It is Better To Give AND Receive


Published on Dec 11, 2001


I wanted to tell you about my first OFFICIAL encounter with another guy. I say official because although I had a few experiences where I received a blow job, this was the first time that I was an active participant. I was living in Youngstown at the time.

Other than messing around and mutual jackoff sessions with some of my friends when I was a kid, my only experiences with another guy were when my friends and I had gone out drinking but they had to leave early because they had dates or had to go to work early. After they had left I would usually stay at the bar and have a few more drinks. Sometimes after I started to feel no pain, and it was still early so I did not want to go home yet, I would go to one of the adult movie theaters or video arcades in town. After having drunk so much, it would only be about a half an hour tops before I had to take a leak. As I am about six feet tall, 180 lbs., brown hair, blue eyes and have been told that I am good looking (by both girls and guys), there were usually guys hanging around who would join me in the men's room or would follow me back to a video booth and give me a great blow job. After I shot my cum down their throat or on their face, I would zip up and go home.

One night after my friends had left and I had even more than usual to drink, I went to one of my usual video arcades. This particular video arcade had booths that had entries that were " L" shaped, where you take a couple of steps inside and turn to get to get to the bench to sit on to watch the video. The booths were all painted black so it was sometimes difficult to see if there were any "glory holes" into the next booth. Although there were several guys hanging around in the aisles watching me, none of them seemed to be interested in following me to the men's room or into a booth. After a while I decided it was time to take "matters into my own hand".

I went into one of the booths and I was standing up watching the video. I had my pants unzipped and unbuttoned and I took out my dick and started to stroke it. About the time it started to get hard, I thought I heard someone at the door. I figured that one of the guys had been watching me through one of the glory holes and was trying to get into my booth to give me a blow job. I was far enough along that I decided not to stop. It turned out that I had not totally locked the door and the guy was able to push it open and come in. He was an average looking older guy with a decent build. Neither of us said anything. He just stood there and watched me for a minute. Then he stepped forward and reached for my dick. I let him start to stroke it. After a couple of minutes, he bent over and started to lick up and down the length and all around the head of it while he reached in and played with my balls

After a few minutes he stood up and I could see that he had taken out his dick. As he slowly stroked it, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bottle. I had never had any experience with poppers before. After he had taken a couple of sniffs he held the bottle up to my nose and said go ahead and take a few whiffs. I took a couple of deep breaths and between the drinking and the poppers my head started to spin. He set the bottle down and took my hand and pulled it over to his dick. I had not played with someone else's dick since I was a kid. His was maybe 7.0" long and fairly thick, and I found myself enjoying playing with it. After a few more minutes he had us switch positions so that he could sit on the bench and suck on my cock. As he sat there, he reached up and pulled my pants and underwear down to my ankles. He slide his hands up the backs of my legs as he continued to lick and suck on my cock and balls. When his hands reached my ass, he started to rub and squeeze my cheeks and pull my crack open. He stopped for a minute and reached for the bottle. I was really getting turned on so I bent over and started to pull his pants down so I could reach his cock again. He lifted up off the bench so I could push them down to his ankles and I started to play with his cock and balls. He wet his finger in his mouth and reached behind me and started to rub it on my asshole. It felt kind of good.

As I was enjoying myself and had my back to the door, I did not see or hear when the second guy came in. Apparently he had been watching us through a glory hole and had decided that it was time to join us. The first guy had not locked the door either. He had seen him come in but did not say anything. He handed me the bottle and as I was taking a couple of whiffs, the new guy behind me kneeled down and started to lick and kiss all over my ass. I had never experienced this before and in my excited state it really felt great. Since I had so much to drink, I knew it would take me quite a while to shoot. The guy behind me got me to lift my feet one at a time so he could remove my shoes, pants and underwear and throw them onto the bench. He had me spread my legs as far apart as I could and then spread my cheeks and started to lick and suck my asshole. It felt wonderful. After a while he slowly started to push first one, then another and finally three fingers up my asshole. He continued to lick and kiss my ass as he finger fucked my asshole.

After a few minutes of this, he stood up and pushed on my back so that I was leaning forward. I had not realized that he had his pants open and had been stroking his cock hard as he worked on my ass. He took his fingers out of my ass and slowly started to push his cock in. As this was another first for me, it hurt some but soon started to feel good. As he fucked me, the guy sitting on the bench grapped my shirt and pulled it off over my head. I was now naked. He leaned back and pulled my head down to his cock. I had never done this before either, but between the two of them they held my head down until I started to lick and finally suck on his cock. As the guy behind me fucked me faster, I started to enjoy it and sucking the cock more. I even started to lick and suck on his balls as I pushed back onto the dick in my ass. The guy fucking me looked at the first guy and said "Wow we got a hot one here." Whenever I reached down to try and stroke my cock they would push my hand way and say "No, not yet." After about five minutes the guy fucking my ass started to shudder and shoot his load up my ass. When he was done he pulled up his pants and left.

The guy on the bench stood up and turned me around and forced me to bend over again. As he started to push his dick into my asshole I realized that a third guy had entered the booth. He had his pants down to his knees and was stoking on his hard cock. He stepped forward and put his cock in my face. This time I did not have to be forced. I started sucking on his cock and licking his balls. He said "I heard there was a hot one in here so I thought I would check it out." As the other guy continued to fuck my ass he said "Yeah he is really getting into it now." But again they would push my hand away from my dick and not let me get off. Before long the one fucking me was shooting his cum up my ass to join with the first guy's. After he pulled his pants up, he helped the new guy turn me around and bend me over so he could fuck my ass too. This guy's dick was not as big as the other two had been, but he made up for it by fucking me hard enough to bang my head against the wall. I was really lubed up from the first two guys cum so he was able to pull all the way out of my ass and then push his whole cock in with one stroke.

He would periodically take his cock out and wait a few seconds before jamming it back in. I figured he was doing this so he could last longer. One time he seemed to be keeping it out an extra long time. About the time I was going to try and turn around to see why he was waiting, I felt a cock being pushed back into my ass. But something was different. This seemed like a much bigger cock. Even longer and thicker than the first two had been. When I turned to look, I realized that the guy who was fucking me had already cum in my ass and because of my well used state I did not even feel it. It turned out that there had been another guy waiting his turn with his hard cock out and so he just stepped up and pushed his cock in while the other guy was pulling up his pants and leaving. Although this guy's cock was much larger he was also much gentler than the last guy. So between that and being so well lubed that it was coming out of my ass and running down my leg, I was soon enjoying yet another ass fucking.

This guy was not only gentler but he also reached around and began to stroke my cock as he slowly fucked my ass. After about ten minutes of this he started to shoot in my asshole. That was all it took to set me off and I shot my load in his hand. After he pulled out I stood up to see him licking my cum off of his hand as he zipped up and walked out. My legs were weak and shaky but I was able to make it - naked - to the door to shut and lock it, just in time to see two more guys heading my way. I took my time cleaning up as best I could and getting dressed. As I walked out of the booth there were several guys standing there smiling at me, but I took my sore, and very satisfied ass home to rest. Until this happened, I had thought that I was straight. It turns out I am bi. I returned there many times and got ass fucked and sucked numerous times, but by only one guy at a time.

Hope you enjoyed this. I know I did. It was all true. I now live in Columbus and although I have hoped for it I have never again had a session like that first one. Or one that left me as satisfied.

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