit to make sure you can do

it quietly." I complied. The cold metal of the chains chilled my

legs and the sensations were awkward, but I could do it quietly. A

neck collar was then attached and the chains for the arms were run

through a loop there before the wrist restraints were attached.

"Walk around a bit more."

I did, it felt even more awkward and now I would have to put on my

tux, sans underpants. Lane opened the bedroom door and let me go

to the common dressing area to hobble around and get myself

dressed. I noticed Lane stroking his hard dick in his pants as he

watched me get dressed. The tuxedo handily concealed the

restraints and Lane then locked them with small padlocks.

"I'll let myself out," Lane said, "oh and Wolf-san will have the


It was 1750 and Reza was still naked. He had spent most of the day

stomach down, red backside in the air trying to recover from a

week of intensive hypnotraining in corporal punishment.

"Reza, get ready," I said, "you don't want to start our escort

evening with a whipping?"

"How much time do we have bondage boy?"

"Ten minutes Reza." He stood up quickly and got dressed. He forgot

his bow tie though.

Movies ------

The limo pulled up and we got in and greeted our respective

masters. Webster-san immediately noticed Reza's failure to be

properly dressed and quickly had him pants down and over his lap

for a savage strapping.

Wolf-san explored my bound body and again checked that I approved

whole-heartedly with Reza's punishment. I did. "This is so hot

Patrick," Wolf-san said as he reached into my pants and gave my

ball-sac a firm tug and I let out a slight moan. Still holding my

balls firmly, Wolf turned to face me in the car and started

kissing me passionately with his tongue while tugging my

restraints from my ball-sac.

The car came to a stop and after a few minutes to allow Reza to

finish dressing we stepped out--at a movie theatre.

Severely overdressed, I felt out of place and suspected Reza did

as well. My discomfort was exacerbated by the difficulty of

walking in my shackled state to the entrance and then into the

theatres where we quickly took a place in the front row for some

random action movie.

The theatre was relatively crowded though nobody was immediately

behind or around us. Once the lights went down, Webster-san took

Reza's dick out for manual stimulation. Wolf-san put me to my

knees and the process was much like the opera.

Reza again blew his load too early. I kept Wolf-san hard, but

without orgasm for the full movie.

In the car, Webster-san announced that Reza's punishment would

wait until we were back at the house. Nonetheless, both of us were

instructed to strip naked in the limo.

The limo pulled up in the back alley behind our apartment. There I

noticed another limo further down the street with naked bottom

boys exiting the car behind tuxedo clad men.

The back door led directly to the play space/dungeon. Wolf-san

ordered me to restrain Reza to a whipping pillory for discipline.

I realized at that moment that Reza's orgasms during the hand jobs

were intentional, programmed responses to better please


Once Reza was secured and Webster-san had begun flogging him, I

was shown a hanging, or floating, table with tie-down hooks

arranged in the shape of a spread out human body arranged on it.

Without prompting, I lay down on the table. Wolf-san handed me a

special leather mask with matching hooks that I put on to myself

and then I waited to be restrained.

Wolf-san first removed the earlier restraints and then started

with the rope. He tied me down to the table by zippering the rope

across my legs up towards my cock and balls, each time it crossed

my body the rope was hooked around the restraint of the table. At

my groin, Wolf-san tied the ropes around my cock and balls leaving

me even more erect.

Then he continued up past my midsection to my shoulders and tied

the ropes down. Almost hopeless, the next set of ropes were worked

up my arms and then to the face mask.

The rope now had to cross my body in at least fifty or more

locations. I was quite secured to the table.

I heard some noises and then felt a hard plastic rod being shoved

into my fuckhole. I struggled slightly and Wolf-san yanked my

nipple hard and ordered me not to make any sounds or struggle.

I complied. Reza's screams were still continuing which did not

bother me in the slightest or distract from the intensity of my

own experience.

The first dildo was removed and then I felt a larger buttplug

enter my ass. The next sensation completely confused me, but I

realized it was Wolf-san's mouth sucking my dick. Restrained and

blindfolded the sensations were overwhelmingly intense.

"Shoot your boy load," Wolf-san ordered and I immediately complied

even though he had stopped sucking my cock. "Good, now take my

dick and make me cum immediately," he said as he rammed his cock

into the hole in the face mask.

It took me one minute to bring Wolf-san to a massive orgasm that

filled the back of my mouth with his hot gism. As he withdrew I

swallowed and heard him walking away.

I noticed then that Reza was no longer crying out in pain and

realized it was probably midnight. Wolf-san's restraints were

quite thorough and it took me about a half hour to free myself.

I found Reza, back bleeding with deep whip marks crying and still

affixed to the whipping pillory.

I helped him down and he was still babbling in Japanese about how

worthless he was for disappointing Webster-san and how deserving

he was of punishment.

I dressed his whip marks with a salve and took him to bed with me

so he was laying on top of me.

Squat Thrust Competition ------------------------

Sunday morning I woke up with Reza on top of me and only vague

memories of my escort duties. I went down to the front door to get

the paper and noticed that the entrance to the playroom had been


I realized then that I did not have a key to the play room. I

picked up the paper and took it upstairs only briefly reflecting

on the fact that Tanaka-san and the other employees of the club

had free access and control over "my" apartment.

Reza spent most of the day resting on his stomach while I studied

the club intranet site to learn about the club. The site was

packed with a tremendous amount of information for employees--I

apparently had a 401k with a company match.

Sunday evening, Lane Tanaka came over and explained that he wanted

to do a competition between William Thompson and myself at the

squat thrusts using club employees as the cocks.

Lane also gave Reza an ointment and commented to me that the

ointment activated the healing agent modifications implanted into

Reza. Ten minutes after the ointment was applied Reza's back

looked smooth as a baby's bottom.

"By the way Cody-san," Lane added, "I really like your elective

choices. Especially, latex, it really goes well with bondage, as

does exhibitionism. Naiyeer-san, yours are quite good too and

again complimentary to corporal punishment."

The next morning I walked out my front door at the same time as

William Thompson. Face to face at the club door for the first

time, he said, "nice to meet you Patrick."

"Likewise William."

"Look," he said, "I only started here about a year ago and started

this whole squat thrust thing and now the tops are crazy for it.

Management knows better than to train all of the bottoms on this,

but you are going to be one well fucked bottom once you are in


"Thanks," I said.

Inside the club, I followed William right to the locker room where

he put on a white jockstrap and I put on a pink one. We then

walked to the training rooms. Inside two employees were sitting on

benches awaiting our asses.

William got right to it giving his employee a quick blow job and

then mounting like he was going to sit on the employee's lap and

beginning to do squats up and down with only his arms to lift him

on and off the employee's cock.

I followed suit and sat down on a complete stranger's cock. It

felt weird and humiliating. But his cock inside me was quite

intense. My arms were burning as I lifted my body up and down

along his cockshaft in steady thrusts. On each up and down motion

I felt the mushroom-like head of the employee's bare cock thrust

along my fuckhole with an electric intensity.

William and I brought our respective employees to orgasm at

exactly the same time and then dismounted. The two employees

instructed us to stay put. Lane Tanaka entered and complemented

both of us and then instructed us to squat the other before

leaving the room.

William made me squat his cock first and used the biofeedback to

make it take almost an hour for me to bring him to orgasm. My arms

were completely burned out when he started to squat me. It was a

fantastic sensation and I paid him back by withholding my orgasm

for a bit longer than an hour.

When we finished, Lane Tanaka re-entered and sent us both about

our normal cardio routines.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 5

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