Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Nov 8, 2020


I woke with the alarm and would have liked another hour in bed. It was a quick shower and I dressed in my Air Force blue suit with a white shirt. I looked in the mirror and thought damn this would be hot without the jacket. The shirt was a perfect fit and showed my ripped body off perfectly. I put a blue and red striped tie in my pocket and went down to the lobby. Jack was there drinking coffee and finishing his breakfast. He smiled and asked if I had a good time last night? I said Rules 2 and 8 and went for coffee and a bagel with cream cheese and sat down. Jack said what the hell are Rules 2 & 8? I said what happens in my room stays there and shut up and eat. He laughed and Dad and Jim appeared. Dad immediately said well I see you almost finished getting dressed, I laughed and looked at Jim and asked, is dad right and Jim shook his head indicating the dad was correct. I reached in my pocket threw the tie around my neck and without thinking about it tied it. Jack looked at me and asked, how the fuck can you just do that, it's perfect? I said too much practice. I was almost ready to see where Dillon was and he appeared very neatly dressed with a Navy blue suit and a grey shirt sporting a grey and blue tie. He grabbed a coffee and joined us. I don't think any of us had any idea what was planned for us.

Right at 7:00 in walked two guys in business suits and Jack took one look and said HOLY SHIT, Admiral Truly, the other guy was Jim Thompson. Introductions were made and we headed to the Cape. Walking out Admiral Truly said, Mike it's great to have you here, I said Admiral it's my pleasure and I have been looking forward to being here. We arrived at the administration building and we were seated in a conference room. I noticed Dillon was uncomfortable and I whispered, your good just be Dillon. The Admiral asked, so Mike how was the flight and dad and I both started to answer. I laughed and said well that happens a lot, why don't you just call me what my friends call me MJ. The Admiral said so Mike how was the flight. I tensed at the remark as it was intended to put me in my place. Jim shook his head ever so slightly indicating not to go there. Then the Admiral looked at me and asked MJ what's your role in things? I smiled and said well dad sells and I take the projects and make sense out of them. Then he looked at Dillon and asked, and you job? Dillon said, well once these two are done I simply implement their plans. Mr. Thompson said, well you two are amazing, you both answered the question and didn't tell us shit. Then he said why don't we let the Majors enjoy the morning and meet us back here for lunch, Mike and I will take a ride to the pad and we can leave the Admiral to show these two around.

Once everyone was gone the Admiral said ok guys relax, Mike we know more about you than you know about your self. He looked at Dillon and said, well not as much about you, hell we have only had two days. Mike, would or can you summarize how you see things on your approach to things? I smiled and said absolutely. Admiral, I have three people that guide my approach to things my dad, Andrew Carnegie and JFK. I think paraphrasing JFK's inauguration speech and pulling a line out of context expresses my aim and goals perfectly. Then I simply said: We can't forget that we are the heirs of our past but let the word go forth from this time and place, that the torch has been passed to a new generation--born in this century, proud of our heritage--yet being unwilling to witness our current state of stagnation, rather seeing the possibilities and making them real. Both the Admiral and Dillon just looked at me. Finally the Admiral said well that was a reversal as you said a lot with few words. I said well that will be a major line in my remarks at the building dedication.

Mike can we talk about the building? I said well assuming you mean the one your people will me moving into soon, sure. Think Carnegie, Ford, Pitcaren and a few others, steel, glass and aluminum all designed to reflect the regions past. Inside there will be state of the art systems furniture designed and manufactured by Herman Miller in Michigan. All intended to reflect our future. There will be common areas, a fitness center and an upscale cafeteria. All built by union workers, on time and so far at budget or slightly under budget. I said there is a big PR event as Herman Miller is doing a case study on the project. That's on Friday, mid morning. Then I said, well I do have a favor to ask? He said what's that? An 8' diameter NASA medallion for the river side of the building.

Then the Admiral asked about how we organized their project so fast? I looked at Dillon and said, dude your turn. Dillon took a deep breath and for the next 10 minutes laid out the process in concise detail. When he finished the Admiral said no wonder you got that promotion, you want to come work here? Dillon laughed and said I'm good where I am. The Admiral said well there is something I want to show you and then we need to drive to the pad and hookup with the others. Outside there was yet another van and we were taken to a giant hanger. Inside was a shuttle and I was blown away at the actual size. The cargo bay doors were open and they were moving the giant arm around. The Admiral said well it works well enough down here and we have had difficulty with it is space. Everything is run by a program and your team found an error and hopefully fixed it. There were 2 occasions when we couldn't close the cargo doors and as a result couldn't land. I asked about the spacesuits and he said well a new fabric and we are sure that works or we wouldn't be putting someone in it and opening the door. I just laughed and it was off to the Pad.

At the pad, I got out of the van and just stood there looking and I heard Dillon say fuck, that's unreal. Just then another van pulled up and dad appeared. I asked where are the Majors and was told having lunch with friends. I asked the Admiral how is this even possible that that thing lifts off? He laughed and said well that's the problem going forward. We need much lighter crafts to send up. Any ideas? I laughed and said well not right now. On the way to lunch dad asked, so Admiral how was you morning with my son. He looked at dad and said, if I could clone him, I would order a couple of hundred. I looked at dad and said well I guess it was the tie. Dad just shook his head.

Lunch was intense as Dillon and I were grilled the entire time while dad just sat silently by enjoying the scene. When the questions eventually turned to the company and my Trust, I was starting to get pissed. Finally, when asked about my net worth, I said well with the "EXTENSIVE BACKGROUND CHECK YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT" but to be perfectly honest that would be Rule 6. The Admiral asked what rule is that? Dad immediately said well that's MJ being polite. It means THAT'S NONE OF YOU DAMN BUSINESS. The Admiral looked right at me and asked, do you ever get raddled? I said sir, when that happens, days later, so much shit will hit the fan that you won't have a launch here for a very long time. You see, first I calmly react. Then figure out a reaction and watch the fucking chips explode and then land where they do, pick them up, put them in an acceptable order and move on. Then Dillon said, well you should understand that MJ has a line and if it crossed it gets ugly. Then I asked, did that answer your question? Mr. Thompson laughed and said well we actually expected that, but wanted to confirm.

Then the Admiral said, let's go back to the conference room and finish this up. I said well that would be great but Dillon and I need about 15 minutes together, would it be possible for us to take a short walk, just the two of us? The Admiral said well sure and there will be an escort, to prevent issues with security and he will stay 10 to 15 feet behind you. I said thanks and we won't be longer than 15 minutes. We got up and went outside.

Once we were as alone as we were going to get, I asked Dillon what he thought? He laughed and said you should be an actor in the movies. You convinced them you were pissed and I was thinking you really didn't give a fuck. I said well I was a little pissed but what do you think is next. Well Mike, I was a surprise and I think a pleasant surprise. However your dad has a deal worked out with them and when we go back they are going to lay it on us. I smiled and said I agree. Then Dillon said it will be smallish but very intense and very important and will involve CMU. I laughed and said, well my bet is robotics. Dillon said that was his thought as well. Then I said, the issue is qualified help and we are under no condition to be pulling people off what we are doing. I'm not sure it possible but I want to put this off for a while. Dillon laughed and said if you pull that off Kyle might kiss you. I turned to our escort and said we will be going back now, thanks for leaving us to ourselves.

Back in the conference room Jack was there and I asked so how is the prodigal son, upon his return. Jack laughed and said, hell all I know is that my presence was requested. I said well Jack I don't know anything about that request and it better have come from dad and needs to explain why the Vice President of Information Technology is here to discuss CMU and Robotics? The Admiral asked, how did you figure that out? I said well Dillon and I are on top of things. You need a rover, for wherever, the leading university in the country, CMU can't help you. We have offers into their entire graduating class, we pay more and Pittsburgh is an inexpensive place to live. Anyone willing to stay in Pittsburgh will accept and we have various things they can work on. Dad said Mike, it's now time for Rules 1 & 4. I looked at the Admiral and said, I'm all ears.

I could see that the Admiral was clearly pissed and I sat very quietly waiting? Then the Admiral looked and dad and asked, what are rules 1 & 4? Dad said I just asked MJ to shut up and listen. I'm confident he will do both. The Admiral laid out their needs and why we were uniquely placed to do this and he went on uninterrupted for 30 minutes. Finally, he looked at dad and asked Mike, what does it take to get a response from him? Dad laughed and said simple, ask a question and Rule 4. The Admiral actually laughed and asked so MJ, what do you think can MJS Technologies pull all that off. Looked at Dillon and he said Admiral, I'm not sure and while I won't speak for MJ at least we won't need programming, seems like an engineering issue and minimal programming. So where is this thing going to end up, Mars? Before he could answer, I said Admiral I don't know right now where to put these people. We had a building all designed for Technologies with room for growth and dad comes home from Houston with a project and the new building is full, my company is displaced and a second building is under way. It is 10 months away from completion and is rented. Am I interested? Absolutely, can I house them not so sure and there will need to me a different type of space, more industrial and less finished. CMU has no space on their campus as you are aware, so this needs to be somewhat close to that campus. Our current site would work but not our remote sites. I need 10 days to give you an yes or no answer. Just one question, why are you here Jack? Jack said, I asked to be here as my masters degree while in Comp Sci it is actually Robotics. I shot him a look that would kill most people and he just looked at me and shrugged. I looked at the Admiral and asked, so do I have 10 days? He said that works.

Then I asked if the Admiral and Mr. Thompson and I could have the room? When it was just the three of us, I simply ask why? Jim said Mike, we needed to see who was running the show up there and just how tough you were and if you were really in charge. You answered all those questions and you side kick, Dillon, is a bonus and he will let you play football in Virginia. I said understand that this is dad's company, I don't know how or why but it makes tons of money. It simply needs to have a better image and grow. I'll find a place for you project, Jack will have a tough few days but I will be good with him running that program. Thanks for the opportunity. Jim said, I have one question, why college football? I said to prove that a true freshman can start at outside linebacker at VT. I have been told the last time that happened Moses was in diapers. They both laughed and we went outside and joined the others. Jack looked at me and I just shook my head.

The rest of the afternoon consisted of tours and ended with a great dinner. It was obvious that the Admiral was pleased with the day. We would be picked up again at 7:00 and would be watching the takeoff from a very comfortable location very near the pad. We were dropped off at the hotel around 8:00. I went directly to my room and jumped in the shower and as I was drying off there was a knock on the door. I thought no way I'm answering in a towel again. I yelled just a minute and threw on sweatpants and a jacked zipped about half way up. I opened the door and Dillion was there smiling and he handed me a scotch. I said please come in and I got a smile. He sat in the chair and said, I thought you could use a drink and want to say thanks for trusting me and getting me involved in all this. I smiled and said Dillon there is no need for that. You earned that seat at the table. Then I asked if we could actually do this? He said easily if you give up the space in the second building you have earmarked for startups. Dillon that is a year away. We will simply rent space or throw up a cheap thing for the three years this will take. I'll put the new real estate guy I hired on that. He looked and said so you replaced Mason, already? I said yup with an experienced professional. I asked if he was ok with that and he replied, ABSOLUTELY. We talked about other things and he said Mike, we should join the others at the bar. Dillon, I'm betting the Majors are out with friends. I picked up the phone and called dad and asked if he would get Dillion and I a drink and join us in my room? I could tell he was pleased and he said, I'll be right up.

Dad arrived with the drinks and we had a great conversation. At one point he asked what I thought about Jack and was he in trouble? I laughed and said, not really but it will be a couple of day before I let him up. Then I said dad we can do this, start the first of the year but I'll need to look at the financial impact. Enterprises will be renting space for Technologies to house these people. Right now it looks like an aluminum shed, which will be in the added parking that was reserved for building 2. I'll have the congressman tell the Mayor it needs to happen. With that Dillon said goodnight and left dad and I alone for the first time in days. We sat quietly for a while and I asked how his day was? He said it was perfect and every time we do this you make me proud. I shook my head and asked, please stop blindsiding me with this crap. He laughed and said, where would the fun be if I did that. Then he asked if I knew the land next to building 1 was for sale and I shook my head yes. So are you buying it? I said not unless it's free. I do want to see who buys it and what they will put there. I'm hoping it becomes a technology zone. Is the vision is taking hold? Dad, I'm placing a big bet on this vision. You have worked hard and I want you soon to not to have to work so hard. Hell, you will be impossible to replace. Just like this new project, I don't know who could have put that together and then because you trust me let me say yes or no. Dad I'll always be a yes for you, let's just work together and make money. Dad looked at me and asked, is this about money or your vision? I smiled and said, YES. Mike there will be a shitload of important people please dress in your other new suit. I said I understand and I got a hug and he said goodnight, I'll see you at breakfast. I set the alarm and took the running suit off and jumped in bed and immediately fell asleep.

I somehow was up before the alarm and checked the weather. Thankfully it was clear and while I wanted to see the launch, I want to be on the way home. A quick shower and business attire. Then I called Kyle and briefed him on the new project. He was less than please but had no real objections. I told him if I got more information I would call from the plane. Down in the lobby it was coffee and a pastry. We were picked up on time and were taken to a very comfortable location about a mile from the pad and a total glass wall with a perfect view. There was all kind of things to eat. When dad said important people he underestimated. There were a lot military people, the damn Vice President of the US. A number of congresspeople, including the speaker of the house. Admiral Truly came up and we were talking and he asked how my evening was? I laughed and said well it involved a meeting with dad and Dillon. He asked, do you ever just relax? I said well more that I should and he laughed and said, I bet. Just then someone approached and said excuse me Admiral, can I steal Mike for a few? The Admiral said absolutely, Senator and he walked away.

The Senator, who was connected up the ass and part of one of Western Pennsylvania's elite families. I said Senator, what can I do for you? He smiled and said, don't run for my seat next time I'm up. I laughed and said you are safe for more 2 terms as I would need to be thirty. He smiled and said please follow me. He open a door and there was a small room, obviously intended for private chats. We sat down and he started laughed and said I was going to tell you to relax, apparently that's not necessary. Well Mike, I just want to say hello. I said Senator, we could have done that amongst the others. He said ok, I'm trying to figure you out where you fit, or will you will fit into things. You drive the Mayor crazy, have a tremendous relationship with the Union and belong to more country clubs than me. I said well if Laurel Valley will take me I'm game. He said Mike, you are already a scratch golfer at Oakmont, what more is there? I laughed and said well my ego doesn't actually need another club. I am good with the ones I currently have. Mike, you worry the establishment. Senator, they need to worry, I want change, have the money to pull it off. More importantly we need to change and understand steel isn't coming back. Simply put we are at the crossroads and need to choose between the past and the future, I have chosen. People my age are leaving in droves and we need to change that. So you are going to keep the well educated kids? I laughed and said well how many Union workers am I employing? He said good point. Ok, here is my bottom line, I'm not interested in political office, yes I enjoy sparing with you guys. Hell I'm not even a businessman, I simply fix broken businesses. If I get board doing that, then we will see. He asked, Republican or Democrat? I said right now, I have no idea, hellI can't even vote. He pulled out a business cards, wrote a number on the back and said call anytime. I said thanks and let's see if this thing can actually fly.

Back with others dad found me and asked, what was all that? Oh, nothing he wanted to see if I was a Democrat or a Republican. I told him yes. Then I heard over the speaker T- minus 60 minutes. I thought shit and found Dillon and said follow me. I went to the same door and Dillon and I went in and sat down. We just started talking about things and the furniture thing tomorrow. We were there about 5 minutes and the door opened and the Admiral was standing there and said, so there you are, I should have known after the Senator took you here. I said well I was just setting up my day tomorrow, dad doesn't like it when I schedule my day over morning coffee. Mike, I have to be in DC this weekend and was wondering if I could attend your furniture PR event tomorrow? I said, the more the married and simply coordinate it with the Majors, do you want a ride later today? He said no, we are good. Admiral, Jack will meet you when we land and you can check out where we have your people. He said, thanks but you should join the event Dillon and I went back and joined the masses.

Right on time the launch happened and it is hard to describe, it is a marvel of technology and engineering that simply blowers the mind. The noise even a mile away was unreal. It just sat there for a second and slowly moved, quickly accelerated and there was the roll, to reduce stress and it just kept getting smaller. There was an audible reaction when we heard that SRB separation occurred. Shit, I thought they had that worked out. Things wound down quickly as control switched to Houston.

I went looking for dad and said, how soon can we get out of here? He said as soon as we collect the Majors, the luggage is already at the plane. The Majors appeared as if from nowhere and we were in a van on the way to the plane. I told them both that I needed 15 minutes with each of them during the flight. I looked at Jack and said, I'll need an hour with you sooner than later. In the cabin, Dillon and I started to discuss things and I asked him to meet the Admiral at the county airport. Depending on the timing get him to the NASA site and the furniture thing and then back to the airport. The take off was smooth and once we were at altitude, I called Kyle and filled him in. Major Jim was first and I spent 5 minutes updating him and another 5 asking how his trip was. Jack came back and simply asked how pissed I was? I said not at all but you need to make a choice NASA or Technologies. He got real serious and said I told you on the way down, I have chosen you and your vision. I said well the Admiral is flying in and needs to see the Strip District digs and then the furniture PR event. I need you to help Dillon with all that. He said sure and went back upfront. The trip was a bit bumpy but uneventful. Once we were on the ground, I threw my bags in the car and drove to the office.

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