It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on May 4, 2017


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NOTE: Beginning with Chapter 44, the pace of the story will greatly increase. IN fact, Chapter 44 skips ahead six months. One reader expressed slight dissatisfaction with that, and a couple other things, so if everyone can just bear with me that would be awesome. :-)


Sean made it through the rest of the day. At the last bell, he went to his locker to make sure he had the books he needed for homework that night. Just as he shut his locker, Brad showed up.

"Hey..." Brad said. "I here like you said..."

"Right," Sean replied. "Anyway, I said I have someone for you to meet. I usually don't get involved in other people's business, but I heard those guys picking on you and it just pissed me off. I guess I've had a lot on my mind lately. Anyway, I'm going to introduce you to someone who might be able to help you so you don't have to put up with that bullshit if that's OK..."

"Woll... I guess," Brad drawled, half-smiling and revealing to Sean teeth that looked as if they hadn't seen a Dentist for years, if ever. Sean wondered to himself just what Brad's story was. Outwardly, he seemed biddable and overall a sweet guy with perhaps more to him than his supposed enrollment in Special Education classes might indicate, but his gaunt frame, poor clothing and bad teeth suggested some kind of story behind the story.

"Why you want me to meet this person `n' who is it?" Bead asked earnestly albeit perhaps somewhat suspiciously.

Sean smiled at Brad, not saying anything. His motives were dual in nature. Happening upon Brad's encounter with his extorters earlier in the day struck something in Sean that was unusual. He was honest with Brad when he said he usually kept to his own business, but at the same time all of the recent month's events conspired to put Sean's temper on a short fuse, or at least a short one for him. At the same time, Andy's involvement with his Anti-bullying office downtown had started slowly, but evolved into a useful addition to the community and had intervened in enough cases so that reported bullying instances at Craig High were at a seventeen-year low and earned him a Commendation from the School Board. But in Brad, somehow Sean saw a project for Andy. One that could perhaps make hium feel better and give him a purpose.

"OK, Brad, I'll level with you," Sean said. "The guy I want you to meet, his name is Andy. See, he's my boyfriend. You OK with that?"

"I'm a fag... Thought you fig'ered that out... Why? You want me to let him fuck me fer money, er somethin'?"

"No!" Sean answered, taken aback, wondering where that seemingly bizarre question came from. "See he runs that anti-bullying place downtown..."

"Never heard o' that," Brad deadpanned.

"Well, I figured he can help you. Don't take this the wrong way, but you look like you could use a little help here and there..."

"I don't ask no one fer nuthin'..."

"If you say so, Brad. Anyway, follow me. Andy's car is out in the parking lot. We can go somewhere and talk. Like I said, Brad, I do make a good friend. You got any friends?"


"Hey, what class are you in anyway? I'm a Junior and so is Andy..."

"Same. I nineteen. Got held back twice. Maybe I can get my congratulations next year. Maybe..."

"Congratulations?" Sean asked, doing a double-take when Brad said he was nineteen.

"Yeah. That when yer done."

"That's GRADUATION, Brad..."

"That what I said..." Brad answered looking mildly annoyed.

"I'm sorry, Brad," Sean said. And genuinely he was. He didn't know what, but there was something about this kid he couldn't put his finger on. Yes, he seemed like he was in need of help as Sean had thought a few minutes ago but at the same time he saw some steel in him. Why then did he let himself get pushed around by those three bullies earlier? And to pay them money on top of it which as far as Sean could tell Brad could ill afford.

"Sorry fer what..." Brad asked. "Yer kinda weird... Yer boyfriend weird?"

"You can make that judgment," Sean laughed. He was at least gratified to see that his comment made Brad giggle, and when he did his lips curled up and his eyes squinted in a way Sean found to be endearing. At any rate, he still had no idea why he decided to get involved. Maybe it would come to nothing, who knew... It was just one of those things.

Coming up on Andy's Cruze, Sean made the introductions. "And, I figure you might be able to help Brad here out. We should go somewhere and grab a bite. You got time, Brad?"

"Gotta be at work at 5:00..."

"Where you work?"

"Family Dollar on Center Avenue..."

"That's a truck. You got a car?"

"Nope. Take the bus."

"OK," Andy said, "We can make this quick and then give you a ride to work if you want..."

"A'right," Brad replied.

Knowing the Cozy Corner Chinese Restaurant downtown would be slow at this time of day, and that it was about half way between the school and Brad's work, Andy suggested they go there. Brad agreed allowing that he enjoyed Chinese food, but letting Sean and Andy know that he didn't have more than six, or seven dollars as he usually ran short right before payday.

"Don't worry about it, I was gonna throw it on the credit card anyway," Sean said.

The boys arrived at the little Chinese Restaurant, entered and found a table. The same soup-Nazi-style Chinese lady was behind the counter as the last time they had been there when she yelled at Andy for how he parked the car. Sean and Andy quickly made their order, but noticed Brad seemed somewhat indecisive. "Know whatcha want there, Brad?" Andy asked.

"Nope. Ain't never seen none-a this shit before... Ever' time I had Chinese someone else ordered it... I just ate it."

"Well, what have you had that you liked?"

"That shit with the crunch noodles..."

"That's Chow Mein, Brad. Let he know you want a beef, or pork Chow Mein. Maybe an Egg Roll, too..."

"OK," Brad said then repeating his order to Chairman Mao's sister behind the counter.

"Dahbe-ah?" She demanded, to which Brad started laughing. "No funny! Dahbe-ah?"

"Yes, ma'am," Andy cut in. "Fuckin'-A, Brad, ya didn't hafta laugh at her!" Andy said, snickering.

"Whatever," Brad said.

Once seated and with their food, Brad asked Sean and Andy why they wanted to talk to him. "Sean says you wanna help me..." Brad said, pointing his index finger at Sean. "Didn't know I needed help..."

"Yeah, how come you think Brad here needs help?" Andy quizzed.

"Hey, three guys were gonna beat him up back by the Shop Wing unless he paid them fifty bucks and he said he's been paying them for like a year. Well, if that's true that's like twenty-six hundred bucks. Tell me, Brad, they ever beat you up before?"

"Few times, yeah. Punched me `n' shit... Took my books... Came to my house... Gave me shit..."

"Didn't your parents say anything to them?"

"They dead. I ain't got nobody. It just me."

"What?" Sean said, horrified. "You mean you live all by yourself and no one else is around?"

"They died in a car accident. In Michigan. Ain't got no other family."

"Where do you live?"

"In the same house... Court said they didn't owe no money on it so after a while it got put in my name cause I was eighteen. It down by Rockport Road. That why I gotta work. I gotta pay the power n' the gas n' buy food n' shit. Last year City guy came around sayin' he wanted the tax money for the house. I still payin' on that. Mom `n' dad didn't have no money when they died, so..."

Both Andy and Sean were aghast.

"So, Brad, how do you make ends meet? I mean it takes a lot of money to live and you couldn't be making that much at Family Dollar..."

"I second shift manager. $9.00 an hour. It only 32 hours a week, though... Can't get any more or they hafta gimme health IN-shernts n' they don't wanna. It OK, though. Been there since I was fifteen... Sometimes I go on Grindr n' find old married guys to fuck me for money if I need it. Only ones that pay good, though. Meet em at the park. They fuck me n' bring me back to the park. They just want to fuck `n' don't want no trouble with their wives. Like I'd make trouble... I get their license plate numbers and find out who they are in case they try somethin'. I don't do it much but it money... One guy pays me a hunerd bucks ever' time. That what I thought you guys wanted..."

"I thought you said you didn't have a phone," Sean said.

"Heh!" Brad exclaimed. "Don't wanna lotta people havin' my number `n' I don't know you..."

Sean and Andy were aghast at what Brad just described to them, and reassured him that they weren't going to fuck him. For the rest of the meal they didn't badger Brad about any more of his life details, but Andy did make an appointment with him to meet him at his office the next day after school, indicating that he'd have him out of there in plenty of time to get to work.

Making their way to Andy's Cruze, Brad gave his address as 722 South Jackson Street just off the corner of Rockport Road asking to be dropped off at home as he needed to get his work clothes. The address meant little to Sean, but with Andy's sense of maps and direction he knew that to be a rough part of town down in the Fourth Ward. On arrival, the home revealed itself to be a shotgun shack typical for the area where some of the oldest homes in Janesville were, many built between 1850 and 1870 and never having been nice homes. It couldn't have been more than a two-bedroom home, and a tiny one at that. The siding was Asbestos shingles, some cracked here and there, a few missing, probably put on in the 1930's. Some sections of the gutters were missing, too, and the front porch was in need of repairs, but they noted the yard was neatly enough kept and there was a tiny detached one-car garage with a door that looked as old as the siding on the house.

"Here where I live," Brad said seemingly without knowledge or care of his substandard living conditions. "Thanks fer the food. I'll take the bus. I guess I'll see ya `round..."

Driving off, Andy turned to Sean. "I think we gotta help this guy, Sean-o. You hear how his life is?"

So far, so good Sean thought. "Yeah, I mean, I dunno, see those guys at school were picking on him and normally I don't even go to that part of school, but I was there and it was just a reflex reaction. Those guys were douche bags anyway and Brad looked like he needed help..."

"Didja hit anyone?"

"Nope, but I threatened them if they didn't leave him alone they'd hafta deal with the whole Football team. I mean, can you imagine Dix dealing with that shit? Two seconds, maybe? Tops?" Sean laughed.

"Well, whadya think we should do?"

"I think I'll leave that up to you, Brown Eyes. I guess for now just try to get to know him and see what's what. He looks like he needs food, a dentist and some new clothes. He has to sell himself to old, married guys for money... Hell, he doesn't even have a car... And that fucking house he lives in!" Sean made a shivering motion with his head.

"Well, not everyone can live in the Alamo, Blondie. He's got a roof over his head. I'll think of something. I mean, he says he owns the house outright so there's somewhere to start anyway..."

"And I'm pretty sure he's in the Special Ed classes, too. He seem dumb to you?"

"Not really except his English is kinda shitty... He grew up poor, white trash you can tell that much for sure... But I think somebody at some time cared for him..."

"Well, take some time and see what you think. Think of it as a project..."

"You're evil!" Andy grinned. "A fucking what is this, fucking Pygmalion?"

"Could be... Just let me know if you need any help, OK?"

"Alright. It'll give me something to do now that Football's done and I gotta start that chemo shit."

"Yeah, I dunno what the fuck I'm gonna do now that Football's done... At least until the babies come. We did say we were gonna learn golf, though. I guess I can see about that. Plus, I gotta think how to invest my money now. I think I got an idea, though. It's something we can do together. Wanna see?"


Sean directed Andy to go downtown and find a certain location at West Milwaukee and South High Streets. "It's just a couple blocks from the Chinese restaurant."

On arrival, Andy asked Sean what he was talking about. Sean indicated they get out of the car.

"See this building?" Sean said pointing to a huge, old hotel building which was boarded and obviously vacant."

"Um, OK?"

"Yeah, I been reading up on it. I guess it's been like this for about twenty years or so... The City's pissed off about it, but there's nothing they can do because the guy that owns it keeps it barely up to code. But it's just sitting here doing nothing... I mean, I see shitloads of opportunity here..."

"Like what?"

"Well, let's walk around back..."

Once in the back which was an alley with a large open space, Sean described what he saw, "See, I'd need to buy the half of a block from where the next building over sits all the way through to the next street over. Then, the hotel is turned into condos, build a parking ramp, I think there's space to fit a pool in the future, and all kinds of shit. I figure the condos could sell for some amount that would double the investment. What do you see?"

"I'll tell ya what I see. I see a fucking ugly-ass old building needs an assload of work everywhere I look and we don't even know what the inside is like... Don't know how many units you could get out if it and all that other crap. Plus, how are you gonna finance it? We got money, yeah, but not THAT kind of money... And we'd never get a loan for this kind of a project. Banks just don't do that shit any more..."

"Well, I have an idea. I'm not for sure, but I have an idea..."

"Uh-oh... OK, what's your brilliant idea, Einstein?"

"We let's talk to dad about it, and then let's talk to Ginny..."

"OK, but you gotta realize that just to buy this building and do everything that's needed is gonna be millions. With an S. I wouldn't even start to guess, but you can figure that nothing on the inside is up to code, you're gonna have lead paint and asbestos, complete rewiring and plumbing, roof, finishes, the whole nine yards. It's gonna be millions and then how many units can you get out of it and what would they sell for?"

"I know all that, but I can have a dream, right?" Sean smirked. "Besides, it's something to take up my time..."

"Why don't YOU take up MY time when we get home?" Andy winked.

"I thought you'd never ask..." Sean smirked.

"OK, but we gotta talk to dad when we get home. With all this shit that's gone on in the last couple of days we just need to let him know what's going on..."

"Yeah, I'll let him know when we get back, and you and J.R. can get dinner on the table."

"Speaking of the Bambino, I fuckin' hope he doesn't get Kathleen pregnant. That'd be all we need right now..."

"Um...don't even go there..." Andy laughed, rolling his eyes.

Around the dinner table that night, the whole family had a good meeting. Joe apologized to Sean for not having visited him at the hospital explaining that he thought Sean would be home the next day not knowing about the situation with Andy's mother. Sean reassured him it was OK. There was nothing Joe could have done anyway. Joe smiled, letting Sean know he was as proud as punch and that Sean should be, too.

"I guess so, Dad, but you know I won't be playing next year, right?"

"I didn't know that. It's because of the concussion, isn't it..."

"Yeah, both Docs said I'd already had at least two and if I had another one it could be serious down the road. I already talked to Coach about it. He's OK with it. I'll be one of the Quarterback Coaches next year, see at least I can help that way..."

"Very well. What about you, Andrew?"

"I pick up my chemo meds tomorrow and then we'll see how it goes I guess... And mom's funeral is Saturday you know... I guess I'm doing OK..."

"Well, if you think you aren't you come see me. I've gone over your diagnosis and prognosis with the Doctor and it sounds from where we're at right now that we should all be optimistic. You let me know if anything starts interfering with your schoolwork, too. You've done well so far and let's continue that, OK?"

"Yeah, I mean the semester's almost over and I'll finish up good," Andy smiled.

"Alright, that leaves John. What's going on in your life that we all need to know about?"

"Um, nuthin'... School's going fine, that's about it..."

"You and Kathleen won't be putting a bun in the oven anytime soon I hope?"

At that, Sean and Andy both choked and John's face turned beet red.

"Um, no Dad. I use rubbers and she's on the pill. She let's me fuck her in the bum sometimes, and..."

"I think that's enough information for now, John," Joe said, waving John to shut up and smiling at the earnestness of his youngest. "Just use your head. I'd like to think I'm done dealing with that douche bag father of hers... By the way, Sean, I had a little conversation with Ginny earlier. Seems she was able to arrange it so that Kennedy won't contest your custody of the twins when the time comes. I have no idea how she did that," Joe winked, "but she said Andy assisted. I take it that was the evening he entered her home..."

"Well, I mean, I was just there, that's all..." Andy said.

"Son, half of life is being in the right place at the right time. Speaking of being in the right place at the right time, I need to let you guys know that I'll be going to Detroit on Monday and I'll be gone all week. We're going to be reviewing the quarterly figures. So, the question is can I leave you assholes alone for a week and not worry about the house getting burnt down, or do I need to find someone to stay over..."

"Dad!" Sean laughed. "I think we can handle it..."

"OK, but no parties and no having people over."

"OK, but we planned before for Kevin to come down from Madison. It was supposed to be this weekend but it'll be next weekend. Is that OK?"

"That's fine as long as it's fine with his parents. Anyway, are we all squared away here for now? If so, I got some paperwork I need to finish up..."

"I guess so," John said. "I was gonna go to Kathleens for a while if that's OK..."

"Will you be having sex?"

"Probably once we're done with our homework..."

"Like I said, use your head. I don't need any more little Mexicans running around. One is enough for now," Joe said, tousling John's hair.

"I'll be good," John said seriously.

"Alright, go on then and tell Kathleen I said hello."

John excused himself leaving the other two still at the table.

"OK, I'm glad I got you two here alone now," Joe said. "I just want to let you both know, and I didn't think it would be fair to say in front of John, how proud I am of both of you. You've both had a lot to deal with and came through with flying colors. Most of all, you did it on your own. Don't get me wrong, I'm proud of John, too, but he's still not done adjusting yet. Thank God he found Kathleen. I might not be a thrilled to death about their sex life, but she's level-headed and she keeps him grounded. Anyway, all I wanted to say to finish up is that I need you both to know that if there is anything that comes up, I'll always be here. I know it's been tough..."

"Dad," Andy said. "I just want to get through that chemo stuff. I don't know how this is gonna go..."

"None of us do, Andrew, but you are young and strong. Let's keep our chins up here, OK?"


"And Sean, I want you to do what the Doctor says. You've had two, maybe three concussions. I think it was a wise decision for you to sit it out next year."

"Me, too. I don't exactly like it, but it is what it is..."

"Hey, Dad?" Andy asked.

"What is it now, Andrew..." Joe grinned.

"I know you said nobody over while you're gone, but you think we could have Dix and Brett stay over? I mean it's not like we're gonna throw a party, or anything... Plus we already know you can check out the house cams on your cell phone any time you want. It'd just be nice, that's all..."

Joe thought for a minute and then agreed. "It's alright with me as long as it's alright with George and Peggy and Brett's folks. You make sure about that first, OK? George and Peggy are friends and Herb works for me so I don't need any headaches, got me?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Dad, they're both eighteen..." Sean reminded Joe.

"Yes, and their parents are still paying the bills. Just do what I asked, son, OK? Nobody's gonna say no, but the point is that they were asked. People like to be asked. Never forget that, son."

"Yeah, you're right. OK, well, I guess we got a plan. Hey, dad, we'll clear off the table and do the dishes so you can get your paperwork done."

"That would be a very good idea, Sean," Joe snickered.

Later that evening, Andy and Sean lay in bed, Andy's smaller body spooned into Sean's their hands intertwined. There had been prior to the relief of sleep long, tender lovemaking. Both boys satisfied their lover with both word and deed. Sean ran the his fingers of his free hand through Andy's hair until he knew Andy was asleep, kissed the top of his head and then surrendered to sand land himself.

Shortly after Sean and Andy went to bed for the night, Joe heard John come in From Kathleen's. "In the library, John. Come here for a minute, will ya?"

"Yeah, Dad?"

"Have a seat John..."

"Am I in trouble?" John asked, earnest as ever, his almost-black eyes wide.

"No, son," Joe laughed. "I just wanted a word with you all by yourself before you go to bed, that's all..."

"Um, OK..."

"All I want to tell you is that I'm proud of you, son. I know you've had a lot to adjust to in a short amount of time and you seem to be doing very well. Before you came home, I went online to check your progress in your classes and it looks to me like you're getting straight A's, is that right?"

"I think so, yeah."

"And even more than that I'm proud of how you fit into our family. And I want you to know that Andy and Sean are proud of you, too. You can rely on them, John, just like you can rely on me. I know how much you want to make something of yourself and we're all going to make sure to help you get your wish. I guess I should tell you that we all love you. Very much."

A tear ran down John's face. "You really mean that?"

"Of course I do. When you first appeared in back of the condo, George Dickson told me that sometimes God blesses us in ways we don't expect, and you are a blessing from God, John. We all feel that way, and I want you to know that if there's ever anything you need, you come to me. I got your back, son."

John ran to Joe and hugged him tight. "Nobody ever said anything like that to me. Not even my mom..." John cried. After a few seconds, he tore himself away, wiped his eyes with his shirtsleeve and said, "Sorry, that's how a little kid acts. I'm not a little kid."

"No, no you're not," Joe said. "You'll be driving next year, and this Summer you'll own your own lawn business. Sean'll show ya the ropes."

"Yeah, we need to get going and figure that out. I mean, I need to get customers and everything!"

"You know who to see about getting customers?"


"Ginny. She says there's an old lawn guy here in town that's retiring this year, mostly rich customers, too... She can help you get his business and he'll meet with you so you know what each customer likes. That'll give you a leg up. He also does the lawns, not the golf course, but the lawns at the Country Club, so you do a good job there and everyone will see your work."

"Wow! She's kinda like a Grandma I never had..."

"Something like that..." Joe winked. "Now, it's probably time you went to bed. I'm glad we had some time to talk, son. Remember what I said, OK?"

"OK, Dad, and I love you guys too!" John smiled. "Goodnight!"

Once John was running up the stairs, Joe took a pause to laugh a little to himself and shake his head. "God help me, what a fucking tribe I got... It's one thing after another..."

The next day at school was for the boys thankfully without drama. Sean had got a hold of Kris Krieger and they met with Coach Slater early before classes. As usual, Coach Slater began the meeting.

"Thank you for coming this morning, gentlemen. Mister Krieger, I don't suppose you know why I've asked you two to come and see me?"

"I really don't, Coach..."

"Very well. It turns out that as a result of his injury in the Championship game that Mister Wyman has been advised by his Physician that he should no longer play Football due to the high risk of a repeat injury being possibly debilitating. Mister Wyman has so informed me, and has elected not to play next year."

"OK, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Mister Krieger, it means that barring something unforeseen you will quite likely be our starting Quarterback next year. Both myself, and Mister Wyman were impressed at how you kept our drive alive at the end of the game, and I should add that extends to include Mister Dickson, too. That was an accomplishment for a Jayvee Quarterback, son. Whether you know it, or not, it was."

"Um, well, I hope I'm good enough..."

"Mister Krieger, first of all I said barring something unforeseen. Secondly, Mister Wyman has graciously offered his services as a Quarterback Coach next year. While he will not be a player, he nevertheless wishes to make a contribution. What say you?"

"Wow! That would be awesome! I mean, I don't know Wymo a whole lot except for seeing him around at practice because we didn't practice with the Varsity, but yeah, I mean, like wow!"

"Excellent. Now, let's suppose something unforeseen actually does happen and you end up as backup Quarterback. What would you say then?"

"You mean like if Wymo decides to play?"

"No, son. Mister Wyman will not be playing next year. That is certain. Now, after this last season, I learned after all these years that one may encounter rather significant surprises from time to time. Suppose we encounter another surprise and some other player materializes that is more talented. How would you feel?"

"I guess I'd hafta go with the flow..."

"True that, but would you find it acceptable?"

"Yeah, I mean I thought I'd be Varsity next year anyway, only second-string to Wymo, so if something happened I'd be OK with it... It's two years until I'll be a Senior anyway..."

"Very good. That is what I needed to hear. Alright, I think we've covered all the ground we need to cover here for today. Dismissed, gentlemen."

The rest of the day went fairly normally other than at lunch Andy told Sean he was going to go sit with Brad. Brad was easy to spot in the cafeteria as he was off in a corner by himself at a table where no one else was sitting.

"What's that all about?" Brett asked.

"And's got a project..." Sean replied.

"Project?" Tim asked.

"Yeah. See the guy And's sitting with? Well, I was walking down the hall and these three guys were gonna beat him up because he wouldn't give them fifty bucks. So I fucked with them a little bit"

"Whadya mean you fucked with them..." Brett said, laughing.

"I told `em to get lost and never pick on the fucker again or they'd have the whole Football team up their asses."

"I'da said the same fuckin' thing," Tim agreed. "I mean, I don't come here in the morning planning on ruining someome else's day... Why would they do that?"

"He says he's gay, too..." Sean said.

"He's really not too bad looking if you look past the clothes and the scruff," Brett replied. "Someone could clean him up a little bit, but I mean it's not like there's nothing to work with there..."

"He said his mom and dad died and he's all by himself. He's nineteen and he said he got held back a couple of grades, so I mean he's an adult but he lives all alone in this shitty house down by Monterey Stadium and he has to work almost full-time, too..."

"Fuck..." Tim said. "So what's Andy got to do with this?"

"Well, Dix, I figure And's got a lot on his plate mentally now. I mean, we don't know how his Leukemia is gonna turn out. I'd die without him, but I just figured he needed something new to keep his mind off it and let him feel like he's doing something good. So, I guess, that's what I meant when I said Brad is like a project..."

"What about you, Wymo, what do you got on your plate?" Tim asked.

"That's a good question. I mean, maybe I can take it easy for a few days, but I gotta find something, too. I did have an idea for that old Hotel downtown..."

"You mean the Monterey Hotel?" Brett asked.

"Yeah. I mean, I look at it and I see all kinds of fucking possibilities. I just don't have the money, or the experience..."

"Well, I got an idea," Tim said.

"Oh Jeez..." Sean rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, you get Andy and J.R. and you guys and me and Brett'll meet ya tomorrow after school at Ginny's. Just trust me on this..."

"Um, OK, but we've been enough of a burden to her..." Sean answered.

"You still don't get it, do you..." Tim said. "Just trust me."

"Fuck, OK..." Sean smirked. "You're a fuckin' piece of work, Dix..."

"By the way, we're going to Andy's mom's funeral," Brett said.

"You are?"

"Absolutely," Brett said. "If it wasn't for Andy I'd never be with Tim. I know he's hurting. I can see it."

"I know he'll appreciate it. Thanks."

Toward the end of lunch, Andy came back to the table and sat down.

"Who's your new sweetie there?" Tim teased.

"Fuck off, Dix. He's actually a really nice guy. He's just, um, different..."

"Whadya mean?"

"He's got a tough life. That's all I'm gonna say right now. I think he deserves a break in life and I don't think he's getting it if you really wanna know..."

"OKOKOKOKOK," Tim said. "Jeez...sorry I fuckin' asked..."

"It's OK, Dix. I'm just getting used to a few things," Andy said holding out his hand for a fist bump.

"I know, I know... We'll always be here for ya, bro. Don't forget, we're a team. Just because the season's over doesn't mean we're not a team. We'll always be a team..."

"I know..." Andy said, smiling a little bit for the first time Sean had seen in days which gave Sean a feeling of comfort. He could put up with abnormality, yes, but that didn't mean he wanted to see his lover having to. They would both have more than enough to deal with once the babies came.

The next evening after dinner, the boys all materialized as Tim ordered for a visit to Ginny. Tim told her in advance what they'd be there for, and as always, she was prepared. She didn't know if the boys had eaten dinner yet so called out for three pizzas. She figured even if they had eaten they'd finish it all anyway. And she was right about that, too.

"Alright, boys... Timmy said Sean has some kind of project he wants to do..." Ginny said, fanning herself. "I don't know how much I'm gonna be able to listen with all this hotness in the room. I swear, you guys make an old lady tingle in places she hasn't tingled for thirty years! Anyway, you guys all want beers? I was gonna fix a Scotch and water... Jesus Christ! What you guys do to me... If I could I'd buy an island and have you guys wait on me in nothing but your jock straps..."

All the boys giggled except John who turned as red as a beet.

"What's the matter, there, Hot Tamale? I'm sure you're packin' as much as the others... You've been keeping Kathleen happy, or so I hear..."

"How... Would..." John stammered.

"How would I know? I know everything, sweetie..." Ginny winked. "Anyway, what's your big idea, there, Sean..."

"Well," Sean began, "Now that Football's over I was looking for something to do and I've kinda had my eye on that old Hotel downtown The Monterey..."

"Yeah, that place's been a thorn in the City's side forever. I was gonna see about buying it myself, but at my age... Years ago I'da done something about it, but it's time for old Ginny to stop and smell the roses a little bit, boys..."

"Well, what do you know about it?"

"Long story short, it's been closed up for, Jeez, I think more than twenty years. The guy that owns it keeps telling the City he's gonna fix it up and put it to use as apartments which I think is a shit use because I know this guy and he'd just turn it into a housing project and it'd create a problem. Anyway, it just sits there and there's not much the City can do as long as it's not falling down... Which it hasn't. Yet."

"OK, well how I see it is, I see it as high-end Condos. And I know there used to be a fancy restaurant and stores in the first floor. I'd like to get those back. It'd need a parking ramp and maybe a pool. I know how many units you could get out of it, and I figure it's thirty-six units and that the average sale price would be $300,000. That's almost eleven million dollars total. I just don't know what it'd cost to do it..."

"Well, I don't think the building is going anywhere, Sean. Why don't you try a smaller project first and see how it goes... You gotta learn to walk before you can run, sweetie..."

"OK, well we already know Andy can do interiors. He did the Alamo and the building downtown... I guess I'd need a project building to work on then..."

"I got an idea!" Andy piped up.

"What's that?" Ginny asked.

"Brad's house. It's in a historic district even though it' shit, so you'd get experience satisfying the City, and it's not that big but it needs everything. We'll get him to sell the house to us and he can live in one of the apartments downtown until it's done and then he can move back if he wants..."

Who's Brad?" Ginny asked.

Andy told Ginny the whole Brad story, as much as he knew. Ginny responded, "I seem to remember reading about that, a kid barely eighteen lost both parents. Must've been about a couple years ago now. That must be the kid. Tell ya what, let me make a few calls tomorrow..."


Next: Chapter 45

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