It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jun 7, 2016


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The rest of the guys shared a group laugh, although it didn't go unnoticed by Tim Dickson that for a couple of them it seemed like a forced laugh.

"OK, most of you've met my cousin Danny, so you know that I don't give a fuck if yer green, or purple, or have spots. What matters is if are you a quality person, and I can tell you that we want this guy on our team. So I don't give a fuck if he's gay and neither do any of you. Got me?"

"Yeah, yeah..." All of them said. In truth, most of them didn't give a fuck, and the ones who might regarded it more as a curiosity than anything else.

"So, who is this guy, and where's he from?" asked Trent Westfahl, expected to return as starting Middle Linebacker. "I'll introduce him when he gets here, and then I'll have him tell you his story. That's fair. I met the guy this morning over at Coach's office. He seemed to be a helluva guy to me. I'll let him speak for himself – he didn't appear like the shy type."

Just then, Tim heard the doorbell ring. He ran to the gate between the back yard and the front yard and yelled out, "Hey! Over here! In the back yard!"

Sean and Andy made their way over to the gate, and from there to the patio. "OK, guys, grab a seat!" Tim said. "If ya want something to drink, there's soda in the cooler over there! Oh, shit! You, you got crutches there, Hopalong Cassidy! Just tell me whatcha want and I'll get it for ya!"

Andy asked for a coke and Sean indicated for Tim to make it two.

Returning with the drinks, Tim motioned for Sean to come and stand next to him.

"OK, guys, this is the guy I was telling you about. Remember last year when we played Tremper? Guys, meet Sean Wyman. Wymo here was their starting Quarterback. He's gonna be at Craig this year, and he'll be a Junior. Say hello to some of the guys, Wymo!"

"Hey guys, and thanks Dix for inviting us over. The guy with the crutches is Andy Churchill, and he'll be a Junior this year, too. We only been here a day, and this really beats sitting at home!"

"OK, guys," Tim said, "let's all do the circle-jerk thing; introduce yourselves and say what position you play and what class you'll be in this year."

They all went around the circle, and everyone was introduced.

"I got a question, Dix," Tom Cunningham said.


"OK, if Wymo here was Tremper's starting Quarterback, and you're gonna be the starting Quarterback this year, I mean,'s THAT gonna work?"

Dickson looked at Sean and nodded.

"I'll answer that, guys." Sean said taking Dickson's lead. "This morning Dix and me met with Coach. Here's what Coach told us about how this is gonna work: Dix and me are gonna compete for the position of starting Quarterback. Coach will make the final decision as to who's the starter. I'll tell you the same thing I told Dix and Coach. If Dix beats me out for the job, then I will play under him without reservation, and if I should win the job, then I will lead the offense. Look, guys, I'm here to be a team player. I'm not one of these assholes that thinks his shit doesn't stink. And I didn't just skate in here expecting anything if I don't earn it. Coach said this year he's coaching to win the Big Eight championship, and maybe even state. Wherever Coach decides is the best place for me to be to help the team win, that's where I'll be."

"Jesus Christ, I'll hand it to ya, Wymo, you got sack!" Cunningham said. "Dix, this guy's alright!"

"Cunningham, right?" Sean said.

"Cunns," Tom replied.

Andy guffawed.

"What's so funny over there, Hopalong Cassidy?" Dickson said, grinning.

"Um, OK, so we got Dix and Cunns. Really?" Andy dissolved in laughter, as did the rest of the guys.

"You a football player?" Westfahl asked.

"Do I look like one?" Andy replied incredulously. "You guys would fucking flatten me in two seconds!"

"Oh..." Westfahl said, "I was just figured that's why you're here..."

"Look, guys, this was gonna come out sooner, or later anyway. Better have done with it now. Andy, or Hopalong Cassidy over there, is my boyfriend. I guess I should ask if anyone thinks that will be an issue."

Cunns spoke up, "Wymo, Cass – yer Cass now. Hopalong Cassidy takes too much time. Anyway, we already talked about that shit before you guys got here and we don't give a fuck where you guys stick your dicks. I like cooter juice on mine, and I guess you guys like shit on yours. Big fuckin' deal. The only thing that matters in the end is that we're a team. We win and lose as a team. We want players who are gonna help us win. Scoring a starting-level Quarterback from another big school is huge. We got a real shot at conference champs, and maybe state champs this year. We're gonna win it as a team, guys. Let's welcome Wymo and Cass to Craig!"

One by one all nodded their heads in assent, got up and slapped Andy and Sean on the back. Sean had the hugest smirk on his face that Andy had ever seen. Andy was beaming his million candlepower smile.

Westfahl spoke up next. "Look, guys, I'll be honest. I don't understand this gay shit, and I really don't think I want to. I know everybody talks about that shit these days, but to me it's like what some guy in China that I don't know had for lunch yesterday. I really don't care about it and I really don't wanna hear about it one way or the other. But if Wymo's gonna help us win some games, then I don't give a fuck if he might like a mouthful of cock every now and then. It's none of my business. Welcome to the team, Wymo. You, too, Cass. Anyway, Dix was sayin' before there's some kind of a back-story why you guys moved to town. What's that all about?"

Sean told the story of how his dad had been picked to run the GM plant, and then the trouble that went on with the Tremper team, Andy's beating and all the rest of it.

"Holy fuck!" Cunns exclaimed, eyes wide, "That's some fucked up shit, man. Cass, yer one tough little dude! Just so you guys know, we don't do shit like that around here. Wymo, I dunno what to say, man. You couldn't make up a story like that if you tried! Some of us got only one year left here; some have two. We ain't got time for that kinda crap! We're just here to win football games."

The evening went on with all the old, familiar guys shooting the shit, and welcoming Sean and Andy to the team. Finishing up the night, Sean spoke up, "Guys, we have to go. There's someone across the street we gotta say hello to – the Realtor lady that found us our house. I just gotta say, well, I'm pretty speechless right now, but I just wanna say thanks. I think we're gonna like it here. What do you think, And?"

"What do I think? I think you guys are way better than the jocks at Tremper for one thing. You guys made me feel welcome even though I'm shrimpy compared to you, and I'm not a football player. I think you guys are pretty fuckin' cool... I got an idea, Sean-o, when we move into the new house, why don't we have the guys over sometime?"

"Where you guys gonna be living at?" Westfahl asked.

"My dad bought that Spanish house on the corner of Court and Garfield. The old owners are moving out now, and then we need to have the security systems installed and get it furnished. We should be in there in like about two weeks I think..."

"Fuck, your dad bought The Alamo?" Cunns said.

"Yeah, that's what the Realtor lady called it, so yeah, I guess so," Andy said.

"Fuckin-A! Primo party place, man!" Dix said. "You guys rock! Tell ya what, have the party when we beat Parker!"

"What the fuck is Parker?" Andy asked.

"Dumbass, Cass! You got a lot to learn, little dude!" Cunningham grinned, ruffling Andy's hair, "Parker is the other High School in town. It's also known as Cow Pie High' because when it was built they stuck it way the fuck out on the west side of town across the street from a farm. We beat the piss out of em last year, and this year it'll probably be worse. When we beat Parker, that'll be the party of the year!"

"Whatever!" Andy teased back. "I ain't little, Cunns!" he announced, grabbing his crotch and snickering. The rest of the guys dissolved into laughter. Cunningham high-fived Andy.

"Jesus Christ, Wymo, yer boyfriend over there's a hot shit!" Dix said out of the side of his mouth. "If we can find him something to do for the team, we should. I'd like to have the little fucker around!"

"Let's think about that, Dix!" Sean said to Dix. Then to the rest of the group, Sean said, "Anyhow, we're gonna go say hello to the Realtor lady. Guys, I really mean this, thanks for having us over. You made us feel welcome, and that's all we could ever ask."

The guys all shook hands as teenage jocks do, and then the little get together broke up.

"Hey, Dix..." Westfahl said.

"Yeah, West?"

"I liked those two dudes. Man, we scored big. You think you are gonna beat Wymo out?"

"West, to tell you the truth, I really don't know. The guy's good. No, I take that back, he's REALLY fuckin' good. You'll see. But like I said, us guys, we're a fuckin' team. It is what it is, dude..."

"Yeah, it is what it is. Listen, you and Wymo, you gotta make sure there's no friction between you two. I don't want us to end up like how Wymo said the Tremper team did."

"Not gonna happen, West. I figure in the end, both Wymo and me will get significant playing time because we have different strengths and Coach is prolly gonna play whichever one of us is best for whatever game situation. And if that's how it goes, that's fine with me. Plus, I'm a Senior and he's a Junior. He'll be around next year when I'm gone, so you guys better treat him right. My future ain't in the NFL, anyway. You and I both know I'll end up down at the Law Firm after college, so it ain't no hair off my ass... And his dad runs the GM plant, so Wymo will prolly end up somewhere at GM. That's how it goes in this town. That's how it's always been..."

"Yer right, Dix. They seemed like good dudes. Wymo's got sack, and Cass is one tough little shit. The kind of guys you can do business with. Plus, you know they got money – they bought the fuckin' Alamo!"

"Exactly. Word around town is they paid cash. But they don't act like big money guys. People with real money don't."

Sean walked, and Andy hobbled, across the street to Ginny Miler's house.

"Hey, Blondie, just for shits and grins, let's ring the Real Estate doorbell instead of the house doorbell...the old bitch won't know why the fuck someone was stopping by at this hour to buy a fuckin' house..." Andy said with an evil grin.

"Yer a shit, And, but a lovable shit. Yeah, let's do that!"

Andy got to the door first and leaned into the doorbell for a good ten seconds.

"What the fuck!" they could hear from inside the house, then they heard clomp- clomp-clomp as purposeful footsteps marched to the door.

"OK, who the hell... Jesus, Mary and Joseph! If it isn't Sean and Andy! My two little hot shits! How are you boys! Sean, your dad bought the Alamo! I just knew that house had your name on it! C'mon in!"

"We just came to say hello, Ginny...we were at Tim Dickson's across the street," Sean demurred.

"I know Tim and his whole family. Known `em forever. The Dickson's are good people – you can trust them. His dad has a Law Office in town. Been my lawyer for years. Anyway, nonsense! C'mon in and have a cold one with old Ginny! I'll only keep you two boys a minute! Andy! What happened to you, sweetie!"

The boys followed Ginny into a comfortable looking family room. "Have a seat, I'll be right back!" In a minute, Ginny returned with two 16-ounce PBR cans and a Brandy Old Fashioned Sweet for herself.

"I know you young guys like PBR, so here ya go! Now, Andy, you look like you got hit by a bus, you little imp!"

This time Andy told the story and as he did old Ginny reached for a Kleenex box on an end table, drying her eyes. "My God! Andy, my dear little Andy! I had a dream one night that something happened to you, but I knew I would see you again!"

"Oh, and you were right about something else, too!" Sean cut in.

"What?" Ginny asked.

"We are a couple! We didn't know it when we saw you last, but we figured it out! So, yeah – you were right!"

"Old Ginny usually is right! I didn't get where I am by bein' wrong, ya know... I came up the hard way, guys. I never knew my parents. They dropped me off at an orphanage in Racine when I was a few days old. All I know is that they were Russian Jews named Tsastarov or something like that, but I've never been able to locate anyone by that name. The closest name I've found to that is Zastrow, but that's not a Russian name, and it's not Jewish... Supposedly I had a much older sister that they kept. A couple from Janesville adopted me. Those were hard times. Nobody had any money. I married a nice man. I worked hard. When he died he left me well off. Enough of that... You two make the cutest couple, and you had it written all over your faces when you were here! Just remember, if you disagree never go to bed mad at each other! Anyway, welcome to Janesville, my two darling little shits. If you need anything, I know everyone in town and all you have to do is ask old Ginny!"

"Hey, Ginny..." Andy said.

"Yes, sweetie?"

"In Kenosha, there's an old lady that runs a Psychic place. I've never met her, but I think my mom did after my dad died. She's supposed to be really old and not speak with an American accent. Her name's Zastrow, or at least that's what the sign says on her Psychic place. You might wanna look her up... I think her Psychic place is still there."

Ginny looked interested. "I'll do that, sweetie. You two are so cute together. Have you fucked yet?"

Sean and Andy both gasped.

"Oh, c'mon, you two, fucking is as natural as the sun rising in the east. You're two horny young men, for Cripe's sake! Don't worry, love each other and fuck your brains out. When you're my age, you'll wish you had, trust me!" Ginny laughed in her trademark earthy tones.

"Ginny, you''re...OK, we fucked, you happy now?" Sean stammered.

"Good. You two make sure you make time to show your love for each other. That's what it's all about! Sean, that's what I love about you – someone asks you a question and they get an honest answer even if it's awkward. Don't ever lose that!"

"You're the best, Ginny! We gotta go now, or dad will be pissed off..." Andy said.

"I know, I met your dad – he is your dad, too now, no?"

"He's my guardian, but we agreed I call him dad."

"He's a good man, and you don't want to disappoint him. You two go now, and thanks for stopping by. It's just not fair an old lady like me looking at two hot young studs like you. If I hadn't already gone through menopause, I'd be moist!"

"Ginny! You are just so..." Sean said as he choked with laughter.

"Yeah, I am, and so are you Mr. I'll Apply Some Wave To My Hair..." Ginny winked.

"Ginny, when we are of age, we're taking you out for cocktails!" Andy said.

"I should live so long! Anyway, good night my two Princes! Don't be afraid to stop by and say hello!"

"We won't and thanks for the beers, Ginny!"

Exiting Ginny's home, Sean looked and Andy, "She's a fuckin' trip, And..."

"Yeah, she is, butcha know, the old bitch tells is like it is. Not like the fake guys on the Tremper football team. And she adores us. We need to keep on her good side and drop by maybe once a month and see her. We need decent people like her on our side. I learned that when I was dealing, how to take care of your customers."

"And I learned that with my lawn business. You're right, Ginny is someone to keep as a friend. Besides, I like her."

Little did they know that Ginny's window was open, and she heard every word they said. Ginny wiped her eyes again, whispering to herself, "I see great things for you two..."

Returning home, Joe was still up. "How was your evening, guys?"

It was fine, dad, and we'll tell ya all about it, but how was your first day at the Plant?"

"Ya know, I think it was OK. I made a good start on building a good staff. This is going to be a challenge because under the new agreement, this Plant will not be a UAW Plant, and Janesville's an old UAW town. I'll have some work to do on that, but in the end it will be better for everyone. Eliminating a layer that is non-productive and having a closer relationship between employees and management can only be a good thing. It just remains to see how long that will take to sink in. Startup assembly is right around the corner, so we've got our work cut out for us. The one thing we do have going is that this was always GM's number one Plant for build quality, and I will not let that go – quality is the name of the game. We will be building Buicks and Cadillacs - we had better be on our game. So what about you, guys?"

"Andy, why don't you tell dad how tonight went..." Sean said.

"OK. Well, dad, we went over to Tim Dickson's house. He's called Dix. He's the other Quarterback. The bottom line is that a lot of the guys from the team were there, and they welcomed us and took us in as friends and teammates. Even me! I'm not on the team, but I got a nickname just like the rest of the guys! Sean and Tim made a deal that whichever one of them is the starter the other one will play under them no problem. What we wanna do is win! They know all about Kenosha, and they know that we're boyfriends. They all said they don't, um, well they said they don't give a fuck. That was the exact word they used, dad... They said we're a team and they don't have time for bullcrap because we wanna win the Big Eight championship!"

"I am so proud of you two. A man could not ask for better sons! After one day in a new town, you guys went right out there and said here we are; it is what it is! And you made places for yourselves! Jesus H. Christ! I am so fucking proud of you guys!"

"Thanks, dad!"

"So, what's your nickname, Andy?"


"How the hell did they arrive at Cass?"

"Well, it's short for Hopalong Cassidy..."

"Jesus H. Christ!" Joe exclaimed. "Boys will be boys..." he said shaking his head, "Look, guys, I have some good news for ya!"

"What's that, dad?"

"Well, the former owners over on Garfield are out. Starting tomorrow the security systems and a few furnishings are going in. The security will include a Spanish-style wrought iron fence around the property, which will be both decorative and offer both enhanced grounds security and opportunities for security monitoring points. We can be in there in a week."

"Really, dad?" both boys squealed.

"Really. I've also decided it is cost efficient to hire a private cook to come in once a week and prepare our meals for the entire week. All that needs to be done is for us to heat them up, or to finish preparing a salad. It seems like it would be expensive, but if you factor in the cost of time spent on meal preparation and all that stuff it works out to be very competitive. And we can also cook our own stuff when we want anyway."


"Also, boys, I have an interior designer coming in. I don't have the time for that, so the designer will be under your supervision, Andy."

"Mine? But, why? I mean, what?"

"Andy, I have seen the interior photos of some of the homes your Uncle has built where you were in charge of the staging. You have superb taste in interior design. I honestly find that sort of thing maddening, and Sean has no talent for it at all. So, son, you will make the inside of that home pop! All I ask for is tastefully understated."

"OK, but I'll need a budget."

"I will give you the budget tomorrow night. It will be enough. Again, tastefully understated, Andrew!"

"Yes, sir... I don't care for flashy myself. I'll also make sure everything is period- appropriate and fits the architecture of the house."

Just then Andy's phone rang. "Hey, it's Noles! Wonder what he wants..." Andy answered the phone right away, "Hey, Noles... No, I haven't seen the news today... You're shitting me! Yeah, I mean, we don't get the same TV stations over here... Wow! Thanks, man... Yeah, see you guys Sunday!"

"What's that all about, And?" Sean asked.

"That was Noles. He said it was on the news tonight from one of the Milwaukee stations that they made an arrest. They think they found the guys that beat me! All he said he knew at this point was that it had to do with a gang. He didn't know any names."

"Well, we can probably expect the Kenosha County D.A. to want an interview with Andy at some point. It'd be nice if it could be conducted via Internet on video. Thing is, Crossman's in Kenosha. I'll have to see if he knows any local Attorneys and maybe we can handle it from here. Andy, I don't want you to have to run all the way over to Kenosha just for that, and the truth is you won't have anything to tell them anyway because you never saw who did it..." Joe said

"Um, dad..." Sean chimed in, "We might know of someone you could contact. See, when we were at Dickson's house tonight, well, his dad has a Law Firm here in town. Do you think I should call Tim up and ask him if he thinks his dad might be willing to help out?"

"Sean, that's an excellent idea. Why don't we do it this way: you call Tim and get his dad's office number. I'll connect him up with Crossman. I'm sure Crossman and Tim's dad can work out the billing between themselves, and that's OK."

"OK, dad. I'll call Dix in the morning. And, we'll see what they say. I really don't want you having to go to Kenosha for that, either. Practice starts soon and it may be that nobody would be able to go with you. I don't want that!"

"I don't want that, either, Andy." Joe added. "Sean and I intend to keep you safe."

"OK, dad. Sean-o, even though I was out of it that night at the hospital, I remember you were there. I remember you told me that on your mother's grave nobody would touch me again. I believed you then, and I believe you now. I don't wanna go to Kenosha, either, least of all by myself!"

"Boys, I know this is still touchy, but I have to ask. How do you guys feel about if we went online to, say, WTMJ's website and looked to see if they had a story about it just to see what it was that Jim Nolan was talking about?"

"I'm OK with it," Sean said, "but I'll leave the decision up to And..."

"Well, Andrew," Joe said, "what's your decision?"

`Dad, let's look at it. I'm not afraid. I might have been afraid before because no one looked after me. You and Sean took me into your family. You think about my safety. Sean has given me something I never had before, and that's self-confidence. Yeah, let's fuckin' see it... Oops, sorry for the f-bomb, dad..." Andy giggled when he said the last bit.

Joe laughed. Sean got up and said, "I'll get my laptop and bring it in here. We can all see it together that way."

Sean returned with his 15-inch MacBook Pro, put it on the dining room table and went to the WTMJ Channel 4 website. "Yup, it looks like there is a story here. Let's open the video stream..."

The video came up with a newscaster reading the story, "Kenosha Police and Kenosha County Sheriff's Deputies earlier today made several arrests in the case of a Kenosha teenager who was found beaten and severely injured in a City park earlier this month. The Police Department reports that in all five arrests have been made, and that the suspects are being held without bail at the County Jail. They are not releasing names at this time. The Kenosha Police Chief together with the County Sheriff issued a statement confirming that this is still an ongoing investigation, and that information will be released to the public when it is deemed prudent to do so without jeopardizing the investigation."

"Well, that's certainly not much!" Sean scowled.

"Sean, Andy, listen to me: this is more than you think. Read between the lines of what was said. Arrested is one thing, but held without bail is another. Suspects can only be held so long without being charged. To me this says that in a couple of days, tops, these guys will be charged. They're probably only figuring out the list of what they'll be charged with. Don't forget that we have no idea what evidence the Police have. I'd also not be surprised to see other arrests because they said the investigation is ongoing. If they weren't close to solving the case, they wouldn't have announced anything at all. Let's keep our eyes on the news the next couple of days – if I were you I'd watch the Kenosha Newspaper a couple times a day," Joe said.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, dad..." Sean said.

"Makes sense to me," Andy added, "Besides, they're in jail now anyway! Like I said, before we left Kenosha, I just want to keep moving forward. I have a new life now, and I'm not looking back! I just want to get better, get back to normal, and that's it!"

"OK, you two hoodlums!" Joe said, "It's probably time for bed – I got an early day tomorrow, and Sean, I think you need to get some stuff ready because practice starts in a few days here... By the way, until further notice Andy will accompany you to practice, and anywhere else you go away from home. I don't want him left alone until further notice. Is that clear?"

"Yes, dad!" both boys said.

When the boys retired to their room, Sean undressed Andy for bed and made sure he was tucked in and comfortable. Only then did Sean get himself ready for bed.

Once in bed he heard Andy say, "Hey, Sean-o?"


"I'm really tired right now, but would you snuggle up on me?"

"Sure! Is everything OK, Brown eyes?"

"Yeah. Yeah it is..." Andy inhaled, catching the clean scent of his man's hair, he rubbed Sean's furry chest, kissed him on the cheek and fell fast asleep.

Sean reflected on the day that had just passed and smiled to himself. He was determined over the course of the next few months to set himself, and his mate on a firm course for the future. He gently pulled Andy into him, whispering, "I love you so..."

Andy's screaming, and a blow to his jaw abruptly awakened Sean out of a sound sleep. Instinctively, Sean knew what was going on. He sat up in bed, grabbed Andy by the shoulders, gently shaking him back and forth. "And! Hey, And!" he whispered. "Wake up, And! You're having a nightmare. It's OK, wake up!"

Gradually, Andy was roused out of his nightmare. "Wha... Where am I? Sean? Am I OK? What happened?"

"You had a nightmare, Brown Eyes. It's OK now. Here, wake up a little bit. Want a glass of water, or something?"

Andy indicated that he didn't want anything. "Did I hit you? I dreamed I hit somebody, and my hand hurts..."

"No, you didn't hit me," Sean fibbed. "Maybe you hit the headboard, or something. I just heard you scream is all. Do you remember the nightmare?"

"A little bit... It was a dream of the night I was beat up. I could hear voices, and I was inside the bags. I think they were kicking me. There was a voice I remember. In the dream the voice sounded familiar, and I can hear it now, but I can't put my finger on it. I think I'll be OK in a couple minutes. Hey, Sean-o?"


"I'm not afraid, and I'm not a scaredy-cat, but like dad said, let's stick together until this is over. We have a long life together ahead of us, so let's do what we need to do to make that happen..."

"I won't be anywhere else except by your side, Brown Eyes. You're stuck with me no matter what!"



I wanna go back to sleep, but I think I need to jack off first. Wanna go get us a towel and we can jack off together?"

"I'll be right back!"

"You're the best!"

Sean returned with the towel, slipped back into the bed next to his naked lover, and gently caressed Andy's chest and torso while Andy began a slow jack.

"Sean-o, I think this is gonna be a quickie, but I wanna see you cum, so I got an idea... I want you to stand over me, lean forward and put one hand on the headboard to steady yourself, then jack off with the other one and spray me with your seed..."

"Jesus, And, that's fuckin' HOT! Let's make sure we cum at the same time! It's so fucking hot when we blow our loads together! It's almost like when I cum I can feel you cumming, too..."

"OK, we'll talk so we know when we're gonna cum. I just want your hot load on me, you big stud!"

"You got it my tough little husband!"

"Husband? Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yeah. I am. When we're 18. You don't have to answer me now, but..."

"Yes. My answer is yes!" Andy answered enthusiastically, and was already jacking his big cock like mad.

"Wait, let me stand up on the bed like you said..."

"Sean, sweet husband, get up there and cover me with your cum! NOW!"

Sean obeyed.

Andy was stupefied at what he saw as Sean stood above him, slightly leaned forward, one arm on the headboard, and his other hand beating his dick. Andy could see the perfect, fuzzy crack of Sean's ass, the folds of skin of the perineum, his balls swinging back and forth, his chest heaving. Andy reached up and with his index finger lightly stroked Sean's taint. Sean hissed. Andy withdrew his finger, put it to his mouth and slicked it up with his spit. Reaching up again, Andy inserted his finger into Sean's asshole.

Sean writhed on his lover's finger while jacking faster and faster. "Uhhhhhhh, And, that feels so good! Push your finger harder! HARDER! Push it in!" Sean sat down hard on Andy's finger, impaling himself until he felt Andy's fingertip hit his button. "Ohhhhhhh! Yeaaaahhhh! And! I'm close! Are you close, And?"

"Yeah, Sean-o. My cock is leaking for you! You are so fucking hot! Push down harder! Jack that dick! I'm close! Sean! I'm gonna blow any second!"

"And, I'm cumming... I'm so close... I wanna cum all over you! Open your mouth! I wanna cum all over your face! Ohhhhh, I'm so close!"

"Cum on me, stud! I'm gonna blow now! Watch me cum! I'm cumming for you, jock boy! I'm cumming now!" Andy's dick erupted with thick ropes of cum splashng the headboard, his face, his chest and his mouth.

"Uh, Uh, Uhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sean sprayed Andy's face, hair and mouth with a huge load of cum that was thick and filled the room with the aroma of male musk. Sean kept cumming for what felt like an eternity. "Oh my God! I'm not done yet! I'm gonna cum again! Uhhhhh, get ready!" Sean shot another load ten seconds after the first one. While not as big as the first load, it was still hefty, and at least half of it sprayed into Andy's mouth. Andy swallowed it all.

"You're so fucking hot, jock boy! So fucking hot! I love you so much!"

Breathless, chest heaving, and dick still twitching, Sean whispered, "I love you, too! I want to keep you happy forever! Oh, God, And! Thank you!"

"For what?"

"For loving me. For letting me be me."

Sean regained his normal breathing, stood down from the bed, grabbed the towel and with a light had cleaned off his lover. Only after he was satisfied that Andy was clean did he clean himself. Then he crawled back into bed.

"That was so fucking hot, Sean-o!"

"Yeah, you made me cum twice! I didn't even know I could do that... That's how fucking hot you are! That's what you do to me!"

"That's what you do to me, too, Blondie! Here, give me your hand!" Andy took Sean's hand and put it over his heart. "You feel that?"

"I feel your heartbeat."

"My heart beats for YOU, and I will marry you someday!"

"Hey, And?"


"I overheard that Realtor lady say when we left her house, because the window was open, anyway we were walking to the car and I overheard here say, `I see great things for you two'... And, we gotta make sure that we make great things happen! I feel like with you I can do anything!"

"Sean-o, I feel the same way, and I never felt that before. We're a team, same as the football team. You and me!"

"You and me..."

Sound sleep followed for both young men.

The smell of coffee awakened Sean in the morning. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and a wife-beater, and padded out to the kitchen where his dad was reading the morning news on his iPad. "Morning, dad!"

"Morning, son. Jeez, I'm glad the new house is gonna be bigger! You two coulda woke the dead last night!"

"Dad!" Sean turned fire engine red. "I mean, well, um... Dad! We, uh..."

"Yeah, I know what you two barbarians were up to. Your mom and I could wake the dead, too, ya know. How the fuck do ya think you got here, anyway..." Joe winked.


"Sean, it's OK. It is what it is. I'm just givin' ya shit, man-to-man. That's what dad's do. You're pretty much a man, now, son, and I like what I see. You've grown into a fine man, and I approve of your choice of a mate. You two complement each other in ways that you don't see. May God grant you a long life together. That was not given to your mother and me. But, she does make her presence known from time to time. She warned me that I better support you and Andy, or else. Son, all I mean by this is simply that I don't want you, or Andy to ever think there is anything that you can't come to me with. I'm your dad, and I guess he considers me his dad. Until the day I die I'll be dad to both of you. Now, grab a coffee and siddown – I gotta leave in five minutes here."

"Dad, you are just so... I mean... Well, thanks, dad, you just tell it like it is, I guess..."

"That's also part of what dad's do, Sean. And someday when you and Andy have your own kids, and I'm a Grandpa, I don't want you two to forget that. You'll make a great dad, Sean. Now, having said that, let's move on here: don't forget to get me Attorney Dickson's phone number, and don't forget that Andy is NOT to go anywhere without you!"

"I got it, dad! I'll text you Attorney Dickson's contact info, and I won't let Andy out of my sight!"

"OK, are you two talking about me!" Andy grinned as he came down the hallway.

"Morning, Andy!' Joe said. "I was just sayin' that it's good the new house is a lot bigger – you guys are kinda noisy!"

Now it was Andy's turn to be red-faced.

"DAD!" Andy exclaimed.

"Save it, Andrew..." Joe winked, "I already told Sean and I'll tell you: I approve of you two. In short, a long life was not given to Sean's mother and me, and I wish a long life to both of you. I want you to be happy, son, and like I said to Sean, you can come to me with anything. There...I'm done with that dad speech crap. Now, Andrew, you sit and look me in the eye... You will not go anywhere without Sean until I say so, and Sean is not to leave you alone until I say so. Are we clear, Mr. Man?"

"We're clear, dad..." Andy answered. "And, dad?"

"Yes, son..."

"I will never keep anything from you, and I will never keep anything from Sean."

"OK, son. I love you too much to see you hurt again. Yes, Andy, I love you. You took me as your dad, and I take you as my son.

Joe rose, strode over to Andy and hugged him tight. "I love you, son!"

"I love you, too, dad!"

"OK, boys, I gotta get down to the Plant now! Tonight, we'll talk about if we found out anything new today. Oh, Sean?"

"Yeah, dad?"

"Shit on a shingle for dinner tonight, OK?"

"You got it, dad!"

"What the hell is shit on a shingle?" Andy asked.

"You'll see!" Joe and Sean answered in unison.

"OK, men, I'm outta here! I'll see you two at dinner tonight!"

"Bye, dad!" Sean called.

"Have a good day, dad!" Andy said.

"OK, And, I gotta call Dix to get his dad's office number..."

"Don'tcha think I should do that?" Andy asked.

"Ya know, yer right! Dix liked you, and this is about you. It wouldn't look bad if I called, but it'd look better if you called. So, yeah, you call..."

"OK, gimme his number!"

"Here ya go..."

Andy dialed the number on his cell phone.


"Hey, Dix, this is Andy, I met you last..."

"Hey, little dude! Dunno why yer callin' me, but what's up, man?"

"Well, Dix, you remember the story last night of how I got beat up and everything?"


"OK, well, on the news the Kenosha Police say they made some arrests. The D.A. from over there is prolly gonna wanna take a statement, or something, from me. Now I don't wanna run all the way over there for that, and our dad says I can't go there on my own because of safety. Anyway, what I'm calling for is to get your dad's office number so that our dad can call your dad and arrange it with our Attorney so that if they want a statement from me we can do it online. Sean was gonna call, but this isn't about Sean, so I made the call."

"Jesus Christ, little dude, you got sack just like Sean! OK, I'll give ya my dad's private office number so he won't hafta go thru the Secretary. But you tell your dad to wait before he calls so I can call ahead and give a heads up. Wait like 30 minutes. And, hey, little dude, I don't want you hurt again, either! You're one of us now, and you hear me when I say this: us guys, we look after our own."

"I might need it, Dix, and thanks. OK, I'll write down the number now... OK, I got it! Thanks, Dix, and we'll see ya soon!"

"OK, later little dude!"

"It's Cass."

"Fuck! Yer right! Cass! OK, later, Cass!"

"Later, Dix, and thanks..."

Andy handed the 3M Sticky Note to Sean with the phone number on it. "Text this to dad and tell him to call in exactly 30 minutes. This is Attorney Dickson's private office number – he won't have go through the Secretary."

"OK, texting dad now!"


"Attorney Dickson?"


"My name's Joe Wyman. My son got your private number from your son..."

"I was expecting your call, Joe. Please call me George."

"Nice to meet you, George. Here's why I'm calling..." Joe then laid out the whole story.

"OK, Joe, I got it. And just so ya know, I know Garrett Crossman. We've worked together in the past a few times. It will not be a problem for my office to work with his office. Just to keep things the same way for you for billing purposes, I'll bill his office, and they'll just total it up if we go that route. We've done that before for other clients. I wanna talk to you about something else while we're on the line, though..."

"Sure, George, what's that?"

"Well, it looks like my son Tim and your son Sean are competing for the starting Quarterback position this year."

"That seems to be the case as I understand it, yes..."

"Not to worry, Joe. Tim, and your son met yesterday I gather, and it seems like they hit it off pretty well. This is a small town, Joe, and things work here like one would think they do in small towns – everyone knows everything. I guess what I'm getting at is that our sons seem to have agreed to respect whatever decision the Coach makes, so as fathers we gotta go with that. I'm just asking for an assurance is all."

"Oh, Christ, George, Sean and I have already had that discussion, too, and there's no worries there. My son is a team player. He will respect the decision that the Coach makes. Sean is a competitor, to be sure, and he'll give it all he's got, but at the end of the day what matters to him is winning games."

"Good, it seems we have very similar boys then!"

"George, I'll tell ya this between me and you: if Tim beats Sean out, Sean will support him 100%. He's already told me that. Sean will do his best to win, and he won't spare any of his talent, but if he comes up number two, well, then it is what it is. He's got a good head on his shoulders."

"Tim pretty much told me the same. Say, you play golf? If ya do, let's have a round sometime!"

"I play. I'm pretty busy with the Plant opening, ya know, but any weekend, sure!"

"I'd be glad to introduce you around the club, Wyman. There's some serious old money in this town..."

"That'd be great! You just tell me when and where."

"You bet, and listen, Wyman, I look forward to meeting you in person. You seem like you'll fit in well here."

"I think I should, especially if I'm running the largest employer in town..."

"You got sack just like Tim says Sean, and Andy do! We're gonna be good friends!"

"Yeah, I think we will. OK, look, I gotta go, Dickson. We'll talk soon!"

"OK, Wyman."


"Hey, Sean-o?"


I feel really at home here. I mean, I'll be glad when we get the Alamo up and running, but I feel so at home with you and dad. I never had this. I never had anything like this, man..."

"Neither have I, And... Hey, I gotta go pick up some shit for practice. Let's run out to the Mall for a little bit, OK?"

"Cool. I wanna check out some clothes for school. I'm gonna dress sharp this year! When I'm seen with you, I wanna look my best! And when I'm out of this cast and shit, I'm gonna work out with you football guys! I wana be my best!"

"You're hot the way ya are, And, but if ya wanna get even hotter, I ain't gonna complain! Shit, you made me cum twice last night! How hot is that?"

"Just wait till I get my cast off, loverboy! I'm gonna have you fuck my ass and I bet with your cock inside me I cum twice, too! God, I want your cum inside me..."

"Maybe we can figure out a way to do it before your cast is off...something will come to me how to work it, `cause I really wanna cum inside you!"


"OK, Brown Eyes, let's grab our wallets and head to the Mall! We'll take the Equinox because it's easier for you to get out of. Besides, the security won't be installed on the Cruze until next week..."

"OK, I'm ready, Blondie! Let's go!"

The boys piled into the Equinox, Sean hit the garage door app on his iPhone, and they were off.

"Hey, And, you know the best way to the Mall? I still don't know this town all that well..."

"Having a BLONDE moment, are we?"

Sean playfully swatted Andy, "Fuck off... I'm not as good with street directions in strange, or new areas as you are!"

"OK, look, I know where we are – I looked at a map of this town and it's not that hard. The main streets are like spokes on a wheel, then there's a basic grid – it's easy!"

"OK, if you say so!"

After they'd driven about a mile, Sean noticed a car that seemed to have been following them. 'It's probably nothing,' he thought, but spoke up, "Hey, And, look in your outside door mirror. See that car behind us? I think it's been following us..."

"I hadn't noticed. Well, did you turn on the video surveillance?"

"I'll switch it on, now." Sean's car was equipped with 360-degree video surveillance system that was always on when the car was parked, but could be switched on when the car was in motion if necessary.

"OK, we'll test to see if they're following us! Now just follow my directions here! We're heading east on Ruger Avenue. After we cross under I-90 take a left on Pontiac.

"OK." In three blocks, Sean did as Andy said.

"Yup, Sean-o, they turned with us... OK, when we get to Lexington take a right!"

"You sure you know where you're going, And?"

"Just trust me... I do!"

"OK, this is Lexington. We're turning right!"

"They turned with us again! Jesus, this is creeping me out!"

"Me, too, but we're safe while we're moving!"

"OK, now this street curves around some, but it runs generally north-south and we're heading north. Drive about a mile, cross Milwaukee Street and take your first left!"

"And, how many people can you see in that car?"

"It looks like just the driver..."

"OK, Milwaukee Street! Thank God the light's green! You said first left after this?"


Sean turned left onto Rutledge Avenue.

"OK, Sean-o, take the first right!"

Once again, Sean did as he was told. After turning right, he saw a large, elderly man out with his walker on the left side of the street look up at him. The other vehicle turned with them each time.

"And, get out your phone and call 911! When they answer, gimme the phone!"


Next: Chapter 14

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