Isle of Dogs

By Barney Bumpkin

Published on Oct 25, 2023



This story is intended for adults interested in homosexual erotica. If that is not something that you wish to read then go no further.

All characters and situations are fictional though hopefully plausible and grounded in reality.

The work published here is all my own with all rights reserved.

The author is based in the UK so the diction reflects this but my stories involve characters of different ethnicities and many are set in locations outside the UK.

My thanks go to Nifty for all the pleasure the Archive has given me over the years and for the opportunity to bring my writing efforts to the attention of those who share my particular erotic interests. Readers are encouraged to make a donation to keep the archive going for many more years.

As always, feedback both critical and complimentary is welcome via e-mail to:

Please don't contact me with commercial requests or advertising.

Hope you enjoy




After hearing about Playa Del Ingles reputation for being a sun-drenched gay paradise, Ian Hamilton opts to take a winter holiday in the Canary Islands.

Travelling alone, after the beak up of a relationship, he opts to book with a gay tour operator, thinking he will soon make friends with his fellow tourists.

But introverted Ian doesn't make friends easily and when his travelling companions all seem to be in tight-knit couples or groups and no one he fancies takes much interest in him, he turns to the locals to satisfy his craving for sexual domination and his lust for Latin, Black and Arabic guys.

Three years later, again in between relationships, a more sexually accomplished but no more sociable Ian decides to visit Gran Canaria again.

This time, he finds himself a bungalow all to himself near the Yumbo Centre, the hub of resort's gay scene, but again finds it hard to pin down a guy he fancies who is into the sort of sex he enjoys.

By Thursday of his week-long stay, he begins to feel lonely and fears he may have to settle sex-wise for drunken fumblings in club darkrooms or watching the drunken antics of others.

In a bid to secure more adventurous sex and a longer lasting romance before his holiday is over, he attends a "Leather Night" at his favourite gay bar.

Although he witnesses and participates in some horny SM sex there, when the party ends abruptly, he is forced to move on to cruise the disco, depite being dressed in black leather.

When a strikingly handsome young guy catches his eye, in desperation, he summons up the courage to make a move on him, despite being given little encouragement.

  1. The "Campo de Golf"

Ian's bungalow felt stifling after their walk through the night air, so he left the door open after they had entered to let in the breeze.

While David headed straight for the bathroom to spruce himself up, he went into the bedroom to take off his sweat-soaked T-shirt and root through his luggage in search of the half dozen or so items of bondage gear he'd brought with him.

Ian also dug out his stash of condoms and lube, after which, he donned the black leather waistcoat that he'd chickened out from wearing to Divas which he'd left out on the bed. After checking himself out in the wardrobe mirror and deciding it showed off his torso and biceps to good effect, he moved on to hosting a leather party of his own!

Deciding that the living room, rather than the bedroom, would be the best location for what he had in mind for David, he shoved the furniture to the sides of the room with the exception of the coffee table and turned off all but one of the lights.

He arranged his collection of restraints and condoms on the top of the table then sorted out the glass of water the lad had asked for and added a couple of ice-cubes from the fridge before setting it down on the drainer.

Finally, he sat down on the sofa, lifted his black leather boots up to rest them beside his array of sexual accoutrements and waited for the boy to re-appear.

Despite the door remaining open, as a result of his exertions, sweat began to trickle down the sides of his forehead, prompting him to revise his plans at the last moment.

"Yer drink's in the kitchen," he called out, when a minute or so later David finally emerged through the bathroom door.

He then watched impatiently as the lad took a couple of nervous sips from his drink, during which he noted the furniture had been rearranged since he'd entered and then Ian, sitting dressed in his leather gear with his booted feet-up on the table amidst a display of items he'd previously only seen in a Soho sex shop.

"So, finally, I've got you all to myself!" Ian said softly, rising to his feet and crossing the room to join him in the kitchenette. But to the lad's surprise, he didn't immediately embrace him, but instead, walked past him to close and lock the open door.

"It's way too hot in here, so we're going outside," he announced, adding with a nervous chuckle, "at least to begin with!"

To prevent the lad ruining the sexually charged ambiance he'd taken so much trouble to create with more idle chit-chat, the moment David opened his mouth to speak he pressed his finger to his lips.

"Shush! There's been more than enough talk for one night!" Ian grimaced, "now it's time for action!

So, finish off yer drink an follow me!"

Without saying a word, the lad obediently gulped down what was left of his water and set the empty glass down in the sink.

After switching off the remaining light, Ian threaded his fingers through David's empty belt-loops and ushered him through the darkness to the rear of the chalet where he had already opened up the patio door.

"It's cooler out here and I know you're not shy!" he added, stepping outside and sitting down in one of the two white plastic patio chairs set out beside a matching table.

But instead of inviting his guest to sit in the empty chair beside him, Ian took the cushion from its seat, spread his leather-clad legs wide apart, and placed it down on the ground between them.

"Kneel slave!" he demanded with a grin, motioning David to kneel down before him.

Before complying, the lad took an anxious glace around them.

Although the patio itself was unlit, lights illuminated the nearby walk-way, which wound its way between the chalets and ended up at small swimming pool, surrounded by deserted sun beds.

However, the path they had followed to reach Ian's bungalow lay only a few feet away from them, so there was the distinct possibility that residents returning home later than themselves could pass by at any moment!

On the plus side, from David's point of view, Ian's patio had a waist-high railing running around it, adorned with trailing bougainvillea that would at least partially hide their antics from passers-by.

"Time to make use of that mouth of yours for more pleasurable things than talking!" Ian chuckled, thrusting the lad's head down to meet his leather-clad groin the moment he deigned to adopt the position he'd demanded, excited by the prospect of publicly humiliating the handsome youngster for the third time that night.

Resignedly, David gave in to his demand and began to make up for his previous reticence by nuzzling the outline of Ian's dick, which was visibly filling out the front of his pants.

In response, he patted him on the head affectionately and was soon thrusting his thighs upwards in a steady rhythm to meet his lips as the lad went on to demonstrate his devotion to him by lathering his leathers with his saliva.

"Take it out!" Ian whispered in his ear, a few moments later.

Despite his reservations, the boy parted the zipper of Ian's pants to unleash his master's cock and, the moment it was free, took its glistening head into his mouth and resumed sucking it as enthusiastically as he had at the disco earlier.

"Good lad!" Ian exhaled contentedly, pleased by his future slave's willingness not only to suck his dick the way he liked it but also in a location where there was a risk he might be observed.

"But let's not get ahead of ourselves," Ian cautioned, prompted by the lad unfastening his belt to open up the front of his jeans so he could access his genitals more easily, "Before yer go any further, I want yer naked!"

It appeared David was keen on this scenario too, as no sooner had he torn his head away from pleasuring his master's cock than he yanked his vest off over his head.

"Hand it to me!" Ian immediately demanded, giving it a sniff while David continued to undress before hurling it indoors through the open patio door.

Rising to his feet to shed his trainers, David paused to glimpse around them to check the coast was still clear.

"Don't worry, I'll be keeping an eye out for yer!" Ian assured him with a grin, plainly enjoying the lad's anxiety as he relaxed back into his chair and wrapped his fist around his cock to wank himself as he watched the lad strip.

"Hand 'em over!" he demanded, the moment the lad had relinquished his footwear, and promptly threw them inside the chalet as well.

"And yer socks!" Ian demanded gleefully, as though David might forget to remove them without his prompting.

Moments later, the lad's socks and jeans had joined the rest of his clothing inside the chalet and David was left standing naked before his master with his cock at the vertical.

"Put yer hands on yer head and close yer eyes!" Ian then demanded, repeating the instructions he had given him out of the terrace of the disco, to render him completely exposed and vulnerable. The moment David lowered his eyelids, Ian rose to his feet and stepped around him to return indoors to retrieve the items he had laid out on the coffee table.

Once inside, it occurred to him that he may as well use the loo while he was there, after which he got distracted into cleaning himself up a little in the sink before he returned to make love to the delightfully obedient youngster.

Spotting the lad waiting outside with his hands on his head and his erection undiminished, as he passed the fridge, Ian paused to take a few swigs of juice from an open carton, during which a new means of humiliating the lad popped into his head.

After stuffing some of the items from the coffee table inside his waistcoat pockets, he stealthily threaded his way through the lad's discarded clothes and eased the patio door across on its runners until it was closed, at which point he slid the catch across to lock it shut from the inside.

He then gathered up David's clothes from the floor and deposited them in the half-empty wardrobe in his bedroom.

"Yer won't be getting 'these back 'til the morning, if ever!" he chuckled to himself, getting off on the idea of permanently depriving his prospective slave boy of his clothing.

Ian then made his way back though the darkness to the front door to make his exit, locked it shut behind him and returned to join David via the path than ran beside the chalet.

To be continued...

If you liked my story, check out my latest Kindle e-book "EXPOSED" on Amazon.

You will also find my other two e-books "A Homage to India" and "Finding Friends" listed there if you have not already come across them. Check out my profile at Amazon's Author Central

Or check out my other writing posted on Nifty for free which includes the full-length erotic novel "Teacher Training". You'll find my work listed under "B" in the Authors tab or do a search for my name.

Next: Chapter 40

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