Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Sep 27, 2023



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for Latin, Black and Arabic guys.

Three years later, again in between relationships, a more sexually accomplished but no more sociable Ian decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he finds himself a bungalow all to himself near the Yumbo Centre, the hub of resort's gay scene, but again finds it hard to pin down a guy he fancies who is into the sort of sex he enjoys.

By Thursday of his week-long stay, he begins to feel lonely and fears he may have to settle sex-wise for drunken fumblings in club darkrooms or watching the drunken antics of others.

In a bid to secure more adventurous sex and a longer lasting romance before his holiday is over, he attends a "Leather Night" at his favourite gay bar.

Although he witnesses and participates in some horny SM sex there, when the party ends abruptly, he is forced to move on to cruise the disco, depite being dressed in black leather.

When a strikingly handsome young guy catches his eye, in desperation, he summons up the courage to make a move on him, despite being given little encouragement.

  1. At last, Romance!

As they drew nearer the entrance the crowd began to thin, prompting Ian to bring their clandestine lovemaking to a halt by tucking his cock away and hoisting the boy's jeans upwards to cover his ass.

While his dance partner hurriedly made himself respectable again, Ian pulled on his T-shirt, which thankfully had remained threaded through his belt, and after awarding him a reassuring grin, wordlessly took him by the hand and led him out onto the terrace.

Although this was crowded too, he eventually found sufficient free space to back the lad up against the wall with the intention of resuming their canoodling in the cooler outside air. But first, finally freed from the deafening beat of the music, Ian seized the opportunity to introduce himself.

"Hi!" he ventured as the pair came face to face, chuckling at the irony of them not yet having said hello or exchanged names, given what they had just been up to in the middle of the dancefloor. "My name's Ian," he added, thinking this was likely to be understood whether or not the lad's native tongue was English.

"Hi!" the boy offered shyly in return, adding, "I'm David," in a distinctly Welsh accent.

So not German after all, Ian noted, but never mind, the boy's stunning looks and enthusiastic response to his advances more than made up for him not fitting the fantasy persona he'd created for him during his unsuccessful cruising efforts.

Despite discovering they shared a common language, the pair giggled and smiled at each other wordlessly for a few moments, taking the opportunity to check each other out afresh in the brighter light of the terrace.

Ian could hardly believe his good fortune. The lad was just perfect!

He guessed he was not yet in his thirties, with his trim, boyish, figure displayed to good effect in a plain white vest and a pair of faded blue denims which both shone brightly in the ultraviolet glow of the outside lights and contrasted fetchingly with what appeared to be his deeply tanned skin.

Smartly groomed black hair framed David's handsome, soft featured, face, which was flushed with excitement and lightly glazed with sweat. His sparkling brown eyes and smiling lips, partly hidden behind his neatly trimmed moustache, projected an endearing "come and get me" look which Ian was finding hard to resist.

Ian was on the point of sliding his tongue between the lad's lips for the first time to also sample what he tasted like, when a group of three guys that he recognised as the lad's companions from Divas, interrupted him.

"We were wondering where you were!" the first arrival greeted David accusatorily, as if he was a naughty child who had wandered off on his own without his parent's permission.

"Thought you were just popping to the loo!" another added, after pushing his way through the crowds to join them, raising his eyebrow when he spied the leather-clad Ian standing just inches away from his friend.

"I got caught up in the dancing, then got talking to Ian, here," David replied, pulling back from Ian to answer, seemingly feeling obliged to explain himself to his companions but also sanitising what they had really been up to for their consumption.

What he'd been up to was none of their business, Ian thought to himself, annoyed that David's pals should be so insensitive or inebriated not to have the courtesy to leave their friend alone when he had clearly found himself a new admirer - unless, of course, one of them happened to be his boyfriend!

But the good-natured lad ignored their disapproving tone and made it clear that he was not about to abandon Ian on their account (and that none of them was his current lover) by coolly introducing his travelling companions to him as Mike, Trevor and Rhys.

Ian gave each of them a forced grin and a cursory nod as they said hello, but said nothing more, hoping they would take the hint and leave the two of them alone together to get on with the love- making he'd had planned!

However, they clearly weren't sensitive types and when he cold-shouldered them, directed their conversation to David and resumed the conversation from where they'd left off earlier whilst forming a protective cordon around their handsome friend as though they were presidential bodyguards.

For a while, Ian had to be content to lean against the wall and bide his time as the new arrivals continued to assert their prior claim on his mark's attention whilst David inexplicably continued to humour them!

But when several minutes there was no sign of his amor ever managing to break free of them, he began to feel angry. Having been given the green light that the boy was hot for him, he wasn't in the mood to cool things down in favour of polite chitchat with his three friends!

So, when a space suddenly became available on the balcony wall close-by them, Ian quickly parked his ass on top of it and then reached forward to grab David from the rear by the empty belt loops he had used earlier and piloted him backwards until he was safely docked between his parted thighs.

Although the boy happily complied, his thick-skinned friends were not to be shaken off so easily, and barely paused for breath before shuffling forward to continue their conversation with him in the new location unabated.

"What will it take before they get the message to leave us alone?" Ian muttered to himself, turning his attention away from their chattering faces to examine the curves of David's ass in the brighter light which was now positioned only inches from his face.

In the terrace's ultraviolet glow, he quickly spotted the ragged outlines of tears in the seat of the lad's pants he had felt on the dancefloor, shining white against their blue denim fabric and grinned.

Aware that David wore no underwear beneath them, in addition to fondling the lad's ass as he continued to converse, he was soon clandestinely sliding exploratory fingers into the holes in the hope of provoking the lad to award him his undivided attention.

To keep up appearances, he would occasionally pop his head round the lad's torso to beam and nod amiably to David's over-protective companions, entertained not by their scintillating wit, but by him having the satisfaction of fondling the boy's ass under their very noses without them realising it.

Clearly turned on by what Ian was up to behind his back, David stuck his ass out pertly to meet Ian's wandering hands while he continued to participate in his friend's gossip.

Encouraged by this, his, increasingly horny, admirer managed to prise the whole of his right hand through the tear running beneath his buttocks, leaving him free to fondle the baby-soft skin of the lad's buttocks without restraint.

Fired up by the prospect of penetrating the guy in front of his friends as they talked, Ian slowly eased his forefinger between them until he reached his hole and then began massaging its perimeter with its tip.

When, in response, an equally excited David, increased the downward pressure on his ass, Ian speedily moved on to easing his finger deeper inside him.

Swallowing hard, David succeeded in keeping up his end of his conversation with his mates, as Ian penetrated him repeatedly with a single finger. But when he inevitably moved on to attempt to squeeze a second finger inside him, alongside the first, he couldn't prevent himself from gasping.

Despite his wriggles, Ian persisted until he had David skewered on both of his fingers, at which point he began waggling them around inside him until the lad's whole body began to convulse and his participation in the group's conversation finally stuttered to a halt.

Belatedly realising that their friend's new leather-clad admirer was up to something untoward behind his back, his friends paused for him to complete his sentence. Only, to Ian's delight, for the boy to finally turn his back on them to reveal his hand buried inside the seat of his pants, like a ventriloquist's dummy, and award his liberator a grateful kiss on the lips!

After which, regardless of his companions looking on open mouthed, the two of them began necking with a vengeance.

To be continued...

NEW!!!! Barney's Nifty recommendations:

As a reward for those of you who have reached the end of my story and are begging for more of the same, I am including a link to stories buried deep in the Nifty Archive that I liked that you may not have come across.

  1. Slave to a Younger Master - Max Potter

A submissive young guy desperately wants to find himself a Master but despairs of ever finding one in the small town where he lives where more conventional sex is the norm. However, one evening in the restaurant where he works as a waiter, he serves a college kid who catches his eye - as much for his self-confident attitude as his sporting good looks. When he finds the youngster waiting for him in a car after he finishes work, the waiter accepts his offer of a lift home and shows his gratitude by providing him with a blowjob en route. So much is he taken by the waiter's efforts to provide him with pleasure and his complete, unquestioning obedience that he has him take him back to his flat so that he can also fuck him. Realising the extent of his power over the waiter, the youngster mischievously imposes one humiliation after another on him, until there is seemingly nothing he cannot get him to do willingly however painful or degrading it might be and whoever else might be watching.

If you have especially enjoyed a story from the archive that you would like to recommend to others then please send me the details in an email.

If you liked my story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them. Check out my profile at Amazon's Author Central

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

Next: Chapter 36

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