It Is What It Is

By Eric Trager

Published on Dec 24, 2020


This isn't a whole chapter, it's just a short Christmas interlude.

A reader asked me if I could post something for the Season, and I just didn't have the time to write an entire chapter, but I did want to at least try to accommodate the request.

So, as short as it is, here you go...

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© 2015 by EricTrager.


Sean and Brad sat at the dining room table at Glen Muick Lodge addressing their Christmas envelopes.

Never ones for sending out cards, this year they decided to.

They'd had custom cards made.

For the cards, Brad and Sean stood in front of the Lodge, the northern Wisconsin snow already deep even though it was only late November. It was night. The night was crisp and cold. Brad had read the thermometer before they stepped outside. It showed the temperature was 7 degrees above zero. All was still and brilliantly moonlit.

Between them they held a 6-foot diameter evergreen Christmas wreath decorated with red ribbon and gold bells.

When they hoisted the wreath, Sean on one side and Brad on the other, Wizard jumped up, perching inside the wreath with his green eyes aglow and his tail lazily swishing as always.

Against the backdrop of the Lodge which Sean and Brad had festooned with red lights and pine boughs. After the photo the wreath would be hung over the Lodge's front door.

Brett and Tim were there to snap the photos, Brett manning the lighting and Tim with the camera.

Sean and Brad were clad only in jockstraps and lumberjack boots. A red jock for Sean and green for Brad.

Wizard looked at Sean and wailed loudly at being kept outside in the cold. He didn't like it one bit.

Brett adjusted the lighting, then went to move Sean and Brad into a better position as Tim directed him. When Tim signaled that the position was right, Brett stood between them fluffing the pouches of their jocks. Brett felt both of their cocks plump up. He wanted them nice and fat, but not totally hard.

Brett felt himself plumping up, too.

"We ready?" Tim called out.

"They're ready," Brett snickered.

"OK, then get out of the way!" Tim said.

In rapid succession, Tim fired off six photos from the tripod-mounted camera. He then reviewed them.

"Perfect!" he said to himself. "OK, guys, we're done out here!"

"You and Brett are hanging the wreath while we go inside and get ready. And... I turned the sauna open for later..."

Sean and Brad went inside, still in their jockstraps, with Brad behind the bar mixing drinks and Sean in the kitchen assembling a couple trays of finger food that he made earlier in the day.

Sean took the food trays behind the bar and grabbed Brad from behind. He lightly stroked Brad's fat cock through the pouch of his jock. He kissed Brad's cheek and rubbed his chest with his other hand.

"I love you so much," Sean said. "You saved me..."

Brad turned around and ground his almost hard cock into Sean's. "I love you, too, Sean. And I always will. I didn't save anyone. It was a joint effort." He then lovingly kissed Sean, their lips parting into a tempestuous lover's kiss.

Presently, Brett and Tim walked in and shed their clothing down to jockstraps of their own. Gold for Tim and Silver for Brett. It was obvious that they'd done some fluffing of their own before they entered the Lodge.

"Belly up for some drinks, guys!" Brad said.

"Wanna see the pics?' Tim asked.

"Of course!" Sean said.

Tim grabbed his camera, signed it into the Lodge's network and switched on the TV behind the bar.

All six photos were beautifully done, Sean and Brad both standing tall and proud with Wizard's emerald eyes big like saucers. Both men showed impressive baskets in their jockstraps, and even though now approaching fifty years of age they were still two very handsome men. Both had fine muscle definition, Sean's more hunky build attractively counterpointed by Brad's elegantly slim proportions.

There was one photo that stood out, though. In all the photos, both were smiling, but in the last photo Brad, who seldom smiled at all, had a broad grin that lit up his face and eyes.

"That's the one!" Sean exclaimed. "That's it!"

"Yeah, that's the best one," Brad agreed. "OK, I'm pouring drinks now!"

"I got the hookah set up," Sean added. "You guys will like this weed, it's pretty mellow..."

An hour or so later, still at the bar but all four men sans jockstraps were enjoying the Holiday spirit as only four men whose lives had for so long been intertwined could do.

And they went on to enjoy each other's company, pairing off as they would and together all four, well into the wee hours of the morning in both the secret room at the Lodge and later in the sauna.

The next morning, Sean laid on one of his finest breakfast feasts of Eggs Benedict made with grilled Scottish salmon courtesy of the Balmoral estate, potatoes fried in goose fat, Brett's favorite Nueske's bacon and flutes of mimosas.

"I can't wait until all the kids get here for Christmas!" Sean said.

"You haven't enjoyed the Holidays like this in a long time, Wymo...' Tim observed.

"I guess not. I guess I have Brad to thank for that..."

"Just buy me something nice..." Brad laughed.

Sean leaned over and whispered "Merry Christmas, husband!" into Brad's ear.

And so ends our short Christmas interlude at Glen Muick Lodge. I want to take this opportunity to thank all of my readers, and no matter what Holiday you might celebrate, I want to wish you all the best for the Season and the New Year!

Next: Chapter 78

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