Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Dec 31, 2021


When I woke there we're three things on my mind, clothes, football and that vacant land I absolutely had to have. I didn't even want to go to school, let alone sit through English again and this time I wasn't ready and didn't give a fuck and would let that bitch know it. I showered and dressed in khakis and a long sleeved, not dressy, shirt and covered all that over with a hoodie. I didn't even bother to make coffee, I just wanted to get to the office. Liam was with Cole in York and that state tournament was another thing I wanted over. On the drive to school I was thinking about David and little Charlie and started to wonder why the fuck he couldn't deal with the kid for one fucking weekend. I decided I need to chat with the Major about this and most likely Tim as well.

At school I saw Heather and asked if she was still going to the mall? She smiled and said well that and a whole lot more. I just shook my head and said fine and went to English. There I found Dr. Johnson sitting there looking like someone had just pissed on his cereal. Finally he said, on this desk is your work for the week. Shortly there will be a substitute here to babysit this group. If he doesn't workout this entire week this class is cancelled. Hopefully by Monday there will be a replacement. Also on Monday, there will be a test on this weeks material and it will be graded and anyone with less than a B, will be excused from this class and assigned an advanced English class which will not be AP English. One of the girls, Jackie, tried to ask a question and Doc stopped turned around and stared. Then he asked what wasn't clear about that? As he left a young male substitute entered and sat down. He said that he was actually qualified to teach this class but was told to, well in the words of Dr. Johnson simply babysit those assholes. I looked at the shit on the papers and thought damn, all I'll have to do is review, I got all this down already. I opened my book and simply read for the entire 45 minutes. There were no issues the rest of the morning and I simply signed out and went to the office.

I went directly to get some coffee and when I got to the 4th floor Amy said Mike, a Senator Mike Dawida would like you to call him and he left his personal number. Then she added Kyle and Heidikamp need to see you. Amy, please let them know I'm here and I need to call the State Senator before anything else. In my office I started my laptop and dialed the number. When the Senator answered I said, good afternoon Senator, this is Mike Simmons what can I do for you? The Senator said Mike, I believe you have a pretty good idea what we want. Well sir, it is a very general idea. Mike, I would like to meet with you and I will be home most of next week. Well Senator, I have morning classes and then 3:30 football practice. So early afternoon or we could meet in the evening for a dinner. The Senator said Mike, how about Monday around this time at your office, I would like to see the building. Senator that works, however I would like to have my assistant Liam and my attorney Tim there as well. Mike, that's fine but totally unnecessary. I smiled and said well thanks for humoring me. Mike, I was hoping for a friendly chat and nothing more. Senator that would be nice but people here have already told me what I should say. I listened and told the dude that I would consider what he said and incorporate some of it. The Senator laughed out loud and said did you just call that wind bag Heilman a dude. I laughed and said yup. Mike, I think I'm going to enjoy meeting you. I found that funny and said well a lot of people don't feel that way. Then he asked me to call his Harrisburg office if my schedule changes. Senator, that meeting is in my schedule, I'm looking forward to it.

With that done I went for more coffee and this time I was smart enough to to fill two cups. Back at my office I found Kyle sitting in one of the club chairs. I smiled and asked, why don't you get 4 of your own, your office is big enough. Kyle laughed and said, I like this one. I looked at him and asked, so what's up today? Mike we have to get to NASA and I've asked Jack and The Major to find a jet and we can leave very early next Saturday and be home late Sunday. Kyle, we could fly down Friday and come back Monday morning if we have a first round bye. So can we keep that fluid. Mike, that's fine as the important thing is the late afternoon launch Saturday of a shuttle. Kyle, I want to take JJ and Cole along, to see the launch. Kyle laughed and asked, any girls? I just smirked and didn't reply. So we going down for just the launch and PR crap or is there more involved. Mike, this will be the first meeting that your dad isn't attending. However there might be more work. Kyle, why isn't dad along? Mike, he doesn't want to go. That's all I know, I'm hoping you can find out. He has sales producing but has very little in anything else. Ok Kyle but can we handle a new project? Mike we are in good shape because we pay more, have flex hours and treat them good and now that they are settled they love this work environment. Just then Tim appeared with Heidkamp in tow. Kyle said I have work to do and he headed out. I got up went to the desk and grabbed my coffee and we all sat down and asked, ok what's up?

Heidkamp said Mike, we have a counter offer. I haven't looked at it. Tim asked Mike, have you had your meds today? I laughed and said well I'm good now that I have he'd enough coffee. Tim, I asked, what's the offer? Well Mike, they want 200k and total control of the 40,000 sq ft. I almost laughed out loud and said up our offer 50k, cut the square footage to 20,000 and make it rent free for 5 years and we will need total control of what goes into that space. Bill, understand this is the final offer and they better be ready to plant grass and maintain the space. I'll need this offer signed and on my desk by noon tomorrow. I also want the names and contact information of every member of the group holding the deed to that land. Tim said Mike, what will you do with that information? Tim, there is a price to play for choices and I want to know who is calling the shots. Then I looked at Heidikamp and said Bill, Tim will have that offer ready by 2:30. Once Tim and I were alone I told him about little Charlie and David. He was concerned what would happen if a 10 year got sick or hurt. Then I shocked him and I asked that he find out what David is doing while I have Charlie. Also, get a temporary power of medical power of authority. Mike, also you should never be alone with him. JJ or an adult should be around. Also, have him stay in Cole's room and Cole can stay at your place. Then Tim asked Mike, how closely do you want him followed? Tim, I want to know who he is fucking besides his wife. Hard proof, if that's what's going on. Tim, also run, very discretely, a financial on his firm. Something simply right not right and since he has involved me I want details. Tim, sadly shook his head and said I'll be discrete. I said thanks. Mike, the revised offer was done before I came in. I did miss the 50k increase. I laughed and said Tim, you are the best. Tim, I'll need you here around 1:30 for a meeting with Senator Dawida on Monday.All you have to do is keep me out of trouble. He laughed and said have a good practice.

As soon as I was alone I called the Mayor and filled him on the counter offer and my response. We chatted for a while about things in general and I asked what I thought was an innocent question about the group and he mentioned that their law firm was Kirkpatrick Lockhart. It was all I could do not to react. I simply let the conversation go where the Mayor wanted and that was about his potential run for Governor. I packed up and drove to school for practice. The entire way I was thinking what I was going to do about this situation. I simply decided that for tonight I wouldn't react and go to the mall and then spend some quiet time with Heather. When I dropped her off, I thought I would see if she would invite me in.

Practice was very intense as the new twists and wrinkles for the playoffs had everyone's attention. Everyone was in a good mood and getting along and damn they were focused. I was starting to believe that the drama is over. Even the clowning around in the locker room had started back up and fuck, foot was starting to be fun. On the way to the car JJ and I talked about the upcoming weekend with Charlie and I told him what Tim had said. Then JJ asked, what the fuck is up with David, hell dad spent more time with me when he was in space. I laughed and said JJ, well I need to talk with Megan about him using Cole's room as Tim doesn't want me alone with him. MJ, why is it so complicated all we are doing is taking a kid to a golf tournament. JJ, it's the life I lead, besides I agree with you that David is up to something and I have people working on finding out what that is. JJ looked at me and said MJ, you are scaring me. JJ, it's legal and I'll simply let him know what I know and there will be no blackmail or threats. Just he will know what I know. Well if hurts his dad or Charlie, that might be different. Then I told him about my plans for the night and asked if he and Mia wanted to stop over. He said sure and I handed him a key and said that I would be back before 8:00. He laughed and said well I'll have a load in the condom by then. I laughed and said well use her ass and you won't need the raincoat. I got slapped on the back of my head by JJ and he laughed. I simply drove to get Heather. On the way I was hoping she wasn't ready as I would like to see her dad and let him pretend he wasn't trying to fuck me.

I pulled into the driveway and went to the door and rang the bell. Sure enough Mr. Kirkpatrick answered the door and I said well good evening. He said Mike, have a seat, I'm sure she will be ready shortly. I sat on the sofa and he sat in a club chair and we just stared at each other. I finally asked, so a short day or is it only your people who work late? He shrugged and said, I had a productive morning. Well that's great as I had a very productive afternoon. Then he asked so how is your new employee? I smiled and said, I have no idea as I'm not involved in the hiring process, HR takes care of that and the subsidiaries make their own hiring situations. Just then Heather appeared and looked at the two of us and asked of we needed pistols for the dual? I laughed and said heck I w usually use missiles. Then I said Mr. Kirkpatrick enjoy you evening, we won't be late.

In the car Heather asked what the fuck was that all about? Heather, it's business and your dad is fucking with me so it was nothing important. I won't get the property and he and his friends can continue to pay taxes and grow weeds. I'll simply build at another spot. It will result in your dad's firm takes a PR hit. I hope that doesn't effect what we have going on. She was mostly quiet on the drive to the mall and she said she wasn't hungry. She did pick up some when I told her JJ and Mia would be there. She smiled and I was wondering what was going threw her mind and I was hoping it wasn't too exotic, all I wanted was a romantic fuck. At the mall I quickly picked out some warm and casual, clothes basically for school. They included new jeans, hoodies, some pull over sweaters and shit like that. It was all done quickly enough and we were on our way to my place.

At my place it was obvious that JJ and Mia were there as his truck was parked in the back of the driveway. Heather and I went in and I just stood there as JJ was drilling Mia on the loveseat. Before I knew it Heather was taking her clothes off and she leaned in and started kissing JJ. She looked at me and said join in or watch but I'm all in. I shrugged and stripped and pulled her aside and started sucking on her tits. As she went back to kissing JJ I started kissing Mia. JJ smiled and all I could think was dude, don't do anything with me. JJ must have shot his" load and as he pulled out Heather immediately went to his cock and pulled off the condom. She pulled an empty wrapper out of her mouth and kissed me with JJ's load in her mouth. I pushed her aside and turned her on her stomach and spit what I had of JJ's load on her ass hole and shoved my cock in balls deep. She screamed and Mia went over and started to kiss her and fuck it was so hot I almost shot my load. Soon enough that happened and I pulled out and we all collapsed in a pile on the loveseat. We got decent and sat around talking and we finally drove the girls home and thankfully I was able to avoid her dad.

Back at home I went right to the house, looking for dad. As usual he was in his office and I simply went in closed the door and sat down. He smiled and got up and poured both of us a drink. I thanked him and took a sip of the scotch. Then I said dad, I need a favor and wanted to run it by you before I asked Megan. I told him about Charlie and he said well Mike, that's smart and shouldn't be a problem. Im sure Cole would like a at your place. He looked at me and said what else? I smiled and said NASA. Mike, that's easy as I simply don't want to go and it would be a PR thing for me. Im simply not good with that. Dad, Kyle said there might be another project and I would want your input. Dad laughed and said Mike, I decided months ago that I wanted time away and I'll only come back full time once you are in Virginia. Kyle and I have talked on a regular basis and he has really grown into his CEO position. Honestly neither of you need help. Dad, please reconsider and the Majors will be flying the jet. Mike, I'll think about it but no promises. I asked about Cole and he said that he said he was comfortable with the course. Mike that's another thing we will be there to watch and it's another overnight. Dad, there is room in the plane, if you guys want on? Mike, I promised Cole dinner when he won. I finished my drink and was not happy about the discussion. I found Megan and asked about Charlie and she said that Friday would be no problem. Then she added be careful and I said absolutely and that Tim would be talking with David tomorrow. Then she asked Mike, what's up with Charlie's dad? Megan, I have no idea but I'm going to find out. Michael, go carefully with that and don't leave any fingerprints. I laughed and said Rodger that and went to my place.

At my place I had a lot to think about, the girls and what happened tonight, what JJ thought, Heather's dad and the potential land deal. Then there was the shot at school and the final regular season football game. With that I set the coffee and the alarm and jumped into the shower for a much needed hot and long shower. Once I was dried off I jumped on the scale and fuck, that was awful. The numbers said 232 and I needed it to read no more than 225 and would have liked 215. I was still 6' 4" and when I looked in the mirror that was worse than the scale numbers. I decided fuck all this and I was going to eat better and work out. I stood there looking in the mirror and was wondering how I let this happen. Then I was wondering where there was time in my schedule to work out. Why wasn't this that important anymore?

It took a while and sleep finally came around midnight. Up with the alarm and dressed in khakis and a big boy shirt and a non athletic jacket. Thankfully coffee was ready and I drove to school. There was no sign of Heather or Mia for that matter. JJ got out of his truck and put his arm around me and said MJ, how did the fuck last night happen? I shrugged and said well I have no idea but it was different and fun but we need to set rules because one of these time we are going to slip up and do something with each other. JJ laughed and said, I'm wondering if it would matter. JJ, it would matter to me right now. JJ laughed and said same here dude.

I went into English and sat down and opened my English stuff and started to read. I was determined to stay in my lane and not piss Dr. Johnson off any more. I was into the reading things were good. It was the same sub as yesterday and I noticed that the dude was looking at me, well in my direction, a lot. He was in his mid 20's and a bit hot in that he was in shape and very clean cut, but there was something really sexy about him. I put that out of my mind and concentrated on the assignment. Class ended with out the sub saying a single word. History and Physics were goos and without drama. I skipped lunch and study hall and signed out for work.

On the way to the office I stopped for coffee and skipped the burger and went directly to see Kyle. I told him about my chat with dad and that I thought he was thinking he would be in the way and that he wasn't doing PR shit. Kyle, shook his head and said he would give it another try. I said thanks and went looking for Tim. Tim and I discussed the Charlie situation and he said that he would have Don Clarkson call David and that the surveillance was set while he was here and that the flight plan would let us know where he is spending Saturday. Tim, have Don tell him that Charlie will be home Saturday night late and get him to pay the landing and takeoff fees. I asked about the potential sale and was told that he hadn't heard anything. I said thanks and went to my office and found Bill Heidikamp waiting outside my office. He said Mike, there is another counter offer. We went into the office and I took the envelope and threw it in the trash. Bill, looked and asked so what do I tell them? Bill who you talking with? He said Kirkpatrick at their law office. I went and sat at my desk and asked what's the damn number? I dialed the number and the routine started and when they answered I said this is Mike Simmons, please have Mr. Kirkpatrick call me as I'm sure he is busy. I gave them the number and hung up. I called Amy and asked that when the call was returned she say please hold for Mr. Simmons. Waite about 2 minutes and put it through. She laughed and said only 2 minutes? I said yup, I actually want to tell him to fuck off. Amy, laughed and said damn there is never a dull moment here.

Bill asked Mike, what you going to do? I said tell him to shove the weed infested lot up his ass. I started looking at the financials and Bill was on the phone sitting in the club chair area. About 30 minutes later my desk phone rand and I picked it up saying, good afternoon this is Mike. I was immediately screamed at with Kirkpatrick yelling, WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO KEEP ME ON HOLD? I calmly said well I'm busy. But not to waste your time my new offer is 100k less and 15,000 sq ft. That's the last offer you will get from me and there will be a press release saying we were unable to come to terms and that my new project will be near the airport. Hell that's better anyway. I'm sure the Mayor will be thrilled. Well Mike that offer will never be accepted. I said fine and hung up. About 5 minutes later the phone rang and I answered it saying if you raise your voice, I'm hanging up. He said Mike, I'm not fucking with you, I have difficult partners. I said well I actually have met some of them and they haven't a clue and besides I know you control the decision as you are the principal partner. Well you and your son, that's very convenient but the offer is now 100k less and 10,000 sq ft. Oh, that's 100k less that the offer I made 7 minutes ago. You have 30 minutes to send a signed sales agreement over here or this will never happen, I don't have time for your shit. With that I simply said, get that messenger here in 30 minutes or grow grass as I hate weeds. He said Mike, I'll need an hour? I said ok I'll give you that and understand I'm Mr. Simmons and I hung up.

Heidikamp said holy shit, you you can be a bastard. How did you know who owned the land? I shrugged and said it was a lucky guess. He was off balance when I knew his partners. Bill, I have a few thing to do and if we get the agreement have Tim review it and he can sign the agreement but make sure nothing is snuck in there, hoping we miss it. Besides it's 60/40 that he sends the agreement. Bill, just so you know, I'm dating his daughter. Bill laughed and said, well you were dating his daughter. Bill it will be what it becomes but prom dates are not a problem. He laughed and went on his way. I finished things up here and with no signed agreement in hand drove to practice.

Practice was fun as we ran a few playoff plays and then the walk through and nothing was serious, simply clowning around but the last 30 minutes without a word being said by the coaches was as serious as as it ever was. Some how someone turned the playoff switch to oON. JJ and I went to dinner at the Tavern and when I ordered a chicken salad JJ said, so you finally realized your fat. I laughed and said I got off the scale last night and realized I didn't fill Heather with enough cum and I weighed more than I should. JJ laughed and said well then you have about 10 pounds of cum in you that you don't need. MJ, I'm bad but it's only 5 lbs, we need to run and squeeze in some workouts. Coach B would shit if he saw us. JJ, I know but I'm working on it and it is like this every year but not like this.

At home I went looking for Cole and we had a long talk and he was so into golf and the course that it was almost ridiculous. Then he said he and an assistant pro hit it off and he got an idea about tee locations and was given a yardage book. I told him, I would get him on Oakmont. I laughed and asked Cole, who is the member? He laughed and said well I don't have your influence but I have some. He said he was off last again and that he was driving up Friday afternoon and staying with Liam at a Holiday Inn. We hugged and I said unless I'm in the hospital, I'm flying up Saturday and little Charlie will be there. I'll take him back after dinner. MJ, I'll be back midday Sunday.

Back in my room I checked my messages and there was a message from Tim to call him. When I called he said he had a signed agreement but there was a small change. Mike, it was noted and was not an attempt to pull something over. Ok Tim, what was it? Mike it was a request that the 15,000 sq ft be rent free for 7 years instead of 5. I laughed and said well let him have that small win. Mike, I initial the change and sign. We can start on things Monday. I said Tim, thanks and re things set with David and little Charlie. Tim said yup and I found out that he is staying in Pittsburgh. I laughed and said, I bet he has a girl on the side.

With that I took a shower and set the alarm so that I could run. It was a good but complicated day. I jumped into bed and fell asleep, worried about Heather.



Next: Chapter 302

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