Is This The End?

By moc.loa@216maZahS

Published on Jan 4, 2001



Hey long time no new story for me :) LoL here is my new one its called Is This The End..Read on and send feedback

Disclaimer: Don't Know em...Dont know sexual prefrence...Dont read unless legal age.

Is This The End?

"In other news, the pop phenomenon known as Nsync has called it quits. No reason has been given yet but MTV will be attending a press junket held by manager Johnny Write and will have footage to share." John Norris said on the TV.

"I can't believe its actually over." Lance said.

"Me either...and Chris isn't even here for the last night in this house." Joey said

"He said that as soon as he and Dani land in Jamaica he will call." Jc told them.

"Josh, they are on there honeymoon, I doubt they will call." Justin said mater of factly.

That night they rented Wes Cravens New Nightmare. That was the first movie they all watched in that house and it was going to be the last. The movie ended, Justin got out from hiding under the blanket and went to turn off the Christmas tree. The group had vowed not to exchange Christmas gifts because it would be hard to give them and say goodbye. Justin looked around, Joey was asleep on the couch, Lance was asleep on the floor and Jc was curled up on the chair sleeping. Justin walked over to Jc.

"Josh, Josh wake up." Justin said. No response. He shook him. "Josh, Josh wake up, you have an early flight. You need to get a good nights sleep and trust me that chair ain't gonna do." Jc looked up.

"Thanks" he said groggily, got up and headed to his room.

Justin went to his room, undressed and got ready for bed. He couldn't sleep, all he could do was think about the arrangements the group had made. The group really couldn't stand eachother anymore, I mean they had moments but there were very few. The plan was that once everyone had left they would never see eachother again unless it was an emergency. Justin thought this was ridiculous, these were his brothers, he loved them, and because of this love he agreed. The worst part was that Justin would have to leave Jc. Jc had inhabited his every thought for his last few years. Justin was in love.

The next morning when Justin woke up Lance and Joey had already left. They knew how Justin really felt and thought it would be easier if they didn't have to say goodbye. Justin went into the kitchen to see Jc sipping a cup of coffee. "Hey Josh."

"Hey Justin, you ready to leave?" He asked. Justin had offered to give him a ride to the airport.

"Yeah, catch." Justin threw Jc the keys to his BMW.

"What's this?" Jc asked.

"Well, since...since this is the last time we'll see eachother I figured id let you drive her." Justin said.

"Awesome!" Jc yelled and headed for the door. His luggage was already in the car.

Justin turned on the radio. Lenny Kravitz sang through the speakers. "All of my life, Where have you been, I wonder if I'll ever see you again, And if that day comes, I know we could win, I wonder if I'll ever see you again." Jc reached over and turned off the radio. Justin was now in tears. Jc put his hand on Justin's. "It's for the best." He said.

They got to the airport. "You probably don't want to stick around so...I guess this is goodbye. Jc took Justin into his arms. Both boys began sobbing slightly. Justin didn't say a word. "I know we said we wouldn't but I got you a Christmas gift." He said handing Justin a box. "Open it later."

"Goodbye Josh." He said hugging him again. They both walked off in different directions.

Justin sat in his car and cried. He looked over, the present was stearing at him. He lifted it up and opened it. A picture of him and Jc on the set of MMC. He smiled. He looked in the box again and there was a piece of paper. He picked it up and read it.

Dear Justin, Well, I have a confession. I've been living a lie. I told you you were my best friend, that's true. I told you I'd do anything for you, that's true. What I never told you was that I loved you. I knew you didn't feel the same and would probably hate me so I never told you. Now that the group is going it's separate ways I thought it would be the perfect time. Now you'll never see me again. I had to tell you. Goodbye.

Forever and Always,

Joshua Chasez.

Justin tossed the paper to the side, he couldn't believe what he had just read. Joshua Scott Chasez loved him, the man he had loved for 6 years felt the same way and now he was gone. "I have to get on that plane." Justin said out loud. He got out of the car and rushed into the airport.

"Can I help you?" The lady at the counter asked.

"I need a ticket to Maryland." Justin said hurrily.

"I'm sorry there is no room available." The lady said.

"Nothing? I'm Justin Timberlake...I will pay anything for a ticket." He screamed.

"I'm sorry...Next!" She said.

Justin walked off said. "Goodbye Josh." He whispered.

6 Years Later

"Justin, I think you should move on..." His best friend Britney Spears told him.

"I can't Brit, I've tried. I still love him." He told her.

"You have called him every week for the last 6 years...I'm sorry but I still think you should move on." She told him giving him a hug.

He pulled back and looked at her. "Does that mean your not coming with me?" He asked.

"No, I'll still come, but are you sure you wanna go tonight? We wont get there till tomorrow and well that's your birthday." She said.

"That's why I choose today...he is the one thing I have wished for while blowing out every candle on every birthday cake I've had since he left." He tried to reason with Britney.

"I guess that means I'll bring your present with me." She smiled.

On The Airplane

"Justin, Justin wake up." Britney shook Justin.

"We there yet?" He asked groggily.

"No, but its 12:01. Happy Birthday." She said.

"Thanks...Where's my present?" He asked.

"Ha...Here." She said handing him a small box.

He ripped open the box. Inside was a necklace with a charm on it. Etched into one side of the charm was a picture of Britney and Justin taken about a month ago. Etched into the other side was a picture taken after Nsync's last concert. It was Justin and Jc. He put it on and looked at Britney with tears in his eyes. "Thank you soo much. It's the best gift I've ever gotten." He hugged her.

"You won't be saying that if your wishes come true tomorrow...but hey Josh is the only person I will let be number one over me." She smiled.

The plane landed in Maryland around 2 am and Justin and Britney went to their hotel. They had gotten one room with one bed. "Too bad I'm not in the spotlight anymore, the press would have loved this." Justin said.

"Justin, you're the Gay best friend to the Princess of Pop...your still in the spotlight." She reminded him. A few months after Nsync quit Justin publicly announced his homosexuality. No one bashed him, infact people gave him more support.

Justin laid down on the right side of the bed while Britney laid on the left. "Goodnight." They said in unison.

Justin rolled over on his side, facing the wall. 'God, please let me find happiness tomorrow.' He prayed and quickly fell asleep.

Justin woke was 11 o'clock. "Justin you better hurry up and get ready." Britney said from the bathroom.

"Good morning to you to." He said walking into the bathroom.

"Happy Birthday." She said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Britney exited the bathroom allowing Justin to shower. He showered, got dressed and looked perfect all within a half hour. They were ready to go.

They were pulling up to Jc's street. "Lets park here." He said 4 houses away.

"Here? Why here?" She asked.

"That way he wont know we're coming." He said.

"You've got the stalker thing down J." She laughed slapping him on the back walking towards the house.

They walked up to the house. "Here we are." Britney said. They walked up the path to the front door. Justin rose his shakily to ring the doorbell but dropped it.

"I can't do it." He said.

She looked into Justin's eyes and saw fear. She squeezed his arm and pushed him over to the side a little bit. She lifted her hand and rang the doorbell. The door opened half way. There stood Jc in only a bathing suit.

"Brit?..Is that you?" He asked. She nodded he pulled her in for a hug. "Come in...come in, I was just going for a swim." He told her.

"Umm...can my friend come in to?" She asked as Jc walked away.

"Sure." He said with his back to her walking into the kitchen. Britney ushered Justin into the house. "Does your friend have a name?" Jc yelled from the kitchen.

"Yup..." Britney said.

"Well...are you gonna tell me it?" He asked walking back in. He just stared ahead of him. "Ju...Justin?"

"Josh." Justin said walking towards him.

"Its been so long." Jc said.

"6 years..." Justin was on the verge of tears. There stood the man he has loved for practically his whole life. In a bathing suit.

"Happy Birthday." Jc said giving Justin a hug.

"It is now." Justin whispered into Jc's ear.

After what seemed like a life time Justin let go of the hug. "Why didn't you return my calls?" Justin asked.

"I wasn't here." Jc replied emotionless. He put on a t-shirt.

"You weren't here for 6 years?" Justin asked sarcastically.

"I wasn't here for three." He told Justin.

"I'm going to leave you two alone..." Britney said.

"No Brit, stay you should here this too." Jc said grabbing her hand. "Please sit...both of you."

Britney looked at Justin worried. They both sat. "What is it Josh?" Justin asked.

Jc stood and thought for a moment. "Ok...well, I haven't been here...I actually just got back this week. I was in the mental ward at Wakefield..." Jc stopped allowing them to say what they wanted.

"Why? Why were you there?" Britney asked.

"When the group split up I lost it...I couldn't handle not being involved in music. Not seeing Justin. I started cutting myself..." Jc got choked up. Britney and Justin both had tears in their eyes. "One day 3 years ago it got really bad and I cut myself so badly I almost died. They took me away, to get help." He told them. He then rolled up his sleeves and showed his arms, they had scares all up and down them.

Justin got up, caressed his arms and hugged Jc. "I'm so sorry Josh. I wish I could have been there for you."

"You were Justin, that's just it. The only reason I went on everyday was that dream I still had. That dream of you." Jc told him holding both his hands. Britney was now shedding tears of Joy.

"Josh, let me take you for lunch." Justin said.

"Deal." Jc agreed.

"I'll just sit here and relax." Britney said making herself at home.

Justin and Jc went to the most extravagant restaurant they could find. They were seated in the back out of every ones view. Even though they weren't Nsync anymore people still knew who they were. It was a romantic setting. Dim lights, candle in between them. Red rose peddles on the table. "Justin? Why are you doing this? After what I told you I did. Do you really want to start a relationship with a Psycho?" He asked.

Justin reached out and put his hands ontop of Jc's. "Josh...Have I ever been sick?" Jc nodded. "Have I ever gone to the doctor?" Jc nodded again. "Did that doctor help me?" Jc smiled.

"Thanks." Jc said and leaned forward and kissed Justin.

"We all have problems, we all have doctors. Now we have eachother."


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