Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on May 31, 2023



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for hirsute Latino and Arabic guys.

A few years later, a more sexually accomplished Ian hears the resort now has a leather scene, so decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he mixes more with his British compatriots, but after finding it hard to pin down a guy he fancies, who is into the sort of sex he enjoys, he fears he may have to settle for watching the drunken antics of others.

Until, on the last night of his stay, he summons up the courage to make a move on a strikingly handsome guy who has caught his eye in the disco.

When his affection is reciprocated, Ian proceeds to introduce his companion to the delights of public humiliation and bondage, only for things not to work out quite as he had planned...

  1. Racist, moi?

Although the Asian was up for sex with the rosy-cheeked Londoner who had caught his eye in Divas before he'd split with Hans, it soon became clear that he was troubled about him publicly humiliating an African guy in this way, even if he was giving him the sort of sex he was seeking!

"Mind if I take out his gag, to check he's alright?" Tim enquired, as soon as he returned to his side.

"Okay!" Ian conceded, though uneasy about what the security guard might say, given his lack of agreement to being paraded around his workplace naked, in bondage with a dildo shoved up his ass!

Tim eased the flimsy cotton fabric from the night-watchman's mouth, only realising when he shook it out that it was his soiled, saliva-soaked underwear.

After chuckling at his discovery, to Ian's surprise, he then began a conversation with the African in Spanish which, beyond the opening "Ola", he was unable to understand.

"He's not happy being led around the shopping centre like this," his compatriot reported back to him after they'd chatted for a couple of minutes or more, "cos he's scared of losing his job!"

"But he did it to me first!" an outraged Ian replied, anxious to justify himself by filling in the Asian on what had taken place before he had arrived on the scene.

"He told me about that," Tim replied with a snigger, "But you're only here for a week on holiday, so nobody knows who the fuck you are!" he pointed out disapprovingly.

"Give me the key to the cuffs!" he then demanded, holding out his palm.

Contritely, Ian removed the chain with the key on it from around his neck and handed it over to Tim, who quickly unlocked the African's wrists and then proceeded to ease the dildo out of his ass to an accompaniment of grateful sighs of relief.

After cloaking its glistening length with the pants, and wiping the mucus from it as though it were a new-born baby, he presented it to him along with his cuffs, apologising for his compatriot's behaviour by muttering "Lo siento".

"His name's Amadu by the way!" he spat at Ian under his breath, as he went on to unfasten the collar wrapped around his manhood, along with the attached leash, "Something you never asked him apparently!"

"I didn't exactly get the chance to do formal introductions!" Ian replied defensively, as the security guard sighed "Gracias" to his liberator in thanks for his release.

After straightening up, Tim turned his attention back to Ian and whilst swinging the barman's collar around menacingly on the end of its chain leash, relayed a further demand to him.

"He'd like his uniform back as well!" he grinned, using his free hand to snatch the peaked cap from Ian's head before backing away from him so he was left sandwiched between the big Black guy and himself.

"I never intended to take it away from him, permanently!" Ian protested, "He can have it back when we get to his office."

"He wants it now!" Tim replied, without any further consultation with his new ally, leading Ian to suspect that the Asian was no longer translating his words but making up demands of his own.

"So start stripping!" he chuckled, trying on the cap for size and then pulling its peak down over his eyes to make himself look more intimidating.

Only then did it dawn on Ian, that despite his fay appearance, slender body and being a decade younger than him, the Asian lad, clearly fancied himself as a dom!

What was more, by publicly humiliating the African security guard against his will, he had inadvertently given him both the motive and the opportunity to try out the role he aspired to, on him!

From his critical tone, Ian could tell that Tim saw himself as both a champion of the underdog and on the frontline in the fight against racism. Not least because both causes were close to his own heart!

However, the difference between them, apart from the obvious one of him not being from an ethnic minority (in the UK) was that he had concluded years ago that fulfilling his sexual fantasies and political correctness rarely went hand in hand.

In his book, as long as it provided mutual pleasure to the participants and did no harm to anybody else, however much it might offend other people's sensibilities, it was none of their business. Was it as racist to have a special liking for Black and Asian sex partners as to rule them out completely? Or did that depend on whether you wanted to fuck them or have them fuck you? Whether you were gay or straight? Or into vanilla sex rather than rough sex and SM?

But rather than risk alienating Tim by defending his actions, Ian meekly swallowed his pride and began unbuttoning the front of his shirt, though convinced that White guys' lust for Black and Asian guys and their desire to dominate or be humiliated by them was no more questionable than the other way around.

Besides, his cock was already stirring at the prospect of being put back in his place by the downtrodden African security guard and the young Asian shopworker, both of whom he found far more alluring than those of his pale-skinned compatriots or the bronzed hunks preening themselves on the beach!

So, as he undressed, he decided he best change the subject.

"How come you speak Spanish so well?" he asked Tim in a conciliatory tone, turning away from the Asian to hide the blemishes on his neck and shoulders, before he parted with his shirt.

"Been to an evening class, haven't I!" Tim confided, "It's not right to expect everyone in the world to speak English! Besides I thought it might come in handy for me holiday. But as it's turned out, learning German might have been more useful!"

"I've always had a knack for learning languages, ever since I had to master two of 'em when I was a nipper," he added chattily as Ian knelt down to unfasten his boots.

"But to be honest, I only got so fluent cos the Spanish guy taking the course was so fucking gorgeous that I never missed a lesson!" he added with a chuckle.

"Now the pants!" he grinned as the security guard swooped in to snatch his footwear away from Ian and render him barefoot once again.

"I can't wait to see your spanked ass... and maybe redden it some more!" Tim added mischievously, accompanied by a snigger.

It seemed Adamu had revealed all of Ian's sexual secrets during their brief tete-a-tete! He only hoped, that unlike Chinese whispers, they remained accurate as they were passed from man to man and that he wasn't mistaken for a fully-fledged masochist who got off on torture and acute pain!

As soon as he bent down to free the guard's pants from his ankles, the pair shared a conspiratorial chuckle, after which Amadu hurried off with his last item of clothing while his ally stepped forward to examine the state of his inflamed buttocks at close quarters.

"Stay like that!" Tim barked before Ian had the chance to straighten up, after which he proceeded to run his right palm covetously over the curves of his ass to sample the softness of his tenderised flesh.

"Turn around!" came the inevitable next command, "And put your hands above your head so I can get a good look at you!"

The flushed-faced Brit swallowed hard, raised his arms in the air and obediently turned about, revealing, in addition to his thrice-spanked and oft-penetrated arse, the marks of shame adorning his neck and shoulders and, below them, his stiff dick pointing vertically upwards, betraying his excitement at this latest turn of events!

"I see you've been a very naughty boy!" the Asian chortled as Ian's lust-filled admirers began to fondle and slap, kiss and bite his exposed ivory-skinned, body, at will.

To be continued...

If you liked this story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them.

(Links listed on the Announcements page of Nifty or simply search for Barney Bumpkin on Amazon).

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

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Next: Chapter 24

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