Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Jan 19, 2023


Part 8 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Iroppoi Tokyo -------------

Clearing customs was a snap and just past customs was a sign

written in the katakana with "Koade" and "Uebusuteru" written on


The young Japanese man carrying the sign led us to a waiting

limousine and then disappeared. Inside the car was a note, also in

Japanese, instructing us to "furumau," meaning loosely to behave.

Despite my training, my bladder was on the verge of exploding when

we arrived at the mid-rise building on the outskirts of Tokyo. The

limo let us out in front of the building and we entered the club.

Much like our US club, the door led to an ornamental area with

minimal seating and a single receptionist.

We were rapidly directed by a Japanese man who did not introduce

himself towards a hidden passage and then down into a basement

holding cell.

There, I stripped naked and relieved myself on the toilet in the

corner of the cell and lay down on the floor mat. Again,

Webster-san was restless, but ultimately curled up next to me and

fell asleep.

The Interview -------------

In the morning Webster-san was guided out of the room first by a

young white male. I was left alone for quite some time before I

was fetched. Two young, naked Japanese males fetched me. Both bore

tattoos that indicated their slavery and employment by the


The smaller of the two grabbed my testicles roughly and yanked on

them to guide me while the larger one cupped my neck from behind

and pushed me along.

Naked, I was marched by my balls to the elevator. Neither boy

spoke to me as we waited for the elevator to come. They placed me

in the center of the elevator and ordered me to "stay" and then

stepped out of the elevator car and walked away.

A few minutes passed before the doors closed and another few

passed before the elevator moved. I was being subtly tested. A

small movement when I had been ordered to stay would be a strike

against me.

I wanted ever so badly to please the Iroppoi and become a fulltime

slave. So I stood obediently. The elevator experience lasted over

an hour with the elevator car apparently randomly moving up and

down through the building and the doors opening and closing as


Finally, the doors opened to the two Japanese slave boys again who

stepped into the car and again forced me out by pulling on my

balls and pushing on my neck. I knew better than to speak.

They guided me to a dark, windowless room lit only with black

lights. A column of light radiated from the center of the room and

they positioned me inside it and again ordered me to stay. They

then left.

Almost instantly, the room began to get colder. Naked, my nipples

responded immediately and then I started to shiver. A fully

clothed, middle-aged, Japanese man entered the room and approached


"Koade-san," he said in Japanese, "welcome to Japan, three simple

rules for your time with me. First, if you hesitate you will be

punished. Second, if you lie you will be punished. Third, if you

speak English you will be punished. Understood?"

"Hai," I responded enthusiastically and without hesitation.

"Good," he said, switching to English as he began to stroke my

cock. "This interview is behavioral. We will verify that you have

the correct attitudes to work as a fulltime slave."

I nodded and allowed my dick to stiffen to full erection.

The interrogator began to fire questions at me in both English and

Japanese at such a rapid pace that I could barely get out a simple

"Hai" or "Iie" before he was half-way through the next question.

Several times, my answers displeased him and I would receive an

enormous jolting pain through my entire body that was

indescribable and almost impossible to tolerate.

"Koade-san," he shouted as my body was writhing in pain for

answering yes to a question about whether I liked one type of

music over another, "focus. A slave does not like anything for

himself. Only what his master likes."

I nodded submissively and felt an inner revulsion that I had

failed to appreciate such a simple fact. The interrogation had

been going on for at least four hours and the room was so frigid

that I could see my interrogator's breathe in the stark lighting of

the room. His hands had never left my cockshaft and I knew better

than to orgasm.

"Now, Koade-san, do you prefer steak or lobster?"

"Iie," I responded, I was a slave, I had no preferences.

"Very good," my interrogator said, "I think that will do for

today, I know your free self absolutely hates cottage cheese. I

have had some prepared with fruits for your only meal today. You

will eat every bite when the attendants bring it in."

I nodded meekly, he was right, what was left of my shredded

independence was like a cartoon character on my shoulder gagging.

But I was a good slave boy and I would eat the cottage cheese.

Webester-san's Passage ----------------------

The interrogator departed and the two slaves returned. One was

pushing a delicate cart with a domed platter. My cock had softened

without the interrogator's attentions and I was freezing from the

temperature of the room.

The smaller slave handed me a large wooden spoon and then lifted

the dome off the platter to reveal an oversized portion of cottage

cheese with fruit. Hungry, I dove into it with abandon and ate

every bite.

Then they led me out of the room by my testicles and neck. In the

hall, I was glad to be out of the cold room and I was brought back

to my cell directly.

Webster-san was there, slumped over naked in a corner of the room.

I instinctively went to him to comfort him and found he was

delirious and unable to talk clearly. On his legs, bite marks were

visible. I pulled him close to me tenderly and held his sweaty

body through the night.

In the morning, my interrogator showed up at our cell with

surgical cart. Webster-san was still delirious. "Koade-san," he

said, "life or death?"

"Life," I said. The interrogator plunged the anti-toxin into

Webster-san's arm and the two slaves carried him from the room.

"We find that a brief experience with what will happen if they

ever cross the club helps the tops color within the lines."

I nodded meekly.

"Let us see to the rest of your initiation, I think we left off in

the middle of your interrogation."

After close to ten hours yesterday, I could hardly fathom what

could be left. But my momentary distraction earned me a backhand

that knocked me off my feet.

"Pay attention slave," he barked at me.

I got to my feet quickly and followed a step behind to the

elevator and back to the cold interrogation room.

Today the room was unbearably hot. A dry, sauna like heat smacked

me in the face as I entered. It did not seem to faze my

interrogator in the slightest. Today the room was lit in the

infrareds and I was under a heat lamp.

The interrogator's trained hands immediately went to my cock and

the questions began rapid fire. The first batch centered on

whether I truly enjoyed giving oral sex. Two hundred unbelievably

detailed questions on that subject alone. "Do you like the taste

of cum?" "Do you like licking balls?" "What is the best way using

only your tongue to keep a man on the verge of orgasm during oral


I got three wrong and was punished again with even more intense

jolts of pain than the previous day.

The interrogation then turned to anal sex. Four hundred questions

later, I had managed to only get one wrong and was feeling proud

of myself.

Then the questions began to focus on my electives. Bondage.

Bondage escape. Struggling. Latex. Humiliation. Exhibitionism. I

lost track of the questions and became one with the interrogation.

When the interrogation ended it was with a simple, "that will do

Koade-san, tomorrow the tests begin."

I was not given any food, but simply led back to my now empty

cell. Webster-san was on a flight back to the states.

Latex -----

In the morning, a twenty-something white male entered my cell.

"I'm Mike," he said, "follow me."

I did, we arrived at a small lab room. He inserted an enema tube

in my ass and began filling me up.

"I'm the latex expert worldwide for Iroppoi," Mike explained as

the warm water filled my ass. "We will be cleaning you out and

then testing you out under water."

He pointed to the tank in the room. Mike removed the enema hose

and sat me down on the toilet to expel. The enema process was

repeated three more times until I was thoroughly emptied and then

I was allowed to piss.

"The water is about fifty degrees Fahrenheit," Mike explained, "so

this test will be particularly challenging. It involves bondage,

latex, breathe control, body temperature control and more. If you

pass you will move to the next set of ordeals."

A double-layered, thick latex suit would be my only barrier

against the cold waters. Mike pressed a button and a metal cross

with restraints rose from the tub. The suit came in two pieces.

The first piece for everything below the head and the second piece

for my head.

Mike was impressed by how quickly I got into the suit and helped

seal the head-body barrier. Blind and only able to breathe through

my nose, Mike guided me onto the frigid metal cross and fastened

me to it with cold metal cuffs.

I began to focus on keeping my body temperature up as he fitted a

breather to my nose. The air in the breather was warm. A small

concession to human frailty.

The platform was quickly submerged in the water and through the

latex, my prostrate body was soon cold. I focused to stay warm and

relaxed in this predicament and then I noticed that the air supply

was being reduced.

I focused myself into a meditative state.

Twenty-four hours later the water temperature began to rise and I

felt the air intake increasing. Our hypnotically induced time

tracking capabilities were impressive I thought as I felt the

platform moving.

Out of the water, I was still blind from the hood. I made no

efforts to free myself. The breather was removed and then the


Mike was beaming, "my god Koade-san you just beat all of the

records by a mile. Your interrogator finally ordered the test


I modestly bowed slightly.

Exhausted from the ordeal, Mike was kind enough to help me from

the suit and he then provided me with a sushi dinner and plenty of


"Koade-san," he whispered in my ear as I finished up, "good luck

with the final test, I know you can make it."

Mike kissed me on the ear and departed.

My interrogator entered moments later. "Come slave," he ordered. I

followed him to the elevator that took us down to a waiting car.

Barefoot and naked, I was guided into the trunk. I forced myself

to meditate and ignored the bumps and temperature extremes of my


The trunk opened inside the center of a prison facility. My

interrogator helped me out of the trunk and led me into a steel

cage about a meter on each edge.

"Be back in one-week," he said, "if you take any food or water

from the prisoners you will spend the rest of your life in this


He got into the car and drove off.

Prison ------

Shortly after the car left, the prison area came to life. About a

dozen, naked men and an equal number of naked women came from the


I realized at that moment that they were all failed slaves. They

disgusted me. They had not had the fortitude to stick with the

Iroppoi training. I gave no thought to the barbarism of life in

prison for failing as a slave in what was supposed to be a

voluntary endeavor.

A grizzled older man approached my cage. Speaking in Japanese he

mocked me and appealed to my "free" self to rid myself of the

Iroppoi programming. I ignored him and curled up in the cage.

By the sixth day, my thirst and hunger were getting to me. That

and the relentless chatter from the prisoners about how awful life

as a slave was and to free myself.

I managed to ignore them and make it to day seven. When my

interrogator picked me up he coarsely threw me into the trunk like

a bundle of goods.

Back at the Iroppoi, I was given a chance to wash up and fed

another sushi dinner with lots of water.

Patrick Coady is Dead ---------------------

In the morning, the now familiar two Japanese slaves guided me to

the interrogation room. This day the room was temperate and the

lighting normal.

My interrogator entered and ordered me to freeze. He put a device

on my shoulder and removed my "Patrick" tattoo. The removal was


"Time to pick your slave name," he commented, "most slaves pick a

character name from a movie, you may speak English if you want."

I racked my brain, then I thought of the Mission Impossible

character, disavowed and all that, and said, "Ethan Hunt."

"Very good," the interrogator said, and applied a new tattoo. "We

will alter your fingerprints and DNA as well and then send you


He walked out and the room went dark. I then blacked out.

I woke up back in my bed in the states with Lane Tanaka standing

over me.

"Hunt-san," he said, "wake up."

Groggy, I slowly propped myself up on my elbows. Tanaka-san handed

me three pills and some water and I took the pills without


"How are you feeling Hunt-san?"

I took a moment to do a mental inventory. "Ok."

"Good, we want to start your five years of service Thursday,

September 11."

I nodded, "what day is it?"

"Saturday, September 6."

I had been out of it for some time. I got out of bed and went to

the bathroom. I was surprised to find Tom Cruise's face on my body

staring me back in the mirror. Not only had the club altered my

identity, it had matched my face to that of the actor.

Patrick Coady was dead.

Slave's Life ------------

Lane walked me through the pills, pink for mind control, three

times a day, every day. Orange for DNA anti-rejection, every

morning through October. Blue for a special muscle growth

compound, every day.

"Many new slaves like to get slave written down their backs in

Japanese as a tattoo," Lane commented. I nodded in agreement and

rolled onto my stomach. "This is a temporary tattoo that will last

about six months and then disappear."

"How did Reza do?"

"Naiyeer-san is no longer attached to this club," Lane responded,

"he is fine and that is all you need to know." I almost asked

another question but realized it would only result in my

punishment. Lane added, "Webster-san has also moved back to Saudi


I nodded.

"Since you are scheduled with Thompson-san, I am going to move him

in here," Lane explained. "Also, we will be regulating your meals

more closely now Hunt-san." I nodded.

"More closely," was euphemistic. Every calorie I ate except on

escort duty or while outside the residence was now going to be

tightly controlled and decided by the dietary planners of Iroppoi.

Any pretense of choice was gone.

I heard the front door open and knew that it was Thompson-san

moving in. "Hey, roomie," he called out.

"Hey Will," I replied.

He entered my room, mounted me and fucked me and then stood up and

walked out. I did not find anything odd about that and just lay

there for a bit to absorb all of the changes.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 9

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