Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on May 4, 2020


I woke on Sunday in a very strange mood and I just laid there. I thought about the run and didn't feel like bothering. I went down stairs and looked at the paper and thought well at least I'm not on the front fucking page. Then I turned sports pages and there was a giant article on the game. It seems like, every one was amazed at how easily Rob and the boys won the tournament. Rob did a great job with the interviews and shit they grilled him. I knew I need to congratulate him and have a long talk. Then I saw that they were ranked #1 in the state I needed to get together with him.

Then I turned to the business section and just shook my head. There I was front center. I calmly folded the paper and threw it against the wall, just missing dad. Dad, just looked. I got up to go outside and was told to sit my fucking ass down. But pick the paper up first. I calmly did as requested and sat back down. Dad, handed the paper back to me and said, well loudly said, Michael read the fucking article. I got up, poured another cup of coffee, unfolded the paper and started to read. The headline "IN A TERSE STATEMENT, MIKE SIMMONS GIVES MILLIONS"

I took a deep breath and started to read. The first part dealt with the tailgating and how a group of Juniors broke up two parties in the parking lot at Robert Morris and how the same group took control of playoff game celebrations and was asked by school administrators to meet with the Freshmen class. Mikes involvement in every aspect of these events were apparently why he was stopped and tested for DUI on two occasions within days of each other. The first time resulted in the officers having a conversation with Mike's attorney and Mike being sent on his way. The second time Mike demanded a blood test and at the hospital he demanded the test include a test for drugs. Even though he tested clean, he was threatened by the two officers, the Chief and the President of Borough Council. This was all revealed yesterday in this paper and local broadcasts. As the facts cleared him and after a 10 Million civil suit was filed, the issue was settled with a 2.5 Million dollar settlement.

In a well planned press conference, at his home, yesterday afternoon a clearly angry Mike Simmons accepted the apology by the Borough Council and the actions they took and then astounded all of those present by announcing the formation of the MJS Foundation. The foundation would be funded by the settlement and an addition half of a million dollars from Mike. He said that it was a work in progress but that the foundation would be finalized by the end of the week. Initials indications were that scholarships would be funded at his school and at two country clubs. There would be grants to his Borough police, Fire, EMS and library totaling 100 thousand each. A smaller donation to Brothers Brother is being considered. Finally a 1 million dollar fund for tech startups.

The article went on to outline all my community involvements and my academic record and my many athletic accomplishments. The article ended by saying that earlier I had indicated that I had 2 heroes. My dad and Andrew Carnegie. It went on to say that every parent should raise a kid as responsible as active as me. Then it said there is no doubt that Carnegie was my hero as I play very hard and give a lot of money to the community. That I was very much a man of my time, an innovative thinker, a union supporter and one of the best things that happened to this region in decades.

I put the paper down, looked at dad, thanked him for making me read and asked if I could please go outside? Dad, said now just sit and rule 4. Mike, it has been a very tough year for you. Your mother, your brother, Sally, the cigarettes, Megan and Cole, the Mayor and all the business stuff. A melt down was inevitable. Mike, you barely got thru the weekend. Mike, you are right, Jim is a perfect wingman, the problem is that you are the crew chief. The only one who is your true equal and who pushes back is JJ. I'm sure it was his idea to come get you last night and Jim wingmanned along. I took a beep breath and said, dad I was already concluding that. Jim has become more and more his own man, but still runs way too much by me, well except for football. Then I said, dad thanks for the appointment with Dr. Jenkins, I was just about to do that. Dad laughed and said Mike, please don't start lying to me, you were going to tough it out. Dad, really I was starting to think about it, but you were right in doing it. I gave dad an big hug and went to my room.

I called Rob and I congratulated him on a great game and an outstanding tournament. We talked about the state tournament and he said he was exhausted. I said, dude I don't think we have ever won a state playoff game, get over being tired. When do you play again? He said Wednesday and it would most likely be our last local game. I said well let the beach party roll. Then he asked, how I was holding up with all the drama. I said, Rob being perfectly honest, barely. We chatted about a lot of things and finally, I said I had a meeting and had to go. It was a quick shower, time on my hair, jeans and a polo shirt with the Oakmont logo. I found dad in his office and asked what he wanted to do for dinner and he replied, anything here and just you and me. I smiled and said, that's perfect. Oh, should I be getting bids on the helicopter pad? He said, Michael come here and he got up gave me a giant hug and said, I'll sell the fucking copter when you start taking care of your self, now get to the appointment.

Driving to the doctors office, I was thinking was I really that far over the edge? At the doctors office, I found Dr. Jenkins sitting in the waiting room. He said Mike where do you feel most comfortable? Doc your office is fine. I was shocked when he looked right at me and said answer the damn question. I said NC, but that's out so? Mike, where in Pittsburgh? I said in my room at home. He said, ok let's go I'll follow you. At home we went right to my room and sat in the leather chairs. He looked around and said, why this room? I said the pictures and the desk. Ok, Mike I get the pictures why the desk? Doc, it represents everything I have done so far and everything I want to do? Mike, so where are you and how you doing? Doc I'm a mess and didn't realize it, I really don't care and am doing things out of instinct, just to get them done. Do you care about those things? I said no, they just need done so I do them.

It went on like this for a while and he said, so how is your mom and Bill? I said what, I thought they were dead? Mike you bought the place where you had the only good memory of them. That's not letting go. Doc, that place is where I go to relax, well remotely. So you are telling me that if you could go anywhere to be safe it would be there? I said, that's correct. When you going to spend some time there? I said, Spring Break, I hope. So how is your wingman? Jim is good, I said. So Mike is a wingman enough or to put it another way do you need a Musketeer? Doc, what's the difference? Mike, a wingman is a fixer, a guy that covers your back but never pushes. The Musketeer, fights like hell with you and is a wingman that will also kick you in the ass. He would be an intensely loyal guy with an opinion and get you into as much trouble as you get him into. Doc, have you been talking with my dad? He replied, Yes. Then to my amazement he pulled out a pack of cigarettes, lit one and put the pack on my desk. I got up cracked the window and looked at him. Mike, why did you open the window immediately? Well Doc, me not smoking is hard and and the smell make me want one so bad.

Ok Mike how are you and Carrie? Well that's the one thing in my life that hasn't changed. We are both busy as she is working with an architectural firm and doing well. The sex life is good but not as often and we love each other. We talked about the police and the shit that was involved with that? How did I came up with the Foundation thing and on and on. Then, I said Doc, we have been at this almost two hours and I need to know to what point? Did we accomplish anything? Mike, this isn't about accomplishing anything, it about you talking and listening. However, you are a mess and I'm trying to figure out what straw was too much. He stopped and thought for a minute and said, damn it was the integrity issue with you. While there were many times that you drove having one beer, it pissed you off that you were a target and singled out unfairly, like when you were drug testes by the old coach. You are still pissed off about the lack of a real apology. You know what, get over it, you won and at the same time did a lot of good for the community and enhanced an already outstanding reputation. Get over it. I reached for a cigarette, lit it took a big drag and said damn, I miss these.

Dr. Jenkins said, Mike I need to see you again how about Friday? I said fine and he said noon.

We went down stairs and he went into dads office and closed the door and I went back to my room and called JJ he answered with buenas tardes, amigo? I replied em inglese por favor. He laughed and said fine, what's up? I said dude, thanks for dragging my ass out last night. Well, you were a jerk thinking you could ditch me. I said and Jim? He said your wingman is always there for you, sometimes he needs pushed? So JJ how the fuck are you today and how is the move? Well the movers were great and we are all in and my room is totaled. I have your cousins old room, it's great but I need to paint, I'm thinking grey tones. So JJ, you want to hang out? Amigo, not possible, I have school work and need to set up the room. See you tomorrow in school. Then he laughed and said, I can't believe I just said that and hung up.

Almost immediately my phone rang and it was a number I did not recognize and I said good afternoon, this is Mike. Mr. Simmons this is Clark Dillon, I said, hi Clark please call me Mike we are not at the club. He said, if you insist. Mike do you have a few minutes? I said sure what do you need? Well there are reports that your Foundation will set aside $100,000 for a scholarship for our caddies. I said Clark that's correct. You will be matching the first $20,000 we raise? I said that is also correct. That's very generous, who will administer the program? I said you head professional. Well Mike you will be glad to know we have, without trying, raised $75,000. I said, that's fantastic and impressive. Clark, I intend to do this but my legal team is furious as I sprung this on them with, in their words, an unrealistic deadline. Mike, the Pro would like you to be his guest Saturday for lunch and if the weather forecast is correct some golf. I said, ok that works he said 12:00 lunch and if possible golf to follow. Then he said, I almost forgot, please bring a guest someone your age. I said sure. I hung up thinking shit one amigo.

Down stairs I found dad in his office and said so what we doing for dinner? He said, Mike Dr. Jenkins thinks you are doings better than I thought, please see him on Friday. Dad, I'm good. Mike order whatever you want for dinner and order enough for Cole, he will have to eat whatever. I said damn, I forgot about that. He laughed and said, I'll know you are back when you remember that shit. I was trying to figure out dinner and there was a horn blasting outside. I went out to see Cole and Megan and a van full of stuff. Megan said, we could use some help and you didn't hear us knock. We unloaded the van and placed the stuff in the garage. Once that was done I asked who was staying for dinner and Megan said she had to go and Cole said he was starving. Megan went in and was talking with dad and Cole and I grabbed a couple of boxed and put them in his new room. I asked how he was and he said, Mike I don't know, try to be patient with me. I smiled and said, dude relax no expectations.

I said, what do you want to eat, dad and I were just about to order? I said the options are pizza, hoagies, ribs, Chinese, wings or Italian, all of which can be delivered. He said, ribs, fries and wings and I said damn you are going to be a solid fit. I ordered three racks of ribs, a dozen wings and fries. Megan and Cole walked to the van and he returned looking a little sad and I handed him a scotch and he said thanks and went to the game room. I went in and sat down and said Cole, I need a favor? Sure, what do you need. I need you to have lunch with me Saturday at Oakmont. He said, sure but what's so special about that. I said well I have a lunch meeting and then I need to play golf and need a partner. What the fuck, I haven't played in months. I said well neither have I but it should be around 65 degrees and dry, who cares how we play. Cole, we can hit balls at Cool Springs and the greens will have to be slow, this early. Just a fun day. Ok so who is the meeting with? I said the head professional. Ok that's three, who is the fourth? I said shit, I don't know. Cole, until you got here I did not know who to ask. We have a playoff game Saturday and I had to do the meeting. I never asked about a 4th.

The dinner came and I called dad. He came in gave Cole a hug and said welcome dude. Dinner was a little tense but the kid was trying. After dinner, dad cleaned up and I helped get Cole's shit upstairs. When everything was at least in his room, he sat on the bed he said, Mike thanks for the help. Why me at Oakmont, you have lots of friends? Cole, it works for me and if you want out, we can do it another time I'm a member there. You mean your dad is a member? Cole, let's not fight, I am the member. Just a minute, I'll be right back. I went down stairs got the paper went back to Cole's room and said read and then come get me, I'll be in my room. About 5 minutes later Cole came in put the paper on the desk and said, ok so who in the fuck are you? Cole, I thought your mom checked me out? We checked your dad out, you were additional information. Cole, I know this is tough just don't blame me. You will discover many things about me as you hang out here. Please remember you can always trust me. Your my brother please don't act like my brother Bill.

So Cole, how you getting to school tomorrow, he laughed and said your dad. What about getting back here? Friends will deal with that. I said ok but give be a couple of days to figure it out and I'll replace dad. Cole, I need to call Carrie and get to bed, I'm running in the morning, join me if you want it's your call.

I called Carrie and we talked for about an hour, just getting caught up on things. With all my personal drama, I forgot about how busy she was at work. That point was driven home when she said she would be out sick Monday and Tuesday but would be at work. She said her rents were less happy about it. I thought shit, I need to get to Brian. I said that we should have some private time very, very soon and I could hear the smile over the phone. I told her I loved here and was working on J & J's work load. We exchanged an I love you and hung up.

It was a fitful sleep with all kind of unfinished things running through my head. I was up before the alarm and went downstairs to find Cole waiting for me. We did my usual five miles I put coffee on and shit things were complicated as we both looked at each other and at the same time said shower. I said that he should go upstairs and I would use the basement shower. He said switch up, your hair will never stand for the basement shower. I said so now you are a jerk and we went our separate ways. Once we were ready dad yelled, Cole let's get this show on the road. I was thinking I still had 10 minutes and if we ran 15 minutes earlier I could drive him and get to school in plenty of time.

School was totally uneventful with a strange lunch, I'm thinking because of my drama over the weekend. I signed out for work and drove straight home. I grabbed an iced tea and called Brian. I asked about the sudden interest in J & J Architects and he said, Mike you know who and I'll email you the evidence. Then he said thanks for not involving me with the Foundation, I'm swamped keeping up with you here at Enterprises. He said the Agency sent over 5 resumes for the HR position. Brian is there one better than the rest? He said yes and I'll send her resume over with one almost as good. I said thanks, I'll review with dad and let you know.

I looked around the room and said, I need pictures and Carry in one of those frames that matches Jim and Mr. Palmer. Just then the phone rang and it was Tim. I said, good afternoon and what's up? He said, Mike you are going to shit when you see the legal bills this month. On my way home I will drop off a draft for you read and shove that red pen up your ass. I laughed and said ok, I'll use blue ink. He said smart shit and hung up. Just then Cole came in and I asked how his day was? He said it was good and I asked if he wanted to hit some golf balls and he said ok, give me 30 and we need to get my clubs. I said understood and 30 minutes is perfect.

I started on the emails and shit, I had more friends than I knew all looking for Foundation money. My initial thought was to trash them and then decided on a Foundation folder. There was an email from Brian with attachments and I sent them to dads printer. This technology shit was fun. Just then Mason called with a very positive report on the construction and said Wednesday was a lunch day and it might be nice if I stopped by. I told him I needed to be a school but that I would stop around 2:15 and check things out. I asked him to put that on my calendar. Cole stuck his head in as I was hanging up and said he was ready. We drove to his house and he went into the garage and returned with his clubs. I opened the trunk and he laughed and said this ride might be smoking hot but the trunk space sucks. I said just throw them in the backseat. At the driving range there were a surprising number of people, I got 2 large buckets and paid extra for grass tees. Cole grabbed his bucket and we headed to the tee area and he said, Mike you might have more money than God but I can pay my own way. I said fine Oakmont is $95 plus the caddie. He laughed and said you are a jerk. I looked at his clubs and laughed, he said what's so fucking funny about my clubs? I took his 8 iron and my 8 iron and said, which is yours? He looked and said that's unbelievable. I handed him his club and said, how do you know? I said my are 3/4 inch longer. He said well good for you, threw a ball on the round and a wedge and started with half shots and worked his way up to full shots. I thought he was hitting them about 110 yards. I started the same way but with an 8 iron I knew I was hitting that club 150. The entire thing felt great to be outside and just relaxing. We were about halfway through the bucket and he asked, Mike how far is that lake? I said from here is is about 220. He took out a 4 iron and put it in on one hop. He looked at me and said good guess and switched to a 3 iron and put it center deep but missed a few feet left. I said nice shot.

The last ten balls we both switched to drivers. I thought he was hitting it about 290, which was damn far and with a slight right to left movement. I said can you hit a fade and the next one went left to right. He said your turn. I smiled and said it's early but tell me what you would like to see. He said a straight one. I laughed and said, that shot doesn't exist. My natural is a draw. He said just hit it full out and let me see that swing. I teed a ball up, took a practice swing and drilled on about 290 or so with about a 5' draw. He said nice swing, where do you take lessons? I laughed and said, I've never had a lesson. He shook his head and drilled another drive. On the way to the car we were both amazed at how well we did, since it's been months since either of us had hit a ball in a couple of months.

At the car he said, Mike where we eating, I'm starved? I said dinner will be ready at home. What it is will always be a surprise, but it is almost always perfect. Cole shook his head and asked, how does that happen? I said Ryan our housekeeper and also my accountant. Then I added you will like him. At home I opened the refrigerator and found a salad and my favorite the lemon chicken. I got plates and heated the food in the microwave and got two glasses of iced tea and the salad. Cole just looked asking does this happen every night and I said, pretty much. He shook his head again and said, Christ I'll get fat living here, mom never cooked. Just then dad came in asking if we saved any for him, he poured a scotch and joined us. There was the usual questions about our day and I told dad, I would get Cole to, school and that I would be running a little earlier to get that done. He said thanks and I excused myself and went to my room and started to review the two HR applications. The truth was that I hated HR and didn't care and was willing to go with the woman Brian wanted.

I went down stairs and handed the information and said please review and we can talk. Then he asked that I get all the shit out of his printer and he laughed. Cole just sat there looking and taking it in. I still had the Foundation shit to review so I just went upstairs and started to read. I found it complicate but interesting and logical. There were Trustees me, dad, Tim and in blue ink I added Carrie and Dr. Williams. The initial payouts were outlined and the need for guidelines to be formalized by the recipient directors, like the Professional running the scholarships. There were rules for the matching funds and the need for that money to be housed in the Foundation. Finally, rules for the Foundations investments. Again, I went downstairs and found dad still talking with Cole. I handed dad the Foundation papers said more stuff to review, went into the kitchen poured an iced tea and went back to my room.

Now it was school work and I started with Spanish but quickly moved to math and was totally involved and Cole knocked on the door. I said what's up? Mike watching you tonight and how you and your dad interact, it's amazing. Cole, I'm his kid and that's important but business wise we are equals. Well, he is outstanding in getting business and I see possibilities and turn them into realities. We disagree but don't fight. Yes, I listen to him and we fight but he is understanding and always finds ways to control me. I know that's a poor explanation but it is what it is. Cole, can you tell me about your dad? He said, it is really complicated not with me but between mom and dad, I think they love each other just can't be together. He lives in New York. I see him some but he has a crazy schedule and he makes time for a 2 week vacation usually over Christmas and spring break. We ski and play golf. Cole I'm glad and wish you could be with him more. Mike, the way things are, works for me. Hey, one more question? I said shoot. Mike how do you play golf like that and never had a lesson? Cole, once I see something I can do it. So a while back I put together a swing, parts from different pro golfers and that's my swing. Oh I practice more than I play. Then he said thanks for an interesting day, good night.

I thought he was going to his room and he turned around grabbed me and gave me a kiss and before I knew it we were making out and our shirts were off. Then I started to say something and he said just shut up, we have both wanted this all day, just get naked and let's just suck dick. He closed the door got into bed and started on my dick, we moved around until each of us had a dick in our mouths. He was fucking big and I gaged a few time until I settled on his cock head and damn he filled my mouth about the same time as I shot in his. He got up, grabbed his clothes and went to his room naked, leaving me laying there naked and thinking what the fuck just happened.

Thanks for all the comments, they are appreciated and keep me writing.

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Next: Chapter 123

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