Iroppoi Herususentaa

By TopLegal

Published on Jan 26, 2023


Part 9 ======

By TopLegal

WARNING This contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse

and sadomasochistic activities between adult males. If this

offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or

you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of

characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental.

(c) 2003, TopLegal. Permission is granted for distribution via

Usenet and the Web provided that the following two conditions are

met: there is no cost to access this story, e.g. AdultCheck, pay

site, etc., and the story is posted in full without modifications.

Slavery -------

I was allowed to rest up for the whole day without any more

interruptions. I got up only briefly to take my midday and evening

mind control pills.

Late in the evening, William came into my bedroom and asked if

there was anything he could to do help. I begged off, but he lay

down with me anyhow and pulled me against his body and held me

until we both fell asleep.

In the morning I felt much better and William got me to fuck him

before we ate our morning meal. Our meal plans were simple: drinks

were exclusively water or Gatorade. Breakfast and lunch was a

prepared protein shake left on the counter and labeled with our

names. Dinner was generally pasta. End of story.

William showed me a trick to watering down the protein shakes to

make them easier to get down. I found the shake a bit chalky and

hard to keep it all down despite Will's trick. "Get used to them

Ethan. You will find you really like them after a few months."

I nodded and went to the bathroom and then put on my kimono and

headed to the gym for a workout. In the gym, I went through the

main doors for the first time and to the locker room. Inside I put

on a white jockstrap for the first time and white sneakers.

Because I was not working on Sundays, I would be able to work out

more or less unmolested.

Wolf-san happened to be in the gym and came over to compliment me

and I offered to give him a blowjob as thanks for his efforts in

training me. He accepted and I kneeled down on the floor of the

club and sucked him off.

At that moment, I recognized that five long years lay ahead of me.

Bar Hopping -----------

That night after dinner William suggested that we go out to a gay

bar in the city and practice picking up tricks. "The club

encourages us to go out and turn tricks during the week," he


It was not prohibited, so I decided to go with him. We dressed up

in some casual clothing that had been purchased for us from

Nordstrom and headed out. Instinctively I went into my desk for my

wallet and found an Arizona driver's license for "Ethan Hunt," a

corporate American Express Card and fifty dollars of spending

money in a compact Polo billfold.

"What state they give you?"

"Arizona," I called out.

"They like Arizona because the licenses last till you are 65 and

they have a connection at high levels in the DMV there. I got


I shrugged and followed William out the front door. We walked a

block and a half to a subway and took it down towards the bars.

We got into the club and headed up to the dance floor. William

warned me off alcohol with the mind control pills and I settled

for a mineral water.

"Ok, here's the game Ethan, we each get 2 points for anal sex and

1 point for oral, most points wins."

I nodded and walked away from him and began hitting on the

strangers in the bar. The Iroppoi training had enabled me to be

quite sexually attractive. Especially the ability to release

pheromones to increase my attractiveness. My mug looking like Tom

Cruise did not hurt either.

A huge black man in the back corner of the bar was my first fuck

of the evening. We did it in the back room and he actually came

inside me twice. Four points.

As I was exiting the backroom, I saw William enter with a cute


I scored eight more visits to the backroom that night and racked

up twenty points total. William however only got seven. My reward

was getting to have him suck me off and getting to fuck him in the


Around two in the morning, we moved on to an after hours club

where we convinced one guy to take the two of us home as a package

for a thousand: no limits.

He paid us half the cash up front and we walked back to his modest

brownstone a few blocks from the club. Inside his house he had the

two of us strip and start sucking him off. His boyfriend came

downstairs and joined us on the floor. The four-way orgy was

conducted entirely without condoms. Bareback fucking went every

which way. It was about five in the morning before William and I

left with the rest of our spending money.

"Weird," I commented to William as we entered our apartment.

"What is?"

"That the club would sanction us whoring ourselves out for bargain

rates to non-members."

William laughed, "Don't be silly Ethan, it is part of my slave

conditioning. I am straight still and never took to their kinky

fetishes. So I am forced to have oodles of gay sex as a form of

punishment still. A bit like you used to get whipped with the

martinet. I hate it. I hate gay sex and yet I am forced to do it


I nodded as if I understood, but I could not really understand

what it would be like for him. I decided not to go to bed and

stripped naked, showered and hit the club for my morning workout.

When I got back, from working out, my breakfast was waiting. I

drank it a bit more eagerly than the day before and then took my

morning pills. Finally I crawled into bed with William and slid my

cock into his tight fuckhole and fell asleep till around noon.

Oddities --------

When William woke up with my cock in his ass he freaked out a bit

and ended up crying. Which I, of course, being a good little slave

boy had to report. William did not fault me for reporting him, but

did while sobbing like a child explain the full horror of his

slave conditioning in greater detail.

William was actually 29 and had been a successful contractor for a

number of years before joining the club. He was married and had

three kids. Never a lick of gay sex or a thought. He had actually

built the apartments we lived in along with a team of guys. After

the job was over he had fallen on hard times and made a calling to

the club to see if they needed more work.

Damien Sato had been in charge of training then and had offered to

guarantee that his family would ~always~ be cared for at an

extremely high level of wealth if he would do a five year stint as

a sex slave.

William had initially refused and cursed out Sato-san as a faggot.

But as the recession deepened in 2001, William had been without

work for nearly a year and things were getting desperate.

Unlike how I was gradually lured and kept consensually--after a

fashion, William signed a "legal" slavery contract running fifty

pages in length up front, was drugged and that was that. Damien

Sato intentionally had added triggers that made William hate

himself for having gay sex but much like the way we all take our

mind control pills, if William did ~not~ have enough gay sex as

determined by the club, then he would become physically ill.

William's sobbing deepened as he explained being forced to watch

how his wife was paid off. Once a year on the anniversary of his

slavery, he is shown pictures of his family and given an update.

I want to emphasize that I felt no pity for William Thompson. He

was a slave, just like me. Slaves were not worthy of pity. Crying

like he was carrying on was unacceptable and I left our apartment

to contact Tanaka-san.

Tanaka-san thanked me for my efforts and went back to our

apartment with me and ordered Thompson-san to score at least

twenty points at a club that night as punishment and then left

without a word.

William had already stopped crying and avoided eye contact with


"William," I said, "it's ok that you aren't gay, but a slave

should behave itself better."

"I know," he said, "it is just that my second anniversary is

coming up soon and I wonder how my kids are and things like that


"Well cared for, better cared for than if you were part of their


He conceded that and stopped moping, he knew that his enslavement

as a bitchboy for rich gay men put big bucks on the table for his

wife and kids.

I read up on William on the computer. According to his file, his

wife was told William was selected for a government spy program

with deep cover. Five years minimum with no contact. Paid off on a

monthly basis, she was under surveillance. Twice she had been

cautioned not to have sex with "enemy spies" like the next door

neighbor. Reduced to masturbation, the club had provided her

videotapes of her husband that they produced while he was under

deep hypnosis. She watched the tapes regularly and masturbated to


Club ----

It was a white night--underwear only--at the club that night. I

was along to supervise William's punishment. Tanaka-san had

privately instructed me during my workout not to have too much sex

so that I would be eager for my first working day.

I was wearing a Calvin Klein tech_thong_ while William had on a

more conservative pair of Calvin Klein briefs. Anxious to get his

punishment over with, he quickly scored with five guys in the

first hour. I contented myself at the bar with water. I kept my

beautiful, well toned butt facing out and mostly ignored the


.. _tech_thong

"Can I buy you a drink," I voice said from behind me. I turned my

head and saw a young guy, barely twenty-one in my estimation. He

was smallish, like myself, but well built. He was extremely close

to me and I rotated myself around and extended my hand for a


"No thanks, Ethan by the way."

"Daniel," he responded. "Your friend some kind of whore?"

I chuckled and responded, "something like that. What's it to you?

Do you want to fuck him?"

"No," he said as he moved closer to me, "I want to be fucked by


I nodded politely and pulled him closer to me. "What's your last

name Daniel?"


I reached around and groped Daniel's taut ass and pulled his face

against my chest. "How old are you Daniel Parente?"


"You here with anyone?"

"Alone," he said and sighed slightly.

I pulled him closer against me.

"Any particular time you need to be home?"

"I'm in college, no curfews anymore."

I pushed Daniel's face towards my nipples and told him to suck

them. He did it eagerly, but without the finesse I had been taught

as a sex slave.

I questioned him further, "so when's your birthday Daniel?"

"Um..." he stammered, "...nineteen...eighty..."

"No need to lie," I said, "I peg you at about sixteen."

He nodded meekly.

Daniel Parente --------------

William came out of the backroom at about that time, physically

drained from having had fifteen guys fuck him up the ass. Suitably

chastised, he wanted to leave. He was shocked to see me coddling a

young, underwear clad Hispanic boy. "Ethan, who is your friend?"

"William, this is Daniel Parente; Daniel, meet William."

Daniel lifted his head from my nipple and shook William's hand


"We need to go Ethan," William said.

I had other plans though; our Iroppoi was still short one sex

slave because Reza had been reassigned to Saudi Arabia. The young

Hispanic boy at my side could fill a perfect niche.

William seemed to sense where I was going with this and asked to

talk to me in private. Daniel asked if William was my boyfriend.

"Roommate," the two of us answered in unison and stepped away for

a moment.

"Look Ethan, I've just been punished for a minor infraction by

having to have hours of demeaning, revolting faggot sex. I'm not

really in the mood to see you play mind games to turn a sixteen

year-old boy into a sex toy tonight."

"I am not even certain that the Iroppoi will want him, but don't

you think it is my duty as a good sex slave to help the club

achieve the best."

William nodded in reluctant agreement. "Can I at least go home

without you so I can apologize profusely on my hands and knees to

Tanaka-san and be allowed to shower?"

"I should be ok with a sixteen year-old boy by myself."

William gave me a hug and headed out. I turned and saw Daniel

beaming at me, clearly feeling victorious. I sighed slightly and

returned to him.

"Look Daniel, do you read any Japanese?"

"No, senor, hablo Espanol."

I understood his statement, "Well I want you to look at the tattoo

on my back closely and see if you can deduce what it means."

I rotated, brushing my butt against his crotch and felt his cock

stiffen. Daniel unabashedly ran his hand down the small of my back

where the "SLAVE" tattoo lay and traced its outline.

"No clue," he said. I rotated again this time allowing my firm,

but not fully erect cock to push against his stiff boy prick.

"It says, 'slave.'" I let that hang in the air for a few minutes

before finishing, "if you stay with me you will likely end up with

similar tattoo on your back."

He was clearly torn between his lust for my gorgeous muscular body

and the looming threat of some sort of unknown slavery. After an

uncomfortable minute or two of silence he asked if I would be back

later in the week.

I said I would keep my eyes open for him and let him walk off.

I headed home to get some sleep before my first full day as a sex

slave inside the club.

Write the Author ----------------

These stories are e-mail'ware, show your appreciation by dropping

some feedback (in English) to the author at

See other works by me at


Next: Chapter 10

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