It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Jan 7, 2018


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"Never mind, don't answer," Sean spoke into the intercom. "Stay where you are!"

Sean walked back to Joe's office, stopping on the way to note that Andy was still engrossed in his Calculus as there was an upcoming quiz on a couple of days.

Sean entered Joe's office and shut the door. "Dad. Code Blue, front gate."

"Who else knows about this?"

"No one."

"Fine. Wait exactly two minutes and then go to the gate."


Exactly two minutes to the second later, Sean exited the front door of the Alamo and strode to the front gate.

"Look, I don't know what the hell you're doing here, and I'm not sure I care, but it's late on a school night and this isn't what I had in mind..."

"Well, I..."

"Stop. Before you continue, you need to know that behind one of those windows in the house, I don't know which one and you can't see him, is my dad. He's ex-United States Marines, and he's a Marksman. He's got an AR-15 with a night-vision scope on it. One false move on your part, or a signal from me, and..." Sean then made a slashing motion across his throat. "So, don't even think about it. You've been advised to consider very carefully just exactly what your purpose here is tonight. So, why are you here..."

A look of petrified terror swept across the face of the person standing on the opposite side of the gate from Sean.

"Don't stand there looking like you're gonna shit your pants! I asked you a fucking question..." Sean commanded. "You don't pull any bullshit, and nuthin's gonna happen to ya, but you do need to answer my question... Now!"

Still scared out of his wits, an answer came. "I didn't come here to start anything. I came to apologize. A lotta shit's happened. I want my conscience clear. That's it."

"So, you just show up unexpected at about 9:00 at night and ring the bell expecting... I mean, just exactly WHAT THE FUCK were you expecting..."

"Well, I..."

"Never mind!" Sean said. "It's too late to deal with this right now, and honestly, I'm not in the mood for it. This is old shit for me, and like you just said, a lotta shit's happened..."

"OK, well, I guess I'll be going then..."

"Meet me at noon tomorrow at the Cozy Inn restaurant downtown. If you don't know where it is, fucking google it. I'll be inside and I'll already have a table. Do not come even one minute early, or I'll leave. And do not come one minute late, or I'll be gone. Now, get out of here. Turn around and walk away. Keep your hands visible, and don't look back. I'm gonna stay here until you're gone, and my dad will be in the window until I get back in the house. Ya got me?"

"I'll see you at noon tomorrow." The man then turned around and walked away exactly as Sean ordered him to. He didn't know that Sean had seen the car he got into and memorized the license plate number, so he could look it up when he was back inside.

"Stand down Code Blue. Repeat, stand down," Sean said into his Apple Watch.

"Roger. Standing down Code Blue. Repeat, standing down," came the reply.

Once back in the house, Sean went straight back to the Library, sat down and resumed his homework.

"Still on that Calculus?" he said to Andy.

"Yep, just about done, though. I wish they would have told us it's easier than Algebra... I'll do fine on the quiz. You about done?"

"Yeah, just a few more minutes, and then I wanna have a beer..."

"Sounds good!"

"Oh, and I almost forgot, I got a Doctor's appointment at noon tomorrow. I won't be around for lunch... They just want another follow up for the concussion shit..."

"When you gonna be done with that?"

"I think this is the last one..."

"Good. It's a pain in the ass."

"Sure is!" Sean said, feeling guilty about not telling Andy the truth. "Is the Bambino around?"

"I'm pretty sure. I think he went upstairs. Why?"

"Oh, I was gonna ask him if he'd like a cerveza. I'll go get him..."

"OK, I'll be in the bar. I'll pour three cold ones."

"Roll a joint while you're at it, too."


Sean returned with John to the bar. John then almost gave Sean a heart attack when he asked him who it was he had been speaking to at the front gate earlier.

"Jesus Christ, Bambino! It was nobody. Some guy rang the bell and wanted to volunteer for my campaign, so I talked to him for a minute. No big deal..."

"OK, well, it looked like you were upset with him, or something."

"I was a little miffed that someone would just come by and ring the bell at this time of night, I mean, who wouldn't be? Anyway, down the hatch!"

"When are we gonna set up the campaign offices?" Andy asked.

"Should we do it this weekend? I mean, we can handle it. It's a good thing that other space on Main Street is open now because we can have it in our own building, and we can share the space. Not like it's gonna be that busy, or anything, but I bet none of the other candidates even have a campaign office. It'll be a great place for interviews if we wanna do them, and stuff like that."

"Yeah, and dad says Brett got his dad to agree to see if any of the guys working down the Plant would pitch in and help us. I mean, if we can get the GM guys behind us, we're good to go!"

"We'll hafta strategize on that," Sean said. "I mean, I'm sure they're all great guys and stuff, but you know that Plant mentality: if you're not blue-collar and have more money than they do, you're automatically suspect. I think we'll have to tread carefully, but in the end ya gotta go where the votes are there for the harvesting..."

"Well, here's how I figure it. Anyone in town is gonna be interested in how their tax money is being spent, and I'm probably gonna have that audit from Ginny sometime next week. She said it was expedited, you know. And you've already started identifying all the big, abandoned properties in town that should be on the tax rolls at much higher values if they were in use. All that will appeal to people with money and the blue-collar Plant guys, too. I don't see how we can lose, do you?"

"Well, we can lose if no one votes for us."

"That ain't gonna happen... We're in it to win it, Brown Eyes."

While having a couple beers, and the joint, the boys strategized, jotting down notes on their iPads. They were going to lay on campaigns for these local offices the likes of which the town had never seen.

One of the first things they decided to do, which was unheard of in a small, local election as the upcoming one was, was to hire a pollster to let them know where they were running strong, and where they needed to concentrate resources. The pollster was well-known, and in the past had been associated with several winning state-wide elections.

"I think you guys want to make sure you each get as much over 50% of the vote in your races as you can," John said. "Here's why: Sean, you have six opponents for three seats, and Andy you have two opponents for one seat. If you both get over 50% that leaves the others with really small numbers. You'll have a mandate. I mean, Sean, let's say you get 51%. That leaves the other six to split 49%. If the next guy gets 25% that leaves only 24% for the other four. It will make them look like losers even though they won a seat. See where I'm going with that?"

Andy scratched his chin. "Yeah, yeah I do... It will be harder for me, so I have to aim higher. I mean, I should really aim for like 70%. I think that would be a ridiculous number, but..."

"It's really not, And..." Sean said. "Peggy's gonna deliver the teacher's vote and this is gonna be a low turnout election anyway. Almost no one goes to vote in the Spring elections... I'm expecting to get the teacher's vote, too. Package deal..."

"Yeah, and Rose Kennedy's gonna work the Country Club. Kath is gonna work the Seniors at Craig and Parker. Brett's dad's got the GM guys. I don't see how you guys can lose," John said.

"Let's not get overconfident," Sean opined. "The biggest strike we have against us is that most people are gonna think we're just kids, so we gotta approach this asking for every vote, and I AM going to ask for every vote. I'm gonna ask for the biggest fucking majority anyone ever got, and I don't give a fuck. I think that's the only way to play this."

"I gotta agree," Andy said. "I think I got a steeper hill to climb, but it's not like it's gonna be the hardest thing I ever did. Anyway, we got eight weeks..."

The boys sat around for a little while further, strategizing, and making notes of everything. Sean said he would have Brad pull their notes together and put them into some kind of coherent package. Sean felt Brad could be relied on to keep things in a simple and linear order. Sean's need at this point was to make sure everything was organized and played to a plan, just like the Quarterback he was.

For Andy's part, as the team Statistician for the past two seasons, he would work with the pollster on data analysis and where to concentrate resources with the best bang for the buck.

John was assigned to organize the campaign efforts in the poorer Spanish-speaking neighborhoods of the old Fourth Ward. He could speak their language both literally and figuratively.

So far, it looked like the boys had it all figured out.

The next day at 11:25 a.m. Sean stopped in to the attendance office letting them know that he was leaving for a Doctor's appointment. When asked for some documentation, Sean merely reminded the attendance secretary that he was over eighteen and therefore did not need an excuse from a parent to sign himself out for such a thing. The secretary gave him a hall pass good until 2:00 p.m. and Sean exited the building.

Once in the parking lot, Sean started up the Equinox and headed downtown. "Jesus, if I win I'm getting a new car," he thought to himself. "Maybe two cars... Nah, then they'll think I'm some kind of a spoiled brat. Maybe I should just get a fucking beater... Then I can drive around town incognito while I'm checking up on shit. Like dad always says, it's management by walking around. You can observe a lot just by watching."

At 11:53 a.m. Sean walked up the stairs leading to the Cozy Inn downtown on West Milwaukee Street. Sean had called ahead and reserved a corner booth and the table next to it. Once seated at this table, he nodded at the gentleman occupying the next table who was one of Charlie Ditmar's private detectives.

When the waitress came by, Sean thanked her for the glass of water and asked for two menus. "I'm expecting someone in about five minutes, or so," he said. He then checked his watch, noting that indeed it was 11:55 a.m.

At 11:57 a.m., another man walked in, took the second table Sean had reserved, looked at Sean and winked.

Precisely at noon a somewhat nervous looking man entered the restaurant and looked around. He spied Sean sitting at the corner booth, let the cranky, old Chinese lady at the register know he was meeting someone who was already seated, and made his way over to the booth.

"Thanks for being on time," Sean said. "Have a seat..."

Once seated, Sean began again. "So, tell me just exactly what it is you're doing here and why you came to my door last unexpected night, because I gotta tell ya, I can't imagine..."

"I can understand that. I came because I had to."

"You had to... I'm afraid I'm like really not getting this. You `had to.' OK, fine. WHY did you have to...?"

The man opened his mouth to speak and Sean cut him off abruptly. "And I'm not in any mood to fuck around here. If you wanna talk to me, fine, I don't give a fuck, but the first hint I get of bullshit, I'm outta here and you get stuck with the bill. Got me?"

"I get it, and I guess I'd prolly do the same if I were you. Look, I paid for what I did. I know you probably don't think so. I get that. I paid in ways I don't really wanna talk about. I probably won't ever wanna talk about it, but I paid. And I probably fucked up my whole life. I really came to apologize more to Andy."

"Why's that?" Sean asked, seemingly earnestly.

"Look, I came to apologize to you, too, but I was really only just an asshole to you. Andy got hurt. I never knew that would happen. What happened to him, I mean... No, I didn't know. And like I said, I paid for my mistakes. I know you don't believe me, but..."

"It's not whether or not I believe you. That's got nothing to do with it. If you really wanna know, I'm long past caring. Look, I've been here almost two years, and my life now is different on a lot of levels. You wouldn't understand..."

"You miss your life before?"

"No, no I don't. And just to be clear about it, I never really liked you that much. That's an understatement if ya really wanna know... Unless you've done like a complete one-eighty, you were always one of the crudest, dumbest, least interesting guys I knew. It wasn't my job to let you know that at the time, but there you have it. I mean, as long as we're being honest, right?"

"I paid for that, too... I mean, not to you, or Andy, but to myself. I was an asshole. I didn't know it then, but I know it now."


At that moment, the waitress came to take their order. Sean ordered an egg roll and the pork lo mein which he especially liked. The other man ordered the same.

"I'd like to see Andy so I can apologize to him."

"I bet you would... Look, like I said, I'm not in the mood to fuck around here. So, I'm just gonna ask... How exactly do you intend to do that, and what do you expect out of Andy?"

Food delivered, they ate quickly and in silence.

"Well, I guess we're done with our lunch here," Sean said.

"How should we leave this?"

"You tell me..."

"I'd like to see Andy."

"I'll see what he says. I'll let you know. How do I contact you?"

"I'm staying at the Holiday Inn, Room 1204."

"Classy as ever. Look, I said I'd let you know what Andy has to say, and I'll do that. Nothing more."

"That's fine, and I'm getting the lunch," the man said as he took out his credit card and put it on the table.

The card fell to the floor in front of the table next to them. "Jeez, sorry," Sean said. "I knocked it off by accident."

"No problem," the man at the next table said, picking up the card, giving it a quick once-over, and handing it back.

"Alright, well, you got the bill, so I'm outta here," Sean said, rising out of the booth. "Here's the tip," Sean said, throwing a $20 bill on the table knowing that the entire bill was maybe just a bit more than that much, if that. "Anyway, I'll be in touch about Andy. And here's another tip. Just know this: there are forces here of which, trust me, you have absolutely no idea. So, do yourself a favor and don't try to pull any BS. No need to analyze what I said, just trust..." Sean said to his lunch mate with a steady stare.

"Whadya mean?" the other man said.

"I said what I said, plain and simple. That's all I'm gonna say." Sean then turned, and walked out.

A couple minutes later, Sean got a call on his cell phone. It was Charlie Ditmar's guy. "I took a look at the credit card when I picked it up off the floor, and I ran the record on it. Nothing suspicious. Card's in his name. Has a $2,000 limit and there's $1,347 available credit on it. No late payments. Pretty average stuff. I can pull his credit report if you want."

"Thanks, but I don't think it's necessary," Sean answered. "What about the Holiday Inn?"

"I just booked the room across the hall. I'm going there to check in now. I'll have my digital monitors set up in less than an hour on the phone line to that room, as well as the TV and internet connections. I'll know what kind of porn he watches, let me put it that way..."

Sean laughed and then asked, "What's the room rate"

"$75 a night."

"OK, so then so he can stay a while if he wants. God to know. Listen, I'll arrange to meet with Andy like he asked. I'll signal you if I think the conversation should be monitored. We'll meet at the Alamo, so that'll make that part of it easy for you."

"I'll monitor it anyway. That's what I was paid for."


Sean continued making his way back to school. He would tell Andy, and the rest of the family, of the lunch meeting at dinner that evening.

At dinner, Sean looked up. "Everyone, there's something I gotta tell you."

All eyes turned to him, except for John who was having dinner at Kathleen's house that night.

"First of all, And, I lied to you about having a Doctor's appointment today. I never lied to you before, and I feel like crap about it, but I did it to protect you."

"Should I leave the table, Sir?" Mrs. Cheadle asked.

"No, Mrs. Cheadle," Sean answered. "We think of you as part of the family. Besides, you're here all day, most of the time by yourself, so you should stay and hear this..." Sean answered.

Mrs. Cheadle nodded.

Sean continued, "Last night, someone came to the front gate. Mrs. Cheadle answered the bell, and the person asked for me. I went to the gate."

"I know who it was," Andy said.

Sean was speechless.

"Yes, I know who it was. And, Blondie, I knew you didn't have any Doctor's appointment today, either. I know why you did what you did. And I'm not mad. Like I said, I know why you didn't tell me." Andy then smiled at Sean. "It was the right thing to do. I'd have done exactly the same."

"OK, well, he says he wants to talk to you..."

"Fine. I don't mind. I mean, that shit's all way in the past. But, like, if I agreed to it, how we gonna do it?"

"See, I met him for lunch today to see what the hell it was he wanted. And one of Ditmar's guys shadowed us at the restaurant. I said I'd talk to you about it, but that's all I'd do. And if we were to meet, we'd do it here. Ditmar's guy will be in the basement monitoring, and he also took the room across the hall at the Holiday Inn. That's where he's staying. Or so I was told..."

"Well, that's fine, then." Andy said. "Let's just get it over with. You think you can get him here tomorrow after dinner?"

"Don't think he's got anything else on his dance card. I'll call him now. He gave me his room number at the Holiday Inn."

"OK, let me know."

"You don't wanna listen?"

"Nah. Like I said, this shit's all in the past. It might mean something to him, but it really doesn't to me. I can deal..."

In a minute, not more, Sean reappeared. "OK, it's set up. 8:00 tomorrow night. What about the Bambino?"

Andy thought for a few seconds. "Yeah. I think he should be. Johnny, you're our brother and we'd do the same for you."

"Yeah, we would. Anyway, I think we should go visit Tory Trager at the hospital..."

"Why would you wanna do that?"

"Well, he got beat up pretty bad, Brown Eyes... And who knows if anyone's been to see him. His family's kinda fucked up, ya know..."

"Alright, let's go then. You're comin' with us, Bambino. I mean, you're in the same class, and all..."

The boys piled in the Equinox. Sean explained to John what was going to happen the next day after school.

John boiled. "You guys mean you'd actually let that guy in the house? Are you fucking NUTS?"

"It was my decision," Andy said. "It looks like the guy is after some kind of closure here, and really, it's no hair off my ass. I never knew the guy anyway..."

"You're lucky!" Sean said, with a half-scowl.

At the hospital, they located Tory Trager's room and went up. Finding the room, they knocked and entered.

Tory looked up with a start. "Look, guys, I don't want any trouble. If you came here to give me shit, please go..."

"We didn't come to give you any shit," Sean said. "We came to check up on you. In case you don't remember, Andy here called the cops who came to your rescue..."

", nobody told me that. I was kinda out of it at the time, I didn't know..."

"Yeah, he did. I recognized those two assholes that beat you up. I caught them giving Brad Fletcher shit last year and chased `em off. So, how much money did they get out of you?"

"I never gave `em anything. I was good at avoiding them... How'd you know they wanted money?"

"That's what they did to Brad."

"So, you... You called the cops, Andy?"

"Yeah, I did. And Sean-o has the whole thing on video. You could put those guys away for a long time. The cops have the video. I gotta hand it to ya, when you bit his dick, that was a classic..." Andy laughed.

"I didn't know what the fuck else to do..." Tory said, looking at the floor.

"Hey, Tor!" John said in an attempt to change the mood. "How long you gonna be out? I mean, we have a class together and if you want I can get your homework assignments for ya. No sense in falling behind..."

"You'd do that for me?" Tory said, looking surprised.

"I would..."

"And what about you guys..." Tory said looking suspiciously at Sean and Andy.

"We came down because we wanted to," Sean said matter-of-factly. "Just because you've been a dick to me doesn't make me less human, you know... We wanted to know if you were OK."

"Wow... I don't think I really deserve that. Yeah, I'm a dick. So what. It's how I survive. If I'm a dick, then the less I have to put up with other people and their shit."

"That doesn't sound like much of a way to go through life," Andy said. "Do you have any friends who came to visit you so far?"

"Friends? Ha! No one has come. Other than you guys. My mom is working which is all she ever does, and my dad cut himself off from us years ago. So, no. No friends..."

"I'll be your friend. I mean, if that's OK," John said. "I didn't have any friends, either. And my own dad left me in a ditch to die. Which I would have if Sean hadn't rescued me. His dad adopted me and now he's my brother, so ya see, things can work out..."

"Why would the brother of the King of the Jocks wanna be MY friend. I'm just a fag and a dick..."

"Well," Andy laughed, "Sean and I are fags and dicks, too, so ya might just wanna take John up on his offer. Doesn't seem like you're in much of a position to say no, are ya..."

"Yes, I too am a dick," Sean laughed. "So, anyway there, Trager, did I make the team?"

"Yeah, you did, and before you ask me where you're going to be `playing,' I already know, but I just wanna get out of here first, OK?"

"How long are they gonna keep ya"? John asked again.

"I guess until tomorrow... Other than my broken nose, there's not really anything wrong other than this fucking black eye and some bruises..."

"OK, well, you text me when they're gonna let you out and I'll come down and pick you up. If it's around dinner time, you can eat at our house."

"Oh, into the lion's den, then..." Tory said, half reverting to his normal sarcasm.

"You must be feeling better, then," Andy said. "Or at least you sound like you're getting back to your old self..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be a jerk. Anyway, thanks, John. That would be nice. There, is that better?"

"That's fine," John said. "There any kind of food you want? We have a cook, and we can have whatever you like..."

"I'm not picky... And, well, thanks you guys... Like I said, no one's come to see me, so I guess you made my day. God! Just look at me! I'm getting all warm and fuzzy! You guys suck..."

"Just go with the flow, Trager," Sean said.

"I'll have your homework assignments with me when I come to pick you up, tomorrow," John said. "It shouldn't be too much..."

"Thanks," Tory said. "I don't know why you guys are being nice to me, but I guess I can live with it if I have to..."

"You have to," Andy said.

"Um, OK...." Tory whispered, again staring at the floor but this time with a noticeable tear in his eye.

"Listen, Tory, I get that it might be new to you, you know, the three of us showing up and it's like we care about you and all," John said, "Anyway, look, I told my brothers here that you have a mouth on you and an attitude a mile long. And you do. But that doesn't mean we'd stand by and do nothing when what, you know, happened..."

"Thanks... I guess..."

"Just text me when you're gonna be getting out. If I hafta leave school, I will... Alright, I think that about wraps it up, so we'll see ya later..."

The boys left Tory's room and Andy brought something up. "So, like we're supposed to be having that meeting tomorrow. How's that gonna work?"

"Easy," Sean replied. "Bambino, you're gonna come and pick up Tory. Bring him back to the Alamo. If it's early enough, he can have dinner with us. If not, then you guys figure it out. If we're still in our meeting, I want you to be there. Both of you can come in if Tory's still there."

"Why should Tory come in?" Andy asked.

"Well, I dunno, I just have a feeling... Tory might be useful..."

"It's always good to think about usefulness."

"I know, I mean sometimes I think I'm getting a little bit selfish about using people, but it's not that. I'd never just `use' someone... Unless..."

"Unless what, Blondie?"

"Unless I think they owe us. And then it's a fair trade. Anyway, we'll see what happens tomorrow..."

"I guess we will..." Andy replied. "So, Bambino, you really mean whatcha said about trying to be Tory's friend and all that?"

"I guess so, I mean, why not? I mean, maybe somewhere underneath there's a nice person? He just doesn't seem very happy is all..."

"Neither did his brother," Sean said. "I'm not sure, but I think his family life is kinda fucked up. I seem to remember Dix telling me something like that, but I don't remember for sure..."

"Well, I guess we better let the cook know we might have an extra for dinner tomorrow," Andy said. "Whadya think we should have?"

"Shit on a Shingle," Sean replied. "That's how you can tell who your friends are. Give `em a plate of it and see how they react. Remember when Dix ate it for the first time? And you?"

"Shut up..." Andy said.

Sean laughed. "Oh, I'll shut up alright. I'll shut up when we get home and you cornhole me!"

"Shut the fuck up!" John said.

"Well, there, tell us, has Kathleen strapped one on and done your bum yet... Huh..." Andy snickered.

"That's... That's none of your business!" John replied, arms crossed and brow knit.

"Of course it's our business," Sean said, joining in the fun. "So, anyway, has she? Didja like it? Did it make ya cum?"

"You guys are fucking disgusting!"

"Oh, and eating pussy's not, huh..." Andy said, deadpan. "I heard it smells like a can of tuna. That right?"

"Don't talk about Kathleen like that!"

"So it doesn't smell like tuna? What's it smell like then?" Sean teased. "I mean, I was out of it when her sister raped me, so if it smelled, I don't remember..."

"Never mind what it fucking smells like! You guys can kiss my ass! You're fucking gay! What the fuck do you care!" John exclaimed, arms still crossed.

"We just wanna know!" Andy said. "So... What's it smell like?"

"You guys can go fuck yourselves! I'm not gonna tell you what Kathleen's cooter smells like!"

"That's fine then," Sean said. "I'll just ask her myself."

"YOU WILL NOT EITHER!" John ordered, whacking Sean on the back of the head. "I swear, Sean, if you do that I'll fucking kick you in the fucking balls! After she does!"

"Settle down there, Squirt!" Sean laughed. "Like I said, we can always return you..."

"You would SO NOT do that!" John said, this time laughing along with his older brother. "Butcher not gonna ask Kathleen what her pussy smells like, are ya? I mean, yer not, right..."

"Of course I'm not, Frito Bandito... Yer gonna tell ME what it smells like..."

"Alright, if I HAVE TO... It doesn't smell like anything. She always washes it off before we do it. It's not gross when I eat it. I mean, it's not like you guys! A mouthful of ASS! I mean, you eat ASSHOLES!" John said, sticking his finger down his throat. "Now you gotta tell me what your assholes smell like..."

"Just remember, little bro, you are what you eat," Andy said.

"That makes you an asshole."

"That makes you a cunt."

"So, anyway," Sean cut in, "did Kathleen fuck your ass yet? I mean, that was the original question here..."

"OKOKOKOKOK!!!" John gave in, "She fucked me! In the ass! A bunch of times! And she said she got off while she was doing it! There! Are you fucking satisfied now?"

"Did you cum?" Andy asked.

"I fucking came like a horse!" John said. "About a gallon! Every time!"

"Awww..." Sean said, "Our little bro's a bottom..."

"Fuck you! I ain't no fucking bottom! Not like you anyway! You love getting your ass pounded!"

"And...?" Sean replied wryly.

"And I like pounding it," Andy replied. "You should ask Kathleen if she'd be OK with you doing another dude..."

"Why the fuck would I do THAT!?"

"Well, aren't you even a little bit curious? And what about Kath? You ever wonder if she might not wanna do another chick?"

"NO! I mean... Well... FUCKING NO! You're DISGUSTING!"

"Oh yeah, I'm disgusting... Well, my little frijole, at least when I take it up the bum it's a real cock... You might as well buy yourself a dildo... Remember, you DID practice with ours..."

"God, you guys are impossible..."

"Well," Sean said, "you should at least ask Kathleen. I mean, maybe you guys could have a four-way where she does the chick and you do the guy... How hot would THAT be!"

John did not answer immediately, seemingly pondering. At length he answered, "I'll think about it... But you guys can't say anything to anyone, OK?"

"Not even the twins?" Sean laughed.

"OK, you can tell them, they're babies and won't know what you're saying anyhow... So, like... How do I bring this up with Kath?"

"Ask her if she's ever thought about doing another chick. Ask her when you've been eating her clit for a while and she's just about to juice. She'll say whatever you want at that point as long as you get her off..."

"You guys really think I should?"

"Well, look at it this way," Andy said, "how would you feel about having a cock in your ass?"

"I dunno, I guess it wouldn't hurt to find out. I mean, what if I like it, though?"

"Then it just means that you like it. What if you guys go ahead and Kath likes eating another chick's cunt?" Sean asked. "What'll ya do?"

"Well, I guess we'd just have to be cool with it. I mean... You guys promise not to tell anyone?"

"We promise..." Andy and Sean said in unison.

"Kath's horny ALL THE TIME. I mean, she wants sex like even more than you guys do... Sometimes I've fucked her like four times in one night and even that's not enough. She'll make me eat her clit another time, or two after that..."

"So you eat her clit after your dick was in her puss and you think it's gross that we eat ass..." Sean said.

"A clit's not a poop-chute," John answered matter-of-factly. "I mean, what if there's shit left on there and stuff..."

"There never is because just like Kath cleans her cooter, we clean our holes, too. I mean, what did you think, that we just like, you know, take a dump and then eat ass? Hello?" Andy teased.

"All I know is that I hear you guys fucking practically every night, and when you're not fucking you got a mouthful of cock..."

"And your point is..." Sean said, arching his left eyebrow into the rearview mirror so John could see.

"Never mind. I'll talk to Kath and see what she says..."

"You're really gonna?" Andy asked, somewhat skeptically.

"Why not? I mean, she won't get mad at me... Anyway, drop me off at her house, OK?"

"Sure thing, Squirt," Sean said. "So you gonna talk to her about this shit, or what..."

"I was thinking' about it, if it's any of YOUR BUSINESS!" John answered back, finger boinking Sean's ear lobe.

"Ouch! You little fucking shit!" Sean laughed. "OK, I'll fucking drop you off. You'll be home for dinner, right?"

"I think so. Anyway, let dad know..."

Once John was dropped off, Andy turned to Sean. "You've created a monster, Blondie..."


"Yeah. You. What do you mean getting him all curious about letting another dude fuck him. What if it makes a problem between him and Kathleen?"

"It won't."

"How do you know?"

"I just have a feeling. I mean, we all love Kath, but let's face it, she's got one thing in common with her sister: she's horny as fuck all the time. I bet she'd be really into it, you know, Lesbianing out while the Bambino takes it up the bum. And so what if they do like it? I mean, it's not like we haven't done a few things. And what about Dix and Brett? They do each other like rabbits and then they both have friends- with-benefits on the side... And what about Danny and Jim? I've seen the odd guy, or two come out of their front door after midnight and don't tell me you haven't noticed that..."

"Well, OK, but I just hope she doesn't take a nutty..."

"She won't. She loves the Bambino."

"I know, but she's also a chick..."

"It'll be fine."

John walked into the Alamo just as dinner was being served. He eyed Sean and Andy with a slight grin on his face which didn't go unnoticed from Joe. "You look like the cat that ate the canary, Jonathan..."

"Oh, it's nothing dad. I was just thinkin' of this joke that someone said at school today, that's all..."

"Well, tell us the joke, then!" Joe said, not buying it.

"Um... Uh... Well, it goes like... Um..."

"Pretty much what I thought," Joe laughed. "Look, just remember what I always say, Jonathan, use your head. And I mean the one between your ears."

"OK, dad."

Sean and Andy bit their lips to keep from laughing.

"And that goes for you two, as well. You two finish up and go read to the twins. Give Mrs. Cheadle a break for a little while."

"It's alright, Sir. They've been quiet today."

"So much the better," Joe winked. "When you're done eating, John, see me in my office."

John looked terrified. "I guess I'm done with dinner, dad. Can we go to your office and talk now?" John said, never one to tarry when it came to getting something potentially unpleasant out of the way. Just then John's phone signaled that he had a text.

"Hey dad?"

"What is it..."

"Um, well, it's Tory. They released him and I told him I'd pick him up..."

"Alright, you go pick him up. If he's hungry, bring him back here for dinner and we'll talk while he's eating, how's that?"

"Am I in trouble, dad?"

"No, son, you are not in trouble. I just have a couple questions for you. Now, go on. I expect your friend wants to get out of the hospital. I'll see you in a few."

"OK. Thanks, dad. I don't wanna take the truck, so can I take the Cadillac?"

"That's fine, now get going already!" Joe laughed

Pulling into the hospital, John could see through the glass that Tory was already in the lobby, seated in a wheelchair. John thought the wheelchair was a little bit ridiculous, but he was smart enough to know that's how they did things. John parked in the circular drive near the front door, entered the lobby, and waved to Tory who was with an orderly. The orderly wheeled Tory out to the car, John opened the door and Tory got in.

"Hey, Tor, you had dinner yet?"

"No, they were so busy with the paperwork by the time they brought a tray in I didn't feel like eating it. Why?"

"OK, well do you hafta like be home now?"

"No. Is there something you want? I mean, if there is just spit it out, OK?"

"No need to be a grouch, man. I was just gonna say that my dad said if you were hungry I should bring you back to our house and you can have dinner. We just ate, so there's fresh food and all..."

"For reals?"

"Yeah, I mean it's no big deal..."

"So, I have a question... Did you mean it when you said you'd be my friend?"

"Yeah, I mean why not? There's a decent guy under there somewhere... Maybe... Lemme ask you a question now. How come your mom didn't come to pick you up?"

"She works a lot. She asked, but I told her I had a way home. See, she works second shift at the Simmons factory, and then on weekends she waits tables at Harpo's Supper Club. Don't know if you know this or not, but we're kinda poor. When dad left he made sure we had nothing. My mom does the best she can..."

"Wow, sorry, man. Anyway, we'll get you some food and then I'll take you home when you're ready, OK?"

"Thanks. I um, I mean, I... I appreciate it."

"Not a problem. We'll get you something to eat, and then I got something I wanna talk to you about."


"After you eat."

"Jesus Christ..."

John laughed.

"Don't laugh at me!"

"Why not? You're funny!"

"Just funny?"

"For now you're just funny, OK?"

"I guess I'll take that..."

"Well, yer gonna be takin' my food!"

"Jesus! Your attitude is as big as mine! Oh, and I never said that..."

"Maybe... Look, one thing you need to know if we're gonna be friends is that I don't take shit. From anyone. I'll tell you my history sometime and then you'll know. But not right now, OK?"

"I guess..."

John turned the corner off East Court Street onto Garfield Street and then into the Alamo driveway, swiftly fingering the Cadillac CUE screen with the security code and his thumbprint to open the door.

"You live HERE?" Tory gasped.

"I don't own the house," John deadpanned.

"I KNOW THAT, dork!" Tory replied with a hint of his trademark sarcasm, but only a hint.

"So shut up, then. Yeah, it's a nice house."

"So how can you and Sean be brothers... I mean you look Mexican..."

"I AM Mexican!" John interrupted.

"Yeah, you're short and Mexican. Sean's all like tall, blonde and Nordic. You can't be brothers."

"We're not. I'm adopted. That's all I'm tellin' ya for now. I said I'd tell ya the rest later. So, later."

"Christ, you're bossy!"

"Oh, and you're not?" John asked sarcastically.

"When you see my house, you'll know why. Before dad left, we lived in a house that was almost as good as this about three blocks from here, so just wait to see what I live in now..."

"I get it," John said, reaching out to pat Tory on the shoulder.

Tory found himself feeling a little confused. He wondered why John was being so nice to him, but at the same time seeming almost controlling. John didn't seem that way in class, where he was quiet and studious, and pretty much went unnoticed. John was cute, no doubt, and seemed in terms of personality strength to be a match for Tory, but Tory wondered what lay at the bottom of all this. Was John a closet case? Tory couldn't be absolutely sure, but John set off no gaydar. Besides, he'd been dating Kathleen Kennedy, one of the richest girls in the school, for more than a year. Everyone knew that. On the other hand, `wanting to be friends' just seemed a little too quaint. As was Tory's default, he decided to keep his guard up. He'd seen his older brother, Eric, get hurt by his unrequited crush on Tim Dickson, and then in the end Tim turned out to be gay and produced someone else as his boyfriend seemingly out of a hat. Tory vowed he would never let something like that happen to himself.

"OK, well, let's get in the house and get you some dinner," John said, exiting the car.

In the house, the two boys ran into Mrs. Cheadle in the kitchen fussing over some food for the twins. "Master John, and who do we have here?" Mrs. Cheadle said, eying Tory. "Looks like the Artful Dodger, this one does!"

"This is Tory, Mrs. Cheadle. Tory Trager. Tory, this is Mrs. Cheadle, our Nanny"

"Nanny?" Tory asked, askance. "Aren't you guys a little old for that?"

"Crikey! I'm not John's Nanny, man! I'm the twins' Nanny!"

"Twins?" Tory asked, looking wide-eyed at John.

"Later, I said... I'm gonna sit you down and get you a plate of food. I gotta talk to my dad for a minute, so I hope ya don't mind eatin' alone."

"That's fine..."

John fed Tory a plate of Shit-on-a Shingle, went to Joe's office, knocked and walked in.

"You wanna talk to me, dad?"

"This won't take long, John. Have a seat... Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I reviewed your grades online and I'm proud of you, son. All A's. Now then...the real reason I wanted to have a word is I get the idea somehow, and it's not from your brothers, that you might want to experiment sexually, so to speak. Am I right?"

"Um, well, um... I guess so," John said, looking at the floor.

"Don't look at the floor, son. Look at me. So, tell me what it is you'd like to find out about."

"Well, it's... I... I, um...I don't know how to exactly say it..."

"Then just say it, son."

"I think I might wanna get fucked in the ass."

"And what brought that on?"

"OK, you asked me just to say it... Well, see, Kathleen, um, sometimes she straps on a fake cock and she fucks me with it. We were just curious about it at first, but it feels good, and I think I might wanna see what it feels like getting fucked by a real cock."

"Alright, well, have you talked with Kathleen about this?"

"Um, yeah... We talked about it before I got home. She says she thinks it would be hot."

"Do you love Kathleen?"

"Yeah. I do."

"Then, whatever you do, you keep that thought first. You don't get hurt, and don't you hurt Kathleen. We all love her, too. And you two are good for each other. Anyway, that's all I wanted, son. If you need to talk to me about this, I'm always here for you. And for Kathleen. You know that."

"Yeah, dad, and thanks..." John said while wrapping Joe in a hug as well as his relatively short stature allowed him to do.

"OK, we're done here. Mind if I say hello to your friend out there?"

"That's fine, dad..."

Joe walked to the kitchen and extended his hand to Tory. "I'm Joe Wyman, Joh's dad. Pleasure to meet you, son."

"Uh... Yeah..." Tory stuttered.

"You got a name there, young man?" Joe smiled.

Tory looked at John, askance. John merely nodded his head.

"I'm, um, I'm Tory Trager, Sir." Tory said, reaching out tentatively to shake Joe's hand.

"Nice to meet you, Tory. Nice shiner ya got there by the way... Say, I was wondering, and it's no big deal because John was happy to help you, but can you tell me why your mom, or dad couldn't pick you up?"

"Well, my dad's not around, and my mom's at work. She works a lot."

"I see, is there a reason why she works so much?"

"Is there a reason you're asking me?"

"Perhaps. Anyway, if I made you uncomfortable I apologize."

Again, John looked at Tory and nodded his head.

"Well, Sir, it's like this: my dad ran out on us a long time ago, and my mom works basically two shitty jobs so we can make ends meet. It's not her fault she couldn't pick me up..."

"It would seem not. Listen, Tory, here's my business card and I'd like your mom to call me at 9:00 Monday morning, alright?"


"Let's put it this way, it could be an opportunity for her."

Again, Tory looked at John, and again John nodded.

"OK, I'll do that..."

"Very good. You want more to eat?"

"Can I? That crap at the hospital is horrid! I don't know what you call this stuff, but it's really good!"

"Yeah, we got a lot more... It's Shit-on-a-Shingle. How much more ya want?"

"Another big plate. Like the last one."

"Fine, and then we gotta get going. There's something I wanna ask you about..."


"I said when we get going."

"Jesus Christ!" Tory said, and then wolfed his food. "Let's go!"

In the car, John told Tory that he had to make it quick because there were expecting someone at 8:00 and he was supposed to be home at that time, but he did his best to explain his previous life to Tory who didn't ask any questions other than what might have happened to his dad.

"I don't know," John answered. "If I had to bet, for all I know he's dead. Makes no difference at this point anyway. I have a new life, and I have a chance to be normal which is all I ever wanted. Anyway, I wanna ask you something..."

"I'll alert the media..." Tory said, acting disinterested.

"You must be feeling better," John said, "you're turning back into an asshole."

"Just ask me your question, OK?"

"Well, it's like this..." John went on to explain how he and Kathleen had been experimenting sexually and then he decided he might just as well ask. "So, like, if I wanted to see how it feels to get fucked up the ass with a real dick, would you fuck me? I mean, if Kathleen said it's OK and maybe she could watch?"

"You want me to WHAT?"

"I was asking if you'd fuck me. I mean, is it like THAT BIG of a deal? You shove your cock up my ass, fuck me, and then cum in me. I mean, it's not like I just invented fucking, or something... Jeez! Sorry I fuckin' asked, dude..."

Tory looked thoughtfully at John. John's request he thought outlandish and at the same time somewhat humorous, but he could easily see that it was sincere. "Well, I mean, you're like royalty at school. Your brother is the King of the fucking Jocks, everybody loves Andy, you're on the wrestling team, you date probably the richest chick in the whole fucking school, and YOU want ME to fuck you? I mean, hello... ME? What the fuck am I supposed to think?"

"Don't think anything except just what I asked. If you might wanna fuck me.... I mean, as long as we're being honest, you're a prick. And you have a big mouth. Yeah, you're an ass, but you have balls. And I respect that. Especially the way you stood up to those two assholes. So, what's it gonna be? Yes, or no..."

"OK, here's the deal. You talk it over with Kathleen, and if she says it's OK, then yeah, I'll fuck you. But I got a condition on it."

"What's that?"

"The condition is that if I'm gonna fuck you, and she's gonna watch, then she has to watch while she's doing it with another chick. If you guys can set that up, then I'm in. So to speak... Oh, and one more thing, too..."

"Jesus Christ! What!"

"When I stick it in, no whining that it hurts, or to take it out, or any of that shit. You want to get fucked, I'll fuck you, but you're gonna take it like a man."

"Oh, now you think I can't handle it, huh... How much you got, anyway, pencil dick..."

"You'll find out, trust me. Fasten your seatbelts. It's going to be a bumpy night. And when I'm done, then you're going to fuck me. In front of your girlfriend, and whoever the other chick turns out to be. Keep pestering me, and I'll keep adding conditions."

"Fine, I'll fuck you. A hole's a hole. Dick! Anyway, are we close to your house now? You're getting on my nerves."

"And you're not getting on mine. Not at all... You fucking Jocks are all the same..."

"Hey! Fuck you! I meant it when I said I wanted to be friends. Too bad for you you're so fucking jaded you can't tell when someone's trying to be nice... Maybe you should just fuck me and afterwards I'll throw you out like a used Kleenex!"

"Which is EXACTLY what you'll do... And then you'll tell all your stupid Jock friends about it, too..."

"You really are a piece of work! Like I'm gonna say, `Oh! There goes Tory Trager! You know, he fucked me the other night!' I mean, like what are you, retarded?"

Tory, silenced, realized that John had a point.

"I guess you're right," Tory said. "But I want you to look me in the eye and tell me that you really want to be my friend. I've been hurt too many times."

John did exactly that.

"Satisfied?" John asked.

"Maybe. And besides, you're kinda cute. Too bad you're not gay..."

"Well, I'm not. I volunteered to be your friend, not your boyfriend. Who knows, maybe you'll find one. I mean, you're not totally THAT BAD..."

"Fuck you," Tory scowled. "Anyway, turn down this street and it's the third house on the left."

John pulled up in front of a compact, two-story, 1950's style duplex that appeared as if it had seen better days. It was located a block off a main street in a neighborhood that was built adjacent to the City landfill dump.

"We live on the second floor. See, not only do we not have our own house, we live in an apartment... A block from the fucking dump."

John thought Tory sounded dejected. "I'm sorry, man. Well, I guess I mean I'm not sorry. It's a lot nicer than most of the places I've ever lived... And besides, it's only home for another year and a little more. You're smart. I got confidence in you..."

Tory couldn't think of anything to say. No one had ever told him that before. So he said nothing.

"I see you take compliments real well, too," John said.

"I don't. I mean, I guess, well, thanks for dinner and everything. I'll be seeing you around school, OK?"

"Yeah. G'night, Tor."

John turned the car around and headed back to the Alamo, noting that the time was 7:45 p.m.

At 8:00 p.m. Sean, Andy and John waited in the Library of the Alamo. Just before 8:01 the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Sean said.

In a minute, Sean entered the Library trailed behind by their guest.

"Have a seat," Sean said, pointing to one of the chairs. "Want something to drink?"

"No thanks. I don't wanna take up too much of your time. All I came to do was to apologize to Andy. Andy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't do anything to help catch the guys who beat you up. I'm sorry I set Sean up. I'm sorry for the whole thing. I know I don't get a do-over, but I was stupid and I learned my lesson. That's really about all I wanted to say."

Andy looked into the guest's eyes. "Look, I said in Court that I forgave you. And that's the truth. I also said that I wouldn't forget, and I can't. I have a new life now, and, well, I mean, it's OK that you came if you thought you needed to do it for yourself. I mean, that's it, right?"

"I don't get it," John said. "Who are you anyway, and what did you do to Andy?" John knew the answer to both of those questions, he simply wanted to make their guest sweat.

"I'll explain it, but who are you?" the guest asked.

"I'm Sean's brother, John. Joe adopted me, so yeah... Anyway, if it's all the same, it doesn't seem like it's up to you to be asking the questions here. Who are you?"

Sean bit his lip to stifle a laugh.

"Alright, John, my name's Mark Braden. I knew the guy who paid the scum who beat Andy up. I didn't know they were going to do it, but afterwards he told me, and I never told the Cops. I spent a year in jail for that. I was an asshole at the time. I've changed some, and I don't wanna re-live this last year. I came for a selfish reason. I need closure. I hope that's OK. It took me a long time to find you guys."

"So what are you gonna do now?" Andy asked. "Go back to Kenosha?"

"Don't think so. My name's mud in that town. I couldn't even get a job. I tried, and nobody will give me the time of day. I kinda like this town, though. Nobody knows me here, so I dunno, I might stay..."

Andy shuddered. Sean scowled. John jutted his chin out.

"If you stay in this town, then you don't fuck with us. Ever!" John said. "I'm Mexican, so I can arrange for you to find out what the business end of a shiv feels like before you can even say your own name if I feel like it. No one will ever know who did it. My fingers will be clean. And I know how to find you. Got me?"

"Those days are behind me. You don't have anything to worry about."

At that second, a knock came at the door. The door flew open. It was Joe.

"Guys, you're gonna hafta cut your meeting short. I just got a call from George Dickson. He's on his way over. I'll let George explain it to ya when he gets here, but this is urgent." Joe then looked at Mark Braded, "I'm very sorry, but you will have to go now. I'll see you out."


Next: Chapter 56

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