Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Apr 26, 2020



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

  1. Agony and Ecstasy

While Enrique chilled out, Ian tested out the strength of his bonds and attempted to adjust his posture to the most comfortable one possible.

Unable to find any single position that allowed him to relax his tethered limbs, he had to content himself with alternately switching his weight from his arms to his legs to provide each in turn with a short-lived respite.

For what seemed to Ian like an eternity, the barman sat back to savour his increasing discomfort with a grin on his face, celebrating his acquisition of the cute-looking and highly co-operative British sub as his new bondage slave, not only by sipping his drink, but also by lighting up a cigarette!

Having come across few bondage enthusiasts before, Ian had naively expected the barman to exploit his helplessness the moment he had him trussed up by immediately taking advantage of his exposed body.

But instead, he found himself relegated to third place in the barman's choice of pleasures as he first opted to recuperate from the stresses of his day while he pondered which torments he would inflict on him now he had him completely at his mercy.

After a short while, the Spaniard opened up the fly of his pants, extracted his uncircumcised brown cock and ball-sack from his briefs and, in between drags on his cigarette, began leisurely wanking himself whilst eying Ian with a leer on his face.

In response to being scrutinised so intently, Ian hung his head and lowered his eyes to the floor but when Enrique pulled out his dick and began pulling on it, he couldn't prevent himself from lifting his chin from his chest to catch a first glimpse of his manhood.

Although not as large as the one Ali possessed, it was of a good size, perfectly formed and surrounded by a forest of curly black pubic hair. It was already so hard that its purple tip was peering out from his foreskin and, even in the low light, he could see it was already glistening with pre-cum.

But trussed up as he was, Ian realised that currently all he could do was watch the handsome Spaniard pleasure himself and imagine tasting his juices, wrapping his tongue around the smoothness of his taut shaft as it was thrust down his throat and breath in the manly odours emanating from his groin.

Would he remove the rest of his clothes before he began tormenting him, Ian wondered as he attempted to distract himself from the gratuitous suffering the barman had chosen to impose on him by closing his eyes and imagining what he would look like naked.

Soon brought out his reverie by the pain in both his arms and legs, his thoughts branched off in a different direction, to the recall the pics and videos he'd downloaded from the internet featuring guys in bondage that had excited him so much.

The ones of guys being hung up by their arms from a tree or a hoist, attached by chains to a wooden cross or tied to bedposts and then whipped mercilessly. Also the equally arousing pics of guys being put over another guy's knee or made to bend over a chair, table or barrel to allow their arses to be spanked raw with a belt, paddle or cane.

It was the indignity of it rather than the pain involved that excited him, especially if it was combined with the victim being stripped completely naked while the guy or guys doling out his punishment were fully clothed. It even added to his excitement if the ones doing the chastising were not especially attractive, so long as their victim was okay-looking, as it only added to the humiliation involved.

Although not over-fond of pain, if a dom was reasonably good looking and knew what he was about, he could get off on worshipping him and would willingly put up with a fair amount of suffering in order to please him.

Although Ian did not consider himself an out and out masochist, he found something undeniably exciting about being "put in his place" and having the body he took such good care of being used and abused by guys who told him he was a "worthless piece of shit"!

Sadly, few of the dom guys he'd come across who were interested in him were capable of credible verbals (even if they spoke the same language) and their obvious lust for him tended to undermine their taunts in any case. Being judged worthy of their humiliation, served to boost his ego as much as compliments did!

Finally, once the cigarette was stubbed out and the beer bottle drained, Enrique rose to his feet and made his way toward him, still fully dressed apart from his genitals, which he left protruding from the front of his open fly.

As the barman swaggered toward him with a mean look on his face with his hard cock swinging from side to side, Ian prepared himself for the worst by switching his weight from his straining toes to his arms, to stand squarely on two feet, only to be disarmed completely by the torment the barman had chosen to kick off their encounter.

After awarding Ian a lengthy, nicotine and beer flavoured, kiss on the lips to renew their acquaintance, Enrique began mischievously waggling his fingers beneath his defenceless amour's armpits, chuckling when he instantly began pulling on his bonds in all directions at once as he strove to escape his tickles.

Out of the blue, Ian found himself reduced to a young boy again, being held down and tormented by his older brother, who used to take great delight in reducing him to helpless fits of laughter as he darted unpredictably from one vulnerable area of his body to another, dishevelling his clothes in the process and unaccountably getting him turned-on as he vainly attempted to defend himself.

Plainly delighted by exposing this hidden vulnerability, the Spaniard kept up the torment by running his fingers over other parts of his body too, regularly returning to his armpits from less sensitive parts of his anatomy to set him dancing once again, until, after losing all control, Ian began begging him to stop!

"Hush up!" the barman demanded in response, annoyed by the amount of noise he was making, "Or I gag you!"

When Ian was still unable to control his hysteria, he landed a couple of sharp slaps across his face.

Shocked by the unexpected blows, Ian instantly lapsed into silence.

"You my slave!" Enrique explained, wrapping his right hand around his neck a second time to underline the power he held over him and watch in satisfaction as he closed his eyes in submission as his flushed face turned a deeper shade of red.

After releasing his grip, the triumphant barman lowered his mouth to Ian's shoulder where, he bit into the rucked white flesh above his collar bone halfway between the armpit and the nipple.

Though uttering a sigh of dismay, a chastened Ian offered no resistance as Enrique tightened his jaw and imprinted his teeth-marks on him to brand him as his slave and reveal him as an even bigger slut to any new admirer he might come across in what remained of his holiday.

When Ian failed to object, the barman went on to add insult to injury by imprinting a second hickey at the opposite side of his chest to maintain the symmetry initiated by Marcel.

After admiring his handiwork, the grinning Spaniard demonstrated more of his English vocabulary by telling Ian he was a "good boy" to accept his degradation so serenely and rewarded him with another lingering kiss on the lips.

As he did so, Enrique finally turned his attention to teasing the Brit's nipples, which as readers will by now have gathered, were one of Ian's biggest turn-ons. When Ian instantly began to purr, the barman broke off his kiss to examine their tips which, as a result of his recent sexual adventures, now stood out far more prominently than they had ever done before.

Gratified to have discovered yet another of his victim's weaknesses, the Spaniard began slowly rolling the erect mounds between his thumbs and forefingers, sending the defenceless Brit into rapture and his cock into a steep ascent.

Moments later, Enrique lowered his head to each of his nipples in turn and not only began sucking on them but also mixing in mischievous little bites.

When, at the same time, he switched to pinching his other tit between his nails, instead of tweaking it with the pads of his fingers, he catapulted Ian into a state of ecstasy reminiscent of Michelangelo's dying slave!

Although Ian managed to maintain the demanded silence, apart from a few gasps and moans of appreciation, when Enrique went to town by sinking his sharp teeth and nails ever deeper into his tender flesh, he began pulling hard against his restraints once again even more desperately than he had in response to the tickling.

Savouring every moment of his distress and the sound of his anguished whimpers, the roguish barman eased the pressure on his tits to keep him stranded on the threshold between agony and ecstasy for a while longer, before upping his torment once more and sending his tethered body thrashing impotently against his bonds a second time.

Unable to stand the pain a moment longer, in his desperation Ian resorted to making another plea for mercy, though this time in a breathless whisper rather than a shout.

By the time Enrique decided Ian had suffered enough, both of the Brit's tits stood out dark red from his pallid chest. However, despite this, his cock remained at the vertical, as though volunteering itself to be the next in line for punishment!

But at this point, the barman took Ian by surprise yet again, when instead of adding to his torments by slapping around his straining cock, he instead crouched down in front of him and wrapped his lips around it!

Yet as before, Ian's respite was a short-lived one, as within minutes of commencing the barman yanked back his foreskin so he could run his lips and tongue around its tender head with its protective layer removed and began sucking on it so enthusiastically that his pleasure once more became tinged with pain.

Unable to prise his master's mouth away from his cock, Ian was soon reduced to squirming and whimpering once more to signal his distress.

But his struggles only served to increase the barman's excitement and the more he bucked and wriggled, the harder and the quicker he sucked on his dick.

When Ian not only began to moan but also gasp a warning that he was about to cum, the barman silenced him by raising his left arm and prising his fingers between his lips. More than happy to have something to suck on as he approached orgasm, Ian took his digits into his mouth willingly, only to have his comforters snatched away from him as soon as they were wetted by his spittle.

Determined to penetrate his ass before he reached his climax, the barman speedily relocated his hand to the cleft between Ian's spread buttocks, located his hole with his forefinger and, after prising another two digits in alongside it, began thrusting them in and out of his ass repeatedly without giving a thought to utilising the open pack of lube.

As Ian continued to buck and squirm, the barman resumed pulling on his own dick whilst he skewered his helpless victim ever deeper with each new upward thrust, stretching his hole to its limits and beyond.

Alarmed at the prospect of being fisted but unable to stay his tormentor's hand, the Brit again pleaded for mercy. But once again his appeals only had the opposite effect.

So excited did the barman become by the prospect of fisting him that he accelerated the rate of both his sucking and pulling on his own dick, until the two of them were soon hurling toward orgasm in sync.

Seconds later, after finally ceding control over his quaking body to his undoubted master, Ian began to yell out as he was simultaneously wracked by both pain and the throes of orgasm and forced to yield his spunk to him in spurt after cathartic spurt.

As a triumphant Enrique greedily swallowed his ample spunk, his own seed shot high into the air in a series of bursts as explosive as those from a roman candle.

To be continued...

If you liked this story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them.

(Links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

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Next: Chapter 19

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