It Just Gets Better

By Mark Hall

Published on Feb 5, 2019


Dinner among the three of them started out well. The conversation was natural, lot of laughing, and most importantly Lewis was comfortable with the relationship his friend Joseph was in. After dinner, they sat in the back yard enjoying a few drinks when the topic of same sex relationships came up.

"So James, knowing my friend Joseph here, I assume you're the woman and he's the man." By now they had been drinking to excess and all were inebriated. "At least I hope so," he said laughing.

Joseph cut in quickly. "Can we not talk about this?"

James felt it was not his place to respond, to let his partner handle this sometimes delicate issue. Straight men often wondered about gay sex, who was the top and bottom, man or woman, etc. But he hoped for a better response from Joseph, one that was more direct and decisive.

Lewis continued. "Sorry man, you know I don't many any harm. We've been friends for too long Joseph. Just looking after you."

Having heard enough of Lewis and getting annoyed by Joseph's silence, James decided to speak up. "To answer your question, Lewis, we're both men. Men who love each other. What we do sexually is really none of your business."

Joseph reached over and gently grabbed James' arm. "He doesn't mean anything by it," he said. "Don't overreact."

But James was incensed and did not listen to his lover, continuing to look at Lewis. "And what is meant by you `looking after him?'"

"Well, you know, guys carry diseases and if you haven't been honest with Joseph, he could have something too," said Lewis. While his concern for Joseph was out of genuine concern, his thinking was based on what he heard from friends and others outside of the gay community.

Joseph stood up, hands on his hips, looking down. "Enough," he said solemnly, but loud enough to be heard. James started to angrily say something but was cut off by Joseph. Lewis remained cool and unabashed by James' angry outburst.

"Lewis, your concern is noted, but it's way out of line. You and I must have a long, serious talk if we are to remain friends. I can forgive you for not knowing certain things about our lifestyle, but you are being disrespectful to both James and me." He bent down to kiss James on the lips. "James, I love you and understand your being upset. But this is my friend, so it is my responsibility to make sure he understands. His statements come out of misconceptions and judging of others because they are different. But let me handle that. Okay?"

James instantly was impressed by Joseph's maturity and ability to stay calm. He excused himself to let Joseph and Lewis talk, hoping Joseph would stand up for him.

"Your boy kind of bitchy," said Lewis as soon as James was out of earshot.

"Lewis, you may not think what you said was offensive, but it was. Carrying diseases? Man/woman roles? Maybe we needed to rehearse some shit before you opened your mouth."

"Hey, just being me Joseph. Maybe I don't know about all this gay stuff, but I'm trying to find out. And I ain't rehearsing shit."

"Would you be willing to apologize?" asked Joseph, realizing that he wasn't going to change Lewis in the short time they were there.

"For you, yeah. I guess I did cross the line," said Lewis, suddenly pensive.

"For me and James, Lewis. C'mon we're a couple, whether you agree with the lifestyle or not."

"I guess you're right. Man I'm just not ready to admit to myself that you and I aren't going to be chasing tail together anymore. And damn, your idea of tail is a man's butt," said Lewis solemnly, looking up at Joseph.

They looked at each other, laughed, and then hugged. "Bring your man back here," said Lewis, suddenly upbeat. "I got something to say to him. And we're not rehearsing, just got to trust me Joseph!"

From the house, James could see the two men arguing, then hugging, then laughing. He hoped they didn't make up at his expense, that Joseph stood up for him, but he had his doubts. Lewis was a typical straight man who vocalized his ignorance. He could excuse that, but his words seemed intentionally hurtful. He was prepared to hear the worst as Joseph came into the house.

"Sorry about my friend, James," said Joseph after kissing him. "I'm not going to make any excuses for him. He was wrong and I told him so."

"And what did he say?" asked James, assuming that Lewis was disagreeable.

"It was strange, he admitted to being wrong. Not something that happens often with Lewis."

"So now what?" asked James, still not convinced that the conversation was genuine.

"He wants to apologize, I think," said Joseph, assuming that is what Lewis intended to do.

"You think? What exactly did he say Joseph? I don't think you're standing up for me," said James with a slight attitude, which was beginning to irritate Joseph.

"James, give the man a chance. Just see what he has to say."

"Okay Joseph, sorry, don't mean to be difficult." James realized that Joseph was being calm and in control, something that he admired in him.

"Thank you!" said Joseph, grabbing James' hands. "Got to trust me babe, I got your back."

With that, they went to meet Lewis who gave a sincere apology, recognizing his insensitivity. James respected that and saw a strong man who was willing to admit his mistakes and be held accountable for them. He even hugged James, looked him in the eyes and said how good he was for his friend.

Having drank to excess, Joseph invited Lewis to stay overnight in the spare bedroom. The tension was gone and replaced by a warm friendship between the three of them. As Lewis retired to the bedroom, James felt pity for him. He was an older man, not in great shape, and seemed lonely. But this was only a snapshot of who he was, and James was assured by Joseph that he was much stronger and confident than he appeared.

While undressing for bed, Joseph took James from behind in his arms, rocking him gently. "So James, you do know you got a little sassy with me earlier this evening."

James had always been respectful of Joseph and understood his natural dominance, and rarely tested it. But he realized that he may have crossed the line into unfamiliar territory. "I'm sorry Joseph, I was angry, but not at you of course."

"Mmmm-hmmmm," mumbled Joseph as he kissed the back of James' head. "So what are you going to do about that?"

James felt the calm control Joseph had over him. "It won't happen again, promise."

"Good start, but, unfortunately, it already happened, so something has to be done to make sure it does not happen again James."

James felt the seriousness of Joseph's presence. It reminded him of their early days together when they were first feeling each other out. Since then, a lot had happened, the moves, the family changes, and adjusting to a new environment. While not routine, their sex life could be described as patterned. But this felt different, like Joseph was a different man. He turned around to look at Joseph, to see if he could gauge his feelings through his expressive eyes. What he saw was unclear, a mix of anger, and worry.

"Get on your knees," Joseph stated coldly. While James knew that Joseph would never do anything to hurt him, he felt the urgency to do as told. He got on his knees and looked up at Joseph who was wearing his blue boxers and nothing else. "What do you see?" he asked James.

It certainly was an odd question with an obvious answer, and James didn't know where to start.

"I see my loving partner," said James, feeling his answer was foolish and adolescent.

Joseph felt the need to redefine the role between he and James. One of the many reasons he left his wife was because of the constant nagging and questioning of his every move. With James he was able to make decisions to the benefit of both, and not worry about extended negotiations. But he felt the tide turning, that James was getting comfortable confronting him. He wanted to rediscover the authoritarian role that bonded them together.

"What else?" he asked. "Tell me what James, my lover, sees."

"The physical?" he asked.

"Just tell me what you see in front of you, and be totally honest."

James felt like he was being tested and didn't like it. But he was also curious where this line of questioning was going so he went along. "I see a very handsome Black man, beautifully dark skinned, thick all over, some gray hair." He paused to look up at Joseph who remained expressionless.

"Go on," said Joseph.

"I see a man who has love in his eyes and a genuine concern for the person he loves."

"Do you see or feel that?" asked Joseph. "Again, be honest."

"I feel that. But mostly I feel love."

He looked up at Joseph as he removed his underwear, standing naked. "Touch my penis, run your hand along it," he said.

James did what he was told, ran his fingers along Joseph's dick, tracing the large vein from the base to the middle of the shaft, disappearing half way. Then the smoothness until the flaring of the head. He felt the sponginess of the head, squeezed it and stroked it, ran his finger across the wide hole, then lifted his dick so he could do the same with the underside. The he reached his balls, large and protruding., gently squeezing them.

"Now what do you feel?" asked Joseph.

"Physically I feel manhood, but also power, a gift."

"Interesting, before then you felt love, now you feel power." Joseph reached down and took James by the chin. "Do you want my love, or my power James?"

This was getting deeper that James could process. He was confused, but had an idea where Joseph was going with this. "I want whatever you can give me Joseph. I want your love and power."

"Are they one in the same for two men?" asked Joseph.

"Yes, I believe so Joseph. I mean I love you, but also the power behind you," James began to stammer. "Joseph, I'm trying to say the right thing," but afraid I'm not."

"You're doing fabulous James. Concentrate on your inner feelings, not what's the right thing to say." Joseph sensed that James was defeated, which was not the point of his questioning. "What is it you want to do now James?"

"I want to make you feel good."

"And how can you do that? Show me."

At this point, James was doubting his ability to give Joseph what he wanted, so he did what he thought best, to act on his desires and to do what he wanted. He sat up and kissed Joseph's wide dick, licking it, then taking it into his mouth. It felt strange, like this was the first time. He reached up and gently tweaked his nipples, releasing his cock from his mouth to kiss his belly, then run his tongue across the wiry pubic hairs, then slowly suck his cock back into his mouth.

In a few minutes, Joseph was fully erect and pulled out. He reached over to the night stand and turned on the lamp. In the glow of the room, from James' perspective, he looked magnificent. His thick, dark body had a wonderful glow to it, his dick, fully extended and pointing up was lustrous. "Get on your back and spread your legs," he said, while smiling. He helped James get into position, then backed away, staring. "You look amazing like that."

"Thank you, Joseph," said James, still wondering if this was a test.

Joseph got closer, resting his dick on James', which was soft. "I love you James, very much. And want you to feel my loving devotion to you, and the lustful power of my cock as it enters and fucks you. They are not the same, James, but you will feel both. Understand?"

James nodded his head in agreement.

"Say it James, and look at me the whole time," said Joseph as he positioned his dick at James' anus.

"I love you Joseph, please show me how much you love me," James managed to clearly enunciate despite his unusual nervousness.

"I love you too James," said Joseph as he slid his dick inside in one motion, fixing a stare into James' eyes. With only saliva providing lubrication, the entry was painful for James, but he managed to not express it. The man who declared love for him did so while entering his body.

"You feel so amazing James," said Joseph. Their eyes surveyed each other's, developing and maintaining a connection beyond the physical.

"So do you Joseph," moaned James, who was beginning to feel the immense pleasure of a thick, long dick spreading his walls.

Joseph bent over and kissed him. As it increased in passion, they began to excitedly feel each other's bodies. They sucked tongues, bit lips and licked each other as their affection intensified. "Say it James," Joseph whispered into James' ear.

"I want to feel the power of your cock, please fuck me," said James, once again locking eyes with Joseph.

"You want me to fuck your ass James?" said Joseph feverishly. "C'mon, tell me."

"Please fuck my ass Joseph," groaned James as he spread his legs as wide as they would go. Joseph grabbed James' ankles and then delivered a series of hard punches into him. For a change, Joseph's groans were louder than James as he fucked him.

He then pulled out. "On your knees," he ordered. As soon as James was in position, Joseph mounted him, continuing the barrage of thrusts that filled the room with the sounds of smacking and human pleasure. With both hands on his shoulders, Joseph kept a rhythm that provided both with sexual bliss. For over an hour James and Joseph, made love and fucked until they both had well timed orgasms. James came so hard that his own juices hit his face and chest, while Joseph poured seed into James' warm moist ass for what seemed like 10 -- 15 seconds. Spent, Joseph collapsed onto James, their sweat and sperm mixing. They lay together catching their breaths until they enjoyed the warm afterglow of good sex, not saying anything. Joseph's cock remained inside of James, still engorged by the immense orgasm.

"I never came so hard in my life," said Joseph, kissing his lover's lips.

"Ditto that," said James, wiping away cum from his forehead. They both started laughing at the mess they made, and the feeling of joyful accomplishment. After cleaning up, they pulled on their underwear and robes, and sat on the living room couch, enjoying a cognac.

"You think Lewis heard that?" asked James.

Joseph laughed. "I think Las Vegas casinos heard that!" There was a moment of silence before Joseph said, "Be right back."

He returned, then knelt before James, holding before him a purple velvet case. He slowly opened it, looking at James the whole time. "Will you, James Stephens, marry me and become my wife?"

James had no idea this was coming. While the use of the word "wife" seemed inappropriate, James eagerly and happily accepted. After some more couch time they returned to the bedroom where they fucked and made love until the morning hours.

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