It All Started With A Wager

By Bad Mofo

Published on Jan 13, 2008



This story, though the original idea was based in reality, is fiction. (Unfortunately.) All the usual disclaimers apply. You know if you shouldn't be reading this, you don't need me to tell you.

Hi there. My name is Mark and I'm 17. I've known for years that I'm bisexual, but I'm very closeted and haven't told anyone. My closest friend is named Kevin; we're inseparable, closer than brothers. He's 16, and I'm seriously attracted to him. I can't tell him, though, because he's one of those very-macho-very- straight guys, so I'm left with only my fantasies. I've managed to catch a quick glimpse of his dick a few times, either at the public pool, the gym or in a restroom, and that's fuel for my fantasies for weeks.

Kevin and I had always been competitive, but in a friendly way. We pushed each other to be stronger, smarter, faster in whatever we did together. Occasionally, we would place bets on things to make them more interesting. We were at a bowling alley one night and we'd just finished a few games. Thanks to the bets, I now had to cook him dinner, and he had to wash my car. Little did I know, things were about to become MUCH more interesting.

We wandered over to a pool table and put in some coins. "What do you want to bet for this time?" he asked. We were both having a good night in terms of concentration and skill, so this was going to be a good game. I offered a few ideas, but none of them seemed "big" enough for a good night for betting. Then inspiration struck.

"How about the loser shaves their head?" I suggested.

"I'm not too crazy about that one. People keep complimenting me on this new style, I'd like to keep it," he said, shooting down another one.

"Ok, how about the loser has to shave their pubes? I hope you don't get too many compliments on those." I didn't really expect him to accept this one either, but I was starting to get a little tired and my internal wall blocking my thoughts was coming down a little.

"What? Well... I dunno. Megan might not like that," he replied, referring to his girlfriend.

"It does grow back, you know. Besides, she might like it, you never know." He wasn't as dead-set opposed to it as I'd expected. This was interesting.

He hummed and hawed for a minute before accepting the bet. This was quite a shock - I'd never expected in a million years that he'd go for it. Of course, then it struck me - I might be the one doing it. This was back in the days before guys shaving their nether regions was popular, so it was a big deal. But, like I'd said, it does grow back. Oh well, it'll be fun either way.

He racked, I broke. The game went back and forth for a while, neither of us wanting to lose. Finally it came down to him with one ball left on the table, and me shooting for the 8. I'd left him with pretty much no shot, but he had a trick up his sleeve. He knew he couldn't sink the ball, but he could at least hit it. So, he took aim, and carefully connected with the cue ball. It gently nudged the 4-ball and rolled slowly to a rest, with the 4-ball smack dab between the cue and the 8, and close enough so that the angles didn't work in my favour. Great.

I was left with a dilemma here. I had to either touch the 8-ball, or I lost. The 8-ball was sitting close to a corner pocket, but the 4-ball was guarding it quite nicely. I must say, he'd set me up like a champion here. The look on his face said it all - he knew he was going to win.

The only way I was going to make this shot was to aim down the table to the far end and bring it back. This was definitely going to be a tough shot. But then inspiration hit me again - I can't go around it the short way, I'd have problems going around it the long way, I can't go through it... but nothing says I can't go over it. I'd seen trick shots before on video tapes, but I'd never tried them myself. I looked again down the table and decided that I had nothing to lose here. I wasn't going to make that shot. So, I figured, why not.

I set up to make the jump shot to sink the 8-ball. Kevin wasn't looking quite as confident as he did a few moments ago; I don't think he'd thought I was crazy enough to try this. You could feel the tension in the air. I called the corner pocket, took a few deep breaths, lined up my shot as best I could (not having done this before) and prayed silently. I brought my cue back, adjusted my aim, and brought it down with a sharp jab.

In slow motion, the cue ball lifted from the felt surface of the table, leapfrogged cleanly over the 4-ball, and landed with a crack. It struck the 8-ball squarely, which rolled to the corner pocket, and teetered on the edge.

And then it dropped in.

I'd won the game... and the bet.

Kevin stood there in disbelief for a moment, and finally exhaled. "Motherfucker. That was a nice shot."

I thanked him, and after some playful teasing we got ready to head out, back to his place. When we arrived, the house was dark. We went inside and he checked the voicemail. There was one from his mom, saying that she and his sister would be staying at his aunt's for the night, and for him to be good. (Just like a mom.) Being a shit disturber, I told him that this might be a good time for him to pay up on his bet, now that he had privacy for the evening.

"Sigh... yeah yeah. Might as well get it over with." I figured he was going to weasel out of it if he could, but he didn't even question it. "Tell you what," he said, "I'm going to have problems reaching some areas down there. Would you do it for me?"

This absolutely floored me. Kevin, the object of my fantasies, just asked me to shave his pubes for him. Let me think...okaythankyouverymuch. "If you want." I had to play this cool a little, I didn't want to freak him out.

We went upstairs to the bathroom, and Kevin asked me how I wanted to do this. "Let's see... First I think we should use your hair trimmer to get rid of most of it, then we'll use a razor to get the rest," I said.

"OK, sounds good," he said, taking off his shirt.

This was putting my libido into overdrive. I really found Kevin sexy... he was skinny, but not grossly so, and his body was well-proportioned. "Would you mind if I stripped down a little, too, Kev? I don't want to get hair all over my clothes, if that's ok." Oh my God, did I really just say that? My mouth must really be listening to my dick for me to say something like that.

"Actually, I was kind of hoping you would. It'll make this a little less awkward for me, being naked in front of you fully clothed."

This really got my juices flowing. I had no clue when I woke up this morning that not only would I be seeing my best friend naked, but also shaving his pubes tonight. Never in my wildest dreams would this situation have happened. Not that I'm complaining, of course.

I took off my shirt as he removed his pants, and I shucked my jeans after that. Both of us were standing in our boxer-briefs, looking at each other, waiting for the moment of truth. With a look of resignation, Kevin dropped his underwear and stood there in all his glory. My heart skipped a beat - he was downright beautiful.

His circumsized cock sat atop two walnut-sized balls, nestled under a fair sized pubic bush. His cock looked to be about 3 inches long, soft, and like the rest of him, nicely proportioned. As I gazed upon it, it started to stir.

"Come on, then, let's get started," he said, smiling. Reluctantly, I turned my gaze away to get the hair trimmer, and work commenced. As I trimmed off more and more of his bush, his cock got harder and harder until it was fully erect, pointing out from his body at a 90 degree angle. It looked to be about 6 1/2", same length as mine, but mine was thicker. Speaking of my cock, I was rock hard inside my boxer-briefs as I was working on him. Soon, I was done with the trimmer, and out came the shaving cream. I shooed him into the bathtub and lathered up his crotch. To my eyes, it was like icing on a cake.

While this was going on, we were almost silent as I shaved him into prepubescence. Stroke after stroke with the razor cleaned off more and more of the stubble until finally he was left as bald as the day he was born. When I was finished, he stepped out and looked at himself in the full-length mirror. "Damn, this looks weird, but it's kinda hot, too. I think I like it." As he stood there, he mindlessly gave his cock a few tugs as he checked himself out.

By this time, my libido was about to kill me. My cock was close to tearing my underwear. I'd never been this hard before. I couldn't resist asking, "So, uh, Kevin, uh... would you like me to take care of that for you?"

He turned around and looked at me, and with lust in his eyes, replied "Yes, please."

Since I was already on my knees from shaving him, I was eye-level with his cock. I reached out and took its warmth in my hand and gave it a few strokes. Despite all that had happened today, this was the first time I'd ever really had my hand on someone's cock other than my own. It felt strange... very nice, but strange. It was hard, yet soft; similar to my own but different. I continued to stroke him, the occasional moan or gasp coming from him telling me I was doing it right.

Gingerly, I brought my head in close and looked at the head of his cock, slowly dripping precum from his slit. Without another thought, I gently licked the precum from his cock, which caused him to gasp aloud and look down at me. I looked up into his eyes, which were pleading me to do what I'd wanted to do for a few years.

I took the head of his cock in my mouth and gently sucked, rubbing my tongue along the sensitive ridge under the glans. I could feel his knees go weak as I took in more of his beautiful dick. I was in heaven. Up and down I bobbed on his cock, taking in a little more each time. I rolled around his huge balls in their sac and was rewarded with a long moan for my trouble. Soon, I could hear his breathing quicken and I knew what was coming.

"Dude, I'm gonna cum, you'd better watch out," he breathed, his cock buried in my mouth. "Man... I'm serious, I'm gonna blow any second." I kept up my bobbing motion and continued to suck. I'd dreamed about this for three years and I was looking forward to my reward.

I wasn't disappointed. With a grunt, his cock literally exploded inside my mouth, filling it with blast after blast of warm sweet cum. I'd tasted my own cum before, but this was different. Maybe it had something to do with drinking straight from the tap, as it were, rather than shooting into a glass and drinking it when it was cooling down, but his cum was incredible. I don't know how I managed it, with the volume he put out, but I caught all he had to offer and swallowed it all down. As his cock softened, I was sad to let it leave the comfort of my mouth, but all good things must come to an end, after all.

"Mark, there's no way I can thank you enough for that. That was amazing," he said after catching his breath. "Did you really swallow all that?"

I told him I did. "What did it taste like?"

Now that was the million dollar question. "Well, it was salty, but at the same time, sweet. Nice and warm. I know I'm not describing it very well, but I don't know how else to word it. It was amazing. And the feeling of you shooting in my mouth was incredible, too."

He looked thoughtful for a moment, as if he was considering something. And considering something he was. "I feel a little odd, because I never thought I'd find myself in this position, but would you like me to do you? I think it's only fair."

"Kevin, you don't have to do it if you don't want to. I don't expect you to."

"No, I want to. Before tonight, I'd never thought much about doing sex stuff with another guy, but I think I'd like to try it and I trust you."

With a gleam in my eye, I agreed, adding "... but only if you shave me too ..."

This was my first story, I hope you liked it. Feedback would really be appreciated so I know whether to continue or not. I do have a few ideas in mind for further chapters. Let me know at

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